home · electrical safety · Who is the husband of the opera singer Maksakova? “I’m not hiding from anyone”: Maria Maksakova’s young husband gave his first interview. Difficult challenges in career and life

Who is the husband of the opera singer Maksakova? “I’m not hiding from anyone”: Maria Maksakova’s young husband gave his first interview. Difficult challenges in career and life

Maria Igenbergs

In 1995 she graduated from the Central Secondary Specialized Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory in piano. In the same year, she entered the academic vocal department at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music (class of Professor N.D. Shpiller).

In 2000 she graduated from the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music (class of Professor M.A. Miglau).

In 2004, she graduated from graduate school at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, class of Professor M.A. Miglau.

In 2000-2006 she was a soloist at the Moscow Novaya Opera Theater.

Since 2006 - soloist of the Helikon Opera Theater.

Since 2003, she has been a guest soloist with the Bolshoi Theater of Russia.

Since 2011 - soloist of the opera troupe of the Mariinsky Theater (St. Petersburg).

He gives concerts and tours in many cities in Russia and the world.

He has a large chamber repertoire, performs works by Schumann, Schubert, Brahms, R. Strauss, Debussy, Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky and others.

Trained in Italy with Miwako Matsumoto and Katya Ricciarelli.

Host of the “Romance of Romance” program on the “Culture” TV channel.

theatrical works

Theater-studio at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnessins:
Rosina - “The Barber of Seville”, G. Rossini.

"New Opera":

Snow Maiden - “Snow Maiden”, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov;
Ophelia - “Hamlet”, A. Thomas;
Zinaida - “First Love”, Golovin;
Leila - “Pearl Seekers”, J. Bizet;
Ksenia - “Boris Godunov”, M. Mussorgsky;
and etc.

Big theater:

Oscar - “Un ballo in maschera”, G. Verdi;
Musetta - “La Bohème”, G. Puccini.


Overseas Princess - “The Mermaid”, A. Dvorak;
Linda - "Linda Di Chamouni", G. Donizetti;
soprano part - “Welsh Songs”, L. Beethoven;
Suzanne - “The Marriage of Figaro”, W.-A. Mozart;
Grand Duchess Catherine - “Tsarina”, D. Tukhmanov.

Mariinskii Opera House:

Dorabella - “This is what everyone does”, W.-A. Mozart;
Cherubino - “The Marriage of Figaro”, W.-A. Mozart;
Frugola - “The Cloak”, G. Puccini;
Preziosila - “Force of Destiny”, G. Verdi;
Composer - “Ariadne on Naxos”, R. Strauss.

prizes and awards

An honorary diploma and the title of Laureate of the Moscow Opera Festival (2000) - for the best debut (the role of Rosina in the opera “The Barber of Seville” at the Studio Theater at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music).

Diploma winner of the Elena Obraztsova Competition (2002).

Diploma winner of the Sobinov Competition (2006).

Soon after the wedding, Maksakova stated that her young husband sold her seven-room apartment worth 100 million rubles and disappeared with the money. However, Khalaev’s relatives and friends are sure that the singer used her young husband for her own purposes. However, the fact that Dalhat was previously involved in real estate fraud suggests that the young lawyer is not so simple.


The vocalist's longtime friend and former neighbor Milena Deinega claims that her husband used the artist and broke her heart. "I have reliable information that Maria Maksakova is now on antidepressants. She sobs, does not go out into the world, she cries. Exclusive information is from our mutual friend, her name is Olga. She lives in the same area where Maria lives. In no one had seen her in this state. She sincerely believed him. She wanted a child from him. And he took her and betrayed her,” said a friend of the star in the studio of Channel One’s “Actually” program.

However, Khalaev’s best friend Murat Kazharov denied Milena’s words, saying that everything is exactly the opposite. The opera diva fell in love with an inexperienced guy and used her for her own purposes. Murat said that his friend sincerely believed in Maria and would never have betrayed her.

Third parties were unwittingly drawn into the conflict between Maksakova and Khalaev. Murat Merzhoev, who bought the ill-fated apartment, is very dissatisfied with the current situation. An acquaintance of the buyer came to the studio and introduced himself as Ruslan Kurbanov.

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According to him, Murat was not involved in the machinations of Maria and Dalhat, he just wanted to purchase real estate. “It’s not surprising to me that Murat was able to buy it. He comes from the Republic of Ingushetia, he comes from a wealthy family. His father ran a large business in both Russia and Kazakhstan. Unfortunately, his father passed away several years ago and left an inheritance to his son,” Kurbanov told those present.

“According to my information, the apartment was sold for 45 million rubles,” continued Ruslan. “I don’t know where the figure of 100 million came from. I saw the price tag, but I spoke personally with Murat Merzhoev, he told me.”

According to Kurbanov, when completing the transaction, the parties used a well-known scheme, when the contract specifies a reduced price in order to evade taxes, and the remaining amount is transferred in person through a receipt. Ruslan believes: after the funds ended up with Dalhat, he flew to Turkey, where, quite possibly, he met with Maria. “But if the money was transferred in cash, then it is impossible to transport it to Turkey,” reasoned an acquaintance of Merzhoev.

It is noteworthy that Dalhat's friends claim that he did not receive a single ruble. Since the bag of cash was stolen from the buyer by unknown people, and the remaining 45 million that should have been transferred to his account did not arrive, the star’s husband was simply cheated out.

The experts present at the shooting did not take sides. They suspect that Maria and Dalhat acted together.

On March 23, a murder occurred in Kyiv that shocked both the local community and Russians. In broad daylight, on one of the central streets of the Ukrainian capital, a killer shot dead former Russian deputy Denis Voronenkov. The politician's wife, opera singer Maria Maksakova, suddenly became a widow. But this tragedy, as well as the events preceding it related to Voronenkov’s serious problems with the law, were not the only test in Maksakova’s life. the site talks about how the now disgraced celebrity lived before meeting Denis Voronenkov, as well as about the obstacles that arose on their path to family happiness.

It often happens that after the loss of an unborn child, parents blame each other for what happened and eventually separate. But with Voronenkov and Maksakova everything was exactly the opposite.

The MK correspondent recalls: “Denis came in, and I realized that Maria was in love, like... In general, very much in love. Her whole being was turned to this man: how she looked at him, how soulfully she was silent, how she tried to please him even in her silence.”

In another interview, Maksakova herself frankly admitted: “Our love swept away everything in its path. Denis doesn't know how to lie. For several months he made a difficult decision: he was married, he had a good family, two children, like me. Probably the sin is on me. It's probably selfish, but I couldn't do it any other way. And I have to make him happy after everything.”

Last April, fate gave Maksakova and Voronenkov a chance to become parents again, and their common son Ivan was born. Denis was constantly pursued by creditors and bailiffs. But the opera diva was ready to make any sacrifice for her husband. At the beginning of this year, the man decided to move to Kyiv, and Maksakova unconditionally followed her lover to support him. She left her two older children in Russia, and took little Vanya with her to Ukraine.

After this, the couple was hit with a barrage of criticism from the public. “When a husband and wife become one flesh as commanded, we should not think about other people, their opinions and actions. For our part, we must behave in a way that pleases the Lord God. This is marriage...” the artist explained the situation in the talk show “Live”.

Now both in Ukraine and in Russia an active investigation is underway into the sensational murder of Denis Voronenkov, but in the meantime, more and more new versions of the reasons for the reprisal against the disgraced politician are popping up on the Internet. For example, producer Vladimir Sergeev, a longtime acquaintance of Maria Maksakova, said in an interview with the Life.ru portal that none other than Vladimir Tyurin may be involved in the case: “I know their family very well and I think that her first civilian had a hand here husband. She remarried without informing anyone, thereby betraying her good relationship with her ex. With one she leaves and takes the child, and she abandons the other children.” On March 24, it turned out that Vladimir took his children from Maria, 12-year-old Ilya and 8-year-old Lyuda, to his home in Moscow - and rumors that this was exactly what he was seeking began to circulate with a vengeance...

The love story of Maria Maksakova and Vladimir Tyurin became interesting again after her loud statement about the murder of Voronenkov. Was her longtime lover involved in this crime?

Biography of Vladimir Tyurin

The first husband of Maria Maksakova was born on November 25, 1958 in Bashkiria. Studying was easy for him, and he graduated from school with a gold medal. He received a diploma in music and later studied at the Leningrad State Polytechnic Institute. Having such an education behind me, I could have gotten a job, but fate decreed otherwise. In 1974, he received his first sentence for gang rape. In 1980, the second for complicity in burglary. In 1985, he was taken into custody for showing porn films for money in his apartment. At that time, VCRs were rare, and he decided to get rich quickly this way. In 1989, Vladimir was released, and two years later he went to live in Kazakhstan with his wife.

The Rise of a Crime Boss

In 1991, Alexander Moiseev, whom Yaponchik appointed as supervisor for the Irkutsk region, was killed. His place was taken by his close friend Tyurik. Two years later, a similar attempt will be made on him, but a grenade thrown at a car window will bounce off the glass and his authority will not be harmed. In the same 1993, he was crowned and Vladimir headed the “Brotherly” organized crime group. From that moment on, he increasingly visits Moscow, where he holds meetings at the Golden Palace casino and takes a break from pressing matters. Tyurik’s influence in Eastern Siberia became sole after in 1994 he informed the criminal world of Irkutsk about the deprivation of the “thieves’ title” from Ilya Simony. For several years, Vladimir has complete control over gambling establishments, aluminum smelters and timber export channels.

Leaving homeland

In 1998, a real threat to life arose, so Tyurin left for Spain. There he successfully organized “windows” at customs for several years. There were attempts to control the seaport. Very quickly the man came under the surveillance of the Spanish police. His neighbors were Zakhary Kalashov, Vakhtang Kardava and Jamal Khachidze. Accordingly, these people actively took part in all criminal gatherings in Spain. Tyurin came to Russia several times, including to celebrate the anniversary of Russian Aluminum.

The Spanish police and the Supreme Court put Tyurin on the international wanted list. He was in Russia when the large-scale Operation Wasp was carried out, as a result of which more than 200 people were detained. In 2009, the Spaniards received information that Tyurin was in Mongolia. He was detained and awaiting representatives for extradition and subsequent trial. However, upon arriving at the scene, the Spaniards only threw up their hands - instead of Vladimir Tyurin, his brother was detained.


In 2010, Russian law enforcement agencies detained Tyurin in the Moscow Kupol restaurant. The arrest was made at the request of the Spanish authorities. They accused Tyurin of laundering criminal money and during the arrest it turned out that the crime boss did not have Russian citizenship. He was sent to the Butyrsky detention center. A year later he was transferred to house arrest. At this time, the thief was writing a scientific dissertation on the topic “Economics and Management” and almost completed his work.


The lawyers managed to prove the Russian citizenship of their client, and the Prosecutor General’s Office was forced to refuse to extradite Tyurin to Spain. No criminal cases were brought against him in Russia, and, consequently, the thief received a brand new passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation and was released. It is believed that after this Tyurin moved away from crime and began running a legitimate business.

Vladimir Tyurin and Maria Maksakova

According to Maria, Vladimir first saw her in the program “While Everyone is Home” and since then he has lost peace and sleep. For several months he was looking for a reason to meet her and kept watch for her in the Hermitage. The crime boss didn’t dare just come up and get acquainted. Finally, through a mutual friend, he invited the opera diva to meet. She in every possible way rejected any acquaintances, especially in this way. For two months the romantic suffered in anticipation until this long-awaited meeting finally took place. The singer did not think that this would end in real mutual feeling.

Family life

In her interviews with printed publications, Maria Maksakova never spoke the name of her lover, but always called him her husband. She happily told how the businessman courted her. He immediately said that he had chosen her and wanted a full-fledged family. her heart right away - what woman doesn’t want to hear such words? The girl did not postpone the matter and bore him children. Vladimir Tyurin and Maria Maksakova did not appear together anywhere. There are practically no photos of them together on the Internet. But there are photographs of their common children - son Ilya and daughter Lyudmila.

Unprofitable husband

In 2011, Maria Maksakova renounces her marriage to a crime boss. At this time, she is running for the Duma and it is not at all beneficial for her to marry a former criminal. When the information was leaked to the press, articles with incriminating evidence on the singer instantly appeared. The girl states that there is no marriage registration stamp in her passport and all sorts of insinuations from the press are slander.

Whether such a statement was beneficial to the “spouse” is unknown, but the couple soon separated. There were many rumors about the cohabitation of these two bright people. Some argued that Vladimir Tyurin (Tyurik) and Maria Maksakova cannot enter into a legal marriage, because thieves in law are not supposed to have wives. Others objected - the woman already knew then that she would soon go into politics and did not want to spoil her reputation. It’s one thing when you’re a singer and only fans follow your personal life. It’s completely different to be a politician and the whole public is looking after you. Be that as it may, Maksakova became a deputy, and the relationship with Tyurin ended.

First official marriage

After breaking up with Vladimir Tyurin, Maria Maksakova started an affair with wealthy jeweler Jamal Aliyev. The girl tried not to advertise this relationship and, most likely, there was a reason for this. The couple broke up a year later. There were rumors that Maria Maksakova's ex-husband, Vladimir Tyurin, contributed to this breakup. He allegedly threatened the businessman with retribution if he did not leave his ex-wife alone.

Like behind a stone wall

At the age of 37, Maria married Denis Voronenkov. The Kutuzovsky registry office formalized their marriage in March 2015. The bride, as expected, wore a white dress, and the groom wore a black classic suit. The wedding caused a lot of noise in the press. This was the first time that two deputies from different parties were legally married. Maria was a member of United Russia, and Voronenkov was a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In April 2016, happy deputies became the parents of little Ivan.


Creditors did not stop pursuing Voronenkov, so at the beginning of 2017 he decided to move to live in Kyiv. His wife follows him, leaving his two older children in Russia. On March 23, a fugitive deputy was shot dead in a crowded place in broad daylight. The grief-stricken wife immediately learned that Vladimir Tyurin had taken her older children in Moscow. At that time she did not connect these two events. The former lover called her and expressed sympathy for the murder of Denis. Rumors immediately spread in the press that this was a punishment for Maksakova. She deprived two children of their father - and now she is paying for her sins.

However, in the fall of 2017, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko announced that the crime had been solved. Vladimir Tyurin was recognized as the mastermind of the murder. Maksakova categorically rejected this version and could not believe in the reality of such a fact. The thief in law had no motive for killing her husband. They broke up many years ago - there can be no talk of any jealousy. The children remained in Moscow, she did not interfere with their communication with their father.

However, a few days later her opinion changed. Maria suddenly began to remember how Tyurin was “furious to the point of extreme horror” because of her marriage to Voronenkov. Confusion began. Journalists could not keep up with the course of events. Why did Maria Maksakova slander Vladimir Tyurin? The man did not hide and came to the office of the Investigative Committee himself, where he stated that he was not involved in the murder of the fugitive deputy. They had no conflicts or common affairs. Besides, they didn't even know each other. Tyurin has nothing to fear - no charges can be brought against him from the Russian Federation, even at the request of Ukraine. To prove his involvement in this crime, you need to try very hard.