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Business plan for installing the Smart Home system. Creative project “Smart Home” Ready-made smart home project

Creative project
Creative project
« Smart House»
"Smart House"
Prepared by a 7th grade student
Kutsenko Kristina

1. Problem situation
During technology lessons we were asked the question, what is
integrated control system "Smart Home"?
I typed these words into an Internet search engine
and received many links and sites where you can
find information. I studied them and realized that this
modern technologies really
makes the house smart. For example, using devices
you can control the light. I decided to find out more
the advantages of such a system and tell parents.
In our house we also need to install various
devices, but what kind - I’ll try to find out.

2. Project goal
Smart Home systems and consider
application of elements of this system
for our home.

3.Project objectives
1. Collect the necessary information on sites
"Smart Home" control.
2.Analyze the needs for managing our
home using various sensors.
3.Create a list (list) of our problems.
4. Find technologies suitable for our home.
5.Determine what means to implement them
our family has.

Lukyanenko E.A. MKOU secondary school No. 256, Fokino


I familiarized myself with the relevant Internet sites, from which I learned more about what
included in the concept of "smart home". Since this is a very interesting question for me,
I turned to my dad for clarification. It turned out that it was a home automation system,
offices, apartments, including the following components:
light control;
installation of various presence, motion, light sensors, etc.;
control of blinds and roller shutters;
ventilation and air conditioning control;
climate and heating control;
multiroom systems (distribution of audio, video signals various sources V
different rooms);
control of security and fire systems of the house (including notification of
occurring via any communication channel);
control of other devices that can be connected to the common system;
the possibility of centralized control of the "Smart Home" via a computer,
Internet, via remote control, mobile phone.

The Smart Home system is designed and assembled individually for each
consumer. This is done by professionals. Create such a system in your home yourself
It's almost impossible to do. Some of the systems listed above may not be
install or, conversely, add new ones.

6.Selection of specific systems
To reduce the cost of the Smart Home system for
our family can be established individual elements.
It is not necessary to combine everything into a single whole. So,
having equipped the house with such components of the system as
fire department
alarm, sensors for water leaks and gas leaks, we
We will save energy and provide protection
intruders, man-made factors, from the influence
human factor. And I also want it to be
a device that controls air temperature.
All this can be managed using
remote control

Here is how it was. Mikhail from Krasnodar approached me with an offer to help develop a “Smart Home” system for his cottage. Mikhail explained that he pursues several goals at once:

  • Learn to program Arduino controllers, improve your knowledge in the field of electronics, systems engineering, algorithmization, etc. Those. learn to develop fairly complex systems. He has experience working with electronics and microcontrollers. But he forgot something, he lacks fundamental knowledge, rather he is not a professional in this area, but an amateur. He also wants to get his 14-year-old son interested in this work.
  • With little material costs, get a workable system adapted to your task.
  • Gain experience in developing Smart Home systems, study the specifics of tasks of this kind.

Mikhail has 3x storey house, on which he plans to test and operate the system. He is ready to gradually install controllers at home sites, test them, and gradually include them in the system.

I thought this would be the perfect topic for another series of Arduino tutorials. The Smart Home system is a distributed computing system:

  • with a wide variety of sensors;
  • With various types actuators;
  • with a variety of regulators;
  • with several levels of data processing;
  • with various transmission media, including wireless technologies;
  • etc., it’s impossible to list everything.

Many people especially noted my lessons in which I developed . In these lessons, I did not give out a finished project, but developed the device step by step, explaining each step. The “Smart Home” project cannot be developed any other way. It's a very big task.

Mikhail and I agreed that:

  • It defines the technical specifications for each controller and determines all design features.
  • Together we develop electronic circuits nodes
  • Mikhail assembles controllers and constructively brings them to finished devices.
  • We write resident programs somewhere together, sometimes I’m alone. How it goes.
  • I am developing top level test programs (for a computer).
  • Mikhail tests all this on real objects.
  • We adjust the programs, if necessary, and the controller remains installed at the site. Thus, the system will gradually grow.
  • Mikhail gives me all the test results, information about the objects we manage and all other materials.
  • I am gradually posting information on the site with explanations.

Mikhail wants to control everything that can be controlled. The system promises to become huge. In the future, it is planned to make options with completely wireless communication between controllers, it is possible different variants top level implementations. I would like to believe that the new section of the site will be voluminous and popular.

In addition to lessons and training materials, I hope fully functional controllers will be developed. A “Smart Home” system assembled using Arduino controllers should be very cheap.

I have no experience in developing such systems, but when the project is tested on a real object, experience comes on its own.

So, I will formulate the goals of the new section:

  • Educational articles, lessons on:
    • development of a complex distributed computing system;
    • connecting various sensors to Arduino boards;
    • control of actuators;
    • development of regulators;
    • use of wireless technologies.
  • Practical experience related to the specifics of developing Smart Home systems.
  • Workable controller projects from which a Smart Home system can be created.
  • I hope that in the end we will get a “people’s” Smart Home system with an extremely low price.
  • The project will be carried out “in real time”. Errors and modifications are possible.

“Smart Home” control system.

“Smart Home” is understood as a hardware and software complex for automating and controlling various equipment of an apartment or house. The goal is to achieve optimal resource conservation, safety, and comfort. The system must recognize situations occurring in the house and respond to them accordingly.

As a rule, a “Smart Home” is the integration of several control subsystems into a single system:

  • heating, ventilation, air conditioning;
  • water supply;
  • lighting;
  • power supply;
  • ensuring safety and security;
  • control of complex household appliances.

The Internet is replete with proposals for creating Smart Home systems. Ready-made modules are offered, from which the user can synthesize the system himself. There are many offers to install a turnkey system. According to my observations, the result is very simple systems that only allow you to manage something without leaving the couch, or the price of the project can reach 2.5 - 3 million rubles.

Basic principles of developing a “Smart Home” system.

So far the following principles come to mind. Perhaps life will change them or add new ones.

  • Our goal is to develop a complex system of low-cost components. As a result, we will use Arduino boards as controllers.
  • The system should be easy to expand. We will add controllers as development progresses. System configuration, i.e. the number and types of controllers can be easily changed at any stage of development or operation.
  • The system consists of several decentralized subsystems connected into a single system in one node - the central controller. Those. The system is built on the principle of local regulators - controllers that independently perform tasks even in the absence of communication. For example, a water leakage control system automatically shuts off the water in the event of an accident. But water supply control can also occur from a central controller.
  • The system can be expanded through segments with other networks, data transmission media, both at a lower level and at a higher level. For example, sensors or controllers can be connected to a local controller via its own network, including wireless. If I'm not mistaken, such networks are called heterogeneous. You can connect a computer to the central controller. This will be an expansion of the system towards the upper level.
  • We will use RS-485 as the main communication network. This is the cheapest and most reliable option for organizing a network.
  • In general, local controllers will be powered from a separate 12 V network. This allows:
    • simplify the system - there is no need for separate power supplies;
    • simple ways to organize battery backup;
    • increase system reliability - if any controller freezes, the central controller can reboot the local controllers by turning off the general power.
  • Staging terms of reference for the development of local controllers will occur “on site” of their installation. Those. We will not now plan and describe in detail what controllers are needed, what sensors or actuators to connect to them. When the time comes to develop a specific controller, we will look at what room it is installed in, what elements need to be connected to it, etc.
  • The system will be developed from the bottom up. First of all, local controllers are developed. During the development phase, a computer will be used as the central controller.
    • Those. we are developing a local controller.
    • We install it on the object. Connect to the network.
    • Using a computer and a special test program, we debug the local controller.
    • Only when several local controllers have been developed and installed does it make sense to develop a central one. Even so, new local controllers will be tested using a computer.
  • We will use the standard protocol as the network protocol.
  • The system configuration will be done using a computer or tablet.
  • And the last rule is to have no dogmatic rules. If practice shows that we have made mistakes in some principles, then we must boldly cross them out and take new ones as a basis.

We will talk about all these principles later when developing system elements.

Control object.

I have already said that the system will be tested and operated at a specific facility. This is an already built town house (blocked development) with a plot of adjacent territory. The building consists of 3 floors and an adjacent technical room. The house plan looks like this.

Mikhail previously set the following tasks and functions for the system.


  1. Light control (zonal, with optional autonomous mode). 315MHz wireless light control modules are used, to which the signal is transmitted over the air from the controller through wireless communication modules.
  2. Irrigation control (zonal). Mandatory control of soil moisture, on the basis of which watering can be blocked. A soil moisture sensor is used for monitoring.
  3. Access system control (gates, barriers).
  4. Measuring weather conditions (temperature and humidity).

Residential premises.

  1. Light control (by room + zonal).
  2. Exhaust and forced ventilation(by premises). It works automatically, comparing the temperature and humidity of the air outside and inside the room, as well as with the possibility of manual remote override. Motor control from a relay module, humidity and temperature sensors DHT-22, as in paragraph 4
  3. Air conditioner control (by room). IR emitters are used.
  4. Control of watering systems for indoor plants (individual by watering points). Similar to point 2, but without weather control.
  5. Control of blinds, curtains, etc. (individual). Relay control modules with limit position sensors.
  6. Temperature and humidity control (room by room). Standard DHT-22 sensors
  7. Gas control (gas leakage, CO2, smoke) (for “at-risk” rooms).
  8. Control of human presence (in control rooms).
  9. Management of power sockets and consumers (depending on the project and needs). Standard relay modules.
  10. Managing multimedia devices.
  11. Internet of things (status monitoring and control of individual devices - a refrigerator, for example).

Technical premises

  1. Management of a centralized water supply system (including metering).
  2. Management of a centralized heating system (including metering).
  3. Centralized power supply management (including metering).

He schematically depicted the tasks of the Smart Home system as follows.

These are all just preliminary requirements. The functions of each local controller, and therefore the entire system, will be determined at the stage of its development “on site”. I provided this list rather to show the scale of the project. As far as I understand, Mikhail adheres to the principle that the system should do everything that can be done.

I will create a section on the site forum to discuss the project. If the questions are voluminous and require the presentation of diagrams or sketches, please communicate there, and not in the comments.

Having a house outside the city is everyone's dream. Therefore, every family, having financial capabilities, tries to purchase or build housing that would meet modern living standards. Recently, smart home projects have become extremely popular. They not only allow you to properly plan the space, but also guarantee the owners maximum comfort and convenience.

General characteristics

A “smart home” is the housing of the future, in which the operation and control of all systems is carried out automatically, providing the premises high level safety and everyone necessary conditions for accommodation. In such houses, labor costs for management are completely eliminated, since the installation temperature regime, lighting and other things are not done manually. In addition, the building is equipped with special monitors with sensors that can identify in advance potential threats to both its own systems and the residents themselves.

In the event of power outages, heating malfunctions, smoke or unauthorized entry, the unit instantly notifies the owners and independently corrects the problems.

The main advantage smart home it is considered that it flexible systems controls allow you to significantly save energy costs, since in the absence of residents, all devices are switched to economical mode. Thanks to the built-in programs, such an installation will regularly carry out all the instructions of the owners, often predicting them independently. Therefore, we can say that after installing such an innovation, a “non-staff butler” appears in the home. The only downside to the installation is high price, but it justifies itself over time.


To make a country house as comfortable as possible, many owners install a “smart home” system, which helps not only save energy resources, but also precious time by automatically managing all communications and entertainment centers. Depending on what functions and capabilities are available in the installation, it is divided into several types.


Consists of switches, sensors and climate control devices. All equipment is controlled using a wired panel, which receives signals. It is located in the main panel and cables are supplied to it. The advantages of a wired installation include high reliability, as well as high click speed. After pressing the button, the program starts without delay, which saves residents from long waits, scenarios when correct installation do not “freeze”. In addition, the control elements are characterized beautiful design. They are usually equipped with smart switches and various systems integration.

Thanks to a wired smart home, it is much easier to adjust the temperature in the rooms, as well as control the video and audio rooms. It lasts a long time, since the devices do not contain batteries that require constant replacement. In this case, fireproof and low-current switches are used. In order for the system to work reliably, before installing it, it is necessary to select the location of the panel in advance and route the cables there.

If a country house is built of wood, then the owners need to first coordinate the project and prepare a place for electrical wiring.

It is also recommended to install a wired device during home renovation, when the wiring has not yet been done according to the classical scheme. This will be difficult to do in a finished building. For installation, they usually use a large shield measuring up to 60 cm in width and up to 150 cm in height. Installation work is best carried out using experienced specialists, since the equipment is expensive and the slightest mistake can lead to a number of troubles.


Unlike the previous version, in this system the actuator signal is transmitted to operating devices not via wiring, but via a dedicated radio channel. This allows you to significantly save on electrical wiring and installation. Such installations can be placed in houses with completed renovations and a regular wiring diagram. Due to the fact that each switch is “wireless”, it becomes possible to set different lighting effects, pre-programming function keys. Installation of these systems does not require project preparation, therefore they are ideal for wooden buildings, and their price is quite affordable.

A wireless “smart home” powered by a radio channel directly depends on the quality of communication, so various interference from phones and electrical appliances can negatively affect its functionality. In addition, the quality of radio communication also depends on building material walls, and if the wiring is too scattered along the walls, the signal level will be minimal. In the case when the system is controlled by batteries, they should be changed regularly, otherwise at the most inopportune moment something may not work.

Some wireless systems consist of radio equipment that is powered by alternating electricity, so they need to lay a neutral wire. To avoid problems with the installation of such an installation, it is recommended to immediately lay an additional neutral wire under the switch. They put it in a box. The disadvantage of the device is that it is difficult to establish stable functionality in it, since in the house you will have to manage not only floor heating and lighting. In addition, the security of the installation is low and “hackers”, using an external communication signal, can quickly disable it.


Its operating principle is based on programming modes that come from a single logic module. As a rule, the device is represented by a controller having many outputs. The controller is pre-loaded with a unique program responsible for managing communication systems and actuators. Thanks to such technologies, it is possible to use a huge selection of complex scenarios and any equipment. The advantages of the device include the ability to control in one window, creating complex tasks, taking into account the state of the home owners, the time of day and the lunar cycle. In addition, it is possible to connect any type of equipment to the system.

As for the shortcomings, they also exist. First of all, such a centralized “smart home” completely depends on the human factor, because it works according to a program written by a programmer, and if contact with him is lost, then the entire system will need to be completely reprogrammed. Secondly, during installation you should install a high-quality controller, otherwise if it fails it can stop the entire system. Thirdly, it is high cost.


The operation of a “smart home” in this case is based on the use of a microprocessor with a non-volatile board. Therefore, these systems are considered the most reliable and if even one equipment malfunctions, the entire system will fully continue to function. The installation is easy to maintain, and if there is a need to create a new script, then an additional logical block is simply used for this. Today, you can find many decentralized systems on sale that differ in functionality and design.

Unlike previous options, when installing the installation, many devices are placed in the panel, so it is recommended to give preference to well-tested manufacturers, otherwise you may encounter their failure in the future.

Necessary equipment

Before installing a smart home system in your country home, you need to create correct project and purchase all the necessary devices.

Depending on personal preferences, the equipment set may vary, while minimum set must consist of:

  • sensory system;
  • adjustments with which equipment and lighting will be turned on and off;
  • monitors where video surveillance will take place;
  • alarms;
  • controller;
  • application programs for smartphones containing the necessary gadgets;
  • cloud network channels that simplify connecting and managing devices.

How to install and configure?

Installing a “smart home” is quite accessible with your own hands, but since installation and technology require proper execution, it is best to seek help from specialists. Contracting organization will begin by identifying the features of the object, then propose the most suitable project. After the design, an estimate will be drawn up, which will include control devices and a system diagram.

If the owner of the house is confident in his abilities and can do the installation himself, then he needs to complete the following steps.

  • Before the beginning repair work a network of cables should be laid in the housing and a server cabinet, racks under it should be installed and everything should be covered with mounting boxes. In the technical room you need to place equipment for electrical supply, a switch, and connect the automation to the modules.
  • After the renovation of the premises is completed, you can install acoustic speakers and a control system by connecting touch panels. Next, you should perform a test setup of the system.
  • The final stage will be the final setup of the equipment and test work, after which the installation is put into operation. At correct execution design and installation, the “smart home” system will begin to function effectively and fill the interior of the home with harmony and comfort. In order to reliably hide it from prying eyes, even at the stage of finishing the room you will need to skillfully hide auxiliary equipment and wiring.

From the above we can conclude that installing a “smart home” is labor-intensive, since most of time is allocated for creating a project and installing equipment. In this case, the speed of work depends on the number of installations, wall material and housing area. Typically the entire process takes up to two weeks, including script programming.

Control systems

Typically, modern city apartments and houses outside the city use purification systems, air conditioning, lighting, and also install a security alarm and video audio equipment. Therefore, by equipping their home as a “smart home”, its owners have a unique opportunity to conveniently manage this entire “orchestra”. In order for automation to occur quickly and without failures, such an installation is divided into subsystems: security, climate control, lighting, multiroom and home theater. Each of them is characterized by its own type of management.


Groups or individual lamps can work in different mode, for this purpose they are given their own level of illumination. Control is carried out using remote controls; it is possible to remotely set illusory scenarios for the owners being in the apartment. All lighting sources are controlled by a single remote control, and you can additionally set the date, time or a specific event. The brightness of devices and automatic switching off of lamps when leaving the room are adjusted in the same way.

Climate control

This system controls devices that provide heating, air conditioning, air purification and ventilation. Thanks to the configured settings, the equipment works smoothly in the specified mode. In addition, some projects also provide remote climate control, so that a comfortable temperature is set before the home owners arrive. All equipment is controlled from a single remote control, where you can control the heating depending on the date, time and season. The rooms are also additionally equipped with humidity and temperature sensors, which are triggered at a certain time and regulate the climate.

Home cinema and multiroom

This system includes not only players and TVs, but also related equipment: curtains, blinds and lighting. Thanks to well-organized work, the room creates a special atmosphere for watching films. Control can be either voice or automated by pressing buttons on the remote control.

Safety system

It is a unique multifunctional device that is remotely controlled and quickly responds to various alarm situations, including fire safety, alarms and disruption of communications. Fire and security alarm work automatically and turn on immediately after the owners of the house leave. It can be controlled either using a cell phone or a remote control. You can remotely receive signals about gas leaks, water leaks and burglaries. Information is instantly sent to your mobile phone or computer.

The “smart home” device is ideal for both a country house, a summer house, and an apartment. Since the system is expensive and its installation is not easy, homeowners who want to install it themselves will be helped by expert recommendations to avoid mistakes.

  • You cannot use equipment that does not match the style of the room. Equipment of different designs will spoil the interior of the room, because it is ugly when the panels in the room are arranged in a chaotic order and differ in color from decorative finishing walls For example, a plastic white intercom is inappropriate on a wall with a dark surface. Therefore, even at the design stage, it is necessary to pay attention to such points Special attention and purchase suitable keypads and panels. In addition, the devices must be additionally masked with special plates or frames that blend harmoniously with the rest of the interior elements.
  • Installation is also not considered a very good idea. large quantity control panels on one wall. For example, a floor heating thermostat, climate control, multiroom remote control and switch installed simultaneously will not only complicate the control of the equipment, but will also look cumbersome. As a result, a “smart home,” on the contrary, will complicate life and will not make it comfortable. Therefore, to prevent this, you should try to place a minimum of devices on the walls, giving preference only to sockets, switches and touch panels. As for setting the temperature in the rooms, it is usually done once per season, so control panels can only be installed in important rooms.
  • Many homeowners prefer to install a “smart home” only with wireless control. Certainly, modern life designed in such a way that every person cannot live without a tablet or mobile phone. But if you completely rely on this control method, you may find yourself in a risk zone and lose control over the devices if your smartphone breaks down or the Internet goes out. Therefore, experts advise connecting wireless and wired panels at the same time.

They can be located in the same place, their service life exceeds 30 years. Mobile control is performed using a tablet or phone. In case of breakage or loss mobile device The system can be easily reinstalled for stationary control. It is difficult to break and such panels do not discharge.

  • A smart home is considered a complex system in which all components must work smoothly and in harmony. Therefore, purchasing equipment from different manufacturers, such harmony can be disrupted. As a result, problems with incompatibility of equipment will arise, and the installation will not only become difficult to manage, but also serious malfunctions in its operation are possible. To prevent this, it is necessary to select equipment that has the same technical indicators and information transfer speed. It is also not recommended to use additional auxiliary software and expansion gateways or installers, they will only complicate settings and control.
  • Professionals usually build a smart home system based on a software platform and equipment from one manufacturer, whose products are well known in the market and have positive reviews. The right decision will also be the acquisition of one integration platform, which is designed for automated control of climate, lighting, security systems and fire safety and audio and video equipment. It is reliable in operation, its warranty service is up to 5 years, and most importantly, the platform ensures compatibility of all devices.
  • During the installation of a “smart home”, it is important to organize the workflow correctly, using special software applications. At the same time, it is not advisable to create separate scenarios for climate, music or light, as they will complicate control. Each brand offers programs of its own design, so if you install them all, it will be difficult to find the necessary bookmark on your desktop. In addition, to configure, you will need to constantly switch from one program to another and regularly update the software.
  • Installing one application designed for a smart home will help simplify the task. Thanks to it, you can check the mode of devices in a matter of seconds, automatically update the version and quickly find the desired section in the lists.
  • To ensure that the installation provides comfortable living conditions, it is best to entrust its design to specialists, since the slightest inaccuracy in the diagrams can disrupt the operation of the system and damage expensive equipment.

To learn how to design a Smart Home system, see the following video.

With the development of technology and various electronic devices, it becomes possible to completely transfer the control of systems located in apartments and houses to an automatic offline mode. Smart home what is it? So, first, let's define what a smart home system is. This is an innovative advanced system of full or partial automation with various engineering systems living space aimed at home comfort without mechanical human intervention. An integrated smart home control system can control, as well as right time turn on and off the equipment included in it, and also inform the owner about this.

Smart home functions

This automatic complex can control the following equipment and perform the following operations, in other words, we list the capabilities of the system:

  1. Constant monitoring and control over the safety of living quarters and local area. This capability can include video surveillance systems, as well as a number of measures related to unauthorized entry. A security circuit that includes a siren can send a signal in parallel to the security service;
  2. Fire safety;
  3. Control and maintenance of the set temperature inside a separate room or the entire room. This is achieved proper work in established modes heating equipment, air conditioners, ventilation;
  4. Monitoring the power supply and turning on a backup source in the event of a main power failure. This includes sources uninterruptible power supply, stabilizers.
  5. Organization of proper and cost-effective water supply. This applies to both cold and hot water. This function may also have sensors that respond to burst water pipes or leaks;
  6. Control of lighting during arrival, departure, or when the owners are absent. This equipment is divided into emergency and work lighting. During the absence of the owners, it can turn on the lighting in order to reproduce the process of the presence of people in the house, and thereby scare away intruders and thieves from the home;
  7. Constant round-the-clock monitoring of the functioning of all switched on systems;
  8. Switching to automatic mode household appliances, telecommunications, and various multimedia equipment;
  9. Watering lawns and gardens in hot weather, feeding pets and fish.

The smart home system is aimed not only at controlling and switching all equipment located in the house, but also at their economic use, that is, at reducing energy costs. The operation of this system is very relevant if a person or people with disabilities live in the premises. For intelligent monitoring and control, computer technology and specially developed programs for this are used.

Smart home equipment

The market for modern devices and systems aimed at automation is filled with both high-quality products and counterfeits, so if a person decides to implement the system himself, it is not recommended to skimp on quality. Creating a brief description and indicating the necessary components on the floor plan is, in principle, not a problem.

The list of equipment that can be used in organizing and setting up a smart home:

  • Lighting and power switches for sockets;
  • All kinds of dimmers for adjusting the brightness of lighting;
  • Equipment for controlling blinds and shutters;
  • Motion, light, temperature, fire sensors, atmospheric pressure, water leaks, presence, etc. You should choose only reliable sensors for a smart home, since this is the main tool for the system;
  • Telephone line converter;
  • Intercom line converter;
  • Microphone with AGC and ADC (serves as voice control for a smart home);
  • GSM module;
  • IR receiver and transmitter;
  • IR RF repeater;
  • Voltage meter;
  • Stabilizer and uninterruptible power supply;
  • Current meter;
  • The control device and interface are touch or push-button. A password is often set on the control equipment;
  • Frequency meter;
  • Ball valves with electric drive.

How does a smart home work?

For automatic operation All systems included in the smart home complex use modern electronic sensors, a controller, and related equipment. All of them are connected into one single control circuit, through which the above processes occur. That is, depending on the selected equipment, certain sensors are used. Smart home technologies may differ slightly from each other, but their main function is still automation. For example, in order for certain lamps that the owner chooses to turn on, they must be connected through solar activity sensors, that is, responsive to illumination inside or outside the room. In addition, the lighting equipment can respond to the presence of a person and turn on or off when he comes and goes without affecting the light switch.

It works roughly on the same principle. heating system and air conditioners. There are sensors throughout the house that respond to temperature changes, the owner only needs to set the optimal temperature for him in the entire room or in each of the rooms, and the smart home itself will decide and do right choice that you need to turn on cooling, heating or just ventilation. The same situation applies to humidity parameters.

All information from sensors, actuators, energy and water supply, as well as security equipment sent to the central controller (processor), which is the brain of the entire system.

All systems can be divided into:

  1. Information sensors and cameras;
  2. CPU;
  3. Actuators (all kinds of electric valves and gate valves);
  4. Control and management systems for all these processes.

Smart home design

Of course, the installation and design of a smart home is a simple matter and it is better to entrust it to the shoulders of professionals, since it will require the installation and installation of a large number of sensors along the entire perimeter of the room and the local area. A smart home system for an apartment is less expensive, but of course, it all depends on the wishes of the client and his financial capabilities.

Installation can be divided into three stages:

  1. Connection and interfacing into a single system of all devices and equipment existing in the premises. This is done through the use of connecting cords or radio waves, as well as special software;
  2. Sensors are installed and adjusted that will indicate the state of this or that equipment, for example, whether curtains, blinds or entrance gates are closed;
  3. Pairing all these systems with a microcontroller, that is, with the brain of a smart home, it will send a signal to the owner about execution, receive a remote signal to control this equipment, and also carry out measures aimed at saving costs. In some cases, designers also recommend installing emergency shut-off valves or valves on inlet pipes water supply and gas supply, as well as their communication outlets. In the event of an emergency and if the owner does not confirm the permission signal to close, the controller itself will be able to shut off or turn off the required supply of one or another source. A problematic situation may be false, we must not forget about this. In any case, you have a choice whether to control it via the Internet or via a radio signal, using a smartphone or a special remote control.

There are several ways to implement the idea of ​​a smart home:

  • Purchase of a ready-made project, as well as turnkey installation, which is offered by many companies;
  • Purchase of a ready-made modular kit and integration into the existing home system;
  • Create the entire system yourself, that is, carry out the development, design, packaging, and installation of the system “from scratch” on our own. In any case, this is creative work.

Before making a decision, it is recommended to evaluate both your capabilities and strength to install it yourself, and consult about the cost of turnkey installation in a specific region or country. Installation of a smart home system, design, and installation can be performed both as a complex and individually. Prices for these services and products can vary greatly, so a long choice is inevitable. Comparison of smart home systems is aimed at guaranteeing its operation, as well as the likelihood of an erroneous or false alarm. These are the main criteria that should be taken into account when choosing.

Video installation and setup of a smart home



    "Smart home" - what is it?

    Smart home capabilities

    1. Climate control
    2. Lighting control
    3. Protection against water leaks
    4. Socket control
    5. Video surveillance for home
    6. Smart sensors
    7. Fire alarm in the house
    8. Home security
    9. Multiroom Belgorod
    10. Drive automation

      Secondary functions

    Cost of services


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I chose this topic, “Smart Home,” because of all those proposed, it is closest to my ACS specialty.

Even N. Wiener said in 1940 “The day is not far off when the things around us will learn to think and become much more useful to society,” and now this day has come.

Modern man places very high demands on the comfort of the living environment:

1. Aesthetic (design and style of interior, landscape, beauty and functionality of surrounding objects);

2. Climatic (heat, cold, fresh air);

3. General household (water, gas, electricity, radio, television, Internet, telephone, availability kitchen machines and sauna and bath hygiene systems);

4. Requirements for security and control over it (safety of the home, the owners of the house and their loved ones);

5. Reliability requirements complex systems(computers, home theaters, dishwashers, washing machines, microwave ovens, etc.)

As a result, the engineering equipment of apartments and cottages is steadily becoming more complex, and the number of devices involved in the formation of this environment is growing. Entrusting the management of all systems to the home owner becomes inconvenient, unprofitable and unsafe. An integrated home management system “smart home” takes on all the routine work to solve this complicated problem, leaving the person only to make the main, “basic” decisions.

The purpose of the project is to study the Smart Home system.

To achieve this goal, we can highlight tasks:

    consider the concept of the “Smart Home” system and the principle of its operation;

    consider the capabilities of the Smart Home system.

    consider the cost of these services.

"Smart home" - what is it?

Modern world impossible to imagine without automation. Our home is no exception. IN Everyday life in an apartment or country house we perform hundreds and thousands of actions that could be performed without our participation. Everything from turning on the lights to maintaining the climate in the apartment can be automated. This became possible thanks to the Smart Home system.

A smart home is a residential building or apartment organized for people to live in using automation and high-tech devices. A smart home is a system that allows for resource conservation, convenience and safety. Such a system is able to recognize various situations and respond appropriately to them.

Briefly, the question of what a smart home is can be answered as follows - it is a structure in which all processes occurring are maximally automated and tailored to human needs. The concept of a smart home usually includes automation of routine activities.

The capabilities of the smart home system are truly multifaceted. For example, to prevent the possibility of robbery when no one is in the house, the system simulates the presence of the owner by opening the blinds, turning on/off the lights, etc. If intruders nevertheless get inside the premises or another extraordinary situation occurs, the system immediately notifies the owner about this. By the time you wake up, the system will heat the floors in the bathroom, turn on the stereo, adjust the air conditioner to the desired temperature, adjust the optimal humidity in the room and solve many other household problems. The entire set of switches can be replaced by one remote control or wall switch with a screen.

The basis of a smart home system is algorithms. They must be correctly drawn up so that there is no conflict between various types systems For example, the heating system has raised the temperature in the rooms to the level at which the air conditioning system is activated. This shouldn't happen. Moreover, a smart home must take into account many other conditions: temperature outside the window, wind, time of day. An undeniable advantage is the ability to control and manage various systems in the house remotely.

Smart home capabilities

Climate control

One of the main and most important features of the system. Its importance is determined not only by the comfort of residents, but also by the possibility of saving resources.

You can set the temperature, air humidity, control the heated floor and more. The smart home will maintain the selected values ​​using the air conditioning, heating, ventilation, and humidification systems.

In addition, you can set different microclimate programs that will change depending on the specified conditions. For example, by specifying your operating hours when you are away from home, the system will not waste energy and resources during your absence, and by the time you return, the microclimate in the house will be the same as you set it. The system will automatically turn on all the necessary devices (heating, heated floors, air conditioning, humidifier) ​​in advance to get the desired room temperature upon your arrival.

Therefore, you can save money spent on energy.

Lighting control

You can remotely turn off and on the lighting in any room and adjust the brightness level.

In addition to manual control, it is possible to organize automatic system lighting using various sensors. Motion and presence sensors allow you to determine whether a person is in the room and turn the lighting on or off.

You can create different scenarios for lighting, so with one click you can create a romantic atmosphere by turning off the main lighting and reducing the backlight to a minimum.

Protection against water leaks

Allows you to monitor all water connections and in the event of a leak, it will automatically close the valve.

Leakage protection consists of several elements:

    Leak sensor;

    Electrically driven locking device;


Sensors are installed in places where water may accumulate due to a leak. When moisture appears, the contacts on the sensors close and the signal is sent to the Smart Home server. The system processes the signal and sends a command to the valve electric drive controller to shut off the water supply.

The Smart Home system notifies residents about the problem through all possible means of communication: e-mail, SMS messages, pop-up notifications in the Smart Home interface.

As soon as measures are taken to eliminate the leak, the user will be able to open the water supply valve through the Smart Home interface.

Socket management

Allows you to keep control of all electrical appliances connected to smart sockets. The smart socket is equipped with a Wi-Fi controller, a relay and a filter.

You can keep track of your electricity consumption around the clock and see how much a particular electrical appliance consumes. You can specify housing and communal services tariffs for electricity and display the amount consumed in monetary terms. All this can help you save money in the future.

You no longer have to worry about leaving an iron or heater on; just go to the personal account of your Smart Home and turn off the outlet you need.

Video surveillance for home

Allows you to organize full control both outside and inside.

The system consists of several video cameras, a video server and a video processor.

Cameras are equipped rotating mechanism, allowing you to set the viewing angle in such a way as to cover as much territory as possible. Infrared illumination allows for high-quality video shooting in any lighting conditions.

A video server with a large supply of space for storing video archives will allow you to save impressive amounts of information for a week, and you will always be able to access to view video materials. And the Smart Home interface provides access to view video surveillance cameras online.

Remote control of Smart Home

There are several options for accessing the management interface.

Firstly, you will be able to control the system through stationary touch screens installed in a place convenient for you.

Secondly, access via the web interface. Even if you are in the opposite point of the globe, you can always turn off the forgotten iron from the network or the light in the bathroom.

Thirdly, it is accessible through mobile app. Your smartphone is now not only a tool for making calls and killing time, but also a full-fledged tool for managing your Smart Home.

Smart sensors

They will detect your presence and movement and turn on dim lighting wherever you are. The system is thought out to the smallest detail: if the level of lighting due to the time of day is sufficient for a comfortable stay in the room, then the lighting will not be turned on. In other words, lighting will only be used when it is appropriate.

The Smart Home system is very flexible and leaves room for the customer’s imagination. For example, it is possible to organize lights to turn on and off by clapping, which can help the elderly. It is also possible to adjust the lighting depending on the light sensors. The darker it gets outside, the brighter the indoor lighting becomes.

Fire alarm in the house

The system consists of fire detectors different types(temperature, smoke), siren and control unit. If danger arises, the system will notify all residents via all possible communication channels: siren, SMS messages, e-mail, pop-up notifications in the Smart Home control interface.

You can also install gas leakage sensors and servos on gas main valves. They should be located close to a possible source of leakage: gas main, gas water heater(boiler or column), gas stove etc. When a gas leak sensor is triggered, the valves close and residents are notified, similar to the fire protection system.

Home security

All sensors that were used for convenience and savings can be switched to the safety of your property. Motion sensors, presence sensors, CCTV cameras, magnetic sensors, warning system - all this will allow you to create a full-fledged security system.

When leaving the house, set it to security and you will be notified when a certain scenario is triggered - doors opening, glass breaking, entry into the premises.

If you are absent for a long time, the system will turn on the lights, music, and open the curtains according to the schedule you set, creating the illusion of your presence.

Function - imitation of the presence of animals will scare away a random thief; when you press the bell button, a menacing dog barking will be heard in the apartment.

If you are afraid of the invasion of uninvited guests, then the panic button will allow you to inform your trusted persons, who can do something about it, about the “non-standard” situation in your home without visible external manifestations. In this case, placement panic buttons in the house you need to think about it in advance and place it near the door on the floor, in the bathroom or on the door itself in order to be able to press it unnoticed.


Multiroom is a Smart Home subsystem that allows you to organize audio and video signals within the premises. The Smart Home system will allow you to manage tracks and videos from your smartphone or tablet.

Save your favorite tracks and movies on the Smart Home server and get full access from any part of your home.

Drive automation

Drives for blinds, roller shutters, gates and much more are automated.

You can create a lighting scenario in such a way that at certain hours the blinds will be automatically folded, creating the desired level of illumination in the room.

And when you drive up to your garage door, you can activate it to open with one touch of your smartphone screen.

Secondary functions

It is possible to automate the operation of the system so that

    limit children's access to unsafe elements,

    set the lawn watering or pool cleaning mode,

    enable 24-hour internal and external video surveillance,

    configure the operation of the equipment to the required modes

Cost of services

Prices are taken from one of the Belgorod sites.


In this work, all the tasks that were posed were solved:

    the concept of the “Smart Home” system and the principle of operation of the system are considered;

    the capabilities of the Smart Home system are considered;

    the cost of these services is considered.

I am very interested in this topic and in the future, when studying special disciplines, I want to consider the technologies for implementing this system.

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  1. www.elite-systems.ru (communications and PBX)


