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Certificate of acceptance of the security alarm system into operation. Certificate of commissioning of equipment. What to pay attention to when registering

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11. Acceptance of technical signaling equipment into operation

11.1. Acceptance into operation of technical signaling equipment must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.04-87.

11.2. To accept technical signaling equipment into operation, a working commission is appointed by order of the management of the customer’s organization (enterprise).

The procedure and duration of the work of the working commission are determined by the customer in accordance with SNiP 3.01.04-87 *.

The working commission includes representatives of:

organization (enterprise) of the customer (chairman of the commission);

installation and commissioning organization;

commissioning organization;

security units;

state fire supervision authorities.

If necessary, other specialists may be involved.

11.3. The commission must begin work on the acceptance of technical signaling equipment no later than three days (not counting general weekends and holidays) from the date of notification to the installation and commissioning organization that the technical equipment is ready for delivery.

11.4. When accepting technical signaling equipment into operation, the installation and commissioning organization must present to the working commission:

as-built documentation (a set of working drawings with changes made to them or an inspection report);

technical documentation of manufacturing enterprises;

certificates, technical passports or other documents certifying the quality of materials, products and equipment used in installation work;

production documentation (mandatory Appendix 1).

11.5. Acceptance into operation of technical signaling equipment without carrying out comprehensive adjustment and testing is not allowed.

11.6. Upon acceptance for commissioning of completed installation and adjustment of technical signaling equipment, the working commission carries out:

checking the quality and compliance of the installation and commissioning work performed with the design documentation (inspection report), technological maps and technical documentation of manufacturing enterprises;

measurement of the insulation resistance of the alarm loop, which must be at least 1 MOhm;

measuring the resistance of the alarm loop;

testing the performance of installed control panels and control systems.

The commission, if necessary, carries out other checks and measurements of parameters specified in the technical conditions for the installed equipment.

11.7. The test methodology for the installation of technical signaling equipment and their acceptance into operation is determined in each specific case by the working commission.

11.8. If individual inconsistencies in the work performed are detected with the design documentation or the inspection report, as well as the requirements of these Rules, the commission must draw up a report on the identified deviations, on the basis of which the installation and commissioning organization must eliminate them within ten days and again present the technical signaling equipment for delivery.

11.9. Technical signaling equipment is considered accepted for operation if the inspection establishes:

all elements of building structures and areas along the perimeter of the facility are blocked according to the project or inspection report;

installation and adjustment work was carried out in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, technological maps and technical documentation of the manufacturing enterprises;

measurement results are within normal limits;

tests of the performance of technical alarm systems gave positive results, while fire alarm systems must ensure, in cases provided for by the project, the shutdown of ventilation systems, the inclusion of smoke removal systems and air supply to staircases and vestibules in the event of a fire.

11.10. The acceptance of technical signaling equipment into operation must be documented in an act in accordance with the mandatory Appendix 2.

11.11. The need to connect facility alarms to centralized monitoring consoles is determined by security departments with the participation of representatives of the customer and fire departments.

Regulatory documentation -> Manual for the governing document RD 78.145-93 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Security, fire and security-fire alarm systems and complexes. Rules for production and acceptance of work ->


16.1. To accept the installed technical signaling equipment into operation, a working commission is appointed by order of the head of the customer’s organization (enterprises).

The procedure and duration of the work of the working commission is determined by the customer in accordance with SNiP 3.01.04-87 and RD78.145-93.

16.2. The working commission includes representatives of:

organization (enterprise) - customer (chairman of the commission);

installation and commissioning organization; commissioning organization: security departments;

state fire supervision authorities.

If necessary, other specialists may be involved.

16.3. The commission must begin work on acceptance no later than three days (not counting weekends and holidays) from the date of notification by the installation and commissioning organization that the technical equipment is ready for delivery.

16.4. When accepting technical equipment into operation, the installation and commissioning organization must present to the working commission: as-built documentation (a set of working drawings with changes made to them); technical documentation of manufacturing enterprises; certificates, technical passports or other documents certifying the quality of materials, products and equipment used in installation work; inspection report (Appendix 1);

act of transfer of equipment, products and materials for installation (according to the form of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation);

act of readiness of buildings and structures for installation work (Appendix 2);

act on incoming inspection (Appendix 3);

certificate of completion of installation work (Appendix 5);

certificate of testing of protective pipelines with separation seals for leaks (Appendix 8);

act of measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wiring (Appendix 9);

certificate of inspection of hidden work on laying electrical wiring on walls, ceilings, and floors (Appendix 10);

certificate of inspection of hidden works (sewage) (Appendix 11);

certificate of inspection of hidden work (laying cable lines in the ground) (Appendix 12);

protocol for warming up cables on drums (Appendix 13);

certificate of completion of commissioning work (Appendix 14);

list of installed devices and detectors (Appendix 16).


1. When handing over and accepting into operation technical signaling equipment at sites where installation work was carried out according to inspection reports, technical documentation of the manufacturing enterprises is presented, as well as documents in accordance with Appendices 1,3,9,10 14,16 and the equipment transfer certificate , products and materials for installation according to the form of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation.

2. An act of transfer of equipment products and materials for installation (form of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation) is presented if the installation and commissioning organization accepts signaling equipment for installation from the customer.

3. A certificate of completion of installation work is submitted if the installation organization performed only the installation of technical signaling equipment.

4. Acts in accordance with Appendices 11 and 12 of this manual are submitted if the installation and commissioning organization carried out work on laying lines in the sewer and ground

The protocol for warming up cables on reels is presented in the case when, when unwinding the cable at subzero temperatures, it was warmed up.

16.5. Acceptance into operation of installed technical signaling equipment without carrying out comprehensive adjustment (comprehensive testing) is not allowed.

16.6. Upon acceptance for commissioning of completed installation work and adjustment of technical signaling equipment, the working commission carries out:

checking the quality and compliance of the installation and commissioning work performed with the design documentation (inspection report), technological maps and technical documentation of manufacturing enterprises;

checking the condition of engineering and technical equipment for equipping the perimeter of the facility and means of strengthening security;

measurement of the insulation resistance of the alarm loop, which must be at least 1 MOhm;

measuring the resistance of the alarm loop;

testing the performance of installed control panels, control panels and detectors.

The commission, if necessary, carries out other checks and measurements of parameters specified in the technical conditions for the installed equipment.

16.7. The test methodology for commissioning installed technical signaling equipment is determined by the acceptance committee in accordance with the technical documentation of the manufacturers.

16.8. If certain discrepancies are detected in the work performed with the design documentation or the inspection report, as well as the requirements of RD 78.145-93 “Security, fire and security-fire alarm systems and complexes. Rules for the production and acceptance of work”, the commission must draw up a report on the identified deviations, indicating the organizations responsible for their elimination. These organizations must eliminate the inconsistencies within 10 days, and the installation organization must again present the technical signaling equipment for delivery.

16.9. Installed technical alarm systems are considered accepted for operation if the inspection establishes:

installation and commissioning work was carried out in accordance with the requirements of these rules, technological maps and technical documentation of manufacturers;

all elements of building structures and protected areas of the facility are blocked according to the project or inspection report; all zones around the perimeter of the facility are blocked according to the project or inspection report;

measurement results are within normal limits;

tests of the performance of technical means gave positive results, while fire alarm technical means must, in the cases provided for by the design, ensure the shutdown of ventilation systems, the inclusion of smoke removal systems and air pressurization in staircases and vestibules in the event of a fire.

16.10. Installed PTUs are considered accepted for operation if the following conditions are met:

while ensuring high-quality television images on the screen of a video monitoring device (VCU);

total nonlinear image distortions should not exceed ±10%;

total geometric distortions of the image should not exceed ±4%;

The nominal size of the image on the VKU screen should be (394< 308) ±2 мм;

operator-free operation must be ensured, i.e. saving the image of the observed object, with interlaced image decomposition into 625 lines at 25 frames per second, under the influence of all destabilizing factors specified by the technical conditions for the installation;

the horizontal resolution of the installation, assessed by the vertical wedge of the image of the IT-72 test table on the VKU screen with table illumination of 200 lux and a relative lens aperture of 1:4, ensures the visibility of at least 500 television lines and at least 450 lines in the corners;

installations must provide the ability to operate television cameras with lenses;

After turning on the unit, the image should appear on the VKU screen no more than 2 minutes later.

16.11. The performance of security lighting is determined by the results of checking the lighting network for the correct ignition and combustion of lamps.

Document Section: Sample documents, Act


___________________________________________________________________ (name of the installation) installed in _________________________________________________ (name of the building, premises, structure) included in the _________________________________________________ (name of the energy enterprise, its queue, start-up complex) Gor. _____________________________ "__" __________________ 199_ Commission appointed ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (name of the customer organization that appointed the commission) By Order dated "__" _______ 199_ N _______ consisting of: Chairman _____________________________________________________ (full name, position) members of the commission ___________________________________________________ (full name, position) of representatives of the involved organizations __________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (full name, position, organization) inspected the installation and checked the installation and adjustment work performed by ________________________________________________ (name of the installation, adjustment organization) and drew up this report about the following: 1. The installation completed with installation and commissioning was presented for acceptance: ___________________________________________________________________ (list of installed equipment and its brief ___________________________________________________________________ technical characteristics) 2. Installation and adjustment work was carried out according to the project _________ ___________________________________________________________________ (name of the design organization, drawing numbers ___________________________________________________________________ and the date of their preparation) 3. Start date of installation and adjustment work ___________________ 4. Completion date of installation and adjustment work ________________ 5. The commission carried out the following additional tests and testing of the installation (except for the tests and testing recorded in the as-built documentation presented by the general contractor): ___________________________________________________________________ 6. Existing deficiencies in the presented for acceptance of the installation, which do not interfere with testing, are subject to elimination by the organization within the time period specified in Appendix N ___________________________________ 7. List of acceptance documentation attached to the act: ___________________________________________________________________

Commission decision

The installation and commissioning of the presented installation was carried out in accordance with the project, standards, building codes and regulations, current technical specifications and meets the requirements for its acceptance for testing. The AUPS submitted for acceptance, specified in clause 1 of this Act, shall be considered accepted since ________________ 199_ for testing ___________________________________________________ with an assessment of the quality of the work performed ___________________________________ (good, excellent, ___________________________________________________________________ satisfactory)

Chairman of the commission ________________________ (signature) Representatives of involved organizations ___________________________________ (signatures)

Passed by: Accepted by: representatives of the general representatives of the customer, contractor and subcontractor organizations __________________________ _______________________ (signatures) (signatures)

Conclusion based on the results of testing the installation

The installation specified in clause 1 of this act was tested _________________________________________________________ from “__” ___________ 199_ to “__” ___________ 199_ for ____________ hours, days in accordance with the procedure established by the customer. The installation that has been tested, ____________________________ shall be considered ready for operation and accepted with "__" __________199_ with an assessment of the quality of installation and adjustment work performed at ______________________________________________________________ (excellent, good, satisfactory) Defects identified during the testing process that do not interfere with the operation of the facility must be eliminated organizations within the time limits specified in Appendix No. __________ to this act.

Chairman of the commission ________________________ (signature) Members of the commission _________________________________ (signatures) Representatives of involved organizations ___________________________________ (signatures)

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In practice, very often the subject of civil transactions is various equipment. Equipment is rented, purchased, donated, etc. An integral part of such contracts is the act of putting equipment into operation. The legislation does not contain rules that regulate the process of drawing up an act of commissioning equipment. But it contains some rules that regulate the procedure for accepting goods or services (for example, Art., Civil Code of the Russian Federation). These standards also apply to the act of putting equipment into operation. How and when to draw up this document and what features it has.

Features of drawing up a receipt

When the act is drawn up

In accordance with current legislation, drawing up an equipment commissioning certificate is not mandatory. But in practice, this document is always drawn up. This is primarily done in order to avoid further problems associated with equipment defects.

Important: if equipment is sold or transferred to a third party on the basis of other civil transactions, then it is necessary to draw up an act of putting the equipment into operation. Also, this document must be drawn up in cases where the operation of the equipment was stopped for the purpose of repair and resumed some time later: a commissioning certificate is drawn up when the equipment is resumed.

Drawing up such a document is an additional guarantee for both parties. This document is drawn up after the transfer of equipment and after its installation. In some cases, the act is also drawn up directly at the time of concluding the contract.

Parties to the act

Many people are interested in the question of who should sign the equipment commissioning certificate. Since this document is an integral part of the relevant agreement, it must be signed by the parties to the transaction or their authorized persons.

Important: very often a special commission is created to check the operation of equipment. In these cases, the act of commissioning the equipment must be signed by all members of the commission.

Moreover, if the opinion of one of the commission members differs from the opinion of others, a corresponding entry is made about this in the document.

What needs to be included in the act

The legislation does not provide for a mandatory form of commissioning act. Accordingly, the parties may provide any information they consider necessary. The content of the act largely depends on the specifics and features of the equipment that is transferred on the basis of the transaction. Of course, there is no single form for the commissioning act, but the following information must be indicated in the text:

  • brand, year of manufacture and name of equipment;
  • date of equipment inspection;
  • place of inspection and location of the equipment (if the equipment was tested in another place and is located in another);
  • description of the conditions for using the equipment;
  • other information and special conditions.

What is being checked

When drawing up the act, the following is checked:

  • serviceability of equipment;
  • his job;
  • accommodation conditions;
  • compliance of this equipment and its operating conditions with established technical safety standards and other regulations.

If during the inspection any malfunctions or any inconsistencies with established standards and legal requirements were discovered, then a corresponding entry is made in the text of the drawn-up report.

Note: If during the inspection violations or malfunctions were discovered that make the operation of the equipment impossible, then in this case the equipment cannot be used: a corresponding entry is made about this in the text of the equipment commissioning act.

If the above faults are detected, they must be eliminated: the equipment can be used only after the detected faults have been eliminated. The responsibility for troubleshooting lies with the owner of the equipment, unless otherwise provided by the relevant agreement.

Important: after troubleshooting, the equipment must be re-tested: in this case, a new act of putting the equipment into operation is drawn up. If, based on the results of the secondary inspection, no malfunctions were found, a corresponding entry is made about this in the text of the report, and operation of the equipment is permitted.

Completed sample document

ACT No. ___
commissioning of equipment

G. ______________ "___" ________ ____ g.

Commission consisting of:


Members of the commission:

appointed by order (instruction) of the head No.___ dated "___"_______ _____, having read __________________________________________________________

mounted at the address: ________________________________________________,
having reviewed the technical documentation provided by __________________________________________________________________________
(name of the developer (manufacturer))

and the results of performance tests carried out in accordance with
(name and designation of the test program and methodology)

in the period from "___"________ ____ to "___"____________ _____, established that:

1. _______________________________________________________________________
(name of equipment, brand, type, serial and inventory number)

complies with labor protection requirements taking into account the following comments (If there are any): __________________________________________________________

2. The equipment is placed in accordance with design documentation, technological design standards (developed for specific organizations, production facilities and workshops);

3. When placing the equipment, the convenience and safety of its maintenance, the safety of evacuation of workers in the event of emergency situations are ensured, and the impact of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors on other workers is excluded (reduced).

4. Installation, installation (rearrangement) of equipment was carried out in accordance with the design documentation.

5. ______________________________________________________________ withstood
(name of equipment, brand, type, serial and inventory number)

tested and can be put into operation (or: only after
eliminating the shortcomings noted in the Statement of Comments and Suggestions and
preventing commissioning)

1. ___________________________________________________________________
(name of equipment, brand, type, serial and inventory number)

put into operation at the address: ___________________________________ from "___"_________ ____ (or: after eliminating the deficiencies noted in the List of Comments and Suggestions that impede the commissioning of the equipment).
2. Carry out warranty service in accordance with the technical documentation for the equipment.


1. Protocol of commissioning works from "___"______ ____, No. ______.

2. List of comments and suggestions from "___"________ ____, No. ______.

Chairman of the commission ________________________________________________________________

Members of the commission ______________________________________________________________
(position, personal signature Last name initials)

"_____"___________ 20___

Commission consisting of representatives:
Customer - "___________"
Installation organization: "____________"
Faculty of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Security" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "____________"
GU OVO at the Department of Internal Affairs "____________"

I have drawn up this act as follows:

In accordance with the project 22-04-08 OS, a security and alarm alarm system was installed in the bank branch at the address “____________”. Inspection and technical tests on site established:

Instruments installed at the facility

The work was performed in accordance with the current rules and technical conditions; there are no deviations from the specified project

Technical characteristics of the electrical circuits of the loops: the certificate is attached

Results of the stability of operation (technological run) of the TSO complex together with the monitoring station:___________________________________________

Based on the above, the security and alarm system has been put into operation since " "_____________ 2008. In this case, the contractor "____________" undertakes to carry out warranty repairs of the OS equipment within 12 months from the date of acceptance, subject to the current operating rules.

Customer: ______________
FSUE "Security" ___________
GU OVO under the Department of Internal Affairs _____________

ACT on completion of installation work

"_____"___________ 20___

Customer - "___________"
installation organization - "___________"
commissioning organization "____________"


The installation organization presented for acceptance a completed security and alarm system installed in the bank branch at the address “____________” according to project 22-04-08 OS. Installation work was completed satisfactorily. Work began on May 12, 2008. Work was completed on June 9, 2008.

Conclusion of the working commission:

The installation work of the presented installation was carried out in accordance with the inspection report, standards, norms and rules. The installation presented for acceptance shall be considered accepted from June 10, 2008 for commissioning work with an assessment of the quality of installation work: satisfactory.

customer ____________________
installation organization _________
commissioning organization __________________

Certificate of completion of commissioning works

"_____"___________ 20___

Commission consisting of representatives:
Customer - "___________"
Commissioning organization "____________"
established that from June 9, 2008 to June 10, 2008, FSUE Okhrana carried out commissioning work on a security alarm installed in the bank branch at the address "____________"

As a result of the work carried out, commissioning of the security alarm system was completed, namely:
-measuring the resistance of the alarm loop
- setting up an alarm loop
- system functionality check

With the signing of this act, the commissioning work is considered completed, the installed technical signaling equipment that has passed the commissioning work is considered ready to be presented to the acceptance committee for acceptance into operation.

Attached to the act:
1.Act of measuring the insulation resistance of alarm loops
2. List of installed control panels, IP.


Installation and commissioning organization _______________________

ACT for measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wiring

"_____"___________ 20___

Commission consisting of representatives:
Customer - "___________"
installation and commissioning (commissioning) "____________"
carried out measurements of the insulation resistance of alarm loops.

Control device data:

Test data:

Marking of wire (cable) according to the drawingWire brand and cross-section (cable)Insulation resistance (mOhm)Note
ShS1KSPV 4x0.5710
ShS2KSPV 4x0.5700
ShS3KSPV 4x0.5695
ShS4KSPV 4x0.5685
ShS5KSPV 4x0.5705
ShS6KSPV 4x0.5680
ShS7KSPV 4x0.5710
ShS8KSPV 4x0.5715
ShS9KSPV 4x0.5720
ShS10KSPV 4x0.5635
ShS11KSPV 4x0.5730

Commission conclusion: The insulation resistance of the listed electrical wiring meets the technical requirements.

Customer _________________________________
Installation organization _________________________________

LIST of mounted receiving and control devices, alarm and trigger devices, detectors, annunciators, fire safety equipment.

Object: bank branch at the address “____________”

according to project 04/22/08 OS

Passed by: Representative of the installation and commissioning organization ______________

Accepted by: Representative of the “Customer” _______________

Certificate of acceptance control

"_____"___________ 20___

Installation organization "___________"

Object: bank branch at the address “____________”

Commission consisting of representatives:
Customer - "___________"
installation organization "____________"

I have drawn up this act stating that the technical means:

those that have passed the entrance control comply with the technical documentation of the manufacturing enterprises.

Customer _____________________
Installation organization _____________________

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