home · electrical safety · The best product for cleaning gas stoves. How to clean the stove from carbon deposits. Lemon juice or vinegar

The best product for cleaning gas stoves. How to clean the stove from carbon deposits. Lemon juice or vinegar

07/05/2018 2 3 530 views

The stove is the main attribute in the kitchen. When cooking food, traces of fat always remain, which are not always removed immediately. Let's look at how to clean gas stove from carbon deposits at home. Washing it is not as difficult as it seems. With the right selection of products and methods, plaque can be easily removed.

Do not wash a hot surface - there is a risk of burns. It is easier to remove hotplates that have cooled down, as they will not damage the skin or areas they will sit on. There is usually a large accumulation of dirt underneath. If they are fairly clean, you should treat them with a damp cloth. Metal wires and scrapers should not be used to clean the slab.

How to prepare the surface for cleaning?

Before you begin to wash the stove and grate, according to the operating instructions, you should turn off the gas supply. This will prevent accidental gas release and reduce the likelihood of damage and injury.

Afterwards, you should carefully remove the cast iron grate, because a lot of dirt remains on it, including a greasy coating, which is difficult to clean. It is processed in soapy water. It is also advisable to remove the burners and electric ignition if the design of the stove requires this.

For the highest quality cleaning, you will need to prepare the surface. Pour hot water and add baking soda to soften old dirt. Sprinkle baking soda evenly over the moistened stove and wait half an hour. Then remove it with a soft sponge and begin the main process.

Steel wool should not be used as there is a risk of serious damage to the coating. It is better to supplement the sponge with a toothbrush or cotton swabs for hard-to-reach parts such as handles.

How to clean a gas stove from grease and carbon deposits using folk remedies?

Often, owners of gas stoves do not know what to use for their treatment. Folk recipes are chosen by those who do not want to buy household chemicals, preferring to use safe and proven methods. Finished products has such disadvantages as a low level of safety, the risk of allergies and strict adherence to storage rules. It can only be used with rubber gloves so as not to cause harm to the skin.

You can make the solution yourself at home. The ingredients for the composition can be found in any apartment. It will clean as well as cleaning products household chemicals, there is no health hazard. Components such as soap solution, vinegar essence, soda, ammonia or ammonia-anise drops, and citric acid are used.

Main methods:

  • Soda, powder and glue. Required soda ash(3 tbsp.), washing powder(0.5 tbsp), glass stationery glue (1 tbsp). Mix the ingredients and add water. Apply a small layer onto the stove. If powder crystals are noticeable, you should not be alarmed and take unnecessary action. Wait a quarter of an hour and rinse off.

  • Soda and vinegar. Combine the components in equal proportions. As a result, a liquid porridge-like mixture is formed, which should be applied to the surface. The more time it remains on the stove, the easier the cleansing process will be. After half an hour or an hour, wipe with a sponge and rinse with water.

  • Lemon acid. Juice squeezed from citrus is used. Apply a few drops to dirt and clean with a sponge after an hour. It will be no less effective to use acid sold in packs. Pour water into it and stir until it forms a paste. Apply to problem areas or the entire slab. After 60 minutes you can begin cleansing.

  • Soda and ammonia. Moisten the surface and apply a small layer of baking soda. After 60-90 minutes, clean with the hard part of the sponge and remove any residue. Mix water and ammonia in a 1:1 ratio and wipe the surface.

If the inside of the burner needs to be cleaned because dirt is obstructing the gas flow, use a toothpick or pin. You can get rid of plaque and grease in small holes using a toothbrush.

Quite common now hobs made from stainless steel. They look solid and impressive, unlike enamel slabs. But such devices require more careful care, as splashes and stains are noticeable on them.

Oily spills are easier to clean when they are not old, so you should treat the surface daily. Unburnt fat can be removed with a simple sponge and dishwashing gel. You can treat the device with a slice of lemon. Wait for the acid to absorb for a quarter of an hour, wipe with a sponge and there will be no streaks.

The heating parts enclosed in the electric stove cannot be removed. metal case. Dirt accumulates near the burners and is difficult to remove. To wash it, you need to wait until it cools completely. Then unplug, apply cleaning agent, wait a little. Afterwards, treat several times with a damp cloth until excess and dirt are completely removed. It is better to choose soft products with microgranules.

If you have a glass-ceramic stove, you can read information about cleaning it.


The surface of the device is cleaned quite simply when compared with cleaning the grille. Moreover, many housewives leave the detail “for later”. But old stains are much more difficult to wash off, and the layer of fat is scary appearance. Before you begin the process, you should pay attention to the material from which part of the device is made. Care will depend on this.

The following types are found:

  • metal with enamel;
  • cast iron;
  • steel.

Cast iron is the most finicky and difficult to process, and water cannot cope with it. It needs to be calcined:

  • blowtorch;
  • above the stove;
  • at the dacha over the fire;
  • in the oven.

You should not try to clean off carbon deposits and grease with a knife or sharp objects, otherwise you may damage the coating. When calcining the grate over the fire, you should calcine and cast iron frying pans– the result will pleasantly surprise you.

The enamel has a smooth finish with an easy to clean surface, so the following methods can be used:

  1. Dishwasher safe.
  2. Soaking in soapy water, then cleaning with a sponge and soda.

It is also forbidden to use a knife, otherwise scratches will remain. For stainless steel, use simple cleaning products. It is easier to clean than other types of slabs. You need to act according to the following algorithm:

  • Place the grate in a bathtub filled with soapy water.
  • Leave a thick plastic sheet on the floor, place the element, treat it with dishwashing gel, and leave it overnight.
  • Rinse with water.

This part of the slab is considered the most problematic. The main methods for cleaning it:

  1. Water and soap. Suitable for non-old stains. Thick layer This method will not remove carbon deposits and grease. Pass half or a third of the laundry soap through a grater and place in a container of water or sink. There should be approximately 7 liters of liquid. Leave the grates in the solution for a couple of hours. Afterwards, the grease and dirt will come off and can be easily removed with the hard part of the sponge.
  2. Ammonia. This method is inexpensive and most effective. It is important to always wear protective gloves. Thoroughly moisten the sponge in alcohol and treat the grate completely. Put it in cellophane, tie it and wait a few hours. Then rinse the grate, remove grease and carbon deposits, and treat with any cleaning agent.
  3. Soda solution. Pour ½ cup of water into the water in a 1:1 ratio, stir until it becomes a paste. Apply to the grill and wait two to three hours. The dirt will come off quickly; in advanced cases, you can use a hard sponge.
  4. Soda and vinegar. Add ingredients to bath water, wait, then rinse.
  5. Car engine cleaner. Apply it and then rinse well.
  6. Dry mustard. Treat the rods, wait a few hours, rinse.

Finally, wipe the grill with a dry cloth, as grease easily sticks to wet surfaces, especially stainless steel.


Every housewife may face the problem of a low flame on the stove. It sometimes changes color or disappears regularly. In some cases this is due to gas pressure. But usually it's a matter of pollution. Pieces of fat and food clog the holes on the stove, causing the burners to work poorly.

The following methods are suitable for cleansing:

  • Vinegar. The method is chosen for fresh and light contamination. Spray it on the burner and wait a quarter of an hour. Wipe with a clean cloth.
  • Soda. It can be used for difficult to remove stains. Wash burners with water and dishwashing gel. Mix water and baking soda to a paste, apply to the burners and wait half an hour. Remove excess with a sponge and rinse.
  • Ammonia. The method should be used when previous methods have failed. Apply a quarter cup of product to contaminated areas. Cover each burner with cellophane, leave overnight, rinse and dry the stove.
  • Soak. In this way, light stains can be cleaned. Wet the burners in a container or bath of water. Mix dishwashing gel and soda in a ratio of 1 to 1. Treat the parts and cover with bags. Wait an hour, remove excess product.

The injectors also need to be cleaned. First you need to make sure that the stove has cooled completely. Then open the window in the kitchen. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Remove the grilles and disconnect the gas divider.
  2. Pull out the burner. There is a small hole inside.
  3. Take a paperclip or small wire and bend it.
  4. Send it into the nozzle and twist it about five times.
  5. Repeat the steps for each injector.
  6. If the gas dividers are clogged, clean them with a needle or toothpick.


Depending on the fixation method, the processing method differs. The following options are available for removable handles:

  • Soap solution. Remove the parts and place them in soap solution. The water temperature should be approximately 80 degrees; washing powder or detergent is added to it. After a quarter of an hour, treat the switches with a toothbrush. Particular attention should be paid to the area adjacent to the slab.
  • Table vinegar. Dissolve 0.2 liters of product in 0.7 liters of cool water in a saucepan and place the switches in it. Place on the stove over medium heat and wait until it boils. Leave for ten minutes. Pour out the solution and wipe with a dry cloth after the handles have cooled. You can use the method for oven handles, since grease and drips remain on them.

If the handles cannot be removed, their internal processing is impossible. But you can clean them from the outside using a toothbrush, cotton wool, ear sticks or toothpicks. There is no need to purchase household chemicals, as there are folk recipes:

  1. Ammonia. It should not be applied undiluted; it is better to use ammonia-anise drops or a mixture of alcohol and water in a ratio of 1 to 1. To treat handles, dip cotton wool or cotton buds, then rinse with water.
  2. Lemon juice. Use it alone or together with baking soda to increase effectiveness. Squeeze the citrus, lower the toothbrush, apply to the switches, rinse. It is better to use non-ash soda.
  3. Wet wipe. It contains castor oil and citric acid. Wrap your finger, treat the handles and the vertical part of the slab. It's not often that deposits are found on the outside of the oven, but the glass and door can be easily cleaned this way. You should periodically change the napkins and wipe the part with a clean cloth.

Video: how to clean a gas stove from carbon deposits at home?

  • The lid that covers the stove should also be cleaned. On glass surface Spray the cleaner, then rinse with water.
  • If there is water in the nozzle area, you will need to wait for it to completely evaporate. Then there will be no gas. You can take a thin rubber tube and remove the liquid from the pipeline.

Cleaning the stove does not take much time if you act carefully and use proven products. You can easily cope without expensive household chemicals. Traditional methods do not require large financial investments and absolutely safe. Before starting the process, you should wear protective gloves to avoid damaging your skin.

Although the burners on the stove are least susceptible to contamination, the problem of their weak combustion or a change in the color of the gas periodically arises. And if the stove is still old and unkempt, the flame may disappear altogether. The reason for this may be a weak fuel supply or dirty burner dividers or dirty nozzles.

When cooking food, it is not uncommon to flood the stove with boiling water, fat, boiled milk, etc. It's not just the surface that suffers household appliances, but also burners. Why do you need to periodically clean the dividers?

  1. So that there is no fat, food residues that would not burn along with the gas and would not emit an unpleasant odor.
  2. To prevent contamination from retaining gas at the outlet of the dividers.
  3. So that blockages do not lead to complete failure of kitchen equipment.

Stages of cleansing

The stove must cool down before cleaning if it is hot. Then, follow the sequential cleaning steps:

  1. Close the general gas valve and open the window for ventilation. This is necessary for safety reasons. Situations are different, so it's better to be safe.
  2. Remove the grate and other parts from the stove so that open dividers remain.
  3. Proceed to remove dirt from the burners and stove using any of the selected products.
  4. After complete cleaning, reinstall all removable parts. Check gas combustion.

Methods for cleaning gas burners

In order not to spend cash to purchase special means To clean stubborn dirt, you can use traditional methods:

  1. Usage table vinegar. Remove the burners from the stove. Disassemble them into two parts: the divider and the cover. Then, take a large saucepan, pour a liter of boiling water into it, pour in half a glass of table vinegar. Place the burners in the resulting liquid for half an hour. After that, remove the parts, rinse them in clean water, wipe dry with a soft cloth. The dirt should come off completely. Put the burners in place and check them for serviceability.
  2. Using baking soda. It will certainly be found in any home. Baking soda copes especially well with stubborn greasy stains. Initially, remove the burners and wash them in a soapy, detergent-based solution to remove soot and deposits. Take 4 tablespoons of baking soda in a bowl and add water to make a thick paste. Using a sponge, apply the resulting mixture to the burners. Leave in this state for half an hour. Then use a toothbrush to clean all the gaps on the divider so that no dirt particles remain. Rinse them in clean water and dry them with a towel or napkin.
  3. Detergent for cleaning burners. Soaking parts in soapy water is another effective and inexpensive way clean the burners from dirt. Fill a bowl with two liters of hot water and dissolve 4 tablespoons of any dishwashing detergent. Place the removable parts of the burners in the resulting liquid for one hour. After the specified time, rinse the parts in clean water and wipe dry with a towel. Assemble the gas stove.

Cleaning nozzles on a gas stove

Poor combustion can be caused not only by clogged burner dividers, but also by dirty nozzles. Let's consider step by step process cleaning the nozzles on the stove.

  1. As when cleaning the burners, turn off the gas valve and open the window for ventilation.
  2. Remove the grate and all burner parts from the device.
  3. There will be empty bowls left on the stove. There will be small holes in the middle of these bowls. These are the injectors.
  4. To clean them, you will need a thin copper wire, a needle or a paper clip. Let's say you choose copper wire. Take it and insert it directly into the nozzle of the nozzle, deeper. Scroll the wire several times, move it up and down.
  5. After cleaning the nozzles, wipe the bowls and stove with soapy water. Put everything back together the way it was. Check combustion.

  • Once a year, call a professional who will check the stove for serviceability of kitchen equipment and gas leaks.
  • To prevent stubborn greasy stains on the stove, wipe it after each cooking, even if it seems clean.
  • Do not use powdered cleaning agents to remove stains. They can get into the burner dividers and remain there. Use liquid gels or regular dishwashing detergent.
  • To wash away stubborn grease, wet the surface of the stove with soapy water and leave to soak for 15-20 minutes. Then use a soft cloth to remove dirt and rinse with clean water.

I have always strived to keep my kitchen stove sparkling clean. However, I didn't always succeed. Today I know how to clean a gas stove from grease, carbon deposits and leftovers of cooked food without much hassle and great expense. Now my stove is always clean. I'll share my secrets with you.

Home remedies for gas stove care

Of course, in stores you can find a lot of products that can quickly and easily clean the stove from any dirt. But their price is sometimes high, and you don’t really want to use chemicals in the kitchen.

Therefore, if you are not too fond of household chemicals, I will share with you several folk remedies that you can safely use at home.

Image Cleaning agent

Baking soda- a first-class fat remover. Before using it, you need to moisten the surface with water, then cover it with soda and rub lightly. After 30 minutes, the fat can be easily removed with a regular sponge.
Vinegar and soda- another reliable means for cleaning the stove from grease. The cleaning method is the same as with soda. Only in this case, the stove needs to be moistened not with water, but with vinegar.
Vinegar and water solution indispensable for cleaning gas stove handles.

Ammonia, diluted in water in a 1:1 ratio will also help cope with dirty hands.
Lemon juice and citric acid help remove dirt and refresh stove surfaces.

Laundry soap 72% helps to clean the stove and oven.

All these products are also suitable for cleaning other kitchen utensils - refrigerator, kettle, washing machine etc.

How to clean a gas stove?

Before you clean kitchen stove, you need to remove some of its parts. Instructions on how to disassemble the stove correctly:

  1. Disconnect the stove from gas and electricity supplies. This will protect yourself from unexpected troubles and injuries.
  2. Remove the grille and immediately place it in a washing container (large basin, bathtub) for several hours.
  3. Remove the burners and place them in a washing container.
  4. Remove food debris from the surface of the stove with a dry sponge.
  5. If you are going to wash electric stove - adhere to the same sequence, taking into account the presence of certain design details.

Zone 1. Visible surface

Before removing grease from the stove, wet it hot water. It will help break down fat and soften it. After this, you can pour baking soda onto the surface and leave for 30 minutes.

When the fat is soaked, carefully remove it with a soft sponge. To make the surface shiny, wipe it with a solution of ammonia and water in a 1:1 ratio.

Instead of soda, you can use a soap solution. To prepare it, simply grate a little laundry soap and dissolve it in warm water. Apply the resulting solution to the surface and remove with a sponge after 15 minutes.

Do not clean the surface of the stove with a wire brush or sponge. It is also not recommended to use abrasive cleaners. They can scratch the surface, and subsequently the dirt will eat into it even deeper. For difficult stains, use a toothbrush or cotton swab.

Zone 2. Handles

Handles on gas stove- the most frequently used and easily contaminated elements: grease and dirt settle on them in rather hard-to-reach places.

To clean the handles, you need to place them in a container with cleaning agent. As a remedy, you can use a concentrated solution of laundry soap. The pens must remain in it for at least 8 hours.

To speed up the process, It is better to use a solution of two tablespoons of vinegar in a liter of water. Boil the handles in it for 5–7 minutes, drain the solution and let the parts cool naturally. Then all that remains is to clean them with a sponge.

If the handles on your stove are not removable- do not despair. A little patience and they too will shine clean. To clean them you will need several assistants:

  • Toothbrush;
  • soda;
  • cotton buds;
  • ammonia;
  • toothpicks.

  1. Apply to sponge a little baking soda and wipe the handles.
  2. For difficult areas use a solution of ammonia and water in a 1:1 ratio. Apply it with a toothbrush or a cotton swab, depending on the size of the gap.
  3. Wait until the ammonia is absorbed, and after 10 minutes, go through the dirty areas again with a clean toothbrush or sponge.
  4. For the most difficult places use a toothpick.

Zone 3. Oven

Despite their effectiveness, strong chemical substances- not the best the best option for cleaning the oven. Using folk remedies, it will be easier and safer to clean it.

I offer several methods that will help you deal with even the dirtiest oven.

Image Methods and means

Method 1. Soap solution

Wipe the oven with paper towels. Apply a soap solution to the inner walls and leave for 15 minutes.

Pour the same solution into a baking tray and place it in the oven. Warm it up for 30 minutes at 120°C.

Fat and carbon deposits will melt and can be easily removed with a soft sponge. Finally, wipe the surface of the oven with a sponge dipped in clean water.

Method 2. Soda and citric acid

These ingredients will deal with any stains. Apply a mixture of baking soda and citric acid to the dampened oven surfaces.

After 20-25 minutes, remove dirt with a paper towel and rinse with water.

Method 3. Vinegar

Small stains can be removed with a solution of vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio.

Moisten the inner walls with this solution and turn on the oven at 50 °C for 15 minutes. Rinse off dirt with warm water.

Method 4. Vinegar + soda

Apply the vinegar solution to all surfaces of the oven and sprinkle baking soda on top.

The acid and baking soda will react and remove the nasty grease and food residue.

Method 5. Ammonia

Rub the oven walls ammonia and leave overnight. In the morning, thoroughly wipe the surfaces with a sponge moistened with clean water.

Method 6. Salt

Sprinkle the oven thickly with salt and bake for 30 minutes at 100°C. After cooling, remove the salt along with any dirt and rinse the oven.

Method 7. Salt, soda, water

Apply a paste of salt, baking soda and water to all contaminated surfaces. They need to be mixed in equal parts. Leave the solution for 10 hours, then rinse with water.

Zone 4. Burners

I know two effective methods how to clean the burners:

Image Methods

Method 1:
  • Soak the burners in hot soapy water and leave for at least 25 minutes.
  • Wash all parts with a soft sponge. For hard-to-reach places, use cotton swabs or toothpicks.
  • Wipe them dry.

Method 2:
  • Make a solution of vinegar and water.
  • Pour it over the burners and boil on the stove for 5 minutes.
  • Leave the burners in the solution until they cool completely.
  • Clean them with a sponge.
  • Rinse the burners in warm water.
  • Wipe dry.

Zone 5. Grid

Cleaning the grate is perhaps the most difficult part of cleaning a gas stove. Depending on the material from which the grille is made, you need to use different ways cleaning.

Cast iron grate needs to be calcined. This can be done over a gas stove, in the oven, over a fire, or using blowtorch. After this, the grill bars need to be rubbed with a metal sponge.

Enameled and stainless steel gratings Can be washed periodically in the dishwasher at high temperature.

If you don't have a dishwasher- first you need to remove the grate and soak it in hot water with added detergent. We need soda, vinegar, soap solution. After 8–10 hours, the soaked grease and carbon deposits can be wiped off with an iron brush.

Regardless of the material from which the grille is made, you should not use sharp objects to clean it - this can damage the metal.

Radical ways to clean a dirty grill:

Image Cleaning agent

Car engine cleaner quickly and effectively cope with heavy carbon deposits. Treat the surface with it and rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Dry mustard, applied to the rods for several hours, will clean the grate from grease and carbon deposits. After cleaning, the grille must be washed with water.

Warm sand will help wipe off any dirt. An effective, but rather labor-intensive method.


As you can see, you can clean a gas stove various methods. You can verify this once again by watching the video in this article. And one more piece of advice: don’t be lazy to wipe the stove even with the slightest dirt, then “ spring-cleaning"will pass without complications.

Share your methods in the comments, how do you clean the stove?

A gas stove is an integral attribute of every kitchen. During use, stains, streaks and layers always remain on it. Chemicals cope well with such contaminants, but some housewives prefer exclusively natural cleaning methods. They know how to clean a gas stove at home using products that can be found in every home.

Available stove cleaning products

If there are some in the house basic means, the question of how to clean a kitchen stove will never arise. So it could be:

  • Vinegar.
  • Lemon acid.
  • Baking soda.
  • Laundry soap.
  • Ammonia or ammonia-anise drops.

The main advantage of the above means is absolute safety. In addition, they will treat with care not only for a gas stove, but also for other household or kitchen appliances.

Fighting fat and soot

When starting to clean the stove, carefully inspect it and evaluate degree of pollution. Then turn off the power sources: gas and electricity. Safety precautions must be followed.

Hot water will help clean the greasy surface of the stove. Carefully spread it over the surface so that all dirt is covered. After 15-20 minutes, it will dissolve stains from coffee or cocoa, and the resulting puddles can be easily wiped off. Of course it won't destroy greasy spots , but it will soak them well. You can use a foamed solution from kitchen detergent. After about half an hour, the resulting slurry can be carefully removed with a sponge. After this, wipe everything with a napkin soaked in a 1:1 solution of ammonia and water.

Important: do not use metal brushes or sponges to avoid scratching the surface of the slab. Alternatively, you can use an old toothbrush.

Excellent tool To clean the stove from grease - laundry soap. It is grated on a fine grater and a little water is added to form a paste. This mixture is applied to the dirt and left for 15 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

The same method will help clean the stove from carbon deposits. It will be effective even if the hobs are made of stainless steel, which requires special careful care. This solution can clean off dirt without harming the surface.

Laundry soap It will also help remove dirt from grates and burners. To do this, remove them and immerse them in a hot soapy solution. It is prepared approximately like this: 72% laundry soap is cut into thin flakes and poured with hot water, foaming periodically. The approximate ratio would be one bar of soap per 20 liters of water. The grate should “sour” in this solution for several hours, after which both it and the burners will look perfect.

Vinegar, citric acid or lemon juice help well. These products are evenly distributed on the surface of the soaked slab and left for half an hour. Then carefully remove all the slurry with a sponge and wipe dry.

Cleaning the handles of a gas stove

Our mothers and grandmothers knew how clean the handles accessible ways. They need to be removed from the gas stove and thoroughly inspected. The parts that are not clogged can be set aside, and those with a lot of fat on them can be soaked in a strong soap solution. This will require at least 8 hours. To speed up the process, use vinegar essence. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of acid and pour one liter of water into which the cast iron valves are immersed and boiled over low heat for about 5-7 minutes.

If the handles on the stove cannot be removed, then they resort to another method. To do this you will need soda ash, ammonia, a toothbrush, a toothpick and cotton pads/sticks. To begin, apply a little soda to a wet sponge and thoroughly wipe the valves.

In hard-to-reach places, use ammonia diluted with water in equal parts. Using a cotton swab, apply this liquid to severe stains and rub in thoroughly. Leave for 10 minutes, then use a damp sponge to remove all dirt.

How to clean the oven

There are proven and effective methods, which will help make the oven perfectly clean without using strong chemicals.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Immediately remove dry food debris, and then moisten all walls with a warm soapy solution. Leave for a quarter of an hour so that the dirt is well soaked. Then take a baking tray and pour a low concentration soap solution into it, put it in the oven. Set the temperature to +120 ℃ and wait for about half an hour. After this, wipe the walls dry and leave the oven open overnight.
  2. Dissolve baking soda in warm water or citric acid, and apply liberally to the walls oven. Leave for about a quarter of an hour, then thoroughly wipe off the stains with a sponge soaked in clean water. All that remains is to wipe everything dry.
  3. For minor stains, the following method is suitable. Dilute vinegar in warm water in a 1:1 ratio and generously wipe the oven walls with this solution. Then turn on temperature regime to +50 ℃ and leave for a quarter of an hour. Rinse off dirt with clean warm water.
  4. For heavy stains, vinegar and baking soda. First, treat the wet walls with soda, and then sprinkle with vinegar. Leave for a while and remove with dry paper towels. Instead of vinegar, you can use citric acid.
  5. Ammonia copes well with very strong stains. To do this, generously treat the oven walls with ammonia, close the door tightly and leave for 8-10 hours. Finally, wipe everything with warm water.
  6. Sprinkle the inside of the oven thickly with salt and leave at a temperature of +100 ℃ for half an hour. Then let cool and carefully sweep out the salt. Wipe everything with a washcloth soaked in warm water.
  7. You can mix equal parts baking soda, salt and water. Mix well to form a solution and distribute it over the surface of the oven walls. Leave for several hours (about overnight), then rinse with warm water.

Cooking various dishes is always accompanied by contamination of the stove, be it gas, electric or induction.

Therefore, every housewife needs to know how to quickly clean the stove using chemicals or folk methods.

Cleaning the stove with chemicals

Before cleaning the stove it is necessary to carry out proper preparation to work.

Preparation consists of doing the following:

  1. Disconnecting the gas stove from electrical supply and shutting off the gas supply.
  2. Cleaning the stove from crumbs and other debris, if any.
  3. Removing the stove parts - grates, burners and handles, as they should be washed separately.
  4. Treating the surface of the stove with a warm solution of water and a cleaning agent will help dissolve grease more quickly and, accordingly, make the stove easier to clean.

After cleaning the stove from debris and crumbs, it is necessary to rinse the entire surface, with the exception of the burner, since during cooking, fat, dirt and soot are distributed evenly over the entire area of ​​the stove.

To choose The right way When cleaning the slab, you need to understand the origin of the stains.

If their composition includes sugar, which turns into caramel during heating, it is necessary to treat the stains with hot water and leave to sour for 15-20 minutes.

After this time, the sugar will dissolve, after which you can wipe dirty water and wash the stove using a soft cloth.

It is best to remove grease deposits and burnt spots using special chemicals, available in a huge variety modern manufacturers On the market.

  1. The use of all-purpose cleaners is not suitable cleaning surfaces that are sensitive to acid. These include ceramic, aluminum and other surfaces.
  2. If the choice is between liquid chemicals and powders, preference should be given to liquid products, since the content of powders may include components that scratch the surface.
  3. When fresh grease stains form must be done daily cleaning stove and use a spray bottle of detergent for this purpose.
  4. When choosing household chemicals You should avoid products that contain abrasive substances that contribute to the formation of micro-scratches on the surface.

Before cleaning the stove with chemicals, it is recommended to wear rubber gloves to avoid damage to the skin of your hands, chemical burns, and allergies.

Features of cleaning different types of slabs

So, how to clean an electric stove or other types of stoves? When choosing cleaning products and methods, it is necessary to take into account the coating of the slab. In this regard, the most common are:

  • Plates with enamel coating. These stoves should be cleaned very carefully.

The use of metal brushes and sponges is not recommended. Removal old stains can be done by first watering them with detergent and treating them with a wad of food foil.

Very effective remedy for cleaning enamel - washing powder. It is necessary to dilute it in water and treat the surface, while ensuring that no powder particles get on the coating.

You can also dilute baking soda and detergent in water and use the resulting mixture to wash the surface of the stove. After treatment, wipe the stove with a napkin or soft cloth.

  • Stainless steel plates. Cleaning a stainless steel stove involves using special creams or gels.

The use of powders is not recommended, as they contribute to the formation of scratches, where dirt or grease can easily become clogged. Cleaning does not take much time and does not require special effort, however, attention should be paid to polishing the surface.

Polishing requires a special oil, which is applied to a microfiber cloth.

It is better to clean this type of stove immediately after it gets dirty, which will avoid the formation of burnt stains that are difficult to wipe off. If you used a saucepan and didn’t take care of cooking food and it got burnt, , you can find out here.

When cleaning glass ceramics, it is worth considering that you cannot use products containing soap, since its particles remaining on the surface burn during heating, resulting in discoloration of the coating.

Before cleaning the glass-ceramic hob, you must make sure that it has completely cooled down.

The exception is cases when it is necessary to remove stains of burnt sugar - in such a situation, cleaning is carried out after slightly heating the stove. After removing all stains and dirt, it is recommended to apply a cleaning cream. To complete the cleaning process of the stove, wipe the surface with a dry soft cloth.

Folk remedies for cleaning

The question is how to clean the stove from old fat, can be solved not only through the use of chemicals, but also folk remedies, which are also very effective.

External surface of the slab

In order to clean the surface of the stove, the most common use of the following folk remedies:

  1. Soda and ammonia. Before applying a thin layer of baking soda, lightly moisten the surface of the stove. Depending on the degree of contamination, leave the soda for half an hour to an hour, then use a soft sponge to remove it and the resulting lumps of softened fat. Then wipe the surface using an aqueous solution of ammonia (1:1 ratio).
  2. Laundry soap. The bar of soap must be grated on a coarse grater, and the soap flakes must be dissolved in slightly warmed water to obtain a thick, creamy consistency. The paste resulting from these actions should be applied to the coating and washed off after 15 minutes.
  3. Lemon juice and apple cider vinegar. In order to clean burnt grease on the stove, you need to squeeze lemon juice or Apple vinegar to the site of contamination. After an hour has passed from the moment of applying the product, rinse it off with warm water.


Caring for the grille requires effort, as it consists of thin parts and many joints, making the cleaning procedure difficult.

The sequence of actions when washing the grate with your hands, and not with dishwasher, is as follows:

  1. Place the part in a large basin. If you need to clean cast iron stove grates that have large dimensions, then you need to place such a grate in a bathtub and fill it with warm water.
  2. Add degreaser. As a replacement detergent It is common to use vinegar or soda. The grate should remain in this solution for at least 8-10 hours.
  3. Using a wire brush, scrub the grate.
  4. Wash it in clean water.
  5. Wipe the grate dry to prevent the formation of salt deposits from water.


To clean the oven from grease and soot, it is recommended to use the following folk remedies:

  • Soda. When the oven glass becomes coated Brown It is necessary to slightly moisten the surface of the glass and pour soda on it, then leave for about 1 hour. Then remove the deposit with a damp cloth.

  • Vinegar. The walls and door of the oven are moistened with vinegar. After 2-3 hours, you can wash off the softened dirt.
  • Removing fat by oven treatment is highly effective acetic acid and soda. To do this you need to rub internal surfaces oven with vinegar and sprinkle them with baking soda.
  • Lemon juice. Squeeze the juice from 1 lemon and mix with water, then wash the oven walls with the resulting liquid.
  • Laundry soap. It is necessary to dilute a bar of soap in hot water and place the dishes with this solution in the oven, preheated to 110º30 minutes. As a result, all the dirt accumulates, which is then washed off with a sponge.
  • Ammonia. Promotes rapid cleansing of old fatty contaminants. The walls of the oven should be treated with ammonia and left overnight. The next day, remove the grease using your regular detergent.

All of the above means will allow you to quickly cleanse various contaminants, but you must try not to forget to wash the oven regularly and prevent the formation of burnt fat and old stains, which are much more difficult to get rid of than “fresh” contaminants. You can use it, which is described here.

How to clean the handle from the stove?

How you clean the stove handles will depend on whether they are removable or permanent.

Removable handles are much easier to clean because they can be rotated in different directions to reach any uneven surfaces.

The first step is to remove the handles from the stove and place them in water. Depending on the degree of contamination, you can add any grease remover and after 10-15 minutes, remove grease and dirt using a sponge with a hard surface.

To clean the removable handles of the stove, using laundry soap and vinegar essence is effective. The first method is to grate laundry soap into small pieces, place them in water and heat it to 80ºC.

Then put the handles into the resulting heated solution and leave them for 7-8 hours. After this, wipe the surface of the handles with a sponge, removing all dirt. The composition of the second cleansing method includes 2 tablespoons of essence and 1 liter of water, mixed in a container.

Place the handles from the stove into this container with the solution and bring it to a boil. Then you need to wait until the solution has cooled, and then wipe the handles with a sponge.

Purification process fixed handles requires more time and is more complex in itself. For this, it is necessary to prepare in advance sharp and thin objects with which you can remove dirt from hard-to-reach places, for example, cotton swabs, toothpicks, and a toothbrush.

These are widely used for cleansing folk remedies, How:

  1. Soda ash or baking soda. Dip a sponge in water and soda and wipe the stove handles with it.
  2. Ammonia. It is diluted in water, and their ratio is 1:1, then the resulting liquid is applied to the handles, which helps remove old fat.
  3. Lemon juice, which is applied to the handles and helps get rid of dirt.

Tips for caring for your stove, how to prevent the formation of soot and grease?

The modern market offers a huge number of detergents and cleaning products to choose from that will help cope with any contamination, however, it is necessary not to neglect the condition of the stove, but to clean it on time and take care of it every time you prepare dishes.

Here are some basic tips to help avoid the formation of soot and grease:

  1. After cooking, clean the stove, since fresh dirt is much easier to remove than already burnt food residue or congealed fat.
  2. When caring for the stove, you should not forget about the flame breaker holes and their cleaning, which can be done using thin copper wire.
  3. Cleaning dirty or flooded burners must be done immediately after the stove has cooled down.
  4. Dry the washed parts of the stove before installing them.
  5. It is necessary to carefully select cleaning products and pay attention to their composition in order to choose the most effective and safe product.

By following these tips, you can avoid the formation of severe contamination, the removal of which will require a lot of time and serious effort.