home · Measurements · Pressed sawdust for cat litter. An inexpensive and convenient way to fill cat litter. Why use filler

Pressed sawdust for cat litter. An inexpensive and convenient way to fill cat litter. Why use filler

Strawberries are a berry that many of us have loved since childhood. Most people associate summer with this berry. After all, it grows on almost every garden plot or dacha. But not all their owners think about the types of strawberries, taking each harvest for granted.

Let's consider remontant varieties of garden strawberries. We will explain what they are, how to plant them and care for them in order to reap the maximum harvest.

general characteristics

First, let's look at the origin of the term “repairability”. This is a French word that can be translated as “repeat flowering.” Accordingly, remontant varieties are capable of producing several harvests per season.

Many gardeners who are interested in receiving maximum yields For strawberries, remontant varieties are chosen. After harvesting the first ripe crop, new flower buds are formed on them. And so several times in one season.

Such strawberries are divided into several subspecies depending on their parameters. When purchasing seeds in specialized stores, you may find three-letter abbreviations on the packaging. Here's what they mean:

  • KSD– strawberry buds form during short daylight hours;
  • NSD– strawberry buds form under average daylight hours;
  • DSD– strawberry buds form during long daylight hours;

Experienced gardeners recommend choosing NSD varieties, since they differ the most high level harvests For many remontant varieties strawberries have mustaches, but some do not have them. Accordingly, varieties can be:

  • without mustaches;
  • mustachioed.

The inexperienced eye is unable to distinguish these subspecies from each other, but they have their own various advantages and disadvantages, which we will talk about later.

Differences from the usual view

The main difference is the ability to get several harvests in one summer. However, there are several less obvious features and characteristics.

An experienced gardener is able to understand the identity just by looking at a bush of remontant strawberries. After all, he looks a little different than usual. Their leaves are not so spreading, and the density level is noticeably lower. The fruits are quite large; the weight of one can vary from 50 to 100 grams. They are comparable in size to the berries of the Victoria variety.

This species also behaves a little differently. For example, some large-fruited varieties may produce smaller berries in subsequent years. And their bushes age much faster than conventional crops due to frequent fruiting. Therefore, such strawberries need to be rejuvenated regularly. But this is only part of the enhanced care.

If you want to get a truly large and high-quality harvest, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. To support remontant strawberries in their difficult task, you will have to water and feed the bushes much more often in order to provide them with moisture and a large amount of necessary elements. We will talk more about care and agricultural technology a little later.

Now about the main differences between mustachioed and mustacheless varieties. The first of them have less mustache than the usual varieties. Their main advantage is that they begin to bear fruit a couple of months after planting. In the first summer you can get as many as two harvests. Moreover, their berries are larger than those of their beardless counterparts. However large harvests can deplete the bush so much that it dies at the end of the season.

Beardless varieties are distinguished by their high resistance and reduced care requirements. For example, they do not need any special place to grow. They do not need frequent transplants. They are immune to many common diseases. At the same time, beardless strawberries bear fruit without interruption. But such varieties do not tolerate heat and drought well. In such weather, the bushes need to be covered with shade and watered more often. The bush of the beardless subspecies lives for no more than four years.


There are many varieties of remontant strawberries. Hardly less than the varieties of ordinary garden strawberries. We will talk about the most famous and widespread of them.

"Albion" is a truly strong variety in every sense. Its bushes are highly resistant to pests, diseases and weather changes. They tolerate winter well, southern regions countries don't even need shelter. The berries are very dense, making them easy to transport. Even them appearance speaks of the severity of the variety. The color of large fruits is dark red.

"Elizabeth II" - distinguished by the largest berries. The weight of the smallest of them is 45 grams. And the largest ones can weigh as much as 125 grams. The pulp is very juicy and has average density. However, the fruits can become smaller with each new season, so plantings must be renewed annually. The variety is unpretentious to the place of cultivation and begins to bear fruit in the first year.

“Evi 2” - the main advantage of this variety is its special fresh and sweet taste. And the pulp is almost as juicy as “Elizabeth II”. In addition, the variety can boast of its fertility. From a plot of 10 square meters you can collect over 50 kilograms of berries. One of them weighs approximately 20 grams. Round shape, bright red color. Another advantage of Evi 2 is drought resistance.

"Diamant" is an artificially bred variety. It was born through the efforts of agronomists from the University of California. Despite the fact that this strawberry was “born” in North America, she feels great in climatic conditions of Eastern Europe. At the same time, both taste and performance are preserved. The weight of one berry is 18-21 grams. “Diamond” belongs to the mustachioed subspecies and actively forms mustaches during the growing season. The main advantage of the variety is its resistance to many diseases and insects such as ticks.

“Temptation” is another artificially produced hybrid. The berries are slightly larger than, for example, those of “Diamant” - 32 grams on average. The juicy pulp has high density. One bush can produce about two kilograms of harvest. One of the advantages of the variety is that its fruits grow and ripen quickly. The first berries reach ripeness a month and a half after planting. “Temptation” bears fruit until the first frost. main feature varieties - non-stop fruiting. After all, this process is not affected by the length of daylight hours. Therefore, in winter you can grow these strawberries in a pot on your balcony.

“Moscow Delicacy” is a variety intended for medium daylight hours. The main advantage is high productivity. Strawberries are able to bear fruit until the onset of frost. The weight of the fruit varies from 15 to 35 grams. The variety feels great in the area middle zone Russia, as it is highly frost-resistant. It also has high resistance to diseases. Interestingly, these strawberries have a strawberry flavor.

"San Andreas" is the youngest of all remontant varieties. It was developed by agronomists from the USA. Today it is considered the best and most promising in many countries of the world. Large berries have a pleasant aroma and excellent sweet taste.

"Monterey" is another brainchild of agronomists from the University of California. Its ancestor was the famous Albion variety, which was described above. Monterey berries are large with juicy pulp. The shape is oblong. The density of the berries is quite high so that they can be easily transported. And they can be stored for seven days without loss of external and taste qualities. Distinctive feature varieties - resistance to hot weather. Despite high temperatures throughout the summer, Monterey can provide you with large harvests.

Reproduction methods

Repair strawberries, unlike ordinary ones, need constant rejuvenation. Therefore, the breeding process becomes an integral part of annual care. There are several ways.

The first is with seeds. The most difficult of the methods. But it provides gardeners with the largest number of healthy bushes. For beardless varieties, this is the only method of propagation. Seeds can be obtained from ripe berries.

The second is a mustache. As you can tell, it is only available for the mustachioed subspecies. This method allows you to quickly get a lot of young bushes. This is a great advantage for rapidly aging varieties. Pay special attention to the number of outlets. There should be no more than three of them, closest to the mother bush. But don't use a weak mustache. They need to be removed completely so that they do not weaken the plants during the fruiting period.

The third is dividing the bushes. Used in rare cases. For example, for urgently obtaining seedlings. Only strong and healthy bushes are suitable for this method of propagation. However, not all remontant varieties can propagate in this way.


These varieties of strawberries can be planted both in spring and autumn. The main thing is to choose the most suitable site and prepare it in advance. If you are going to plant in the fall, prepare the place in the spring, and vice versa.

Many varieties begin to bear fruit in the first year. Therefore, strawberries can be planted in the southern regions of Russia in early spring to get a quick harvest. In the central part, the soil does not warm up so quickly after winter, so it is worth giving preference to autumn planting.

Proceed to autumn planting it is necessary in August-September so that the strawberries have time to get stronger and adapt before the cold weather begins. In this case, it will produce the first harvests in the spring.

Agronomists recommend planting remontant garden strawberries on light soils such as sandy loam or loam. The acid reaction should be weak or neutral. The beds need to be made high so that moisture in the ground does not stagnate.

And pay special attention to the crops that were grown in this area before. Strawberries should not be planted in places where potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes or cabbage grew. If carrots, beets, radishes, parsley or legumes were located in this place, this, on the contrary, is a big plus.

If a suitable area has been selected, it’s time to move on to preparing it. Many people neglect this stage and get the corresponding sad result. The soil needs to be dug up, simultaneously removing all the roots of the weeds. Then fertilize the soil with organic matter. About one bucket per person square meter. Mullein or humus are suitable for these purposes. Additionally, add tree resin - five kilograms per square meter.

Four weeks before planting the seedlings, the soil needs to be fertilized again. Prepare a mixture of 40 grams of superphosphate and 10 grams of potassium sulfate. Apply one tablespoon per square meter. m.

So, now let's move on to the main stage. It is worth noting that the planting rules are the same for both seasons, spring and autumn.

On the eve of planting, loosen the soil and prepare the holes. Calculate the depth based on the height of the roots; it should be several centimeters more. The distance between rows should be at least 70 centimeters, and between each bush - 25 centimeters.

Place handfuls of soil at the bottom of each hole to allow the roots to spread over them. At the same time, try to avoid creases or kinks. After sprinkling, the soil must be compacted so that there are no voids left.

This should be done in the evening or at cloudy weather. Before planting, pay attention to the roots of the seedlings. If among them there are damaged ones or those whose length exceeds 10 centimeters, cut them off. It would also be a good idea to treat them with special mixtures for prevention. After planting, water the bushes.


If ordinary strawberries are quite hardy and unpretentious, then remontant strawberries are very capricious and demanding. This is the price for bulk harvests. Get ready for regular care throughout the season.

First a few facts:

  • due to frequent fruiting, the bushes become very exhausted;
  • remontant varieties have increased sensitivity to soil quality and its moisture level;
  • Bushes of such strawberries live no more than three years.

This is the main thing to consider when growing. By the way, the most preferred neighbors for strawberries are carrots, peas, radishes, lettuce or beans. And if you plant garlic between the rows, it will repel snails and slugs from the berries. What you shouldn't plant next to is eggplants, cucumbers, potatoes or peppers.

The first thing that remontant strawberries need is abundant watering. The frequency should be calculated so that upper layer the soil remained moist throughout the growing season and was not covered with a dry crust. Watering can be done in two ways. Pour water into the grooves between the rows or from a hose by sprinkling.

The second, but no less important part of care is feeding. It helps nourish weakening strawberries. It is recommended to use organic substances in liquid form. Mixtures of manure, bird droppings or urea (10 liters of substance per liter of water) are perfect for these purposes. Fertilizer must be applied before flowering begins. Around the first half of June.

Don't forget about the transplant. Remontant strawberries can grow in one place for no more than two years. It is advisable to replant it every year. Otherwise, due to soil depletion, the size of the fruit decreases.

This procedure should be carried out in August, before autumn begins. The bushes will need time to adapt and prepare for the onset of cold weather. New site need to be prepared two weeks before transplantation, namely:

  • dig up, get rid of weeds and their roots;
  • fertilize the soil with humus (one bucket per sq. m.) and phosphorus preparations (30 grams per sq. m.).

After two weeks:

  • mark the area and dig holes (the distances are the same as for the initial planting);
  • move the bushes to a new area:
  • spud;
  • sprinkle the bed with sawdust;
  • water generously.

Strawberries withstand the cold winters of central Russia. But she needs special preparation. Trim late bloomers first. They still won’t have time to ripen, but they will take away the remaining strength from the plant.

Then it is recommended to feed the strawberries. Fortified bushes will withstand the winter better. Use potassium-phosphorus preparations, which can be applied in either liquid or dry form. And those who prefer traditional methods, can replace minerals compost.

By the way, some long-day varieties may suffer due to early autumn frosts. Therefore, in September it is better to cover them with agrofibre.

If the winter is expected to be harsh and cold, the beds should be covered with straw, dry leaves or peat.

Diseases and prevention

Remontant strawberries suffer from the same ailments as regular ones. Accordingly, the measures to combat them are the same. We will tell you in more detail about the main enemies of this culture. Let's start with diseases.

  • Powdery mildew– a harmful fungus that can spread in various ways: by air, with moisture or on foreign objects. Represents white coating, covering the stems and leaves, which slows down photosynthesis and the bush dies. The disease can be identified by dry, curled foliage and altered fruit shape. To prevent the disease, it is recommended to spray strawberries with a soap-copper solution.

  • Gray rotfungal disease, primarily affecting plant roots. Then it moves to their upper parts. The infected bush withers and dies. At the same time, he becomes a spreader of infection. You should get rid of such bushes immediately. And healthy ones need to be treated with fungicides. The risk of disease is reduced if strawberries are grown in a well-ventilated area.

    • Nematodes– worms are very small in size. They cannot be seen with the naked eye. They not only eat aboveground part strawberries, but also inject a toxic liquid into the tissue, which can harm human health. Infected bushes cannot be treated and must be destroyed. Healthy ones need to be treated chemicals. Fertilizing strawberries with manure reduces the risk of nematode attack.
    • Spider mite- small bugs entangling strawberry bushes with thin transparent threads. They feed on plant juices. The risk of attack is reduced if you treat strawberries with onion tincture. Acaricides, such as Apollo or Neoron, will help get rid of this tick.

Summer residents and gardeners quite often plant the most common and beloved berry by many - strawberries. Experienced owners personal plots They know that strawberries must be carefully cared for. When growing, you need to know what remontant strawberries mean, how to grow them correctly and what is required from gardeners to grow a tasty crop.

What does remontant strawberry mean?

Remontability is the ability of plants to produce crops several times during one growing season. By creating such varieties of berries favorable conditions, you can harvest throughout the season. A remontant bush can live for a maximum of three years, which means that some of the inflorescences die after the first berries are collected.

In the traditional genus of such strawberries, the varieties of berries are small-fruited and large-fruited. The second option is considered the most desirable among gardeners.

Delicious remontant strawberries are obtained from the most popular varieties: “White Dream”, “Mitsa Nova”, “Lyubasha”, “Arapaho”. Also common varieties are: “Queen Elizabeth” “Superfection”, “Tristar”, “Irm”, “Fort Lamerie”, “Ozark Beauty”, “Geneva”, “Tribute”. The proportions of the first and second harvest for such fruits are: 30 and 70%.

To avoid low yields and loss of taste, gardeners often abandon the first harvest of berries and cut off the first strawberry flower stalks for more worthy ones. external qualities and the amount of the second harvest.

The difference between remontant strawberries and ordinary ones

Remontant varieties of strawberries require more attention than ordinary varieties. This means that frequent watering and fertilizing are necessary for the formation of large berries and repeated fruiting.

Regular garden strawberry produces a harvest once a year and creates flower buds during short daylight hours. This means that such a plant will have a harvest only next year. In remontant varieties, buds begin to form during long and neutral daylight hours. And such plants produce two harvests per season.

Which strawberries are better: remontant or regular?

Remontant varieties are distinguished by repeated fruiting and produce a harvest before frost, which allows you to harvest from 1.5 to 2 kg of berries from one plant. Another feature of remontant varieties is the formation of fruits not only on the main bush, but also on the newly formed tendrils.

Due to repeated fruiting, such strawberries age and thin out faster than ordinary ones. This means that this feature does not allow gardeners to relax, since the plants need frequent watering and fertilizing, which means that they will have to spend a lot of time and effort on caring for the bushes.

Features of remontant strawberries

For efficient cultivation For remontant strawberries, it is necessary to take into account the correct agricultural techniques. Typically the second berry harvest is most from the entire harvest, which has a bad effect on the viability of the bushes. This means that many of them are not able to withstand heavy loads and die after productive output.

When growing this crop, you need to be prepared for the fact that strawberries will not bear fruit for a long time; the growth and development cycle for varieties with long daylight hours is 2–3 years, and bushes with neutral daylight hours are characterized by an accelerated cycle of 1 year.

In order for large-fruited strawberries to produce large berries weighing up to 100 grams. next year, better stick to it following rules growing:

  1. It is better to plant the crop in a new bed, where it acclimatizes faster, from July to the end of August or early September.
  2. Pick off all the first flowers to ensure a richer subsequent harvest of remontant strawberries.
  3. In July–August next year repeat the first point; for this, shoots are taken from the parent bushes.
  4. After the strawberries finish bearing fruit, the bushes are removed from the garden without waiting for established frosts.
  5. Cover the beds with mulch; straw, hay, sawdust and dry leaves are good for this.

Important! Cover the ground with siderites or mulch for the winter. This means that the beds should never be left bare.


For growing remontant varieties of strawberries, the soil on which parsley, carrots, beets, radishes or legumes were previously grown is best suited. Land that was previously cultivated with potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes or cucumbers is not suitable for planting strawberries.

The soil for remontant varieties is loamy or sandy loam. This means that the earth should be slightly acidic or neutral.

During preparation, it is necessary to loosen and level the ground, removing weed roots. As fertilizer per 1 sq. m of land use one bucket of humus or compost. Similarly, based on 10 sq. m, five kilograms of wood ash are added to the soil.

A month before planting the bushes, 20 grams of potassium sulfate is added to the ground with the addition of 40 grams of superphosphate (the calculation of the numbers is indicated for 1 sq. m of soil). When the fertilization process is completed, the soil must be dug up again.

It is preferable to sow seedlings of remontant strawberries when optimal temperature air, which means an average of 15–25 °C. With the nesting method, plants are placed at a distance of at least half a meter between the bushes. This method is suitable for crops that throw out tendrils, which is very important: it means it will not allow contact with each other and transmission of infections. Also, the plants do not darken neighboring bushes, which makes it possible to obtain high-quality, tasty berries.

When planting in carpet order, a distance of 20 cm is determined between the bushes. This method of sowing means that the length of row spacing does not exceed 70 cm, and between plants is about 25 cm.

Important! The area for planting should be in direct sunlight, should not have tubercles, depressions, and should be located in the depths.


To retain moisture in the soil, seedlings sown in spring require mulching with straw, sawdust or agrofibre, which makes it possible to water the plants less often.

Proper care of remontant strawberry bushes includes:

  • for varieties, frequent and abundant watering;
  • weeding, fertilizing and protection from pests and diseases;
  • removing tendrils and trimming reddening leaves if necessary (depending on the type of crop).


Remontant varieties are usually grown from seeds, using runners, or by dividing the bush. This means that growing strawberries with seeds is a very painstaking task, since it takes several months. It is advisable to prepare them in February and plant them in the beds in mid-May.

Strawberry cultivation by dividing the bush is chosen when there are few young plants. This means that for this breeding method you need healthy plants with a strong root system. They are planted only in spring.

Reproduction by means of a mustache is the easiest and economical way. Usually, annual bushes are selected that produced good, large berries in the first year. The tendrils that appear are laid out around the bush to ensure they take root; this means that those that appear later must be removed.

In early bushes that develop by August, the shoots connecting them to the parent bush are cut off a week before transplanting them to another place. This means that the new culture is not damaged root system, they are transferred to a new place with a small lump of earth.

Diseases and pests

Remontant strawberries are prone to a number of diseases:

  • late blight;
  • powdery mildew;
  • leaf spot;
  • gray rot;
  • stem nematode;
  • fungal diseases.

To rid strawberries of the most common disease - gray rot - infected berries are removed and the plants are treated with copper chloride. Leaves affected by spotting are treated with the same solution.

Powdery mildew affects strawberry leaves, causing them to curl and turn brown. Affected plants are destroyed and the remaining ones are treated weak solution colloidal sulfur.

The worst pest for strawberries is the strawberry mite. To combat this serious enemy, plants are sprayed with Karbofos.

The best varieties

Mount Everest is a variety that grows well and bears fruit both in open ground, and indoors. Enjoys in great demand among Siberian gardeners, since it has taken root well climatic conditions of this region. Large cone-shaped berries reach a weight of 50 g. Fragrant, sweet-tasting fruits are easily transported over long distances, which means they do not require special attention. High yield and frost resistance are the main advantages of the Everest variety.

Diva f1 considered the best variety, among repairmen. Perfectly adapted to Russian climatic conditions. Most often grown in nurseries, which means it does not require special attention and constant care. The taste of the berries is rich and sweet due to the high sugar content.

This variety is distinguished by high frost resistance and good preservation during transportation.

Selva is a variety that bears fruit continuously fragrant berries. From May until the first frost, plants produce crops 3–4 times. For planting, it is better to choose a well-lit area, which must be periodically fertilized.

Beautiful, shiny scarlet fruits can grow weighing up to 75 g. These strawberries have a sweet and sour taste.


Having determined what remontant strawberries mean, this crop can be safely recommended to all berry lovers. Delicious varieties are suitable for those who want to acquire sweet berries and enjoy the harvest in large quantities.

Having brought home a kitten, the question of the toilet immediately arises. For all cats living in apartments, this is a tray. But the tray needs filler. And here the question arises about choosing a filler.

The choice of fillers is so huge that it is difficult to navigate. There are also expensive clumping, simple mineral and cheap fillers made from pressed sawdust. Which one to choose is up to the animal owner. But all fillers are expected to absorb moisture well, completely absorb odor and, most importantly, to please the animal.

Expensive cat litter is not affordable for everyone. Clumping, expensive products are not always liked by animals, and are sometimes even dangerous for them. In veterinary medicine, there are many cases where small kittens ate a little of this filler, which led to serious complications and diseases of the digestive system.

Mineral fillers are cheap, but do not cope with odor. Which makes them less in demand. Compacted sawdust litter does an excellent job of eliminating odor and moisture, but cats can easily spill it out of the litter box when raking it. In addition, sawdust sticks to the paws, and this spreads throughout the apartment.

We offer a solution to this issue, which will allow you to significantly save on fillers, completely isolates the smell, and the tray can be changed no more than once a week. All you have to do is remove the solid fragments every day and that’s it!

Let's take pressed sawdust, which copes so well with odor and moisture, and pour it into the bottom of the tray. You need very little sawdust, since when absorbed they will increase significantly in size.

Place a grate on top mineral filler. It passes moisture through itself, and the sawdust absorbs it and neutralizes it. In addition, all cats like the mineral filling; it does not spread on its paws throughout the apartment, does not stick to the animal’s fur and, apparently, is very pleasant to rake.

The proposed method will save a lot of money. Housewives will not be horrified by the torn up contents of the cat litter, and guests will never smell an unpleasant odor.

So, if your cat just can’t get used to the toilet, she may simply not like its contents.

When a cat appears in the house, the question immediately arises of purchasing a comfortable, and most importantly, economical toilet. A tray with a mesh meets these requirements. Due to its versatility, you can use both silicone filler and regular wood filler. Many pet owners consider it the most practical and convenient option.

Design of a cat litter box with grate

This tray consists of two elements: a tray and a grid that is placed on top of it. A grate is needed in the cat's litter box so that the cat does not get dirty in his feces. Like the vast majority of cat litter boxes, mesh litter boxes are made from plastic materials. This is because other materials, such as metal, react with the animal's feces and oxidize. This is dangerous due to harmful fumes that the pet and its owner will have to breathe.

Pros and cons of using

This tray, like any other thing, has its advantages and disadvantages. Main advantages:

  1. This toilet model is inexpensive, and in addition, the owner will be able to save on filler.
  2. Since the filler is completely hidden in the tray, the cat will not be able to reach it and taste it.
  3. Compared to conventional plastic toilets, this tray option is more hygienic. After all, thanks to the grate, the pet does not come into contact with dirty litter and does not spread it throughout the house on its paws.
  4. Manifold color range. A person can choose just such a cat litter box with a grate that would fit into the interior of the apartment.

Main disadvantages:

  1. Daily washing. The grate of the litter box will have to be washed every time your pet uses the restroom. Otherwise, it will get dirty with the products of its vital activity, and an unpleasant smell will hang in the apartment.
  2. A cat litter box with a grid is suitable only for those owners who spend their time mainly in the house. If you do not wash the mesh in time, the animal may refuse to relieve itself again in a dirty tray, and this is fraught with “surprises” in the most unexpected places.
  3. Smell. If you do not use fillers, then such an open tray will invariably emit not the most pleasant odors.

The last disadvantage can be easily avoided. You just need to pour it into the tray wood filler, it absorbs moisture and retains odors.

How to use a cat litter box with bars

The mesh toilet is very easy to use. It can be used with or without filler. To use a litter box with a cat grid, follow these steps:

  • the container is installed in a secluded place, but so that the animal has round-the-clock access to it (for example, under the bathroom);
  • filler or simple sawdust is poured into the tray tray so that it covers the bottom (if liquid gets on them, the granules swell greatly, so you should not overdo it with the quantity);
  • A mesh is placed on top of the tray and the toilet is ready for use.

In order for the animal to regularly go to the same place when needed, you need to use the cat litter box correctly and take care of choosing the appropriate litter.

How to choose a filler?

If there is no opportunity for regular washing, then to avoid odors it is worth using cat litter. In the pet store they are presented in a wide range of different materials:

  1. Silica gel absorbs liquid better than other granules and absorbs odors. It is made from dry silicate gel, so it is toxic. It is not recommended to use it in apartments where small kittens live. They can taste it, and in addition, the silica gel granules begin to fizz when they get wet. This may frighten your pet.
  2. Wood filler is also effective in controlling odors. Absorbing liquid, its granules increase in size by 2-3 times. Therefore, you need to pour it in small quantities, which allows you to save a lot.
  3. Mixed clay and sawdust filler. Despite the fact that it copes well with the task, it also has disadvantages. It is also not suitable for kittens, as they may swallow it. And when they react with liquid, the granules become wet and can stick to the pet’s fur.
  4. Regular sawdust. Sawdust blocks odor quite well, but is significantly inferior in this regard to wood filler.
  5. Sand. River sand only absorbs moisture, but does not eliminate the odor at all, so you have to change the filler often.

Of the listed options, the most versatile will be wood filler. It can be used for kittens and adults, for healthy animals and animals prone to allergies. But if several individuals live in the house, then the best way to deal with the smell is silica gel.

Cats rarely do anything out of spite, so if the owner finds a puddle in the wrong place, he should not scold the cat. You just need to change the filler and monitor your pet’s reaction.

How to change the filler correctly?

The frequency of changing the filler depends on its type. For example, wood pellets that have been exposed to urine scatter at the bottom of the tray. They are separated with a spatula from the surviving granules and thrown away. If there are no whole ones left, then remove all sawdust from the tray and wash it well under running water.

This type of litter can be changed once a week, provided that only one pet uses the toilet.

You can use cat litter, such as silica gel, for two weeks and only then change it completely. But it is better to remove already used lumps immediately. And the contents of the tray need to be stirred periodically for quick drying.

The mixed filler is also changed once a week. To do this, you need to use a special spatula with holes through which the used filler will be sifted from the clean one. After this procedure, fresh granules are added to the container.

Sand is the weakest among its competitors; it should be changed completely, preferably every day.

In addition, you will need wet cleaning and around the tray, as grains of sand may spill outside of it. Each owner can decide for himself how much filler to add by observing the animal.

Required amount of filler per cat:

  • wood filler - 1 layer;
  • silica gel - 2 cm in height;
  • mixed - 3 cm;
  • sand - 1 cm.

All types of fillers have different granule sizes. This is convenient because you can buy small stones for kittens, in which they will rummage with interest, and this will help them quickly get used to the toilet.

How to train a cat to use a litter box?

When a tray and filler have been chosen, the main question arises - how to train the cat to do its business in the right place. Right place. You can teach this to a cat of any age, but it is easier to do this when there is a kitten in the house.

To do this, the tray is installed in a dark, secluded place where no one will disturb the animal or disturb it.

After this, the kitten can be periodically brought into the tray and made digging movements with its paws. If during the day the owner notices that the pet has begun to rush about and behave restlessly, he should also take the animal to the tray. When a cat successfully goes to the toilet in the litter box, he must be encouraged.