home · On a note · The name of the flower is Asian swimsuit. The flowers are frying, they are the lights, they are the bathing suit. Contraindications and side effects

The name of the flower is Asian swimsuit. The flowers are frying, they are the lights, they are the bathing suit. Contraindications and side effects

If you are planning a trip across the vastness of Eastern, Western, Central Siberia, along the slopes of Altai, or you are about to travel to Mongolia, then there you will probably catch your eye amazing plant. But, under one condition - if your path passes through a meadow, or you walk through a damp clearing. Well, you’re unlikely to want to visit the extreme northern regions of the tundra, but in vain, that’s where the Asian swimmer grows in large numbers.


Asian bathwort is a rhizomatous plant, a representative of the large ranunculaceae family.

The leaves are dark green, they are large near the ground, the upper leaves are not large, there may be several flowering stems. In the tundra they are short-growing, and rise no higher than 10 cm in height. middle lane In Russia they grow up to a meter. The bright orange flowers are large, their diameter is 5-6 cm, which is why the second name of the plant is “Asian fire”. When they bloom, it seems that the meadow lights up with a million bright lights. The plant, reminiscent of a Chinese rose, does not bloom for long, from May to June, only 20-27 days. The spherical flower of the Asian beauty has a flatter shape than that of the European one. There are more than 20 sepals, 20-25, the flower itself, due to the protruding nectary petals, seems double.

Each fruit contains several leaflets, on average there are 20-30, but sometimes there are more than 50. At the end of July, small black seeds finish ripening.

A plant with unusually beautiful, bright colors used by man since 1759, but only in decorative purposes. Good honey plant, but medical purposes not used as it is considered poisonous plant. Although, traditional healers believe that treatment with infusions and decoctions based on Asian swimsuit eye diseases, stomach disorders, conditions accompanied by weakness and loss of strength, gives good results. Baths with a swimsuit give a good effect for hemorrhoids, and ointments for ulcers, abscesses and abrasions. It is believed that with its help you can cure scurvy, angina, scabies and even alleviate the suffering of patients with epilepsy. Traditional healers use leaves, stems and flowers of plants to prepare their potions.

    Noun, number of synonyms: 2 frying (2) plant (4422) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    EUROPEAN SWIMSUIT (TGO-LLIUS EUROPAEUS L.)- see European swimsuit; Asian swimsuit Perennial with fibrous roots. The stem is 25-90 cm high, with pentagonal-shaped plates, dissected to the base into 5 rhombic, jaggedly incised segments. Flowers are solitary,... ... Meadow herbaceous plants

    Swimsuit- Asian (frying). SWIMSUIT, kind perennial herbs(Runcup family). Over 30 species, in cold and temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere. There are about 25 species in Russia, mainly in Siberia and the Far East. The flowers of the swimsuit are spherical,... ... Illustrated encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Trollius), a genus of perennial grasses of the family. Ranunculaceae. The leaves are palmate or lobed. The flowers are large, homogamous, yellow or orange, with a nectar pit at the base of the petals; pollinated by insects. The fruit is multi-leafed. St. 30 species, in... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Agrafena Swimsuit. Swimsuit ... Wikipedia

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Probably many people know the European swimsuit, or kupava, as it is called in Russia. This is perennial herbaceous plant with large bright yellow flowers. They bloom on Ivan Kupala (old style - June 23). On this ancient Slavic holiday, girls wove wreaths from them and danced around the fire. The Russian name of the flower goes back to it. The botanical name for swimsuits is trollius.

There is no consensus among scientists about the origin of this name. Some believe that this plant, widespread throughout Europe and also found in the Alpine mountains, was considered a talisman of mountain spirits - trolls. According to other sources, it comes from the ancient German word “troll” - ball. Indeed, double flowers swimsuits, consisting of 20 or more petals, have the shape of a ball. In addition to the European, many other types of swimsuits are known: Asian - lives in Western and Eastern Siberia, Dzungarian - in the Alatau, Pamir and Tien Shan mountains, Yunnan - in China, Ledebur - in the Far East, etc. But only Ledebur and Asian swimsuits have flowers are bright orange.

When you look at a clearing whose emerald greenery is dotted with bright flowers Asian swimsuit, it seems that she is all glowing with many lights. Siberians lovingly call them “lights” in Western Siberia, or “frying” - in Eastern Siberia. They bloom early in Siberia, right after the primroses from mid-May to mid-June. There are up to 50 peduncles on one bush. They are straight, without branches, tall (up to 60 cm). This makes them look good in bouquets. Just keep in mind that after cutting, the stems must be immediately immersed in water, otherwise the flowers will quickly fade. But swimsuits look better in the garden. By the way, the bushes of “lights,” after they “blaze,” remain decorative until autumn thanks to their beautiful ornamental foliage.

It is not difficult to grow a swimsuit. You just have to keep in mind that she is moisture-loving. Its root system lies superficially and does not tolerate drying out of the soil. Apparently, this is why in nature it grows either in the partial shade of trees, or in moist meadows near streams, but always on fertile, loose, moisture-absorbing soils. By growing a swimsuit in my garden, I solve this problem simply. The soil on my site is loamy. I dig a hole 30 cm in diameter and half a spade deep, fill it with a mixture of garden soil and compost (1:1), add a glass wood ash, a tablespoon of superphosphate and carefully dig it onto the bayonet of the shovel. When transplanting plants (in July - August), I straighten the roots to the sides and make sure that the bud is not covered with soil. I plant in any place - open to the sun or in the shade of trees, but be sure to mulch the soil with leaves or fir needles in a layer no thicker than 5 cm. This allows you to retain moisture in the soil and eliminates frequent watering. If I do water it, it is not abundant, so that the soil is moistened only in the root layer - three liters per bush. In one place without transplanting, the swimsuit can be grown for 5-7 years. Then the bush should be divided and replanted, otherwise the flowers become smaller and there are fewer of them. The plant is very responsive to fertilizing - nitrogen - in early spring, superphosphate and potassium salt - after flowering, when flower buds are laid. The bathing suit can withstand harsh conditions perfectly Siberian winters under a thick layer of snow and does not need special shelters.

You can propagate the swimsuit by seeds. They are black, shiny, and quite large. They can be sown in the fall of the harvest year or the following spring. In the latter case, they must be stratified. The seeds must be mixed with a moistened substrate (sawdust, sand, peat, etc.), wrapped in a canvas cloth, polyethylene and placed under freezer refrigerator or under the snow, where the temperature is about 0°C. Once a week, the bag should be ventilated, ensure that mold does not appear on the substrate, mix and moisten as necessary. After 2-3 months, the seeds can be sown. It is better to do this in early spring. They are sealed to a depth of 1 cm. The location must be in the shade. Shoots appear after three weeks. During this time, the soil should not be allowed to dry out. I achieve this in the following way: I cover the crops with damp burlap and lightly sprinkle it with straw so that the burlap does not dry out quickly. Once a week I remove the burlap to ventilate and control soil moisture. With this care, the seedlings are friendly and healthy. By autumn, seedlings can be planted on permanent place. The swimsuit blooms from the second year.

Asian swimsuit not only beautiful plant, but also useful. She has medicinal properties. In his book “The Herbs of Life and Their Finders,” Professor G.V. Krylov writes: “In folk medicine An aqueous infusion of the Asian bathhouse is used for jaundice, as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and anti-scorbutic agent. A water infusion of the roots is drunk for dropsy, epilepsy and scabies.” This is such a wonderful plant in all respects - Asian swimsuit. I will gladly send seeds to anyone who would like “lights” to glow on their plot. These, as well as the seeds of more than 200 others rare plants, can be ordered from the catalogue. Send an envelope with your address to Gennady Pavlovich Anisimov: 634024, Tomsk, st. 5th Army, 29 – 33 – you will receive the catalog there for free. The catalog can also be obtained from e-mail– send a request by E-mail: [email protected]. The catalog can be found on the website http://sem-ot-anis.narod.ru.

Gennady Anisimov, Tomsk

There are many folk names of this plant - kupava, kupavnitsa, kupavka, frying, lights, Siberian; they all characterize the flower to one degree or another.

Landing rules

The plant reproduces seeds and division of rhizomes. IN natural environment It grows very quickly on its own and does not cause any trouble in cultivation.

Important! If sowing of a plant is not planned immediately after ripening and not before winter, planting material should only be stored in a dark, cool place, such as a refrigerator. Otherwise, the seeds will be lost.


Seeds must be sown immediately after ripening or before winter - in this case, seedlings will appear in the spring. It is extremely important to ensure good hydration. Then the seedlings should be pricked at intervals of 5–10 cm. The plant must be given the opportunity to get stronger before being planted in a flowerbed. It is best to transplant the swimsuit to the next permanent habitat. The “lights” will bloom in the second year after sowing.

Dividing the bush

The vegetative propagation method is more popular. It is much easier to plant by dividing the queen cell or early planting. It is necessary to dig up the root, wash it and divide it into any number of parts using a knife. Then prepare a hole 40 cm deep and place the seedling there.

Planting must be done at a distance of 40–50 cm. Leaves should be trimmed, and new ones will appear after two weeks. Dividing the clump should be done with mature, strong plants that are more than 5 years old.

Caring for an Asian Swimsuit

It is necessary to regularly weed around the plant and also to weed it.


This the most important thing in care behind a moisture-loving flower. Special attention should be given to young “lights”; the plant needs regular abundant water during the active growing season, that is, from May to June.

Top dressing

Before planting, it is necessary to add it to the soil or at the rate of 3 buckets per square meter. In the spring you need to fertilize or apply fertilizers.


Both planting and replanting are best done in spring or autumn. The bathing suit is removed from the soil, washed root system, if necessary, divide it into equal parts, and then plant it in another place. Without replanting, the plant can grow for up to 10 years, and after this period it is necessary to divide the clump.