home · electrical safety · What is a tapeworm in the landscape? Tapeworms in landscape design: rules for choosing and planting plants. Shrubs and perennial herbs for single plantings

What is a tapeworm in the landscape? Tapeworms in landscape design: rules for choosing and planting plants. Shrubs and perennial herbs for single plantings

IN landscape design A tapeworm is a separately planted plant. It is beautiful in itself and does not need to be supplemented. Solitaires only need a background. This could be a trimmed green lawn or a mulched area around the plant. The soil under the tapeworm plants sprinkled with peat, wood waste or bark emphasizes their beauty.

When placing tapeworms, you must remember that between them and the viewing point there should be a distance equal to two to three times the height of the plant. If the distance to the plant is made greater, it will be impossible to see decorative leaves or flowers. At a shorter distance, the plant will appear larger and decorative effect will decrease.

For tapeworms, plants with unusual flowers and leaves, spectacular fruits, and original form crown or bush. In this case, the plant must be large enough. It should retain its decorative effect throughout spring, summer and autumn. In the best case, it will be decorative in winter. Tapeworms are usually perennial plants.

Tapeworms are primarily trees (Fig. 74). Single spruces, maples with a ball-shaped crown, oaks, ornamental apple trees, etc. are spectacular. These trees can be planted in the middle of the lawn, at the entrance to a building or near the bend of a path. To see the beauty of these trees, you must large space. It is only in parks and squares. In large gardens and parks, classic tapeworm plants are horse chestnut, cordifolia linden, common spruce and blue spruce (Fig. 74).

Figure 74. Solitaire tree

In small gardens, shrubs are usually used as tapeworms. For this purpose, paniculate and tree hydrangea, standard roses, juniper, thuja, goat willow or Lorberg acacia are suitable (Fig. 75).

Figure 75. Solitaire bush

Find tapeworms among herbaceous flowers cultivated plants more difficult. After all, they should not only bloom beautifully, but also have decorative leaves. In addition, they must be attractive in appearance long time. For example, delphinium blooms beautifully, but after that it loses its decorative effect. It is necessary to cut off faded flowers, and often stems and leaves. Closer to autumn, this plant recovers, but for some time falls out of its role as a tapeworm.

For solitary plantings, you can use Volzhanka, peonies, black cohosh, large hostas, telekia, aconite, elecampane, buzulniki, and multicolored euphorbias. Other plants with large and original leaves are also suitable. Among annuals, amaranths, cleomes, castor beans, and forest tobacco can be planted as tapeworms. From perennial plants that are dug up, Indian cannas and dahlias are suitable for this role. It should be borne in mind that the last two groups of plants become decorative only at the end of June.

Single plants look just as good near a house or veranda as they do against a lawn. If they are planted in a sunny place where other plants will not interfere, they will develop harmoniously. In such conditions, the tapeworm reveals its natural beauty. This is especially evident in trees. If they grow on open place, then they develop a spreading crown. In tree species such as hawthorn, sugar maple, willow, ornamental apple and rowan, the lower branches grow twisted and hang down to the ground, forming a tent.

Trees as tapeworms are most suitable for planning regular compositions. Therefore, they look good on well-kept green lawns.

For landscape planning single apple trees are recommended as tapeworm compositions dwarf rootstock and tree cherry. Blooming irga looks beautiful in spring. Among the shrubs, we can recommend Daurian rhododendron for solitaire planting.

If a deciduous tree is planned for the design of the lawn and solitary planting, then you need to think about how it will look in the autumn and winter time. Some tree species become more beautiful in the fall due to their bright foliage - mountain ash, maples, and evergreen rhododendrons remain green until winter. Some trees remain green until mid-autumn - cherry, jasmine, deciduous rhododendron. There are trees with beautiful fruits that give the tree a special decorative appearance. The curved and woven branches of the trees are beautiful even in winter under the snow. You can plan the area in such a way that there is a pleasant looking corner at any time of the year.

Nowadays, trimming green spaces in the form of various compositions: geometric shapes, animals, etc. This also applies to regular compositions (Fig. 76).

Figure 76. Solitaire tree with a formed crown

A tapeworm for a landscape-style garden should look natural. Therefore, it is advisable to select bushes that do not require pruning. And if you still have to prune a tree, then you need to take into account the natural shape of its crown. After all, for example, a tapeworm apple tree can not only decorate a plot, but also produce a good harvest.

In the old days, special techniques were used to create tapeworms. Several trees were planted close to each other in the park. Growing up, they grew together and formed a common trunk above the ground, which diverged higher. It looked like a bouquet of trees. In a similar way, arches and tripods were created from trees. Only the trees were fused not in the lower part, but in the apical part. Nowadays such techniques for decorating parks are rarely used.

The favorite tapeworm plant for many gardeners is juniper. This plant is beautiful, has medicinal properties, decorates the garden, and also repels mosquitoes.

Another favorite plant of many gardeners is lilac. A lone lilac bush in the garden is a real decoration. In the open space it grows and blooms luxuriantly. If you plant a lilac bush away from other plants, it will only become more attractive and will dominate the landscape of the area. If you plant flowers at the base of a lilac, it will lose all its attractiveness.

Hydrangea paniculata is suitable for the role of tapeworm. It looks royal on the green lawn. This is the most suitable place for her. At abundant flowering hydrangea creates bright accent in the landscape of the site and at the same time does not overload the space.

In order for tapeworms to fulfill their purpose, they must be removed from proximity to other plants. Excess plants create a mess in the garden and you have to expend additional physical labor in caring for them.

Single plantings (tapeworms) in garden design.

Solitaire is called popular today design technique, often used in the improvement and landscaping of private parks and properties.

Translated from Latin, “solitaire” means “lonely” and, applying this word to gardening, it turns out - solitary beautiful tree, shrub or other plant. In the landscape arrangement of a site, such a plant is made the center of the entire composition, where absolutely any crop adapted to the future growing area can act as a tapeworm.

It is beautiful in itself and does not need to be supplemented. Solitaires only need a background. This could be a trimmed green lawn or a mulched area around the plant. The soil under the tapeworm plants sprinkled with peat, wood waste or bark emphasizes their beauty. Thus, single plants are most often planted on the lawn.
Their decorativeness can be emphasized by a border made of stone of a well-chosen color or a combination of colors, the clarity of the lines of low plants, or visual “attraction” with the help of other plants. These may be separate decorative elements trees or shrubs, located in open space or against the backdrop of an array.

Since the emphasis is on the plant, it should not lose its qualities even in winter, and since everything beautiful needs a beautiful and worthy frame, it must be created. A perfectly tidy lawn with an uneven or, conversely, regular edge can serve as such.

When placing tapeworms, you must remember that between them and the viewing point there should be a distance equal to two to three times the height of the plant. If the distance to the plant is greater, it will be impossible to see decorative leaves or flowers. With a smaller distance, the plant will appear larger and its decorative effect will decrease.

For tapeworms, plants with unusual flowers and leaves, spectacular fruits, and an original shape of the crown or bush are selected. In this case, the plant must be large enough. It should retain its decorative effect throughout spring, summer and autumn. In the best case, it will be decorative in winter.

Tapeworms are usually perennial plants.

Tapeworms are primarily trees. Single spruces, maples with a ball-shaped crown, oaks, ornamental apple trees, etc. are spectacular. These trees can be planted in the middle of the lawn, at the entrance to a building or near the bend of a path. To see the beauty of these trees, a large space is needed. It is only in parks and squares. In large gardens and parks, classic tapeworm plants include horse chestnut, cordifolia linden, Norway spruce and blue spruce.

In small gardens, shrubs are usually used as tapeworms. Standard roses, thuja, goat willow or Lorberg acacia are suitable for this.

Another favorite plant of many gardeners is lilac. A lone lilac bush in the garden is a real decoration. In the open space it grows and blooms luxuriantly. If you plant a lilac bush away from other plants, it will only become more attractive and will dominate the landscape of the area. If you plant flowers at the base of a lilac, it will lose all its attractiveness.

Hydrangea paniculata is suitable for the role of tapeworm. It looks royal on the green lawn. This is the most suitable place for her. With abundant flowering, hydrangea creates a bright accent in the landscape of the site and does not overload the space.

A tapeworm for a landscape-style garden should look natural. Therefore, it is advisable to select bushes that do not require pruning. And if you still have to prune a tree, then you need to take into account the natural shape of its crown. After all, for example, a tapeworm apple tree can not only decorate a plot, but also produce a good harvest.

In the old days, special techniques were used to create tapeworms. Several trees were planted close to each other in the park. Growing up, they grew together and formed a common trunk above the ground, which diverged higher. It looked like a bouquet of trees. In a similar way, arches and tripods were created from trees. Only the trees were fused not in the lower part, but in the apical part. Nowadays such techniques for decorating parks are rarely used.

Not only trees and bushes can act as tapeworms, but also summer flowers, for example, rose bushes, shrubs, tall grass. Any elegant, whimsical or colorful plant can claim to be a tapeworm, even grass unusual color or shade. The main thing is the presence of free space around the tapeworm, which will highlight and emphasize its unusualness and reduce competition.

By the way, about competition. It shouldn't exist. Another beautiful or colorful plant next to the tapeworm turns it into part of the flower bed. The effect of a single plant is wonderful because it is one, in itself. It is possible to appreciate a plant in all its beauty only when nothing distracts from it and it does not dissolve in anything. This is the basic principle of any tapeworm. Keep this in mind when defining your garden concept.


One of the most important details tapeworm is its correspondence to the size of the house and the occupied plot. A large tree can shade a nearby flower garden or the house itself, making it appear overly large. The larger the plant, the farther it should be from the point of contemplation and vice versa - the smaller the bush or its leaves, which are an asset, the closer to the paths the planting should be done.

Solitaire plants with large leaves or bright colors are best planted against the background of building facades, European fences or decorative fences, a little away from paths, so that you can appreciate their splendor from the outside.

In the adult state, the height of the tapeworm and the width of the clearing should have a ratio of 1 to 3. Parks, squares and boulevards most often have such space relatively big trees. Therefore on personal plots It is only possible to use shrubs and low-growing bushes that imitate a small tree.

When planting a deciduous plant, think in advance about how it will look in the fall and winter, without leaves, dusted with snow.

If you are working with free space where the plant does not need to fight for sunlight, you are very lucky, as the tapeworm will be able to show itself in all its glory. But on appearance Other factors also influence: planting location, soil characteristics, plant type.

Columns, a pool or a boulder will help enhance the effect of the plant, which will highlight the unusual shape or bright color. That is why tapeworms can often be seen against the backdrop of fences and gates. They also cover corners of the house or defects in buildings that the owners do not want to show off.

It is better to plant it near the house hardwoods trees, which allow more light into the house in winter, while providing shade and coolness in summer. It is better to decorate fences or blank walls with coniferous trees.

Lawns and lawns will perfectly complement and decorate: birch, decorative apple tree, beech, larch, maple, cherry, magnolia, rowan and other trees. The most popular shrubs in the form of tapeworms are: barberry, dogwood, lilac, hazel, hydrangea, viburnum, etc. At the same time, when choosing a shrub, you need to take into account the size to which it will grow. Perennials and herbs also have wide choose architectural forms, which can boast of rose, peony, hogweed, iris, decorative sunflower, rose, yucca, phlox, etc.

Beautiful flower beds and flower beds

In landscape compositions the plant can be used as:
◾the main element whose task is to focus attention;
◾division of space;
◾an element of enhancing the decorativeness of the main element of the composition.

Gardens designed in a regular style use plants with a regular symmetrical crown shape, planted along the main axis of the layout. To enhance the effect, it is cut and given a crown geometric shape in the form of a ball, column or pyramid. With a landscape garden style, the crown shape can remain natural.

Several things help to decorate the entrance to a house or the facade of a building and make it more solemn. ornamental trees, bushes or flower arrangements, which would clearly stand out against the general background, giving the picture a grandeur. Such plants can be weeping willows, purple-leaved cherry plums, silver spruces or catalpas.

The garden will also be decorated with old trees in the form of oak, ash, maple or linden, if any remain near the house. Don’t rush to cut down such a tree - play with it and make it a highlight, because breaking is not building.

Used sources.

Solitaire plantings are single plantings of plants with high decorative value. Their task is to become accents in garden compositions. Trees, shrubs and flowering plants. Let's consider which flowers are best used as tapeworms.

First of all, it is necessary to select plants that preserve for a long time decorative qualities(bright and large buds, interestingly shaped foliage, etc.), and also fully correspond climatic conditions, resistant to diseases and adverse environmental conditions.

The ideal background for solitary plantings is a well-groomed lawn. You can learn more about lawns from the articles and.

Both perennial beautiful flowering plants (miscanthus, peonies, irises, delphiniums, daylilies, roses, yucca, decorative sunflowers, hostas, etc.) and annuals (in conditions of middle zone Russia - amaranths, forest tobacco, castor beans, etc.)

Daylilies have different colors of flowers (yellow, red, purple, violet, blue, lilac) and leaves, bloom for a long time. You can choose unpretentious, shade-loving, fragrant varieties. Daylilies can decorate the facade of a house, ponds, and space next to small architectural forms.

For soliter plantings, you can plant from 1 to 3 geranium bushes 50-80 cm high with decorative foliage And lush blossoms. Plants look good against the background of ground cover plants, crushed stone, and pebbles. Among the varieties we recommend small-stamened geranium, Georgian and flat-petaled, blood-red.

Lilies are good for single landings thanks to the height from 50 cm to 2 m. Proper development is favored lung conditions shading. Varieties Aelita, Olga, Ryabinka, Nochka, Cherry and others are unpretentious; they winter in open ground without shelter.

Roses are one of the most attractive plants. It is better to use tall park trees - for spacious gardens; floribundas, hybrid teas - for small areas. For example, a variety from the floribunda group Pink Parfait with pink or cream flowers with light pruning is suitable as a tapeworm. For decorating lawns, we can also recommend the varieties Rozarium Uetersen, Leverkusen, Ramira, Harlekin will decorate lawns. Light varieties roses look good against the dark green background of trees. Standard roses look the most advantageous: half-standard, low-standard and weeping.

Among irises, it is better to prefer Siberian ones, in particular, the High Standard variety. Garden decoration will become tall bearded irises, however, their cultivation requires special skill.

Solitaire peonies are beautiful in any landscape due to their variety of colors and shapes. The flowering period of terry peonies is longer, so it is better to prefer them. Fragrant plants with flowers up to 18 cm in diameter can compete even with roses. According to the shape of the flower, double peonies are divided into hemispherical, crown-shaped and rose-shaped.

Architectural plants

Architectural plants are a term not related to botany. British landscape designers proposed to use this term to designate strong plants with an interesting habit, little susceptible to seasonal changes. Due to their durability, these plants, planted as tapeworms, can play the role of small architectural forms in the garden space.

In the North-West region, architectural plants include umbrella plants (hogweed, angelica, fennel), teasel, grasses (feather grass, cortaderia), mallow, butterbur, etc.

Mallow (mallow) is ideal as a tapeworm. The stems of hybrid mallow reach a height of 2 m, the flowers are large, double, of different colors: pink, red and white. Blooms from early summer until autumn. Before the first flowers appear, the plant goes through a development period that lasts about 4 months.

Cortaderia is one of the most beautiful perennial grasses. Plants 2.5-3 m high have bending long leaves and straight thin peduncles. Cortaderia inflorescences will delight you all autumn and winter.

The hemispherical hosta bush will undoubtedly decorate the lawn of the correct shape, garden path. These plants are famous for their beautiful foliage colors. Depending on the variety, it can be dark green, golden, blue, variegated (with a border or veins). Popular varieties: Patriot, Sun Power, June, Whirlwind, Inniswood and others.

Teasels are distinguished by their original inflorescence structure: many small and inconspicuous tubular flowers seem to “run up” in a spiral from bottom to top. Flowering of plants occurs in waves. Teassum sativum in adulthood is a plant 2 m high with a strong branched stem. The plant has an unusual appearance: large capitate lilac inflorescences are surrounded by long needle-shaped bracts.

Eryngium - perennial herbaceous plant up to 1 m high with branched stems at the top and small blue flowers. It has hard leaves, beautiful in shape. Flowering occurs in the second year and lasts all summer.

All these large and tall plants are beautiful in themselves, so they are often used as tapeworms.

While creating landscape projects enjoy various techniques to achieve harmony and beauty of the garden composition. One such technique is to use a tapeworm. Almost any plant in the garden can become a tapeworm. You just need to follow some rules and create the right angle.

Solitaires in design

In landscape design, solitaires (from the Latin Solitarius - lonely) are called separately standing trees, shrubs, flowers or tall grasses in the background open space or an array of trees, shrubs or flowers.

Tapeworms are used both in private estates and in the improvement of parks and city squares.

  1. For example, roses planted in the center of the lawn will be tapeworms.
  2. Even an ordinary cereal bush, planted in a free place and without competitors in the neighborhood, will become a beautiful tapeworm and will look very impressive.
  3. Summer flowers can also become tapeworms, as well as all plants with regular form leaves, shoots or flowers.

The main secret of the tapeworm is that when looking at it from afar, we examine its entire shape, and as we get closer, we examine the details from all sides. Moving along such a plant, we either approach it or move away, constantly changing the focal point.

Rules for choosing a tapeworm

  1. The tapeworm should be proportionate to the house and area of ​​the plot. The height of the tapeworm plant to the width of the planting area should have a ratio of 1:3.
  2. In small areas it is difficult to maintain this ratio, so it is best to use low-growing forms of trees and shrubs, trunks, trimmed topiary forms and weeping species.
  3. Perfect option for small areas -fruit species plants. Pear, apple, cherry, sweet cherry, apricot, when properly formed, not only have a beautifully legible shape, but also bring rich harvests.
  4. In parks and squares there is room to roam, and there you can plant giant oaks and beautiful birches without fear of disturbing the proportions.
  5. Old trees and shrubs available on the site can become excellent tapeworms. Don’t rush to cut them down, but try to beat them profitably and intelligently.
  6. For a garden in a regular style, it is worth choosing plants with correct form crowns (pyramidal, spherical), on plants that can easily tolerate cutting and shaping.
  7. IN Lately many plants are sold in the form bonsai. Even without creating a Japanese or Chinese garden on the site, such a plant can fit into almost any landscape and become an excellent tapeworm.

List of plants for tapeworm

Almost any plant can become a tapeworm. Remember that a plant planted as a tapeworm requires special care. Vedas it is - central figure garden and attracts all eyes.

Deciduous plants for tapeworm

When planting a deciduous plant as a tapeworm, do not forget that there will be no foliage in winter. Choose species with beautifully curved or colored branches, unusual shape trunk or crown.

  • Canadian and Japanese maple(other types are also suitable) - has a beautiful spherical crown, large leaves, which in the fall turn golden - burgundy.
  • Decorative apple tree– the common people also call it “Russian sakura”, in the spring such apple trees stand at pink color. The fruits are usually not edible. There are species with double and semi-double flowers.
  • Weeping willow- This is a powerful plant, with drooping branches, suitable for large gardens and city parks. There are dwarf and low-growing species willows that can be planted in small areas.
  • Birch Jacquemman(Himalayan). At 6 years old, its bark becomes snow-white.
  • Tibetan cherry or also called serrated, has very beautifully curved branches with a shade reminiscent of mahogany. The entire bark is covered with transverse streaks. White dogwood can be found quite often in our gardens now. Without leaves, its shoots are red - burgundy color They will add a luscious touch to any garden.
  • A bush will look impressive against the background of a lawn lilac, hydrangeas, magnolias, cherries, mock orange, spirea, weigels etc.
  • From perennials and cereals, they will cope well with the role of tapeworm peony, iris, rose, phlox, Rogers, day-lily, lily etc.

Coniferous trees for tapeworm

Coniferous plants should be planted along fences, paths and used to decorate the blank walls of buildings.

  • Blue spruce- a tall plant, there are also low-growing species. Evergreen, which enriches the air with beneficial phytoncides.
  • Thuja And junipers– vertically directed views are suitable. For example, thuja occidentalis, the most common in this moment. It is unpretentious in care, only for the first 2 - 3 years, if the seedling is small, it requires shelter for the winter and care at other times of the year (watering, fertilizing). Then it grows on its own.
  • Scots pine– There are tall and short species. Any of them will become a real decoration of your site, choose the height of the plant based on the 1:3 rule and enjoy the beauty.

Rules for planting tapeworm

When planting tapeworm, remember the agricultural technology that is applied to a particular plant. Choose the right place for planting and soil composition.

  1. Sometimes, in order to make the shape of the tapeworm more advantageous, not one, but several plants are planted, placing them close to each other, trunk to trunk.
  2. A plant planted in beautiful flowerpot or a pot. For example, roses in a container will add shine and elegance to any garden. And if not beautiful plants, then the rich flowerpot will take over most attention, and modest flowers will act as an accent.
  3. From two tapeworms, you can make a “duet”, decorating with such single plants the front entrance, area of ​​the fire, fountain, etc.
  4. Also, a “duet” can be created from dissimilar plants. It is better to select species that contrast with each other. For example, tall tree and shrubs planted at its foot, or tall shrubs and perennials at its roots. Such a composition will also be read as a solitaire.
  5. By planting several tapeworms in a row, you can achieve the effect of an alley. Such an alley can be created even on small area using compact trees on a standard or cropped conifers with a vertical shape. The most important thing when planting is to maintain sufficient distance between plants so that they are clearly legible. The distance between plants does not have to be the same.

Place for planting tapeworm

  • Do not plant tall trees near the house or next to neighbors' fences. When the tree grows and becomes an adult, it will provide a lot of shade, sunlight will not enter your windows, and your neighbors may become unhappy, since the shade will interfere with the growth of their plants, and foliage and broken branches will litter the area.
  • Solitaire plants with dark-colored leaves or flowers are planted closer to the viewing point: not far from the gazebo, bench, barbecue area or near the path.
  • Plants with large, beautiful and bright leaves or flowers will look best against the background of a plain fence, wall of a house or outbuilding. Such plants look most impressive from afar.
  • Plant only light-loving plants in sunny places, in semi-shaded and shady places, those that feel good in such places.
  • A tapeworm located near a pool, waterfall, sculpture, or a beautiful boulder will only enhance its effectiveness.
  • Tapeworms are often planted near gates, placing the plants on the site or outside it.
  • The rockery or rock garden available on the site can be decorated with a low or medium-sized solitary plant.