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Strawberry red. Unusual black strawberry. Description of the Red Mitten variety

Black strawberry is a very interesting and unusual option berries, which is rare. It has special characteristics. In addition, unusual strawberries have good taste parameters that do not go unnoticed during tasting.

When ripe, black strawberries acquire an unusual dark color that is as close to black as possible. It practically does not grow in our area, since a more suitable climate is needed to obtain a high and high-quality harvest. This variety of berry is often called strawberry for its identical characteristics. It belongs to the perennial crops of the pink strawberry family.

Black strawberries are a berry that has an average ripening period; its pulp is quite dense, without emptiness, as is typical for other types. The fruits are relatively large and cone-shaped, not ribbed. Taste characteristics are at a high level. Strawberries have a pleasant aroma, their berries are juicy and sweet. It tolerates transportation well, so in other countries with more suitable climatic conditions it is grown for export.

Black strawberries can be grown easily, but for this it is necessary to create special conditions that will ensure good harvest. You need to successfully select soil that would be favorable for the growth of berries. The most suitable soil was found to be no different high level heaviness and fertility. It is recommended to add a small amount of sand to ordinary soil to create a better structure.

Sowing can be done using a special container. It should be plastic and transparent. The specified container must be prepared. To do this, the bottom is pierced in several places so that air can penetrate into the container.

Additional funds will require film, which is used as a cover. The proposed container must be filled with highly loose soil. Fill so that 2 cm of the container remains unfilled.

Initially, the soil should be dry, then it is watered with a minimum amount of water. But the soil should remain loose.

To achieve this result, you need to shake the moistened soil a little. A film will help with this, which will prevent the soil from spilling out.

At the end of the procedure, the soil in the container should remain loose, and in no case compacted. This is necessary so that the strawberry seeds get into the soil at the desired level. After this, you need to properly plant the seeds in the soil. They should be spread evenly in one layer. Seeds should not be sprinkled with soil on top. Then the film is taken again and the container is covered with it. The container is placed in the refrigerator for 14 days.

Varieties and varieties of strawberries (video)

Growing technology

After the prepared seeds have survived the winter, the container must be placed in a sunny place, for example on a windowsill. In this case, the film is left in previous position. It is extremely important that the light level is high. If natural conditions do not provide this, then you need to use an artificial light source.

If the soil is very dry, you can sprinkle it with a small amount of water. Usually after 14 days the seeds germinate. As soon as this happens, small holes are made in the film with a needle. Through them it will get into the container required amount air, and the temperature will change.

Strawberries constantly need minimal watering. This is necessary only as needed, and you must constantly monitor the level of soil moisture. This is done through the container and lid. You cannot open the film ahead of time. Watering is most conveniently done using a spray bottle. A large number of condensation indicates that the moisture level in the container is extremely high, and this negatively affects the plants. To stabilize the situation, it is recommended to open the lid for ventilation.

When 3 leaves appear on the plant, it needs to be pruned. In this case, the strawberries need to be watered well. After the bushes have grown a little, they can be planted in open ground.

Black strawberries are characterized by various advantages, which provide a high interest in culture. You can try to grow this variety yourself, but to get a good harvest, you must follow the recommendations of experts. Extraordinary appearance Both adults and children really like the sweetness of strawberries.

Strawberries under film (video)

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Internet users are divided into two camps, some say they see the red tint of the strawberries in the picture, while others do not.

This image was shared on Twitter by Japanese "experimental psychologist" and psychology professor Akiyoshi Kitaoka.

The photo shows strawberries on a plate, and it looks like the picture was treated with a blue filter to make the strawberries look less red. And yet the red color is not much muted, is it?

In fact, there is not a single red pixel in this image.

Optical illusions and optical illusions

"The strawberry illusion is created using a two-color method. Even though all the pixels in this photo are green-blue, the strawberries appear red," Professor Kitaoka tweeted.

National Eye Institute visual perception specialist Bevil Conway described the image as an example of how our brains adjust the color of the world around us when another color is superimposed on it.

"If you imagine walking down the street under a blue sky, that blueness, in a sense, 'infects' everything you see around you," the professor said.

Light is an electromagnetic wave that can be different lengths(depending on color), frequency and have different speed distribution.

“If you take a red apple and look at the sky under a blue sky, more blue waves will still enter your eye,” he added.

Other Twitter users proved that there is no red in the picture. They isolated some colors that appeared to be red and looked at them against a white background. As a result, they saw only shades of gray and blue.

Pictures with optical illusions

This is not the first illusion presented by the Japanese professor. Here's another optical illusion where flower-like shapes appear to expand in size as you look at them.

And in this illusion, the circles appear to be spinning left and right when you look at them.

This is not the first photograph of its kind to receive widespread attention.

Japanese psychology professor Akiyoshi Kitaoka, representing Ritsumeikan University, published a photograph in which a red strawberry can be clearly seen, although not a single red pixel is present in the image.

Using various image processing programs, you can actually verify that the “strawberry pixels” themselves appear gray or greenish, but not at all red. As the scientist himself explained, the secret of the illusion is that the entire image has a pronounced bluish tint. Because of this, someone who sees a photograph involuntarily makes a “correction” for the background and begins to perceive various shades of gray as colors “opposite” to this background.

The most “noisy” illusion of this kind can be considered one that appeared on the Internet about two years ago, which seemed to some to be white and gold, and to others blue and black, and some could at first be sure of one of these options, and after some time suspect that the photograph simply changed. In general, the same mechanism of color perception was involved as in the case above, with the correction that in this case different people chose a different “reference point”, perceived as real color and influencing the perception of the image as a whole. In November last year it was published in many ways.

Among other optical illusions, in different time which attracted quite wide attention, we can recall “size changing” and. Also, a similar reaction from many people was caused by photographs that represent an illusion in a slightly different sense of the word - for example, a photograph in which it is difficult to immediately determine how many girls there really are, as well as a photograph in which one of the girls is sitting on the sofa.

Social networks were “blown up” by a new optical illusion that promises to outshine - a blue-black or white-gold dress, dividing the entire global Internet into two camps, leading fierce debates about the color of the outfit. The author of the new “riddle” was psychology professor Akiyoshi Kitaoka from Japan’s Ritsumeikan University, who showed a photo of a cake with red strawberries, explaining the theory of color constancy. Snapshot optical illusion University of California neuroscientist Matt Lieberman posted on Twitter, asking followers to indicate what color the strawberry was.

Most subscribers said that the strawberries were red, but it turned out that there were absolutely no red pixels in the photo, and the strawberries were actually gray. Nevertheless, Internet users are perplexed as to how he could gray it will turn out red and asked the neurobiologist to explain the origin of the optical illusion, which has again become the subject of serious controversy.

Later, one Twitter user analyzed the photo with the gray-red strawberries and demonstrated that there are indeed no red pixels in the picture. He explained that the human brain balances White color, but as soon as it sees a blue tint, it automatically shifts all colors in the opposite direction. He also pointed out that the blue component is already contained in the light source under which the viewer looks at the strawberry, and therefore automatically subtracts it from each pixel.