home · Installation · Making bouquets and compositions using various techniques. The ABCs of floristry or What does a novice florist need to know? Spiral technique using white bouquets as an example

Making bouquets and compositions using various techniques. The ABCs of floristry or What does a novice florist need to know? Spiral technique using white bouquets as an example

For all plants, it is very important that vegetables, fruits and flowers growing nearby do not interfere with others. Roses also have their preferences. In addition, the proximity of healthy greenery can have a beneficial effect on them. For example, protect from pests, diseases, excess moisture and vice versa.

Roses feel better in a flower bed. And a rose growing alone in the middle of a lawn is subject to gusts of wind, showers and frost. But when the “defenders” are nearby, it’s both warmer and more comfortable.

Important! In the area where roses will grow, the previous inhabitants should not be plants that deplete the soil. If there is no other place, then wait a year to plant and prepare the land.

Plant next to roses and gypsophila. These plants will become an obstacle to aphids and ants. Moreover, they will become great solution for any flower garden. Dropping me off to the queen calendula And marigold, save the flower from nematodes. Use these flowers for design in warm colors. It would be nice if it grew in a flowerbed garlic– it prevents the appearance of fungal and viral infections And powdery mildew. Good at repelling aphids watercress And nasturtiums.

You can also plant herb plants with roses - they repel many flying insects. Basil, oregano, hyssop, marjoram, Melissa, mint, thyme, rosemary and other fragrant plants will be useful not only for roses, but also for you.

Decorative royal hazel grouse and similar bulbous plants repel mice and other underground inhabitants.

They will be good and useful neighbors for roses. sage, veronica And ornamental grasses . If you plant the mentioned plants with dark red roses in cold color scheme(blue, purple and cyan) and place a gazebo next to gothic style, it will work out small corner old England.

Roses get along with larkspur, poppy seed, daisies And lupine, colchicum, hyacinths, cornflowers.

Important! Neighboring flowers of roses should not take away their space, moisture, sun and useful material. Read about botanical features the flower you have chosen to be your neighbor to roses.

The proximity of not only plants, but also some insects and birds has a beneficial effect on roses. It's good if you notice ladybugs , lacewing, hoverflies. Earwig And rider eat aphids.

Ground beetle feeds on caterpillars, mites and aphids.

Birds are protectors not only of roses, but of the entire garden. Place them in your home, and fighting insects will become half as easy.

Let's summarize briefly: good neighbor- a helpful neighbor. In hot weather it will cover the soil, scare away nasty insects, disinfect the soil and eat the annoying midge.

The “queen” of landscape design – the rose – is very demanding of its “neighbors”. It is not enough to plant an area with rose bushes - you need to try to make them look harmonious with the other “inhabitants” of the garden. Only by choosing flowers that match roses, or other plants that are not in dissonance with the “queens of the flower garden,” will you get a worthy composition.

What plants do roses go with in the garden?

Have you ever been surprised to discover that, despite the abundant decoration of flower beds with roses, planting them in gazebos and pergolas, there is no masterpiece to perceive? The variety of flowers, interspersed with other random plants, does not allow you to focus on one thing - the rose!

Genetically, roses are programmed to be very long life. An example of this is wild roses and the same rose hips, the lifespan of which is estimated at 500 years.

Cultivated roses, of course, live much shorter - up to 25 - 50 years, and if not enough favorable conditions and even less - 10-15 years.

And in order to prolong the life of our beloved roses, enjoying their beauty, drawing strength and vigor from them, using healing gifts, it is necessary, in addition to proper care, correctly arrange and combine them with other plants.

A rose lover should know that all the colorful variety requires a certain system when planting.

So what plants go with roses in the garden and what is the best way to plant these flowers?

Combination of roses by color: what shades go together

Colors, i.e. varieties, must be concentrated in specific, uniform spots, which must include at least 3 bushes. So, the overall picture of the rose garden looks like areas of pure white, pure pink, pure red or yellow roses.

Mixing different colors in one spot is unacceptable.

In addition, homogeneous spots should match each other in color:

  • So, orange or pink roses do not go well with red ones.
  • Red roses can be separated from the same pink ones by white or cream ones.
  • Red shades of flowers are classically combined with green, blue, and lilac. Accepted combinations are light pink with light blue, purple with yellow and orange, blue with white. Red color does not combine with carmine, orange, purple, pink.

Where to plant roses in the garden: design of flower beds, lawns and gazebos

The next point when combining roses with other flowers is to select separate groups in different functional areas of the garden.

  • So, in the front part of the garden you need to place hybrid tea and remontant roses. Their nobility of form, richness of color and aroma will create the impression of beauty and dignity, artistic taste and harmony.
  • Red roses look good along a white wall in a home. They are cozy and sentimental here.
  • Polyantha and hybrid polyantha roses, as well as from the floribunda group, are good at the edge of the lawn in the form of a kind of medallion. They should not be planted in the center, as they will not only make it difficult to maintain the lawn, but will also interfere with the feeling of peace that comes from the lawn.
  • A group of polyanthus roses blooming all summer is irreplaceable in relaxation corners, along the paths at the entrance to the gazebo, under the bedroom window. They can border the roads of the site as a border. To do this, you need to choose only low varieties.
  • If you have flower beds in your garden where you want to place roses, then keep in mind that for roses they should not be oval, but rectangular shape. It is advisable that one variety be planted, then your flowerbed will acquire the status of solidity and splendor. Since you will have cutting material from the same flowerbed, use a group of hybrid tea and remontant roses.
  • We should not forget about wild roses. They delight us with beautiful fragrant, abundant inflorescences and bright fruits. There will be a place for them along the boundaries of the site, where they will carry and protective function as an impassable fence. In addition, this is an excellent place for nesting birds. And the abundance of birds in the garden means a sharp decrease in the number of pests.
  • In a garden where there are pergolas and other supports, they are irreplaceable climbing roses. They are planted 2 - 3 near the support and the shoots are directed, fixing in the desired direction.
  • You can decorate withered trees and bare pillars with roses, and also create delightful pyramids using a metal or wooden frame.

The combination of roses in the garden with other flowers and ornamental shrubs

It is believed that the rose itself is a decoration and does not need company. But the “queen,” as the rose is recognized, needs a “retinue.” The combination of roses with other flowers in the garden should be such that the rose is the dominant one - this is an excellent option for the overall decorative perception.

Beautifully flowering and beautifully fruiting shrubs, which are planted behind the roses and at a distance of at least 1 - 1.5 m from them, look good with roses.

An ideal combination of roses with these ornamental shrubs, How, mackerel, yellow acacia, cotoneaster, euonymus, snowberry, oleaster, sea buckthorn, privet, tamarix, mock orange.

The combination of roses with conifers: thuja, junipers is considered classic. Species such as mahonia, pyrocanthus, and horizontal cotoneaster can also be used as evergreens.

The blue color, symbolizing the purity of the sky, enhances the beauty of the lush rose flower, white will enhance the splendor of the rose garden, lilac and violet will add depth to the overall color of the roses.

Combination of roses with herbaceous perennials

When combining roses with herbaceous perennials the main condition is that they have blue, blue, lilac, silver shades of flowers and leaves.

Large-flowered hybrid tea roses It is better to plant it near the house or gazebo in order to be able to admire the beauty of the flowers at close range and inhale their aroma.

Suitable perennials include: lavender, periwinkle, speedwell, columbine, with blue and white flowers.

You can plant the following with standard roses: letniki, acroclinum, lobelia, agerantum.

The sharp coloring of these plants distracts attention from the roses and she is unlikely to like such competition.

How to plant roses in the garden with other plants

How to plant roses with other plants to create harmonious groups?

The successful combination of roses and vines is generally recognized. Roses against a background of blue, honeysuckle, and actinidia acquire even greater expressiveness.

We should not forget about successful combination roses with ears of perennial and annual herbs. They add grace and airiness to rose plantings.

Among the grasses are: sheep's fescue, evergreen oats, and brome.

Roses can also be combined with bulbous ones, but not with all of them, and, perhaps, only with white lilies, but, again, not in a bouquet and not with fragrant lilies.

Various support designs allow you to use climbing roses for vertical gardening in any part of the garden landscape.

On a support, the climbing rose also looks good as a single plant.

It’s not difficult to make a decorative composition on your site in the form of a rose garden with your own hands. To do this you need to select suitable idea design and decide on the varieties and types of rose bushes.

Let's learn in more detail how to make a country rose garden on your own, evaluate the design of rose compositions and look at photos of several options.

Device options

When determining a rose garden planting scheme, special attention should be paid to color palette roses, use perennial plants or evergreens to dilute excessive brightness.

For example, using for landscape composition coniferous plants or ferns, you can create a presentable design by combining conifers and roses in one flowerbed, and add beautiful notes to the design when the roses are not blooming.

Several options and schemes for creating and decorating a rosary are offered. Each of the schemes is interesting in its own way:

Selection of rose varieties

Roses planted in flower beds near the house are divided into several varieties not only by color, but also by height: there are low-growing rose bushes, medium-height and tall.

The first group includes curbs and decorative types. Their maximum height reaches 35 centimeters. These varieties are characterized by many inflorescences and an abundance of foliage. For the winter, they need to be covered with film or special structures designed to insulate plants.

There are also groundcovers that can grow in lush bushes or creep along the ground.


Let's list the names of the most popular low-growing varieties roses ideal for flowerbed decoration:

On a note! Some types of roses can bloom all summer; Such varieties are most popular among summer residents.

Of greatest interest are the roses creeping along the ground: with their help, the effect of a luxurious carpet of flowers is created, from which a magnificent aroma emanates. These roses are ideal for creating a luxurious rose garden on summer cottage.

Plants do not require special care, they have special properties - they protect the soil from weeds. Carpet from ground cover roses is one of the most successful options for decorating a personal garden.

Medium height roses

The Austin variety is considered the most popular of this group. Austin's inflorescences are voluminous and have a lush flower shape. Characteristic sign This variety has abundant flowering. The maximum height of these rose bushes is 85 centimeters.

No less common is the tea-mushroom variety of roses; they can reach 1 meter in height. The uniquely arranged inflorescences and the delicate smell emanating from the buds make it possible to distinguish this species from others. Such roses are able to continue flowering even in light frosts, and taking into account climatic features (sudden changes temperatures) of our country, this is a big plus.

The Floribunda variety is considered the tallest rose bush: its height can exceed 1 meter. These roses are different abundant flowering; One shoot can contain up to a dozen inflorescences. A long flowering time is another feature of this variety.

Fine roses also belong to this subgroup - they are used to decorate parks. All varieties that do not fit into other categories belong to the park group. What allows you to distinguish fine roses from others is their unique appearance and a special repeating bloom.

The advantages of this variety include resistance to frost and harmful insects. These roses do not require special care.

One of the most beautiful combinations of roses is white with red. This color combination always looks advantageous and will decorate any garden. Flowerbeds and parks on the Black Sea coast are actively decorated with roses.

High grades

The height of tall varieties can reach 1.3 meters. And some species, for example, climbing roses, can reach a height of 6 meters. But the opening of the buds of such roses occurs no more than once a year.

Important! To plant roses belonging to tall varieties, it is necessary to allocate a significant area.

Those who want to decorate their summer cottage with roses that will bloom several times a year should pay attention to the climbing variety.

Difficulties and errors

The main mistake when arranging a rose garden is creating it in areas that are poorly protected from wind gusts. Because of this, decorative compositions are often destroyed.

The second mistake often made when arranging rose gardens is the lack of drainage. This can be avoided by creating a flower arrangement on a slope.

How to create a rose garden at your dacha by planting bushes of your favorite varieties correctly and beautifully?

To avoid mistakes, you should follow several rules:

  • place a rose garden in a flower bed at the entrance to your summer cottage. Due to this placement, you can protect flowers from wind gusts and decorate the house;
  • arrange the rose garden away from trees and buildings that can shade it. Lack of sun has a negative effect on rose bushes;
  • Before planting roses, fertilizers should be added to the soil. For this purpose, loam is usually used (the price of this fertilizer is about 150 rubles, it can be purchased at a store that sells flowers).

After watching this video consultation, you will learn how to properly arrange a pink rose garden and create the conditions necessary for plants to bloom abundantly:

Flowerbed with roses and conifers

What can you use to plant roses in a flower bed? IN last years A tendency has emerged for owners of private households to create front gardens decorated with roses and conifers in the form of original figured compositions.

In order for gardeners to make such a front garden, professional skills and experience are not needed; this task can be completed in one day.

There are several options for forming flower beds with rose bushes and coniferous plants, and evaluate final result You can by looking at photos of such flower beds.

Flower beds with roses and conifers, photo

After studying the photo, you will be convinced that there is nothing complicated in creating such a rose garden. Winning combination and the very placement of flowers makes such a front garden luxurious and gives it individuality.

What to plant in a rose bed? Ornamental grasses are planted on a free plot of land and a lawn is formed - seeds lawn grass can be purchased at flower shops. The cost of such weed is low - about 50 rubles.

You can also use stone to decorate a flower bed - this will make it stand out from others. Volumetric pink buds and coniferous plantings perfectly complement each other, forming attractive design.

A flowerbed with roses and other flower plantings, including evergreen conifers, will bring joy to the owners of the dacha with its presentable appearance and magnificent aromas.

When creating a flower bed, the design of which combines roses with coniferous plants, many make the same mistake: they try to place it in a modest area a large number of colors.

Important! Do not overdo it with the number of plants when decorating flower beds in your summer cottage. Remember that it is better to decorate the area with plants less abundantly - the appearance of the rose garden will not suffer from this.

The design of rosaries is varied, and there are many successful options. One of the most common designs, popular among summer residents, combines the most important thing: compactness and presentable appearance.

Flower beds of ground cover roses

Almost all summer residents who are interested in growing flowers have flower beds decorated with roses. But true flower growers dream of creating flower beds, the design of which will not be similar to the decor created by their neighbors. Individual landscape design garden plot- this is what people who spend a lot of time in the country strive for.

Let's get acquainted with non-standard design ideas by design summer cottages ground cover country varieties roses that you can bring to life on your own.

Initially, doubt may arise about the reality of creating such a flowerbed on your own. But in fact, this task is quite doable.

Making a rose garden at the dacha with your own hands, photo

It is not necessary to apply at all decorative rock for decoration, if the budget is limited, it can be replaced with crushed stone. Among the small crushed stones, ground cover roses will grow, supplemented by other vegetation.

At your discretion, you can diversify the decor of your front garden with decorative grass, which is always in fashion and goes well with any type of plants, including roses. It will take several hours to create a flower bed decorated with roses.

Once you finish creating a rose garden, you will realize that the result is worth the time and effort. This design of a dacha plot will not leave indifferent the guests who come to relax at your dacha.

Flower beds of roses at the dacha, photo

The ground cover variety of roses is unique in its versatility: it can be used to decorate any design composition, regardless of its type and size. Such roses are distinguished by abundant flowering and due to this they create an attractive design of the site. In addition, they have a wonderful aroma that will create good mood all day.

Contemplating blooming rose bushes and inhaling the aroma emanating from them will give you a charge of positive emotions.

With the help of ground cover varieties of bush roses it is easy to create a piece of paradise in your summer cottage.

Another advantage of such roses is their low maintenance requirements: they can be used in various design concepts, they make it possible to emphasize the individuality of a private household in the city or country house In the countryside.

Arches with roses

One of the best ways create a presentable look for a flower arrangement - install an arch. Arches with roses climbing through them, installed in flower beds, look stunning.

Variants of this design can be seen in the photo:

DIY rose arch, photo

Both metal and wood can be used as materials for the arched structure. But it is important to consider that the service life wooden structure much shorter than metal. Wooden arches do not withstand the aggressive effects of natural factors and quickly deteriorate. Such products last a maximum of five years, metal constructions much more durable - their use is unlimited.

Advice. In order to give a metal arch a presentable look and protect it from rust, it is enough to paint it.

Such compositions are often used in parks; they are also suitable for decorating summer cottages. Making an arch for flowers is easy.

First you need to decide on the place where it will be installed, and then install the arch.

Advice. It is important to securely fix the arched structure so that it is stable and does not fall in case strong wind. For more reliable fixation, the pit with supports can be cemented.

Once the arch is installed, you can begin planting climbing roses.

To complement the design of the flower bed, use ornamental plants.

On a note! Even royal estates have arches with roses. Such compositions can be found, for example, in Hampshire, England.

It is not advisable to install the arch in a ready-made flower bed with planted plants: this can damage the roots of the flowers and cause their death.

Roses are royal flowers, so compositions created on the basis of rose bushes look truly luxurious. Landscape decor, in which roses predominate, is admirable.

These flowers come in a variety of colors, and they also have a stunning aroma; they are used in landscape design opens up great opportunities for developing parks and personal plots. The presence of varieties characterized by long-lasting flowering makes these flowers even more popular.

Photo of a flower bed with roses

Design options dacha area with the help of roses a lot. Which variety of roses to choose and plant is up to you: focus on your individual preferences, the size of the garden and the result you want to get.

Experiment, and you will certainly be able to achieve a successful design personal plot. Combination of roses with conifers and others ornamental plants will allow you to create unique flower arrangements and beautifully decorate a flower bed or space along the paths.

Create a luxurious rose garden at your dacha that will arouse the admiration of others!


Look interesting video on how to use roses in landscape design: