home · Lighting · Asian swimsuit botanical description. Features of growing frying (Asian swimmer) in the garden. Distribution in nature and characteristics of cultivation as a cultivated plant

Asian swimsuit botanical description. Features of growing frying (Asian swimmer) in the garden. Distribution in nature and characteristics of cultivation as a cultivated plant

The European Swimsuit, or, as it is also called, the Ordinary Swimsuit, is herbaceous plant, which in natural conditions growing in Europe and Western Siberia. You can meet the flower in the vast expanses of wet meadows and clearings of mixed forests. Let's take a closer look at this wild plant and its description below.

Externally it is perennial flower height from 20 to 100 centimeters, depending on growing conditions. It has several stems on which rosette-shaped flowers of bright yellow color are located. The leaves are of two types: the lower ones are narrow and long, and the upper ones are small, located directly next to the inflorescence. Flowering time is late spring or early summer.

The name comes from the German “troll-biume”, which means “troll flower”. According to legend, these fairy creatures use the plant to prepare a magic potion.

Difference between European and Asian Swimsuit

European and Asian Swimwort are most often used for planting, since these are the easiest species to grow at home.

Unlike the European Asian (the second name for Zharki) has double inflorescences of rich orange color . Otherwise the species are similar. Both have the same structure and grow in the same climatic conditions.

Useful properties of the plant for humans

Swimsuit from time Ancient Rus' and is still considered a powerful healing plant for a variety of diseases.

IN folk medicine, for example, a decoction of flowers treats the stomach, liver, genitourinary system and kidneys. The herb can relieve tumors and swelling. Medicines based on Bathing Suit heal abscesses and inflammations. In addition, the flower has a diuretic and choleretic effect. These are not all diseases that are susceptible to the plant.

How to use the Swimsuit

There are many recipes for treating diseases. All of them should be used by experienced people with extreme caution so as not to cause harm to health.

For example, To cure scurvy, an infusion of flowers is prepared. This will require:

  1. A teaspoon of dried inflorescences;
  2. 200 milliliters of warm water;

The infusion is used orally daily, 20 grams.

Traditional healers use the plant for the treatment of scabies. To do this, take the root and brew it with a glass of boiling water. Drink the infusion several times a day, 1 tablespoon.

Angina pectoris is also treated with an infusion. Parts of the bush are crushed, brewed with boiling water and left for a day. After this, use 1-2 teaspoons regularly.

Stems can cure cancer. They are brewed with boiling water, squeezed out and applied to the sore spot for 30 minutes. The procedure is carried out 1 or 2 times a day, depending on the stage of the disease.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite their beneficial features- This poisonous plant. Improper use can cause serious harm to health.. Any application medicines based on the flower requires special care.

If the dosage is incorrect, Swimsuit affects nervous system humans, causes allergic reactions and burns. It is strictly forbidden to use by children and pregnant women.


The European swimsuit is easy to care for and does not require much time and effort from gardeners. A few rules should be followed so that the flower develops well and delights with abundant flowering.

Lighting and temperature

It doesn't take much time or effort to choose a place. It feels great in almost any place and grows equally in both sun and shady places. Doesn't like being exposed to the sun's rays. This leads to shredding.

Temperature in summer it should be between 18-25 degrees. There is no need to cover the bush in winter. Swimmingweed is a plant with strong resistance to frost.

Watering and humidity

In dry times, the flower requires a lot of water. It should be watered regularly. IN autumn period Watering is reduced by half, which allows the plant to prepare for hibernation.

Doesn't like stagnation groundwater. As a result, the roots begin to rot.

For better development in the spring they apply nitrogen fertilizer, in the fall they fertilize with superphosphate and ash. A good effect is obtained by constantly adding humus-rich soil to the base of the stems.

Soil and fertilizer

Not demanding on buds and fertilizers. But for lush flowering and growth, it is still worth carrying out measures to cultivate the soil. The best option there will be soil consisting of peat and sand. For the plant, it is necessary to loosen the top layer of soil as often as possible.

You can fertilize the plant during active growth from mid-spring. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are suitable for these purposes. In autumn, fertilize with regular ash.

Choosing a pot

European swimsuit is an ornamental garden plant that is usually planted in open ground. But many gardeners, for decorative purposes, plant it in pots and place them outside at the entrance of the house or along the path. The root system of the flower is small and fibrous in shape. Therefore, deep dishes are not required. It's better if it's wide. The roots should fit freely and not bend in the pot. The material of the dishes can be absolutely any.

Diseases and pests

The swimsuit is very rarely affected by diseases and pests. For proper development of the flower, it is recommended to treat it with ash and feed it with fertilizers from time to time.

For prevention, at the beginning of flowering it is worth treating the bush with an epin solution.. To avoid fungal diseases, the plant is cleaned of old leaves in early autumn.

When insects appear on the stems, they are immediately treated with any insecticidal agent.


As for replanting the Swimsuit, it should be done in mid-summer after flowering. At this time, the plant begins a dormant period.

Using a garden shovel, the bush is carefully dug up and transferred to the hole. If the soil is loose, drainage layer not required. In other cases it should be at least 10 centimeters. The roots are covered with soil and watered well. In a few days the plant will get stronger and take root in its new location.


Reproduction of the European Swimsuit is carried out in two ways: by seeds and by dividing the bush..

  1. Seed method. The event takes place in the fall. Immediately after collecting the seeds, they are sown in the ground. Otherwise, later they may lose their ability to germinate. Seeds are placed in open ground to a depth of several centimeters and watered. Cover everything on top with soil and lightly compact the soil by slamming it down with your hand. There is no need to cover for the winter. In spring, the first shoots will appear at the sowing site.
  2. Dividing the bush. Bathing bushes can be divided in early spring(before flowering) or autumn (early September). Division is most effective in the autumn.

The bush is divided into small parts so that several buds remain on each of them. When planting in the ground, the root collar is located a couple of centimeters below the surface. After planting, be sure to mulch.

Since the roots of the seedling dry out quickly, the holes for planting should be prepared in advance.

At the end of all procedures, watering is carried out, and after a few days, fertilizer can be applied.

European swimsuit is one of the few beautiful plants, which can grow on its own without special care, for which flower growers fell in love with her.

The name of the plant comes from the German word "Trollblume" - troll flower. According to popular belief, these plants were favorites of fairy-tale forest creatures - trolls. According to another version, the name comes from the ancient German word “troll” - ball, based on the spherical shape of the flower.
Bathworts (Trollius) are meadow plants of the buttercup family, their distribution area is the cold and temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere. They grow in the forest zone in Europe, Siberia, the Far East, some species even in the Arctic, in the alpine belt of the Caucasus and Central Asia. Two species are native to the northern United States and Canada, from the Pacific to Atlantic Ocean. There are 25 species of this genus on the territory of Russia. Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer swimsuits - they are gradually disappearing, in some countries and regions they are even listed in the Red Book.

Swimsuit flowers

The flowers of all swimsuits are very showy, large, usually yellow or bright orange. Like many plants of the ranunculaceae family, in the flower of the buttercup, it is not the petals that are brightly colored, but the sepals. The flower usually has 5 or more overlapping petal-like sepals, which fall off after flowering. Inside the flower there are numerous narrow linear petals, transformed into nectaries, with honey pits located slightly above the base. Stamens and pistils are also numerous. The fruit is composite and consists of numerous leaflets. The seeds are black, shiny, oval, 1.5–2.0 mm long.

Types of swimsuits

According to their habitats, wild-growing swimsuits are divided into groups:

1.European part of Russia and the Caucasus

(Trollius europaeus) has a bush height of 50–80 cm. It blooms in late May - early June with lemon-yellow and yellow spherical flowers with a diameter of 3–5 cm on long stalks.
The highest bathing suit(Trollius altissimus) - among the swimsuits there are their own giants, the height of the bush reaches 130–150 cm.
Half-open swimsuit(Troilius patulus)

2.Siberia and Central Asia

Asian swimsuit, or Siberian (Trollius asiaticus) forms a compact bush up to 60–80 cm high. Bright orange flowers up to 5–6 cm in diameter, which bloom at the end of May and bloom for at least 20 days.

Altai bathing suit(Trollius altaicus), or Altai wisp, closest to Asian swimsuit view. Differs in smaller and narrower flower petals.

Dzungarian swimsuit(Trollius dschungaricus) dwarf species, on rocky soil it rarely grows higher than 15 cm in height, but on humus-rich soil it grows fifty centimeters tall.

Lilac swimsuit(Troltius lilacinus) is a low plant that resembles the Asian swimmer in appearance, but has lavender rather than orange flowers.

Stemless swimsuit(Troltius acaulis) - a dwarf species, in the mountains it forms a ten-centimeter bush.
Dwarf swimsuit(Trollius pumilus)
Karin's swimsuit(Trollius carin)

3. Far East

(Troltius chinensis) is the most beautiful and largest of all wild swimmers. It can reach a height of 1.5 m, its orange flowers are up to 5 cm in diameter, and its nectary petals are up to 3 cm in height.

Swimsuit large-petaled(Trollius macropetalus),

Ledebur's bathing suit(Trollius ledebourii) about 90 cm tall, with large orange or yellow flowers.

Reader's swimsuit, or beautiful swimsuit (Trollius pulcher).

Typically, European and Asian swimmers grow in flower beds.
But both in nature and in botanical gardens swimsuits often form interspecific hybrids. In some cases, botanical identification of species of the genus Swimweed turns out to be quite difficult even for specialists. Many varieties have been developed and garden forms, most of which are various hybrids of mainly three types of swimsuits - European, Asian and Chinese. There are no domestic varieties of swimsuits. Varieties and hybrids are amazing wonderful flowers: pale cream (“Alabaster”), pale yellow (“Canary Bird”), large bright orange (“Orange Princess”) and bright yellow (“Goldquelle”).

The “average” height of most species is 60–80 cm.

Growing swimsuits

Swimsuits can be propagated by seeds and vegetatively. It is best to sow seeds immediately after collection, in summer or autumn. In this case, seedlings will appear in the spring of next year. If seeds are purchased in winter, they must be stratified for 3–4 months at a temperature of 2–4 degrees. To do this, the seeds must be mixed with cleanly washed river sand and either placed in boxes and buried in the snow, or pour the mixture into a glass container or plastic bags and put it in the home refrigerator. If you sow unstratified seeds in the spring, they can sprout only after a year.
You need to sow in beds located in partial shade, or shade the beds with shields. In the first year, the plants form a rosette of leaves. In August they can be transplanted already to permanent place. The distance between plants when planting is 30–40 cm. They bloom different types usually in the second or third year after sowing. European, Asian, Altai and Djungarian swimworts bloom in cultivation in the second half of May - early June, mass flowering usually lasts 2-3 weeks. In dry, sunny weather they fade faster, in rainy and cloudy weather they bloom longer. Their seeds ripen at the end of June - in July. Ledebur's and Chinese swimsuits bloom later - in late June - early July, the seeds ripen in late July - August. All species bloom and bear fruit annually and abundantly. They give self-seeding.
Easily propagated by dividing the bush. The dug up bush does not need to be shaken off the ground; the thin, delicate roots quickly die off when dried, and then the plants do not take root well. The best time The period after flowering is considered for division and replanting. At proper care(timely watering, weeding, fertilizing) plants increase in size, produce more shoots and flowers. One specimen of the European swimsuit in cultivation may have several stems and 10–30 flowers.

Caring for swimsuits

Regular care: consists of weeding, watering, loosening the soil. At a distance of 10 cm from the bushes, the loosening depth should be no more than 3-5 cm, since the plant has many surface roots that can be damaged. The soil should be constantly mulched with a layer of peat or humus. For good development, systematic addition of nutritious soil to the base of the bushes is necessary. The crop is moisture-loving, so watering is reduced only in the fall.

To obtain secondary flowering, it is necessary to cut out faded flower stalks.

All types of swimsuits are quite frost-resistant, so they spend the winter without shelter. In a permanent place, swimsuits grow well up to 10 years or more, after which it is advisable to divide the curtain and transplant it to a new place.
The leaves of the bathing suit are decorative throughout the growing season. In September-October, the leaves die off, and only after that they can be cut off, leaving the base of the petioles 2-3 cm above the soil surface. They become the protection of the bud located in the center of the rosette shoot. From this kidney to next year a peduncle is formed. If you cut off leaves that have not completed the growing season, this will significantly weaken the bud, and next year we will not get a well-developed peduncle.

Diseases and pests of swimsuit

Bathing plants are strong and viable plants and are practically not damaged by diseases. For better plant condition, early spring treatment with ash and fertilizing is recommended. nitrogen fertilizers during spring growth, and in the future it is necessary to apply complex fertilizers. At the beginning of flowering, it is advisable to spray the plants with epin (10 drops per 1 liter of water).
In order to prevent fungal diseases, it is recommended to remove old dead leaves in the fall. In rare cases, the swimsuit can be affected by smut, septoria, and penetrating short-bodied nematodes.

Use of swimsuits

Decorative swimsuits are in the form of free picturesque groups in landscape compositions, with alternating open and closed spaces.

Swimsuits are good in combination with stone. Ideally, slides should imitate the natural scattering of stones and fragments of vegetation. When creating such compositions, we can recommend combining bathing suits with low, ground cover plants. In the foreground are low-growing perennials, behind them are swimsuits, and in the background are taller, late-flowering perennials with preferably decorative leaves in shape and color. On the slides, the swimsuit looks great in combination with bergenia or mahonia in the foreground.
Swimsuits can be grown specifically for cutting - this is how they are grown in many countries. They will stand in water for a long time only if they are placed in water immediately after cutting. After cutting, they must stand in the water for at least 2 hours before they can be transported somewhere in a bouquet, so there is no point in tearing swimsuits in the forest. It is better to grow them in the garden.

All swimsuits are good honey plants.

The Asian swimsuit is known as dye plant. Back in the 19th century, flowers were used to dye fabrics yellow. Yellow pigment, obtained from the flowers of the Asian swimmer, was used as a dye for edible fats.

Bathhouse - a medicinal plant

How medicinal plants swimsuits are known in both Eastern and European medicine. Leaves and flowers are used for medicinal purposes. The flowers are collected in May-June, dried in the shade, and the roots are dried in the fall.
The plant has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties.
An aqueous infusion of flowers is used for scurvy, and an aqueous infusion of roots is used in small doses for dropsy, cessation of menstruation, epilepsy (falling sickness) and scabies. After taking the infusion, swimmers drink oatmeal infusion with honey. Carefully! Like all buttercups, the content toxic substances at the swimsuit (especially in the roots) it is quite high.

Recipes from the swimsuit

1. 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a sealed container, strain. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
2. 1 tablespoon of flowers per 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour in a sealed container, strain. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.

There are many folk names of this plant - kupava, kupavnitsa, kupavka, frying, lights, Siberian; they all characterize the flower to one degree or another.

Landing rules

The plant reproduces seeds and division of rhizomes. IN natural environment It grows very quickly on its own and does not cause any trouble in cultivation.

Important! If sowing of a plant is not planned immediately after ripening and not before winter, planting material should only be stored in a dark, cool place, such as a refrigerator. Otherwise, the seeds will be lost.


Seeds must be sown immediately after ripening or before winter - in this case, seedlings will appear in the spring. It is extremely important to ensure good hydration. Then the seedlings should be pricked at intervals of 5–10 cm. The plant must be given the opportunity to get stronger before being planted in a flowerbed. It is best to transplant the swimsuit to the next permanent habitat. The “lights” will bloom in the second year after sowing.

Dividing the bush

The vegetative propagation method is more popular. It is much easier to plant by dividing the queen cell or early planting. It is necessary to dig up the root, wash it and divide it into any number of parts using a knife. Then prepare a hole 40 cm deep and place the seedling there.

Planting must be done at a distance of 40–50 cm. Leaves should be trimmed, and new ones will appear after two weeks. Dividing the clump should be done with mature, strong plants that are more than 5 years old.

Caring for an Asian Swimsuit

It is necessary to regularly weed around the plant and also to weed it.


This the most important thing in care behind a moisture-loving flower. Special attention should be given to young “lights”; the plant needs regular abundant water during the active growing season, that is, from May to June.

Top dressing

Before planting, it is necessary to add it to the soil or at the rate of 3 buckets per square meter. In the spring you need to fertilize or apply fertilizers.


Both planting and replanting are best done in spring or autumn. The bathing suit is removed from the ground, the root system is washed, if necessary, divided into equal parts, and then planted in another place. Without replanting, the plant can grow for up to 10 years, and after this period it is necessary to divide the clump.

Swimsuit - perennial, characterized by large bright flowers spherical shape. Belongs to the Buttercup family. Depending on the species, the height can reach from 50 to 100 cm. It is unpretentious in care and easily grows along the entire perimeter. Due to the predisposition to dark areas and high humidity often serves as a decoration for garden ponds and streams.

Distribution in nature and characteristics of cultivation as a cultivated plant

In nature, the flower is found in places where there is enough moisture

Also known as kupavka, Siberian rose, frying and trollius. Scandinavian legends say that this plant, because of its beauty, was popular among fairy-tale forest dwellers - trolls. The Slavs loved it no less and called it “kupavka” due to the fact that it is most often found near ponds and rivers.

There is a legend that the plant appeared thanks to

European or Asian? Differences in the photo

The swimsuit is found near reservoirs, at the edge of forests, in meadows and forest clearings. There are more than 20 varieties of it in nature, but as garden plants varieties of only some of them are used. The most common ones are European and Asian. They can be distinguished by the color of the flowers and the degree of opening of the sepals. The European one has lemon-yellow flowers, while the Asian one has double orange flowers. The sepals of the Asian species are more open.

European view (left) and Asian view (right)

The plant's distribution halo covers Central Asia, Eastern Europe, Polar Urals and Western Siberia. Thus, it easily adapts to almost any climate and withstands cold winters.

On the territory of a suburban or summer cottage it can be placed near artificial reservoir, on alpine slide, flowerbed or rose garden (as one of its alternative names is “Siberian rose”).

The flowering period occurs at the end of May. It lasts from 1 to 2 months.

Popular varieties for Russian gardens

The following varieties are considered the most attractive for Russian gardens:

  1. Orange Globe - distinguished by large, rich orange flowers with compact sepals.

    Swimsuit Orange Globe blooms in May-June for a month

  2. Orange Princess - has large flowers dark orange color. It reaches a height of up to 60 cm.

    Swimsuit Orange Princess is resistant to diseases and has high winter hardiness

  3. Fire Globe - characterized by large flowers with orange-red sepals and orange nectaries.

    Fire Globe blooms at the end of May

  4. Alabaster - distinguished by large light cream flowers with open sepals.

    Alabaster's swimsuit can bloom twice per season in warm regions

  5. Elist of All - represents abundantly flowering plant short stature. Possesses small flowers with dark yellow sepals and golden nectaries.

    Swimsuit Elist of All - the most early variety, blooming in early May

Ways to fit a swimsuit

A swimsuit can be grown from:

  • seedlings;
  • seeds;
  • the mother plant through its vegetative division.

Growing from seedlings

Seedlings should be protected from waterlogging or drought

For growth you need:

  1. Choose a suitable location. It should be illuminated with diffused light. In this case, you should avoid direct sun rays . An area in the shade of a house, tree or tall place is best suited for these purposes. ornamental plant, preferably near a pond.
  2. Plant in the ground. Seedlings should be planted strictly in moist soil, as they will die in dry soil. It is worth noting that the swimsuit is also not adapted to damp and marshy areas. Planting seedlings should be done in early August so that the plant has time to get stronger before the onset of cold weather. evening time or a cloudy day. Optimal temperature- 20–25°C. The distance between copies should be 50 cm.
  3. Deepen the root collar by 2 cm. To optimize the rooting process, it is necessary to trim the leaves.

Growing from seeds in open ground

Many types of swimmer are listed in the Red Book, so it’s safer to purchase seeds by mail

To grow a swimsuit from seeds you should:

  1. Collect seeds. They ripen by autumn.
  2. Sow them in open ground in November to provide the seeds with long-term stratification. Sowing should be done in loose, breathable soil. To do this, you can mix 2 parts peat and soil and 1 part sand.
  3. Water the emerging seedlings generously and protect from overheating in direct sunlight.
  4. After full-fledged leaves appear, plant the sprouts in open ground at a distance of 10 cm from each other.
  5. After a year, transplant the stronger plants to a permanent place. Replant only once every 10 years.

Dividing and replanting the mother plant

An adult swimsuit can be propagated vegetative way. To do this you need:

  1. At the beginning of autumn, dig up the plant.
  2. Divide it into sections with roots and shoots;
  3. Plant them at a distance of at least 50 cm from each other.

You can propagate the swimsuit in the spring, but this must be done before flowering.

The laziest ones can use the cutting method.

Garden care

Swimsuit garden variety Lemon Queen blends beautifully with its less vibrant neighbors

In order for the plant to please with its numerous flowers, it is necessary to follow the rules of caring for it and promptly combat infrequent diseases.

How to care during growth and flowering

The bathing suit needs abundant watering. However, it is necessary to ensure that the water does not stagnate, as this will lead to rotting of the plant. The water must be settled and heated by the sun. To do this, you can install a tank to collect rainwater in a sunny place.

Due to its unpretentiousness, the plant does not need large quantities fertilizers They should be applied only before the flowering period or to support its health if it has weakened. Complex organic fertilizers, humus and peat.

Solutions of the nutritional complexes Nitrofoska and Agricola, as well as urea, are used as top dressing. To prepare the solution, a teaspoon of the substance is dissolved in a bucket of water.

Preparing for winter

An excellent member of the tandem with low-growing varieties the swimsuit will become a fern

Due to its high resistance to cold, the plant does not need shelter. In autumn, after the leaves die off, it should be cut off, leaving only short petioles 2–3 cm long.

Problems and their solutions

A distinctive feature of the swimsuit is its high immunity to diseases. It is also not susceptible to pests due to its toxicity. The main problem of the plant is fungus. To avoid it, it is necessary to follow the watering regime and promptly trim dried shoots. If it does appear, then you should immediately remove and burn the damaged parts of the bathing suit, treat the plant itself and its soil with a fungicide solution, balance its watering and additionally fertilize it to increase its immunity.

Summary of growing a flower (video)

The swimsuit is known for its beauty. At the same time, thanks to its unpretentiousness, it can be used to decorate a garden even in Western Siberia. However, she needs wet soil and protection from direct sunlight. Therefore, it is best to plant it near a pond.

Frying flowers are very unusual and interesting plants, found in Siberia and in They, like semi-precious stones, glow with lights in the dark malachite of lush greenery. When the buds open, the flowers turn the meadow into a huge sea, in which the burning orange sun seems to be reflected.

In clearings in the forest, in endless meadows, frying flowers delight the eye almost all summer, lighting up with lively lights in May and not going out until August.

Another name for these wonderful flowers is swimsuits. It won't be difficult to grow them if you want. The main thing is to remember that this plant is a lover of moisture. His root system, lying superficially, cannot tolerate dry soil. That is why frying flowers, the flowers of Siberia, choose a cooler climate, and their accumulation in clearings is most often observed in meadows near water bodies, in the shade of lush tree crowns. These flowers choose loose, fertile, moist soils.

If the soil in your garden is loamy, this is by no means a reason to abandon your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowing “living lights”. You just need to prepare a hole, the diameter of which is 30 cm, and the depth is half the bayonet of a shovel. Then fill this hole with a mixture of garden soil and compost in a 1:1 ratio, add wood ash(1 cup), a tablespoon of superphosphate. Mix everything and dig again, but this time using the entire bayonet of a shovel. When in July or August will come It's time to replant the plants, make sure that the roots are spread out to the sides and the bud is not hidden by the ground. You can plant anywhere, while mulching the ground with fir needles or leaves, but not thicker than five centimeters. It provides frying flowers required quantity moisture.

The swimsuit can grow in one place without requiring transplantation for about 5-7 years. In the future, the bush must be divided into separate parts and planted to avoid reducing the number of flowers. It will not be superfluous to fertilize with nitrogen (in early spring), superphosphate and (after flowering, when laying flower buds).

Severe Siberian frosts are not afraid of the lights either. Frying flowers do not need special protective shelters, but feel quite comfortable under a thick snow cap. To propagate the swimsuit, you can also use seeds that look like black, glossy, fairly large grains. Sowing usually takes place in the autumn, in the year of harvest. Seeds should be placed 1 cm deep into the soil. If everything is done correctly, then you can expect lights in your flowerbed in the second year.

Frying flowers (photo), also called Asian swimsuit, are distinguished not only by their beauty, they are valued for their healing properties. In folk medicine, infusions from this plant are used in the treatment of jaundice, as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory agent, and even as a cure for scurvy. Infusion of roots in water - great helper for dropsy, scabies and This plant is widely used in Tibetan medicine. The inflorescences will help with weakened vision, and a decoction of leaves and flowers will help with abdominal pain. Mongolian medicine uses recipes with asiatica flowers for stomach and intestinal disorders, blood diseases, and also as a means to tone up.

In the flower beds great companion swimsuits will have a stone. They can be arranged in a hilly shape and low plants can be added to them to create the effect of a ground cover.

For florists and just for lovers beautiful bouquets The extraordinary durability of swimsuits will be interesting. With its beauty flower composition will delight until all the buds completely wither.