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Which stone belongs to the twins? What stone will be an excellent magical companion for Gemini?


This precious stone, which has several varieties, is suitable for active Gemini women - it helps to achieve what they want, solve various problems, and bring any task to the end. Ladies who want to achieve a lot professionally are recommended to wear it as a talisman.

For older women, the mineral helps overcome various diseases, including gynecological ones.


Heliodor (“gift of the sun”) is a gemstone, a subspecies of beryl. The mineral has a bright color - from greenish-yellow to sunny orange. It is able to lift your spirits, eliminate depression, and get rid of fears and complexes.

Women who possess this stone attract the attention of the opposite sex and better find mutual understanding with their chosen one. It is believed that if the mineral is framed in a ring, it will help an unmarried girl find true love, and a married girl - family harmony. For those who strive to make a career, heliodor will promote career advancement.


This precious mineral of rich green color has a calming and calming effect, and sometimes even gives them composure. The stone is ideal for Gemini women according to the horoscope who suffer from emotional distress.

The mineral is able to level out Gemini’s anxiety and irritability, strengthen memory, and facilitate decision-making. Emerald jewelry is useful for women suffering from loneliness. It will help them get rid of emotional worries and become more self-confident.

Emerald is of particular importance for pregnant women and mothers. It protects the child from the evil eye, strengthens the family, and supports the fidelity and love of spouses.


This stone belongs to the precious ones and in its beauty and unique physical properties is comparable to emeralds, rubies and sapphires. Similar to the dual nature of Gemini, the mineral can change its color when exposed to different lighting.

Alexandrite normalizes the functioning of blood vessels, heart, and nervous system. It is able to cool heated arguments and quarrels, calm, and give peace of mind. He bestows family happiness, prosperity, and mutual love. It is believed that the mineral has the magical ability to protect its owner from troubles and misfortunes. For the stone to have the most powerful effect, it should only be worn as a set, for example, earrings and a necklace.

Semiprecious stones


This is one of the most ancient semi-precious stones. It can be of different colors with beautiful shades and stains. It gives stability and prudence to the changeable and peculiar Gemini. The mineral will help a creative girl of this zodiac sign find her life purpose and achieve success. And constantly wearing jewelry with agate will contribute to the promotion of a young woman in her career.


This translucent crystal (a variety of the semi-precious stone chalcedony) can range in shades from bluish green to rich emerald. For Gemini women, it is a suitable talisman that improves health and helps in business. This mineral has a strong healing effect: it strengthens bones and joints, normalizes the nervous system, the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, protects against infections, heals the body and restores strength.

Gemini women should wear chrysoprase around their neck on a thin silver chain. For young girls, this mineral will be useful because it will help in love affairs, strengthening the feelings between lovers. Chrysoprase will help middle-aged women achieve family harmony, happiness and prosperity, attract good luck and ward off troubles and failures.


One of the most beautiful semi-precious stones, which is a transparent variety of quartz. It brings the Gemini woman luck and love, fills her life with joy and peace of mind. It is believed that this transparent stone eliminates awkward situations in life and clarifies many issues.

The mineral has magical properties, protecting its owner and her family from negative influences. It energetically adapts to its owner, so it can treat various diseases, relieve headaches, stress, and reduce fever.


This mineral is also a type of quartz. It helps Gemini women to reveal their creative nature. The mineral is considered a powerful amulet that opens up new opportunities for a person: it helps to get rid of old obsessive, non-reciprocal love, and receive an incentive for a new life. The stone gives sincerity, optimism, brings happiness and prosperity to the family.

However, the mineral should be handled with care. It cannot be worn every day, but only when support is needed. Since amethyst is popularly considered a widow's stone, it is not recommended for unmarried girls to wear it (or wear it in pairs with another piece of jewelry made from this stone).

For Gemini women over 35 years old, the mineral helps fight wrinkles, insomnia, and excessive nervousness. The stone also enhances positive energy and strengthens the aura.

Eye of the Tiger

This is a semi-precious mineral, a type of quartz, characterized by beautiful golden-yellow or golden-brown tints. For emotional representatives of the Gemini sign, it is valuable for its pacifying and calming qualities. The magical effect of the tiger's eye consists in the ability to reveal in its owner the gift of foresight, intuition, and good permeability. The mineral also protects against the evil eye, deceit, and envy.

A lady wearing a tiger's eye has every chance of becoming an ideal housewife. The mineral helps cleanse and restore the body. It helps older Gemini women cope with various diseases, promotes rapid healing of wounds, and tightens scars after surgery. It also normalizes blood pressure and relieves insomnia.

Vadim, January 15, 2015.

When choosing a stone for Gemini, you need to take into account his date of birth. Different stones are suitable for different decades, so it is important to ensure that you get the maximum benefit from it and avoid negative effects.

First ten days: from May 22 to May 31. Geminis of this decade are patronized by Jupiter; they have well-developed both logical and intuitive thinking. Astrologers believe that moonstone, malachite, rock crystal, agate, obsidian, jade and amazonite are best suited for those born during this period.

Second ten days: from June 1st to June 10th. Geminis born during this time period are influenced by Mars, so they are characterized by aggression, selfishness and assertiveness. Strong stones for them are: amber, citrine, jade, chalcedony, pearl, onyx, chrysoprase, opal and cat's eye.

Third ten days: from June 11th to June 21st. Those born during this period are protected by the Sun itself - they brightly illuminate everything around and warm those close to them with their warmth. It is useful for them to have items with emerald, sapphire, topaz, tourmaline and alexandrite.

Gemini amulets stones


Alexandrite is the best protector, a talisman for all Geminis. The stone helps to monitor your health: at certain periods of time it changes its color and shade. Thus, it seems to warn you about a possible illness or a difficult period in life. For example, you should be very careful if the stone suddenly darkens. Alexandrite has a good effect on material well-being, bringing finances and harmonious relationships into the home.

Moon rock

Very often Geminis do not know what decision to make. They constantly rush between two opposites. Moonstone will help you get rid of duality of character. It fights indecision and fear of making mistakes and helps to gather energy to move towards one goal. Develops creativity very well. Protects against family breakdown: protects against momentary temptations and impulses. Therefore, the moonstone is required to be worn by all “family” Geminis.

Amber, citrine, cat's eye

Stones of sunny shades have a good effect on the energy of Gemini: amber, citrine, cat's eye. They protect you in matters of work and business, help in business negotiations and at large public appearances, and protect you from rash actions. They very well limit the ardor of overly gambling Geminis.


Onyx, especially with two or more straight stripes, helps you become more serious and collected. Geminis are naturally characterized by some laxity. Onyx will help you gather your best qualities and show what you are really capable of. Very good for frivolous people.


Agate is very suitable for weak, sickly Gemini. This stone fills a person with a lot of vital energy, helps to become active and healthy. Makes the character more direct, removes the excessive desire to soar in the clouds. Thanks to this, you will be able to achieve great success in your creative or simply business plans. Your character will become more mature and responsible, you will be able to show results not only on paper, but also in practice. Agate is also a talisman of love affairs. It helps Gemini decide on their soulmate. At the same time, the marriage turns out to be strong and reliable. Helps remove Gemini's indecisiveness, which very often interferes with their life. Agate also supports the functioning of internal organs and protects against negative magical effects.


Jade has a good effect on the health of Gemini. It stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system and improves sleep quality. Positively affects life expectancy. Helps restore damaged internal organs. However, with all these advantages, the stone also has a drawback - it attracts loneliness, which Gemini simply cannot stand. Therefore, try to wear jade as needed, refrain from wearing it all the time.


If your life is full of travel and adventures, then you can protect yourself from failures with the help of turquoise. This stone helps to avoid quarrels and conflicts, and saves from accidents. If you are in any danger, you will feel it. Turquoise is also a guarantor of financial stability - your wallet is not afraid of emptiness.


Citrine is another stone that is good for the health of Gemini. It slightly dulls the conductivity and sensitivity of the Gemini nervous system, which helps protect against stress. Thus, it protects health, internal organs and immunity. It is especially good for the heart. Try to constantly wear citrine during cold periods, periods of the height of epidemics of infectious diseases. This way you will protect yourself from unwanted disease.

Eye of the Tiger

The tiger's eye protects Gemini from themselves, or rather from negative manifestations of their character. It suppresses suspiciousness, jealousy, anxiety, aggressiveness, and suspicion. Helps improve your financial situation and move up the career ladder. Also, at moments when various kinds of troubles are likely to occur, the stone seems to become heavier, thereby warning its owner.


Chrysoprase is a powerful amulet for twins. It protects against financial losses, so it is very good if your work involves interacting with a large amount of money. In the family, chrysoprase takes away manifestations of negativity and leaves only positivity. Protects while traveling, on the road. Helps in risky, adventurous matters.

Dangerous stones

Geminis are very positive people, they often have a very easy, simple character. Therefore, try not to wear stones that are too heavy - they are not suitable for you. Do not wear diamonds, rubies, aquamarine - they suck your vitality, bring health problems, and can bring bad luck.

In this article:

Each zodiac sign has its own talisman stone, and sometimes more than one, including Gemini. These bright representatives of the air element should combine completely versatile qualities in their amulet.

This sign leads an active lifestyle, so the talisman stone should match. Geminis need amulets that will support their natural eloquence, and also give them strength and courage in any type of activity.

Alas, often the brightness of the personality of this Zodiac sign evokes not only admiration in others, but also a lot of negative emotions, thoughts, desires, as a result of which they really need powerful protection.

Many Geminis love to travel, so their talisman should protect them from troubles on the road. The amulet can have any shape, for example, a snake or a mask.


The most important talisman in the form of a stone for twins is agate. A semi-precious stone is as unique as the person who owns it. Agate gives the owner eloquence, protects from the evil eye and gives strength. People believe that agate prolongs life and protects against disease.



Beryls include a whole group of fairly popular stones, including the well-known ones: aquamarine, emerald, heliodor. Even in ancient times, people discovered the properties of this stone; it energetically cleanses the owner, relieving stress and fatigue, giving mental sobriety, fortitude, and physical vigor.

Like agates, beryls are also capable of revealing the gift of oratory, as well as protecting during travel.


Chrysoprase is a variety of chalcedony. He brings success in all endeavors! The best good luck charms made for twins are made from chrysoprase. Also, the stone can relieve the blues, improve mood and give eloquence to those who complain of tongue-tiedness.


Geminis are a fussy, restless people with changeable moods. Geminis are prone to suspicion, superficiality and envy. Increased activity depletes the nervous system, as a result of which Gemini really needs a lot of sleep.


Green, yellow, and golden shades of stones are considered preferable for this zodiac sign, which will help maintain self-discipline, focus and calmness in its owner. This is exactly what citrine is - a yellow-lemon stone with strong energy.

Citrine is on the side of the owner in any situation, bringing him good luck in all endeavors and activities, from teaching to business. He concentrates and works on concentration.

Citrine gives a positive charge and attitude to life, strengthens the physical condition of its owner and normalizes his emotional state.


Geminis who have connected their lives with literary activity can safely use the possibilities of carnelian. This stone can develop memory, eloquence and attract inspiration. Like amber, carnelian attracts prosperity and protects against misunderstandings and troubles. Carnelian also prolongs the love of spouses, helps to maintain calm and optimism.


Eye of the Tiger

What talisman can become universal for Gemini? Made from an orange-brown tiger eye that protects against gossip and intrigue, “dealing” with the enemy in such a way that he will no longer appear on the horizon of your life.

Tiger's eye pacifies jealousy and relieves the owner from various kinds of emotional turmoil, adding sanity and determination to him. A talisman with a tiger's eye eliminates frivolous extravagance, turning Gemini into a more practical and economical owner.

Geminis should absolutely and categorically not wear stones such as opal, aquamarine, and onyx.

The zodiac sign Gemini fully justifies its belonging to the air element; Geminis lead a very flighty lifestyle. They are very active and characterized by inconstancy and frequent mood swings. At the same time, despite such frivolity, women and men born under the symbol of this constellation are considered very resourceful and very smart. And representatives of the zodiac sign Gemini need just such a talisman that could pacify disadvantages and enhance advantages. Therefore, we decided to devote today’s article to what kind of talisman stone exists for Gemini.

Each zodiac sign has accompanying talismans that can significantly change a person’s life. Including natural minerals suitable for the Gemini symbol can significantly improve the quality of life of its representatives, if they are chosen correctly.

Gemini, as mentioned above, are the brightest representatives of the element of Air. Despite their frivolity and fickleness, all representatives of this zodiac symbol are endowed with:

  • sharp mind;
  • resourcefulness;
  • optimism;
  • versatility;
  • responsiveness.

The zodiac sign Gemini highlights the desire for development, improvement, learning new things, and conquering heights. And such people especially need a stone that would accompany all their endeavors.

Each representative of the zodiac system has its own stones. The compatibility of such talismans is determined by the events that they involve in the life of their owner.

So, for example, if after purchasing a talisman in the form of a natural mineral a person begins to have a streak of bad luck, it means that this is not a suitable stone. If, with the acquisition of a magical artifact, a noticeable improvement occurs in the life of the real owner, then this means good compatibility of the stone and the owner. Gemini talismans are selected in the same way.

What should you consider when choosing a stone?

Those born between May 21 and June 20 (zodiac sign - Gemini), as well as representatives of other symbols, should know the main points for choosing a talisman stone.

First of all, when choosing a magical item, you need to decide on its purpose. That is, taking into account the classification of natural minerals and the purpose of each of them, you need to choose the most suitable one. For example, there are ones that attract good luck and prosperity to their owner. There are also nuggets that are designed to attract love, etc. Therefore, before you acquire such a magical item as a gem talisman, you need to decide on its purpose in your life.

In addition, you should pay attention to your own feelings when choosing a mineral. If anyone (including representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign) decides to acquire a talisman in the form of a gem, he should slowly examine each item. There are perfectly suitable stones. Such things literally attract a person’s gaze and beckon them to be picked up. If the future owner, picking up such a nugget, does not feel negative, then the stone is suitable for him.

Minerals for Gemini

Men and women representing the zodiac sign Gemini can choose any of the green or gold-hued stones. Such minerals have the properties of maintaining vital energy in their owner. In addition, these stones are able to tune their owner to a specific goal and make him more disciplined.

Considering the characteristics of Gemini, the following are best suited for them:

  • cornelian;
  • beryl;
  • citrine;
  • chrysoprase;
  • agate.

This stone is most effective for representatives of the zodiac symbol Gemini. First of all, it will protect its owner, be it a woman or a man, from various troubles. Also, the carnelian talisman stone “knows how” to solve financial problems. Therefore, if you choose a mineral during a period of brewing financial crisis, rest assured that carnelian will help avoid these problems.

Carnelian is perfect for Gemini, who can be classified as creative people. For those who were born between May 21 and June 20, and from birth show a craving for creativity and art, carnelian will help realize their talent. Among others, such stones very effectively develop the attention and memory of their owner and attract muses to him.

Another ideal talisman for Gemini is the natural gem beryl. Few of the representatives of this zodiac sign know what kind of beryl is in action.

Such a talisman can be called universal. It helps to cope with various problems, avoid troubles and protect yourself from stress. With such a mineral, every representative of the Gemini symbol will feel full of strength and confidence.

This mineral will help Geminis cope with some of their shortcomings, and will also improve their oratory skills and communication skills. Beryl will be a good companion for Gemini travelers. For them, the stone will be a guiding star, protecting them from troubles on the road and attracting good luck.

Citrine is also suitable for active and lively Gemini. This stone is able to compensate its owners for the energy they expended. In addition, these talismanic stones can solve sleep problems, driving away dark visions from their owners and attracting restful rest.

This lemon-yellow gem can have a strong impact on the business activities of its owner. Those men and women who represent the zodiac sign Gemini, who become owners of a talisman in the form of a citrine stone, note significant changes in the conduct of business, negotiations, career advancement, etc. This stone can also attract money. Therefore, when purchasing such a talisman, you can expect an increase or financial assistance in another form.

Chrysoprase stone, a type of the mineral chalcedony, is considered a magnet of good luck. With his appearance in the life of a Gemini woman or Gemini man, a bright streak begins. These stones have the properties of attracting good luck to each of the areas of activity of their owner. With him, the representative of this zodiac symbol will become what is popularly called “the darling of fate.”

In addition, the chrysoprase talisman can protect its owner from all sorts of troubles. A person who gives preference to such a mineral will always be in a good mood.

This mineral, unlike others, is capable of increasing the intelligence of its owners and endowing them with intelligence. In addition, such talisman stones can enhance the individual qualities of Gemini. A talisman with agate can improve your health. It will help you heal and improve your overall health.

At the same time, agates have protective properties. They protect their owners from negativity and outside magical interference. With such a talisman, Gemini can be calm, because the evil eye, damage, envy and other witchcraft will bypass them.