home · Installation · Design of the courtyard of a private house: design features. Effective and attractive arrangement of the yard of a private house Do-it-yourself yard in the village

Design of the courtyard of a private house: design features. Effective and attractive arrangement of the yard of a private house Do-it-yourself yard in the village

Ennoble a private house with the adjacent territory is much more difficult than an apartment in a high-rise building. A beautiful yard is the dream of many homestead owners. It seems that not everyone can afford to hire a landscape designer who will quickly and efficiently develop a suitable project. What to do in such a situation? Before you take on the task of independently improving the territory of a private house, try to imagine what you want to ultimately get, and those provided in the article practical recommendations will help you decide on design design landscape.

Each person has his own ideas about beauty and comfort, which are expressed in the environment. Any little thing that makes us happy characterizes us as a person. Although landscaping the yard does not involve carrying out work using special equipment, if you first make drainage and strengthen the slopes, you can avoid many difficulties during operation personal plot.

If you are ready to attract additional labor, you can bring any of your ideas to life.

To begin, draw a plan of the site and depict on it all the planned buildings, plantings, fences and paths. After this, you can begin marking the yard and its consistent improvement. Please note, however, that the site must have both solar and shady areas. This will diversify your family’s vacation and also make it even more comfortable.

When designing a local area, it is important to take into account the climatic features of the region. This affects both the choice of plants and construction work.

The house is, of course, the main element of the site, so all other buildings must be built in a style that matches it. If your estate has small size, then you shouldn’t experiment with styles. Remember also that too much decor will turn the local area into a colorful patchwork quilt.

And vice versa, if you have large area plot, then it can be zoned, bringing to life different thematic corners. For example, country style involves the use simple designs in design. It combines with handcrafted decor, gravel paths and wooden decking.

Think about what functionality you expect from your local area? What do you want to grow on it? Maybe these will be flower beds? Or are you planning to raise fish in a pond? Or maybe you like to relax on a sun lounger? In order for this variety of activities to fit harmoniously into the yard, it is necessary to divide the space into functional zones.

If you have children, then you need a playground. So think about which zones you need, which you want and which you can give up. If you own small yard, then try to combine some zones. For example, you can put folding chairs and a table in an area for active games, thereby converting it into a place for lunch and board games. After such a pastime, all these items garden furniture it could be removed by turning the lawn into, say, a ball field.

Zone boundaries may include hedges, bushes and perennials. Remember, the fence shouldn't become dominant, so don't overload it.

Fences can be supplemented with arches or pergolas over the paths. Such designs are especially effective in composition with blooming vines. Garden trellises entwined with climbing plants will create the impression of a living wall. In this simple way, you can close your yard from prying eyes, and at the same time create a shady corner.

In the front part of the yard, paving stones, cut stone and concrete slabs look best. They are often laid out so that the space between them can be filled, for example, with glass granules, sand or pebbles. Another design option is to plant unpretentious low plants, including thyme, juvenilia, saxifrage and others.

If you decide to decorate your yard in an informal style, you can make paths from wood cuts. The space between them is filled with crushed bark or sawdust. Such paths look attractive in shady parts of the local area. If you need a more restrained and elegant composition, then it is better to fill the space between the wood cuts with fine crushed stone, fine sand or gravel.

Often, narrow boards that are tightly connected to each other are used for paving paths. Such pavement is usually varnished or painted. To simplify the installation of a wooden path, you can use garden parquet, also called decking. The arrangement of paths should be carried out in accordance with the plan drawn on paper.

The closer the paths are to the house, the more discreet they should be. Therefore, for their arrangement it is better to use slabs, decking, paving stones or bricks. In other themed areas, the paths may be more informal.

Sometimes, to create comfort and coziness in the yard, you just need to choose and plant the right vegetation. If you have moved on to the stage of landscaping the local area, then start by planting trees and bushes. With their help you can make your garden more diverse. In addition, trees and shrubs will protect certain areas from wind and sun.

Do you want some brightness in your yard? Then you cannot do without planting brightly flowering plants. So, you can create a beautiful monochromatic or multi-colored landscape.

If you are landscaping a small area of ​​a private house, then give preference to plants that bloom continuously - one after another. Such a flower bed will be attractive all season long.

Flowering yards are attractive, but landscapes with decorative foliage plants such as ferns, heucheras and hostas also look equally beautiful. Lawns are becoming increasingly popular. Although it seems that the grass is unpretentious, the lawn also needs to be looked after. The grass needs to be sown and trimmed regularly. In dry summers, it needs to be watered daily.

If you are doing remodeling summer cottage, then perhaps it would be better to make it completely paved. This type of yard is easy to keep clean. To landscape such a yard, you can use flowerpots. This will allow you to place any exotic species in your yard for the summer, for example, lemon, cypress, pomegranate, etc.

Vertical gardening can be used to create a relief volume in the garden. This is especially true in a small local area. Fences, gazebos, tree trunks and poles already erected in the yard can serve as supports.

You can create a harmonious landscape using garden lighting elements powered by solar panels or from the mains. Except functional purpose, they will give the exterior of the yard a special charm.

As a rule, paths, ponds, plants and sculptures are illuminated. Floating lighting fixtures create the feeling of a blooming oasis located on the water. LED lights will help you create the effect of a starry sky under your feet. You can also use lanterns on poles to illuminate paths.

One thing is clear - well-designed and well-thought-out lighting will decorate the territory of a private home.

Garden decorations add special and unique accents to the yard and help create style direction. landscape design. Sculptures or a fountain can be placed in open areas and patios.

They are very popular in our area garden figurines, made in the form fairy tale characters and animals. But it’s important not to overdo it here. Otherwise, you can turn the yard into a children's playground.

If you care about animals and birds, you can place feeders, birdhouses and squirrel houses in your yard. If you make them original, you can use them to decorate your yard.

Ponds are intended for aesthetic pleasure. To equip them, the dug pit is lined with polyvinyl chloride film. If you want to make a pond that is as close to natural as possible, then design its banks as naturally as possible. Lay them with natural stones, such as pebbles. You can plant around moisture loving plants such as watermint, sedge, marsh iris and, of course, rushes. You can plant lotuses, urut, water lilies and other aquatic plants at the bottom of the pond.

Ponds are often complemented by waterfalls and


A beautiful courtyard of a private house often arises not from an excess of imagination or money, but from the need to solve specific problems and realize the owners’ vision of what kind of courtyard will be convenient and pleasant for them.

So, behind a fabulous flower curtain there is often hidden an unsightly wall of a neighbor’s barn.

A lush flowering rose bushes near the fence are intended for maximum visual expansion space of a tiny garden.

IN small yard even a vegetable garden must carry its own aesthetic load.

How to plan a beautiful courtyard of a private house.

This small beautiful courtyard of a private house began with such a gravel-paved area in front of the house. Which was intended only for parking two cars and small flower beds on the side. It's hard to imagine here beautiful garden in any form.

The total area of ​​this plot in front of the house is 2.5 acres. Because At first there were attempts to combine the garden with a parking lot and they were unsuccessful, it was decided to divide the garden as such with a parking lot. It looks something like this new layout plot.
Next to the house, on one side, there is a paved area, which is separated from the parking lot by a fence with a gate; on the other side, a small vegetable garden and a garden are planned. In the garden, on the left side, in order to raise the fence as high as possible, an artificially raised small terrace is planned.

Design of the courtyard of a private house. Parking lot.

This is what the new parking lot in the courtyard of this private house looks like from the street. Ahead is the entrance to the house, on the right is the entrance to the garden, on the left are the neighbors.

In order to make a reliable covering on the site for cars, which would not be in dissonance with the overall landscape design of the garden, an original decision was made - to build decorative fence between the parking lot and the garden. Cinder block fence, from above concrete plaster. To prevent it from looking too massive, it has windows with flower boxes. From the street side, this fence will continue with a decorative wrought iron fence. On the side of the yard near the fence, in front of the house entrance, a gate is planned. There is also a gate in the fence for access to the garden.

View of the parking lot after completion of work. The entrance to the garden was decorated with an arch of climbing roses. Also, rose bushes grow along the entire fence, they are complemented by perennials ornamental grasses and flowers in containers.

A beautiful courtyard of a private house with your own hands. Fences.

View of the fence from the street (parking lot on the left). In order to make the flower beds above the fence more decorative, natural stone was used. Flower boxes perfectly complement the overall landscape design of this piece of the yard.

On the street side, the fence will be forged (the standards of this area do not allow building a solid fence on the street side). For privacy, trees will be planted next to the fence on the garden side. garden vines and ornamental bushes.

A small ridge - a flowerbed with regularly repeating groups of flowers, is in perfect harmony with the clear rhythmic design of the fence itself.

This is what the fence between neighboring properties looks like.

In that part of the yard where there is a desire to communicate with neighbors, a chain-link mesh is used for the fence, along which climbing roses rise.

How to design a beautiful courtyard of a private house. Garden.

Small beautiful vegetable garden- the highlight of this yard.

As we remember, the entire area was paved with gravel, so before starting work, we raked up the gravel and installed a frame for a small greenhouse at the end of the beds.

Using garden borders, we formed a shape for four beds and filled the beds with soil.

In the corner of each bed they installed a large flower pot- flowers will grow there, which will add some color to the green bed.

The paths between the beds were beautifully paved with narrow blocks of brick-like paving slabs and covered with crushed stone

The vegetable garden turned out no worse than the flower bed!

A small beautiful courtyard of a private house.

The courtyard design of this private home actively uses a variety of materials for garden paths in order to create new interesting textures and interesting effects.
Those paths that are most often used are paved with smooth paving slabs, the area near the gazebo is tiled bigger size and a different shade, and the cozy paths leading to the secluded corners of the garden are made of cobblestones and bricks.

A small snow-white arch creates the main accent for the main flower bed with a garden sculpture.

By changing the flowers of this sweet girl, you can create a different mood for this corner of the garden.

This beautiful flower bed with sculpture is located on a raised terrace along the fence with the neighbor's property. The task here was to raise the fence as high as possible. Therefore, in the flowerbed, roses climbing high along the arch and fence in combination with ornamental shrubs. And the garden sculpture harmoniously balanced the size and proportions of this flowerbed with the entire garden.

The entire garden is built on a sensitive balance of open and closed space, tall flower beds with perennials and containers with annuals.

Every corner of the garden is used for flowers - the area in front of the house, fences, vegetable garden, parking lot, and, of course, the garden itself.

To make garden paths look cozier, some flowers grow both on the path itself and “extend” onto it from the side.

In addition to perennials, which create the basic foundation of the garden, annuals are actively used in the design of this garden. It’s easier to experiment with them and create a fresh new color and composition solution.

In order for the beautiful courtyard of a private house to become elegant in the spring as early as possible, numerous flower seedlings are grown in a small greenhouse next to the garden.

One of the favorites of last season was ornamental cabbage - unpretentious, graceful. In autumn, when the garden takes a break from the riotous whirlwind of colors, ornamental cabbage, which only becomes more beautiful and brighter after the first frost, looks like a real queen of the garden.

Everything you do in the garden and yard with your own hands will delight you every minute. Use non-standard and unexpected approaches to the design and layout of the yard of your private home - after all, only you know what you would like to see from the window and what height of the fence should be for each neighbor. Enjoy the garden and your right to make it your own!

If you are the owner country cottage or a private house located within the city, you understand perfectly well that the matter does not end with arranging your home. A lot of time, effort and money goes into effective and beautiful design the area adjacent to the house. Nowadays, landscape design has been heard of even in the most remote villages. But not all of our compatriots will agree that the time for beds laid out throughout the entire plot of land has passed, giving way to alpine slides, fountains and artificial ponds in the oriental style.

Most owners of private houses (both within the city and beyond) choose the option of decorating the area adjacent to their home, but with a functional background. So that your work is translated into a harmonious, beautiful and practical landscape design that will delight you and your family all year round, planning must be taken seriously. Fortunately, there is now more than enough information on this topic. Equip private territory It is possible with a minimum of financial costs, but you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. To maintain the beauty of your site, you will need to find opportunities and pay attention to plants, buildings, ponds and even garden furniture.

Planning the beauty of the yard

The yard around a city private house or country cottage is an adjacent area that welcomes not only the owners after a hard day (or week, in the case of country estates), but also their guests. We can safely say that the impression of homeowners begins to form at the first glance at the design of a personal plot or yard.

Before you start planning landscape design, decide what “beautiful yard” means to you? How would you like to see it? Is it important for you to amaze your neighbors and guests with the splendor of your yard design, or do you put practicality and convenience at the forefront? What is your lifestyle, do you have children and pets, do guests often gather for barbecues and barbecues, do you have evening gatherings in the fresh air? The set of “scenery” for your private yard largely depends on the answers to these questions. Considering on initial stage planning many nuances of the further operation of your site, you will save not only money, but also time for subsequent alterations, reconstruction and corrections.

Of course, the landscape design of your yard will largely depend on its size. If the territory is large, then the flight of your imagination will be limited only by financial capabilities and features of the territory’s landscape, soil type and location in relation to the cardinal directions. But if we are talking about a small backyard of a city private house, then in this case it is necessary to set clear priorities. On several square meters it will be difficult to place a playground, a place for barbecue, a patio for relaxation, and large flower bed with flowers.

Having worked optimal plan creating landscape design - go to the area and mark the exact location of all objects (gazebos, flower beds, rock gardens, ponds and patios). For simplicity, experts recommend dividing the entire area into squares. Each such segment will have a key figure - a building or decorative element. This way it’s easier to evenly distribute all planned landscape design items and create a balanced appearance plot.

Before the beginning construction work(if any are planned) it is necessary to check the condition of the territory. If segments of water accumulation are found, install drainage. At the same stage, all communications necessary for watering plants and operating artificial reservoirs, fountains and waterfalls are laid.

Paths, steps and flower beds

Garden paths are an integral part of any landscape design. In addition to its main goal - organizing safe travel Along the site, paths perform the functions of zoning and decorating the territory.

Garden paths can be laid out from large but flat stones, concrete slabs, clinker or ordinary bricks, cobblestones, covered with fine gravel or pebbles, fencing with special low borders. By combining the material of the paths, you can get not only the necessary functionality, but also a decorative decoration for your garden or yard.

Landscape design and geometry are inextricably linked. For some, harmony and balance in environment seen in smooth lines, rounded shapes, winding paths and oval flower beds. Some people need rigor and clarity - straight garden paths, as companions from point A to point B, strict forms of shrubs, trimmed with what is called a “ruler”, and an absolutely flat lawn. Only the owners know what plants and tree shapes will be able to caress their eyes and bring calm and balance to their mood.

It is better to plan the planting of flowers in flower beds or garden tubs in such a way that the flowering of some is replaced by the flowering of other varieties. In this case, your yard will be able to delight you and your family with bright colors throughout the warm season (in most regions of our country - this is approximately from mid-April to early October).

If the landscape of your site involves some hilliness, then instead of fighting nature, creating artificial embankments and leveling slopes, you can succumb to the natural arrangement of hills and lowlands and build beautiful steps that can act as a focal point, attracting everyone's attention.

Artificial ponds on the site, fountains and cascades

It’s rare that an oriental landscape design is complete without a small artificial pond or a small source of water. And as we know, all European and American landscape designers, and our compatriots as well, draw inspiration from the founders of the art of bringing beauty and harmony into the territory surrounding the house - the eastern peoples.

Japanese masters consider water not only the source of life, but also, together with the earth, a symbol of harmony and balance of all living things. Organizing an artificial reservoir on a site is not easy; you will need to contact specialists, study the features of the soil and landscape in order to choose the right place, conduct communications and subsequently tirelessly take care of the proper functioning of the fountain or cascade. But all the effort, work and money spent will pay off when you can watch the fish in your artificial pond or watch the water flow into a small tank.

Efficient lighting system for a private yard

Lighting the territory of a private yard is not only a matter of extending the time of communication with the surrounding nature, but also a priority of safety. A well-thought-out and harmonious lighting system will allow you to calmly move around the site in the dark, be on the patio and enjoy the illumination of decorative items in your yard landscape design that are especially significant to you.

First of all, think about it functional lighting– illumination of the facade of the house and additional buildings, the entrance to the garage or parking lot, the main entrance. Experts recommend placing lighting fixtures in such a way that the outlines of the perimeter of your yard are visible and illuminated possible ways moving around the site - garden paths, steps.

Next, you can begin to develop a decorative lighting plan. You can create lighting near a flower bed, garden sculpture, rock garden or pond. Trees and shrubs are illuminated using LED strips, so-called “lighting without lanterns.”

Lamps can be built into the spaces between the degrees, but this point must be considered at the initial stage of designing the location of landscape design objects. Currently, there are many lighting devices that operate on miniature storage batteries that draw energy from sunlight. You won't have to spend money on electricity bills, dim lights energy saving lamps will be sufficient for safe movement along the paths of the site.

Even on small area you can find a corner for organizing a relaxation area with the possibility of cooking over an open fire. Agree, it is unfair to deny yourself the opportunity to invite friends for a barbecue while living in a private house with a yard, even if it is located in the city center.

A round hearth serves as an excellent focal point around which garden furniture (chairs or small sofas), paths are formed and plants are planted. Beam system layout in this case will be most advantageous.

An outdoor fireplace or large stove made of stone will not only be a functional embodiment of cooking various dishes over an open fire, but will also form a relaxing place where you can simply relax, watching the flames in the hearth.

Outdoor or covered dining area

For installation lunch group Very little space is needed. You just need to purchase a table and chairs (or mini-chairs) to be able to dine outdoors.

But if you have the opportunity to organize a covered shed for dining area on the site, then in this case your plans will not be affected by bad weather conditions. In hot weather, you and your family or guests will be protected from the sun; in rainy weather, you can safely continue lunch or dinner.

How to Design a Small Backyard

Very often, urban private houses cannot boast of having a large surrounding area. Usually in front of the house there is a place to park a car or arrange a garage, and all areas for recreation, games and cooking in the fresh air have to be moved to the backyard, the size of which is very limited.

In this case, it will be effective to place a wooden platform or deck as the basis for arranging a patio or dining area on outdoors. Perennial plants in bulk beds along the perimeter of the territory or near the fence will not only decorate your backyard, but will also hide your area from prying eyes.

Next, all you have to do is choose garden furniture that will serve as a place to relax or eat outdoors. Outdoor furniture can be portable or stationary. Usually, solid stone or wooden furniture is used as stationary furniture, but for small courtyards without awnings this option is not the best option. It is better to give preference to folding furniture that you can hide in the pantry or attic when cold weather sets in.

Currently, there are many options for garden furniture to suit every taste and wallet size. The most popular among our compatriots is outdoor furniture made of plastic ( affordable price and ease of transportation) and artificial rattan(looks respectable and expensive). But there are many models made of wood, forged metal, stone and even bamboo. The choice of furniture for a private patio will depend on your financial capabilities, frequency of use and ability to care for the furniture. For example, plastic furniture can be washed with a hose, but rattan products are very dependent on moisture. Forged chairs and tables need to be tinted every 2-3 years, and wooden furniture needs to be impregnated with oil and coated with varnish or protective antiseptics.

A hedge can be a decoration for your backyard. In addition to the main purpose - fencing the territory and protecting against the entry of strangers, the fence can also serve a decorative function. Its frame can serve as a basis for the arrangement of weaving plants, forming a combined hedge, or the design of the fence itself can stand out against the general background of the landscape design.

An unusual fence design or its bright color will bring a positive mood not only to the recreation area, but also to the entire territory backyard. Furniture or soft fillings matched to the color of the fence will create a harmonious patio with an attractive appearance.

The backyard area, in addition to the option with a wooden platform, can be laid out with concrete or stone slabs, covered with fine gravel or decorative pebbles, delineating the boundaries with low borders or metal (polycarbonate) boundaries. But in the case of loose flooring, you must be prepared to constantly add material and level it over the area.

Organizing a dining area on a wooden platform is one of the most common options for using a small backyard area. What could be better than a meal with family or friends and family in the fresh air? In such an environment, the appetite is better and the food tastes better.

For an outdoor dining area, it is better to use light but stable furniture that you can bring under a canopy or even indoors and put into storage during the winter. But in addition to the design and material of garden furniture, the design of the products, their color and texture also matters. If the entire composition of the dining area is designed in similar colors, the place for eating will delight and soothe, creating a peaceful atmosphere. If you decide to use bright, accent pieces of furniture or decor, then the atmosphere of the dining area will become tonic, charging you with optimism and good mood. It all depends on the temperament of the homeowners and the result they want to get from their stay in the backyard.

In addition to organizing a place for relaxation or a dining area, you can place a segment for preparing kebabs and barbecues in the backyard. Whether it will be a stationary fireplace, a portable grill, a real Russian oven or just a large grill - it all depends on your preferences and the size of the yard. But in any case, you will need to take care of seating near the fire and a table that will serve many functions.

Living in a private house solely for the sake of doing gardening work is an outdated stereotype. Modern courtyards, designed taking into account the principles of landscape design, are a kind of miniature recreation parks. Of course, so that the territory long time maintained an attractive appearance, it requires a lot of effort. By using landscape design ideas when decorating the yard of a private house, you will get a well-appointed place where you can enjoy spending time with your family or a noisy group.

Basic elements of a landscape design project

Before drawing up a landscape design project, you should set priorities: what is more important to you - splendor, causing the envy of others, or practical comfortable conditions. The composition of your family, the presence of pets and your lifestyle also make adjustments to the design of the yard of a private house. Think through all the details of landscape design at the initial stage, so as not to regret your ideas in the future and avoid redevelopment.

The landscape design of the yard area is directly related to geometry. Some people prefer to enjoy smooth lines, winding paths and streamlined shapes. Another category cannot do without a clear demarcation of the territory of a private house; they are attracted ideally smooth lawns, timely trimmed shrubs and straight paths. If family disagreements arise, it is better to find a compromise solution in advance so that the result of the private courtyard design does not irritate the owners.

Advice ! When a private yard is located on a hilly area, there is no need to fight with the natural landscape. Equip zones in different planes, connecting them with decorative steps.

The basic principle of the landscape of a private yard in the matter of landscaping is the selection of plants with different flowering seasons. In this case, a colorful landscape around the house will be provided throughout the warm period. Original ideas on the formation of landscape design of the yard area in terms of floristic solutions will be discussed in a separate chapter.

For representatives of Eastern culture, water is one of the main symbols of the harmonious existence of living organisms. Turning their attention to the teachings of great philosophers, most are convinced of the need for the presence of an artificial reservoir in the landscape design of the courtyard of a private house. It is performed in different versions:

  • Traditional pond. Inhabited by living inhabitants, it will be of keen interest to the younger generation and visiting guests.
  • Original fountain, the spray of which will spread pleasant coolness on a sultry afternoon.
  • Quirky miniature waterfall. Its murmur has a calming effect on resting owners of a private home after everyday work.

Besides labor resources and knowledge on the arrangement of engineering communications, you will need to purchase special equipment and become familiar with technological device designs.


Lighting a private courtyard has its own nuances. The principles of landscape design assign two main functions to it:

  1. Provide comfortable conditions for rest and movement around the territory in the dark.
  2. Proper lighting of decorative elements will allow you to enjoy the surrounding aesthetic view during a late walk. It will have a special effect in the cold season, when the beauty of nature fades and attention is focused on the artificial elements of landscape design.

Landscape design ideas by harmonious lighting The yard of a private house includes several points:

  • illumination of the facade of the house;
  • lighting of outbuildings;
  • parking lot equipment;
  • good visibility of the main entrance;
  • comfortable conditions in the recreation area.

Advice ! Landscape design specialists recommend installing lighting for a private courtyard in such a way that the entire perimeter of the site is clearly visible, and all stairs and paths are equipped with lighting.

After completing the mandatory program, they move on to the second stage of landscape design of the yard area - the design of decorative lighting. The list of objects can include an artificial reservoir, alpine slide, garden sculpture or beautiful flower bed. The idea of ​​using LED strips for lighting is still relevant in landscape design. woody plants. If you decide to equip a staircase on a slope with built-in lamps, then the shape of the structure is developed at the initial stage of the landscape design project. It is optimal to choose the option of using lamps for the yard that are powered by sunlight and do not require electrical wiring.

Ideas for arranging a recreation area

Comfortable spending time on the territory of a private home is formed due to several components. The landscape design plan necessarily includes the stage of equipment in the courtyard of the recreation area. Depending on the general stylistic direction, you can arrange it in several ways. Giving preference to the rustic surroundings, the place is equipped with wooden flooring or a kind of deck. Great idea landscape design looks like the location around the perimeter perennial plants, which will create shadow and cover the yard area from prying eyes.

Adherents of the European style of landscape design will like the idea of ​​laying the area with stone or concrete slabs, they can be diluted with decorative pebbles or fine gravel. In this case, private yard owners are recommended to delineate the boundaries of the site with metal or polycarbonate boundaries.

The landscape of a private yard necessarily includes a place for cooking over an open fire or simply the equipment of an exclusive fireplace. The most common options in the form of barbecue and barbecue complement original solutions, among which:

  • Tandoor. If setting up a stationary Asian stove is difficult, you can purchase a ready-made option. In landscape design, it is more practical due to its mobility and the ability to move around the site to the most convenient place.
  • A decorative fireplace surrounded by stones, near which it is convenient to sit on cool evenings.
  • An outdoor fireplace that combines cooking and serving functions in the landscape design of a private area great place for philosophical reflections.

One of the stages of landscape design is the selection of furniture for the yard. Stationary option more suitable for large areas, provided that it is protected from the effects of natural factors. A more convenient idea is to purchase a private one for a plot easy at home folding furniture that can be easily stored indoors during the cold period. The most budget option presented plastic products. Furniture made from artificial rattan looks more respectable in landscape design. Examples for the yard made of bamboo, forged metal and wood deserve attention.

Important ! With the exception of plastic, furniture needs proper care: wooden products require treatment with special impregnation and antiseptics, varnishing; rattan furniture provides protection from moisture, and forged interior parts must be regularly tinted.

For lovers non-standard solutions In landscape design, you will like the idea of ​​​​painting the yard fence with bright colors. A positive attitude will accompany the owners of a private home not only in the colorful summer, but also in the dull autumn season.

Types of stylistic trends

Before designing a landscape design, you should familiarize yourself with the proposed directions in landscaping a private yard and select the most appropriate option. The choice of style, in addition to the personal preferences of the owners of the courtyard of a private house, is influenced by several factors:

  • the size of the territory that is at the disposal of the owners;
  • how much time they plan to spend on maintaining the plantings in proper condition;
  • in which region the site is located, its climatic conditions and soil type.

Taking into account all the components, you can focus on one of the landscape design ideas offered by specialists for a private yard:

English style is a plot with a landscape garden that combines smooth lines and a natural arrangement of elements. The design is as close as possible to the natural landscape. The entire flora is completed in tiers: first, flowers or grass appear in front of the eye, they smoothly give way to shrubs, and trees complete the colorful landscape. Distinctive features directions - the absence of a symmetrical arrangement of objects in landscape design, winding paths and flat areas are replaced by cascading slopes or artificial reservoirs. If we consider private yard in general, it is preferable to organize English style in landscape design on an elongated site, where the main building is located in the depths, its facade is defiantly open. A long alley stretches from the entrance gate to the house; at the back of the yard, fenced with a high fence, there is a recreation area landscaped with flowers.

The Japanese style necessarily includes the presence in the landscape design of the courtyard area of ​​an artificial reservoir, complemented by a bridge, and various decorative stones. Among the plants, preference is given to juniper and rhododendron. The landscape design idea of ​​placing dwarf pine trees against a background of fancy stones looks harmonious. The beauty of the landscape is revealed here gradually, setting visitors up for philosophical reflection.

Mediterranean style landscape design provides for a patio with wicker or wrought-iron furniture; a hammock or chaise lounge will fit organically here, many colors in ceramic dishes. The paths of the courtyard of a private house are decorated natural stone light shades. Distinctive details of landscape design are gazebos decorated with climbing plants and miniature fountains.

It took as little effort as possible, but gave the best result, quite possible, if you take into account all the advice from professional designers that relate to refurbishment DIY yard of a private house. It turns out that even a very small space in the backyard or a plot of land adjacent to the house can turn into a favorite place to relax and spend time for all members of your family.

DIY courtyard design for a private house

Most often, the territory that is turned into a place for rest and relaxation is located in a secluded place, hidden either by a high fence or by the building of the country cottage itself. In this case, largely DIY courtyard design for a private house will remind us of the layout of Mediterranean patios, a magnificent invention that is designed to create a green oasis in the middle of a city or holiday village.

Patios are built where there is a shortage of free space, but even if you own a large plot of land, this is not a reason to refuse this. The fact is that, as practice shows, no matter how large the territory is, with all sorts of interesting corners, landscape techniques and objects, all family members still spend 80% of their time in a fairly limited space in the courtyard, which is adjacent to the door of the house. Garden furniture is installed here, a playground is made so that children can be watched well, and a barbecue or barbecue is also installed as elements of a summer kitchen. That is why it is worth leaving the rest of the territory to the plants, setting up a luxurious garden or ornamental vegetable garden there, and concentrating your attention on arrangement on those square meters that are as close as possible to the front door.

Marking the territory on the plan in order to think it through competently is the best start for planning. Moreover, you need not only to draw the project on the plan, take into account differences in heights or landscape features, and try to make a three-dimensional model or drawing of the site, on which all the large basic elements will be applied, such as paving, a canopy, landscaping, possibly a pond or pool, a fountain, etc. When you depict all this, you will understand which elements of decor and furnishings you will definitely need, and which you can safely refuse.

Arrange the yard of a private house with your own hands

For several years now, there has been a real explosion in popularity as a covering for decking areas - deck boards, which are made from special types of wood that are resistant to high humidity and temperature changes. Since, finally, a material has been obtained that has excellent decorative qualities and no less good performance, it is decking that can be seen in overwhelming quantities successful examples do-it-yourself courtyard design for a private house. Photo, which you can see above, demonstrate how the simplest patio furnishings are transformed once they are placed on such a beautiful covering, which becomes the main, central element of the entire design.

Arrangement of the yard of a private house with your own hands

To DIY arrangement of the yard of a private house has become as successful as possible, you must anticipate all weather situations and climatic features your region. Often we need to transform the site when there is already a ready-made building, and we cannot play with geographical location courtyard, lining it up according to the cardinal directions. So you need to determine where it will be most day (and the hottest) there will be sun, where there will be shade, from where the wind will mostly blow. All this knowledge will help us correctly position fences, sheds, and make zoning, including vertical.

Options do-it-yourself canopies in the courtyard of a private house there may be several, ranging from solid, dark roofs covered with tiles, to parallel beams spanning both sides of the yard. This Mediterranean style of creating a canopy allows fresh air, so valuable in summer heat, freely penetrate into the recreation area, but at the same time it will also provide shade. In the photo you can see how interesting the options can be with roofs that extend over our patio area.

The wind protection elements that are used in the classics are partitions and walls, both mobile (screens) and stationary. These elements can also be parts of an external high fence if the area of ​​the site is very small. Solid walls provide good protection from wind and prying eyes, but do not allow the sun to illuminate the site well and allow fresh air to penetrate. Therefore, pergolas are often used - partitions made of crossed planks, which will become an excellent basis for vines climbing plants. Garden pergolas twined with roses or clematis always look very elegant.

An element that was largely new for , was a real functioning wood burning fireplace. This is what you can see and appreciate in the illustrations. decorating the yard of a private house with your own hands, photo which you see above. We all certainly like a live fire in the patio; it is not only convenient, but also very beautiful and atmospheric. But still, we are more accustomed to barbecues and stoves, rather than real fireplaces. In the photographs you see that fireplaces can be free-standing or placed in the wall of the house, having a common chimney with it.

We decorate the yard of a private house with our own hands - photo

The best way to decorate for a place that is in natural environment- these are, of course, plants, bright flowers, noble trees, wide bushes. They are the ones who in the best possible way us and We decorate the courtyard of a private house with our own hands. Photo, which you see below, show how much the space is transformed, which is filled with the greenery of flowers and trees. This is equally true for
Strict geometry, which is so popular today when developing apartment concepts, is becoming relevant for garden design. For example, an interesting trend for garden furniture is placing it in a circle, which was not used so often before. In order to bring ideas like those in the photo to life, you will need to buy or make a special order special furniture round shape. You can do it yourself by using formwork to form a concrete frame and lay sofa cushions on top. The same circular sofa can be knocked down from boards, carefully calculating future loads. Round furniture is good, but it does not fit in every area; it requires large space. Therefore, geometry can also be embodied in rectangular shapes, as in other examples presented in the photo. Hedge bushes, paving, and so on become geometrically even.

If you have an insufficient budget, when you want to do something impressive, but not very expensive, you should concentrate on elegant garden furniture. A win-win option is benches and chairs of vintage shapes, which you can decorate with your own hands, giving them an even more elegant look than was intended by the master. We can say that antique-shaped furniture is gradually replacing the already boring structures made of wooden pallets.