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Morning glory at home in a pot. Ipomoea annual - planting and caring for a garden vine. Reproduction and planting

Morning glory is an interesting herbaceous plant, the species of which are both annual and perennial. This climbing vine has beautiful tubular or funnel-shaped flowers. The rhizome of the plant has a tuberous shape. Tropical America is considered the birthplace of morning glory. It is widespread not only in Russia, but also in the subtropics and tropics.

The plant can be propagated by seeds. To do this, the seeds should be sown in the ground in the spring. To achieve early flowering, you need to grow seedlings in advance. However, keep in mind that morning glory does not tolerate transplantation, so save a lump of earth. In cultivation it is unpretentious and undemanding to soils. The liana prefers open sunny places, but will grow well in shady areas. For abundant flowering, it is recommended to regularly fertilize with mineral fertilizers.

Whole morning glory leaves have arrow-shaped ends at the base. They are located on long petioles, located alternately on fairly strong twisted stems. The plant's strong stems can twine around almost any support. Active growth occurs in the summer, from mid-June to the end of September. The graceful corolla of the flower is formed by delightful fused petals, which is expressed by a pentagonal limb. The fruit is a small seed capsule.

Useful properties of morning glory

Dense morning glory tubers are very rich in unique biologically active substances. They are often used as food because they taste like sweetish frozen potatoes. To date, no parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes.

Application of morning glory

Thanks to the beautiful stems of the presented vine, it will help to exquisitely shade any terrace, hiding a certain area not only from direct sunlight, but also from prying eyes. Such a beautiful hedge can take any shape. Morning glory will help decorate dried trees that cannot be uprooted. With a sufficiently large volume of soil, the plant can grow in boxes on balconies and loggias. Choose a south or southeast direction for accelerated growth of the vine.

Planting and caring for morning glory

Sowing of seeds should be done in early spring. At home, three seeds per pot are enough. Sprouts will appear in two weeks. After the sprout has become well established, it can be planted in a larger pot, where a special stick is installed for support. When replanting, do not forget to preserve the root ball of soil. It is recommended to replant the plant into a prepared flower bed no earlier than mid-May. The land must be pre-fertilized.

Morning glory grows incredibly quickly in random directions. It can take any form, depending on your desires. Using wire, fishing line or a special mesh, you can direct the growth of this amazing vine. The stem can rise along supports up to two meters in height. Moderate fertilizing stimulates abundant flowering. With large quantities of fertilizers, flowering and vigorous development of foliage are suppressed. Make sure the soil is not only rich in humus, but also always loose.

morning glory flowers

Under favorable conditions, morning glory will delight you with a dense woven fabric of durable stems and flowers. The decorative benefits of the inflorescences should be noted. Interesting flowers are located on a rigid climbing stem, densely covered with green, heart-shaped foliage. They are beautiful large bells. Depending on the plant variety, the color of the flowers can vary from white to bluish tones. The flowers are simple and double.

Some flower specimens can reach 20 cm in diameter. This plant blooms from the beginning of July to the end of October. Since the flowers are especially sensitive to direct sunlight, they close in the afternoon.

Morning glory seeds

Small seeds, ripening in a special seed capsule, have good germination. When sown in mid-March, very strong shoots will sprout in two weeks. At home, the seeds should be sown in small pots, and only after shoots appear, the seedlings can be transplanted into the open ground of street flower beds.

Growing morning glory

The beautiful morning glory vine requires fairly intense lighting at home. In the garden plot, it develops magnificently in open areas. Some plant species require protection from the wind. This flower, undemanding to soil, grows well in almost any soil, but prefers nutritious and loose soil that is well drained. To form the correct shape, the vine requires strong vertical support.

When growing, do not forget about regular weeding and sufficient watering. Morning glory does not tolerate strong stagnation of water in the area or in the flower bed where it is planted. During the period of active growth in the spring, fertilizing is extremely necessary. With an excess of fertilizers, only the green mass of leaves increases, and flowering becomes scarce. The plant is not afraid of pests and various diseases.

Morning glory varieties

There are 500 species of morning glory in nature. Such herbaceous plants in cultivation are represented by 25 varieties. Almost all types of this wonderful vine can reach two meters in height. The diameter of fantastic flowers - bells - can range from 4 to 15 cm, depending on the specific species.

Ipomoea quamoclite. This bindweed is native to Southern Mexico. This tropical showy annual has strong, curling, reddish stems. It bears heart-shaped, three-lobed leaves, each of which has three thin stipules. The length of the flowers does not exceed 2 cm. During the flowering period, each flower changes color from red to creamy white. The stamens and pistil are visible from the small open throat of the inflorescence. Morning glory quamoclite blooms from the beginning of August until the beginning of November.

Ipomoea purpurea. This perennial vine has low-branching, strong stems. This species is cultivated as an annual plant. Its stems can reach 8 meters in length. Large three-lobed leaves are located on very long petioles. The short pubescent leaves are bright green in color. The diameter of large, beautiful flowers reaches 7 cm. They are impressive with their bell-shaped and funnel-shaped shape. There are 2 to 5 flowers on the stalks, which grow in the axils of the leaves.

Flowering of purple morning glory begins in July and ends at the first frost. The flowers have variegated and double forms. The fruit of the plant is represented by a round capsule containing up to four large seeds. Tropical America can be called the homeland of this vine.

Ipomoea terry. This type of plant is a perennial vine, which is cultivated as an annual. The rapid growth of stems makes it stand out among other varieties. This vine can reach a length of three meters. On a strong stem there are broadly oval or long-petioled leaves. Large funnel-shaped flowers reach 10 cm in diameter. Their colors can range from pink to purple. The flowers last only one day and are open until noon. The plant blooms from mid-summer to early October.

Morning glory red-blue. The homeland of this species is America. The presented annual has curly branched stems up to 5 meters high. Large ovate leaves are located opposite. Wrinkled plates are on long petioles. Funnel-shaped flowers are collected in groups of 3 in small bunches. Their diameter ranges from 8 to 10 cm. When flowering fades, the color becomes purple-bluish. The flowers are open until lunchtime, and in cloudy weather they may not close all day.

Dark elongated seeds ripen in a cone-shaped box. They are able to remain viable for about three years. This bindweed blooms from July to the end of October.

Ipomoea moonflower. This herbaceous vine has strongly climbing stems, the height of which often exceeds 3 meters. The shoots of the stems can reach 6 meters. The stems have heart-shaped leaves, and the upper part is trilobed. They create a special light-proof cover. Such vine-like stems require especially strong supports to form a hedge.

For the development of buds, such supports also play an important role. The flowering period becomes longer and the number of flowers increases. The amazing aroma of these delicious bells attracts many insects. The flowering period is more than two to four months. In the open sun, the bud quickly closes from the scorching heat. Moonflowering morning glory prefers abundant watering and nutritious soil.

September 14, 2016
You can talk at length about canons in design, but every day the existing canons are becoming less and less stable. Aesthetics and harmony, balance, colors, materials brought together in order to obtain such a long-awaited result are the essence of your knowledge, practice and self-development. My motto is to learn, see, touch something new every day, and I am sure that this is the only way to stay on the right course in “high design.”

Ipomoea on the balcony can replace curtains, decor and wall decoration? How? I hasten to tell you about this.

Morning glory or bindweed, as it is popularly called, belongs to the class of climbing garden vines. The plant was first included in the classification in the 18th century, but today there are more than 3,500 varieties.

An interesting fact is that, depending on the variety, morning glory can be a herbaceous plant, a bush, or even a low tree; in addition, it belongs to two classes: annuals and perennials.

Know morning glory by sight

A carpet of gramophone buds will decorate the balcony from the beginning of June until the first night frosts. The inflorescences have one stamen and surprise with an unusual color transition inside the bud.


Among all the varietal diversity, three varieties were and remain the most popular: Tricolor morning glory, Kaloniction and Batata. The latter variety is well known to gardeners; its fruits are grown in garden plots and are successfully used as food.

The Kaloniktion genus is known for its moon-flowering morning glory; it is distinguished from other species by its velvety white gramophones and long shoots, often reaching 8 m. This variety is ideal for creating a thick living “curtain” on the balcony and reliably covering the walls. Flowers can reach a diameter of 15 cm and have a pronounced, rich aroma.

Tricolor morning glory has more modest shoots, reaching 4-5 m. It got its name due to the variability of shades. The core of the flower remains invariably yellow, but the petals can change from white to deep blue; hybrids of crimson and purple hue are less common.

Instructions for selecting a variety:

Morning glory from seeds

Morning glory is grown on the balcony using the seed method.

Seeding time

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in March or April. I don’t recommend starting work earlier, because morning glory grows very quickly and will be ready for transplanting in 15-20 days.

Think carefully about what the temperature on the balcony will be by this moment; the most comfortable temperature range is from +10 °C to +15 °C. The heat-loving vine will not tolerate frost; the minimum it can withstand is +2 °C.

Morning glory seeds can be sown directly at the main place of residence, bypassing the seedling stage. You should start working no earlier than the end of April.

Morning glory seeds are quite dense, so I advise you to soak them in water for 24 hours before planting. Sealing is carried out to a depth of 0.5-0.7 cm.

The first shoots will appear in 4-7 days, then the morning glory will make a forced march, so immediately install a base twig on which the plant will “climb”.


If you choose the seedling method, remember that morning glory is extremely difficult to transplant into balcony pots or open ground. It would be optimal to carry out transshipment (transplantation with a lump of earth), this will be the key to preserving the integrity of the root system.

For better branching, the plant must be pinched regularly. Do this already with 4 real leaves. New shoots will make the plant thicker, and pinching will also speed up the process of flowers appearing.

If you miss the moment of installing full supports, the sprouts will quickly intertwine with each other.

Plant in tubs and pots in increments of 20-30 cm. The size of the pot for morning glory on the balcony depends on the variety; on average, each plant should contain at least 3 liters of soil.

Features of care

  • Morning glory needs vertical support, your choice can be twine, mesh, chain-link or wire.
  • Particular attention must be paid to the landing site. The ideal solution is a south, east or west balcony/loggia. When planted on the north side, you will get a lot of bright greenery, but will be left without gramophone flowers.

  • Morning glory is a tender plant that is afraid of wind. I would not recommend planting it on balconies above the third floor at all.
  • Fertilizer is applied once a week. The composition should include a maximum amount of phosphorus and a minimum of nitrogen. Such fertilizing will ensure abundant flowering of the plant.
  • Morning glory roots will not tolerate stagnant water, but they will not like drought either. Watering should be moderate, carried out with warm water.
  • The most common problem is spider mites, which have a special love for vine sap. Systematic inspections of the back side of the foliage will help to identify the enemy; you can cope with the scourge with the chemical acaricides “Aktellik” and “Fitoverm”.
  • If the plant is affected by aphids, spray with “Aktar”, “Akarin”, “Karbofos”, “Aktellik”, “Fitoverm”.

Caudex morning glory

Separately, it is worth considering the issue of growing Caudex morning glory, which belongs to the category of indoor plants, but can also be loved by your balcony.

The sprouts do not grow from the ground, but from a huge tuber similar to a potato. This morning glory comes from Africa, so it tolerates direct sunlight, poor soil and forgetfulness of the owner when it comes to watering.

The plant goes through a dormant period, which occurs with a decrease in temperature in winter. At this time, the frequency of watering is reduced to 1-2 times a month.

You can determine the lack of light by light foliage and lack of flowering.

During the growth period (March-early August), fertilizing is applied once every 2-3 weeks. Fertilizers should contain a minimum amount of nitrogen, which can cause cracking of the caudex.

Transplantation is carried out annually at the end of winter. The plant is propagated by tuberous or seed methods.

Summing up

Morning glory is quite unpretentious, which is why it has received widespread popular love. If you love vines, be sure to take a closer look at this plant with fancy gramophones, and I can only offer you an educational video in this article.

September 14, 2016

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Morning glory is one of those plants that gardeners are happy to use for planting in the garden near summer gazebos. By entwining them with its long shoots, the plant not only creates a stunning effect during flowering, but also provides much-needed shade. You can grow this vine even in a metropolis, but as a potted balcony crop. There is no need to be afraid of long creeping shoots - having provided the flower with suitable conditions, not only the owners themselves, but also passers-by will admire its flowering throughout the summer.

What should you consider when planting morning glory at home in a pot, in addition to the usual growing conditions? First of all, there are three factors:

  • choose the right time for sowing seeds;
  • choose a suitable pot and soil;
  • provide good lighting;
  • take care of support for creeping stems.

When to sow?

Morning glory is characterized by very rapid growth, the seeds usually germinate well and grow quickly, so you should immediately decide: to grow seedlings in an apartment on the windowsill or sow the seeds directly into a pot standing on the balcony, where they will continue to grow.

You can sow morning glory for seedlings at the end of March. If it is not possible to provide good lighting and support for the seedlings, you can sow the seeds directly into a pot and leave it on the balcony. In this case, this should be done no earlier than the end of April, and then the seedlings themselves should be thinned out.

When planting morning glory directly into a pot (or transferring ready-made seedlings to the balcony), it is necessary to take into account that it is heat-loving and the bushes will not survive temperatures below 2 degrees Celsius.

What kind of pot do you need?

For morning glory, you need to choose a large enough pot. One plant will need at least 3 liters of soil. A drainage layer must be placed at the bottom of the pot - the flower does not like stagnant water. Accordingly, the substrate itself should be light and loose.

The role of lighting for morning glory flowering

The most suitable place for a flower pot is a southern balcony. It would also be nice to bloom on the east or west side of the house. But northern balconies, unfortunately, are not very suitable for growing vines. It is quite possible to get a green bush there, but the lack of light will have a negative impact on flowering: it will be very scarce or will not occur at all.

Features of caring for potted morning glory

You can plant several bushes in one flowerpot, making the distance between them at least 20 cm. When transplanting morning glory seedlings to a permanent place in a pot, you should know that it does not tolerate it well. This should be done using the transshipment method, being careful not to damage the roots.

In order for the vine to branch well and not stretch, the seedlings must begin to be pinched at the stage of 4 true leaves.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the support for the flower: it is installed at the seedling stage, when the seedlings are short, otherwise they will intertwine with each other. In the pot itself, you can build a structure from bamboo sticks, installing them in the form of a wigwam, or install a decorative plastic lattice.

Morning glory - photo, planting and care, growing in a pot from seeds

1.Seven secrets of success:

1. Growing temperature: during the period of active growth and budding, the plant is kept at normal room temperature, in the fall the temperature is lowered and in winter a cool dormant period is provided at a temperature of 7°C.
2. Lighting: good lighting affects the abundance of flowering - the plant should take sunbathing in the morning and evening every day. At the time of flowering, it is better to leave it in partial shade.
3. Watering and air humidity: Keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy during the warmer months. In spring and summer, you can dry the substrate 2 - 3 cm deep. In the autumn and winter months, watering frequency is reduced to a minimum in accordance with the room temperature. Tolerates fairly dry residential atmospheres.
4. Peculiarities: morning glory can be used both as an hanging plant and for vertical gardening.
5. Priming: well-drained, loose nutrient substrates with a high organic content.
6. Top dressing: in spring and summer, subcortexing should be done regularly - every 2 weeks or every 7 days with fertilizers for flowering plants, diluted to half the dose recommended on the package. In autumn and winter, fertilizing is not carried out.
7. Reproduction: sowing seeds in spring.

Botanical name: Ipomea.

Morning glory flower - family . Convolvulaceae.

Origin of the plant . Tropics of America.

What does it look like. Morning glories are large climbing perennial or annual vines with thin, slightly pubescent stems up to 6 m long. The flowers are large, funnel-shaped, 5 - 10 cm in diameter, solitary or in small axillary inflorescences, very short-lived - remain open mainly only in the morning, white , pink, blue or purple. In cloudy weather, the flowers may remain open until the evening. There are varieties with flowers of two different shades, all kinds of contrasting stripes on the petals. The leaves are usually heart-shaped, with sparse pubescence, up to 15 cm long, dark green. The edges of the leaf blades sometimes have small teeth.

Height. During one summer, the stems of indoor morning glory can grow up to 3 m in length.

2.2. Morning glory - lighting

The amount of light exposure for morning glories depends on the specific species, but most morning glories prefer a well-lit location with direct sunlight in the morning and evening. If there is a lack of light, flowering occurs later than expected, and the plant grows abundantly in green mass. During the rest period, lighting does not play any role. Ideally, the plant should be in the light until the buds form, and at the time when the flowers open, it needs to be shaded.


3.Types of morning glory:

3.1.Ipomoea sweet potato - Ipomaea batatas

This subspecies does not at all resemble the usual flowering vine and is a shrubby ornamental foliage plant. The tubers of this plant are also called “sweet potatoes” and are eaten. The stems of this morning glory often spread along the ground and take root at leaf nodes when in contact with the ground. The leaves are green or burgundy and purple, and can be heart-shaped or palmately dissected. The flowers are pink, funnel-shaped, with fused petals and a dark center, solitary. Flowering does not give this bush any special charm.

3.2.Ipomoea purpurea - Ipomoea purpurea

Annual morning glory with long thin and flexible stems, reaching 3 m in one season. The leaves are soft, large, green, heart-shaped. The flowers are very bright, burgundy-violet, white or pink, funnel-shaped. The fused petals often have contrasting spots on their surface, and the center of the flower is painted in a light shade. Young shoots and leaves have sparse pubescence. Separately in this subspecies there are morning glory "Paradise stars"

3.4.Ipomoea heavenly blue - Ipomoea heavenly blue

A very common, fast-growing subspecies of annual morning glory with a long flowering period - it lasts from spring to mid-autumn, the flowers open in the morning. The flowers are typical for all morning glory - funnel-shaped, very bright blue with a white center and yellow stamens, large - up to 13 cm in diameter. The leaves are light green, heart-shaped, on short petioles.

3.5.Ipomoea "Scarlet` O Hara"

Plants of this variety are distinguished by bright flowers in shades of red and burgundy with bright rays that separate the petals. Often the flowers are monochromatic, but there are plants with flowers whose centers are painted white.

3.6.Ipomoea "Lady Hamilton"

A beautiful variety with soft heart-shaped leaves on short petioles and unusually large and bright flowers. The flower petals are corrugated, painted in burgundy, purple, lavender shades, becoming white closer to the center of the bud.

3.7. Moonflowering morning glory - Ipomoea noctiflora

A large perennial vine with long shoots and slightly palmate, dark green, sparsely pubescent leaves. the flowers are very large, white, with greenish or yellow rays separating the petals, open in the evening and at night.

3.8.Ipomoea Tinkerbell or Mina Lobata - Ipomea Mina lobata

A late-flowering plant with long, strong peduncles, on which small buds gradually open, and the flowers located closer to the base of the peduncle are painted in light colors - white, yellow and orange, and towards the top their color becomes darker - red and burgundy. The stems are rigid, often even erect, the leaves are green and palmately dissected. This subspecies received its name because its long peduncles with flowers tremble even with the slightest breeze.

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The morning glory vine wrapped itself around a bucket in the well overnight.

Don't tear up the fleeting beauty?!

I’ll go to my neighbors for water to wash my face.

(Basho Matsuo)

With what admiration the Japanese poet describes the beauty and speed of growth of the climbing annual morning glory! This plant is truly one of a kind. What other vine is capable of completely entwining a gazebo or fence over the summer? There is only one answer - only morning glory, caring for which is not difficult even for beginners. It does not need large volumes of soil, so it can even find its place on the balcony. Do you want to hide from nosy neighbors? Plant morning glory at the ends of the balcony, tighten the guide threads and after 2-2.5 months admire the thick green screens with gramophone flowers.

Ipomoea climbing is an annual vine that grows quickly and produces tendrils that cling to vertical supports: tree trunks, pickets, nets, threads or wire stretched upward. Morning glory flowers bloom early in the morning, and at noon they close, closing their petals and withering. If the weather is cloudy, they can remain open until the evening. In any case, the lifespan of morning glory flowers is short - only one day. But there is nothing to worry about, because one withered flower is usually replaced by several new ones. Morning glory, with proper care, blooms very profusely.

On nutritious, humus-rich soils, morning glory blooms profusely from early June until frost.

Morning glory from seeds: when to start planting?

Morning glory seeds are sown for seedlings in March-April. There is no point in doing this before. Morning glory grows very quickly, so within 2-3 weeks after germination it will be completely ready for transplanting into a greenhouse or onto a balcony. Consider whether by this period the temperature at the planting site will be above 10°C - this is the “weather” that is normal for the development of morning glory. The heat-loving vine does not tolerate frost, the minimum temperature is 2-4°C. These are extreme temperatures that morning glory can withstand at one time.

In general, growing morning glory through seedlings is more of a whim than a necessity. Typically, morning glory seeds are immediately sown in a permanent place as soon as stable high temperatures are established, in late April-May.

Morning glory: growing from seeds

Morning glory seeds are very dense, so before planting they are soaked in water for a day. Then they are planted in the soil, planted 0.5-0.7 cm deep. Shoots appear on days 3-7, after which the sprouts make a very sharp forced march. This vine is fast-growing, so near each shoot you need to immediately install a twig along which it will begin to curl.

Morning glory seedlings grow very quickly; a maximum of a month after sowing, morning glory should be planted in a permanent place in open ground or balcony boxes

Morning glory, for better branching, needs to be pinched regularly. Do this after 4-5 real leaves. After this, new shoots will quickly appear from the axils, the plant will be thicker and bloom faster.

Morning glory sprouts are difficult to transplant. Therefore, if necessary, do not do a classic transplant, but transshipment while preserving the clod of earth on the roots. The roots should not be damaged, since after this the morning glory seedlings become very sick and often do not survive.

Morning glory sprouts can quickly intertwine with each other if they are not allowed to climb along separate vertical supports.

In a permanent place, seedlings or soaked seeds are planted at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. Morning glory on the balcony can grow in large pots or long balcony boxes. Calculate the planting density so that 1 plant requires 2.5-5 liters of soil.

Morning glory stems need vertical support for development, for example, plastic mesh, twine, fishing line, wire, chain link, etc.

Morning glory: growing on the balcony and in the garden

How to grow morning glory lush and densely blooming? To begin with, you need to choose the right landing site for it, it is best if it is on the south, east or west side. Planting morning glory in the shade, on the north side, is also possible. But in this case, the plant will vigorously drive out foliage, to the detriment of flowering.

Thin and long morning glory branches do not tolerate wind well, which can tear the plant away from its support and fray it. Therefore, its landing site must be reliably protected from the wind.

Morning glory should be fed every week with complex mineral fertilizer. Pay attention to those compositions that contain a minimum of nitrogen, but a maximum of phosphorus. Such fertilizing stimulates the flowering of morning glory and allows it to develop effectively.

The roots of the plant cannot tolerate stagnant water; however, they also suffer from drought. If the morning glory does not have enough water, its leaves will immediately hang like rags. It is better not to bring them to this state! After watering, they restore turgor quickly enough, but the plant’s immunity will be, albeit slightly, damaged. And from there it won’t be long before you get sick!

Morning glory grows well on the balcony

Morning glory diseases

The problem that morning glory lovers regularly face is that they love the juice of this vine. It is especially difficult to kill mites on long stems that cover large vertical areas. Constantly check the undersides of leaves for pests. If it is noticed at the initial stage of its appearance, then the chances of getting rid of it are quite high. There are many, but on morning glory we recommend immediately using effective chemical acaricides, for example, Fitoverm or Actellik. The faster the spider mite on the morning glory is destroyed, the fewer other flowers will be affected.

Another pest that often appears on morning glory is aphids. It does not pose as much of a threat as a tick, but is just as unpleasant. Aphids pierce the leaf blade and suck the juices from the plant, damaging it. Use insecticides, for example, “Aktara”, “Akarin”, “Karbofos”, “Aktellik”, “Fitoverm”, etc. are very effective.