home · Other · Ornamental apple trees: varieties with red leaves and pink flowers. Decorative apple trees Large-fruited varieties of apple trees with red decorative foliage

Ornamental apple trees: varieties with red leaves and pink flowers. Decorative apple trees Large-fruited varieties of apple trees with red decorative foliage

Decorative apple trees

Everyone knows the apple tree as a wonderful fruit crop, but now decorative species have become widespread, especially for decorating streets and squares in cities and towns. But you can plant 1-2 ornamental apple trees at your dacha or on your garden plot to decorate your plot.

The Caucasus and Central Asia are considered the homeland of the apple tree. The wild apple tree grows wild throughout Europe. The Siberian berry apple tree grows wild in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. The apple tree belongs to the Rosaceae family. The apple tree genus has about 50 species. These are deciduous trees up to 10 m high or bushy plants up to 3 m in height. To obtain fruits, large-fruited varieties are grown, and for decorative purposes, small-fruited species are used, known to us from childhood under the name- Ranetka. Decorative types of apple trees in the spring present a fabulous picture, when many simple, semi-double and double flowers bloom in pink, burgundy and red shades with a wonderful delicate aroma! And before flowering, the buds are painted an even more intense color. Some apple trees attract attention with the spectacular color of their leaves during the summer growing season, while others- during the autumn period. The fruits of some types of ornamental apple trees can be used to make jelly and compotes; small apples of other types are food for birds in autumn and winter.

Our streets, parks and cottages can be decorated with the following types of apple trees.

Apple tree berry, or Siberian - a medium-sized tree 3-5 m tall with small fragrant white flowers and small red or yellow fruits. It was widely used by I.V. Michurin in his work on breeding new varieties.

Blood red hybrid apple tree - a shrub-type tree up to 10 m high with a tree-like appearance and a beautiful drooping, widely spread crown and shiny green foliage. Blooms profusely in early spring, the flowers are large, simple, fragrant, dark carmine in buds, light pink when blooming. The fruits are about 1 cm in diameter, red or reddish-yellow.

Crown apple tree - a low tree up to 5 m high, maintaining a decorative appearance throughout the growing season. The flowers bloom in May-early June, large, semi-double or double with a pleasant violet scent, light pink. The leaves are green, gradually turning intense red in autumn. Produces many greenish-yellow fruits up to 4 cm in diameter.

Niedzvetsky apple tree originally from the mountainous regions of the Tien Shan. A very decorative tree, 5-7 m high, with a rounded tent-shaped crown. The leaves are obovate or elliptical in different shades of red. The flowers are pink-purple. The fruits are small with reddish flesh.

Niedzvetsky apple tree

Scheidecker hybrid apple tree - low trees with a narrow crown and oval leaves. They are very decorative when covered with a mass of pink fruits. The fruits are small, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, yellow.

Squat apple tree - a large shrub or small tree with a sparse crown, flowers are simple or semi-double, purple-red, fruits are dark red, small, up to 1.5 cm in diameter. In spring and early summer the leaves are reddish-green, and in the second half of summer they become bronze-green.

Globular apple tree - low trees, green foliage. The crown is spherical, dense, and forms naturally.

It consists of small branches with a large number of lateral buds, which leads to the formation of lateral shoots and a rounded crown shape.

Red-petalled apple tree - tree 3-5 m high, with a crown in the form of a wide, dense umbrella. The shoots grow arcuately to the sides, then obliquely downwards. The shoots and leaves are reddish, especially in the first half of summer. Flowering is abundant and later, after the garden apple tree has finished flowering. The flowers are small, intensely crimson. The fruits are very small, burgundy.

Hybrid purple apple tree - a hybrid between Niedzwiecki and blood red apple trees. There are a large number of varieties of purple apple trees up to 4-5 m in height. Depending on the variety, the flowers can be from soft pink to dark burgundy, double or simple, and can completely cover the entire tree. In favorable weather, flowering can last up to two weeks. Young leaves and shoots are burgundy. In some varieties, the leaves become completely green over time, while in others they remain purple or reddish throughout the summer. The fruits are small, purple-red.

All these types of ornamental apple trees are winter-hardy, can withstand our climate and are worthy of the widest use in landscaping.

Agricultural technology for growing ornamental apple trees is the same as for fruit trees. Planting of seedlings can be done in spring and autumn. It is better to prepare a hole for seedlings 2-3 weeks before planting. It is not worth planting apple trees in areas with close groundwater, no matter how hard you try, there will not be a good result. In areas where the groundwater depth is no closer than 1.5 m, planting pits are prepared with a width of 100 and a depth of 60 cm. The top layer of soil removed from the pit is mixed with mineral fertilizers, humus and peat are added. We drive a stake into the prepared planting hole in the center and pour the prepared soil around it in a mound. We place the seedling on a mound, straighten the roots and cover it with earth, while shaking the seedling a little so that the earth fills all the spaces between the roots. We compact the earth. The root collar should be at soil level, and the soil level above the hole should be 4-5 cm higher than the surrounding level (over the course of a year, the soil will settle by this amount). Be sure to water the planted tree, 2-3 buckets per plant. The seedling must be tied to a peg with a figure eight loop. For the winter, the trees should be tied with coniferous spruce branches to protect them from rodents and frost and covered with snow. In winter and spring, apple trees often suffer from burns and frost damage. To prevent burns, it is recommended to whitewash wood in the fall or early spring with lime. In subsequent years, decorative apple trees should be fed with mineral fertilizers and organic matter, watered and the crown trimmed to give shape.



Garnet bracelet - The tree is columnar, medium-sized. The leaf is long, green with anthocyanin coloring. The shoots are red-brown. The flowers are flat, simple, large, 5 pieces per inflorescence, open arrangement. The petals are oval in shape. The buds are red, the flowers are light purple. The aroma is strong. Flowering is abundant. The fruits are small, red, round, the flesh is red.

Carmelita - The tree is columnar, low-growing. The leaf is medium long, dark green with anthocyanin coloring. The shoots are red-brown. The flowers are large, round, flat, non-double, 5 pieces in an inflorescence, the arrangement of flowers is open. The petals are oval in shape. The buds are purple, the flowers are pink-red. The aroma is strong. Flowering is medium abundant. The fruits are small, flat-round, dark lilac, red flesh, long-lasting on the tree, decorative.

Raspberry Necklace - The tree is columnar, low-growing. The leaf is medium long, dark green with a reddish-brown tint. The shoots are brown. The flowers are round, flat, simple, 5 pieces in an inflorescence, the arrangement of flowers is open. Petals are rounded. The buds are light pink, the flowers are red-purple, the aroma is strong. Flowering is abundant. The fruits are small, round, light red, pink flesh.

Alluring aroma - The tree is columnar and tall. The leaf is medium long, green with anthocyanin coloring. The shoots are brown. The flowers are round, flat, large, simple, 5 pieces per inflorescence, open arrangement. The petals are oval. The buds are light pink, the flowers are red-purple. The aroma is strong. Flowering is abundant. The fruits are small, round, red, slightly glossy, decorative, pink flesh, decorative.

Pink fairy tale - The tree is columnar, vigorous. The leaf is medium length, dark green, matte. The shoot is red-brown. The flower is slightly cup-shaped, simple, large, 5 pieces per inflorescence, open arrangement. Oval petal. The bud is red, the flower is purple. The aroma is strong. Flowering is medium abundant. The fruits are small, round, with a pronounced glossy shine, red, pink flesh. The state of preservation on the tree is average.

E. F. Alekseyuk

From the editor. Some varieties of ornamental apple trees can freeze slightly in our conditions. Thus, when tested in the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, the hybrid blood-red apple tree ripened by 90%, and the hybrid Scheidecker apple tree- by 75%. Accordingly, their winter hardiness is low

Decorative apple trees

The apple tree not only serves as a source of tasty, aromatic and healthy fruits, but is also a magnificent ornamental plant. Most species and varieties used for these purposes are relatively not tall, rarely exceeding 4-5 m. Their crowns are usually proportional, and the leaves are glossy. The flowers of ornamental apple trees are usually dark red or pink, less often white, depending on their color in wild parent species and forms. The fruits are small, numerous, often dark red or yellow with a red blush (photo 1). Such trees are decorative until late autumn, until leaf fall. They are especially good for landscaping small gardens; they are most attractive when planted alone or in small groups. These apple trees perfectly serve as focal plants against the backdrop of a lawn or larger ornamental trees. In addition, their fruits can also be eaten, especially since the yield of such varieties is usually very high. The only thing is that their fruits are more often used in processed form, since, usually, they are not as tasty as those of large-fruited garden apple trees. Caring for ornamental apple trees is standard, the same as for fruit varieties.

One of the first trees to be used for decorative purposes was the Siberian or berry apple tree. Another name for it is Siberian crab (Malus baccata (L.) Borkh). Homeland - Transbaikalia, River Valley Angara, Buryatia. It is very beautiful and decorative. Its trunk is low, sinuous, and its crown is rounded. The bark is rough, ash-gray, and red-brown on the shoots. Flowering is very abundant (photo 2). Its flowers are 2-3 cm in diameter; collected in umbrellas of 4-8 pieces.

But they, for special decorative purposes, lack a little brightness and variety of colors. They are always white, only slightly pinkish on the outside (other related types of apple trees - forest, domestic, Chinese, etc. - have the same drawback). The fruits (apples) are very numerous, spherical, up to 1 cm in diameter, weighing up to 10 g, red or yellowish-red in color, very similar in appearance and shape to large cranberries. Their characteristic sign is the falling of the calyx. They taste sweetish-sour and tart. Fresh ones are little edible, but quite suitable for making jam, marmalade, and juices. But, hanging abundantly throughout the entire crown, they wonderfully decorate the tree from mid-summer until late autumn. The Siberian apple tree itself is very unpretentious and hardy, withstands frosts below -55°C. Not demanding on soil conditions, drought-resistant. Although it still prefers rich, fairly moist and well-drained soils. Easily takes root when transplanted. Propagated by seeds and root shoots.

However, red-leaved varieties look even more impressive among ornamental apple trees; one of the ancestors of which is certainly the Niedzwiecki apple tree. It should be taken into account that in old literature it is sometimes called in Latin - correctly, but in Russian - erroneously - the Sievers apple tree. The latter is a completely independent species that should not be confused with the Niedzwiecki apple tree, although there are certain similarities between them. But the Sievers apple tree does not have the most important distinguishing feature - the bright red (anthocyanin) color of all organs and tissues.

Let's consider some of the most interesting, from a decorative point of view, red-leaved species and varieties that most fully meet the goal. Of course, first of all, it will be the Niedzwetzkyana apple tree itself (M. Niedzwetzkyana Dieck.). She comes from Central Asia (Western Tien Shan, Karatau, Kurama Range). It grows along mountain slopes in the belt of trees and shrubs, is rare, and is on the verge of extinction. Sometimes cultivated by the local population. It is a low tree 2-6 m tall, but in natural conditions, in its homeland, old trees can reach 18 m in height. The popular name is kuldzhinka, or red kuldzhinka. Some taxonomists sometimes combine it not only with the Sievers apple tree, but also with the low apple tree, but most botanists believe that both of these species, although close, are nevertheless independent. In this case, as with the Sievers apple tree, the main distinguishing feature is the presence of anthocyanin (red pigment) in the Niedzwiecki apple tree in all parts and tissues of the plant: leaves, flowers, fruit pulp, seeds, young bark, and other organs. As a result, the young trunk and perennial branches have a dark purple, red-brown or purple color. Annual shoots are also dark purple, dark red-brown, sometimes almost black. Even its wood has a reddish tint. The leaves are leathery, obovate, elliptical or oblong, narrowed at both ends, with a short pointed tip at the apex, up to 8 cm long and 3-4 cm wide. When blooming, both sides are covered with tomentose-hairy pubescence; which, in the future, is preserved only from below; the petioles are also pubescent. Fully expanded leaves are dark green with a reddish tint, or even violet-red in color and dark purple petioles; they turn red in the fall. This color makes the crown of the tree very unique and attractive; the latter most often has a spherical shape. No other species or variety of apple tree, except its own descendants, can compare with the Niedzwiecki apple tree in beauty. Its buds are dark purple in color, and the blossoming flowers are very large, up to 3-4.5 cm in diameter, intense pink or bright crimson-purple (photo 3), on white felt pedicels, of exceptional beauty. Flowering usually lasts two weeks, from mid-May to early June.

The tree blooms in 5-6 years. The fruits are solitary, slightly ribbed, spherical, flat-spherical or slightly elongated, tapering towards the apex; small or medium, sometimes up to large. Their saucer is spacious and deep, the cup is closed or half-open. The stalk is thick and short, almost not protruding beyond the limits of a small and shallow funnel. The skin is entirely violet-dark red with a strong waxy coating. The pulp is dense, juicy, sweet, beautiful pink-purple in color. The Niedzwiecki apple tree is unpretentious, but grows better on fertile soils. At high groundwater levels it is short-lived. It propagates well by grafting; any type of apple tree can serve as a rootstock. Transplantation from a nursery to a permanent place is usually carried out 2-3 years after grafting. Naturally, it is most decorative during flowering, as well as fruit ripening, and before leaf fall. When landscaping, it is usually used as solitaires (single plantings), in contrasting groups and to create alleys. In the conditions of the Tien Shan it has high winter hardiness. It grows well in cultivation in the Southern and Southwestern regions of the country. In the central zone and to the north, the winter hardiness of the Nedzvetsky apple tree is insufficient, but many varieties bred on its basis are quite winter-hardy. All of them have large pink or purple flowers of rare beauty (photo 4), as a result, during flowering, they resemble huge azaleas (photo 5).

The color of the skin of the fruit is dark cherry-red, and the flesh is dark red. Even with repeated crossing, i.e. in the third generation, in 20% of seedlings, the anthocyanin color of shoots, flowers and other parts of plants is not only preserved, but sometimes even enhanced compared to the original species. Almost all of them were bred for the middle zone, and are grown there. These are Michurin varieties such as: Pepin crimson, Red standard, as well as Bellefleur trilobed, rugosa, purple and red. In the latter, the signs of the Niedzwiecki apple tree appeared so strongly that they were not only expressed in the reddish-violet color of young leaves, reddish veins and petioles, the dark red surface of the fruit, and the pink flesh of them. But they also caused a slight decrease in the taste of the latter, compared to the mother variety Bellefleur Chinese. Their shape is flat-round, size is average; covered with a waxy coating. But the bright pink flowers of this variety are especially beautiful. It is most widespread in the Tambov region. The winter hardiness of the trees is average, at the level of the widely known Babushkino variety, which is hardy enough to grow in the North-West of the country. However, another red-leaved descendant of the Nedzvetsky apple tree is best suited for cultivation in this region - the Komsomolets variety, bred by I.V. Michurin. Parents - Bellefleur-Chinese x Rubinovoe. The tree is medium-sized, has high winter hardiness, both in the middle zone and to the north. The crown is round, the variety is not affected by scab. The period of fruiting begins at 9-10 years. The flowers and leaves are similar to those of the other varieties listed above. The fruits are long, truncated-conical, medium in size, weight - 80 g. The skin of apples is completely covered with a red integumentary color, brighter on the sunny side. The pulp is intensely pink, dense, juicy, sweet (sugars 10.0%), with pleasant sourness (acids 0.8%), vitamin C - 7.7 mg/%. Although the organoleptic taste of the fruit is only average, due to the brightness of the color of the skin, and especially the pulp, it subjectively seems much better. Apples are stored until February - March and are suitable for processing. The variety is decorative and technical, the yield is high, it is especially good for amateur gardening.

For decorative purposes, you can also use Budagovsky's Paradise (synonyms: red-leaved paradizka, PB, PK-9, V-9) - a red-leaved variety bred by V. I. Budagovsky. The latter was created as a dwarf rootstock or intercalary insert for tall, large-fruited varieties of domestic apple trees. He is also a fourth generation descendant of the Niedzwiecki apple tree. Parents: rootstock M8 x Red Standard. Therefore, it has a pronounced red color of the leaves, dark cherry of the shoots, and bright pink of the flowers. It is very decorative, especially in spring and autumn, and can be successfully used not only as a rootstock, but also for landscaping purposes. However, since the variety was created for a very specific use as a dwarf rootstock, obtaining large and tasty fruits from it was not the goal when breeding it. They are small, although brightly colored, sweet and sour, their flesh is pink. Due to their ordinary taste, they can only be used for technical purposes and for processing. Productivity is high. The tree is low-growing, the wood is fragile, red in color. Propagated by layering, green cuttings, grafting. The variety is well compatible with all large-fruited varieties. The root system is branched, fragile, located in the lower part of the arable horizon, and can withstand temperatures down to -13…14ºС. The winter hardiness of the trees is average, but in the North-West the variety can grow, although in some years it freezes slightly. Scab resistant. There are some other red-leaved rootstocks, bred later than Paradise Budagovsky (including on its basis), which can also be used for landscaping purposes; for example, rootstock 62-396, which also has high winter hardiness, rootstocks No. 57-146 and No. 57-49, which are currently undergoing extensive testing. In addition, many small-fruited red-leaved varieties can be used for the same purpose. First of all, this applies to the Pionerochka variety, which was bred at the Pavlovsk VIR station, and which is also a descendant of the Nedzvetsky apple tree. It is distinguished by its strong growth, the crown is elongated, rounded, openwork. The shoots are thin, reddish-brown, shiny. The leaves are dark green, medium-sized, with red petioles and veins; turn red in autumn. The fruits are small, 20-30 g, the skin and pulp are colored with anthocyanin (red), contain 11% sugars, up to 2.0% acids, 32 mg/% vitamin C. They are harvested in early September. They are not stored in storage. The variety is highly winter-hardy, resistant to scab and other diseases. It begins to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting and produces abundant harvests every year. The fruits are mainly used for processing: jam, compotes, marmalade, etc.

In addition, a whole group of small-fruited apple trees consists of special decorative varieties, the so-called crabs. They are especially popular in the USA. Among them there are many red-leaved ones with pink flowers of various shades. These are varieties such as: Makomik, Alba, Violescence, Garingo, General Grant, Marengo, Minnesota, Oblonga, Striata, Fastigata bifera, Floribunda, Floribunda astrosanguinea and others. Most of them are low or medium-height trees with an elegant crown, blooming profusely and beautifully. The fruits are small or medium-sized (photo 6), brightly colored, suitable, in most cases, only for processing. Winter hardiness is high. If desired, a more detailed description of them can be found in the book by L.P. Simirenko “Pomology”, vol. 1, Kyiv, 1961, and other publications.

In our country, among similar American varieties, the most common variety is Dolgo (a descendant of the Siberian apple tree). The tree is medium-sized, the crown is rounded, densely leafy. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. It begins to bloom and bear fruit in the 3-4th year.

Not only is it very decorative with pale pink flowers and bright red fruits (photo 7); but it also produces huge yields of magnificently beautiful small, weighing 12-25 g, very beautiful, oval-shaped bright red apples (photo 8). Their pulp is juicy, sweet and sour, aromatic. They can be used fresh, but are much tastier in processed products. They are especially suitable (entirely, together with the stalks) for making original and wonderful-tasting jam, in which they become bright orange-red, translucent, so that the seeds are visible through their pulp.

But those apple trees in which one half of the crown blooms with ordinary white flowers, and the other with bright pink, look especially unusual and beautiful on the site. This effect is achieved by regrafting part of the crown with a variety that has the same flower color. For the most part, it will again be a descendant of the Niedzwiecki apple tree. And it would be even more original if such vaccinations were performed one by one on all the main skeletal branches. Then, either white or bright pink spots of flowers strewn across the crown, changing places in a checkerboard pattern and gradually decreasing in size, will rise in steps up the crown. Even when flowering ends, the effect of such vaccinations will not disappear, but will simply change its shape, because on the trees there will be a contrast between the blooming light green and reddish-dark green leaves of both varieties. It is highly desirable that their fruits also be, respectively, golden (bright yellow) and red, preferably scarlet in color. To the contrast of color, you can also add the contrast between the shape and size of the fruit. Then the trees will look very attractive and original not only in spring, but also in late summer - early autumn. In addition, even later, during leaf fall, the bright colors of yellow and purple leaves will again appear. And even after its completion, when such apple trees are already bare, dark red or cherry shoots of the red-leaved variety will enliven the crown, and to some extent contrast with the brown-brown shoots and branches of the apple tree-rootstock. It is best to use trees with similar contrasts for single plantings as tapeworms. Then a person’s gaze, not distracted by other objects, will involuntarily be fixed longer on these original trees. And one more thing - if a lot of similar apple trees are planted, this will create some unnecessary diversity on the site, and the taste quality of the crop will noticeably suffer from this. In extreme cases, there can be a maximum of two such trees, for example on both sides of the gate, or at both wings of the house. Moreover, in this case it will be necessary to strive for the apple trees to be, as it were, a mirror image of each other. This is especially true for trees in which half of the crown has been regrafted, i.e. with their pink parts they should be facing one another - this will create an additional illusion of depth of perspective. Bringing the white sides together will be somewhat less effective, although creating such a composition is also possible. But the sequential alternation of colors - white - pink - white - pink, or vice versa - will create an unpleasant variegated effect. Finding contrasting flowering varieties suitable for grafting is not so difficult. All that remains is to learn how to plant, or find someone who would create a similar original garden decoration for you. When using purely red-leaved varieties, in addition to tapeworms, you can additionally create small curtains and alleys along paths.

But not only specially bred ornamental varieties are beautiful and decorative. The domestic apple tree during flowering (photo 9) and fruiting (photo 10) is also very attractive, and is only slightly inferior to them in beauty. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully place its trees on the garden plot so as not only to obtain high yields of apples, but also to make the most of their beauty and decorativeness.

The decorative apple tree has become increasingly common in Russian gardens. It is not only decorative, but the fruits of many varieties are edible. You can make jam and compotes from them. The apple tree is good both in single planting and in group planting. Since it is quite winter-hardy, it is an excellent substitute for sakura.

Varieties and their characteristics

Breeders have developed many varieties and among them the following stand out:

Decorative red-leaved apple tree. A powerful tree, with red leaves, 4 m high. The crown reaches a diameter of about 3 m. Hybrid variety. Has red leaves. The color of the leaves lasts from bud break to leaf fall. Resistant to frost and disease. Decorative throughout the growing season. The leaves are a beautiful purple color, but during fruit formation they can change color to emerald. They grow well in central Russia, as well as in Siberia and the Urals.

Apple tree Rudolph. Tree up to 5 m high. Powerful, spreading crown. Hybrid variety. The foliage has a classic shape and a rich green hue. The flowers are white. With good care, it blooms for up to 1 month, which gives the tree a decorative appearance. After flowering, fruits are formed. They are quite large. Small apples, a beautiful honey color, reach 3 cm in diameter. The fruits are edible. You can make jam or jam from them.

Tree 4.5 m high. Round, openwork crown. The leaves are red when they bloom and later turn green. The flowers are a beautiful pink hue. The tree is decorated with bright red fruits. They are quite large. Up to 3 cm in diameter. Hanging on branches until late autumn.

Looks great both as a single tree and in group plantings. Decorates arches and hedges.

Apple tree Helen. A beautiful, decorative tree. They decorate arches in the garden, plant them in single plantings, decorate parks and alleys, and create beautiful compositions. A low plant 4 m high. Spreading crown. Three-lobed leaves of purple color add decorativeness. Small fruits, red in color. Flowering is long and abundant. The flowers are purple. It winters well and is resistant to diseases. The Helena apple tree is demanding of soil, preferring moist and fertile soil.

Apple tree Weeping. Decorative tree 5 m high. It has an oval, conical crown shape. The plant is spreading. Leaves are red. In the summer they have a greenish tint and by autumn they turn bright red again. Flowering is abundant. The flowers are large and crimson in color. A pleasant aroma that attracts bees to the garden. In dry times, as well as in hot regions, flowering is short, lasting 2 days. The fruits are small apples and dark red in color. They have an elongated shape. Needs fertilized, moist soils. They grow best in loose soil. Has high winter hardiness. The weeping apple tree is widespread throughout Russia. Formative pruning is required in spring.

Apple tree Purple. A highly decorative tree about 5 m high. The crown is sparse, with thin branches. Hybrid form. The leaves are colored red, but when fruits form, they can acquire a green tint. Blooms in early summer. The color and shape of the flowers depend on the type of tree. Color varies from pink to dark burgundy. They come in simple and terry shapes. The apples are small, carmine-colored, and edible. Suitable for recycling. The apple tree is winter-hardy, but not resistant to scab.

Growing and caring for ornamental apple trees

In order to grow a beautiful tree that will serve as a decoration for the garden, it is necessary to provide it with sufficient care. The great misconception of some gardeners is that ornamental apple trees do not require care. The fact is that they cannot stand shade; there is no decorative effect in the shade. Short flowering. Dim colors. Apple trees are demanding on soil. They grow best in loose, well-drained soils. They do not tolerate wetlands.

The soil should be fertile and moderately moist. Ornamental trees should be planted in the same way as ordinary trees. Seedlings are planted in the ground in the spring, before the buds open. If the seedlings were purchased in the fall, then autumn planting is also possible. For single plantings, you should dig a hole. Its depth is 1 m and diameter is 0.80 m.

If plantings are carried out in combination with other trees, then the distance between them should be left at least 5-6 m. This distance is necessary so that in the future the trees do not crowd or shade each other. Ornamental apple trees require a lot of light and space to develop and be decorative. Planting holes for decorative varieties are prepared in the fall if the seedlings are planted in the spring.

It is better to replace the excavated soil with fertile one, but if this is not possible, the fertility of the existing one should be improved.

To do this, add 5-6 buckets of humus or peat, also add wood ash and nitrogen fertilizers and superphosphate. The proportions can be viewed on the packaging of purchased fertilizers. To stir thoroughly. Place drainage at the bottom of the hole. Pebbles or coarse sand are suitable for drainage. Pour the soil onto this layer in a mound and place an apple tree seedling on it. Gently spread the roots around the mound. Stick a linden or hazel stake into the center and cover everything with fertile, prepared soil.

Do not forget that the root collar should be 8-10 cm higher. Press down the soil around the plant. If the seedling is tall, then it should be tied to a peg. After planting is completed, water thoroughly. You need to water in several stages. First, pour out one bucket of water. After the water is absorbed, pour another one and so on until the soil in the moon is completely saturated with moisture. Apply a 5-6 cm layer of mulch on top. The layer will protect the plantings from weeds and drying out of the soil.

Further care of apple trees consists of watering, weeding, loosening and shaping pruning. Caring for ornamental apple trees is much simpler than for cultivated ones, but it is also necessary so that the trees maintain their decorative appearance throughout their entire life.

Decorative plants, unlike crops, do not require the formation of skeletal pruning, but are responsive to pruning. After a haircut they recover quickly. The crown can be given any shape. Circle, oval or any other shape. Regular watering, spring fertilization, weeding, and treatment with fungicides against insects and diseases are required.

Due to the fact that decorative varieties are beautiful and do not require care, they began to occupy a worthy place in the garden. Look great in single and group plantings. Plantings of ornamental apple trees decorate parks and alleys and create arches. Magnificent, fragrant aroma in spring and beautiful and sometimes edible fruits in autumn.

The decorative tree does not lose its beauty throughout the entire growing season.

Decorative apple trees are a real decoration for any garden plot. During flowering, they look very beautiful and fill the air with a pleasant aroma. Such trees are usually grown not for tasty fruits, but for wonderful flowers. Of course, such plants also bear fruit, but their apples are small in size and often unsuitable for consumption. There are decorative apple trees of different varieties. And it is sometimes difficult for novice gardeners to make a choice in favor of a specific variety. Therefore, this article will discuss the most popular types of ornamental fruit-bearing plants.

The well-known paradise, wild apple, small-fruited Chinese, crab, ranetka - all these are apple trees of a decorative appearance. They are truly extraordinarily beautiful, and look attractive all year round. Their fruits are red or yellow. The size is small. For example, crab fruits do not exceed 5 centimeters in diameter. Their taste is sweet and sour. Of course, they are not eaten raw. But many people make jelly, jam, and wine from such small apples.

This variety was created on the basis of several types of wild apple trees. Most modern types of ornamental fruit trees are based on varieties that naturally grow in different regions of the planet:

The main advantages of ornamental fruit plants are:

  • Frost resistance.
  • Drought resistance.
  • Possibility of growing in unfavorable conditions. For example, with a high degree of environmental pollution.

Which variety of ornamental apple tree to choose?

There are many types and subspecies of ornamental apple trees.

By choosing the most suitable and favorite varieties, you can create beautiful landscapes that from early spring to mid-summer will delight the gardener’s eye with their lush flowering and magnificent aroma. To make the right choice, a number of points should be taken into account.


  1. The flowering period of one variety lasts 10-15 days.
  2. Different trees have different colors of leaves and flowers.
  3. There are varieties of apple trees that tend to take a long time to form buds. And this increases the flowering period.
  4. A wonderful combination is obtained when trees with snow-white buds are planted next to plants with carmine flowers.


Today, the Siberian apple tree is one of the most popular ornamental crops. China is considered its homeland. Under natural conditions it grows in Siberia. And as a garden decoration, it is grown almost everywhere. In spring it blooms and looks like a small white and pink cloud. In autumn it is covered with many small apples that resemble bright beads.

The tree grows to a maximum of 5 meters. The crown is usually umbrella-shaped or round. The leaves are smooth, elongated with a pointed end. The tree begins to bloom in May. The period lasts two weeks. The berry apple tree belongs to the early ripening species. A few years after planting, it begins to bear fruit. But such fruits are not suitable for food.


In nature, the weeping apple tree is found everywhere. With good care it grows to a maximum of 12 meters. The branches are long and flexible. During flowering, they bend to the ground under the weight of foliage and fruits. That’s why the tree got the name “Weeping”. The fruits are small in size and yellow in color. Thanks to its dense bark, the plant is not afraid of severe frosts.


But the Nedzvetsky apple tree was bred using a hybrid method. Its distinctive characteristics are high consumer qualities. In appearance, it is a small bush with a wide, dense crown. The plant grows up to 5.5 meters. The crown is spreading and sometimes occupies 5-6 meters. During flowering, beautiful purple buds appear.


The exquisite red-leaved apple tree is a hybrid variety. Among its advantages, gardeners highlight the following: high resistance to adverse conditions, immunity to scab and other diseases that are characteristic of apple crops.

It grows in the form of a bush, the height of which does not exceed 4 meters. The leaves are red when they appear, but over time they change to emerald green. The inflorescences are snow-white in color. And the ripe fruits are deep burgundy.


If a gardener wants to grow a beautiful and unpretentious crop, then the Royalty ornamental apple tree is the best solution. The tree is characterized by slow growth and development. Tolerates frosts and harsh winters well. But it is very demanding on the composition of the soil. It especially does not like stagnant moisture.

It grows in the form of a bush, the height of which reaches 5 meters. The leaves are narrow and glossy. Their color is quite unusual - purple. But as autumn approaches, the colors change. The leaves become deep red.

It is important to remember that the Royalty apple tree produces inedible fruit. They cannot be used in any form. Otherwise, acute food poisoning cannot be avoided. Experts do not advise families with small children to choose this crop.


But the Chinese apple tree produces quite edible fruit. Many housewives use them to make compotes and jam. So China can be called a full-fledged fruit tree. The variety is wild. It takes root perfectly even in the northern regions. Grows in the form of a tree. Reaches a height of 10 meters. Emerald foliage. The inflorescences are boiling white. During blooming, the effect of abundant foam is achieved.

There are subspecies of Chinese. The most famous of them:

  • Chinese Kerr.
  • Dark red Chinese apple tree.
  • Golden early.
  • Bellefleur is Chinese.

Among all the varieties, the Chinese Golden Early apple tree is the most popular. It does not differ in high winter hardiness. But it has a lot of other advantages. This is an early ripening variety. After planting, the crop begins to bear fruit within a few years. The plant is characterized by a weeping crown. The fruits are mainly located at the ends of the branches.

The Golden Chinese apple tree produces fruits whose size reaches 7 centimeters and an average weight of 30 grams. The skin is yellow. The taste of the fruit is very pleasant, has a sourish tint. The disadvantage is that the harvest is not stored for long - no more than 7 days. It is also worth noting that apples fall off when ripe. The fruits are considered very healthy. They are rich in microelements, amino acids and vitamins. Therefore, they are often consumed raw. Many also preserve, make preserves, marmalades, jams, jellies, and marshmallows. Often used for making wines and juices. So this variety is simply irreplaceable in cooking.

The condition of the plant must be constantly monitored. Since the Chinese Golden apple tree is susceptible to scab. In general, the yield of this variety is low. In addition, there is a periodicity of fruiting. However, there are also obvious advantages: the apples taste good, the fruits ripen early, and the plant is frost-resistant.

For many gardeners, the Chinese Kerr apple tree is also a worthy choice. The variety is resistant to various diseases and tolerates drought and frost well. The tree begins to produce a bountiful harvest from 4 years after planting. The plant is low growing. Blooms with large, bright pink buds. The apples are slightly elongated, burgundy in color. The taste is very interesting: sweet with a slight sourness, tart. The fruits are rich in vitamins P and C. Therefore, they are healthy to eat. The value of this variety is that the apples do not fall off before picking. The only drawback is that the fruit ripens later.


Today, the Bellefleur Chinese apple tree is found on the plots of many gardeners. This is a tall tree with a rounded and thickened crown that needs to be shaped. The fruits are slightly elongated in shape and have mild ribbing. Their color is yellow with a striped pink blush. They taste aromatic, sweet and sour. Productivity is low, it begins 8 years after planting and peaks at the 20th year of the plant’s life.

The apples are quite large for ornamental species. Some managed to grow fruits weighing 500-600 grams. The harvest can be stored for up to 2 months. Of course, this subspecies cannot be called the best among the Chinese species. The plant is heat-loving and prone to various diseases. However, due to the excellent taste of the fruit, Bellefleur is highly valued by gardeners.


Melba is a creeping summer-ripening apple tree. It produces fruits that are white with a red tint and reach a weight of 80-100 grams. The harvest is stored for about a month. The tree begins to bear fruit several years after planting. Productivity is average. The crop is prone to scab infection.

How to care for ornamental apple trees?

Ornamental varieties of apple trees grow well in moderately fertile soil.

The main thing is that the soil retains moisture well. Wild varieties are valued for their unpretentiousness. They can develop quite successfully both in sunny places and in the shade.

For planting, you need to use good garden soil with the addition of leaf humus and manure. First, the hole is filled to the top with water. Afterwards, the seedling is installed and a support next to it. The roots are sprinkled with soil and the soil is compacted if necessary. The seedling is tied to a support. Once a year, the apple tree should be fertilized and mulched. In the spring, pruning is carried out if necessary.

If you want to have an orchard, but the plot is small, use the trellis method of growing trees. All espaliered apple trees are formed in a special way and wallpaper is attached to the base. In such trees, the shape of the crown is very different from the natural one. It is small in size and grows in width only on one side.

To ensure proper formation of trees, support pillars are installed along the fence or wall. Wallpaper is fixed to them, which consists of 2 rows of reinforcement (wire). Low-growing and medium-growing varieties are suitable for planting.
In order for the harvest to be rich, the plants need additional care: apply a large amount of fertilizer, carry out timely pruning, and fasten the branches vertically in accordance with the wallpaper base. When planted tightly, an apple tree on a trellis looks like one continuous green fruit fence.

Thus, not all varieties of apple trees are grown to produce a rich harvest of healthy fruits. There are special varieties - decorative ones, which serve more as decoration for the garden plot. Not all of these trees have fruits suitable for human consumption. There are even poisonous ones. However, there are crops that produce small apples, but they are very healthy and tasty. To choose the right variety, you need to know the characteristics of each species and be able to understand the subspecies. Some people plant several trees located close to each other. Others prefer the trellis method and form a beautiful fruit fence from plants. Check out the article: .

No one passes by the blooming ranetki indifferently. Especially if their color is even slightly different from white.

How and where they are planted:

  • Public parks and places in populated areas;
  • Beautiful alleys of such apple trees.
    Especially during the flowering period and with a variety of small fruits:
  • More and more of them can be found in individual private areas with a vast territory:
    • One by one;
    • Group;
    • Combined and complex.

  • And they try to choose crown shapes that are more attractive for them. As:
    • trellis;
    • cordons;
    • garden bonsai.
  • These apple trees are planted in most cases to decorate areas;
  • The fruits of these apple trees are not of particular interest:
    • They are even very small in size;
    • And many will not even suit the taste;
    • Their abundance attracts birds more. Especially in winter;
    • But there are varieties suitable for consumption and processing. Compotes and jams pleasantly surprise with their taste and aroma. And they even look original;
  • Here some edible varieties:
    • Ola;
    • Makamik;
    • Golden Hornet;
    • Long (Long);
    • Makowieckiana;
    • Pioneer.

There is plenty to choose from. About 200 are already known. More species than in Russia, only in China:

  • The size of the crown and its shape in the form of a ball or umbrella;
  • Leaf color;
  • Color, size, shape of fruits;
  • And what a variety of flowers;
  • These apple trees attract not only people with their abundant and fragrant blossoms. But also insects. They are good pollinators for the garden.

You have heard about some varieties of such apple trees:

  • Lesnaya;
  • Plum leaf or Chinese;
  • Abundantly flowering;
  • Wonderful. It has been cultivated for more than six thousand years in Japan and China. There are facts about eight thousand years;
  • Manchurian.

Let's look at the most famous and popular ones. Or maybe original. You will immediately understand what these decorative apple trees are.

Varieties of ornamental apple trees

Nedzvetsky apple tree (Red Kuldzhinka)

  • In the Trans-Ili Alatau in the nineteenth century, this apple tree was noticed by a famous Russian botanist. And named after him;
  • Tree with a round shape may have different heights. Starting from 3 meters and up to six;
  • In spring, the leaves acquire a reddish-brown color. In summer they take on a different color. Already dark purple. Including the lower part of the leaves;
  • The pedicels are long. How the tassels are placed on them large flowers also with purple-crimson tones.

Niedzwiecki apple tree.

Please note:

  • Apple trees begin to bloom in May. Most often this is after the 12-15th. Or maybe at the beginning of June. How is the weather. And what region;
  • In the second half of August, the apples are already ripe. Stable yields after ten years. The color is difficult to describe. And purple. And dark red. And the inside is pinkish.

Has everything to use in breeding:

  • Resistance to frost, drought, disease;
  • Unpretentiousness in cultivation;
  • Its best qualities were inherited by hybrids:
    • Nikolina;
    • Lemoine;
    • Ellie.

You can find out more about the Niedzwiecki apple tree here.


  • Japanese apple tree. Its homeland is the mountainous regions of Japan. In Europe since the end of the 19th century;
  • Low shrub. Height – up to 2 meters, crown width – up to 3 meters;
  • Green in spring, the leaves turn orange-yellow in autumn;
  • This beautiful bloom is observed in May for almost two weeks;
  • Dark red round fruits in September, even the ripe ones are not surprising in size - only about 1 cm in diameter. The stalks are elongated. Apples have a waxy coating. They remain on the tree for a long time;
  • Apple trees grow and bear fruit to a mature age. And 50 years is not the limit for them. When leaving;
  • Select and plant on fertile soils;
  • And he loves the sun.



  • Hybrid. Purple apple trees;
  • She, in turn, has roots from the Niedzwiecki apple tree;
  • Trees in an ornamental environment quite low - only 5-6 meters in height;
  • And the crown width is up to 5 meters;
  • They can also be in the form of a bush;
  • With red leaves and flowers;
  • Original oval dark purple leaves. They turn red in autumn;

Attention! Very compact when young. Mature trees are spreading. Need

formative pruning

  • Application:
    • Parks, alleys and squares;
    • Private houses have become increasingly common in recent years;
    • Less in summer cottages.
  • They bloom for almost two weeks in May. Large ruby-colored or raspberry-red flowers fill everything around with aroma;
  • The fruits are small. Not suitable for consumption;
  • Frost resistance and drought resistance allow planting in many regions;
  • Carry out preventive treatments against diseases and pests. After all, this is an apple tree. And she needs attention and care.

You will learn more about the Royalty variety from this article.


  • The height of the rounded apple trees does not exceed 6 meters. Usually about five meters. But the crown becomes more spreading in mature trees;
  • Large white and pink flowers completely cover leaves and branches;
  • Yellow fruits reach even 3 cm in diameter;
  • But to eat or not to eat? Better in canned form;
  • They don't fall off for a long time. Plant in full sun and fertile soil.

Please note:

  • Perform regular pruning;
  • Not only sanitary;
  • Formative also;
  • And it's better in early spring. Maintenance only makes the trees more attractive. And their winter hardiness increases.

Read more about the Rudolph apple tree in this article.


  • Both the height of the tree and the width of its crown do not exceed 5 meters;
  • The leaves attract attention. Especially the purple tint is shiny and green in color;
  • They delight others with their blossoms in May. Stands with very beautiful large pink flowers. Completely a ball of this color;
  • The fruits are about 3 cm in diameter. Crimson red, they do not fall from the tree for a long time.

Remember! The tasty fruits are very suitable for consumption. Especially for jams and compotes.

Before planting, consider:

  • Can you provide fertile soil? Well fertilized and constantly moistened;
  • Perform regular spring pruning;
  • Treat systematically against diseases and pests.

The sun loves. But even in partial shade it feels confident. As with frosts and winds.

You can find out more about the Ola apple tree here.


  • A distinctive feature of this variety is their slight height. No more than 4 meters it can grow. Even with good care and feeding;
  • Dark pink leaves not large. Up to 7 cm;
  • Large purple flowers They begin to bloom even in April. But more often in May;
  • Red fruits grow to small sizes. Edible with a sweet and sour taste. And fragrant;
  • It takes root well and grows even in areas with harsh climates. Its ability to withstand diseases, frosts and droughts allows this.


  • Tall trees (up to 6-7 meters not uncommon) with a thick crown shaped like a tent;
  • The oval leaves change color from purple when they bloom to dark green;
  • Very beautiful purple flowers. Even with terry;
  • The fruits are red in color. Even 2.5 cm in diameter;
  • Gardeners prefer planting in spring in well-fertilized planting holes in lighted areas;
  • And they suggest feeding:
    • In spring, nitrogen fertilizers;
    • In autumn - better with phosphorus and potassium;
    • Can be combined with watering.
  • Can cope with diseases. With your help;
  • Carry out formative spring pruning. And remove damaged ones;
  • Protect from rodents during the winter.

Royal Beauty

  • A very successful fast-growing hybrid;
  • It grows up to 3 meters. And the crown does not exceed 2 meters;
  • Blooms for about two weeks in early May. Dark red buds turn into large and fragrant crimson flowers;
  • Many designers give it preference in landscape design because drooping, as if weeping branches. And it’s worth it - more than 500 rubles per seedling;
  • If the crown is not regularly trimmed, it takes on an oval or spherical appearance;
  • The glossy foliage is purple in spring, becoming a rich crimson color in autumn.

Remember! The fruits are not for eating. For beauty.

Royal Beauty.

Read more information about the Royal Beauty apple tree in this article.

Yagodnaya (Siberian)

  • Globular crown. It may also be bushy. If you form it properly. Or you will forget to look after her;
  • Grows in various conditions;
  • They take root better in sunny places. And in well-drained soil. And in shaded areas;
  • Therefore, gardeners very often use it as a rootstock for grafting. More valuable varieties;
  • White flowers smell throughout the whole area;
  • The fruits are a pleasure to look at. Variety of colors - Orange and red. And yellow ones.
  • The color depends on the variety. Their size is only 5-10 mm in diameter;
  • The agricultural technology responds to good views, abundant flowering, and many small apples;
  • Its varieties (or forms) are well known:
    • Graceful;
    • Yellow bordered;
    • Pink terry.

You can find out more about the Yagodnaya apple tree here.


  • Grows up to almost 6 meters. This is the size of the crown shape. Round and spreading;
  • Pink stripes are noticeable on the edges of white flowers. Quite large - up to 3.5 cm in diameter;
  • The ovoid, dark green leaves have a matte tint;
  • The fruits are slightly flattened. With a red-orange color. They grow up to 3 cm in diameter.
  • The barely noticeable gray-blue stripe attracts everyone's attention;
  • Thin stalks of the same length;
  • Combined plantings are very common. Near tall trees. They are also used as a hedge. In the form of trellises.


  • Tall tree up to 6 meters. Crown diameter - up to 5 meters;
  • Young dark red leaves turn green-brownish in summer. And in the fall they are already amber-brown;
  • The sizes of multi-colored flowers and buds always attract attention:
    • Bright red;
    • Lilac-violet;
    • Pinkish-red;
    • They fill everything around with aroma.
  • Small apples (up to 1.5 cm in diameter) remain on trees for a long time;
    Even in winter. A good treat for birds;
  • Plant where the sun dominates. And in groups with other ornamental plants and flowers;
  • Designed for city alleys and parks;
  • Withstands frosts;
  • Loamy fertile soils are more suitable. With watering.


Golden Hornet

  • A well-established and long-established variety. Received in 1949 in England;
  • The crown is impressive and beautiful. Height and width up to 6 meters. It can also be a multi-stemmed bush;
  • The buds are purple-pink. The flowers are pink with a white border. Flowering occurs in May;
  • Large yellow fruits for this species– up to 3 cm in diameter. Make a note to yourself. Suitable for consumption and processing;
  • They remain on the tree even until frost;

Please note! Young shoots may freeze. Timely and systematic agricultural practices will contribute to good winter hardiness.

  • Quite often asked in nurseries. But the price of a 2-year-old seedling is... 2500 rubles.

Golden Hornet.

Long (Long, Chinese, Plum-leaved)

  • This variety cannot be ignored;
  • American variety, and the roots are Siberian;
  • Zoned in the Siberian regions, North-West;
  • Elongated fruit shape gave the name to the variety;
  • Pyramidal, if you want a vertical crown;
  • Dark green large leaves and white flowers;
  • AND a lot of apples. Not large - even more than 3 cm in diameter. They even weigh -20-25 grams. But a lot. Red ovoid fruits. They are confused with plums;
  • Ripen at the end of August. They can lie there for twenty days;
  • The main purpose is decorative and processing into compotes and preserves. You can collect 200 kg of apples from one tree;
  • It is listed in the price lists of nurseries on a par with the famous large apples.

Prairie Fire (Prairie Lights)

  • The crown diameter can be up to 5 meters;
  • The purple color of the foliage changes to red-green. By autumn;
  • The purple-red-green flowers are unique;
  • And they also surprise red-brown bark and dark red fruits. Even up to 5 cm in diameter.
  • Preserved on the tree in winter;
  • Particularly popular in Canada and New Zealand. Its popularity is growing here too. High resistance to scab – one of the arguments in favor of this variety.

Prairie Fire.


  • This variety has Baltic roots. The result of crossing Siberian berry and Nedzvetsky. In natural conditions;
  • A medium-sized tree with a dense spherical crown. Its height can be up to 6 meters;
  • The raspberry-colored fruits and aroma give the variety its name;
  • The rounded leaves are green with redness only in autumn. And from spring and summer purple in color;
  • Small for regular apples, large for decorative ones. The shape is difficult to determine. But about 3 cm in diameter. In huge quantities. With raspberry flavor;
  • Very good for making compotes;
  • Tree care is normal;
  • It bears fruit already in the 4th year.


Useful photos and videos

Decorative apple tree in a park area.

Decorative apple tree at a summer cottage.

Watch a video about decorative apple trees:

Watch a video about the features of caring for an ornamental apple tree:

Watch a video about the use of ornamental apple trees in landscape design:

Watch a video about pruning ornamental apple trees:


  • Nowadays, more than ever, a lot of attention is paid to the design of squares, parks, public gardens, and streets;
  • And the territories of private houses. To which the name estate is more suitable. It's not about the apples and their taste;
  • The variety of ornamental apples can give you a variety of options;
  • And there are plenty of beautiful types of trees with pink flowers.

Advice! When purchasing, be careful and picky. The photo and description do not always correspond to the variety you are interested in. Good luck!

Don’t know how to decorate your garden and have already gone through all the unusual plants? A decorative apple tree in the design of a country plot will be a real find, while remaining undemanding in terms of care and placement.

All the apple trees, both varietal and wild, bloom mesmerizingly, but this miracle does not last long, and then ordinary, unremarkable trees remain on the site. Of course, ripe apples are also decorative, but they only decorate trees for a couple of weeks. Ornamental apple trees are the same thing - in the spring their flowering lasts for 2 weeks, in the summer they delight with bright leaves, and in the fall and winter they are strewn with small apples that stay on the branches for a long time and withstand bad weather.

How to plant a decorative apple tree

Ornamental apple trees are not capricious, take root well in most soils and do not require special skills from the gardener. Their only “wish” is a well-lit area. It is in the sun that their decorative qualities are maximized, and you get not just a simple tree, but the pride of the entire garden.

Of course, ornamental apple trees prefer light, fertile soils, but they also grow in acidified and depleted soils. They even tolerate planting well in unfavorable urban environments and will probably not take root only on rocky soil or bare sand.

The root system of ornamental apple trees is superficial, so they grow even in areas with close groundwater, although they do not achieve the declared growth. Because of their spreading crown, it is better to plant apple trees separately from flower beds, in individual plantings or in groups with shade-tolerant plants. Young apple trees bend easily and tolerate pruning, so they can be formed into a tree of any shape, a hedge, or even put on a trellis.

Otherwise, a decorative apple tree is planted in the same way as an ordinary one.

    Planting an apple tree: how to plant a seedling correctly (photo, video)

    Everything you need to know about “proper” planting of an apple tree.

Caring for an ornamental apple tree

A frost- and drought-resistant apple tree, properly planted in a lighted place, will require a minimum of effort from you. You will only have to think about it 3 times a year, unless, of course, you try to model something special from its crown.

In spring, it is advisable to feed the ornamental apple tree with complex mineral fertilizer (superphosphate, ammophosphate, nitroammophoska, 15-30 g per tree). In summer you need to water the tree at least once a month, and in dry weather it is better every 2-3 weeks. And finally, in the fall, moisture-recharging watering and sanitary pruning should be carried out, removing diseased and dried branches.

The apple tree reacts calmly to pruning, quickly healing wounds and coming to its senses, but even in the complete absence of pruning it also does not suffer. Thickening of the crown does not threaten it, because it only makes it more decorative.

Types and varieties of ornamental apple trees

There are ornamental apple trees all over the world, but not all of them are suitable for growing in our climate. Of course, fragile Asian beauties can also take root in the south of Russia, but it is better to choose adapted species. In the middle zone, the Nedzvetsky apple tree, Sargent apple tree, hybrid apple tree and berry apple tree bloom and grow well.

The hybrid apple tree has the most varieties. Here are the most popular of them, which can be bought in nurseries and stores.

Variety Flowers Fruit Peculiarities
intense pink, 2.5-3.5 cm in diameter dark burgundy, up to 2 cm in diameter, does not fall until frost tree up to 8 m high, with a rounded crown and red-brown leaves
dark pink, abundant purple, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, do not fall off for a long time tree with a weeping crown and bronze-red leaves
dark red buds, pink flowers up to 4 cm in diameter brown-red, up to 3 cm in diameter, do not fall until spring tree up to 4.5 m high, with a round crown and leaves that are purple in spring and green in summer
pink buds, numerous white flowers red, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, long-lasting tree up to 4 m high with a weeping crown and bright green leaves
pink buds, white flowers orange-red, up to 1 cm in diameter, on long stalks, not falling off for a long time tree up to 3 m high with a columnar crown and green leaves

Cheal's Weeping

pink, fragrant red, up to 3 cm in diameter tree with a weeping crown and bronze-red leaves that turn green in summer
white buds and white flowers crimson, elongated, falling in autumn frost-resistant early-fruiting tree with green leaves in summer and orange leaves in autumn
buds and flowers purple-pink brown-red, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, long-lasting tree up to 6 m high with a round crown and red-brown leaves that turn green in summer
bright pink, abundant dark pink, with pink flesh, up to 3 cm in diameter tree up to 4 m high with bronze leaves that turn green in summer
dark red, gradually lightening to pink orange-red, up to 2 cm in diameter, long-lasting winter-hardy variety; tree up to 5 m high, with bronze-brown leaves that turn green in summer
dark pink, numerous purple, up to 2.5 cm in diameter tree up to 5 m high, with a rounded crown and leaves that change color depending on the season (in spring they are brown-red, in summer they are green, in autumn the underside of the leaf turns purple)

Is it possible to eat decorative apples?

The inquisitive mind of our people truly knows no rest. The question of whether these small bright apples can be eaten occupies everyone, and there is not a single gardener who would not dare to try them.

Fortunately, the fruits of most varieties are quite edible and even tasty. Only a few apple trees have sour or tart fruits, which only birds like when fresh. However, some gardeners have become adept at preserving and processing these mini-fruits.

The rules for eating decorative apples are exactly the same as regular apples - wash and eat, make compote or jam. It’s just inconvenient to prepare juice from them - it produces too much pulp.

When choosing an ornamental apple tree for the first time, many gardeners doubt that this tree will suit them. However, after a few years, having fallen in love with the beauty, grace and delicate aroma of its flowers, they go for the next seedling or create a whole alley of ornamental apple trees.

Moreover, the fruits of some varieties of these apple trees are generally inedible and can even cause an eating disorder. But this in no way detracts from the decorative merits of the trees: these crops are charming both in bloom and in the fall.

Description of ornamental apple trees and their photos

The genus includes 50 species growing in temperate and subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Small, up to 10 m tall, fruit and ornamental trees, often with an irregular, rounded crown, less often shrubs. It may have a tall, spreading, round or umbrella-shaped crown.

The trunk bark is dark gray. Valued for its varied summer leaf colors - it can be olive-colored or intensely green. Some varieties may have dark green leaves with reddish-purple veins.

Leaves- elliptical or oblong-ovate, up to 10 cm long, dark green in summer, yellow or reddish in autumn.

As can be seen in the photo, the flowers of ornamental apple trees are up to 3-4 cm in diameter, fragrant, white, pink or carmine, on pubescent pedicels, collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences:

Some varieties have brightly colored buds of soft pink or snow-white color. The flowering tree slowly changes color. The flowers of many varieties have a strong, delicate aroma. During mass flowering, the smell of flowers, spreading over a considerable distance, attracts insects. Flowering under optimal weather conditions lasts on average 10-12 days, but the budding phase significantly lengthens the decorative time of trees.

Fruit- apple-shaped, brightly colored in many species. The size, depending on the variety, can be the size of a small apricot. The fruits of most varieties are edible, but do not have high taste.

Inside the fruit there are 5 nests formed by leathery valves containing seeds; the pulp is formed due to the expanding, fleshy receptacle.

All varieties are good abundantly flowering honey plants.

Resistant to frost and drought, tolerate dust, gas contamination and soil salinity. They prefer sunny places and do not like stagnant moisture. Planting them is quite simple. Care and pruning are the same as for ordinary types of apple trees.

They reproduce by sowing seeds, in early autumn - freshly harvested, late - after 1.5-2 months of stratification, in spring sowing - stratification from December before sowing with removal at the end of the stratification period under the snow. Rare species, decorative forms and varieties are propagated by grafting.

Used for single and group plantings in parks and forest parks, for intra-block landscaping. They are also good in garden plots.

Below you can read the descriptions of varieties of ornamental apple trees and see their photographs.

Decorative apple trees Royalty and Rudolph

Decorative apple tree Royalty is one of the hybrid forms of the purple apple tree, bred on the basis of the Central Asian Niedzvetsky apple tree.

The trees are small, with a slow growth rate, their maximum height does not exceed 4 - 6 meters. Sometimes trees take the form of ornamental shrubs. The crown is oval and reaches a diameter of 4 - 5 meters; at a young age it is more compact, but over time it becomes wider and spreading. If the crown is not trimmed, then gradually it takes the form of an irregular oval or ball.

The leaves are narrowed, with a glossy surface, pubescent, elliptical or oblong-ovate, up to 8 - 12 cm long, of a very beautiful dark purple color. By the autumn season, the leaves become a little lighter and acquire a rich red color, without losing their decorative effect.

When the trees are completely leafy, the leaf blade can retain a purple color only on the bottom, and on top becomes dark green.

Widely used in landscape design of private gardens and households, public parks and squares: in single, group and alley plantings, when creating “live” hedges, seasonal compositions, contrasting tree and shrub groups. Often planted in front of the facades of administrative buildings.

Flowering is very abundant, begins in early May and lasts about 2 weeks. In very dry and hot climates, flowers can fade quite quickly, and the total flowering period is reduced to 2 - 4 days. The buds are large in size, rich dark red in color. The flowers are numerous, large in size, unusually fragrant, ruby ​​or crimson-red in color, held on thin, white-tomentose peduncles.

At the beginning of autumn, the flowers produce small fruits, slightly oblong in shape, dark red in color with a bluish waxy coating. They usually ripen in mid-September and are held on long stalks.

They are not edible and can sometimes even cause acute food poisoning if consumed directly.

The variety is frost-resistant, wind- and drought-resistant. In conditions of a long, harsh winter, flower buds may freeze slightly. Resistance to powdery mildew is good. Resistance to scab is not very high, so regular preventive treatment against this disease is required.

Basic care is the same as for ordinary fruit trees. For planting, it is preferable to choose sunny or semi-shaded areas, since they are light-loving varieties. Trees are undemanding when it comes to soil, but medium loams, rich sandy loams, fertile and moderately moist soils are still recommended.

Decorative apple tree Rudolph- a tree 4-6 m high, with a rounded crown, becoming spreading with age. Fragrant pink-white flowers, up to 5 cm in size, are collected in bouquet inflorescences, completely covering the branches and leaves during flowering. Fruiting is abundant, spherical fruits up to 2.5 cm in diameter are yellow, stay on the branches for a long time. Winter-hardy. Maximum decorative in open sunny places. Loves fertile soil with low groundwater levels. Requires regular pruning. Responds well to feeding.

Suitable for growing in single, group and alley plantings.

Varieties of ornamental apple trees Ola and Helena

Decorative apple tree Ola– a tree up to 4.5 meters tall, with a round, openwork crown. The leaves are shiny, green in color, with a purple tint during the blooming period. Blooms profusely in May with large pink flowers. The fruits are small, up to 3 cm in diameter, red-purple in color, and remain on the tree until late autumn, giving the plant a special decorative appearance.

It is demanding on soil composition, prefers moist and moderately moist soils, and does not tolerate wetlands at all. Sun-loving, tolerates partial shade. Frost-resistant and wind-resistant. The variety is resistant to diseases and pests. In early spring, it is advisable to prune young trees to stimulate flowering and crown formation.

It is one of the most beautiful modern varieties.

Look at the photo of this variety of ornamental apple trees - it is distinguished by an unusually elegant, openwork crown, which in the spring is covered with a cap of large pink flowers with a wonderful aroma:

Suitable for planting as a tapeworm on the lawn. Looks very good in group planting in an array, in parks and squares, as well as for constructing a high hedge.

Decorative apple tree Helena– a low tree with a spreading crown of 3-4 m. The leaves are purple, glossy, three-lobed. Beautiful abundant flowering in spring. Large purple flowers bloom in April-May. The fruits are red and small.

Winter-hardy, frost-resistant, drought-resistant. Prefers moist and fertile soils with a slightly acidic reaction. Resistant to diseases.

Used as a tapeworm on the lawn, in compositions with trees and shrubs, alleys, hedges, and forms picturesque arches.

Description of ornamental apple trees Makamik and Yagodnaya

Decorative apple tree Makamik– an ornamental tree 5-7 m in height, with a dense tent-shaped crown. The leaves are oval, purple when opening, then dark green. Purple flowers in spring, red fruits ripen in autumn.

Winter-hardy, frost-resistant. Photophilous. Prefers moist and fertile soils with a slightly acidic reaction. Resistant to diseases.

It is advisable to plant in the spring; during autumn planting, a large loss occurs. Planting in filled planting holes. Fertilize twice a season: in the spring - nitrogen fertilizers, in the fall - potassium and phosphorus.

Formative pruning in the spring also removes diseased, damaged shoots. The wounds must be covered with garden varnish. During dry periods, it is advisable to water. In winter, protective measures must be taken against mice and hares.

Decorative apple tree Berry– an unpretentious variety, used as a rootstock. Rounded crown or slightly vertical. The fragrant flowers are white. The foliage is green.

A very small-fruited species, 6 - 10 mm in diameter, with several varieties having some morphological differences and different habitats. The fruits are spherical, yellow, red or orange.

Sometimes it grows as a bush.

The requirements for growing conditions are the same as for conventional varieties. The place for planting is sunny or slightly shaded; the soil needs to be fertile and drained. After planting, it is better to mulch the soil in the tree trunk circles. From the second year after planting, you can start feeding.

Varieties of decorative apple trees Everest and Profusion

Decorative apple tree Everest– decorative tree up to 4-6 m tall, up to 5 m in diameter. The flowers are white with pink stripes along the edges of the petals, simple, rosette-shaped, up to 3-3.5 cm in diameter, wrinkled and curved inward.

The fruits are round or slightly flattened, without cups, 1.5-2.3 cm long and 2.6 in diameter, orange-red, with a red stripe and a barely noticeable bluish-gray stripe, a thin stalk up to 3 cm long.

The leaves are alternate, ovate, sometimes 3-lobed, serrated edges, dark green, matte shiny, carmine-red petiole, 2.5-3 cm long.

It is distinguished by a rather loose crown with dark green foliage, simple white flowers with pink stripes along the edges of the petals, and orange-red fruits with a thin red stripe.

Used in group and alley plantings in parks, gardens and squares, in the form of tapeworms, in the edges of tall groups of trees. Good for flowering, free-growing and trellis hedges. Used to create tree and shrub groups and seasonal compositions.

Decorative apple tree Profuzhn– a tree with a wide crown up to 6 m tall, crown diameter 4-5 m. Young leaves are dark red, green with a brown tint in summer, shiny, amber-brown in autumn.

Blooms profusely in May. The buds are large red, the flowers are numerous, large, up to 3.5-4 cm, lilac, pink-red, with a pleasant aroma.

The fruits are spherical, red, small, 1.5 cm. They are stored on the branches in winter.

It is undemanding to soil, but prefers medium loams, moderately moist and fertile.

Photophilous. Frost-resistant. Plant in open sunny areas, together with other tree species, in the background of flower beds with bright spring flowers.

One of the most beautiful varieties when flowering. Resistant to urban conditions.

A decorative apple tree is a separate option for decorating your garden in a unique way. It is grown solely for its appearance. These plants are small in size and often bear inedible fruits. As representatives of ground cover plants, ornamental apple trees can look not only like trees, but also like deciduous shrubs. All of them have attractive white, pink, purple flowers. The fruits can be green, red, orange, and do not exceed 4 cm in size. With their elegance, decorative apple trees delight the eye until mid-winter, and sometimes longer. During this cold season, birds can also feed on them.


The second name of this variety is riverine apple tree. It is distributed mainly in North America, but also grows well on our continent, in this climate. Withstands even severe frosts, thanks to its thick bark. Capable of reaching a height of up to 12 m, provided proper care is taken.

It got its name due to the fact that, under the weight of leaves and apples, its flexible branches bend more and more towards the ground in the process of their life.


This variety is most common in our area. According to many gardeners, it has no equal among fruit trees. It has an oval crown, which reaches a maximum height of 3.5 m, while the width is about 2.5 m, which gives it an even more rounded, cozy appearance. This beauty has purple flowers that attract the eye, crimson fruits about 4 cm in diameter. The only negative is that this variety can be damaged by severe frosts.

Apple tree with red leaves

Since this apple tree is a hybrid, it perfectly withstands all unfavorable conditions that can overtake it. Also, one of its advantages is its apparent resistance to scab and other diseases that affect its sisters.

The apple tree with red leaves grows up to 4 m in height and up to 3 m in width. Initially it produces purple leaves, and when the red apples ripen, it turns emerald. A red decorative apple tree delights its owner with a riot of colors. Tolerates frosts well.


It differs in that it grows very slowly - from 8 to 10 years. After this time, you can get a tall representative - up to 5 m in height and 4 m in crown diameter. It has unusual narrow leaves with a glossy purple tint. In autumn, they acquire a red tint, but do not lose their brightness and attractiveness. It is also resistant to frost, but does not tolerate acidification of the soil and stagnation of moisture in it.


It looks like a low bush in the shape of an oval. It has a wide dense crown. It differs in that its buds have a rich red color, which attracts attention even before they bloom. As a result, the apple tree is covered with red flowers, which begin to emit a pleasant raspberry aroma.


It differs in that it has edible fruits, from which jam and compotes are often made. Perfectly suited for development in our regions, as well as more northern ones. This wild variety grows very quickly, approximately 20–30 cm every year. Capable of growing up to 10 meters in height. She is the owner of pleasant emerald leaves and snow-white flowers, which cover her during the flowering period and resemble a snowball.


Low representatives that can easily be formed into a crown, which makes it possible to make a hedge out of them. It is enough to correctly trim the young shoots, and you will get the hedge of your dreams. This representative of ornamental apple trees has bright blooms, which is why during this period it is all red.

Royal Beauty

Many gardeners note that this is the most beautiful representative with a weeping crown. Therefore, it is widely used in landscape design. The foliage has a rich red color, but by autumn it already has a green tint, gradually becoming emerald. Both the flowers and fruits have a purple tint, which makes this Royal Beauty attractive.


In order to decorate gardens and plots in a relatively short time, hybrid varieties were bred. Rudolph can also be included among them. It is quite tall, reaches 5 m in height, and has fairly dense foliage of a fresh green color. When all necessary conditions are created, it can bloom for up to 1 month, which causes great demand in the plant market for the design and decoration of various gardens and plots.

Her flowers are white, collected in beautiful umbrellas of inflorescences. After Rudolph fades, honey-yellow apples appear, about 3 cm in diameter. By the way, they can be preserved and used in the form of jam. Externally, the rich, dense foliage with yellow apples looks very advantageous.

Planting and care

As a rule, these fruit trees are propagated by seeds.

One-year-old seedlings are planted in the ground in autumn or spring. Before planting a decorative apple tree, place the root system in water for 1 hour.

It is necessary to ensure that the roots do not dry out, this will negatively affect the further development of the seedling in your garden. The first year should not be fertilized, and in subsequent years, competent systematic feeding is mandatory. Sunny places or areas in slight shade are most suitable for planting.

You should choose drained soils rich in essential substances. It is useful to use mulching with high-moor peat. Instead, you can use nut shells, pine bark or wood chips. These methods will help protect the soil from drying out. In addition, with a layer of mulch it is easier to weed, loosen, and water.

These plants do not like pruning. Therefore, it must be done carefully, cutting off branches that have dried or frozen after winter. This should be done in early spring. It is also necessary to remove and untangle branches growing deep into the crown, avoiding excessive thickening.

In order for the pollination process to occur, apple trees of a different variety are planted nearby. These trees feel best in single-species garden plots. Pear is suitable for the neighborhood; compatibility with it is most favorable. It can also be placed next to cherries, sweet cherries, quince, plums, and raspberries. They do not get along at all with apricot, peach, walnut, barberry, lilac, and viburnum. The root system of some neighbors produces a depressing effect. Therefore, choose your planting location in your garden carefully.

In the spring you should definitely spray with insecticides. You should not carry out chemical pest control during flowering and fruiting. Despite the fact that most often the fruits of this variety are not eaten, they are eaten by birds. As you know, birds rid the garden of unnecessary insect pests. Chemicals can harm birds. Do not forget that bright apples can attract the attention of a child, who will pick and eat an apple treated with insecticides.

Unfortunately, such varieties are susceptible to diseases such as scab and powdery mildew. One of the most dangerous enemies is the burn. It is caused by the bacteria Erwinia amylovora. It spreads very quickly throughout the garden and is incurable. The secret to success is proper care and care. Then your garden will be the most beautiful!

Video “Overview of decorative apple trees”

From this video you will learn about the variety of varieties of ornamental apple trees and hear tips on caring for them.