home · Lighting · What can be done with ceilings. Which ceiling is better to make? Types of ceilings and materials for them. How to decorate a ceiling in a small room

What can be done with ceilings. Which ceiling is better to make? Types of ceilings and materials for them. How to decorate a ceiling in a small room

Sometimes an apartment or house urgently needs ceiling repairs, but, as often happens, there is no money for a complete finishing of the room, and there is no prospect of it. There is a way out - take advantage budget options ceiling finishing. Besides attractive price, ceilings in the economy style are also distinguished by their simplicity in finishing, so all the work is very easy to do yourself. You just need to choose the appropriate option.

First, it’s worth figuring out which ceiling finishing options are considered “economical.”

  • Whitewash;
  • Coloring;
  • PVC tiles;
  • Wallpaper;
  • Drywall;
  • Decorative plaster.

Of course, the cheapest, but already completely outdated option is whitewashing the ceiling slaked lime. Lime does its job perfectly - the ceiling will become neat and tidy. clean look. But it deteriorates too quickly, and if there are stains on the ceiling, it will not be so easy to whiten them, and they may appear over time.

Water-based ceiling paint will do a much better job. Modern technologies have made it more viscous, which allows you to paint over even the most difficult places. In addition, you can add any shade of color to this paint (it is also, by the way, very inexpensive). True, this finishing option also does not provide any guarantee that, for example, water stains will be painted over.

But polyurethane tiles will cope with this perfectly. A great way to make inexpensive ceilings. A huge selection of patterns and the possibility of coloring make this finish a kind of “golden mean”.

The disadvantage is that the tiles turn yellow over time, but this can be corrected by simply painting them the desired color, for example, the same color as the floors.

The wallpaper is also very cheap option finishing. The choice of colors, patterns and textures is extremely huge, which is simply perfect for apartments with low ceilings.

Decorative plaster is also not too expensive, however, it requires special tools and skills, otherwise it will be very difficult to cope with it. But the finished ceiling looks very good, and still hardly deteriorates.

How to sheathe ceilings cheaper

Separately, it is worth considering the materials for the ceiling cladding.

  • Drywall;
  • MDF boards and panels;
  • Metal slats.

The leader on this list is drywall. It is very easy to use, allows you to hide all the flaws in the ceiling, disguise communications and has mostly positive reviews.

The plasterboard ceiling can be made multi-level, arched - it depends on your desire. You can also paint it with regular paint and LED lightening, and, in general, an inexpensive plasterboard ceiling weighs little, which is also a plus. The downside of drywall is its high susceptibility to moisture - it will warp. Therefore, in the kitchen and bathroom it is absolutely not worth finishing the ceilings with plasterboard.

MDF boards are also inexpensive finishing materials. They protect well from noise, protect heat, are easy to install, and also weigh little. But most slabs are sold without final finishing, so you will have to paint and laminate them yourself. But after such treatment, MDF boards can be washed and cleaned without problems.

Slat ceilings made of metal (or with imitation) are also relatively inexpensive. There is no need to carry out any preliminary work, they weigh very little and are absolutely fireproof. True, to use such finishing in wooden house not recommended, and metal slats conduct very well and increase noise, like any metal.

Cheap ceilings in the room: decorative film

Of course, you can save money on stretch ceilings. Buy cheaper film, do not hire specialists, but stretch the film yourself. Yes, such a ceiling will be cheaper, but it’s not without reason that they say that the miser pays twice - this is just such a case. A cheap stretch ceiling can only exist in two cases: either film from Russian or Chinese manufacturers, or a crude fake. You need to be careful: it’s not so easy to distinguish.

To understand that you have purchased low-quality products, you just need to pay attention to several factors:

  • The initial price may differ from the final price several times;
  • “Specialists” will not have the necessary skills and qualifications;
  • There will be no necessary quality certificates;
  • The material will be significantly inferior in all characteristics - this is noticeable even to the naked eye.

If stretch ceiling If you still want to, you can still save money. For example, order the most simple design, without photo printing and a bunch of levels. Many companies hold various promotions and provide discounts. You can contact the experts for advice - they will help you choose an economical, but nevertheless high-quality option.

Inexpensive ceilings with your own hands: do it in style

Do it yourself redecorating ceiling in an apartment or country house is not difficult. The easiest way, of course, is to simply paint with a regular brush, after first removing a layer of old paint.

It is also very easy to glue PVC tiles:

  • Prepare the ceiling;
  • Apply glue to the tiles;
  • Press it to the ceiling.

It is necessary to glue from the center to the edges to obtain a uniform geometric pattern.

A little more difficult with decorative plaster– it requires skills. However, if the relief does not work out, as in the pictures from glossy catalogues, then you can always say that this was a design decision of the owners of the room.

The technology for gluing wallpaper on the ceiling is not too different from the technology for gluing walls. First, the ceiling is primed with glue, waiting for it to dry completely. Applying glue to wallpaper. Then you need to carefully press it to the ceiling with your hands, and only then remove the bubbles with a roller or spatula, moving from the center to the edges. The joints between the ceiling and the wall can be decorated with inexpensive moldings of a suitable color.

The most difficult thing is to hem the ceiling with plasterboard. You need to carefully calculate the dimensions, and it’s difficult to work alone. In addition, if you want an unusual design, for example, an arched one, then you need skills to correctly bend a sheet of drywall under the influence of steam. This is not the final finish - the plasterboard structure should be painted: without additional processing the sheets do not look very aesthetically pleasing.

Construction of an inexpensive ceiling (video)

There are different situations in life: the neighbors are flooded, the house is rented, there is simply no money for serious repairs. But this does not mean that you need to admire the ceiling with stains and holes, because repairing the ceiling inexpensively and quickly is not so difficult. The modern abundance of materials allows you to choose a finishing option that suits everyone’s pocket. And don’t be afraid of the word “budget” - an inexpensive ceiling does not mean “bad”. If you follow the work technology, then a ceiling decorated with even inexpensive materials will look clean, neat and fresh.

Separately, it is necessary to decide on the materials that will be used during the work - the technology and sequence of repair processes largely depend on them.

This issue is especially relevant for ceiling decoration - a large number of different options makes it difficult to answer the question of which ceilings are best for a private home. Let's try to figure it out?

There are several options finishing ceiling:

  • Tension fabric
  • Plasterboard blocks
  • Ceiling using wooden blocks or beams
  • Plaster
  • Cassette ceilings
  • Wallpapering

Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of each option.

Tension fabric

Use in the construction of a private house is one of the most common options. No wonder. The tension fabric is very easy to install and is relatively inexpensive.

However, designers love them for another quality: huge variability. You can design a stretch ceiling of any color and with any number of levels. This allows you to apply the most daring design solutions and use various options room decoration.

In addition, the tension fabric is completely sealed, which eliminates leakage. This is especially true in that part of a private house where the ceilings are adjacent to the roof - even if the roof leaks, the interior of the room will not be damaged.

They also differ in increased noise insulation due to their tightness. In addition, their care is not particularly complicated: just choose a non-abrasive product and occasionally wipe the surface with it.

And most importantly. Using a stretch ceiling allows you to reliably hide communications and pipes - this is especially important in a private house.

As for the shortcomings, there were some too. Such ceilings are not very durable, so some care must be taken in their operation. However, the ceiling is not the floor, which means there should not be frequent physical contact with it.

Another problem is the joints. No matter how carefully it is laid, there is a possibility that they will be noticeable. You can disguise the joints using design elements or make them look like that themselves - for example, when using stretch fabrics contrasting color.

In addition, without the appropriate skills, installing a suspended ceiling with your own hands will be quite difficult.

In general, suspended ceilings - best option for use in the construction of a private house: hygienic, easy to install and relatively inexpensive.

Drywall (GKL)

A direct competitor of the previous option in terms of popularity is.

One of their main advantages is complete environmental friendliness. Drywall does not contain harmful impurities, and therefore it can be safely used even for decorating the ceiling in children’s rooms.

However, the material does not tolerate moisture well, absorbing it inside and becoming heavier. Therefore, if you are not sure about moisture insulation wooden house or choosing a ceiling for the bathroom - it’s better to abandon this idea.

Manifold plasterboard structures allows you to use them in almost any interior style. Multi-level or single-level ceiling, arches and hanging elements... The use of drywall definitely leaves a lot of room for imagination.

Note: Even more diverse design solutions can be found by combining plasterboard with stretched fabric.

In addition, such a ceiling covers well all the imperfections of the ceilings and helps hide communications. If you need to hide a large pipe or shield, design plasterboard box- it will look like an organic part of the interior, while reliably removing an unnecessary element from the eyes.

The cost is also pleasing - plasterboards are considered one of the most inexpensive materials. This allows you to cover the ceiling of the entire house without particularly high costs.

However, there were some downsides. In addition to the already mentioned tendency to absorb moisture, drywall is fragile. This requires extreme care when installing such a ceiling.

It is not suitable for rooms with low ceilings - installing plasterboard boards can take about fifteen centimeters of room height at one level, and much more with multi-level ceilings.

But if space allows, this option may be ideal for you.

Features of wooden ceilings

The most expensive material Wood is rightfully considered for finishing ceilings. High cost, complexity of installation, need to carefully check each element ceiling structure... Should it be associated with installation in a private home?

Definitely yes! Despite the high cost of the elements and the long installation time, such ceilings have virtually no disadvantages during operation.

First of all, it is necessary to note their impeccable appearance. Elegant wooden ceilings fit into any design. Even a high-tech interior can be combined with wooden ceiling elements if you show a little imagination and artistic taste.

For classically decorated rooms best option it's hard to wish for.

In addition, now wood has ceased to be a monotonous material: a large number of processing methods allows you to choose the shade that you need.

The material is also distinguished by its high strength - they can, in fact, only be damaged intentionally.

I would especially like to mention the coffered ceilings: massive wood slabs they look very elegant and undoubtedly impress both the owners of a private home and the guests. Fashionable during the Renaissance, ceilings are now gradually becoming one of the most popular design techniques- why not use it?

Combined wooden ceilings and with big amount decorative elements. You can easily add elegant arches, carved elements and even stucco - everything on modern materials It may look clumsy, but it would be appropriate if you know when to stop.

Another advantage of wooden ceilings is the cassette installation method. In this way, defects in ceilings, wires and communications are easily hidden.

However, do not forget that the installation wooden ceiling - difficult process which must be entrusted to professionals. You are unlikely to be able to do the installation yourself; you risk simply ruining the expensive material.

Using plaster

Plastering is a previously popular method, which is gradually becoming less and less used. Its advantages include, perhaps, low cost, variability of subsequent finishing and the ability to carry out the work yourself.

Most often, the surface is plastered before painting or whitewashing. To do this, it is necessary to prime the ceiling partition and then cover it with a special mixture. Then you can apply a finishing touch - paint or whitewash.

Despite the fact that the process looks quite simple, there are many more shortcomings in it than it might seem at first glance. First of all, ceiling plastering work involves a lot of dirt and takes a lot of time. Think about whether the cost savings are worth the effort?

In addition, the plaster fits well on a flat ceiling. In order to cover up cracks and irregularities, you will have to spend a lot of effort. Again, this type of ceiling decoration does not hide communications, for which special boxes will have to be installed.

It is not always possible to successfully fit them into the interior, which noticeably spoils the appearance of the rooms and kills any, even the most beautiful design.

Even if you choose high-quality plaster mixture, it is unlikely that you will then be able to do without finishing with paint or whitewash - this will add additional time, effort and expense.

Note: Plaster imposes restrictions on the choice of lighting devices - for example, recessed lamps will... simply have nowhere to be built in!

Therefore, if you have the opportunity to use another option, we recommend that you do so!

Using cassette ceilings

Not the most popular option in Russia, but worthy of attention is cassette ceilings on thin metal plates. If you imagined a faceless iron ceiling, you are wrong!

Modern cassette designs are distinguished by a variety of designs, colors and shapes. You can easily select cassettes to suit any interior and be able to create a truly original ceiling.

Such ceiling systems are easy to install - even a person without experience can install them in a short time.

Another plus is high hygiene. Specially treated metal does not collect bacteria even in rooms with high humidity, which means that such ceilings can be used in the bathroom and kitchen.

Caring for them is also simple - just occasionally wipe the ceiling with special products.

Features of the installation process allow you to easily install any lamps - from large chandeliers to built-in spotlights.

The disadvantages include the lack of insulation and sufficient high cost However, in general, the option deserves consideration for use in private homes.

Of course, in the review we were not able to list all the available types of ceiling design in private homes: wallpapering,.

The main thing you should focus on when choosing a ceiling for a private home is the features of the room, its configuration, floor materials and your own preferences.

You have started renovating a room, or maybe the entire area of ​​an apartment or house. You have to decide on the ceilings, their appearance, materials, color. With the advent of many new building materials, the task has become more complicated.

It’s rare that anyone stops at regular whitewashing or even painting.

I would like to bring both beauty and originality into my home, combining various materials for ceilings.

What criteria are used to determine its appearance? Which ceiling is better to make?

Let's look at the main types of ceilings and ceiling systems, their features, labor intensity and cost of performing the work.

A modern ceiling does not necessarily have to be complex and ornate. The main task is clean execution. The joints of the floor slabs should be well sealed, and the ceiling as a whole should have a single level, close to horizontal. It is enough to paint a flat ceiling with interior paint. acrylic paint on water based desired shade.

A foam or polyurethane molding installed around the perimeter will make it more attractive. But do not glue molding that is too narrow. Many people are mistaken in thinking that a wide ceiling cornice with low ceilings will look bulky. And they worsen the appearance of their creation by gluing samples 3-4 cm wide.

The joints of the molding, in turn, must be puttied and painted with acrylic matte paint, preferably in the color of the ceiling. Then the whole composition will look whole.

To create something like this at first glance simple ceiling you need to purchase plaster mortar (if necessary), putty, tape for sealing the joints of floor slabs, molding and paint.

If the ceiling deviates significantly from the horizontal, it is better to refuse to level the surface plaster mortar, the large thickness of which can lead to unpredictable consequences - collapse. Use another method for installing the ceiling.

Suspended ceiling

A suspended ceiling is a structure suspended from the main sub-ceiling. It is performed in order to correct the curvature of the floor slabs, to arrange ceiling lighting as spotlights, hide pipes or electrical cables, perform sound insulation or in order to make multi-level ceiling simple or complex shape.

The suspension system is a wooden or metal carcass, installed level using hangers, to which the ceiling elements are then attached.

Suspended ceilings can be:

  • solid (plasterboard sheets are attached to the frame);
  • cassette (the frame consists of identical cells to which modules or cassettes are subsequently attached);
  • slatted (elements in the form of slats made of wood or plastic are attached to the frame).

Suspended ceilings made of plasterboard can not only hide unevenness and hide wiring and communications, but also create interesting and varied shapes with unusual individual lighting.

The advantages of such ceilings include the possibility of sound insulation. If you live in multi-storey building, then it is almost impossible to avoid the noise created by neighbors. Sound insulation installed in the frame will make life more comfortable.

The disadvantage of such structures is the labor intensity and lowering of the overall ceiling level.

If someone thinks that cassette ceilings are installed mainly in office premises, then they are deeply mistaken. Modern cassette systems are so diverse that they can easily fit into an apartment or an individual residential building. Such a ceiling can diversify the space.

They look good in hallways and corridors, allowing you to fill these rooms with additional lighting.

Less attractive are suspended ceilings made of plastic panels. They are more often used in rooms with high humidity such as bathrooms and kitchens. But these systems also have their fans. They are quite cheap and practical. They are easy to care for and can be washed with detergents.

A wooden slatted ceiling looks great in a wooden house or bathhouse, as it is an integral part of the interior. The material is environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing. Save pristine appearance wood is helped by various antiseptics, impregnations and mastics. Wooden slatted ceilings Suitable for interiors in country style, chalet, Scandinavian style.

A false ceiling is a type of ceiling based on a frame; it differs only in the installation method. The frame is attached directly to the ceiling, without the use of hangers. One of the main conditions for the design of such a system is the initial horizontalness of the draft ceiling.

Ceiling tiles

The most budget-friendly type of ceiling decoration, excluding usually painted surfaces, is gluing ceiling tiles. It can be smooth and textured.

The most common and cheapest is polystyrene foam tiles. However, there is no need to talk about the environmental friendliness of this material. It is not suitable for rooms with high humidity, since foam easily absorbs moisture, and for rooms with sharp drop temperatures

On sale you can also find tiles made of wood, metal and mirror, their price increases accordingly. Mirror tiles visually raises the ceiling, fills the room with additional light, having reflective properties.

The base for gluing the tiles must be fairly level, only minor irregularities and cracks are allowed. Tiling a ceiling is a quick and relatively clean process. It is used for finishing ceilings in both residential and non-residential premises.

Stretch ceiling

Not so long ago, the so-called stretch ceilings appeared on the construction market, which are a canvas made of PVC or fabric stretched around the perimeter of the room. different texture: matte, glossy, with seams and seamless.

The glossy surface is interesting in terms of design because it creates a reflective effect, giving the room additional depth. The disadvantage is that the seams on such a canvas are more noticeable compared to a matte surface.

Matte stretch ceilings – classic version, suitable for almost any interior. Satin fabric is smoother than matte and has a slight reflectivity.

Fabric seamless ceilings– this is a textile fabric supplied in rolls up to 5 m wide, white or colored.

The advantage of tension systems is that a few hours are enough to complete turnkey work. The canvas is mounted on an aluminum or plastic profile, which is attached 3 cm below the bottom point of the draft ceiling. Mortgages for future lamps are being installed. Next comes the installation of the canvas itself.

Using a tension system, you can build a simple single-level ceiling, or create a multi-level structure.

In addition, interesting design solution is a stretch ceiling with photo printing. You can apply any image or photograph to the surface.

Combined ceilings

This is a type of system that combines several materials. For example, a ceiling made of plasterboard - with elements of stretched matte or glossy fabric, sometimes two types at once.

You can combine different materials according to your interior design idea. The main thing is to maintain harmony.

Which ceiling is better to choose?

So, let's sum it up. The cheapest way to make ceilings is in three ways:

  • plaster and paint the ceiling with acrylic interior paint;
  • cover with PVC tiles;
  • make suspended ceilings from plastic panels.

The first option is more labor-intensive, but suitable for any premises. In the bathroom and kitchen it is enough to paint it with waterproof paint. As a result, such a surface is not afraid of moisture and can be washed periodically.

PVC tiles are suitable for living spaces and kitchens. True, in the kitchen, textured tiles are more difficult to clean from soot. It is not suitable for rooms with high humidity.

Plastic panels are often used for rooms with high humidity: in bathrooms and kitchens, as well as in utility rooms.

Suspended plasterboard ceilings are suitable for all rooms. In the bathroom and kitchen, it is enough to make them from moisture-resistant material (GKVL) and paint them with washable paint. More attention needs to be paid to sealing the joints between the sheets. But as practice shows, such ceilings have proven themselves well.

Stretch ceilings can also be used in all rooms of the apartment and house. They are not afraid of moisture and are easy to care for. The glossy surface makes it possible to visually enlarge a small bathroom or kitchen space. Such ceilings are not susceptible to rotting and mold. They are durable. Big choice color range and drawings make it possible to make the premises unique and very cozy.

The ceiling plays a big role in the overall impression of the room, although it seems that we don’t look at it. When repairing, it is better to give it Special attention, there are a lot of ways to decorate the ceiling: from the most minimalistic to the very decorative and difficult to implement.

There are several types of ceiling finishes:

  • Those that are applied directly to the ceiling
  • Suspended ceilings are structures on a rigid frame, forming, as it were, a second layer of the ceiling under the real one.

We will talk about the second type separately in the next part of the article: suspended ceilings there is a lot of variety, there is a lot to choose from and a lot to think about.

The first type is cheaper, but it has its pitfalls: for this method, the base ceiling needs to be leveled and specially prepared for finishing.

So what can you do with your ceiling to stay within budget?

Flow design: whitewash

Whitewash - special chalk or mortar, such material will be very cheap. If finishing is planned to be done directly on the base ceiling, especially in old houses, it must be leveled. Plaster will make the ceiling smooth and hide minor imperfections and cracks. If there are no irregularities, you can do without it. Then the ceiling needs to be coated with primer and putty and only then whitewashed. Ceiling white looks simple but neat. The main disadvantages are fragility, the risk of cracks and, if there were yellow spots from moisture, yellowness will appear through any layer of whitewash.

This solution is suitable for styles such as minimalism, Scandinavian, and styles in which aging is key: shabby chic, Provence, vintage, country. Should not be used in rooms with high humidity. WITH modern technologies They are trying to abandon this method of finishing in favor of more effective and beautiful ones.


Unlike whitewash, paint can be of any color and applied with different textures. The paint is inexpensive, but the ceiling also needs to be prepared before application, and this is a labor-intensive process. The disadvantages are the risk of cracks and fragility, especially with poor-quality preliminary work.

Waterproof paint is suitable for the ceiling in the bathroom and kitchen, and it is easy to clean. Depending on the color, it will fit into most different interiors. Bright ceiling - non-standard solution, which can become a “feature” of the entire interior. Remember that cold and light shades will make the ceiling higher, and warm and dark ones - lower. More photos of colored ceilings.

How to beautifully decorate the ceiling? - Wallpaper it!

Wallpaper on the ceiling will seem like a strange solution to many. However, it has great decorative potential for a wide variety of interior styles, and when using special types of wallpaper, it has a fairly long service life. At the same time, the price does not bite, and you can decorate the ceiling with wallpaper yourself. For the ceiling, dense wallpaper, such as non-woven wallpaper, or even glass wallpaper with increased strength and durability. You can also apply liquid wallpaper to the ceiling; this will be a compromise between wallpaper and painting. And still, be prepared for the fact that the wallpaper will have to be glued or even renewed, and the loose seams will look sloppy. This type of finish is not resistant to high humidity.

Paste ceiling tiles

This method is also called “glue ceiling”. Lightweight polystyrene foam tiles are glued directly to the base ceiling using PVA glue or a specialized adhesive composition. In this case, the ceiling may not be perfectly aligned; the tiles will hide the imperfections. Ceiling tiles It happens different colors and with different patterns, including three-dimensional ones. Eat good solutions for styles with classic elements or, for example, wood finishes for rustic charm.

Many apartment owners decide to do the renovations themselves. This, of course, requires a lot of effort, but the savings are more than noticeable. Most of funds are spent on construction materials and tools. If the work is done on your own, then no one needs to pay for it.

However, you should take into account the fact that not all of your dreams about a new apartment interior can be realized without using the services of professionals. Some materials sold in construction stores require specific skills, work experience and certain dexterity. If you are not sure about own strength and are doing repairs for the first time, it is better to use “proven methods” that are easy even for a beginner in such a difficult field as repairs.

In this article we will look at types of ceiling decoration with your own hands. Some are suitable for absolutely everyone; only people who already have experience in finishing work should pay attention to others.

DIY ceiling made of plastic panels

The main advantage of this method is that you will not need to prepare the ceiling for finishing. No lengthy leveling, puttying, plaster or primer is required. You can even leave the wallpaper on the ceiling if it doesn't come off.

In order to secure the plastic, you need to make a frame to which the panels will be attached. The cost of plastic is low, the speed of installing panels depends on your skills. The first 2-3 panels may require more time, but you will install the next ones very quickly. Great option according to the ratio of time spent and the price of materials.

Another advantage of plastic panels is moisture resistance. That is why ceilings in bathrooms, utility rooms and toilets are usually lined with plastic. Wide choose colors and textures are also an advantage of this method.

The only (doubtful) disadvantage of this method is that plastic is not considered an environmentally friendly material. But on this score different people different opinion.

Bottom line: you can make a ceiling from plastic panels with your own hands not only quickly, but also inexpensively.

DIY plastic ceiling - video

DIY ceiling decoration with wallpaper

Wallpaper has long been used not only for wall decoration. Depending on what wallpaper you choose, renovations can be quite cheap or quite expensive.

The obvious disadvantage of this method is the need preparatory work. You will need to remove the previous ceiling covering (if any), then level the ceiling, putty it, prime it and only then proceed to wallpapering.

When calculating funds, do not forget to include plaster, putty and primer in the estimate. Also, the preparatory stage will take time, because each layer must dry.

It is rare to find perfectly smooth ceilings, and making them so without experience is not easy. If you stick even the most beautiful wallpaper on uneven ceiling, then they will not look very good, since joints, gaps and bends of the ceiling will become noticeable.

The advantages of this method include relatively quick and easy installation, a huge assortment and quick replacement if necessary (if the wallpaper fades, then it can be replaced with others without re-installation). preparatory stage).

Bottom line: it is best to use wallpaper to decorate the ceiling with your own hands if there are no defects on the surface. Fast way, suitable for any budget.

How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling - video

DIY plasterboard ceiling

If the ceiling in your apartment is far from ideal, then finishing with plasterboard is perfect solution. First, you will need to mount a frame to which the drywall will be attached. This construction material- one of the most popular on the market, since it is easy to work with even for beginners, and more experienced apartment owners can create real works of art from plasterboard. Multi-tiered plasterboard ceilings will help to visually highlight a certain area of ​​the room or simply decorate your ceiling.

We do not recommend that you use multi-layer structures in small rooms and in rooms with low ceilings. To visually enlarge the room, use “concave” ceilings. And give large room Ovals and radii will help you feel comfortable.

Another advantage of this material is that it can be used in damp rooms (exclusively moisture-resistant drywall): bathrooms, toilets, pantries.

The only one obvious drawback- necessity additional work after installation. You will need to thoroughly putty the entire surface to hide the joints.

Bottom line: an inexpensive but labor-intensive way to decorate the ceiling with your own hands.

There is also a finishing option such as suspended ceilings. However, the process of installing a stretch ceiling is quite labor-intensive and requires certain skills. Therefore, you are unlikely to be able to install a suspended ceiling yourself. It's better to contact specialized company, which carries out both tailoring and installation of suspended ceilings. For residents of the south of Russia, we recommend buying suspended ceilings in Rostov from the RostovPotolok company, since it has established itself as a team of professionals in its field and has been on the market since 2006.

How to make a plasterboard ceiling - video

DIY ceiling painting

This option has been used in apartment decoration for many years and does not lose its relevance. The main advantage of this method is its durability and reliability. You don’t need to be afraid of a “flood” caused by your neighbors above; a painted ceiling can easily cope with such a misfortune.

However, painting the ceiling requires the most serious preparatory stage. If you want your ceiling to look great, then it should not only be perfectly flat, but also perfectly smooth.

To do this, you will have to remove the existing coating, cover the ceiling with putty and carefully bring it to perfect smoothness using sandpaper (or a special mesh). This hard work, which requires not only time, but also accuracy. If you “remove the excess” in some place, then you will have to putty the ceiling again. Achieve perfect ceiling It will be very difficult for a non-professional.

The advantages of painting the ceiling yourself is that you are not limited in the choice of colors and textures. There are paints with different effects: matte, glossy, pearlescent, fluorescent (glow in the dark). You can even find paint that creates the effect of suspended ceilings.

Result: great way finishing the ceiling with your own hands, if you have a ready-made Smooth surface. Otherwise, repairs will require a lot of time, effort and money.

How to paint a ceiling with your own hands - video