home · Appliances · Walls of mirror tiles in the interior. Mirror tiles in the interior of your apartment. Stylish mirror tiles with facet

Walls of mirror tiles in the interior. Mirror tiles in the interior of your apartment. Stylish mirror tiles with facet

Mirrored surfaces are able to refresh and transform the interior, highlight the most advantageous places and disguise elements that require concealment. Mirrors mask irregularities, allow you to decorate slopes, beams, columns in an original way. Mirror tiles in the interior, successfully selected and used, have become universal tools to give design solutions special accents, creating a unique atmosphere. Its use is especially advantageous in narrow or low rooms, where it is necessary to visually expand the space.

Agreeing with the obvious advantageous aspects of using this material in any interior style, it is often abandoned, citing excessive fragility and wear. But the proposed famous companies faceted mirror tiles have very high strength and wear resistance - quite comparable with the same parameters of ceramics. At the same time, the resistance to scratches and other minor mechanical defects in mirror tiles is lower than that of conventional ceramic tiles.

Due to its high resistance to changes in humidity and temperature, as well as to chemical attack, this material is ideal for rooms with high humidity and sudden temperature changes, on surfaces that are often treated with household chemical cleaners.

Mirror tiles in the interior can be standard or faceted. Facet differs in the beveled side, from which the chamfer is removed. This gives the product a special elegance. On the surface of the ceiling or walls, facet tiles can be laid to create a solid mirror canvas or in combination with any finishing materials.

It is believed that facets complicate the process of laying the material. But professional craftsmen can easily cope with installation in any room - in the bathroom, living room, kitchen. They will lay down individual elements coatings with minimal gaps and seams, and after grouting the surface will be perfectly smooth.


The bathroom is a room where you can not be afraid to install an excess of mirrors, especially given the moisture resistance of such material. Any number of them may be appropriate if these elements are thoughtfully located and allow you to achieve the desired effect.

The main task when using mirror tiles in the bathroom is to visually increase the space. In most bathrooms, the area is too small, and new interior trends, the growing needs of people dictate the need to at least visually make the space wider, higher, lighter. The soft light provided by reflections will be an advantageous detail for any bathroom.

Designers recommend laying mirror bathroom tiles diagonally, especially if you need to increase the space, make the room visually taller. Diagonal styling creates the illusion of depth, a strong perspective, and makes the atmosphere more intimate, separate.

It is very beneficial to choose mirror elements for lovers of dark tones who cannot afford to use black and others. dark colors in a small bathroom. By combining black tiles with mirror tiles, you can achieve unique effects, while not risking doing without it. narrow space even less.


In the kitchen, mirrors, as well as in the bathroom, can be used without special restrictions on the number. With them, the room will only become brighter, more energetic, uplifting, invigorating in the morning. With subdued lighting in the evening, the atmosphere will become relaxing. And for a romantic dinner, candles are ideal, reflected in every tile on the wall or ceiling.

On the ceiling of the kitchen, mirror tiles will add solemnity to the room, increase the height. It is enough to frame the main lighting device with tiles for this.

Small or large, laid horizontally or diagonally, in combination with or without ceramics, mirror tiles on the backsplash will immediately make even work surface more elegant and sophisticated. Do not be afraid of the contamination of mirrors - just as easily as they get dirty, they are cleaned.

Corridor and hallway

One of the very winning use cases is on the walls and ceiling in narrow corridors or hallways. These important places in apartments are often poorly lit, have a small area with very high functionality. This is the place by which the guest judges the apartment as a whole and its owners.

Tiled mirrors are placed on both sides of the corridor, on the ceiling, in the niches of the walls. Even without additional lamps, the hallway will immediately brighten, because the mirrors will reflect a soft daylight coming from the living room. Appropriate, creating the effect of "hovering" in the air, will be the use of contrasting tiles. This technique is ideal for modern, light, minimalist interiors.


In the bedroom and living room, this material is also used very successfully. A small bedroom will become bright and spacious if you place a mirror panel at the head of the bed.

One of the risky decisions that designers recommend to treat with extreme caution is the placement of mirrors on the ceiling, above the bed. Such an element can rarely be appropriate, but people who love experiment and extravagance in everything sometimes find it very to their liking.

Design techniques

One of spectacular tricks in the design of the bathroom, kitchen, living room - a combination of mirror and ceramic tiles. The room becomes elegant, solemn, formed original panel, unique in each individual case. This decor is often used in cafes, restaurants, nightclubs, this solution looks great in any living room.

The use of mirror tiles has its limitations. It is undesirable to install such elements on a surface exposed to direct sun rays. Under the sun, the material can quickly lose its attractiveness.

Not only the entire surfaces of the bathroom or living room, decorated with mirror tiles, look impressive, but also individual elements of the interior. It will not harm the design of using this material on back wall mantel or collection shelves.

It is undesirable to hang a mirror next to the picture. The lines of the joints of the mirrors should not be in line with the eyes. The exception is small tiles, in which the face is reflected in several elements.

Mirror tiles with facet in the form of bricks, perfect for decorating walls in the hallway or an apron in the kitchen

When using a mosaic of alternating ceramic and mirror tiles, or by placing a ceramic and mirror surface side by side, try to choose elements of the same size so that they are interchangeable. Subsequently, you can quickly transform the room by replacing a few tiles.

To clean the mirror tiles, you can use ordinary glass cleaners. To preserve the surface, in order to avoid cloudiness due to micro-scratches, use wipes made of natural materials and non-abrasives.

One of the great features of modern quality mirror tiles is affordable price. Without allocating fabulous budgets for repairing a living room or hallway, using tiles even to even out defects or hide flaws, you can not only create the room of your dreams, but also save a lot at the same time. But it must be taken into account that the mirror is a specific element, it is very difficult for a non-specialist to predict what effect it will create ahead of time. Before using mirror tiles, it is advisable to consult with professional designers who will help you choose perfect option and show you what the space will look like before you make the final decision.

In contact with

The photo shows a loft-style living room interior, one of the walls is finished with mirror tiles.

The reflective surface can be applied to almost any material - plastic, foil, ceramic, polymer or metal plates. In addition, the metal can be processed in such a way that it will have a mirror effect without additional coating.

Types of mirror tiles

interior tiles for finishing works with a reflective surface are usually made of either glass or durable plastic such as polystyrene. There are a wide variety of manufacturing options available:

  • flat and smooth surface, such a tile gives almost imperceptible joints;
  • tiles with bevel, it is convenient to mount it;
  • metal effect tiles, for example, golden, silver, chrome or polished bronze;
  • tinted, having a weak shade;
  • ornamented tile (has a pattern obtained by sandblasting);
  • decorative, decorated with drawings or having three-dimensional images or a textured surface.

Interior design features

The main thing when using a mirror surface is to observe a sense of proportion. Too many reflective elements can adversely affect nervous system. In addition, mirrors located opposite each other create the feeling of a tunnel going to infinity, which has a depressing effect on the psyche.

You can use tiles on two adjacent surfaces, for example, one of the walls and the ceiling. However, in this version it is also better that the tile be different: for example, on the wall it can be patterned, and on the ceiling it can be smooth, but with a touch.

Tip: In the interior, designers recommend combining areas finished with mirror elements so that they differ in the degree of reflection and are at different levels relative to the observer. At the same time, do not forget that light sources, reflected in mirrors, can negatively affect vision and tire. Good decision- the use of frosted lamps or LEDs next to the mirror elements.

The ceiling, lined with mirror tiles, visually rises, increasing the height of the room. However, at the same time, this gives rise to the effect of “inverting” the room, especially if the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling is lined with mirrors. Therefore, usually the mirror surface occupies it only partially. An essential point is also what will be reflected in the ceiling - therefore, to the interior of the room as a whole and to flooring in particular, there are increased requirements.

Visually “raising” the ceiling with the help of mirror tiles makes sense in small rooms, the interior of the room big size With high ceilings it will look too cold and empty with such a finish.

Less commonly, mirrored floors are used in interiors. It is very important that what is reflected in them does not spoil the interior. In addition, if there is a mirror floor in the apartment, the use of other reflective materials is not recommended. Do not confuse a mirror floor with a "mirror" parquet. The latter is just an ordinary parquet covered with a reflective varnish on top.

Mirror tiles in the interior go well with the usual ones, while the joints between them can be closed with gypsum or wood moldings.

hallway design

The location of mirrors in the entrance area is a convenience requirement. Moreover, it is better if the person is reflected in it completely. Therefore, in the interior of the hallway, the use of mirror tiles on one of the walls would be quite appropriate.

Eastern traditions, in particular, the teachings of Feng Shui, prohibit placing mirrors in front of the entrance, it is believed that in this way they cannot get into the house cash flows. It is better to tile the side walls - it will replace the traditional mirror. If the hallway is elongated and narrow enough, you should not lay out the far wall with mirror tiles - the room will seem even longer and narrower, which does not add comfort.

Photo in the living room

If the living room is zoned with a multi-level ceiling, it would be appropriate to finish some of its parts with mirror tiles. Another idea for interior design is to fully tile one of the walls. This will expand the room and emphasize its details.

You can also use the property of mirrors to double nearby objects. Place near the wall, decorated with mirror materials, a few indoor plants- it will seem that there are many more of them. Glass showcase with beautiful tableware, placed near the mirror wall, will also "double".

The photo shows the interior of the living room in classical style, mirror surfaces help to visually enlarge a small space.

Kitchen decoration

Panels made of mirror tiles or mosaics are appropriate both in the interior of the kitchen and in the dining area. Minus: in rooms where food is prepared, all surfaces quickly become covered with fatty deposits, especially if there is no hood, and this coating is especially noticeable.

Bedroom Ideas

In the interior of the bedroom, it is recommended not to use mirror tiles in front of the bed and on the ceiling. Finish one of the front walls or the wall behind the headboard if you want a modern and aesthetic interior. However, for some people, the presence of large reflective details in the bedroom can create a feeling of awkwardness, so first put it against the wall large mirror and rate how comfortable it is for you.

Children's room

Mirror tiles in the interior of a children's room are out of place - they break quite easily, which can lead to injuries. Instead, you can use self-adhesive film on the ceiling - it will reflect the weak light of the night lamp and create soft diffused lighting for those children who do not like to sleep in a dark room.


In the interior of bathrooms and bathrooms, mirror elements can look very impressive. These are the rooms in which almost the entire surface of the walls can be laid out with it. The only inconvenience is that when using hot water, the tiles fog up.

walk-through zones

A corridor, a passage from room to room or a staircase in a house are not the most illuminated places, so a mirror surface, especially with competent lighting, will be very appropriate. original version- tiling of risers. In this case, the steps seem to be floating in the air, and the staircase itself is very light.

Photo gallery

With the help of mirror tiles, you can experiment with the design of rooms and decorate the interior in an original way. Below are photo examples of the use of reflective surfaces in rooms for various functional purposes.

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Equipping housing, today everyone strives to achieve uniqueness, a reflection of their individuality. Experiments with shades, textures, materials are in trend. Therefore, mirror tiles in the interior become part of the overall diversity, but at the same time harmonious composition. The presented photos will help you navigate in all the variety of the latest trends.

The use of mirror tiles in the interior

The use of mirror tiles in a residential area allows you to solve several problems at once:

  • expressively decorate the space;
  • visually expand the room;
  • visually make the room brighter;
  • make the walls durable, durable material that does not leave scratches.

If earlier mirror finishing materials were found only in the bathroom, today these boundaries have expanded significantly. A mirror tile with facet in the interior is used almost limitlessly. During its manufacture, a chamfer is removed, resulting in an exquisite thin material, which appropriately fits into the most elegant design solutions.

Living room decoration

When decorating a living room, several materials are combined. Mirror tiles in the interior of the living room are appropriate on the walls, on the ceiling or on the floor. IN multilevel ceiling it is advisable to include one mirror layer. It will visually increase the height. It is not worth making the ceiling entirely mirrored, then the effect of an inverted space will interfere. Mirror surfaces on two opposite walls should also be avoided. This creates a tunnel effect and makes it difficult to relax. If you definitely want to arrange two opposing walls in this way, then you need to fix the material at a different level, then mutual reflection will not work.

Well-designed lighting will contribute to a comfortable stay of a person in a living room with mirror tiles. Places of rest should be organized so that the light reflected in the mirrors does not fall on a person. Otherwise, it will tire, negatively affect vision.

The mirror floor makes its own demands on the interior. Everything that will be reflected in it will become an integral part of the appearance of space. Therefore, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. You should also think about reflection when decorating mirror walls. If you put bulky furniture in front of them, then it, reflected, will visually make the room small and cluttered.

Bedroom decoration

The main purpose of the bedroom is relaxation. Therefore, mirror tiles in the interior of the bedroom should occupy areas remote from the place of rest. For example, side walls, the space behind the headboard. But in front of the bed and on the ceiling, it is better not to use such material.

Kitchen decoration

The cooking area, the dining room are distinguished by the accumulation of fats and other dirt. Therefore, the mirror tiles in the interior of the kitchen, although it looks chic, but only until it is covered with unpleasant spots. If there is a willingness to devote time and energy to caring for it, then this material will be the best option for finishing. Particularly impressive mirror surfaces will look next to glossy furniture, glass surfaces.

hallway decoration

This perfect space to use this material. After all, mirror tiles in the interior of the hallway allow owners and guests to monitor the appearance without special efforts. If followers of Feng Shui live in the house, then it is better to avoid placing a panel of mirrors on the wall opposite the entrance. This will help keep cash flows, not let them go.

Bathroom decoration

Traditionally, mirror tiles in the interior of the bathroom, as in the photo, are used very widely. It can lay out one of the walls or completely cover all surfaces. In any case, it makes an impression, it looks expensive. This solution has only one drawback: hot water causes the mirrors to fog up. But this effect disappears after lowering the humidity and temperature.

The combination of simple ceramics and mirror finishing materials looks original. At the same time, experts advise taking tiles of the same size.

In conclusion, it must be said that such material has a significant “minus”: it is difficult to work with it. It requires a perfectly prepared surface, neatly made cuts. So only professionals can install it.

Mirrors have always been considered worthy decoration any room. They finished ceilings, walls and even floors. In the interiors you can find both free-standing mirrors and original compositions made up of objects of different sizes and shapes.

Modern manufacturers, observing great demand, have invented a special building material with certain technical specifications. This mirror tile allows not only to decorate the wall in an original way, but also to visually expand the room, increasing the lighting in it at least twice. This option will give the space luxury, grandeur and charm. The interior will immediately change: the atmosphere of mystery and love of freedom, the feeling of boundless space will fill the whole room.

Mirror tiles: advantages and disadvantages

All finishing materials in comparison with each other have their pros and cons. Based on them, you can choose best option for this room.

Advantages of mirror tiles:

  • perfect way for visual expansion space;
  • variety of shapes and sizes;
  • easy installation;
  • moisture resistance;
  • wide scope of application;
  • various designs and colors;
  • high level of resistance to mechanical stress.

Consider the disadvantages:

  • black spots appear over time;
  • when cleaning with ordinary detergents stains may remain, therefore it is recommended to use special alcohol-containing solutions;
  • at strong blows mirror tiles can crack or scratch;
  • the cost of such finishing material high enough.

Mirror ceiling

Beveled mirror tiles are ideal for rooms with low ceilings. Its use will allow you to create a certain texture and play of light, which will give the room a certain mystery and sophistication. IN Lately often use mirror tiles made of polystyrene. It is relatively inexpensive, which makes it quite popular. Installation is easy, without any difficulties. The only drawback of such material is the distortion of the reflected image.

A more expensive type of tile is mirror glass. She has a luxurious look. However, when installing it, it is necessary to observe certain rules so that the reflection is not split into many parts. Observing the technology and having the skill, you can ensure that the surface of the ceiling will be as one.

Wall decoration with mirror tiles

This design move can be applied in rooms of any size. In small mirror tiles with facet will expand the space, and in large ones it will fill natural light. However, in order to achieve this effect, you need to familiarize yourself with several rules:

  1. If you decorate the wall opposite the window with mirror tiles, the room will be filled with light.
  2. Light colors in combination with reflective surfaces greatly increase the perception of the size of the room.
  3. If you select a tile with a frame, then this will lead to a narrowing of the space. And the thicker the baguette, the smaller the room will seem.
  4. It is not recommended to lay out mirror tiles on the wall opposite the front door.
  5. It is necessary to think in advance which objects will be reflected. This nuance is very important, because it is thanks to this decision that the main mood of the room will be set.
  6. In order to avoid a large number displayed surfaces, it is recommended to lay out mirror tiles at the top of the wall.

Mirror tiles in the interior

The versatility of this material allows you to significantly expand the scope of its application.

  1. Bedroom. Mirror tiles are the main element of decor. Most often, niches are sheathed with it or certain compositions are created on surfaces. You can also decorate the wall at the head of the bed.
  2. Kitchen. In this room, mirror tiles are used to decorate the work area.
  3. Bathroom. Here, quite organically, this material will look both on the walls and on the ceiling. Sometimes even some designers decorate the floors with tiles. This solution allows you to save the room from isolation and significantly expand its size.
  4. Living room. In this room, mirror surfaces will come in handy. They will give severity and grandeur to the interior.

A few words about the price

The variety of such material is reflected in the pricing policy. First of all, the cost is affected by a certain trademark, for example, mirror tiles (price within 5000 rubles) of German production are several times more expensive than domestic counterparts. Another significant criterion is the size: 100x100 - 50-60 rubles, 40x40 - 300-400 rubles, 30x30 - 200-280 rubles. per 1 sq. meter.

Mirror tiles in modern interior looks quite stylish and impressive. However, these are not all its advantages, because, thanks to the reflective surfaces of the material, the room will not only be transformed, but also visually expand significantly.

In almost any interior there is a place for a mirror in one form or another. The use of reflective surfaces is quite in demand, because they open up great opportunities for the designer. Mirror tiles in the interior are the main technique for expanding a cramped space or for adding additional lighting.

Also, one cannot imagine any dressing room, bathroom or hallway without a mirror, since in these rooms it is socially necessary.

Benefits of using

  • Long service life
  • Resistant to moisture and temperature changes
  • Resistant to mechanical and chemical influences
  • Unpretentious in care
  • fire resistant
  • Environmental Safety
  • Has a pronounced decorative effect

Application Disadvantages

  • fragile
  • May darken or become cloudy over time
  • Requires frequent cleaning
  • High cost compared to alternative finishing materials

Production features

Mirror tiles are produced using completely different technologies than the usual ceramic tiles. Often, separate workshops are allocated for its manufacture on the territory of large factories, not to mention the fact that many simply use ready-made mirrors for its processing.

Ceramics are made by firing and pressing a clay base, but making a reflective surface is not so easy. To do this, the tactics of jamming gaseous crystalline substances added to the molten glass mass. The output is a mirror effect.

Large canvases are subject to cutting into certain sizes based on sketches, and then careful processing of the edges. Mirror tiles with bevels are also produced at the factory, this is the same edge processing method as grinding or polishing.

The average thickness of the finished product is about 4 mm, and the dimensions are correct square shape, with sides of 10-30 cm. All other sizes are justified by the design intent and can even be made according to the personal data of a particular project.

The edge grinding process can reduce dimensions by up to 2 mm, which is sometimes noticeable in the dimensions of the finished product. Even tiles from one box and, accordingly, a batch can have a difference of several millimeters.

From the photo of the mirror tile, we see that it does not always have a glossy and flat surface. Matte on gloss is usually done using the sandblasting technique.

The technology involves transferring a drawing from a pre-compiled layout to a workpiece using sand at very high pressure. Often you can find products with color design, this can be achieved with the help of painting or photo printing.

An alternative in production is a mirror tile made of polystyrene. Only now the plastic coating is not so practical and safe for close contact with a person, although it costs several times less.

Manufacturing technology allows you to give the product any color. The scope of this alternative material is much lower, production too.


When choosing, you should pay attention to some features that can significantly affect the practicality and service life. For example, it is very important high quality glass and its reflectivity. If the package indicates that it is more than 90%, then you can safely use this species in rooms with insufficient lighting.

Like any other tile, mirror has certain moisture resistance parameters. You can get acquainted with them on the packaging of each individual batch. Mirror tiles on the wall in the living room or bedroom require less resistance to moisture than similar ones for the bathroom.

Of great importance is the quality of the masonry, more precisely the tightness and high performance used tile adhesive, but the initial parameters of the tile itself are certainly important.

Mirror surfaces always require increased care and more thorough and regular cleaning, because dust and stains are so clearly visible on them, especially when it comes to the bathroom.

In this regard, it is worth paying attention to the susceptibility to chemical and mechanical damage. Some types of mirror tiles can become cloudy very quickly from contact with acid or alkali, which are found in almost all detergents.

What to pay attention to when installing?

Any kind building material has its own characteristics during the installation process, mirror tiles are no exception. On the contrary, some technical specifications simply oblige to know the conditions of masonry.

The technology of laying tiles on any flat horizontal or vertical surface differs little from that generally accepted for ceramic products.

The process itself is complicated, since the latter backside rough, having certain gaps for quick coupling with the surface. The base must have an absolutely flat surface, the reflectivity and the play of light will easily give out all surface errors.

As mentioned above, dimensions can be distorted during processing, sometimes they differ by up to 3 mm. To make the masonry symmetrical, you first need to lay out all the tiles from the box on horizontal surface to get a whole row in width. This will help evaluate appearance and avoid distortion.

The same batch, and in the same packaging, may have different sizes. It is not worth cutting off the edges yourself and trying to adjust the height, this will lead to a loss in the appearance of the product and make the tile completely unusable.

Products with pronounced deviations in size can be used to decorate corners and edges of surfaces. To fit the mirror tiles at the edges and corners, a special glass cutter is used.

When laying mirror tiles, plastic crosses are also used to help maintain the same gap. In this case, the smaller the distance between the surfaces, the more harmonious and attractive the reflective surface looks.

In work, it is worth using soft fabric materials, this will avoid damage to the edges, in the form of chips and scratches. A reflective coating applied to the back surface can be damaged by an adhesive that is too aggressive, especially if the tile is of poor quality and the adhesive is not at all intended for this purpose.

A damaged surface will greatly affect the appearance of the mirror from the outside, making it unsuitable for further installation and use. It is necessary to glue the tiles on silicone mixtures or liquid nails.

Mirror ceiling tiles requires more serious installation. Reflective surfaces on the ceiling are especially in great demand. They help to visually raise the ceiling and give the room even more light and space.

Mirror tiles are very fragile, and their fragments can lead to very serious damage, so it should be mounted on screws, the caps of which are subsequently hidden under special plugs.

Mirror tiles in the bathroom or in the kitchen are used much more often, since these rooms usually have a very modest size. Application mirror panels in bedrooms and living rooms, it is justified by elegance and unique chic, tiles with facets and matte ornaments on the surface look especially attractive.

Modern laser cutting technologies allow you to apply absolutely any inscription or pattern on a glossy surface, while you should not worry about the appearance of the surface, it is completely safe method that does not cause chips or cracks.

Absolutely any space will receive new opportunities in terms of design decoration, just include a mirror tile in the interior.

Photo of mirror tiles