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Meditation on money and cash flow. Meditation to attract money and good luck

Before you start meditating, you should watch a short video about your attitude to money:

Money meditation this is a yogic way of achieving wealth, prosperity, material well-being. Meditation itself is a way of complete and deep concentration on a desired object, on solving a problem, etc. money meditation helps to visualize the image of the desired wealth, the image of you as a rich, successful and prosperous person. However, money meditation differs from conventional visualization in that it allows you to invest much more energy into the image, detail it in more detail, which will lead to faster execution of your plans. Money meditation doable for people of any level of training, and quite simple while being effective.

There are many different techniques and meditations for money.
In this article we will look at 3 types of meditations for attracting money; choose the ones that are closest to you.

1) money meditation “Abundance”.

To perform this meditation, select images that evoke a feeling of abundance in you: a mountain of money, a table filled with food, a rich house, etc. The money meditation itself begins with you relaxing, turning on music that tunes you to wealth. You can light sandalwood incense, or special money incense “money rain”.
Money meditation should mostly be done alone, without anyone bothering you. Joint money meditation can be carried out by partners in the same business or family members. In this case, it is advisable to conduct meditation in the place where you earn money - in the office, for example, so that cash flows are concentrated there.
So, the money meditation itself. When looking at pictures of abundance, remember this feeling. Sit in lotus position, close your eyes, relax. When you feel that you have sufficiently freed your head from other thoughts, imagine yourself rich, surrounded by abundance. Penetrate this image as deeply as you can. Saturate it with emotions, feelings; money meditation should be carried out in the positive emotions of making a profit. Stay in this image for as long as you see fit to consolidate it in your subconscious. The money meditation ends with looking at pictures of abundance and absorbing their energy. You can look at pictures of rich people in luxurious apartments and imagine yourself in their place.
This money meditation is carried out every day, for 10-15 minutes. You can repeat it for 2 weeks on the waxing moon.

2) money meditation “Money egregor”.

To conduct this meditation, take all the big money that you have. Sit on a sofa or bed, place them in front of you, cover them with your palms, and close your eyes. Money meditation begins with entering a trance state. To improve visualization, turn on the sound of falling coins, murmurs, or any music that gives a feeling of approaching or enlarging. Having entered a trance and freed your head from unnecessary thoughts (money meditation is performed in full OVD), imagine the image of the Source of Wealth (the way you better imagine it. It can be like a huge bank, or a fountain where gold coins flow, or a huge cloud pouring coins and bills, etc.). Next, money meditation goes like this: connect the Source with your banknotes, imagining how a full-flowing, powerful flow of profit and wealth descends on you. The flow is green and gold. All money meditation takes place in your representation of this flow. It gets into all your pockets, wallets, places where you keep money and accumulates there. But it doesn’t stagnate, and then goes on - to expensive and desirable purchases, travel and everything you want.
This money meditation is also carried out every day for at least two weeks on the waxing moon. During meditation, you should feel like a generous rich man who has so much money that you yourself don’t know exactly how much, and you don’t even count it.

3) money meditation “money magnet”.

This meditation helps to tune the money talisman "money magnet". To start meditation, collect all the money that is in your house - from small things to the largest ones. Also get any magnet. This money meditation begins with you laying out all your money around you, sitting in the lotus position, and picking up a magnet. Close your eyes, completely relax, free your head from thoughts. Now remember how your money came to you, those that are around you now, and those that you have had throughout your entire life. This money meditation should make you feel like you are a magnet attracting money. Imagine that you are surrounded by the magnetic force of a magnet in your hands, and the energy of money charges the magnet to attract wealth. Play with this image, imagine yourself in different ways, like a magnet. Visualize countless situations where money would just stick to you. This money meditation will really tune your energy to attract wealth if you do it purposefully for two weeks on the waxing moon. You will notice how your money will increase and begin to appear from the most unexpected places.
money meditation can be invented by you, you can create your own meditation based on those that you have already tried, incorporating into the meditation what suits you.

Meditation on attracting money, if used correctly, helps eliminate negative financial blockages and create favorable energy exploration. As a result, you will learn to easily receive and give money and stop concentrating on financial problems.

Practice of attracting material well-being

This practice has two parts. The first is working with formulations, the second is meditation itself.

How does it work? The fact is that there are no temporary attachments in your subconscious, only your feelings and emotions are there. If these emotions are negative in relation to money (for example, you have a lot of debts, loans, or you suddenly lost a large amount of money), then the energy radiation is negative. Consequently, there is no need to talk about material well-being.

Therefore, you need, first of all, to rewrite the negative script with the power of your own subconscious, catch the necessary energy radiation, and then consolidate positive attitudes in the subconscious through meditation.

What to do in the first part:

  • Take a sheet of A4 format. Even more is better if there are a lot of negative financial blockages. Divide it into two parts
  • In the first half, list in a column all the negative events related to money and their consequences. For example: a wallet was stolen and there was not enough money to buy a phone for a child. Or: I have three loans, so most of my salary goes to repay them, I have to save
  • Describe everything that comes to mind. Don’t save paper, try to describe all your thoughts
  • After that, we proceed to “changing the script.” We replace negative events and consequences with positive ones. Use your imagination. For example: “I found a wallet on the street and returned it to the owner, received a reward.” Or: “I accidentally discovered a large sum of money in an old fur coat, I was able to pay off the loan” And so on

Try to reinforce the new scenario with joyful emotions. Don't do it mechanically. This completes the first part, all you have to do is consolidate the effect of working with the subconscious through meditation.

How to meditate:

  • Close your eyes for 10-15 minutes every day and mentally replay the events from the positive scenario you have come up with as if they had already happened
  • A prerequisite is that you must feel positive emotions during meditation.

The visualization session can be carried out at any other time convenient for you. For example, while you are riding the subway or waiting in line at the clinic.

Meditation practices for getting rid of debts and loans

Money luck can completely turn away from you if you continue to be burdened by your debts and constantly think about them. To prevent anything bad from happening, you need to shift your focus to more positive things. Meditations aimed at getting money and good luck help with this.

Meditations with visualizations and the use of positive statements - affirmations - work best in such situations.

How to meditate:

  1. Try to set aside at least 15 minutes a day for meditation. And meditate every day, because only regular practice can help you
  2. In everyday life, stop concentrating all your thoughts on debts and loans, try to instantly switch, think about anything but this. Otherwise, you will minimize the positive effect of meditation.
  3. During the meditation process, shift your focus to increasing your income. This should be your main goal. You have two ways: either imagine your successful, free and beautiful life by visualizing. Or repeat affirmations like this: “My income is growing, I can afford whatever I want.”

If the situation is critical (for example, a debt needs to be paid within a few days), you can use the following formulation: “I gratefully accept the nth amount I need to pay off the debt, may my wish come true for my and everyone’s good.” But use such an affirmation in the most extreme cases.

Do meditation aimed at attracting financial benefits regularly, and the Universe will definitely send you opportunities to improve the situation.

Installations for monetary well-being

In principle, all classic money meditations come down to the same thing:

  • You turn on pleasant music, take a comfortable position and close your eyes
  • Try to relax your body and drive away any extraneous thoughts from your subconscious
  • And then you visualize images of what you want to get. Or repeat positive statements

The algorithm is quite simple. You can use it always by choosing the appropriate settings. Let's figure out how to do it correctly.

It is very important to carefully filter your thoughts and correctly formulate financial desires. When you ask for a specific amount, your wish rarely comes true, because money is not the goal for the Universe.

It is better to ask for your dream job or some thing, travel, and so on. It is important that this is the need of your soul.

Examples of positive attitudes that can be used:

  • Money loves me
  • I attract financial prosperity into my life
  • Every day my income is growing
  • I always have enough money
  • My salary is 100 thousand rubles a month or even more

Never set an upper limit. Always remember that the boundaries are only in your head, but the possibilities of the Universe are limitless. Work with the statements that suit you best. Come up with your own wording options.

Right now you can do a money meditation that will help you go into your subconscious mind and give it direction to find money for you. And the better your imagination is developed and works, the faster your desire will come true.

Meditation “Money leaf fall”

Imagine that you are sitting in a soft, comfortable chair at home. Place your hands on your knees, palms up. Imagine that from above, paper money begins to fall in large quantities towards your hands. Some fall in a continuous stream of cash, like leaves in a heavy snowfall. A little later they begin to pour in whole packs towards you. Take a pack in each hand. Feel their weight and elasticity. The packs continue to fall, you pick up a whole armful of them and press them to yourself... Thank the money for coming and staying with you forever!

Friends, any money meditation works. You just need to do them regularly and turn on your imagination “more vividly,” and the results will follow!

Let Abundance reign in your life!

Arthur Golovin


To learn how to cleanse and increase the flow of monetary energy, you need to learn how to do prosperity and wealth meditations yourself. This is incredibly positive and is a visualization of money. By doing this meditation before bed, you will fall asleep with a feeling of satisfaction, joy and peace. But how much money are you willing to put into your life?

Meditation to attract money - a constructive experience

You will have as much money as you are willing to accept into your life. This is the law of circulation of monetary energy. Powerful meditation for attracting money is a useful technique that, if you want, will help you realize your intention. And, if your intention is financial prosperity, use beautiful meditation.

People desire prosperity in many areas of life. The understanding of this term depends on what a person prioritizes. Financial prosperity is also understood differently by people. For some it is a successful, growing business, for others it is high sales. For some it is a stable income, for others it is simply getting a job. People are looking for what is closer to them in spirit and capabilities. The key here is to be specific about your own goals. When doing prosperity meditation at home, formulate your goal and use goal visualization. When performing meditation to attract money, specify your desires, this will increase your chances of success.

A simple meditation to attract money and prosperity

Relax. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and calmly, imagine a place where you enjoy being, for example, a flowering meadow. You walk along soft grass and see a stream. You go down to the stream of water - it is clean and warm, warmed by the summer sun. Enter the water and feel the clean streams at your feet. Water washes away your worries, sorrows and troubles. You no longer experience negative feelings and are able to think and act constructively. This simple meditation for attracting money will clear your mind and remove everything that prevents you from increasing your cash flow.

Listen to the video: Powerful meditation for attracting money, luck and prosperity

A powerful meditation on money that really allows you to achieve financial well-being! The technique used by the richest people on the planet!

The history of this technique and its analogues begins around the first century AD. It was from this time that the first mentions of a secret society date back, which was engaged in the study of ancient knowledge and laws of the universe and was the founder of similar practices for attracting money.

Now similar techniques are used by the richest people on the planet, although information about this is carefully hidden. Only for those who:

1. Wants to have a lot of money;
2. Wants to live in prosperity and luxury;
3. Dreams of gaining power that will attract money.

This money meditation really attracts wealth and abundance! People who practice this technique (and its analogues) have been living in abundance for a long time.

What is the highlight of this practice?

This meditation on attracting money not only attracts money energy to a person, but also changes his money consciousness, which is much more important, because someone who wants to be rich must not only be able to attract money, but also save it.

When can I see the result?

From experience, money begins to come in after a month of regular exercise, but you can become a truly rich person only when your consciousness is completely tuned in to prosperity and abundance

This is a difficult process and requires constant practice. For some people (whose consciousness is now focused on poverty), it can take a long time. Whether it is worth it to become a wealthy person - everyone decides for himself. It has been noticed...

As soon as the practitioner’s consciousness is tuned to wealth and abundance, incredible financial opportunities immediately begin to come to him.

How and why does this money meditation work?

This meditation affects a person’s subconscious, enhances personal vibration and frees the brain from extraneous vibrations (negative beliefs about money, doubts, self-doubt), thereby revealing its potential. Very powerful!

Special visualizations allow the practitioner to come into contact with a certain frequency of consciousness and fill the entire mind with it. Falling into sleep after meditation consolidates the effect, as a result of which the work of attracting money begins to take place on a subconscious level.

The technique is performed immediately before bedtime

Execution order

  • The practitioner lies on his back and closes his eyes.
  • Relaxes and calms thoughts, concentrating on the darkness that appears before closed eyes.
  • After the internal dialogue is stopped, the practitioner intuitively imagines the energy of money in front of him.
  • Feels love and directs this feeling into the imaginary energy of money.
  • Then the practitioner begins to slowly plunge his consciousness into the monetary energy and absorb it, imagining that the more monetary energy is absorbed, the more money will appear in the real world.

By visualizing the absorption of monetary energy, the practitioner slowly drifts off to sleep and falls asleep.

In the morning, upon awakening, the practitioner must mentally imagine that in reality there is already money that belongs to him, and soon he will have this money.

