home · Networks · Design of a room in a country house. Design of a cottage in a rustic style (59 photos): design of a house, yard, garden and vegetable garden. How to decorate a kitchen in a rustic style

Design of a room in a country house. Design of a cottage in a rustic style (59 photos): design of a house, yard, garden and vegetable garden. How to decorate a kitchen in a rustic style

Perhaps, after reading the title of this article, a picture will appear before your eyes village house. It’s hard to say what it’s “drawn” with. Maybe you are lucky, having grown up in a village and knowing village life. Or maybe this picture is inspired by films. It is possible that you still live in the village. And all of you are united by the desire to find out what a village house is like today. In other words, what is the rustic interior style of a house or apartment like today?

Rustic style - nostalgia for the past or a tribute to fashion

The rustic interior style, aka, appeared at the end of the nineteenth - beginning of the twentieth century. The style is very interesting. Remarkably combines elements of the past and present. Each country has its own image. The most common rustic styles are Russian, French, and English. Despite their natural uniqueness, they all have common characteristic features:

Knowing already that there are several types of rustic style, it is logical to be interested in what each of them represents. Let's get to know some of them.

Russian rustic style - simplicity and tranquility

Russian style is distinguished by the absence of pretentiousness in its elements. Simplicity is present in everything. Its main feature is the use of materials from. It is present in everything. Particular warmth and comfort is created by the walls and ceiling covered with boards. Furniture in classic form also made simply and without frills. It’s not a bad idea to have a chest in a Russian-style interior - perhaps the most common furniture of our ancestors. Its purpose is quite varied. It can be used both as a place to store clothes and as a bedside table.

Modern Russian style cannot do without such an important, immediately noticeable element of the interior as rafters. In old Russian huts these structures were open to view. It was then that the Polati appeared, hiding them. But if you want to have extra space in the room, you can build a bed. Very original and convenient design. You can't miss a style highlight like wood floors. They look great if they are made from previously used floorboards, of course, previously restored.

Russian stove. An obligatory character in all Russian fairy tales and epics. Naturally, Russian rustic style cannot be the same without it. A modern house can easily do without the original Russian stove, but its interior must have at least a hint of it. It could be the same fireplace, but stylized as a Russian stove. As a last resort, you can use volumetric panel, imitating it. The presence of a log of firewood, a poker and a scoop on a forged stand will only emphasize the originality of the style.

The rustic style predetermines calm and tranquility in the interior. For city dwellers who have a country house in rustic style, it will be a heavenly place. Color palette, often consisting of pastel light colors, will confirm this. The furniture is soft, light, without any special frills. Lighting in the form of lampshades, kerosene lamps will give the evening atmosphere an indescribable peace, and pastel shades walls and ceiling will only strengthen it. And it doesn’t matter where you are - in the living room or on the terrace.

The Russian style is characterized by a variety of dishes made of porcelain and glass. Glassware style is not very welcome. Russian style is unthinkable without clay birds and little animals. Clay floors were common in the old days, but later they were replaced by tile floors.

French country style (Provence) - simplicity and grace

Characterized by sunny bright colors. Pastel colors dominate. The color palette creates the atmosphere of the seashore. Therefore, the presence in the interior is desirable, which, in combination with pastel colors, will create the atmosphere required for this style. A wonderful combination of pastel colors with red tones, which can be in any decorative element - furniture upholstery, textiles. As for textiles, the style also involves the use of bleached materials.

French rustic style is reminiscent of Russian in some elements. You can also find imitation roof slabs in it. The walls are decorated with stone texture. The latter gives very interesting view room. It feels like you are in an ancient castle. What's a castle without a fireplace? It doesn’t matter whether it is gas or electric. Without a fireplace, stone walls are unlikely to create coziness in the room.

The presence of antiquity is a distinctive feature for all types of rustic styles. Furniture in a French-style interior must bear the stamp of past centuries. This is achieved artificial aging her. Simple in form, but with inherent French elegance. Walnut, oak or chestnut are usually used for its production. The presence of antiquity enhances the lighting fixtures. These are kerosene lanterns, or lamps. The natural light of these lamps gives a special warmth and comfort to the room. Antiques seem to unite the past and the present.

English country style - nobility and aristocracy

It stands out among other rustic styles primarily due to its furniture. Furniture sets are preferably made from light wood.

The presence of a fireplace is mandatory, no matter gas or electric. There is an armchair or sofa near the fireplace. Armchairs are always available high back and armrests, which makes them very comfortable for relaxation. This arrangement is very conducive to long conversations on philosophical topics. A warm atmosphere is guaranteed.

The English style is characteristic. Glass is most often segmented. The frames are thin. Textiles on windows are preferable with a traditional English pattern - checkered patterns. By the way, checkered patterns can also be seen in furniture upholstery.

Purchasing or building a country house is the dream of many city residents. Clean air, lack of noise from transport, as well as the opportunity to acquire a spacious “palace” force many apartment dwellers to part with their square meters in high-rise buildings.

But besides positive qualities Such living space in a village also has its drawbacks, for example, bad roads, lack of gas supply, and distance from a permanent place of work. But these disadvantages are not inherent in every village; you can choose a suburb where there are all communications, the roads are paved with asphalt, and work in the city is just a stone’s throw away.

If you have already decided to build a country house, the question arises in what style to decorate it. Professional designers and architects are always ready to offer you a variety of interesting solutions, for example, the design of an old village house with a stove is inexpensive and original. You can choose any plan country house, and it doesn’t have to be in the Russian style; there are still many directions that are suitable for decorating a house in the village.

Basic Styles Suitable for a Country Home

Among the variety of style solutions for a country house, most often designers have to deal with such trends as country. This is a rustic style in the interior of a country house, which in turn is divided into several subtypes:

    French Provence;

    Swiss chalet;

    English country music;

    American Farmhouse;

    Russian village.

Country style is incredibly diverse, because each country has its own national characteristics of rural style. Country style reflects the nuances of culture, lifestyle, climate and natural features. The color palette of country style is different in each country; it carries the shades of the surrounding nature in its most diverse manifestations.

Some elements of a country-style house may seem a little rough at first glance, but with the right interior design, even freely protruding ceiling beams will look quite logical. The word “country” is translated as village, which is why the style is characterized by various antique rustic interior items, an abundance of textiles combined with natural materials used in the construction of the house and in decoration.

Village houses are also often decorated in Mediterranean and Japanese styles.

French Provence

The Provence style in the interiors of village houses has gained great popularity for its airiness, abundance of light in the rooms and romance, which is manifested in decorating the house with antique furniture and decorating with textiles with light floral prints. Provencal style harmoniously combines rustic simplicity and French luxury.

In the south of France there is a region of the same name, from which the name of the Provence style comes. Artists from all over the country have flocked there for several centuries to paint the colorful nature of Provence.

Endless lavender fields, vineyards, blooming nature, blue sea and bright sun - all this contributed to the formation of a cozy, bright, as close to naturalness as possible and even fragrant, due to the abundance of flowers in Provence style rooms.

The features characteristic of the French rustic style lie in a certain color scheme, an abundance of light and more.

Bright rooms. Provencal style is characterized by big windows into the floor, which let a lot of light into the rooms. Decorative moldings are also used, which divide the double-glazed window into sections, thereby bringing it as close as possible appearance to French.

Color palette. The walls, floors and ceilings in the house should be light. They use white, beige, sand, cream, milk. Muted shades of green, blue, turquoise, and lavender are also often used.

Wall decoration. In houses decorated in Provence style, plaster or wooden boards are usually used to decorate the walls, and sometimes the walls are painted. Wallpaper is rarely used and only with small floral patterns.

Floor. For the floor it is customary to use wooden boards, painted white or grey colour. Terracotta slabs with cut corners or chips along the edges are also popular.

Ceiling. The main feature is the presence wooden beams on the ceiling or stucco, it all should look old and shabby.

Furniture. According to the Provencal style, furniture in the house should be made only from natural materials. Usually this is solid wood or wicker pieces made of rattan or reed. Furniture should be shabby, have cracks and chips. Designers are hired to artificially age furniture. Provencal style also implies the presence of wrought iron furniture - coffee tables, benches, tables and chairs.

To ensure that the decoration of the premises matches the Provencal style as closely as possible, it is recommended to use items in the interior self made and antique products - porcelain dishes, various figurines, antique vases and flowerpots. An important feature of the Provence style is the use of textiles - light light tulle with a floral pattern or translucent, many pillows, bedspreads, lace napkins.

Many colors - important feature Provence style Ekibans, green plants in pots and blooming bouquets in flowerpots, fragrant with the pleasant aromas of wildflowers, should be placed everywhere in the house.

Swiss chalet

Direction in construction country houses The chalet style originated in the mountainous regions of Switzerland. A country house in this style is characterized by simplicity and naturalness. For construction, as a rule, natural wood is used, mainly timber from Siberian larch.

The main distinguishing feature of a chalet-style house is a wide gable roof; wood is also used to decorate the interior space. The beams on the ceiling are not hidden under the cladding; the walls are lined with poorly processed boards or artificially aged. The floors are also made of wood, but they are not painted, they are left as is.

The presence of a fireplace in the house is a distinctive feature of the chalet-style interior. The fireplace must be lined with natural stone.

All objects in the interior seem durable, stable, massive, and reliable. It is these principles of the chalet style that have made it so popular when decorating country houses.

Features of interior design in a chalet style lie in a certain palette of colors, furniture and decor.

Color spectrum. Interior design in Swiss country style implies the presence of natural shades:

    dark brown;







Furniture. It should be massive, aged and rough. But living rooms are often furnished with simple leather furniture.

Artificial lighting. Designers, when decorating a country house in the chalet style, use heavy, massive floor lamps. In addition, the abundance of forged candlesticks with candles is welcome.

Decor. The walls of the house are decorated with ancient paintings, and bunches of fragrant dried herbs are hung everywhere. Rural embroidery, clay and Forged Products, any items related to hunting - animal skins, deer antlers.

In houses decorated in the chalet style, they do not use plastic, chromed metal, or fancy fittings. Plastic windows are not appropriate here, but if you still choose them, then the frame should imitate wood. Instead of elaborate curtains, use wooden blinds or curtains made of natural fabric, not painted.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer house design services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

English country

An English style country house typically has 2 floors, large segmented windows and a very low level foundation. Distinctive feature English style There is also a very low attic space.

The rustic house design inside consists of expensive wooden furniture in mahogany or cherry color. Massive ones are welcome bookcases, secretaries, tables, upholstered furniture upholstered in floral or checkered fabric, leather upholstery is also allowed.

A mandatory attribute, as in the chalet style, is a massive stone fireplace.

English country is similar to the Provençal style - an abundance of textiles: curtains, pillows, tablecloths, rugs, rugs with ornaments.

Porcelain figurines, large paintings with landscapes, and hunting attributes - guns, animal skins - are used as decoration.

Russian rustic style

Wooden huts were built in Rus', so a modern country house in this style can be made using logs or beams. As was the case in old Russian huts, the rafters and beams on the ceiling are left open. The floors are made from artificially aged boards.

The main element of a Russian-style country house is a large stove. The design of a country house with a stove is in demand, even when it is possible to use gas or electricity to heat the house.

Wood in the interior of the Russian rustic style predominates not only in materials for house construction and decoration, but even in furniture and utensils. A rocking chair and an antique chest will not be out of place.

The furniture should be light, without being too chic. For lighting, lamps with lampshades or imitation kerosene lamps are used. The dishes chosen are only glass, wood or clay.

Japanese style in a country house

A Japanese-style house is a structure made of wood with numerous sliding structures. External walls can also be made of bamboo and clay. In this case, it is possible to achieve a perfect resemblance of the house to original designs. The roof of a Japanese village house can be made in the form of a gable or hipped structure.

Interior interior spaces decorated with low pieces of furniture - bamboo tables and soft ottomans. Upholstered podiums, traditional tatami, and an abundance of small cushions will not be out of place in the interior.

The color scheme of all items in a rustic Japanese house should reflect the natural colors of wood and bamboo.

A small fireplace is often installed in the living room, bringing peace and comfort to the interior of the house. Hieroglyphs drawn on walls and objects and chandeliers made of rice paper are suitable as decoration.

Mediterranean rustic style

Mediterranean style originates in Italy. The house itself, decorated in this style, is a building with whitewashed walls; brick is used only to decorate the fireplace and the adjacent walls. An Italian style home may also have plaster walls that are predominantly olive in color.

The interior design of a village house involves the use of mosaics and frescoes. Ceramic tiles are used to cover kitchen floors and countertops. The ceilings are finished with beams. The floor must be made of solid wood.

For lighting, it is preferable to use luxurious pendant lamps.

Do not forget that fresh flowers are an essential attribute of Italian style. You can hang several flowerpots or place pots on the windowsill.

Mandatory elements of a wooden village house

Houses in the suburbs are often built of wood, and if not, then it is sure to be present in the interior of any rustic style. It is worth highlighting three main features characteristic of a house in a village:

    a real fireplace, stove or decorative versions thereof;

    the presence of an attic or second floor;

    a lot of light, mostly natural.

All rustic styles are characterized by the use of only natural materials, so at the design stage it is necessary to eliminate plastic, synthetics and artificial materials.

If the house in the village is small, you need to properly plan it. Each residential building must have the following premises:

  • living room;

  • veranda, terrace or at least porch;

If a country house is being built with a Russian stove, then it should be located mainly in the kitchen, but the stove can also be placed in the living room, as well as the fireplace. When a stove or fireplace performs a purely decorative function, a gas or electric heating, these nuances must be taken into account at the stage of designing a house.

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Watch the video for a selection of photos design design rustic style houses:

A village house must have a cellar for storing vegetables, fruits and canned goods.

Living room in a country house - design features

In a village house it is used classic version decorating the living room using only natural materials. A small fireplace or wood-burning stove is installed in the room, next to which there are chairs and a small table.

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The living room perfectly combines wooden products with textiles. The design should be done in the same color scheme, avoiding large contrasts. If the living room is in an antique style, then all items in the room should be handmade to order, or you can use restored antique furniture in the room.

Country bedroom interior

To recreate a rustic style in the bedroom, you need to adhere to following rules when registering:

    Use natural materials.

    Install antique furniture or artificially aged.

    Do not use dark colors in the design; the bedroom should be light.

    Metal should only be used as accessories.

It is advisable not to clutter the bedroom with furniture; a bed and several bedside tables will be enough.

Decorating a kitchen in a rustic style

A distinctive feature of decorating a kitchen in a rustic style is the use of textiles, which can be used not only for window decoration, but also instead interior door. Thick curtains do an excellent job of this function, separating the kitchen space from the living part of the house.

If the kitchen is decorated in the Russian style, then you cannot do without a samovar, modern models of which may have a heating element in their design for heating water.

Lamps in the kitchen can be used electric, but of a special design that will imitate candles and lamps. You can add similarity to the kitchen in a Russian hut by placing bundles of onions and garlic in its corners.

The dishes in the kitchen should also correspond to the old style. In pots you can cook very tasty food directly in a Russian oven or install a gas or electric oven.

The walls in the kitchen are usually whitewashed with lime, but you can line them with natural wood. Windows, doors and floors are also made of wood.

Russian stove in the interior

The laying of a real Russian stove must be carried out by a qualified craftsman.

Advantages of using a Russian stove:

    Works on inexpensive solid fuel, which in a village can be obtained by cutting down old and unnecessary trees in a garden or forest located near the house.

    After prolonged heating, the stove retains heat for a very long time. This quality can also be used to simmer various dishes in a pot inside the hearth.

    Quickly warms up the room. If the firewood is dry and the fuel density is high, then even a completely cooled house can be heated within a few hours.

    Made from relatively inexpensive, durable materials that will last for many years.

These are the main advantages of the Russian stove, but in addition to the listed positive qualities, there are many more advantages of placing such a “heating device” in a private home.

The stove is usually placed in the middle of the room. This option is used when the house is divided into two parts: utility and residential. In some cases, the stove can be installed in the corner of the hut, but with this arrangement the heating efficiency will be significantly reduced.

Ways to design a stove in a kitchen interior

Usually a Russian stove is whitewashed with lime over the entire surface area, but to make it more impressive in the interior, it is painted with special paints resistant to high temperature paints.

The following materials are used to decorate the kitchen:

    Tile - used heat resistant material, which can be either plain or with any pattern suitable for the interior.

    Stone - the process of finishing a stove with this material is quite labor-intensive, but the result is worth it. A stove with this type of cladding fits perfectly into the old style, looks very aesthetically pleasing and retains heat well.

The listed materials are used for cladding as modern stoves, and in country style.

It is prohibited to place textile products in the immediate vicinity of the oven due to the strong heating of its surface.

Photo examples of interior design of a village house

Interior closed veranda in a village house

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For an overview of the interior of a village house with a bathhouse, watch the video:


Design of a village house with a stove – great option go back to those very times when heating was only by stoves, feel the pleasant warmth of childhood, remember the taste of pies from a Russian oven. And for those who want to plunge into the romance of France, we advise you to choose the Provence style to decorate your country house. Experienced designers will definitely take into account all your wishes when decorating any interior of a house in the village.

The use of wood in the construction of a private house has become widely used and popular due to its natural environmental friendliness and naturalness. Wood in the interior can bring comfort and moral peace to your home. If the whole house consists of wood and even the finishing is wooden, then this practical solution for lovers of sophistication. When touching a tree, it makes no difference what type it is or how it is processed; on a psychological level, a person immediately feels unity with nature, peace of mind and grace.

Now it makes no difference where a person lives and what type of house he has, even if it is small country house outside the city, or a luxurious cottage in an expensive village, wood is a symbol of unity with nature, a stylish material that can bring sophistication to the interior.

Wood fashion

There is no need to be upset if you don’t have your own home that is made entirely of wood. Even living in an ordinary brick house or small apartment high-rise buildings, you can find a way out of the situation. Designers offer the buyer many interesting ideas and solutions for using wood in residential premises.

Nowadays, wood can be used almost everywhere and its use is becoming very popular; this is a kind of trend that will be relevant in 2018 and subsequent years. The advantage of wood is its versatility, because the material can be successfully combined with any style. There is a wide choice among wood surfaces, because you can use: cut, bent, carved and smooth, smooth or varnished surfaces. This is not the entire list, but only part of it, which opens up new horizons and options for interior design for the homeowner.

In addition to the main wood, you can use bark or stumps, branches and birch bark. For example, you can use them to make an original chair or a decorative shelf, which will bring some freshness to the interior and give it some zest. Using original design ideas even from ordinary branches, you can create a real work of art that can emphasize your style, place the right accents and make the design more modern.

At the peak of popularity in apartments are veneer and plywood, which are actively used for decoration. Previously, plywood was considered only an auxiliary building material, used to construct furniture or its rear walls. Thanks to new technologies, ordinary plywood has become widely used in the interior of modern houses and apartments, and now it can be used to make both a stylish rack or shelf, and a modern waterproof chest of drawers.

Choosing wood for the interior

The material that will be used directly depends on the purpose of its use, the dimensions of the room and the style direction. Wood must be selected individually. Parquet is best made from oak, as it is characterized by hardness and long service life. If you choose a color scheme, then it is better to give preference here dark shades, close to black, black is best bog oak. Furniture made from this type of wood will always look interesting, stylish and chic.

Pine is a material with good flexibility and strength; due to its golden texture, it has an interesting appearance and gives off a pleasant aroma that cannot be killed by time or special treatments. This material is characterized by its low price and is best used for making doors or interfloor stairs.

In order to make the space lighter, you can use beech with pink undertones. At heat treatment The wood of this species becomes soft and malleable to deformation. This property is actively used; bent Viennese furniture is now made from beech. The advantage is high level strength, amenability to grinding.

Walnut is another popular type of wood that has earned a lot of attention thanks to the wide color range. Decorative elements made of walnut are always original and interesting; they can be either red or chocolate in color; this feature allows the material to be used in any interior. The only drawback of walnut is that due to its biological properties, the wood begins to darken after a while.

If the house or apartment is made in the Baroque or Rococo style, then it is better to pay attention to the linden tree, the core of which has yellow. The optimal solution birch will be used, but it is better to use not the usual one for our region, but a special Karelian birch, which has honey tones. This color scheme will be able to complement the interior of both an ordinary house and a huge penthouse.

How can you show off an expensive mahogany tree if you don’t have money for it? You can use an alternative that is cherry. For maximum effect, you need to use tinting impregnation, after which it will be difficult to distinguish the material from the expensive red material, and even impossible for the inexperienced eye. If financial position allows, then you can choose the “king” among the trees - mahogany. It's pricey, but it's worth it, and the result is a chic design with red flowers that will last for decades.

Where should you start?

First of all, you need to start with the windows, or rather window frames. It would seem that not so long ago everyone was trying to switch to plastic windows, following trends, but it turns out to be in vain, because fashion moves in a spiral and original wooden windows are now at the peak of their popularity. Before installing windows, you need to carefully check the preparation of the wood, since it will have to cope with the influences of nature in the form of snow and rain, sunlight and constant gusts of wind.

Not many people decide to replace an armored door with its wooden counterpart, but everyone can understand here. If you want to transform the door, you can install a veneer covering.

After windows and doors comes the floor, or rather its covering. Naturally, it is best to lay parquet using a cheap imitation, but often this does not look very attractive, and the discomfort will be noticeable.

The balcony can be decorated with eurolining or wooden panels. If you paint a tree with different colors, you can create an interesting-looking balcony that you won’t want to leave. If space and ceiling partitions allow, then in the kitchen, instead of the banal stretch ceiling you can build a system of wooden rafters. For a perfect picture you can add original table and chairs that will move residents from ordinary apartment on board a pirate ship or to an ancient palace.

Every resident of a metropolis dreams of hiding from the bustle of the city in a village cozy house, sleep on a feather bed fluffed by a caring grandmother, have breakfast with fresh milk and buns. But if fresh milk with buns is a pipe dream, then it is quite possible to recreate the rustic comfort not only in country house, but if desired, in a city apartment. It is only important to choose a direction in a given style and follow it exactly.

Features of the interior of a village house inside

Village houses differ depending on what territorial area they are located in and what culture they belong to. For example, the decoration of a village house in the Siberian outback will be significantly different from the hut of residents of the south of Russia.

And a traditional Japanese house is incomparable to provincial style French village.

The common features of all rural houses are the naturalness of materials, simplicity of decoration and hand-made household and decorative items. Most often, objects of decorative and applied arts were used, since any thing, even the most exquisite, for example, a knitted tablecloth or embroidered towels, had a very practical use.

In Russian village houses, which were located in forest areas, the house itself, pieces of furniture: beds, tables, benches and chests were made of strong, durable wood.

In mountainous areas, solidity was emphasized in the design of the house and in the interior using stone.

Interior styles

  • Provence and country

Country style, the style of a simple country house, with functional handmade things, has gained popularity in many countries and has received many directions. American country is based on practicality, functionality and comfort. Brickwork, high-quality furniture, although well-worn, copper dishes and a lot of homespun textiles, including those made using the patchwork technique. The main color is the color of the American prairies - terracotta.

Provincial French Country - Provence style epitomizes the charm of the lavender region of France, filled with the colors of the sea, herbs and flowers. Interior in Provence style is a combination of simplicity and romance. Bright rooms with furniture made of natural wood, as if bleached by the sun. Textiles are durable and delicate in shades of nature: blue, green, white, lemon, sand. A characteristic feature of this style is the presence of ceramics - in external and interior decoration, home decoration.

  • Interior in the spirit of France

The interior of a house in a classic French style can be expressed by the phrase “chic without pretension.” The entire furnishings and decoration of the house are exquisite, filled with antiques, but with a touch of slight negligence, expressed in an abandoned shawl, a bouquet of wild flowers in an antique vase or asymmetrically arranged furniture.

Chalet style

A house for shepherds, this is how the word “chalet” is translated, which gives the name to the interior style. A chalet-style house is a real fortress made of powerful stones and durable logs, with a gently sloping gable roof and huge windows. The main decoration of such a house is the picturesque landscapes outside the windows. Such an interior is not distinguished by its fullness of light, because the main decoration is natural wood. Interior items are brutal in everything: in structure, in color shades. Soft carpets, furs, leather bring a bit of coziness to the interior.

English style

The distinctive features of the English style are not only good quality, simplicity and restraint, but also luxury:

  • finishing wooden walls assumes the presence of stucco;
  • classic furniture implies convenience and comfort;
  • accessories are varied, with an abundance of exotic gizmos.

The colors of the English style are rich and noble: red, burgundy, chocolate, dark green. Lighting devices are characterized interesting decoration.

Textiles play a big role in home decoration: heavy curtains and light draped curtains, colorful furniture upholstery made of expensive fabric and colorful pillows decorate the house and create an atmosphere of comfort.

It is in this style that paintings serve as wall decoration.

Japanese style

Japanese style is based on the principle of free space, in which sliding structures are present in everything: as walls and windows, in furniture elements.

Japanese home furnishings are designed to live on the floor. Therefore, low furniture is expected. All shapes are simple geometric without abundance decorative elements.

Authentic objects are used as decoration: fans, lithographs and hieroglyphs.

Mediterranean style

The style of port cities, elegant, romantic and unpretentious, remains one of the most popular for home interiors. Its characteristic features:

  • a lot of light and color;
  • abundance of stone and wooden furniture;
  • handmade textiles of fine workmanship: lace, openwork embroidery;
  • stained glass windows and mosaic panels;
  • wicker furniture and a variety of house plants and flowers;
  • the paintings are bright and colorful;
  • windows decorated with light curtains.

The Mediterranean style includes many colors and ethnic shades, therefore it is very democratic, multifunctional and extremely decorative.

Russian style

The basis of a Russian village house is a log hut with a huge Russian stove, with icons in the corner, with an abundance of bleached and unbleached linen.

Furniture and household items are made thoroughly and reliably. There is no frivolous romanticism or deliberate decoration in the interior; everything feels practical and functional.

Decorative elements are based on mixing various styles and directions that attract attention and decorate the room. And this is also an indispensable cleanliness and a hospitable table.


The time of globalization, when all boundaries are erased, brings to the fore a style that contains all the best that other styles have - eclecticism. In order to create a work of art in a mixed style, you need to choose some neutral style for the canvas and apply it to it. bright accents and color spots. It is considered harmonious to use no more than three bright colors and no more than three styles against a classic background. In this style there is a place for the most amazing things: an abstract painting or stuffed animal, unusual furniture or a painted wall.

Mandatory elements of a wooden village house

A rustic wooden house is designed for the life of a busy person agriculture. Therefore, its main purpose is to create comfort and coziness in a simple way. Furniture for storing things and dishes should be spacious, without decorative frills, and not require polishing or painting.

Textiles for curtains and table linen should be bright colors and highlight the discreetness of the walls. Beds and linens are basic but firm.

A mandatory attribute of a village house should be a chest, preferably not a “remake”, but one that served faithfully to the ancestors.

Dolls made from scraps, rugs made from remnants of fabric, knitted lampshades, curtains with hemlines, lace valances and even embroidered carpets will find a worthy place in a country house.

Advantages of wooden houses

A wooden house is a living organism, with a unique atmosphere, designed to last more than one generation. IN wooden house It's warm in winter and cool in summer. It maintains a certain level of humidity because wood allows it to “breathe.” Owners of wood smoke inhale medicinal air filled with phytoncides released by the tree.

  • The living warmth of a village hearth

All village houses had a hearth with a real fire; this was vital for heating the home and for cooking. There were different sources of heat, but the main ones were and remain relevant today are the stove and fireplace.

  • Russian stove

The Russian stove returns to the space of country houses and serves for its intended purpose and as an element decorative design. No worthy replacement has been found for this device, which is characteristic of Russian culture.

  • Fireplace

A fireplace is a hearth with an open fire that serves to heat the room and attracts the opportunity to admire the flames and is often an accent in modern homes. There are many forms and designs of this device that can decorate a home and create an atmosphere of warmth.


In order not to disturb the harmony of a village home, the first thing to do is to give up plastic utensils. The choice is to choose dishes in the style that fills a country house:

copper and ceramic for Provence;

  • clay and wooden for Russian style;
  • earthenware for English.

Of course you can use modern products, but stylized in antique or country style.

Appliances for a country house

Appliances will not disturb the decoration of a village house if it is properly built in and hidden in cabinets. Even the television panel can be covered with painted shutters.

Design in different rooms

  • Kitchen

The kitchen is the center of a village house; in the old days it replaced the hall, the hallway, and the living room. Therefore, the traditions of honoring cuisine have been preserved to this day. This room should be bright, the ceilings and walls in which are whitewashed, covered with wallpaper with floral or floral patterns. You can use modern materials and decorate the room with wooden panels. Self-knitted rugs, embroidered table linen, and bouquets of natural dried flowers will add color: wheat ears, oregano, St. John's wort or tansy. You can choose dishes made by designer workshops, clay, ceramic or wooden.

  • Living room

The interior design of the guest room of a modern country house is distinguished not only by functionality, but also by comfort. A mandatory component is the presence of upholstered furniture with embroidered pillows, cozy curtains and a fireplace. The carpet will create additional comfort.

  • Bedroom

The central place in the bedroom is intended for a large bed made of wood or metal. All bed dress, preferably, should be made from natural quality materials. A the best option is a feather bed with a mass of fluffed pillows.

The bedroom furniture, like the bed, is massive, simple and durable. You can give preference to carved or painted furniture in ancient traditions.

  • Children's

A nursery in a rustic style will allow kids to grow up in an environment filled with natural materials. The simplicity of the interior and the absence of deliberate decorativeness will only stimulate the development of children's imagination.

  • Corridor

The corridor must correspond style decision Houses. Wooden furniture, hangers made by master carvers, wicker storage boxes, stools for convenience, metal accessories and original lighting fixtures should all be aimed at solving practical problems.

How to decorate a village house with your own hands

You can start filling up a village house by bringing in household items left over from your grandparents: a poker, jars, a clock with a walker, wicker baskets or a spinning wheel.

Only a person trained in carpentry can make furniture. If you don’t have such a skill, you can start restoring old furniture.

You can sew textiles for the entire home yourself, even using a mechanical machine. sewing machine: curtains, tablecloths, potholders and even bed linen.

Long winter evenings, gathered in front of a live fire, you can crochet napkins, embroider tablecloths using the Richelieu technique, sew patchwork quilts or knit multi-colored rugs.

In summer, harvest dried flowers and make bouquets filled with solar energy from them.

You can paint the furniture yourself using a stencil or decoupage technique.

In a village house, compositions from natural materials as decorative elements for decorating hangers, beds, stairs.

In order to return to your roots and raise your children in the spirit of your ancestors, you can create or recreate the interior of a village house. Enjoy the simplicity of the interior and human relationships, see the big in the small and be able to appreciate this small.

Photo gallery


The rustic style is increasingly attracting summer residents when designing their landscape. Slightly careless, but at the same time very cozy, it promotes relaxation from the bustle of the city and unity with nature. Next, we will look at the basic principles of this design, knowledge of which will allow you to beautifully and originally decorate your cottage in a rustic style.

Rustic style in the interior of the house and yard

Exterior decoration of the house

The rustic style in the interior of a dacha is based primarily on the use of natural materials such as wood and stone. This rule must also be observed when designing the facade. In this case, the house itself will serve as an element.

Thanks to modern materials, this is not difficult to do. For example, the facade can be decorated with siding that imitates wooden beams or logs. The price of siding is quite affordable, while it looks quite natural, and the material will protect the walls from negative impact environment, and even use insulation under the panels.

Another traditional rustic element of the facade are shutters, which also perform not only a decorative, but also a practical function - they additionally protect the house from intruders. To give your shutters even more rustic flair, you can paint them accordingly or even use carvings.

You can also use weather vanes and other traditional village decoration elements in decorating your house.

Note! A rustic style will not always be appropriate; for example, modern country houses made of block containers have recently become widespread, which are unlikely to fit into the given style of the landscape of the site.


Interior country house rustic style also implies the use of natural materials. For example, its characteristic feature is the use of simple wooden furniture, with which forged products go well.

In addition, when arranging the house, you should adhere to the following design rules:

  1. The finishing should be simple, without any pretentiousness; even some roughness is allowed. For example, you can use open floor beams (or pseudo-beams), rough plaster etc.
  2. The main finishing materials should be wood and stone.
  3. The decoration should contain natural colors.
  4. When decorating the interior you should use a large number of DIY crafts and other unique accessories.
  5. The interior should have an abundance of textiles - this decorative pillows, simple curtains, various kitchen towels, as well as bedspreads in patchwork style.

The main materials for textiles are:

  • Cotton;
  • Sackcloth;
  • Chintz.
  1. The floors can be covered with self-woven floorboards.

Advice! The main piece of rustic interior design in a home can be a wood-burning stove.

Yard decoration

When designing a yard, you should keep in mind that a country-style country interior should first of all be decorated with various characteristic elements decor such as:

  • Rocker arms;
  • Carts and carts;
  • Straw Scarecrows;
  • Reels;
  • Cart wheels and other equipment.

An excellent element of decorating a village yard is a well with a “crane”. If there is no well in the yard, then you can install a decorative structure.

In addition, we should not forget about paths that can be made using sand, gravel or even wood. Another attractive and bright element of the yard that fits perfectly into such a landscape is, with which you can divide the space into separate zones.

Garden decoration

When designing a garden, you should keep in mind that the outwardly rustic style of the landscape should resemble a slightly neglected, but at the same time, very cozy corner. Its feature is simplicity.

For example, grass should not grow in perfectly evenly trimmed lawns, but in separate lawns, as it pleases (within acceptable limits).

In the photo there is a gazebo in the garden

Trees and shrubs should also grow naturally. The fence enclosing the area can be covered with hops, which will give the area a “half-deserted” appearance. However, there should not be any clutter here - every detail is always in its place.

In addition, there should be no exotic flowers or plants in the garden. As a decoration, you can use wildflowers that you are familiar with and have loved since childhood. Shaded areas are usually decorated with ferns and hostas - these plants can also make the garden more cozy.

Advice! In the garden, it is advisable to perform gentle pruning of the crowns to create the effect of natural growth of the fruit tree.

Trees in the garden should be predominantly fruit trees, as they will delight you with gorgeous blooms in the spring and a harvest in the fall. In such a garden you can install wooden gazebo, for example, stylized as a log house, and an artificial pond can be located next to the gazebo.

Lighting can be installed around such a resting place, which will allow you to spend time not only during the day, but also in the dark.

Advice! If the site is not connected to electricity, renting a diesel generator for the dacha will help temporarily provide power supply.

Garden decoration

The instructions for decorating a vegetable garden are extremely simple - the beds should be small and neat. This will create an atmosphere of simplicity and comfort. Most often, in gardens decorated in a rustic style, mixed cultivation of vegetables, herbs and flowers is practiced.

Beds with basil, aromatic parsley or cilantro will look great. In addition, several beds can be set aside for seedlings of cucumbers, tomatoes or other vegetables. There is a place in such a garden for a bright sunflower or wild openwork grapes.

Note! If you want to get a rich harvest, you should set aside a sunny part of the plot for the beds.

Caring for such beds will not be difficult, but in the end you will be able to treat your loved ones with vegetables and herbs grown yourself.


It won’t be difficult to bring a rustic style to your dacha, even if you are not a professional designer. After all, its most important advantage is that it gives the owner almost complete freedom of choice. In addition, a landscape designed in this way looks very cozy and attractive.

From the video in this article you can get some Additional information on this topic.