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Solid fuel boiler cast iron plant. Cast iron boilers. Important Mounting Features

Even far from civilization, you can create comfortable housing. IN winter period A high-quality solid fuel heating boiler will become indispensable. Modern models able to work without outside interference and constant monitoring for several days.

solid fuel boiler

This technique has several options, the main division of models depends on the following parameters:

  • Type of fuel;
  • number of contours;
  • loading methods;
  • power;
  • size.

The heating system is installed on the floor based on safety precautions and operating rules. Devices can work on such solid fuels as coal, coke, charcoal, firewood.

There may be one or two contours. The functionality of the product depends on their number. Single-circuit options are suitable for a heating system. They heat only the water that is in the heating system. If you want to have hot water in the tap, pay attention to the double-circuit, equipped with an additional burner.

Which model is better to buy?

Boilers long burning presented in a wide range on our website. When choosing, focus on the size of the house or business. Modern models can process both wood and coal fuels. In this case, combustion occurs in such a way that fine ash remains as a result.

For industrial use, coal-fired options are suitable, which will be fed in automatically as needed.

If you decide to choose a high-quality cast-iron option, keep in mind such nuances. The price of such products is somewhat higher than that of steel, but at the same time higher efficiency, good resistance to corrosion, and cleaning can be done less frequently. You will also have to take care of a special foundation that will withstand the heavy weight of the boiler.

By purchasing a branded oven on our website, you get a quality guarantee. We are official dealers leading manufacturers, we carry out delivery across Moscow and other cities of Russia, to Belarus and Kazakhstan. Even on the coldest winter day, you can feel like it's hot summer outside.

  1. Cast iron heat exchanger - advantage or disadvantage?
  2. Floor standing cast iron solid fuel boiler "Lamborghini"
  3. Solid fuel heating boiler "Baxi" BPI-Eco
  4. Cast iron solid fuel boiler "Roda" Brenner Classic

The heat exchanger is one of the most important parts solid fuel boiler. The functionality and efficiency of the entire device as a whole largely depends on what material it is made of and what properties it has. In this article, we will try to figure out why cast-iron heat exchangers are preferable, which ones have disadvantages and features. We will also conduct a mini review of solid fuel heating boilers presented on Russian market which use cast iron heat exchangers.

When choosing a heating boiler, the main difference between the models that catches the eye is the material from which the heat exchanger is made. Traditionally, it is made of either steel or cast iron. There are many legends about the merits of cast iron products, let's try to confirm or refute some of them.

Cast iron heat exchanger - advantage or disadvantage?

One of the biggest advantages of cast iron heat exchangers is corrosion resistance. Steel boilers quickly rust and fail, while cast iron devices, when correct operation, can last for decades and save you an impressive amount on the purchase of a new solid fuel boiler.

Photo 1: Cast iron heat exchanger for a solid fuel heating boiler

Having done the installation correctly and you will not know problems with it long years, which he will serve you faithfully. However, one has only to make mistakes during transportation, installation or connection, and some of its disadvantages may appear.

The first of these is fragility. With careless delivery or installation of a solid fuel boiler, it can easily crack, thereby blowing the lion's share of the boiler's cost.

The second main problem with cast iron boilers is their sensitivity to temperature changes. If there is a large temperature difference between the supply and return lines, the heat exchanger may crack. That is why all owners of cast iron heating boilers constantly monitor the temperature in the return line and do not allow it to fall below a certain level. A common practice to overcome this drawback is to install a four-way mixing valve that mixes hot water from the supply into the return line, thereby reducing the temperature difference and minimizing risks. Among other things, household cast-iron boilers are quite massive and the price for them is significantly higher than for steel devices.

Photo 2: Cast iron sections of a solid fuel boiler

Usually heat exchanger cast iron boiler consists of hollow sections. The more powerful the device, the large quantity sections are included in the design. They are tightly interconnected, the internal cavity is filled with coolant, and the space inside is used as a firebox. In our reviews, we considered several similar models, one of which.

Cast iron boilers There are single and double loops. In the case of one circuit, all heat is used only for space heating. IN dual circuit models there is a built-in DHW circuit providing hot water supply.

In addition to those heating devices with cast iron heat exchangers, which we have already reviewed on the website, in this article we will look at a few more popular models that you can buy for heating your country house.

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Floor standing cast iron solid fuel boiler "Lamborghini"

Italian household solid fuel boiler Lamborghini WBL bright representative devices with a cast-iron sectional heat exchanger. The manufacturer produces models of low power from 12 to 50 kW. In addition to the use of coal and firewood, it is possible to install a burner to work on diesel fuel.

Photo 3: Lamborghini cast iron boiler with water circuit

Among the main advantages of the Lamborghini WBL solid fuel boiler are:

  • Type-setting sectional heat exchanger made of a special cast iron alloy. Its design is made in such a way as to provide maximum heat removal and thus high efficiency.
  • Possibility of installation of a special torch for work on diesel fuel. All necessary equipment supplied for installation.
  • The capacious fire chamber gives the chance to use long logs.
  • The boiler is electrically independent, all settings and power adjustments are carried out mechanically using an automatic draft regulator.

Main specifications:

The low power of the Lamborghini boiler makes it an ideal device for heating small country houses. country houses, and the lack of dependence on the power grid makes it possible to use it even in those areas where power lines have not yet reached.

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Solid fuel heating boiler "Baxi" BPI-Eco

Consider another cast-iron solid fuel boiler "Baxi" of the BPI-Eco series. Their main feature is that they are made of high-ductility cast iron, which reduces the likelihood of cracking upon impact and overheating. Only 5 standard sizes are produced with power from 25 to 65 kW. We note the main advantages of these devices:

Photo 4: Floor solid fuel cast-iron boiler "Baxi"
  • A capacious furnace and a wide door allow you to easily load large portions of fuel into the boiler, thereby increasing the duration of its operation.
  • The primary air supply is dosed by a special thermostatic valve. Secondary air is supplied through a special hatch on the door of the loading chamber.
  • A special type of non-combustible thermal insulation increases the fire safety and energy efficiency of the boiler.
  • The capacious and easy-to-remove ash pan makes cleaning easy.

The main characteristics of the solid fuel boiler "Baxi" BPI-Eco:

It should be noted that all imported cast iron boilers are structurally and visually similar to each other. For example, in one of our past reviews, we considered, which is like two drops of water similar to the BPI-Eco model from Baxi.

We offer you to buy cast iron solid fuel boilers By affordable prices in the store "Point of Heat". These devices include a cast iron heat exchanger in their design. They are one of the most popular heating devices these days.One of the main advantages of cast iron solid fuel boilers is complete independence from gas pipelines and the operation of electrical networks. INTherefore, they can be installed in premises located at a distance from settlements, including in summer cottages, in private houses.

Advantages of cast iron solid fuel boilers

Compared with other types of boilers for heating, this type of unit has several advantages:

  • heat exchanger material. Modern developments have made it possible to increase the strength of cast iron, due to which the excessive fragility of the heat exchanger has been eliminated and, accordingly, the service life has been increased.
  • Fuel. These units run on coal, wood or briquettes. It is also possible to load chopped logs and small chips.
  • Saving. One of the most economical types units for heating are solid cast iron boilers of long burning. If we compare the prices for electricity or gas, the benefits of using a solid fuel cast iron boiler become obvious.
  • Safety. Modern cast iron boilers for solid fuel heating are equipped with a thermostat, a temperature control system and a safety valve.

If you are looking for an inexpensive and effective method heating your home, we recommend that you opt for a solid fuel cast iron boiler.

Buy cast iron solid fuel boiler in Tver

You can buy a cast iron solid fuel boiler in Tver from well-known manufacturers by placing an order on our website or by visiting our retail store in Tver. Prices for cast iron solid fuel boilers are kept at an affordable level.

If you are interested in pyrolysis boilers, you can view the next section of our catalog.

What is a solid fuel boiler - this is a heating apparatus, it is made of steel or cast iron, which generates heat during the combustion of solid fuel. Cast iron solid fuel boilers are formed from sections, they are interconnected threaded connection using a sealant that is not susceptible to high temperatures. And the more such parts, the greater the power of the boiler.

If it so happened that one of the sections, for one reason or another, failed, it can be replaced separately, without completely replacing the boiler. Production takes a long time due to the fact that cast iron is resistant to high temperatures. Thanks to this, solid fuel boilers with cast iron heat exchanger quite durable with high performance, but they can be used with a wide variety of fuels - wood, coal, coke and more.

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The advantages of such boilers include:

  • due to the fact that the boiler is made of cast iron, it will serve you very for a long time(more than twenty-five years, and this is already a lot);
  • high corrosion resistance because of which popular manufacturers give a ten-year guarantee for casting a solid fuel boiler with a cast-iron heat exchanger;
  • immune to scale, which can be easily removed when flushing the system;
  • compared, for example, with steel, a cast-iron solid fuel boiler is much smaller in size, this is due to the fact that the heat exchanger absorbs heat better due to the presence of a large number of fins inside;
  • resistant to various types of corrosion by electrochemical, low-temperature water, chemical;
  • it is planned to replace individual sections in a solid fuel boiler with a cast-iron heat exchanger;
  • if after the installation of the heating system the area increases, the boiler capacity can be easily increased by adding several sections. This is financially economical and less labor intensive than replacing an entire solid fuel cast iron boiler.

Disadvantages of cast iron boilers

Like everything in our world, despite the long list of pluses, everything has its minuses. This life rule has not bypassed this heating system.

  • Cast iron solid fuel heating boilers do not respond well to temperature changes. It is not recommended to pour cold water, this may cause cracks in the machine, before turning on the feed new water a mixer must be used in the heat exchanger system. Also, do not put cold solid fuel from the streets.
  • It is quite inconvenient during transportation, as a cast-iron solid fuel heating boiler is susceptible to physical damage.

Electricity use

A system with independent water movement is often connected to a solid fuel cast iron boiler, it does not require the installation of a pump, and does not consume electricity. Such a system is suitable in places where the light is often turned off for a long time, its advantage is obvious, especially since solid fuel cast-iron boilers have a long burning time.

If you install such a device, then even without using electricity in the morning in your house, it will remain warm.

There are cast-iron solid fuel boilers that need electricity; they have a control panel and a cooler that heats the air in the furnace.

emergency cooling

Today, in heating systems using cast iron solid fuel boilers, forced circulation water. This allows you to install not only modern temperature controllers, thanks to which you can significantly save on fuel, but also save the interior of the room without cluttering it with additional pipes.

In turn, this wonderful method has a drawback with which you need to be extremely careful. It may be that the circulation of the coolant is disturbed, as a result of which the boiler may overheat. The fact is that the heating system may already be sufficiently heated or even overheated.

And the combustion fuel has already been put into the furnace, which you will not stop, the only thing that can be done is to slow down the combustion. Naturally, when fuel is burned, heat is released - this heats the structure even more. The water temperature at the outlet to the heating system can reach 100 - 110 C.

Pipes in communication, which are usually installed plastic or metal, do not withstand such high temperatures and the entire heating system can break down and everything will have to be completely changed. Therefore, it is imperative to protect your heating from such situations. For this, a cooling heat exchanger is used. It will need to be placed between the cast-iron solid fuel boiler and the heating distribution itself for housing. For example, let's take the Viadrus Hercules boiler.

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  • Hot coolant outlet to the system 2.
  • Coolant return from cooling circuit 1.
  • The place where the coolant returns to the heat exchanger from communication 2.
  • Thermostatic fan.
  • thermostatic valve.
  • The output of the coolant from the boiler.
  • Water supply for cooling.

The scheme of its operation is simple when the temperature in the solid fuel boiler reaches the limit value (it is indicated in the heat exchanger settings, usually 95 C). Cold water enters through the thermal valve, which cools the system. This process is repeated until the temperature drops to normal.

Another option for protecting the heating system from overheating is to install a switch that, in case of overheating, will stop the supply of coolant and start the supply of cold water, and drain the excess into the sewer. But there are several nuances to using this method: the pressure when supplying water must be strong enough to open the valve.

Connecting such a system is easy, but there are caveats that should not be ignored. The coolant pressure should not be too high, and if the water is hard, this will lead to the formation of scale.

Also, the water should not be too cold, so as not to lead to heat stroke. Unfortunately, these systems do not guarantee one hundred percent protection against overheating. But you can install a storage tank that will help solve most of the problems associated with overheating of the heating system.

Thermally insulated tank or buffer tank in a solid fuel boiler

Today, in most cases, a heat accumulator is used to cool the heating system, it is used to perform certain functions:

  • it accumulates excess heat from the tank and returns them as needed;
  • during the accumulation of coolant with too high temperature it is mixed with warm water, thereby cooling it;
  • if you want to install more than one type of boiler, but several, such a boiler will help you with this;
  • due to the increase in the effective use of efficiency, reduces fuel consumption;
  • reduces the frequency of carrying fuel, which is quite convenient.

There are many methods for calculating the required tank capacity, but in practice they do not use complicated rule. At least twenty-five liters of volume fall on 1 kW of solid fuel boiler productivity buffer tank. In total, multiply the power of the solid fuel boiler you have chosen by 25 and you will know what minimum storage tank you should take.

If you have a small heating system, but you took a boiler with a large capacity, then the minimum volume of the buffer tank will not be enough for you. The fact is that the strongly heated coolant that comes out of the solid fuel boiler to heat the room will not have time to cool down until it returns. And the tank will no longer heat cold water, but warm, and therefore there will be more excess superheated water. For example, take the Drazice NAD V3 buffer tank

Rice. 3 Heat storage tank Drazice NAD V3
  • Outlet / inlet of water from / to the tank. Electric thermoelements are also installed here.
  • Launch site hot water.
  • Place for mounting the thermometer and thermostat.
  • Flange for fuel dispenser installation.

Possibilities of converting a solid fuel boiler to gas

If you live in an area where there is no gas yet, but there is a prospect of its implementation, or gas is not supplied regularly. It is possible to remake the system so that the solid fuel boiler runs on both liquid fuel and gas.

The system is easy, you just need to put the inflatable burner under desired view fuel. You need to take into account one feature - in the converted heating, the efficiency will be less than in the boiler immediately intended for one or another fuel.

All cast iron boilers are divided into types

Classic solid fuel boilers. Very simple in structure, furnaces with a hole for introducing raw materials, a burning place and a chimney. All types of solid raw materials can be used. The main part of such a boiler is a heat exchanger in which water is heated for circulation through heating communications.

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In such a boiler, one automatic device is a temperature controller, and it works according to a mechanical principle. There are no boards or any other control systems. Because, by by and large, and there is nothing to break here. Solid fuel boilers with a cast-iron heat exchanger will last for many years without additional repair.

gas generating they are also called wood-fired boilers, pyrolysis boilers are also considered long-burning boilers. Heating of this type has a high efficiency, therefore, fuel consumption is less than, for example, traditional look.

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Technology of three-phase combustion of wood according to the system of gas generation during combustion:

  • drying firewood;
  • in the combustion process, eighty-five percent is reformed into combustible gas, and the remaining fifteen into the coals, as they say, degassing;
  • after the temperature rises above six hundred degrees, oxidation and ignition of the combustible gas begins.

The temperature continues to increase and when it is between nine hundred and a thousand degrees, the low temperature gas will start to carbonate, which will create right conditions for decomposition charcoal. This whole process is called long burning.

Thanks to the built-in fan that directs the flame downwards, the long burning process can be controlled. Moreover, the regular introduction of oxygen ensures the absolute oxidation of combustible gases. For complete long-term combustion, an additional supply of warm air is provided.

Cast iron solid fuel boilers are also called top burning boilers. The supply of air and the combustion itself occurs from above the entire fuel layer, due to which it is possible to load a large number of raw materials.

pearlite type of solid fuel boilers, in which they are used as raw materials wood pellets. They are made from waste wood sawdust, shavings, in general, different kind woodworking waste. According to the principle of operation, this type practically does not differ from the classical one. In addition, two differences are the automatic fuel supply and the combustion chamber is slightly different.

What will the market of solid fuel boilers in Russia offer us?

note that some cast iron solid fuel boilers have a preference for fuel, this is stated in the manufacturer's specifications. The manufacturers also foresaw that the prospect of gasification is quite large, so they immediately create two-furnace.

Solid fuel boilers for wood raw materials.

  • Buderus Logano G211 D (Germany) - installed on the floor, it is not recommended to exceed the moisture content of the fuel by more than twenty percent, the recommended tree size is up to 68 cm. Types of performance of cast iron solid fuel boilers of this model: 16 kW, 20, 25, 30, 34 kW.
  • VIADRUS U22 D (Czech Republic) - are installed on the floor as solid fuel, and use a tree with a diameter of twenty-two centimeters, coke and coal. The performance options of this model are: 23 kW, 29, 34, 40, 46, 49, 58 kW.

Please note that slightly dried wood does not heat well, but creates a lot of smoke. As a result, little heat is obtained - a large consumption of raw materials. And more importantly, you're ruining your heating. In this case, the performance of the boiler is reduced to fifty percent.

Solid fuel boilers for burning coal

  • Buderus Logano G211 - installed on the floor, for raw materials they use: coal, wood, compressed solid fuel. It is not advisable to use brown coal. Performance options for this type of coke/coal: 20/18 kW, 26/24, 32/30, 36/34, 42/40 kW.
  • VIADRUS U22 C - installed on the floor, recommended raw materials: coke, coal, wood. Performance options for this type: 12 kW, 17, 23, 29, 34, 40, 46, 49, 58 kW.

Gas generating solid fuel boilers

  • Dakon DAMAT PYRO (Czech Republic) - installed on the floor, wood, wood pellets are used for solid fuel, moisture content is not more than twenty percent. Performance options of this type: 15-20 kW, 18-24, 22-28, 25-32, 28-36 kW.

Two-furnace solid fuel or combined

  • Dakon FB D (Czech Republic) - installed on the floor, recommended for solid fuels: wood can also be used with coal, anthracite, coke. Designed for conversion to gas or liquid fuel. Performance options for wood / coal: 17/20 kW, 22/26, 28/32, 32/36, 38/42 kW.
  • VIADRUS U22 D (Czech Republic) - installed on the floor, for solid fuels a tree with a diameter of twenty-two centimeters is recommended. You can also use coke and coal. Power options for this type: 23 kW, 29.34, 40, 46, 49, 58 kW.
  • ATMOS DC ... EP / SP (Czech Republic) - installed on the floor, you can replace the standard raw materials with pellets, gas, light fuel oil, it all depends on which burner you choose. Performance options for this type of wood / pellets / gas, oil: 14.9 / 4.5 - 15/15 - 20 kW; 20 / 4.5 - 15/15 - 20.5 kW; 25/6 - 20/15 - 30 kW; 35/6 - 20/15 - 30 kW.

Let's now see what all these types have in common: almost all of them are floor-standing produced in the Czech Republic, many of them are wood. The average performance value is from 18 to 30 kW, for some manufacturers the power starts with a lower figure, while for others it ends with a higher figure.

Tavago offers you productive solid fuel boilers high level quality at the best prices. Big choice, individual approach, delivery, installation - all this awaits you only in our company. You can place an order through the website or over the phone. In any case, it will take you no more than a few minutes!

Reliable heating system for a country house

Maintaining a house in a residential condition, given its remoteness from the main communications, becomes a rather difficult task, fraught with many difficulties and problems. If it is relatively simple to provide a house with electricity and water - it is enough to install a generator and arrange supplies of imported water - then with heat everything is a little different. Space heating requires more labor, time and money, but solutions are also available. One of the most rational ways heating of the premises of the house is the installation of a solid fuel boiler, that is, a boiler that generates heat by burning solid fuel. The fuel here can be coal, firewood and other energy sources that can provide enough heat to provide comfortable temperature throughout the house.

Solid fuel boilers: operating features

Prices for solid fuel boilers can hardly be called low, however, in the case of remote from locality often there is no other way out. Naturally, solid fuel boilers are practically not used in the city or in summer cottages, since there are a lot of other, cheaper ways to provide a home with heat. However, gasify a private house sometimes it is simply impossible, which is why solid fuel boilers become an uncontested heating option. It is also worth buying a solid fuel boiler because it has a fairly high efficiency at a relatively low cost of fuel.

For a long time, solid fuel boilers were not very popular due to the impossibility of automating the process of their work. Today this problem has been completely solved, and models capable of long time work offline. The use of such solid fuel boilers for long burning makes it possible to provide a house necessary quantity heat, without wasting time on a constant reloading of fuel. It is enough to load the fuel once, and the boiler will work efficiently for a day.

Varieties of boilers

Solid fuel boilers can differ in three main characteristics:

  • According to the type of fuel used for operation. Coal or wood, as well as derivatives of these materials, made in the form of briquettes or granules, can serve as a source of thermal energy;
  • According to the type of technological scheme of fuel combustion. Depending on this characteristic, solid fuel boilers can be divided into classical and pyrolysis boilers. Note that the second type burns fuel more efficiently, that is, with the same volume, the pyrolysis boiler will give significantly more heat than its classical counterpart. The cost of such a boiler is higher, but the costs pay off within a few years due to savings on resources;

    By design and materials of manufacture. There are quite a few design options for a solid fuel boiler, but the principle of their operation does not change from this. As materials for the manufacture of the device, either cast iron or steel can be used.

For heating a private house, it is better to choose a solid fuel boiler made of steel and having a pyrolysis technological scheme fuel combustion. In this case, you will be able to provide heat to a house of any size, you will be sure of the reliability and durability of the boiler, and you will also be able to save on the purchase of fuel.

You can buy such a boiler, as well as any other varieties of it, from Tavago. We will offer you wide choose models of boilers and provide detailed advice on any question you are interested in. Contact us!