home · On a note · We create a kitchen interior in shabby chic style from renovation to decoration. Shabby chic in the interior - design examples DIY shabby chic style accessories

We create a kitchen interior in shabby chic style from renovation to decoration. Shabby chic in the interior - design examples DIY shabby chic style accessories

Shabby Chic style is romantic and cozy. Combines modern technologies And long traditions. Once you have been in a room decorated in this style, it is impossible not to fall in love with tenderness and femininity. Moreover, it’s easy to transform the interior into a shabby chic style with your own hands - just use your grandmother’s antique furniture from the attic or an antique store and bring it into the desired form.

History of origin

Translated from English, Shabby Chic means “shabby chic” or “shabby shine.” The British are famous for their conservatism and their favorite saying “I'm not so rich to buy cheap things” largely contributed to the emergence of this style. Good antique furniture is often sold along with the house or passed down by inheritance; it can be found in the attic of an old house or bought at a sale. It is this that forms the basis of shabby chic.

Shabby chic arose in the 80s of the last century, but is already loved by designers and is gaining more and more fans. Its founder is considered to be the decorator of old furniture, the Englishwoman Rachel Ashville. She was acquiring old furniture at sales, flea markets and antique shops, and then restored and painted using soft, pastel colors.

One day, Rachel decided to decorate one of the rooms in the house with only restored furniture, and was amazed by the result - it turned out to be a mix various styles- Rococo, Baroque, retro, Provence and Victorian style. Shabby chic is a very interesting composition of items combined into one composition with a color scheme and an abundance of floral prints, angels and lace.

To some, this style may seem naive and girlish, but to others it will delight with memories of distant childhood.

Features of the shabby chic style: distinctive features, for whom it is suitable

A distinctive feature of the shabby chic style is the use of antique furniture and modern interior items at the same time, layering different styles and eras. During restoration, it is not always possible to repair cracks that appear on wooden parts so that they become invisible. If you paint it a lighter color, both the previous layer of paint and the structure of the wood will appear. But this is precisely the peculiarity of furniture in the shabby chic style - abrasions and layers of color make it unique, emphasizing antiquity and value.

A lot of pieces of furniture from different styles and eras in one room are combined according to color schemes - these are chairs with gracefully curved legs, and mirrors in massive frames, and beds with luxurious headboards, chests of drawers, chests, suitcases.

If at the beginning of the development of the style one could more often find furniture from the era of Queen Victoria, now there are also quite successful combinations with furniture from the 50s and 60s, with modern items interior

To many, shabby chic resembles Provence, but these styles, despite their apparent similarity, have many differences. Provence is characterized by a desire for simplicity, the use of animal prints, and scuffs on furniture are more of a light touch. In shabby chic you can often find stucco, prints on textiles are only floral, images of angels are often used, and furniture defects form the basis of the style.

This style is more suitable for the weaker half of humanity. In a room decorated in shabby chic, an adult woman can feel like a true lady, and a young girl can feel like a real princess.

This is simply a godsend for creative people - calmness, a certain “marshmallow quality” makes it conducive to flights of fancy.

Most men will not feel entirely comfortable surrounded by lace, ruffles, and curls. But if you do without frills and give the room a laconic look, then shabby chic can also be used to decorate rooms of the stronger sex.

Photo gallery: style in the interior

How to decorate a room in shabby chic style with your own hands

Having looked through many different design options and chosen the one you like best, the first question that arises is how to do it? Where to begin? And start the same way as the founder of the style, Rachel Asheville - collect all the old furniture that is in your grandmother's attic, in the country house and see what can be useful to you. Complement with what is modern in the house and what can be repainted. It might make sense to buy something missing at a flea market or antique store. And when everything is selected, you can begin to select the remaining interior details - finishing the walls, ceiling, floor, choosing textiles, lamps and other important little things that you may need.

Room decoration: materials, colors

Considering that the basis of shabby chic is antique furniture, give preference natural materials. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did not even imagine that furniture could be made from pressed or glued waste wood. You can also add modern, high-tech materials, but the main condition is that they should look in the shabby chic style. Slightly worn, with a touch of wear, imitation of cracks.

The main color of the shabby chic style is white. With a light delicate shade and a slight touch of antiquity.

The walls, whether they are simply plastered or covered with wallpaper, should be white or a similar delicate shade. Wallpaper with flowers, floral patterns, and angels would be appropriate. You can use wallpaper that imitates fabric. Slightly faded with time, bleached by the sun.

Must have pink color. Others can be used gentle colors: soft light green, caramel, vanilla, light turquoise, ivory, soft blue, diluted olive, fawn. Bright colors are not typical for shabby chic, but this does not mean that they cannot be used.

Various abrasions are allowed, but not too large, the main thing is that they are appropriate and do not seem unkempt. To decorate the walls, you can use a variety of elements - moldings, stucco, wooden panels, fragments of brickwork, imitation of a light-colored stone wall.

The floor is preferably made of light-colored natural wood or painted in light colors. It is allowed to use antique laminate, parquet, linoleum with a pattern imitating a parquet board. For the kitchen, hallway and bathroom, you can use tiles that imitate an antique stone floor or come up with your own version.

The design of the ceiling depends only on your imagination.

Painting in a light warm color with cracks applied, complex structures made of plasterboard, tension glossy ceilings- you can choose any option. The place where the chandelier is attached and the perimeter of the ceiling junction can be decorated with stucco. You can combine it - leave part of the ceiling for painting, and cover part with a complex plasterboard structure - there are many options.

Furniture, lighting and accessories

Use only high-quality furniture that bears traces of antiquity - scuffs, cracks, chipped corners. It can be from completely different eras and styles, but it must be comfortable and functional.

There is never too much furniture - this is about shabby chic. Choose and arrange it so that the room looks homely, cozy and warm. Guests who arrive should feel as if they have come to their own home. Eliminate rigor and efficiency.

Choose furniture with rounded shapes, interesting carved legs, and curls.

Furniture fittings should look well-worn - slightly green, darkened with time, with bizarre shapes.

Shabby chic lighting should be dim and diffused. Chandeliers - massive, interesting - with shades, candlesticks, crystal pendants. Floor lamps and sconces can be with plain fabric lampshades with ruffles or frills, or made of fabric in small flower. If used Spotlights, low-power light bulbs should be installed in them.

Textiles have a special place in the interior. The more fabrics used in the interior, the better - this is the motto of the shabby chic style. If the curtains are made of natural fabrics, with a floral print, multi-tiered, with a lambrequin or flowing, with various ruffles, tiebacks, bows - there are a lot of options. The bedspreads are either plain or colored with a wide variety of patterns - roses, angels, peonies, imitating the texture of fabric.

Furniture covers - with a variety of folds, flounces, bows. But always from natural fabric. The same rule applies to decorative pillows, of which there are not just many, but a lot - large, small, square, oval, with ruffles.

In order to give the room a special chic, use a variety of accessories - vases, painted plates, clocks - both cuckoo and ordinary wall clocks, many paintings and photographs in aged frames, baskets, old suitcases, candlesticks, candelabra, an antique telephone, compositions of dried flowers. They will always be appropriate if they are arranged correctly and decorated in the same style.

How to make shabby chic style items with your own hands

To turn the most ordinary box or vase into a stylish accessory in the shabby chic style, you just need to master a few simple techniques. The simplest, most accessible and popular is decoupage. Transferring a design to the desired surface is really simple and exciting, just try it once. Moreover, pictures can be applied both to wooden surfaces and to metal and glass. You can easily transform not only a box, but also a watch, an old metal watering can, or a chest of drawers in this way. Apply the design to key holders, table drawers, table tops - as your imagination dictates.

Gallery: decoupage in shabby chic style

Decoupage: instructions for action

To decorate using the decoupage technique, purchase decoupage napkins with your favorite floral arrangements.

Cut out the required size and composition from a napkin.

Using a brush, apply a layer of PVA glue to the reverse side of the design.

Carefully take the drawing by the sides, place the drawing on the box or other object where you need to get the image. Try to place the image neatly the first time. If you move it further, you may damage the drawing. Therefore, do everything at once carefully and carefully.

Spread the napkin so that there are no bubbles or irregularities on the surface. After the glue has dried, after 3–4 hours, a layer of special varnish can be applied to the image.

Video: DIY box

An equally interesting decorative detail in the shabby chic style is decorated bottle or a jar.

The main thing is to find an object to create an original form. This can be a tall, curly bottle or a small, low jar that is suitable for a bouquet of wildflowers.

You can decorate bottles in several ways, depending on the result you want to get.

Method I. Acrylic paints and tapes.

To work you will need:

  • Acrylic paint for glass and ceramics in the desired color
  • Scissors
  • PVA glue
  • Brush
  • Lace
  • Artificial flower (button, bead, etc.)
  • Jute thread

Using a brush, apply paint to the bottle with careless strokes. Give it time to dry according to the instructions.

Using scissors or a knife, remove a layer of paint from the convex parts of the object, giving it a scuffed appearance.

To the place where we will attach lace or ribbon to the bottle, we do not apply it with a brush. a large number of glue. We tie a bow on top.

Glue on top of ribbon or lace artificial flower, button or bead - depending on the design. The bottle is ready.

Method II.

Needed for work.

You can create a cozy atmosphere in your home and at the same time maintain your individuality by embodying the shabby chic style in your home. This version of the home interior is a unique mix of different design solutions - vintage, baroque, retro - and gives enormous scope for imagination, in addition, you can make some decorative elements with your own hands.

Brief history of origin

England of the eighties of the twentieth century is the ancestor of this style. The preservation of ancient English traditions in a modern interior was proposed by the Englishwoman Rachel Ashwell, and with her light hand this design direction became in demand and very popular.

Ashwell skillfully restored old furnishings purchased at flea markets and sold them. This brought her considerable profit, and the people who use these things in everyday life received great pleasure from contact with antiquity. Shabby luxury, glamorous antiquity - these are terms that can be used to characterize these rare items.

Restored antiques may have originally belonged to different time periods and styles, but the use of certain elements and techniques made them recognizable and very popular.

The term “shabby antique” (shabby chic) ​​began to be used not only for interior items, but also for design style.

Features of shabby chic style (photo)

The shabby chic style, despite its “versatility” and the use of fragments of other style solutions, has a set of characteristics unique to it:

  • use of delicate pastel colors;
  • in the design pattern there is a predominance of roses and birds;
  • decorative elements - angels, pastoral items;
  • use of hand-made items (knitted lace napkins, sewn pillows, etc.);
  • absence of straight lines in decorative items, only ornate and curved, slightly pretentious;
  • furniture is antique or modern, but “made antique” using artificial aging.

The interior design solution in the shabby chic style has its own philosophical direction. This style allows a person to be transported back to childhood, the atmosphere of a vacation with his beloved grandmother. Every piece of furniture, every little thing bears the stamp of childhood memories of a carefree childhood, of the soft, caring hands of a grandmother. The entire interior is imbued with love.

The apparent disorder is actually verified and calculated; in such an environment, every little thing is significant and weighty.

Look at the photo and see that the shabby style in the interior is very beautiful!

Photo gallery: shabby chic in the interior

The highlight of these little things is their uniqueness and connection to the past.
How wonderful does this style look in modern interiors
The style solution is consistent throughout: in furniture, textiles, and decor.
Floral textile motifs, flowers on decorative elements, an abundance of fresh flowers - everything in the spirit of shabby chic
Everything is adjusted and harmonious in a shabby chic design room
The abundance of floral motifs will appeal to female representatives Such a room is conducive to intimate conversations and music playing.
How nice it is to be in such an interior - surrounded by beautiful and exquisite objects
The room, which is decorated in a shabby style, looks charming
Many elements of this style were chosen for decoration: roses, crystal chandelier, pastel shades of walls, stucco molding, antique furniture
For spacious rooms you can also use the basic elements of shabby style
Extraordinary whiteness and sophistication of decorative elements - confirmation of the shabby style
Many items in the living room are justified and do not go beyond the chosen style
Finding yourself in such a kitchen, you can travel back several decades.
Aged furniture, a simple bench, stucco on the ceiling, a retro cupboard - everything is designed in the same style

We bring design ideas to life

To implement the ideas of this style in the interior, you can turn to professional designers, or you can, using your skills and efforts, do it yourself. It is necessary to take into account the characteristic features of this style.

Room decoration

The correct decor of the walls, ceiling and floor sets the tone for the entire style of the room.


When entering a room, our eyes immediately stop on the walls, so their design is the first thing to do when embodying the shabby chic style.

Pastel colors are the main preference in choosing “clothing” for the walls. A delicate floral pattern will not hurt and will be quite appropriate in this design. Moreover, it is suitable for the bedroom, living room, children’s room and even the kitchen.

Lightness, cleanliness, and spaciousness can be achieved using light wallpaper or painted wood. White color with a “patina” of wear in the wood used for upholstery of walls or ceilings will contrast well with dark color antiques, so appropriate in this setting.

Various stucco moldings and moldings will become a real decoration for walls decorated with wallpaper with roses or white wood panels.

If you use paint, you should not paint the walls pedantically and carefully; deliberate negligence and unevenness are acceptable. Wooden panels on the walls can be placed in different directions- Both vertical and horizontal are acceptable.

Plastered walls with paintings are a wonderful option for the shabby chic style, but this design is quite expensive.

When choosing wallpaper, be guided by the following characteristics:

  • simplicity;
  • imitation of antique textiles or peeling plaster, etc.;
  • the predominance of floral or plant motifs, but stripes are also acceptable.

Stucco on the walls is an excellent solution in the shabby chic style. You can reproduce candelabra or decorate rosettes in an elaborate way using polyurethane or plaster as a material.

The use of brickwork (with white paint on the surface) on the walls, both everywhere and fragmentarily, also does not stand out from the style solution. This design of the walls in the living room near the fireplace is especially appropriate.


Don’t get carried away with white and use it in its pure form on the ceiling. The effect of abrasion and aging on the ceiling is an opportunity to create an imitation of a ceiling that has “lived through” several eras, as if faded by time.

Despite the cracks, abrasions and other manifestations of antiquity, stucco elements on the ceiling look great. Their use is another confirmation of involvement in shabby chic. The stucco molding should also look aged; in some cases, fragmentary gilding is appropriate.

Application of a country style element on the ceiling - ceiling beams- does not go against shabby chic.

The final element of the ceiling design will be an ornate chandelier. Hang crystal chandelier with “dangles” or with sculpted angels/roses.


Wood is the most suitable material for decorating shabby chic floors. Can be used wooden boards or inlaid parquet, but always in light colors. If a design solution requires it, the floors can be painted, but this option is less popular.

For the kitchen, dining room, and hallway, you can use ceramic tiles - old or specially aged. To do this, several tiles are broken and the resulting fragments are laid on the floor, leaving careless gaps between the tiles.

Old carpets can be given a second life by taking them out of their chests and laying them on the floor in a shabby chic style interior. Light shades, floral patterns and subtle asymmetrical patterns - such floor coverings are appropriate in this design.

Materials and color preferences

Light colors of a pastel palette are typical for shabby chic design. This color scheme can be presented either pure or diluted, as if blurred. The color of many interior elements looks faded or washed out.

Primary colors and their shades used in interior design in shabby chic style:

  • white;
  • beige;
  • mint color;
  • sky blue;
  • pink;
  • lilac;
  • turquoise.

All natural materials are used as materials, giving preference to unnatural raw materials. Wood, leather, linen, cotton, natural silk, velvet will not go out of fashion for owners of shabby chic style premises.

Textile elements occupy an important place in the design of shabby design rooms: plain and colored bedspreads made of silk fabrics, beautiful curtains with drapery, pillows in linen and cotton covers. An abundance of ruffles, drapery, knitted lace and muslin will help emphasize the shabby chic style.

Textile design is acceptable in table lamps - colored lampshades made of suitable fabric will fit perfectly into a shabby chic interior.

Furniture, lighting, accessories

Furniture items that can be placed in a shabby chic style room:

  1. Buffet.
  2. Bookshelf.
  3. Armchairs.
  4. Sofa.
  5. Tables of different sizes.
  6. Dressers.
  7. Secretaries.

The material from which all this is made is, of course, wood. The uniqueness of these items will be given by the effect of wear and tear, a touch of antiquity, which can be natural (for rare items) or created artificially using special technologies aging.

The presence of chips, cracks and unpainted furniture must be present, so antique and vintage items are best suited. A real highlight that emphasizes shabby style can be an old rocking chair or a worn-out chest of drawers that has escaped the fate of being thrown into the trash.

Wrinkling, some touch of negligence, faded material are appropriate on upholstered furniture or pillows and covers.

Lighting is of great importance for a shabby chic interior. The center of the ceiling is usually decorated with an ornate chandelier with many pendants or other decorative elements.

Crystal, forged elements, and fragments of patina can be safely used in lighting fixtures.

In the living room and bedroom, floor lamps with fabric lampshades will come in very handy. They will help complement the interior and emphasize the shabby chic style.

Accessories are elements that are an effective confirmation of style. Elegant photo frames, vases, boxes, boxes, watches - all this must certainly have a shabby and aged look. A lot of angels made using different handicraft techniques will not spoil, but, on the contrary, will become a real decoration for rooms in the shabby chic style.

Antique items that carry the energy of past centuries will be appropriate in a shabby interior. A telephone from the past, bronze figurines, dolls with porcelain faces, pictures with antique embroidery, etc. can firmly take their place in a room decorated in this style.

But it is unacceptable to overload the interior with accessories, otherwise your home may turn from elegant and sophisticated into a museum repository of old things.

It should be noted that in the shabby chic style a large number of fresh flowers is not prohibited: in vases and pots. The main thing is that the flowers are not stale, and they can be placed literally everywhere - on tables, window sills, shelves and even on the ironing board.

We make things with our own hands in the shabby chic style

Handmade items are especially valued in the shabby chic style. Let's try to make these things ourselves.

Decorating a chair

Ordinary chairs purchased from popular chain stores can be transformed beyond recognition, making them the real pride of a shabby chic interior.

So, we will need a regular chair and the following tools and materials:

  • gas cylinder for firing;
  • electric drill with a metal attachment;
  • White paint;
  • sandpaper;

Stage 1. Use of a gas cylinder.

Taking a gas cylinder as an assistant and observing all safety measures, we treat the entire surface of the chair. It is best to do this outdoors with a large open space to avoid fire.

For comparison, look at what two chairs look like - before and after treatment.

Stage 2. Processing with a drill and a wire brush.

We pass a drill with a metal brush along the wood of the chair. The process is similar to that shown in the photo.

Stage 3. Cleaning from dust.

The layer of dust obtained during sanding can be removed with a damp cloth or vacuum cleaner, or you can simply send the chair “for washing” under the shower.

Stage 4. Painting.

Using acrylic paint to wooden coverings, paint with a brush using the “dry brush” technique. It is very important to apply paint only in one specific direction.

Stage 5. Creating abrasion.

We pass sandpaper fragmentarily along the painted and well-dried surface of the chair. This way we get the effect of aging.

Stage 6. Applying varnish.

We apply acrylic varnish without color in several layers, after each application we must wait right time to dry the product.

This is the result you can get by aging not only the chairs, but also the coffee table.

Decoupage boxes

To decorate the interior, store jewelry or any secret little things, you need a box that will not stand out from the shabby chic style.

Let's turn an ordinary unremarkable wooden box into a real masterpiece decor.

For work we need any wooden box(disassembled) and the following tools and materials:

  1. Acrylic paints (white and umber colors).
  2. Skins of different grain sizes.
  3. PVA glue (or special for decoupage).
  4. Wax candle.
  5. Double-layer napkins with a matching pattern (roses).
  6. Synthetic brushes of different sizes.
  7. Water based varnish.

1st step. Umber painting.

To make it easier to work with, we disassemble the box and remove all accessories.

Preparing paint for the bottom layer. To do this, we breed umber plain water until it becomes liquid sour cream. This layer will also serve as a primer for the box.

2nd step. Sanding.

To ensure that the surface of the box is perfectly smooth, we go over its entire surface with sandpaper (minimal grain size). We do this manipulation only after the bottom layer of paint has completely dried!

3rd step. Using a candle.

We take the simplest wax candle and rub the surface of the box with wax. This must be done so that the second light layer does not subsequently overlap this primer. This is what makes the box look old and shabby.

4th step. Painted white.

Apply white liquid acrylic paint to the entire box, trying to avoid brushstrokes. The surface should look smooth.

5th step. Aging.

After the white paint has completely dried, we age the surface of the box using coarse sandpaper. Through White color The bottom primer layer should be visible in places.

6th step. Decoupage with napkins.

We tear out the fragment we like from the napkin (it’s better to tear it out, not cut it out!) and apply it to the box, trying to build a certain pattern on it.

Then we remove the bottom layer of the napkin and carefully, without sudden movements, glue the floral pattern in place. We do this using a small brush dipped in a mixture of PVA glue and water (1:1). We straighten the folds and creases with our fingers, trying not to tear the napkin pattern.

7th step. Finalization.

Having mixed red and white acrylic paint, cover the sides with the resulting pink color and inner part boxes.

8th step. Opening with varnish.

The last stage of transforming the box is applying several layers of varnish to protect and add shine.

We assemble the box and fasten the fittings. Such a thing will surprise your guests and fit perfectly into a shabby chic interior.

Applying wear using the example of a wooden cutting board

Let's try to make a decorative element for the kitchen in the shabby chic style.

We need to prepare:

  • wooden blank;
  • two types of acrylic paint (dark and light);
  • colorless water-based varnish;
  • wax or paraffin (an ordinary household candle will do);
  • laundry soap;
  • paper napkins;
  • picture for decoration;
  • brush;
  • sandpaper.

By following a sequential algorithm, you can do not only cutting board. But also any wooden product in the shabby chic style. Let's get started.

  1. Place the wooden blank on a paper napkin and level the surface of the board using sandpaper. After the desired result, remove dust from the surface using a dry brush or damp cloth.
  2. Painting with a dark layer of acrylic paint. If you don’t have time, then use a regular hair dryer to dry it.
  3. Rub the board with a paraffin or wax candle. We will be especially careful around the edges and corners.
  4. Cover the board with a layer of laundry soap (using a brush) and dry.
  5. Paint the board light acrylic paint. We wait for it to dry and go through it with sandpaper.
  6. Cover with a layer of varnish.
  7. If desired, glue on a decorative element (using decoupage napkins or freedecor film). And we're tinkering again.

You can make many stylish and interesting things with your own hands for interior decoration. How to make a lampshade in the chabby chic style - watch the video tutorial.

Video: making your own lampshade in shabby chic style

This style is suitable for decorating a room for various purposes, in any of them shabby chic looks organic and interesting. See for yourself by looking at the photo.

Photo gallery: shabby chic style in various rooms

Combination modern elements and shabby chic style items - an excellent solution for designers
The room for hygiene needs can also correspond to the chosen style
Many interesting things, stylized as shabby chic, add uniqueness to this interior.
Any, even minor details, can be turned into a real “masterpiece” that fits into the style of the room’s decoration
This room for kids looks cozy and cute
A good solution is to decorate your little child’s room in shabby style
This interior successfully combines all the elements of shabby chic design
White color helps expand space
The highlights of this style are rare or artificially aged items that are appropriate in the kitchen
Calm pastel colors, consistent decorative elements - all this sets the mood for a pleasant, friendly conversation
Shabby chic style fits perfectly into kitchen space The chosen style can be applied not only to residential premises

Small apartment in shabby chic style

Don’t think that the shabby chic style is only suitable for spacious rooms. Small, compact apartments can also become the “residence address” of this interesting design trend.

See how you can decorate a two-room apartment that is not too spacious.

Premises in a small apartment

This is what a corridor might look like, which immediately appears to the eye of every person entering. The hallway is made in light colors, which significantly expands the small entrance space. The use of a large, full-wall mirror opposite the front door serves the same purpose.

The white walls and ceiling contrast perfectly with the dark wooden floor. On the ceiling there is an ornate chandelier made of forged elements.

A chair that you can sit on in the hallway is a real designer’s find, as it is made using the aging technique, which is quite relevant for the shabby style.

Wall cabinets, which help to make the most of free space, do not go beyond the style, since they are also made in light colors.

A small kitchen space (with an area of ​​no more than nine square meters) designed in shabby chic style. Color design walls, shabby furniture, porcelain figurines on a shelf, a bedside table with carved legs, textile pillows on a retro sofa - all this can be used in a shabby design.

The living room is a walk-through room, but this did not stop the designer from using shabby chic elements in this room: pastel walls with a light beige color scheme, a canopy with curtains in the opening, a sofa with numerous cushions, a retro carpet on the wall, aged furniture. Antique candelabra and stylized clocks - worthy decoration walls

For the bedroom, you can find a vintage wardrobe or bed or artificially age them. The walls of the bedroom should be light and increase the space of this small room. A floral print on the wall at the head of the bed not only decorates the room. But it is also a characteristic element of shabby style. A porcelain vase sits comfortably on a quaint, rare-looking table.

Let's see how you can decorate a bathroom without disturbing the chosen style.

Gentle pastel color walls in lilac colors go well with white tiles, stylized as brickwork. An aged frame on the mirror and candelabra with candles, wrought-iron hooks and hangers - everything is in the shabby chic style. Even the sectional battery is designed in such a way that it creates a feeling of beauty and sophistication.

The pipes are made to match the entire bathroom interior - with a slight touch of patina. Porcelain figurines on the sides of the bathtub are appropriate.

Additional ideas for decorating a bathroom can be found in the video.

Video: shabby chic in the bathroom

If you want to get a unique interior design style, turn to shabby chic. This design solution will fill any room with a sense of antiquity, sophistication and beauty. It’s not at all difficult to make such a design yourself, the main thing is to include everything important characteristics bring this style into your room, skillfully place accents and apply decorative elements.

Today, the interior can be very diverse; all kinds of style solutions are used for this.

Strict modern styles room decorations fade into the background. Shabby chic, vintage, country, etc. styles are coming forward.

If a decade ago preference was given to modern, strict or bold futuristic styles, today you can increasingly see interiors made in vintage, shabby chic, and country styles, which are more suitable for a residential building.

Shabby chic style

The shabby chic style emphasizes the antique surface.

The shabby chic style came from England, its founder was Rachel Ashwell, an English designer. The style itself was born thanks to her passion for antique furniture, which is sold in abundance at flea markets. Often such furniture could be purchased in excellent condition or no effort was required to repair it. special effort, but her appearance seemed to tell the story of those decades and events that she witnessed. Ashwell noted that even the oldest piece of furniture, with little effort, can create a piece of furniture that will amaze with its style and sophisticated appearance. The designer began buying such items for her store, where they were sold after restoration.

A feature of the shabby chic style was the antique surface of such furniture, which was finished with a certain chic. Characteristic feature was and is a finish that is artificially aged. All items take on the appearance as if they were produced in the 50-60s of the last century. Paints and fabrics are used for decoration; pastel shades are used.

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Main directions

Shabby chic style has the following characteristic features:

  • lightness of lines, airiness;
  • vintage, i.e. artificially aged surface;
  • abrasion of surfaces;
  • use of pastel colors;
  • During restoration, ancient elements or their skillful imitations are used;
  • the presence of a voluminous, convex ornament that amazes with its elegance;
  • the presence of small decorative elements and trinkets in the design.

The shabby chic style is characterized by images of roses and angels.

The shabby chic style is often confused with the Provence style, which it is very similar to. But there are bright distinctive details here that do not allow these two directions to be mixed. Among these differences it is necessary to highlight:

  1. Provence is closer to the country style, it is a little rough and simple. And shabby chic is more sophisticated and elegant, despite the presence of scuffs and other signs of time.
  2. The decor is more expensive; the Provence style does not use so many expensive fabrics, stucco moldings, frescoes, and fine embroidery.
  3. Shabby chic is characterized by numerous images of roses and angels. Provence is more close to nature; it is mostly rustic in style.
  4. For shabby chic, decorative elements such as bunches of herbs, bunches of onions, etc. are not used.

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Color solution

The color scheme is very characteristic; bright and intense colors are not allowed, only softness and pastel. The most common colors are:

  • light green, turquoise;
  • vanilla shade, cream color, Ivory, cream shades;
  • pale pink, fawn, the color of a withered rose;
  • pale blue;
  • white, but using other color notes to highlight individual elements.

But faded colors alone make the interior somewhat boring. To liven it up, you need to use a subtle floral pattern in a brighter shade. Gilding is used, but sparingly. It is best to make it duller, covered with traces of time.

Bronze elements, copper elements touched by patina are perfect.

To highlight the soft colors decoration and furniture, you need to use the right lighting. It should be dim, diffused, they fit perfectly here Wall lights, sconces, candlesticks. For them you can use bronze and bronze alloys, crystal.

A shabby chic ceiling should be plain, but not white.

The following interior rules are typical for the shabby chic style:

  1. The ceiling should be plain, but not white. It is best to give it a noble shade of ivory, pinkish, the color of a withered rose. Wooden beams are often used, but only if the furniture in the room allows the use of such an element without creating a feeling of gross disharmony.
  2. It is best to make the floors light; natural, artificially aged parquet is excellent. For the kitchen, you can use ceramic tiles, which are first broken into unequal parts and then laid on the floor.
  3. Walls may have different finishes, but it is best to use stucco, aged plaster, and fabrics for this. Can also be used smooth paper wallpaper, but the drawing should be subtle and unobtrusive. When choosing a color for the walls, it is very important that they match the color scheme of the furniture.

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Furniture in the shabby chic style has an artificially aged surface.

Shabby chic furniture is different from other styles. Objects with an artificially aged surface are used. The color scheme is selected very carefully; combinations with Baroque and Rococo styles can be used. The overall impression of the decor is luxury, but luxury touched by time. Wood that is painted with light colors is perfect for this. For this, it is best to choose white, pale pink, beige, light brown, blue, and light green shades. After painting, it is best to coat the furniture surface with wax to give it a slightly unusual appearance. When varnishing, matte varnish is used. There should be no glossy shine.

Natural fabrics with subtle patterns and floral patterns are used to decorate furniture. You can use the decoupage technique, changing the surface using thin paper napkins. You can make similar furniture with your own hands. It's best to start simple. For example, from an ordinary stool, which can be found in any home. One example is shown in the figure.

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Decorating a stool

To make a shabby chic chair, use an old but durable stool as a base.

Making a shabby chic interior is not as difficult as it might seem. You can consider the manufacture of furniture in this style using the example of a small stool, which will find its place not only in the living room, but also in the bedroom and hallway. As a basis for work, you can take an old unnecessary stool of any shape, the main thing is that its legs are still durable.

As materials and tools for work, you need to prepare:

  • stool;
  • acrylic paints (white, brown, red);
  • paint brushes;
  • sandpaper and metal scraper;
  • acrylic matte varnish;
  • wax candle (you can also use paraffin if there is no wax);
  • PVA glue;
  • If desired, you can take decorative elements, for example, napkins with a delicate floral pattern.

To give the stool a distressed appearance, sand it with sandpaper.

First you need to prepare a stool for future work. It must be carefully examined to see if there is a need for repairs or strengthening of the legs. After this, using sandpaper and a metal scraper, you must completely remove all old paint. The surface should be flat, smooth, and free from any defects in the form of remnants of the old coating. After this, use a soft, clean rag to remove all dust from the surface and prime it. You can make the primer yourself by simply mixing PVA glue with white acrylic paint.

The primer layer must dry, after which you can begin painting the stool. For this, brown paint is used, which is applied in 2 layers. It is best to paint so that each layer can dry overnight. If possible, it is better to leave the stool itself on the balcony to dry. It is important to completely dry the last layer, since it is impossible to proceed with further finishing on a wet surface.

After this, you can begin the main work to turn old furniture into original shabby chic style. Apply a light layer of red paint over the brown paint, and after it dries, rub the entire surface with a piece of candle, giving it a waxy shine. Afterwards the stool should be given a slightly shabby appearance. To do this, the painted surface should be processed using sandpaper No. 800. This will remove the paint on the top layer in some areas. But it is not recommended to be zealous, so as not to end up with an untidy piece of furniture. Next, the surface must be carefully rubbed so that it is smooth and even. It is better to make the pressure uneven, this will give it a natural look.

Modern interiors are designed to bring their owners comfort, practicality and not clutter up with unnecessary items. But not everyone likes such interpretations. Shabby chic style carries true romantic motives. This “shabby chic” look can be created from antique pieces left over from older generations. But these are not always available, so you have to use your own design abilities.

Style principles

What is shabby chic style in the interior? About the interior, made in this style, we can say that it combines the following characteristics:

  • romance;
  • femininity;
  • vintage;
  • comfort and tranquility.

The chic style in the interior is often compared with the Provence style, since these two styles can cause similar effects: colors, the use of whitewashed furniture, the presence of additional items in the interior that create coziness (candlesticks, lamps, figurines).

It is possible to create a shabby chic style in the interior with your own hands. For this, modern building materials and the desire to change your own home will come in handy.
The basic principle of style is to use decor in moderation. Excessively placed cute little things around the room will not become decoration, but will indicate a lack of sense of proportion on the part of the owners and will become dust collectors.

We design the interior ourselves

To independently transform your own home into fabulous interior, it is necessary to think through the future “remodeling” in detail.

General color scheme

An interior in the style of shabby chic and Provence involves the use of soft pastel colors, which can be in the same color scheme or in different ones, but can complement each other perfectly (for example, if the walls are painted soft blue, then beige, peach shades).


To transform a room into a new style, you can remove the old coating from the walls and apply a new one. But for special budget option, you can do nothing with the walls, but paint them water-based paint using a small amount of pigment. All irregularities are emphasized with deliberately rough strokes. If leveling with plaster is planned, then the use of its textured version and subsequent appropriate painting will be relevant.


If the room has not been renovated for quite some time, then the ceiling will have a corresponding appearance. There is no need to rush to fix all the unevenness and cracks. If you add beams to it, you will get an excellent imitation of a country house of bygone times. Also suitable (both plaster and high-quality foam plastic).


Old tiles in the bathroom or kitchen, or something that is perfect for this style. The linoleum that many people love will be inappropriate.
The best option is the use of bleached or for installation flooring, as well as one that contains clearly defined tree annual circles.


You can create shabby chic decor with your own hands, starting with transforming the furniture. This is the main highlight of this style. A prerequisite is its color light colors. There should be no dark shades. Also, the furniture should be artificially aged (add scratches, abrasions, roughness). And if it is already old, then this needs to be emphasized by painting.


There are certain requirements for curtains, furniture covers, pillows, and bedspreads of this style. It must be fabric of different prints, preferably of natural origin:

  • cotton;
  • cotton lace;
  • wool;
  • sackcloth;
  • chintz.

Lambrequins along with curtains for this style will be relevant, as well as textiles on lamp shades. But you shouldn’t combine floral print on all possible surfaces, as it may look clumsy.


When choosing an interior designed in the shabby style, a special role should be given to lighting. This applies not only to lamps, but also to chandeliers, candles, and lamps.

During installation stretch ceiling, you should not install spotlights, they will be inappropriate here.

Chandeliers are especially valued those that have a figured frame, decorated with crystal (glass) beads, pendants, and chains. If you don’t have one, you can create shabby chic decor yourself: add hanging beads to the existing chandelier and simply wrap it with beads.

If desired, the overall decor can be supplemented with candlesticks (candelabra), which will create romantic mood throughout the room. Self-standing candles will also be relevant; you need to choose them in the same color scheme, but using different diameters and heights.

Decorative elements

It is not candlesticks and armchairs alone that create the mood of this style. The room is decorated with the following items:

  • . A worn dial with Roman numerals in an antique frame or a cuckoo clock will be an indispensable decoration for a chic room. Don’t forget about transforming these items into a bleached, shabby shabby look.
  • Napkins and tablecloths. Crocheted decorative items will exclusively complement the overall image of the room. You can also complement a textile tablecloth with such lace.
  • Paintings. It is better if these are paintings embroidered with satin stitch or cross stitch.
  • Pleasant trifles. These are various figurines made of porcelain, bronze, clay, vases with fresh flowers, photographs in frames (frames can be made independently using lace, textiles, beads, etc.), .
  • Specific decor. It includes non-working telephone sets of bygone times, “grandmother’s” chests, restored window shutters, original shaped window frames, vegetable boxes, doors and other objects that are not usually seen in the usual interior.

It’s not difficult to create a shabby style in the interior with your own hands. This is easy to do if there are flea markets in the city. There they usually find exclusive things that, with the slightest alteration, will become the highlight of the interior.

Application of style in the interior

Over the years of the style's existence, a certain stereotype has developed that shabby chic design is only suitable for the bedroom. But this is far from true.


A cooking space can be very cute and cozy if you give it a shabby makeover. Here it is necessary to pay special attention appearance walls, furniture, lamps and curtains. They are predominant in the kitchen, small parts should be given secondary attention. A special atmosphere will be created by vintage dishes (teapot, cutting boards, images on plates that will stand on shelves or hang on walls, etc.).


Shabby chic bathroom design will combine interesting tiles square shape, “antique” faucets (even better if these are actually examples that are decades old), an oval or round washbasin on shaped metal stands, etc. The interior of a shabby chic bathroom will not be different color scheme from the classical understanding of this style. The main focus of the room will be the bathroom. A small bathroom with metal curly legs would look more appropriate. Metal color is welcome in shades of gold and bronze.

Living room

Vintage drapery on sofas and armchairs, well-chosen room lighting, curtains and other elements that characterize the shabby style will allow you to organize the space with comfort and comfort. minimal investment into refurbishment. Particular attention should be paid to the little things that will clearly express the character of the owners of the house and speak about their values.


A romantically decorated gazebo near the house will delight its owners with special comfort. The main role in this design is played by textiles: curtains, seat upholstery, tablecloth, napkins, towels. Also, tea drinking will become more enjoyable if you use high-quality porcelain, which in design is reminiscent of the Baroque era.

Shabby chic style can be applied to any area in the house. The main thing is that the decorative details are appropriate for the given room. For example, photographs with your beloved grandmother are unlikely to look great in a bathroom or gazebo, which are made in the shabby style.

Who will suit the style?

There are times when style itself manifests itself in the interior, whether you want it or not. The presence of various antiques that came with the great-grandmother’s apartment a priori qualify for a small restoration.

So, the shabby style will be relevant for the following categories of people:

  • For those who like to save money. It’s not at all inexpensive to transform your home, which requires renovation, from ordinary dullness into an interesting picture. Old furniture can be well decorated using various techniques (decoupage, painting, stencils, framing). Glass in furniture will look great using the stained glass technique (for this they use a contour on the glass and stained glass paints). It is not necessary to dismantle the old parquet, but simply sand it, fix holes and varnish it. Whitewashed ceiling and old wallpaper painted on top (especially if it has not sagged or puffed up) will only complement the chosen style.
  • "Plyushkin." If it’s a pity to throw away old things that are of particular value to the owner, you can restore them to this style and decorate your home this way. In this way, the objects will be preserved, and the room will acquire a new image.
  • Romantic and creative people. You can get inspiration for creating something new in such a cozy girl's room. This style is for sensual people who prefer comfort and mood rather than practicality.

You shouldn’t arrange a room in this style if you can’t clean it often, since the abundance of textiles and decorative items will regularly collect dust.


The “shabby” chic style is quite specific, as it contains various elements of antiquity, and this is not to everyone’s liking. But by giving preference to it, you can achieve uniqueness and individuality, which is very rare in modern times.

When organizing a room yourself, you need to take into account many points that will affect final result generally.

  1. For the best effect, it is worth combining different textures, even if they contrast with each other - delicate cotton lace with, ostrich feathers with hemp rope, etc.
  2. An abundance of handmade items will become a relevant addition to the overall image of the room.
  3. If it is not possible to truly acquire antique furniture, there is always the opportunity to age the existing one with your own hands.
  4. Do not overdo it with decorative elements; it is important to know when to stop.
    Having been inspired by the idea of ​​transforming any room into a shabby style, you can achieve a good result by spending a minimum of money, but this requires a lot of effort.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 6 minutes

This style combines trends such as retro, country and baroque, and its name means “shabby chic.” It is often used to decorate the entire apartment or its individual elements. It’s not difficult to create shabby chic in the interior of a room with your own hands; you just need to decide what you want to see as a result.

The origin of the style

This interior style originated in England at the end of the 20th century. The British began to furnish their country houses. They simply took their old furniture, found family heirlooms, bought antiques. Gradually, the fashion for vintage items spread to other countries. Housewives and interior designers began buying distressed furniture at flea markets to highlight its history and inspire new life. These things may even be from different eras, but together they look interesting and unusual.

Features of shabby chic style

The translation of the name of the style speaks for itself - a shabby chic interior should have shabby furniture and well-worn decorative items, in addition to which characteristic background features are used:

  • Naivety and romance.
  • Pastel shades.
  • Floral motifs, as well as angels.
  • Ruffles and scallops.
  • Excessive detail, as, for example, in the Baroque style.
  • Natural wood, as well as ceramics, wrought iron, glass.
  • A large number of decorative vases, candlesticks, figurines, caskets.
  • Living roses.

Style color scheme

Shabby chic interiors use pastel colors:

  1. Light green.
  2. Blue.
  3. Pink.
  4. Light purple.
  5. Peach.

They are diluted with white or beige flowers. Not allowed to use bright colors, even in individual decorative elements. Walls, furniture, textiles, trinkets - absolutely everything should be in pastel colors.

Wall decoration

If you decide not to overload your apartment with shabby chic, but just add some elements of chic, then it is better to choose white wall paint. Against this background, the rest of the elements of this style will look good, and guests of the apartment will not have the feeling that they are in Dollhouse or theater interior.

To rid the walls of the apartment of the hospital flavor, it would be better to give them volume using textured plaster. The style also allows the use wood panels. They can be placed at full height along one wall and painted using a worn effect. Don’t forget about white, which adds sophistication to the entire interior.

To create a shabby chic interior with a romantic twist, you can hang floral wallpaper with your own hands. The background should be light and the flowers should be in pastel colors. Roses are best.


The ceiling should be made one color. You can paint it ivory, light pink or pale blue, depending on the purpose of the room. Or you can choose a classic white color, diversifying it with the effect of old cracked paint.

Decorative wooden beams on the ceiling of an apartment will look unusual.


Style canons require the use of flooring only from natural wood. It can also be aged and worn. It is better to choose tiles for the kitchen and bathroom.

Light carpets with short or long pile add coziness to the interior. A carpet with a pattern must be aged, creating a worn-out effect, so that it can fit into the shabby chic style.

What kind of furniture does shabby chic require?

For this style, you can take old family furniture or look for suitable rarities at a flea market. It can be either the most ordinary one or with its own special long-term history.

Wicker furniture is well suited for such an interior, which is usually used in dachas and country houses. For example, a wicker rocking chair with soft pillows will look good in the living room or on the loggia of an apartment in the spirit of shabby chic.

To prevent the furniture from looking like shabby trash, you will have to clean and decorate it yourself.

Most important point– all furniture must be made of wood. Then it will be easy to work with, and you will have a lot of room for imagination. Craftsmen create the effect of cracked or worn paint, carved decor, a patina effect on metal elements, or simply paint floral motifs.

Chest of drawers using decoupage technique

Decoupage is one of the popular techniques for creating shabby chic with your own hands. Suitable for decorating wood and metal surfaces. You can use it to decorate any piece of furniture, such as a chest of drawers.

  1. Take a ready-made chest of drawers or a wooden blank. Even a rare “old man” from a flea market or a thrift store will do. In this case, it will have to be cleaned of varnish and paint.
  2. Paint the inside of the chest of drawers. Then take a synthetic brush and dip it into the stain. Remove excess with newspaper and dry brush the stain over the paint. There should be a worn effect.
  3. Prime and sand the outside.
  4. Paint the places where abrasions will appear with black paint and rub with a candle.
  5. Paint the entire chest of drawers with the main color in 4-5 layers.
  6. Take special tool artists - a palette knife - and use it to remove the paint in places of wear. You can do this after applying the varnish, but it will be easier. You choose the amount of abrasions yourself.
  7. Take a decoupage napkin and cut out necessary elements. Floral motifs are most often used.
  8. Apply the pieces to the dresser using a brush and smooth out any bubbles or creases.
  9. After the glue has completely dried, sand the napkins. Pay special attention to the edges so that there are no visible borders.
  10. Using a thin brush, use basic paint to paint over all the borders so that the napkin blends into the background.
  11. The inside of the drawers can be covered with fabric.
  12. Coat the chest of drawers with varnish in 5 layers.

Using fabrics in shabby chic decor

In the shabby chic style, only natural fabrics are used, plain pastel or with plant motifs - linen, cotton, silk, satin. From geometric patterns, you can choose thin stripes or small checks.

There should be a lot of textiles in a shabby interior: sofa cushions, chair upholstery, curtains, tablecloths, blankets and napkins create coziness. Embroidered pillows or tablecloths in the shabby chic style look luxurious. The motifs chosen are floral, floral or rustic.

Choosing lamps

Traditionally, the style assumes in the center of the ceiling of the room the presence of a large baroque chandelier with imitation candlesticks, with crystal pendants and forged elements. In rest areas - near an armchair or bed - lamps with textile lampshades are placed. Their colors should be in harmony with the decoration of the entire shabby interior.

Table lamp decor

It’s easy to make a lamp in the shabby chic style with your own hands. For this:

  • Take table lamp and separate the lampshade from the base.
  • Prime and coat the substrates dark paint, and rub the corners and protruding parts with a candle.
  • Paint with white paint.
  • Take decoupage napkins and cut out the desired motifs.
  • Separate the two bottom layers of the napkin; they will not be needed. Upper layer glue to the lampshade using a brush and PVA glue, cover with varnish on top.
  • Rub the base of the lamp with sandpaper in the places rubbed by the candle. The bottom paint should show through and create a worn effect.
  • Sew lace along the bottom of the lampshade, emphasizing the style of the product.
  • Decorate the base with a ribbon bow.

Living room in shabby chic style

For the living room, a spacious, bright room is usually chosen. Furniture is placed in the center, leaving space around it. You can create an imitation of a fireplace near one of the walls.

You can choose a sofa and armchairs, but you must definitely age them. The upholstery should be simply light or with a small flower. You should scatter several pillows on the sofa.

Check out flea markets and antique shops and you'll probably find items that will fit perfectly into your shabby chic living room. On coffee table You can place a vase with fresh roses, emphasizing the style, candlesticks, figurines and photo frames.

Photo frame with a touch of antiquity

Patina is a sign of aging on a metal item. On iron it looks like rust, on copper it looks like a green coating. To new frame for the photo it corresponded to the style, it needs to be aged, that is, patinated:

  1. Take a plaster photo frame with shaped elements.
  2. Apply a special patina primer.
  3. Paint the surface with metallic paint.
  4. Without waiting for the paint to dry completely, apply the patina paint with a thin brush. To make it neat, let the patina itself flow from the brush and spread over the surface.
  5. During the oxidation process, green stains will appear. After this, coat the frame with varnish.

Shabby chic bedroom

The bed, the main element of a shabby chic bedroom, should be wooden or iron with a wrought-iron headboard. Wooden headboard needs to be aged. Above the bed you can hang a canopy made of light, plain fabric, and on the bed itself you can lay a floral bedspread and lay out several rows of pillows.

A mandatory element of a shabby chic bedroom is a mirror in an antique frame. You can also create the desired effect of shabby gold with your own hands.

All other elements - wardrobe, chest of drawers, bedside tables - should be in harmony with the bed and repeat its shape. Also, a forged headboard can be repeated in a chandelier.

Decorating the kitchen

The shabby chic kitchen set should be made of natural wood, decorated with decoupage or simply aged. There must be a large wooden dinner table. Its coating can be easily aged with your own hands using sandpaper.

Along the walls you can place cabinets with glass doors, in which beautiful dishes should be displayed. To accentuate the style, the walls of the kitchen or dining room can be decorated with decorative plates.


Even in the bathroom you can create a shabby chic interior. But for this you need a fairly spacious room, preferably with a window.

The bathtub itself and other plumbing fixtures can be standard, and elements such as a chandelier, mirror, and vases will help stylize the room. The chandelier can be forged, the mirror can be placed in an aged frame, and the vases can have stucco decoration. Taps and fittings are suitable in a golden color, as in the Baroque style.