home · electrical safety · Crafts from artificial flowers. Master class on do-it-yourself topiary made from artificial flowers and fruits. Artificial grass topiary

Crafts from artificial flowers. Master class on do-it-yourself topiary made from artificial flowers and fruits. Artificial grass topiary

For thoughtful and precise decoration, interior decoration, style development and a new interior concept, elegant ones are perfect. Due to the fact that the material used is fabric, paper, plastic, and so on, they can remain indoors for a very long time without any loss of their decorative properties.

And this means that the thoughtful decoration that you worked on for a long time, in which, in addition to labor, you also invested cash, will please you for a long time. At least it won't spoil or wither before you get bored or go out of style.

Compositions of artificial flowers for the interior

In principle, this has been the case for many centuries. great way revive interior decoration premises, make it more beautiful and sophisticated. But, unfortunately, the cost of living plants is quite high, and their lifespan, despite all the tricks of florists, leaves much to be desired. That is why compositions of artificial flowers for interior have gained such popularity in our time and can be found in most decorative solutions in different styles, on a par with living bouquets.

The reason why buy artificial flower arrangements becomes more and more fashionable every year, we can safely say the ever-increasing quality modern materials, due to which they turn out to be so similar to the real thing that even by touch it can be very difficult to distinguish them.

Now there is absolutely no shame in decorating with such bouquets office table, no banquet table setting, no photo zone. Moreover, various floral decorations for design, because you really want to invest once in the production or purchase of materials, and then only moderately care for ready-made decor– for example, wash, shake off accumulated dust or change the water if the composition is based on a vessel with water.

It is this type of fashionable artificial flower arrangements We'll look at it first. Due to the fact that plants are placed inside glass vases, flasks and other containers, their resemblance to the real ones is further enhanced. Agree, the absence of water in such a composition will immediately lead to the idea that the flowers are artificial, despite all the external similarity.

You can see what these look like compositions of artificial flowers - photo show various examples use of transparent containers. Notice how beautifully stones, twigs, glass beads, etc. will work together with floral decor.

In order to create such beauty, you will need a stop, as well as several purchased flowers small size. A little water is poured into the bottom (you can mix it with a few drops of vinegar, citric acid and the like, so that microorganisms do not develop in the water), stones are laid out, and then plant stems are inserted. There is no need to fix them with anything, this way the composition will look more natural.

If it is not so important for you that the bouquet looks absolutely authentic, then use another fashionable way placement of decor - in paper cones.

For such cones, you will want to use thick kraft paper, which will hold its shape well and be quite easy to work with. A square is cut out of paper and laid diagonally, that is, in a rhombus.

Flowers or other decor for the base are placed on its upper corner and attached with glue. Next, the diamond is folded and its end is fixed to the surface with glue, and inside the resulting bag you can beautifully lay out the remaining plants and, if necessary, also secure them with glue inside.

Since we are interested precisely in , we need to think about how the resulting DIY arrangement of artificial flowers can be fixed in space.

To do this, before the package is rolled, the edge is strengthened, glued with a strip of another paper, and a pair of round holes are made in this additional layer. Ribbons, straps are threaded through these holes, in short, handles are created with which the bouquet can be secured on a flat surface.

Floral arrangements made from artificial flowers

The role is truly difficult to overestimate. Just look at the examples floral arrangements made from artificial flowers which are given in our article today. Quite popular ideas can, as mentioned above, be used for festive table setting in eco style.

For such compositions of artificial flowers on the table you will need a more complex base, such as a cut of wood, pieces of bark, thin twigs, ears of corn, straw and the like. You can see examples of exactly this design in the photo above.

We would also like to draw your attention to interesting master classes on creation floral arrangements made of artificial flowers for the interior. In the first, the base (it can be simple glass or can) is covered with a lid with a mesh surface. This surface is needed so that all the plants in the bouquet have the same height and are evenly spaced. All you have to do is fill each cell with one element, and then add volume using fillers.

The second tutorial shows how to make a country style table centerpiece using an oblong plywood box as a base.

Master class: Flower arrangements “Flight of Fantasies”

Belashova Tatyana Anatolyevna teacher of the first junior group
Municipal preschool autonomous educational institution kindergarten general developmental type No. 11 MO Korenovsky district

Description of work:

The master class is designed for parents and teachers, all creative people. I bring to your attention five compositions at once, I called the master class “Flight of Fantasies”, each flower tree is your fantasy and such trees also symbolize differently when you make one original gift, be sure to put “your whole soul” into your work and then the result will be 100%.
Not a lot of history, we all know that the art of topiary has a long history. Original small trees, for the production of which natural and artificial materials are used, your imagination and each tree will be original in its own way, it will be very nice to receive such a craft as a gift and decorate your home with it.


The flower tree is intended as a gift to friends, acquaintances, as well as for interior decoration. Learn to create a flower tree from improvised material: artificial flowers, ribbons, and beads.

develop creative imagination, fine motor skills, eye and of course patience.
Develop accuracy and perseverance when creating a flower tree. In this master class I will show you how to make five at once floral topiary from artificial flowers.
This is the kind of beauty we will create:

To create our topiary we will need:


1. Flower pots
2. Artificial flower heads
3. Gypsum, water
4. Artificial grass (lawn)
5. Glue gun
6. Various decor(ladybugs, butterflies, grapes)
7. Skewers
8. Plastic ball
9. Ball
10. Foam film
11. Tape
12. Toothpicks
13. Coffee beans

Step by step stage works:

Each master in the manufacture of topiary uses a base at his own discretion and according to his money. I tried many ways to make the base of a tree, the cheapest is to crumple up newspaper and wrap it around it cling film give the shape of a ball; flat paper or fabric flowers can easily be glued to this shape, foam balls or children's balls are used to insert flowers or fruits directly into the ball with the help of toothpicks, using a glue gun, if you make a heart, you can use foam film (sold in any hardware store). To start making trees, you need the pots to be filled with plaster and, of course, have time to dry
And so we start by preparing to pour gypsum into pots, dilute the plaster with water, install the “trunk”, in this case I used 6-7 skewers

having previously wrapped the tape with tape,

you can add small seedlings to the pot for strength, pour the solution into the pots, insert the stem and let it dry well, usually one day is enough

There is no need to insert the trunk immediately; after 10 minutes, when the plaster turns into a thick “porridge”, you can insert the “trunks”

In my master class, I used coffee, poured it onto still wet plaster, when the plaster dries, the coffee beans will also hold tightly

Now put our pots aside and begin preparing the top base. In the first example I will show this base, I caught my eye like this unusual blank with spikes in the shape of a ball, on which you can put artificial grass in this case

And we begin to string the grass step by step around the entire circle

This is the basis

I decided to make only such green and fluffy trees for my trees.

Once the plaster has thoroughly hardened, using a glue gun, we glue our fluffy green ball and begin to create

1.The first tree “Our Kuban Sun”

For this tree, I used sunflower heads, coffee beans

To begin with, we revive our sunflower, decorate the middle with coffee beans using PVA glue

Apply glue to the middle and glue the grains

and so are all the flowers, it should turn out like this

we begin to decorate the bottom while our flowers are drying, it’s your imagination, I used artificial lawn grass and ladybugs

I glued the sunflower flowers with hot glue, tied three leaves on the bottom of the trunk using tape, and on top there was a butterfly as a decoration and I got the first tree “Our Kuban Sun”

let's see from different angles

2. Second tree “Passion”

In this tree I decorated the bottom when the plaster had not yet hardened with the help of canapés and grass, inserted it into soft plaster

Added red flowers and decorative decoration and I got it like this

Now the crown, I used red flowers beads and greenery, placed and glued with a glue gun at the top and bottom

Decorated with red beads

The result is a tree of passion

3. Third tree “Tenderness”

For this tree I used very delicate color flowers similar to jasmine flowers. I decorated the bottom with flowers and glued the butterflies with hot glue.

Now the top of the crown, I glued the flowers in a chaotic order, on the right for shade there is a delicate twig with white flowers

It turned out to be a very delicate tree

4. Fourth tree “Grapevine”

In making this tree I used artificial grapes, artificial grape leaves, flowers purple, and various decor.

I decorated the bottom of my tree with artificial flowers and leaves.

Top, your flight of fancy, definitely a bunch of grapes, everything is glued with thermal glue, it holds up very well

And now the tree is in all its glory

5. Fifth tree “Breath of Summer”

This tree consists of a variety of wildflowers and you can arrange it at your discretion, the bottom can be decorated like this

The top will be so fun

In the end our tree will look like this

A popular craft, which is distinguished by its diversity among other types of topiary, is the flower tree of happiness.

They make crafts from any fresh flowers that are bought in stores or in the house:

  • tulips;
  • chamomile;
  • orchids;
  • lilies;
  • peonies;
  • poppies;
  • lilies of the valley;
  • roses;
  • peonies;
  • asters.

But living plants are not the limit. Artificial flowers made from various materials are also suitable for topiary:

  • paper: corrugated, colored, foamiran, napkins;
  • fabrics: satin, organza, tulle, burlap, mesh;
  • knitted from yarn.

Important! Crafts made from fresh flowers are performed mainly in the spring and summer. They are a good alternative to a vase of water. For autumn, you can make crafts from dried flowers. For winter - use fabric or paper homemade flowers to decorate your home.

To add fullness to the crown, use sisal or bast. Satin or floral ribbons, threads, and twine are suitable for decorating the trunk. It is also allowed to use real plants, such as moss, to decorate the pot.

A popular option for making topiary is crafts made from real or dried fruits. Decorate the product small berries in combination with fresh flowers. Flower and fruit topiary will be a decoration for any occasion: birthday, wedding, anniversary.

A useful master class for those who want to make a tree from fresh flowers is presented in the video:

How to make topiary from artificial flowers

The simplest is a tree made from ready-made artificial daisies, asters, roses, and peonies. We offer you a small and easy master class on how to make a tree of happiness with your own hands at home.

To work you will need 1 hour of free time and skills in working with a glue gun. Be sure to prepare the following materials:

  • heat gun;
  • glue;
  • a foam ball of the required diameter;
  • a tree branch for the trunk;
  • ready-made artificial bouquets;
  • toothpick;
  • scissors;
  • a stand in the form of a cup, glass, pot or homemade container;
  • gypsum.

Advice! As an alternative to a foam ball - a base made of polyurethane foam. The stand is selected with a diameter such that it does not exceed the size of the decorated crown.

Important! There are no restrictions on the size of the topiary. If you have a spacious room, make an outdoor flower tree that is at least 50 cm in height.

To create your own masterpiece, follow the instructions step by step:

  • Use scissors to trim flowers from stems. Leave the tail length approximately 5 mm. Do not throw away the cut stems and leaves, they will be useful for decorating crafts;
  • make a hole in the base to a depth of 2 cm, where you will insert the barrel;
  • decorate the ball. Make small holes around the entire perimeter with a knitting needle or toothpick. Apply glue to the stems of the flowers and quickly insert them into the base. Distribute all the elements correctly so that there is no chaos. Attach the flowers so that the base is not visible;
  • insert the trunk in the form of a tree branch into the previously prepared hole with glue;
  • cover the transition from the base to the trunk with cut leaves;
  • decorate the branch with stems of artificial flowers;
  • dilute the gypsum solution and pour it into the pot. Insert the trunk with the finished crown and wait a few minutes until the plaster hardens;
  • Decorate the top layer of the hardened solution with artificial grass or sisal, which are sold in any florist shop.

An interesting option for a flower tree is a bicycle-shaped base. It is prepared from cut cardboard or a thick sheet of foam. The wheels are decorated with artificial flowers. Looks creative, suitable as a gift for a female colleague or for March 8th.

Detailed lesson on creating an artificial flower craft in the video:

Topiary made of artificial roses

Popular flowers for decorating the crown of the tree of happiness are small and large artificial roses of different shades. Materials for manufacturing are:

  • foamiran;
  • corrugated paper;
  • paper napkins;
  • satin ribbons;
  • crepe paper;
  • organza;
  • latex;
  • felt.

If the interior of the room is decorated in a vintage style, a craft made from a combination of white dry roses with homemade flowers from a music notebook will fit into it. This topiary can be decorated satin ribbons and beads in pastel and light colors. It is allowed to use dried rose buds.

Master class on making round volumetric pink roses for the crown, watch the video

Topiary in the form of a sunflower

You will fill your home with sunshine if you make a topiary in the shape of a sunflower. You can use one flower instead of a crown, decorate the base with several small sunflowers. Both options look advantageous.

To make a sunny sunflower use:

  • yellow napkins;
  • corrugated paper;
  • satin ribbons.

Flowers made from ribbons using the kanzashi technique look believable. How to make a sunflower with your own hands, see the master class:

Below you can see the original topiary with a sunflower using the kanzashi technique.

Make your own flower topiary

When making a tree of good luck from living plants, a basket of flowers plays an important role. It is important that the plants do not wither, therefore, how to properly make such a basket for a flower tree of happiness, look in the master class:

How to make flowers with your own hands for topiary

There are many tutorials on the Internet on how to make crafts from daisies, roses, asters, sunflowers, using corrugated paper, paper napkins or satin ribbons.

From ribbons with your own hands

For example, how to make roses from napkins with your own hands, look at the detailed MK:

Easy to make roses from corrugated paper for topiary. To do this, stock up on the required color of corrugated paper. The chamomile crown, which has ear sticks instead of petals, looks unusual and creative.

Advice! To save your time, purchase ready flowers from cold porcelain for crown decoration. So all you have to do is fix them on the base and not waste time on manufacturing.

For the base, it is practiced to use not only a spherical base, but, for example, a house, the Eiffel Tower, a bicycle with flowers. Decorate the base not only with flowers, but also with fruits. To do this, make dummies of suitable fruits or dry real ones.

For lovers of the classic style will suit topiary made of flowers using the kanzashi technique.

Creative housewives will love topiary - a cup with flowers. It looks like a floating mug in the air with flowers flowing from the mug into the saucer. Watch the video to see how to make it:

Flower cup

By the way, instead of a saucer you can use a basket of flowers.

It is customary to additionally decorate a tree with flowers with coffee beans, pebbles, beads, and ribbons. A wedding topiary with beads and flowers to match the style of the event looks advantageous and beautiful.

Do you admire topiary, but are you afraid that you won’t be able to cope with the difficulties? We suggest making a tree of happiness quickly and simply from ready-made elements.

The simplest topiary can be made from ready-made artificial flowers - to assemble this beautiful crafts it will take about an hour. The work requires practically no skills, except the ability to handle a glue gun, but this is acquired after gluing the first element. Be sure to try making a flower tree of happiness, it will decorate your interior and lift your spirits.

Preparing materials and tools for work

There are a lot of them, they are made from literally everything that is on hand or in nature. To make topiary from artificial flowers with your own hands, prepare:

  • glue gun;
  • ready-made foam ball of the desired size;
  • driftwood for the trunk (the easiest way is to buy it ready-made in the same place as the ball);
  • several bouquets of artificial flowers with leaves;
  • pot;
  • gypsum.

You will also need scissors for “cutting” the bouquets into pieces and a bamboo kebab stick or toothpick. You can use a thin knitting needle or strong wire - this tool is useful for piercing holes.

Master class on creating floral decorations

First of all, arrange trimming flower bouquets– ruthlessly cut off the flowers, leaving only tails about 5 mm in size. Put the stems and leaves aside for now - they will still be useful for decoration, and what remains can be used in other work.

Turn on the gun and warm it up for about 5 minutes. Meanwhile, make a hole in foam ball, to which the barrel will be attached. This can be done directly with existing driftwood; a deep hole is not needed - 1.5–2 cm is enough. There is no need to glue the trunk yet.

Now you can start to decorating the ball. Everything is very simple here - make punctures in the foam, coat the flower stem with glue and quickly insert it into the hole, pressing lightly and holding it for a few seconds after gluing.

Try to think about the proximity of flowers so that the colors combine beautifully with each other. There is no need to place the flowers too tightly, the main thing is that the foam base is not visible. Bottom part decorate with leaves - this decoration will help hide the attachment of the driftwood. TO ready ball glue the trunk and leave to dry.

Dilute the plaster to the consistency of thick sour cream (pour water into the plaster and knead like dough) and pour the mixture into the pot. You can wait a little and then insert the trunk in the center of the flowerpot. Hold the barrel hands so that the plaster hardens slightly. Leave until completely cured.

If you have never worked with plaster, then know - it gets hot after contact with water, so place the pot on a surface that is not afraid of hot! Finish the finished craft (after the plaster becomes hard and cools) by decorating the lower part - glue existing leaves and a couple of buds, if any, to the trunk. If the pot is not new or ugly, then decorate it using

Compositions from pre-prepared artificial flowers for home interior with their own hands are gradually replacing living plants. And if until recently such decor looked in most cases clumsy and tasteless, today it is able to compete with natural works of art - living roses, chrysanthemums, tulips and ficuses.

We make compositions from artificial flowers with our own hands

There is no need to prove that arrangements of artificial flowers in a cemetery are in any way superior to their natural counterparts. There will always be both supporters and opponents of such an unusual artificial decor interior of the room. We will simply provide a list of the positive and negative aspects of artificial flora in the room, and you can draw your own conclusions.

The positive aspects for interior decoration include the following:

  • artificial plants in pots for home interiors do not require the use of fertilizers, replanting, or watering;
  • there is no need to ask relatives or your neighbors to come to your home and water the green seedlings when you are away;
  • such artificial plants do not get sick and are not attacked by evil pests;
  • artificial flowers are a real salvation for flora lovers suffering from allergies to pollen;
  • if pets or small children accidentally knock over the container with the composition, you will not have to clean up the spilled black soil or wipe up the flower water;
  • artificial flowers are a wonderful opportunity for handicraft lovers to show their talents, because if you learn how to make artificial flowers and practice a little, you can decorate the interior with your own hands stylish decor in hand-made style;
  • Unlike living plants, artificial seedlings are completely unpretentious to living conditions. You can place them in the bathroom, hallway, dressing room and even on the loggia, without worrying that it will be difficult for the plants to be in cold or dark conditions;
  • artificial plants make it possible to independently select the color shade of the bouquet. If you like bright yellow sunflowers, but the entire interior is decorated in subdued colors and a classic style, and you don’t want the composition on the wall to stand out from the overall style of the room, there is a way out. You just need to tint the sunflower petals in a suitable shade.

Among the disadvantages artificial compositions include the following:

  • artificial plants will not delight you with their floral aroma;
  • artificial plants made from cheap and low-quality materials can cause allergies;
  • leaves and petals may lose color saturation over time and fade under the influence of sunlight;
  • Artificial plants still require care: you will need to wipe or wash them with water and soap from time to time to prevent dust from accumulating.

We told you about the advantages and disadvantages of using artificial flower arrangements. Now you can think about and decide how acceptable it is for you to use such elements in decorating your room.

Your interior, of course, will be decorated with compositions of artificial flowers, made by yourself with a master class. Such decorative elements can be used to decorate the interior of the room you are preparing for receiving guests. Your friends will also be pleasantly surprised if for the holiday you present them not just a bouquet of flowers, but a beautifully decorated composition, for example, in a wicker basket.

Artificial flower arrangements you can decorate it with your own hands in a wicker basket, because they don’t need water at all, they will for a long time to please you with my beautiful view, however, they will not fill your home with their unique floral aroma.
You can also decorate an unusual autumn composition in a wicker basket, which will include yellowed autumn leaves, berries and dry twigs, as well as dried flowers. Also compositions from artificial materials can be decorated in a tea cup or teapot, and if you want to use them for decoration personal plot, then you can take an old iron kettle.

A selection of thematic videos for the article

After reading our article, we suggest watching a selection of thematic videos. This will allow for a more in-depth study this question. You can also learn other subtleties and tricks of making compositions. Enjoy watching!