home · Appliances · Decorating the walls of an apartment with decorative stone. Wild stone in the interior of the apartment (30 photos). Features that provide benefits

Decorating the walls of an apartment with decorative stone. Wild stone in the interior of the apartment (30 photos). Features that provide benefits

The use of decorative stone for interior decoration allows you to decorate a house or apartment in an original way. Such natural material is successfully integrated into various interior solutions, and becomes the highlight that home owners are trying to reproduce. A stone of artificial origin gives a decorative effect no worse than its wild counterpart.

Properties of decorative stone

For interior decoration, you can use both artificial stone and natural mineral; here it all comes down to price and the wishes of the customer. Each of these types is endowed with a number of properties that must be taken into account when choosing products. To better understand what happens decorative rock for interior decoration, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with its characteristics and study the types of this material.

The undeniable advantage of a mineral of natural origin is its durability, especially since such wall cladding is not susceptible to external negative factors inside an apartment or house. It is not affected by precipitation and ultraviolet radiation, due to which the stone can give off its best properties– thermal insulation ability and unsurpassed appearance. It so happened that decorative elements walls made with such cladding have served and continue to serve as a sign of high financial wealth, so this also affects its popularity.

Oddly enough, the high strength of the mineral is both its advantage and disadvantage, since its processing is significantly difficult. Again, the pattern on the surface of this decor may be different, and this is not to everyone’s liking. And the most important disadvantage that will probably always distinguish the wild mineral is its exorbitant price, which is not affordable for everyone.

The price of stone produced under artificial conditions is much lower than that of the previous version. The gypsum or cement component makes it much lighter, which can significantly reduce the load on the structure of the house and such material is easier to glue. Thanks to this property, delivery and unloading becomes easier, which means the cost of the material is lower. Artificial stone deservedly leads the market of decorative building products, as it is endowed with unsurpassed qualities:

  • ease of installation. It is laid with a special glue in the same way as ceramic tiles, but there is no need to carefully adjust each element, and a certain randomness only adds charm to the room;
  • a huge selection of colors and textures that imitate natural minerals. There is a wide field for design ideas here;
  • the coating can be repaired and restored;
  • strength and durability can compete with similar qualities of natural cladding;
  • Optimal hydrophobic properties make decor maintenance simple and convenient.

There are practically no negative qualities here, except that some types of artificial turf are subject to abrasion under mechanical influence, sometimes hydrophobic treatment is indispensable and the cost may be higher than more traditional types finishing materials for walls (wallpaper, ceramic tiles).

Using artificial stone for interior wall cladding

There are no strict restrictions on the use of stone in the interior, but you need to be able to stop in time so as not to overload the living space of a house or apartment with this bright and textured material. It is quite justified to decorate corners, arched and doorways, since here we have not only an artistic effect, but also excellent protection of vulnerable areas from mechanical damage. This technique will help highlight some interior elements and create a favorable accent on them. You can lay gypsum or any other decor with glue either over the entire selected area or in the form of small inserts.

Artificial flexible stone or gypsum products are usually glued in niches or on shelves. When decorating fireplaces, along with these types of cladding, ceramic can be used. decorative tiles under the stone for interior decoration.

Thanks to environmental friendliness artificial decor, it can be glued to the headboard of bedrooms, which looks very original. In living rooms, TVs are hung on tiled wall surfaces, and the stone does not have to have a linear layout - it can be positioned randomly.

Radial cladding of niches and ceilings with the advent of a new product on construction market, such as flexible stone, is now much easier due to the pliability of the material. In general, a flexible artificial mineral deserves special attention, and we will definitely tell you more about it.

Facing stone: types and individual characteristics

The construction market has all possible types of decorative facing stone, which in most cases is mounted with glue. Most often, our compatriots prefer products made from gypsum., so we will begin our review with them, besides, gypsum material, just like flexible stone, has a number of advantages over similar cladding for interior walls, which means it deserves special attention.

Gypsum cladding

Gypsum tiles very naturally imitate real stone

The gypsum base of the material allows it to be widely used. It has long been a reliable leader among similar decor intended for indoor use. The increased demand for gypsum is due to its low weight and aesthetic properties; moreover, the price for such material is quite affordable. Products made from gypsum have a porous structure, so they absorb moisture. To prevent the destruction of the material due to humidity, it should be treated with special varnishes and impregnations. Non-flammability, ease of installation with glue, resistance to sudden temperature fluctuations - all this has a positive effect on the choice of buyers. By appearance gypsum stone, like its flexible counterpart, is similar to sandstone.

Concrete products

Concrete tiles are characterized by a monotonous color and are available in a variety of colors

This material includes sand, reinforcing components, plasticizers, and coloring pigments. Pumice, ceramic dust, expanded clay granules may be included here as additives. Stone on concrete base It is distinguished by its versatility, thanks to which it can be glued to any wall surface.

Porcelain tiles

Porcelain tiles have an endless variety of textures and textures

The main ingredients of porcelain stoneware allow it to withstand increased loads. Ceramic cladding with granite strength consists of several types of clay, mineral fillers, feldspar and pigment dyes. During the process of pressing and further firing, porcelain stoneware acquires the ability to withstand high temperatures and moisture, as well as significant mechanical stress. In appearance, porcelain tiles are similar to colored glass or a highly polished mineral. To avoid scratching the glossy surface of this cladding, it is better to refrain from using abrasive cleaning agents.


The agglomerate has a fine spotted structure, great for a strict style

This class of facing materials is characterized by excellent strength properties, since they are based on marble and granite chips. Manufacturers also include limestone in agglomerates, quartz sand and various pigments. They are mounted with glue on a pre-prepared surface, in which they are similar to more common gypsum products.

Acrylic material

Acrylic stone can be cast in absolutely any shape

Can be laid on the surface of internal walls acrylic stone, which has a number of advantageous properties:

  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • does not absorb moisture;
  • does not attract dirt and dust;
  • easy to care for;
  • easy to glue to the surface;
  • light weight;
  • environmental cleanliness.


Quartzite window sill

Just like similar products made of gypsum, it can be installed in rooms for any purpose. The structure of such a stone is ultra-strong, and the material itself lasts for a very long time without losing its original appearance. It can often be found in the form of window sills and table tops. Quartz stone Easily processed with diamond discs.

Flexible decorative stone

“Flexible stone” can be laid even on round surfaces

It is difficult to imagine that a stone can be flexible in its structure, but modern technologies never ceases to amaze us. Such flexible material It is produced at the site of sandstone mining, for which the natural mineral is cut off in a thin layer so that its unique pattern remains. The thin section is then sanded to a smooth, glossy surface. The basis on which it is customary to glue the cut material is durable textiles with acrylic plasticizers applied to its surface.

Over time, the textile is removed, and the sandstone section and acrylic glue on its back are dried in the sun under open air. During the manufacturing process, as you understand, small particles of natural mineral harden and leave an unchanged pattern and texture. Flexible stone can be glued to any surface due to its flexibility. It is indispensable where you need to process round shapes and make a smooth transition from one element to another. This perfect solution for those who plan to glue material in the corners without cutting it. New flexible facing material It’s not cheap, but its capabilities are not limited in any way.

Ceramic tiles are available in large assortment

It is probably difficult to find a more familiar wall cladding than stone-look tiles for interior decoration. Anyone who has even a little experience with renovation work knows that the products are mounted with a special tile adhesive, have an attractive appearance and are distinguished by a huge selection. On sale you can find products of any price category that will give the wall surface both protection from moisture and a decorative effect. Such wall finishing cladding will serve its owners for a long time. for long years provided that the glue is chosen correctly and the installation work is carried out correctly.

When decorating a house or apartment, you want to use natural materials, but this is not always justified. For example, the use of natural stone for interior decoration. It is expensive, difficult, and requires high qualifications. There is an artificial stone that is very similar to natural. It is also made from natural ingredients, but it weighs several times less and costs much less. Moreover, finishing the hallway with decorative stone can be done with your own hands - its installation does not require special qualifications.

One of the hallway design options

Types of decorative finishing stone

Today there are three types of decorative artificial stone used for interior decoration:

  • cement-based;
  • gypsum based;
  • agglomerate.

These products are very similar in appearance to natural stone, only they weigh much less (from 14 kg/m2 to 50 kg/m2). The cost is also much lower (compared to natural), especially if the manufacturer is Russian or Belarusian. The advantages include easier installation - only front part textured, the other three are more reminiscent of tiles or bricks.

Actually, there is another type of artificial finishing stone - clinker tiles, imitating brickwork of various types. It is made from clay using almost brick technology - fired in a kiln and glazed. The difference in thickness is 1-3 cm. This type of finish is good for many - from high-tech to.

Gypsum based

Gypsum finishing stone is the most inexpensive of this type of materials. Its second advantage is that it is the lightest. This is what is used when installing on drywall, since it simply cannot withstand heavy loads. Disadvantages - it is quite fragile, hygroscopic, and can collapse if wet. Decorating a hallway with decorative stone based on gypsum is possible only if, after installation, it is treated with a special protective impregnation or acrylic-based varnish.

The format of gypsum tiles can be any - a very plastic solution allows you to get any surface and shape Light shades in the hallways do not “press” and do not add heaviness Heterogeneous color gives additional volume and charm Gypsum decorative stone in combination with a gypsum panel in the corridor - oriental style

Cement based

A strong and durable finishing stone is obtained from a gypsum-sand mixture. It can be washed, even with a brush using liquid detergents. Its disadvantages:

  • Hard to cut. You will need a grinder with a diamond blade to reduce dust, you can wet the tiles.
  • Heavy weight. This is when compared with a gypsum analogue, and compared to natural, the weight is more than half as low.
  • More high price. In the production of cement decorative stone, high-quality cement is used, and it costs a decent amount. In addition, the production technology affects the price - cement takes longer to gain the required strength (28 days), and until this moment the molded tiles must be stored somewhere, and under certain conditions (at a temperature of about 20°C and sufficient humidity of 40-50%). This means that significant areas for storage space are required, and this means additional costs.

All these shortcomings are compensated by durability and ease of maintenance, so this is one of the most common decorative stones for interior and exterior finishing premises.

You can completely line the walls in the hallway with decorative cobblestones. Light gray - just right for a small hallway

Artificial agglomerate stone

This type of decorative finishing stone has appeared recently. It consists of natural rocks crushed to crumbs - marble, granite, quartzite - to which polymer resins or cement are added. To obtain bright colors, a coloring pigment is added. This decorative stone looks great - interspersed with natural fragments, reflections on the edges of the crumbs... It looks really good, suitable for finishing works indoors.

Painting methods

When choosing a collection made from gypsum or cement, pay attention to the method of painting. Pigment can be added to the solution, and then the entire tile will be the same color. Tints are then applied to its front surface, which give the surface a more natural look. With this technology, even when chipped, the difference will be unnoticeable, since the shades are close.

In another embodiment, the pigment is applied only to the surface. Then, if it is chipped or needs to be cut, the color will be very different.

Laying artificial stone with your own hands

Before starting work, you need to decide on the quantity. It's not as simple as it seems. If you look at the collections, you will see that they mainly consist of fragments of several sizes and shapes. The exception is ceramic stone and collections that imitate brickwork. Once you know the sizes of the fragments, you can estimate how approximately you want to arrange them.

Outline the proposed finishing boundaries on the walls. Now you can more or less accurately calculate how many “squares” of decorative stone you need. Add about 10-15% to the resulting figure for trimming and possible changes in the process. This will be the required quantity for finishing.


Craftsmen who have experience working with decorative stone first “figure out” where to place which fragments and how to rotate them. You can make the layout on the floor, you can do it in design programs (if you know how to work with them), you can try to draw a plan on graph paper or a piece of checkered paper. The main condition: it is necessary to maintain proportions and not forget about the seam. It can be very small - this type of installation is called seamless or continuous, or it can have a thickness of up to 1 cm or even a little more.

Many people skip this stage when decorating walls with decorative stone themselves, hoping that everything will become clearer during the work. Of course, this is possible, but keep in mind that the glue sets very quickly and there is very, very little time for rework. It will be easier to work according to the plan.

Surface preparation

You can decorate walls made of any material with artificial stone, but they all require preliminary preparation. If the walls were previously decorated with something, all the finishing is removed, leaving a bare wall with plaster. Gluing decorative stone onto old wallpaper is a waste of time and money: the finish will simply fall off. Some very light collections can be glued to wallpaper, but these can only be fragments - a few tiles. And then, no one will give a guarantee that the wallpaper will not tear and everything will not collapse.

The easiest process for preparing walls is if they are plastered. Just cover them with primer. Its type is selected depending on the material (gypsum or cement). Then you can begin the actual finishing.

If the walls are made of brick, building blocks, or any other similar material, they are first primed and then plastered with a suitable plaster. Plasterboard is also allowed. But at the same time, you greatly limit yourself in choosing a finishing stone - you will need to choose from the lightest collections, and this is mainly a decorative stone made of gypsum.

If the walls are wooden, they are first coated with waterproofing impregnation, and after drying they are treated with a primer. Then a painting mesh is nailed to the surface and only then plastered. When choosing plaster, it is advisable to choose those that “breathe” and will not interfere with the wood’s ability to regulate humidity. With glued tiles this will be problematic, but finishing a hallway with decorative stone is usually fragmentary - the tiles are glued only in some places, and the rest of the surface will remain vapor-permeable.

What to glue on

Most manufacturers of decorative stone advise using special adhesive compositions, designed specifically for working with this material. They come in three types:

  • for lightweight finishing stone weighing up to 30 kg/m2;
  • for heavy from 30 30 kg/m 2 and above;
  • for low temperatures (even +5°C).

The glue should be diluted in small portions, strictly following the manufacturers' recommendations. It is better to stir with a drill with an appropriate attachment - this makes it easier to achieve homogeneity.

You can also glue it with tile adhesive good quality, but it must be really good - you will have to hold a decent amount. The third option is for liquid nails. This method works great on drywall; on plastered surfaces it is better to use an adhesive solution.

Gluing technology

Walls plastered or lined with gypsum board are coated with a primer. While it dries, dilute a portion of glue. When laying, it is important that the rows of finishing stone are laid horizontally. To achieve this, you can apply markings on the wall. This can be done using a paint cord, or you can draw with a pencil using a bubble or.

Laying decorative stone in the hallway begins from one of the corners. Some collections have special corner tiles - they are easier to work with. If there are no such fragments, you will have to decorate the edges with “end” fragments. They are in some collections - their edges are also painted. These same elements are used last in a row, where it is necessary for the ends to have a decorative appearance.

Before laying, the back of the decorative stone tile must be inspected. There may be remains of cement laitance - this is a thin, light-colored foam-like coating. It needs to be removed. This can be done using a stiff brush.

If the air temperature is high or the humidity is low, the back of the stone is moistened with water. Then a layer of glue is applied with a regular spatula, leveled, and the residue is removed using a serrated spatula (with a tooth of 4-5 mm).

The fragment is pressed against the primed surface, moving it slightly from side to side, close contact with the wall is achieved, and the fragment is placed in the desired position. You can tap the surface with a rubber mallet for better adhesion.

This option of laying finishing stone on the walls requires a significant amount of time. It is used when you need to lay only a few tiles or along the edges of a large fragment. If you need to lay a significant volume, it is easier to apply glue to the wall, and also remove the excess with a notched trowel. And press the tile moistened with water to the glue on the wall.

Otherwise, the entire sequence of actions does not change.

If the masonry is seamless, the next element is installed closely. If a seam is necessary, the distance between the tiles is fixed using plastic or wooden wedges of the same size; pieces of drywall are also suitable. If the seam is small, you can use plastic crosses.

When working, glue may be squeezed out from under the tiles. If it gets on the front surface, it must be removed immediately. Concrete finishing stone can be cleaned with a damp cloth, gypsum finishing stone can only be cleaned with a dry cloth. The glue sets very quickly, and then removing it without damaging the surface is almost impossible.

Based on this principle, the planned volume of finishing is laid out. When the glue has set (indicated on the package), you can begin filling the seams.

Grouting joints

A special compound is used to fill the seams. In color it can imitate masonry mortar or be contrasting with the color of the finish.

The composition is diluted with water to a paste-like state (the proportions are indicated on the packaging), placed in a special syringe or a tight bag with a corner cut off. The paste is squeezed out between the seams. Depending on the type of finish, the seam is filled almost completely or only halfway (up to 5 mm can remain to the edge of the tile). The result is either a relief masonry or a more even one.

While the grout has not set, take a special jointer and level the seams, giving them a convex, concave or flat shape.

Photos of options for decorating the hallway and corridor with decorative stone

Decorating a hallway with decorative stone often means finishing corners and doorways

What’s good about this option is that all “dirty” places are covered with stone

A wall finished with a beautiful and effective material, rather than traditional wallpaper or paint, is a very fashionable solution. The role of wall cladding is ideally performed by tiles made of natural and artificial stone. Plaster, concrete, and ceramics are also used. What to choose, how the materials differ, how to create a spectacular decorative finishing stone walls in the apartment? Answers to these questions, as well as a photo gallery interesting ideas and beautiful interiors you will find in this article.

Which stone to choose?

Beautiful cladding, reminiscent stone wall, can be done using many materials. Natural finishing stone is used for the walls inside the apartment or its successful imitation, which in appearance is difficult to distinguish from the original.

The most popular finishing materials are:

  • natural stone (sandstone, slate, granite, marble, travertine);
  • gypsum tiles;
  • ceramic tile;
  • terracotta;
  • clinker;
  • concrete.

Decorative stone for finishing walls in an apartment - photos of interiors

Let's take a closer look at these materials and their characteristics.

Natural stone finishing

Natural stone can often be seen today in houses and apartments. It looks elegant and natural in modern and classic interiors. Stone tiles are made from natural materials. The most common materials are the following:

  • sandstone;
  • granite;
  • marble;
  • slate;
  • pebbles;
  • travertine.

Advantages of natural stone:

  • strength;
  • looks impressive;
  • richness of colors and textures.


  • Some natural stone tiles will discolor over time, which is a natural process.

It is better to buy marble, granite, travertine from warehouses that offer measurement, material preparation (impregnation, cutting), and installation. It is not possible to cut slabs at home yourself. Lighter stone tiles made of sandstone or pebbles can be purchased at hardware stores and markets. Finishing with natural materials will certainly not be cheap. A cheaper and easier to install imitation stone for interior decoration that is similar to stone, but does not have all its properties.

How to care for natural stone walls?

There are many specialized products for protection, cleaning, maintenance individual species stone surfaces. It is advisable to use them; they will guarantee that the surface will not be damaged during operation and will be durable.

Attention! Avoid products not intended for stone (especially bathroom cleaners, scale removers, rust removers). These products cause staining and pitting even on relatively stable granite slabs.

Before gluing a decorative stone, you should study its properties:

  • degree of moisture absorption,
  • hardness,
  • variety.

Degree of moisture absorption

The less water a material absorbs, the less it becomes contaminated.

  • Class A includes the least absorbent types: granite, alabaster, quartzite, and some marbles. They are used in bathrooms and for finishing aprons in the kitchen.
  • Class B includes some marbles and slates.
  • Class C includes the most absorbent types (sandstone), which are not suitable for kitchen and bathroom walls.


The hardest rocks:

  • granite,
  • basalt,
  • hard sandstone.

However, for finishing walls in an apartment, hardness is not so important; it is more important when choosing flooring.

Solid materials can be used for finishing:

  • plinths,
  • walls in the hallway,
  • bathroom


There are color differences between the first and second grades. The second grade may have surface defects and mechanical damage. If you need to achieve an aging effect, you can choose the second grade - tiles with uneven, broken edges. In this case, we will get the desired effect and pay about 50 percent less for finishing.

Types of natural stone

Let's look at some types in more detail.

  • Sandstone – a rather soft, porous material used for wall coverings and fireplace decoration. Dirt easily penetrates into it and requires impregnation. with a special drug silicone based. Otherwise, you will have to brush it frequently. Available in 1-4 cm thick tiles in various sizes.

Decorating a wall with stone in an apartment - photo

  • Slate – extremely durable, resistant to high and low temperatures. Suitable for processing, non-absorbent, abrasion resistant. Goes well with glass, wood, concrete. Available as tiles 1-2 cm thick.

Decorating walls with decorative stone in an apartment - photo

  • Large and small pebbles – the material is resistant to high temperatures. Periodic impregnation is necessary to prevent staining and moisture absorption. Used for walls of bathroom, kitchen, living room. Available in slabs of various thicknesses, cut to size.

  • Travertine . Very durable, abrasion resistant. Good for flooring, wall coverings, and finishing the fireplace body. Due to the porous surface, it requires regular impregnation. Used in bathrooms, kitchens, living rooms.

Stone finishing indoors, photo

  • Marble – resistant to high temperatures. Requires periodic impregnation to prevent staining and reduce moisture absorption. Used to decorate the bathroom, hallway, living room.

  • Granite – hard, difficult to scratch, crack-resistant, resistant to stains, moisture, temperature changes. Does not require impregnation, frequent Maintenance. Ideal for floor coverings, kitchen countertops.

Granite - decorative facing stone, photo of kitchen countertop

Stone finish with ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles are made from natural materials:

  • clay;
  • sand;
  • crushed quartz;
  • feldspar;
  • kaolin.

During production, other components are also added to them. The panels are then treated at high temperature. Panels can be:

  1. polished,
  2. polished,
  3. glazed.

Most often, panels are used for practical reasons as finishing walls and floors in the bathroom and kitchen.

Properties of ceramic tiles:

  • strength,
  • waterproof,
  • easy to clean.

Glazed panels are used to decorate an apartment with decorative stone. It's covered thin layer glass ceramic slabs, intended exclusively for installation on walls. They are thinner than floor tiles, more fragile. The water permeability of this type of finishing material is above 10%.

Porcelain tiles

A popular type of ceramic tile is porcelain tile. This material is used mainly on the floor, sometimes on walls (especially thin porcelain stoneware is ideal). Porcelain tiles can be technical, porcelain, polished.

Porcelain porcelain tiles are distinguished by a wide variety of designs. In its production, different types of mineral pigments, masses, and glazes are used. Its distinctive characteristics:

  • frost resistance;
  • low water absorption (often below 0.5%);
  • resistance to mechanical damage.

Clinker tiles

Clinker tiles are the hardest, their water absorption is less than 3%. The tiles are made from clay, the design is dominated by natural earth colors, and can be glazed. Its surface can be smooth or structured. Walls finished with clinker tiles often look like brick.

Decorating walls with decorative stone in an apartment, photo

This is the traditional division of ceramic tiles. Today, many stores offer a much simpler division - wall-mounted and floor-mounted.

Imitation concrete

They become very popular. Concrete is used in modern industrial style interiors. In the production of panels the following are used:

  • cement,
  • sand,
  • water,
  • processed additives.

The walls, finished with large concrete slabs, resemble raw concrete.

Gypsum tiles

This finishing material is made from gypsum, and therefore is intended for use only for interior decoration.

Gypsum decorative stone tiles, photo

Advantages of gypsum tiles:

  • favorable pH prevents mold growth;
  • creates a good microclimate in the interior;
  • does not attract dust;
  • non-flammable.

Stone finishing in an apartment - photo

People have been using stone for interior decoration since ancient times. This material is perfect for realizing any design idea, as it fits harmoniously into the interior of the apartment. But when misuse decorative stone in the interior will look rough and uncomfortable. Therefore, this publication will tell you how to properly and stylishly use the material as decoration.

Stone is the strongest, most durable and durable material. It has been used since the time of the first people on Earth. The strength of stone is proven by such buildings as the Egyptian pyramids, the Great Chinese Wall, ancient temples and medieval castles. In addition, natural stone looks extremely beautiful. Therefore, this material is very popular in interior design.

Loft, minimalism, modern classics and other interior design styles cannot do without the participation of decorative and natural stone. The material fits harmoniously into the design of each room, including the bathroom and balcony. The door and window openings look original. The main thing is not to overdo it and harmoniously complement the stone with other materials.

The following natural rocks are used in decoration: granite and marble, sandstone and slate, malachite and shell rock, quartz and agate. These materials look great after processing, and stone decor is the most fashionable trend. Modern designers choose similar textures to effectively design different surfaces:

  • walls;

  • arches;
  • niches;
  • partitions;
  • columns;
  • fireplaces.

But the disadvantage of natural stones is that they are heavy and expensive. Therefore, architects are increasingly using, which according to external characteristics in no way inferior to natural. In addition, it is easier to process and, in some cases, better tolerates temperature changes and high humidity conditions.

Helpful advice! For external works Frost-resistant slabs with minimal strength and rough appearance are used. Light stones are better suited for interior work.

Decorative stone in the interior: types of materials

Artificial stone is very similar in appearance to natural stone, but it is not mined from the bowels of the earth. Production decorative material carried out manually and industrially. To do this, you need to prepare a solution and pour it into metal, plastic or silicone mold. Dyes, minerals and acrylic substances are added to the mixture, and then sent under a press at high temperature. After drying, the resulting stone is fired, if necessary, and then covered with various special coatings.

Mineral components in such stones account for up to 70%. Thanks to variations in colors and textures, different finishing material options are obtained. This artificial stone, thanks to its decorative characteristics, can replace any natural stone.

Depending on the components, finishing stone is divided into the following types:

  • ceramic granite;

  • concrete-based stone;
  • plaster;
  • acrylic;
  • polyester.

Also used in decoration is liquid stone - a material in the form of an unhardened mixture. Flexible stone is popular in the interior. You can see photos of decor using this material in the gallery. The material is a sheet in a roll. By technical specifications resembles linoleum, only consists of marble chips and has a stone rough surface.

Thanks to these stone projections, architects have wide choose decorative material that perfectly imitates different types of marble and colored sand. The heterogeneous texture makes the interior stone finish unusual, and the decor of the room looks aesthetically pleasing, natural and beautiful.

Related article:

Types of artificial stone. Making the mold. Production different types stones. Features of installation.

Advantages of decorative stone, photo of decor

They use artificial stone in the interior of the hallway, kitchen, living room, bedroom, and office. It will perfectly complement the design of any room. In addition, decorative stones have a number of advantages:

  • strength. Artificial stone is not susceptible to mechanical damage; it is much more flexible than natural stone;
  • durability. The service life of artificial stone cladding is longer;
  • reliability. Artificial stone decor is not afraid of cleaning and washing;

  • environmental friendliness. Decorative stones do not contain toxic substances, which means they are not harmful to health;
  • fire resistance. Artificial stone does not burn or melt;
  • aesthetics. The stone can be combined with almost any texture. The use of artificial stone creates a special atmosphere and creates a natural effect at minimal financial cost.

Helpful advice! The use of artificial stone is not only a wonderful decoration, but also a way to hide a defect. For example, rusty stains, cracks or fungus.

In the gallery of works you can see photos of decorative stone in the interior. The most popular design options are presented here. All that remains is to choose the texture according to your personal taste.

Stone for wall cladding in an apartment: selection criteria

The living room should be cozy and comfortable. In order for the desired effect to be achieved, materials must be correctly selected and arranged. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

  • a successful combination of stone with other materials. Stone cladding should be combined with the texture of the walls, ceiling and floor. Also, doors, windows, baseboards, furniture and accessories should be harmoniously matched to the stone;

  • color of decorative stone. In the design, all shades should be in harmony with each other. Classic decor involves 3 primary colors, 2 additional and 1 sensitive accent. If masonry is used, then this principle cannot be ignored;
  • shape and size. All objects in the decoration must be in harmony, otherwise the overall effect will be spoiled;
  • competently placed accents. In living rooms it is better to make one or two bright details, for example, an arch, column or decorative panel;
  • quality of masonry. The better the quality of the cladding, the prettier the stone looks;

  • quality of decorative stone. It is best to use materials from well-known brands in the interior. These stones do not use toxins, which means they are safe and of high quality. Cheap facing stone loses color over time and begins to crumble.

Important tip! Decorative stone should not be used as the main background in all rooms except the toilet and hallway. 2-3 elements with the same decorative cladding look great.

Artificial stone in the interior: options for use

The use of decorative stone in interior cladding is stylish, elegant, luxurious and creative. The most luxurious looking stone white or coated with enamel. It harmonizes with most decor styles and trends, regardless of texture. The use of decorative stones has no restrictions for creative people. But there are some rules that you should follow to avoid turning your room into a dark cave.

When is it better not to use facing stone for interior decoration:

  • too much small room;
  • narrow walls;
  • inharmoniously arranged textures of the floor and walls;
  • incorrectly selected types of cladding;
  • decorative stone does not match the style of the room.

Artificial stone is great for room decoration, but it cannot be used as the main material.

The role of decorative stone in the interior, photo of finishing

Thanks to the use of artificial stone, the interior of the room becomes refined, chic and aristocratic. To do this, the tiles are laid in straight lines in the shape of classic geometric shapes. The chaotic placement of stone brings freshness and originality to the design. You can complement this interior with the help of green flowerpots on stands.

Most often, decorative stone in the interior of a house is used for:

  • edging of doors and corners, as well as window openings;
  • layout of niches for shelves;
  • fireplace frames and walls around it;
  • decorating the wall behind the TV.

Artificial stone can be used to decorate any room in the house. Decorative stone looks especially beautiful in the interior of hallways, spacious kitchens, corridors, and studio apartments. It will perfectly highlight the advantages of each room and help to successfully place accents. Artificial stone creates a design of any complexity; below we propose to consider in detail the options for using decorative bricks in the interior with photos.

Photo of stone in the interior of a bedroom and children's rooms

For design modern bedroom It’s perfect to use stone imitation white marble on top of a “warm floor” system. And for the walls near the head of the bed, material of any texture and color is suitable. But it's better to use materials light colors. Some design solutions require a contrasting finish. More often this technique used in loft, techno or hi-tech styles.

You need to use stone carefully in the bedroom, because this room should remain light, spacious and airy. Bright accents The room will be enhanced by cladding individual sections of the walls with dark-colored stone. Natural colors and embossed texture will give the interior Mediterranean, rustic and ethnic notes.

Light decoration and furniture in rich colors look harmonious. Beams on the ceiling, wooden furniture, linen textiles and soft carpets on the floor also look good with stone decor. You can effectively complement the decor with lamps in the form of antique metal lanterns, torches or kerosene lamps.

Looks great brickwork natural gray color. The brown-purple interior of the bedroom is ideal for it. Mirror inserts will help make the room brighter and more comfortable. The bedroom is not the place for glossy stones in the interior. Because they look cold. Also part of the wall with stone cladding it needs to be illuminated, otherwise the bedroom will turn into a gloomy cave or crypt.

Artificial stone is a godsend for design ideas in the design of a children's room. Thanks to them, ordinary walls turn into fairytale castles and towers, dungeons or underwater kingdoms. The mosaic and stone panels look beautiful. You can also decorate paintings and mirror frames. The stones themselves can be painted with bright bugs and snails.

Decorating the living room and hallway with decorative stone, interior photo

Decorative stone in the hallway has long become a classic. Thanks to him, the interior of the room becomes status, luxurious and at the same time charming. The energy of the stone brings a feeling of confidence, security and peace to the home. And the freezing walls of the hallway near the front door will not spoil the appearance of the stone.

IN Lately It is fashionable to decorate part of the room in the style of “wild nature”. In this case, the artificial stone should be as similar as possible to the natural surface. Photo wallpaper with a 3D pattern, wood elements or a wall with living plants, matched to stone in the interior, will add a special atmosphere. Climbing flowerpots look especially beautiful. Masonry in this design should be uneven and even chaotic.

Decorating a room in eco-style involves the use of polished pebbles or colored sea pebbles. A decorative stone looks impressive on the wall in the living room behind an armchair or around the fireplace. This type of cladding will best transfer the heat of a working fireplace to the surrounding space. You can replace a live flame with an electric fireplace or a niche for candles. You can line either part of the wall or the entire opening with stone.

You can place accents in the interior using a stone-decorated arch, ledge or column. This decor can be complemented with wood, natural fabrics or fur. Artificial stone like granite or sandstone is suitable for decorating a country-style living room or chalet. Gypsum or light marble will help create a classic atmosphere, while brick-like tiles are suitable for minimalism or loft style.

Helpful advice! Natural stone perfectly allows air and moisture to pass through, so only it is ideal for decorating a fireplace. But artificial stone containing acrylic resins is safe only at low temperatures.

A photo of the decorative stone in the hallway can be viewed in the gallery. There you will find many interesting ideas for decorating your home.

Decorative stone in the kitchen interior photo

The kitchen is exactly the place where artificial stone will help create original design. Decorative stone in the kitchen looks very beautiful, in addition, the proper use of materials will help to highlight the advantages of the room. Horizontal masonry expands a small room, while vertical masonry narrows it. You can decorate the entire wall or individual parts of the kitchen.

Warm colors of surfaces create additional comfort and will help increase your appetite. And the smooth surface of the stone countertop will not leave anyone indifferent. The unique pattern of polished stone creates the effect of luxury. In addition, such a surface is very practical. There are no marks left on it from a knife or hot cups.

A mosaic will look beautiful in any room. In the kitchen, decorative stone can be laid out with a pattern. This is what the decorative stone looks like in the photo of the kitchen.

When choosing artificial stone for kitchen decoration, it is better to give preference to high-density materials coated with special products. Such products will be easy to wash and will not melt when exposed to high temperatures.

Photos of decorative stone finishing of the corridor and other rooms

It is most practical to use decorative stone in the corridor, office, as well as on loggias and balconies. It is especially good to use in these places decorative brick. This material will add coziness to the interior and warm look. Moreover, it is very practical.

It is best to use torn stone in the interior of the corridor. The corridor, covered with stone, takes you to the cozy streets of ancient European cities. Masonry can decorate the entire wall or its individual fragments. Mirrors in wrought-iron frames, street-style lanterns, and benches will also help to highlight the graceful beauty of the stonework in the hallway. A special decoration will be a large clock with Roman numerals, like on city halls.

A glazed balcony or an insulated loggia trimmed with decorative stone will turn into a cozy place for drinking tea or reading books. You can also create a green corner or work area here.

The bathroom is no exception for the use of decorative stone. The only limitation is not to use material with a porous structure. Such stones will not absorb steam and moisture. It is better to choose a material that is durable and non-slippery. Best suited for the bathroom stone tiles, glazed, porcelain stoneware, acrylic and polyester stone. The bathroom floor can be made of marble, which quickly evaporates moisture, or tiles with a pattern of wooden planks. Slate is suitable for walls. You should not choose sandstone. When exposed to moisture, it quickly loses color. In small bathrooms, you should not completely cover all the walls. This will lead to the fact that even without this, a small room will seem tiny.

The use of decorative stone in the interior of your home allows you to create your own fortress or cozy corner. It all depends on the chosen style and material for decorating the rooms. Stone in the interior goes well with wood, wallpaper and all types of artistic plaster. The finished result It always turns out stylish, original, individual and eloquently testifies to the impeccable taste of the owner.

Just check out the wonderful interior design in the photo in the gallery. There you will see many interesting ideas for decorating stairs, niches and arches.

There are many methods for creating creative and cozy interior. For this, all kinds of finishing materials are used, including natural ones. Stone decoration indoors has become especially popular. However, when using this method, you need to take into account some factors that significantly influence final result. So, using stone cladding in a small room, you can visually make it even smaller. Such cladding requires space and scope. It is great for decorating halls, living rooms, individual sections of walls in bedrooms, and is indispensable in the kitchen.

In the process of selecting finishing materials, their compatibility is taken into account. Artificial and natural tiles look organic together with metal, glass, textured wallpaper, textured plaster, frescoes.

Properly organized lighting favorably emphasizes the visual advantages of the stones, and the lack of light will create an “oppressive” impression. Such points must be taken into account if wall cladding with artificial stone is done independently.

Assortment and characteristics

Before choosing a product for wall cladding, fireplace or countertop, you need to know its characteristics, behavior in a particular operating mode and application possibilities. Particular attention should be paid to materials of natural origin, in contrast to which artificial stone for finishing is less capricious. In addition, the price factor is of great importance for many. Of course, non-natural products are cheaper than natural ones, but quality characteristics, often not inferior to them. For the most part, they are environmentally friendly, beautiful, do not burn, and in case of fire they only melt. Artificial tiles are affordable and can be done by hand.

Natural materials

From natural products most often used:

  • marble is considered one of the most luxurious materials, has beautiful pattern in section, can be sanded; found in various colors: from white to black, depending on the deposit; waterproof, but susceptible to acids and alkalis, and also reacts to high temperatures; needs constant care; Not only walls and fireplaces, but also floors are decorated with marble, but only in dry rooms;
  • slate is classified as rare and very expensive; usually found in brown and beige colors; despite its considerable hardness, it is easy to process;
  • sandstone comes in various shades of gray and red; does not react to temperature changes, but is not suitable for making countertops, as stains remain on it;
  • travertines are considered dense and relatively inexpensive materials and are used quite often; differ beautiful flowers and interesting cross-sectional drawings; to avoid the appearance of unwanted streaks or stains, it is recommended to coat travertines with varnish or resin;
  • granite is the most durable material, resistant to moisture and temperature changes, and at the same time easily resistant to installation; It is mined in various colors and is used for covering surfaces in any room of the apartment: from the bedroom and living room to the kitchen and bathroom.

Sometimes the interior decoration of the walls with artificial stone of the room is done with semi-precious fossils: agate, onyx, opal. Most often they are used to decorate countertops, bathtubs, and sinks. Many varieties of these representatives of nature are endowed with translucent properties. Therefore, they are used where the design of panels or individual parts with LED lighting is provided, and they also perform some decorative elements. For example, vases for flowers or lampshades for table lamps, overhead lamps, sconces.

Artificial products

Artificial stone is now quite common for interior wall decoration, due to its good technical and aesthetic properties. A wide variety of textures, sizes and colors allows you to make a choice to create an apartment interior in any style and in optimal combination with other materials.

There are several core types of non-natural products:

  1. Cement based. They give high surface strength, providing it with resistance to moisture, chemical influences, fire safety, and long service life. Wall decoration with artificial stone cement based perfectly imitates many species of natural origin and is easily restored. But, such tiles are quite heavy, so installation must be done with very strong glue.
  2. On gypsum base. Practical, inexpensive, environmentally friendly, light in weight. The bars are made by molding in special equipment from a mixture of gypsum, slaked lime, water and pigments. Therefore, you can get products different textures and many colors. It is not necessary to buy ready-made gypsum and cement bars; you can make them yourself. It is enough to have forms and study the technology.
  3. Acrylic is a modern composite product that has found wide application for interior decoration, despite quite high cost. It is used to make tiles and panels, countertops, bathtubs, sinks and sinks. The products have beautiful smooth surface, high strength, resistance to water and abrasion. Acrylic objects do not burn, weigh little, and it is possible to lay artificial stone with your own hands. They produce tiles that are plain, colored, or interspersed with chips of marble, granite, jasper, serpentine, and other natural rocks. They can be glossy or matte, solid or transparent. During manufacturing they can take any shape.
  4. Quartz flint is made using a technology similar to acrylic production, from natural vein quartz bound with polyester resins and saturated with pigments. The product is quite rare and is produced mainly in the form of tiles.

There is also a material called “flexible”. Essentially, this is a type of textile wallpaper with a natural texture. They are obtained by applying tiny particles of sandstone or a very thin section of fossil rocks to a fabric base using polymer resins. In appearance, this cladding looks like artificial stone trim. To avoid damage, manufacturers cover the front surface with a film that must be removed after installation or during installation. Wall cladding with flexible stone is done using the wallpapering method with some nuances.

Cladding works

To decorate walls with piece products, it is not enough to use your own experience; you also need to ask for opinions knowledgeable people and read the instructions for use of the selected product. Like any other construction work, installation of tiles requires preparatory steps.

Preparatory actions

The surface of the interior walls of the apartment must be perfectly smooth. Depending on the condition, first leveling is done with a layer of plaster, possibly using reinforcing mesh. If the plane is flat, then you only need to seal the cracks and holes. If necessary, apply starting putty. Before starting installation, the surface is thoroughly impregnated with a primer to protect it from fungi, mold and so that the finishing layer has better adhesion to the base. The same procedures are carried out with surfaces made of plasterboard. During repair work niches and partitions are made in this way.

In order not to perform work “roughly” and “by eye”, it is necessary to draw up a sketch, drawing or diagram. This is not difficult to do because the tiles are precisely sized. You can correctly calculate their number and distribute the location of each pebble by color and pattern. Then the diagram must be transferred to the prepared surface, the raw materials must be sorted and the adhesive composition must be prepared. You can use ready-made mixtures or mix dry glue with water.

It is necessary to knead with a construction mixer or a hammer drill with a special attachment, because it is impossible to achieve the required plasticity and homogeneity by hand.

Main process

A person who has successfully finished a corner can already consider himself a good master. Because installing the first row and decorating the corners is the most hard work, on which the entire facing process depends:

  1. The adhesive is applied to the wall using a notched trowel or trowel to the height of the first row.
  2. Begin laying the pebbles from the corner, pressing one tightly against the other. The same width of seams between rows of bars can be maintained using plastic crosses for tiles.
  3. Each subsequent row must be shifted slightly relative to the previous one. This improves the visual effect of the work done. The resulting rusts are sealed with grout in the same color as the coating or in a contrasting color. It depends on the taste of the owner or the decision of the designer.
  4. To avoid staining the finishing block with a spatula, the grout can be pumped into the seams using a device similar to a pastry bag with a narrow nozzle. The final appearance of the cladding takes place after cleaning the surface with a soft brush.

If the wall is covered entirely with pebbles, then there are no questions. If, however, individual parts are decorated with piece products, then first the main cladding is done with textured plaster, wallpaper or painting, and only then they begin to install the piece products. Because it is not easy to bypass the laid block unnoticed by other finishing materials.

There are times when there is a need or simply a desire to make a stone surface shiny. For this, a special varnish is used. And so that the color of the products does not change from the varnish, they are first coated with an aqueous solution of PVA glue. This way the color will be preserved and the varnish will lay more evenly, without smudges. This maneuver is especially useful when using cladding in a room with high humidity, for example, in the bathroom or kitchen.

Application area

This method of covering the interior surfaces of a house or apartment is suitable everywhere. The choice of this or that product depends on the preferences of the owner, the purpose of the room and the style of the interior. For example, in a kitchen, non-natural granite or acrylic can be used to cover the apron, or a countertop can be made from it dining table, as well as a sink integrated into the work area. In the living room, hallway, on the loggia, pebbles will be perfectly combined with wallpaper and frescoes, with finishing plaster or metal, with mirrors and glass. The main thing is not to overdo it, not to overload the room so that it does not lose its lightness and moderation.