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Unusual decoration of the room. Original do-it-yourself wall decoration. Video - Fashionable ways to decorate walls

Creation full interior- this is not only the choice of suitable materials and furniture, not only the layout of the placement of elements relative to each other, but also more subtle work, which is realized in the manifestation of the creative potential of the owner of the room. In order to create more than just a pleasant and functional home, you need to bring something original to your apartment that you probably won’t find in any other home. This is most easily realized at the level of wall decoration.

Today there are many ways to decorate walls, but each of them seems familiar and ordinary. Of course, you can cover the surface of the wall with clapboard or polyvinyl chloride panels, you can paste wallpaper or photo wallpaper, you can apply paint of any color, but this is not enough to make the room unique.

Modern designers offer a lot simple ways decorating walls, each of which is distinguished by its simplicity in achieving results, extreme efficiency, and, most importantly, originality. In addition, each of these options can be taken not literally, but taken as a diagram, a simplified algorithm, on the basis of which a new solution is created.

For creating original design rooms do not have to be purchased expensive materials. You can arm yourself with things that have already served their purpose, for example, old tulle.

The technology for such wall decoration is extremely simple and requires only accuracy and patience from the owners of the premises.

  1. Delete old paint, apply finishing paste to vinyl based to hide all defects and irregularities.
  2. We prepare the wall surface and paint it in the chosen color.
  3. We attach the tulle.

  4. We apply textured plaster on top.

  5. We remove the tulle while the plaster has not yet dried.

  6. We wait for the drawing to dry completely.

  7. We tint the image using pearlescent paint.

The end result is a very interesting wall design that can easily become the envy of your friends.

Interior designers insist that virtually any item, if used correctly, can become a decoration for a room. You can arm yourself with hangers with metal clips and place printed items on them. thick cardboard favorite images or your own photos.

Usually, an entire wall, and sometimes several walls, are allocated for these purposes, since in single copies the concept looks inferior.

It is important that the paper with pictures is as thick as possible. Otherwise, the images will curl, wrinkle, lose their shape and give the impression of extremely unreliable decorations.

Before placing photo hangers on the wall, the surface must be prepared. It is best to choose a single topic and color scheme pictures, this will help you find the right shade of paint for the wall. This option is suitable for a slightly frivolous interior, but not for classic options.

A non-standard solution is to decorate the surface of the walls using silhouette drawings. There is an opinion that the most stylish solution It turns out to be a combination of a snow-white background and a black image. At the same time, the methods of applying a picture can be very different - from ordinary brushes and stencils to ready-made stickers that are sold in construction stores.

Currently working in this direction a large number of designers, which provides a variety of options. A teenager's room, which, by the way, is becoming the most popular place for experimenting with silhouette drawings, can be decorated with spectacular images of motorcycles and racing cars. The room for the young fashionista is decorated using sophisticated silhouettes, dressed in elegant dresses.

Flocking walls

Flock is a special coating that consists of fairly large acrylic particles that have a variety of shapes: from circles and stars to petals. This is a kind of warm, rough material that comes in an endless variety of colors.

Among the advantages, it should be noted resistance to mechanical stress, temperature fluctuations, humidity, as well as the ability to hide all kinds of wall defects.

The most affordable option today is a two-component flock. It is very easy to apply to the wall.

Step 1. Prepare the wall. Before applying flock, you must make sure that the surface is completely dry, clean, and non-porous, that is, it will not absorb liquid.

Step 2. Take masking tape and use it to protect the surface of the ceiling and floor.

Step 3. We arm ourselves with a roller with stiff bristles.

Step 4. Dip the roller into the container where the base is located, move it along the grid and begin to cover the wall.

Step 5. We make a second layer of base, which ensures uniformity of the coating.

Step 6. Gently stir the varnish by hand.

Step 7. Use a roller with medium-length bristles, run it along the mesh and begin to roll along the surface of the wall. This should be done in different directions, which will avoid joints of movements and evenly distribute the decorative elements.

Step 8. Remove accumulations of elements using a damp sponge.

Step 9. For hard-to-reach places we use a special flute brush.

Step 10. Wait for the walls to dry.

So in a simple way you can get an unusual and fashionable room.

Another modern way wall decoration involves the use of glass wallpaper. Fiberglass or fiberglass wallpaper is a specific decorative coating which is made from natural raw materials.

It is believed that this is an ideal option for premises owners with uneven walls, since the texture of the material allows you to mask any errors and defects.

There are two main types of glass wallpaper:

  • smooth or “web”;
  • embossed.

For final finishing of the wall surface, the second option is usually used, since embossed wallpaper have greater density and are less susceptible to deformation. They are more difficult to tear or damage.

The texture of fiberglass wallpaper depends on the manufacturing method. Among the most common variants of geometric patterns, it should be noted: Christmas trees, diamonds, etc. This is subject to the manufacture of the material on on a regular machine(when using jacquard looms, the images are much more complex).

Fiberglass wallpaper is glued to walls in the same way as classic wallpaper.

  1. We prepare the wall: we clean it, smooth out unevenness and other defects using a primer.
  2. We wait for the surface to dry completely.
  3. Apply glue to the canvas.
  4. Apply glue to the wall.
  5. Glue the canvas to the wall. And so on around the entire perimeter.

Subsequently, the glass wallpaper can be painted, thereby dramatically transforming the room.

Painting walls using a textured roller

In cases where regular wall painting seems like a boring solution, you can modify this option and present it in a new light. For this purpose, not an ordinary one is used as the main tool, but textured roller, due to which interesting patterns are created on the surface.

In its design, it resembles a standard roller, but all kinds of images are applied to the moving part of the tool, which are transferred to the surface of the wall.

At the bottom there is an additional device - a foam roller, the main purpose of which is to absorb excess paint. With its help it is easy to avoid streaks, stains and smudges on the wall.

This device allows you to apply drawings not only on the wall, but even on fabric. In addition, appliqué rollers are used as an alternative.

Sgraffito is a type of decorative plaster, the peculiarity of which is that it is a multi-layer coating with a scratched image.

In order to prepare the plaster used for this technique, you will need:

  • quartz sand;
  • cement;
  • marble (or granite) chips;
  • ocher or colored cement (to add color).

Today, there are two main methods of applying prepared plaster.

1. Method of sample solution

His key feature is that in the process of finishing the walls for graphite you will need a stencil.

Step 1. Take an awl or sewing needle.

Step 2. Make holes in a sheet of cardboard.

Step 3. Wet the surface of the wall with water.

Step 4. Apply primer to the wall, cut it and wait for a while.

Step 5. Moisten the soil and apply layers of plaster.

Step 6. Smooth and compact all layers (it is better if there are at least five of them).

Step 7. We wait about four hours.

Step 8. Place a stencil on the wall, tap it using a gauze swab and chalk.

Step 9. We take a knife, scalpel, cutters and, without waiting for the plaster to dry completely, we begin to cut out designs on the multilayer coating.

Step 10. Sweep the surface with a brush.

2. Method of printing a pattern

Its uniqueness lies in its image application technology.

Stage 1. We make a stencil for each individual element of the drawing.

Stage 2. Align upper layer plaster.

Stage 3. Apply the stencil.

Stage 4. Take a brush and apply a solution of a certain color using the end method.

Stage 5. Wait for the layer to dry completely.

Stage 6. Stuff the next element.

Stage 7. Remove excess plaster.

Stage 8. Correct the unpainted parts of the image using a thin brush.

Stage 9. Wait for it to dry completely.

As we have already seen, there are a large number of different ways to make your home cozy and unique. Any of the selected options will help you create an interior that will be the envy of your guests. The main thing is to find suitable materials and comply the right technology finishing.

Video - Original DIY wall decoration, flocking

Video – DIY wall painting

Video - Fashionable ways to decorate walls

Apartment renovation is a great chance to bring a lot of your most original fantasies and ideas to life. And right now, when the house reigns creative chaos, it’s time to think about wall decor, because such a large-scale canvas will not come your way very soon.

If the decoration of the ceiling and floor is quite conservative and must obey the peculiarities of the location of these surfaces and functional tasks, then the walls really allow you to create literally anything - from decorating with abstract designs to rich finishing with brocade or natural stone.

In this article, we would like to offer you ten ideas for decorating and finishing walls - one of the most important components of the interior of a home. What exactly is suitable for your room is, of course, up to you. Some homeowners will prefer to keep it simple and turn the wall into a solid background for a bright and unusual furniture, others - chic and exquisite luxury. Our tips are universal and easily adaptable to specific conditions, so they will suit almost any interior design.

Idea one - unusual wallpaper

Do you think that wallpaper is an outdated option that cannot surprise you with anything? Not true! The possibilities of this finishing material are inexhaustible, and collections of wallpapers, distinguished by unusual patterns and textures, are updated every season. In addition, they do not necessarily have to be paper - the variety of modern materials is simply amazing.

We will list only a few wall decoration options. various types wallpaper, choosing the most universal, practical and at the same time original.

So, designers consider the main modern trends to be:

  1. A combination of wallpapers that are radically different in color and pattern. This combination allows you to create unusual decorative effects that could previously be achieved exclusively with the help of painting.
  2. A very large drawing that becomes the highlight of the interior and immediately attracts the attention of guests.
  3. Alternating strips of wallpaper on one wall, similar in color or texture, but differing in pattern. Many modern manufacturers, for example, Holden Decor studio, already offer ready-made solutions for a room - two or three types of wallpaper from one collection.
  4. Textured wallpaper for painting, with a pronounced pattern, which after applying the paint will look especially original. By the way, paintable fiberglass wallpapers are becoming increasingly popular; they are reliable, beautiful and can easily “survive” seven or eight repaints. And don't forget that it's too thick layer paint will simply hide the texture of the wallpaper.
  5. Perfect option to create a Japanese interior - bamboo wallpaper, which will immediately give the room the desired color.
  6. Textile wallpaper today is used almost exclusively in classic interior or english style. Designers consider the combination of textile wallpaper with boiserie wall panels to be especially relevant. However, we will talk about decorative panels in the appropriate section.

Even ordinary ones paper wallpaper with such a large image they can already set the tone for the entire interior. And if the wallpaper is also made of natural bamboo, it will look not only beautiful, but also expensive

In this cozy bedroom wallpaper with large patterns was used only to decorate one wall. They combine very harmoniously with textiles and other decorative elements.

Idea two - mosaic

Do you think that mosaics are only intended for wall cladding in the bathroom and kitchen? Not at all - this material allows you to create amazingly beautiful panels that look great in both the living room and the bedroom.

In addition, today mosaics are made not only from the usual ceramic tiles, but also made of leather, metal, wood, mother-of-pearl and even fur. In any case, such compositions will look unusual and stylish, so simply choose the option that appeals to you most - your walls will only benefit from such decoration.

Designers consider narrative mosaic panels, images of antique statues, which is especially important for a classic interior, portraits and landscapes to be the most relevant. Can also be highlighted using mosaic separate element wall decor, such as a mirror. In such a frame, both the picture and the arch will look especially interesting.

A mosaic made of wood, of course, does not look as bright as one created from ceramics, but overall it is very attractive

Idea three - fresco

A traditional fresco is hand-painted with water-based paints on wet plaster, that is, like all handmade- the pleasure is quite expensive. Fortunately for lovers of such bright design techniques today there are more technologically advanced and less expensive options, for example, a fresco painted in advance on canvas, an image on a self-adhesive base, which is obtained by printing on quartz sand on thin layer canvases, as well as frescoes on a rigid basis - that is, finished paintings applied in the traditional way - layer by layer wet plaster, but not on the wall of the house, but also in a design studio on a polyurethane base.

Among the unusual design techniques, one can note the application of a large image on the entire wall, including doorway, to create a complete picture.

Frescoes with images of famous paintings are always relevant. Modern manufacturers They offer ready-made images on a rigid polyurethane base, which are glued to the wall using a special compound. Such a fresco may have maximum size 3.2x1.6 m. If the base is placed in a frame, the fresco turns into a moving picture

Idea four - brick

Whether brickwork itself is a decorative element is, of course, debatable. However, in a loft-style interior or in a house whose owners would like to create a deliberately rough or rustic design, brick is irreplaceable.

Designers advise not to hide the brickwork in old mansions - a hundred years after the construction of the house, the brick acquires a certain patina of time, looks especially noble and serves as a clear demonstration of the rich history of the building.

Today decorative brick often used to highlight doorways, parapets and niches of various sizes.

To extend the life of the brickwork, such walls are coated with a colorless matte varnish that protects the brick from dust. You can paint such a wall with regular water-based paint, choosing a color in accordance with the basic style of the interior.

Brickwork can become the highlight of a room’s design, and in a loft-style apartment it will become the main design direction. In this kitchen exactly brickwork helped soften the overly laconic and technological interior

Idea five - photo printing

Modern technologies make it possible to create images of amazing clarity and expressiveness by applying designs to any surface and material. A bright picture, for example, a city panorama or a mountain landscape, can literally push the walls of a house apart and visually expand the space.

However, such bright paintings can simply get boring, so designers advise choosing walls that are not constantly in view for placing the images. Traditionally, photo printing is placed above the head of the bed, in a cramped hallway, behind the sofa in the living room.

Photo printing is especially attractive because you can use personal photographs to create a picture on the wall, create a beautiful collage that will remind you of a wonderful vacation, and so on.

The city skyline fits perfectly into this otherwise very calm, classic bedroom interior. And the place was chosen perfectly - above the head of the bed, so it won’t bother the owners too much

Idea six - decorative panels

The ideal option to quickly carry out repairs and completely transform the room in just one or two days, and without dusty, wet and dirty processes, is to use ready-made decorative panels.

Plastic panels, of course, are universal, are not afraid of water, can imitate the texture of wood and other materials, are easy to install, but at the same time they still look cheap - plastic remains plastic, no matter how beautifully it is painted or decorated with photo printing.

And here wooden panels, for example, the famous boiserie, always look very respectable, solid, expensive and can turn the most ordinary living room into an aristocratic salon. Boiserie today is made not only from natural solid wood, but also from veneered MDF or chipboard, which has significantly reduced the cost of their production.

Usually decorative panels boiserie is not painted, since there is no need to hide the beauty of wood or veneer, but if this is required by the main style of the interior of the room, why not. These white decorative panels not only hid the heating radiators, but also became a very beautiful design element

Natural boiserie panels look great in an English interior

Idea seventh - such different porcelain tiles

Porcelain tiles, unlike ordinary ceramic tiles, are made at very high blood pressure- at least 50 MPa - and fired at a temperature of at least 1.2-1.3 thousand degrees. As a result of this production, a non-porous, practically moisture-proof material is obtained, wear-resistant, not afraid of either frost or heat.

At the same time, porcelain stoneware has a number of properties that allow it to be used not only for finishing walls in the bathroom, kitchen or external facade building, but also in a chic living room, bedroom or office.

So, thanks to its textured surface and modern methods When applying a pattern, porcelain stoneware perfectly imitates leather, wood, and natural stone.

Today, when you go to a building materials store, you can choose porcelain tiles, which in terms of their external parameters will not be inferior at all natural stone or wood, and in terms of functional properties it will even surpass them

Idea eight - eco-coatings

Today, the desire to make their home environmentally friendly is reaching an increasing number of homeowners. Is it possible to achieve such an effect without using natural coatings?

  1. Sisal.
  2. Reed.
  3. Rattan.
  4. Jute fiber.
  5. Arrowroots.
  6. Bamboo slats.
  7. Veneer: cork oak, zebrawood, apricot, sandalwood, cherry, etc.

The basis for such natural coatings is thick paper, which has a stronger and more reliable texture than a conventional wallpaper base. Also used is the well-known regular wallpaper interlining.

Interest in such natural coatings is also fueled by the fashion for Asian ethnic motifs in the interior. This type of wall decoration is used not only in Japanese interior, but also in fusion style, for decorating not the entire wall, but its individual sections - niches, arches, stripes above the sofa and other elements.

The choice of natural wall coverings today is quite large, but, unfortunately, this option for wall finishing usually costs more expensive to use usual wallpaper or painting

Idea nine - decorative plaster

Decorative plaster can be simultaneously called both a traditional and an innovative, current option for wall decoration. This method has been used for many years, but has not lost its attractiveness.

Decorative plaster is a fairly thick layer of coating, which consists of fillers no larger than 10 millimeters in size:

  1. Stone chips from marble, granite, quartz or dolomite.
  2. Synthetic granules.
  3. Nylon or cellulose fibers.

Accordingly, depending on the filler used, decorative plaster also acquires external parameters, so this criterion must be taken into account when choosing wall coverings.

However, do not forget that the original relief and texture of decorative plaster also depend on the tools used and the application technique. In connection with this feature, the choice of builders who will be involved in its application should be approached especially carefully.

Decorative plaster is a frequent guest in a classic interior, Art Deco style and can emphasize the luxury and chic of an elite renovation.

Designers consider surfaces imitating aged stone, soft and warm colors type of golden-honey onyx, as well as the use in the bathroom of a moisture-resistant coating created on the basis quartz sand and lime.

Moisture-resistant plaster can also be used in bathrooms

Idea tenth - an original combination of painted walls

Painting walls is quite rightly very popular - it is simple, convenient and allows you to change the style of decorating a room quite often. But simply painting all the walls of the house without exception in the same neutral shade is no longer fashionable. Designers prefer to experiment with shades, creating very original but harmonious complete pictures of the interior.

Among the most interesting options- highlighting one wall with more bright color, coloring using stencils, with the application of any images. For example, a clock dial painted on a kitchen wall, two similar shades of paint separated by a wavy stripe, and so on, will look very unusual and attractive.

Of course, there is nothing new in using wallpaper or paint to decorate walls. But among the collections of paints or mixtures for decorative plaster themselves, there are a huge number of options that allow you to experiment with texture and colors.

Listen to the advice of professionals, choose a wall covering that will not only be functional, but also beautiful in itself - this will help create the perfect backdrop for brighter decorative elements or emphasize the luxury and elegance of the interior.

When it comes to decorating walls, owners usually decide whether to use wallpaper, paint or decorative plaster. Of course, these materials provide wide scope for creativity, but the choice is by no means limited to them. Here is a selection of photos that will change your idea of ​​wall decoration.

Even if you just choose wallpaper, wide choose patterns, shades and textures will allow you to surprise your guests. After all, who said that wallpaper must be striped or a neutral solid color?

Nowadays, plasterboard partitions are very popular as a way to quickly, inexpensively and with minimal effort change the layout and appearance of a room. Why not build it into this light partition colored glass or even bottle bottoms? The main thing is not to forget about the backlight and the effect will be simply amazing!

Today, you can order a print of any image from an advertising agency or specialized company. Small or full wall. Bright or black and white. In this case, you can draw the drawing yourself, order it from an artist, or simply find it on the Internet.

Vertical gardening, which we have written about more than once. Even the most brutal, most “high-tech” interior with such an addition will look much more cheerful, greener and more attractive.

Real wallpaper made from stripes of artificial flowers. For such a bright decoration, a neutral, white or grayish background is best suited. The only caveat is that many designers are very skeptical about artificial flowers in principle, preferring their living counterparts.

This is a more natural and educational option. Almost an ordinary herbarium, which is located on dark background walls and allows you to get acquainted with big amount plant species.

The main thing in this option is to arrange many narrow shelves along all the walls. But the decorations on them can be changed depending on the mood and time of year. If you want summer, here's a collection of shells and starfish. In winter they can be replaced by cones created with my own hands Christmas trees and other themed crafts. And in the fall - a herbarium of red-yellow leaves.

The memory of your vacation in the form of bright printed photographs can become the main decoration on your wall.

Classic in pure form. Traditional family photos, without any photoshop or additional frills, in strict frames. Climbing your stairs, guests will be able to explore the entire family tree, see what you looked like in the third grade, and so on. A wall with such decor will never look boring, constantly being updated as new family members appear and events happen to them.

An example of a constantly changing, “living” interior. It is enough to paint the walls with slate paint, and you can change the decor from pictures and inscriptions literally every five minutes.

Decor that flows from the floor to the walls and ceiling allows you to create an unusual space, and the use of such stylish patterns makes the interior modern and original.

You can make your interior truly luxurious by using semi-precious stones. In this case, as when using colored glass in a partition, we must not forget about lighting. The end result, as in this case, was a real panel that looked very expensive.

A very bright installation of multi-colored squares is an unusual, but completely finished panel. Of course, such wall decoration cannot be called traditional or neutral, and creating something like this on your own will not be so easy. But what an original effect!

Covering the walls with wallpaper or painting them in a single color are finishing solutions that have already become traditional. But what if these options seem boring and outdated? We offer an impressive way to decorate walls that have not yet become boring.

1. From the ceiling to the wall

Intricate stucco molding is rarely able to fit into a modern interior. But ceiling rosettes mounted on the walls and painted in their color look very trendy. A wall with such decoration becomes a real highlight of the interior.

2. Eco-style

Wall decoration cork covering not very widespread yet. This is most likely due to the widespread belief that cork is an impractical material. But this is not true at all. Modern cork panels are resistant to negative external factors, for example, humidity, mechanical damage.

3. Fresh press

Paper on the walls in the form of wallpaper is a common solution, so the idea of ​​decorating with newspapers will not be shocking. But keep in mind that newsprint– thinner, so after drying we recommend covering the wall with a protective varnish.

4. A little brick

A wall completely lined with bricks is found quite often in modern interiors and has already become a little boring. We offer an alternative solution - to lay only part of the wall with bricks. This finish harmoniously combines with snow-white plaster, creating interesting game contrasts.

5. Reliving vacation memories

River or sea pebbles - reliable and durable material for wall decoration, which is easy to work with. Using small stones, you can lay out either an entire wall or a separate section of it, for example, the area of ​​a kitchen apron.

6. Cheap and cheerful

If the wall decoration natural wood will be a serious blow to the family budget, we recommend that you pay attention to other options. For example, finishing walls with OSB boards. But be careful: in order for the interior to look creative, you will have to carefully think through all its details. Otherwise, there is a high risk of crossing the boundaries of good taste.

7. Soft walls made of eco-leather

Eco-leather wall panels look truly luxurious. But in order for the interior not to look too pretentious, we recommend paying attention to non-standard colors. Eco-leather panels will look modern in laconic interiors.

8. Tension… walls

Practice finishing with tension walls not very widespread yet. They are a canvas mounted on a frame. The advantages of this finish are: high speed installation, the ability to apply any image in decent quality.

9. Brutal finishing with large stones

Large stones They are rare in wall decoration, although they look more impressive than small ones. In order for such decoration to really decorate the interior, we recommend laying out the entire wall with them, leaving free space between neighboring stones.

10. Exquisite shine of glass

Glass panels can have a variety of colors and textures. Therefore, choosing a model that will harmoniously fit into the interior will not be difficult. Often glass panels fixed on top of a wall with another type of finish, for example, brick or stone. This allows you to create an impressive 3D effect in the interior.

11. Soft inner light

This type of finishing is technically difficult to implement. But the result is really worth the effort. Light sources, for example, LED strip, are attached to the wall. Then, at a short distance from them - Wall panels.

12. Paint + 3D panels

In the vast majority of cases, 3D gypsum panels are sold in white and are used for finishing in their original form. But when painted they look much more interesting. In addition, the process of their harmonious entry into color scheme a certain interior.

13. Everything is the other way around: frames... in the image

Pasted over bright wallpaper the wall can be filled with identical frames from floor to ceiling. So many will appear on the wall different paintings, while united by a common plot.

14. Democratic plastic

Plastic wall panels usually does not please with aesthetic characteristics, and is perceived as a material for temporary wall decoration. Therefore, we recommend spending a little more time than planned and finding high-quality plastic panels. Then the chances of creating a dynamic and stylish interior will increase significantly.

15. Plasterboard structures are not always bad

Complex wall structures made of plasterboard - a finish that most designers condemn. But there are examples when plasterboard in the interior looks stylish. To remain within the bounds of good taste, we recommend that you consult with professionals when choosing a design shape.

16. New in the world of finishing materials - flexible stone

This material is stone chips or polymer layer, fixed on a flexible base. Bending stone allows you to recreate the texture of natural stone even on uneven surfaces of complex shape. At the same time, its cost is quite affordable.

When general idea If you have learned about unusual methods of wall finishing, you may want to return to familiar and proven solutions. In this case, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with how

Anyone who has at least once encountered such a problem as apartment renovation knows how seriously you need to take this topic. After all, your mood and well-being every day depends on how your home looks!

What kind of interior do we want to see in our apartment? How much do we want to invest? Will we do the repairs ourselves, or will we hire a team of finishers? To avoid problems in the future, it is better to answer these questions before starting repairs.

To give uniqueness and harmony, modern designers In the field of interior design, they offer a lot of methods for decorating walls in an apartment. Depending on the initial state of the wall surfaces, functional purpose rooms, the owner’s preferences, material capabilities, we can highlight the main options for their design.

Before choosing a wall design method and starting decorating work, their surfaces must be leveled and, if necessary, plastering and puttying work must be carried out.

The most common finishing method. Thanks to this finishing, you can create drawings of any complexity and color range. There are paints on water based, alkyd, silicate. For interiors, water-based paints are mainly used.

Water based paints

Most often, water-based paints are used to paint walls. They have a quick-drying effect, are odorless, and are easy to apply with any tool. By adding color pigment to the diluted consistency of white acrylic or emulsion paint, you can achieve any shade.

You can paint the walls in your apartment not only in a single color, but also in any creative ideas possible to make it a reality. A store or company that sells colors and paints has a computer tinting service. With its help, a specialist will select the shade you need.

An inexpensive type of water-soluble composition is water-based paint. Excellent adhesion, a small number of layers to form an even paintable wall makes them popular among buyers.

You should know that this type of paint is not used in wet areas and it will not withstand mechanical influences.

Silicone paints based on aqueous polymer dispersions are more expensive than water-based paints due to their strength characteristics. Such coatings are durable and not afraid of moisture.

Acrylic paints based on aqueous polymer dispersions have low hiding power, but are also durable. They can be applied in “damp” areas.

To give surface relief, use textured paints, with different fillings. The result of the pattern texture depends on the tool used to apply the composition.

Alkyd compositions

This type is not used for living rooms. This is evidenced by their properties: they contain alkyd resins, are not afraid of moisture, high temperature, have specific smell, the brightness of the color loses its hue over time.

Silicate paints

Used in rooms with high humidity (kitchens, baths). They are durable, resistant, protect surfaces from fungi and mold.

The disadvantages of the application are the following: the release of evaporation during painting; it is necessary to use a respirator; poor adhesion to surfaces that have previously been painted.

Using wallpaper for decoration

Traditional and simple finishing method. The advantages of using wallpaper as decoration are the following: huge selection, easy to choose based on cost, quality, appearance, there is no need to resort to the help of specialists for pasting, you can do it yourself.

Wallpaper is classified into paper, vinyl, textile, non-woven, washable, photo wallpaper. The most popular are paper and vinyl. These types do not require special effort When gluing, you will need wallpaper glue to apply to the surface.

Wallpaper with liquid composition

This finishing material“liquid wallpaper” has no resemblance to wallpaper. It is a mixture of plaster, which when diluted with water forms liquid composition, capable of imparting any texture and relief to surfaces.

If the drawing did not work out the first time, the defects can be eliminated by easy dismantling and the application process can be repeated.

Photo wallpaper

Another way to create a “modern” style for the walls in an apartment is photo wallpaper. This unique style decorations, due to their brightness, will transform the room and visually increase the space.

Decorative plastering

An unusual and expensive finishing method. Creative people in this way they will be able to realize their fantasies and ideas. Using decorative plaster to achieve relief on the walls various depths. With the help of cutters, reliefs are trimmed and given various shapes.

The beauty of the walls in the apartment is created using a plaster mixture consisting of sand, cement, lime with the addition of fillers. Meet me in the store plaster mixtures you can separate or finished form. In the first case, you will need to knead all the ingredients in a bucket.

Plaster can be mosaic or textured. With the help of such technologies, various stylish panels are created. To work with decorative plaster a special tool is used.

Decorative rock

It is an expensive facing material. Beautifully laid stone will add originality to your home. Stone cladding can be artificial or natural.

Not everyone can afford to buy natural stone. Variety of species artificial stone not inferior to natural stone. You can find it in stores a large assortment stones, and choose by color and preference.

The choice of stone for finishing should be carefully thought out, and the design of the future room or corridor should be created in advance. This finishing in its final form can give the room a visual “heaviness” and “narrowing”.

Cladding walls with clapboard

This type of cladding is a popular method these days.

Simple installation, pleasant final appearance, additional sound insulation of walls in the apartment, long service life, environmentally friendly use pure materials, the ability to level the walls without additional work- all these are the advantages of covering walls with wooden lining. This lining is made from different types of wood, which are quite expensive in cost.

An inexpensive and modern wall finishing material includes PVC panels. Fastening of such panels to uneven surfaces is carried out with the installation of a frame. Plastic panels can be used in rooms with high humidity.

Another a budget option cladding using MDF panels. The advantages of MDF lining are similar to wooden lining. The installation principles of the two types are similar.

Don't decorate the walls MDF panels in moisture-resistant rooms. There are laminated, veneered, and painted wood lining types.

Photo of the walls in the apartment