home · Tool · Do-it-yourself European-quality renovation of an apartment. We do European-quality renovations with our own hands. Stretch ceiling and plaster walls

Do-it-yourself European-quality renovation of an apartment. We do European-quality renovations with our own hands. Stretch ceiling and plaster walls

Repairs are different. It could be redecorating or capital, but in Lately Quite often, people began to do European-quality renovations in their apartments instead of the usual, major ones. Many people believe that during European-quality renovation it is enough to just level the walls and floor, make dropped ceilings.

However, it will help make the apartment cozy and comfortable, provided that it is used modern technologies in construction with the participation of interior designers. For this experienced specialists, with extensive experience, use materials during repairs that are in no way inferior to European standards in quality and appearance.

European materials include drywall, European tools, mixtures for puttying and surface priming. It is believed that these and other environmentally friendly materials were invented in Europe, where they were given the appropriate functions and quality characteristics.

European renovation, first of all, means professional approach to their work, which includes drawing up a design project and estimate, implementation high-quality design housing up to final stage– cleaning the area and removing garbage. At the request of the customer, the premises are also redeveloped with the demolition of partitions in order, for example, to combine the kitchen with the living room or dining room. A prerequisite was the installation metal-plastic windows and doors made of wood or high-quality fakes.

Prices for European-quality repairs and the familiar overhaul should be approximately equal, since they are performed using the same technology and use the same tools. A significant difference can only be made when designers include currently fashionable European trends in creating the interior of the room being renovated.

The designer monitors every stage of work, from making sketches to choosing suitable furniture and its arrangement. When starting to do European-quality repairs and inviting specialists, you need to know that all work must be carried out by qualified craftsmen at a fairly high level. high level and in a short time. Upon completion of the assigned work, they must provide the customer with an apartment with an original, comfortable and highly transformed interior. It can be in high-tech, baroque, ethnic style or any other that will suit your lifestyle and your preferences.

Three classes of European-quality renovation - economy class, standard and luxury

When repairing “economy class”, the most quality training walls and ceilings to work, changing floor coverings and interior doors to more modern ones. With such a renovation, at your request, you can renovate the bathroom on a turnkey basis.

European-quality renovation of the “standard” class involves redevelopment of the premises, installation of ceilings and arches. If you wish, you can have your electrical communications replaced, replaced with new ones, and sewer and water pipes hidden in the walls, and heavy cast iron radiators change to light ones. This also includes almost all components of the “economy class”. Redevelopment work must be carried out with the permission of the control authorities.

The most expensive of all is luxury renovation, or, as it is also called, turnkey renovation. In an apartment being renovated, craftsmen replace all the old elements with new ones, from installing double-glazed windows to sockets and switches, and the old electrical wiring can be hidden under plaster or drywall. Painting works are carried out using decorative plaster, and when repairing the floor, it is possible to lay artistic parquet or solid floorboards. After the renovation is completed, such an apartment is completely ready to move in; it is pleasant to live and work in it, and invite guests. The appearance of the original, prestigious design of your apartment will cause indescribable admiration among others.

Modern European-quality renovation is, of course, expensive, but it’s worth it.

Renovating apartments is not an easy task, and European-quality renovation is even more difficult. European-quality renovation should be perceived as improved comprehensive renovation. It necessarily includes: replacement of sewer pipes, as well as water supply, full complex electrical installation work, high-quality alignment of walls, and, of course, floors and ceilings (according to beacons). We should not forget about redevelopment, which should be carried out only according to a well-made project, painting the floor and walls, and wallpapering.

It is also worth adding laying laminate, tiles, parquet, erecting partitions, installing doors, replacing windows, etc. The nuances of European-quality renovation can be found here renovation of apartments, European-quality renovation.

No amateur performances

Of course, here there can be no question of carrying out European-quality repairs yourself, because it requires the use of only the most high technology and quality material. But they won’t make a difference if this complex and labor-intensive process is not performed by top-class specialists. Not only should they have special education, necessary equipment and certified tools, but also constantly undergo training in modern European-quality repairs and regularly attend seminars on this topic. Compared to the repair described here http://newstroy.com.ua/kosmeticheskij-remont-kvartir.html , European-quality repairs are so difficult and require constant monitoring that you cannot do without a foreman who will organize all the work of specialists and monitor its high-quality implementation at all stages of the process.

Relevant everywhere and always

If you are raving about a new apartment design, want to move the walls, change flooring, install multi-level suspended ceilings, and generally change the entire decoration of the apartment, then European-quality renovation is what you crave. With its help you can realize the most daring and intricate design solutions. You can make such a repair as in old apartment either at home or in a new building.

We trust professionals

How long does European-quality renovation take? As a rule, the same amount as a comprehensive one, but it includes more opportunities to change the entire appearance of your apartment. If you are afraid that you do not have enough money to carry out European-quality repairs by a team of specialists, then you should calm down. Firstly, in most cases, the estimate is calculated completely free of charge, and while planning expenses, you can make certain changes to it based on your financial capabilities. Secondly, the foreman will be able to change your expenses if necessary. He will advise you on what you can save a little on, and also what work or materials you should never refuse, so as not to incur new expenses in the future.

We can say with confidence that there is no person who has not heard something about European-quality renovation. This, one might say, is a standard, a role model in construction. Many people strive to make such repairs in their homes, but not everyone succeeds. Interestingly, thousands of people use this word every day, however, as practice has shown, not everyone knows what it means. Basically, when speaking about European-quality renovation, all average people mean high-quality good repair, which is made beautifully and tastefully. It immediately becomes clear that a room in which European-quality renovation has been done increases significantly in price. Yes, being in a house or apartment will be much more pleasant and comfortable. If you have decided to make changes to your apartment or house, have collected money and are ready to work on your own, then you need to find out how to make a European-quality renovation in an apartment: what is included in it, where to start and what work will have to be done. We will present all this information in this article.

European renovation - what is it?

In Soviet times, every family carried out simple renovation work every few years to give the room freshness and a change of scenery. This was considered an obligatory ritual in which all more or less adult family members participated. This repair consisted of the following:

  • Ceiling decoration, which was reduced only to whitewashing.
  • Wall decoration, which was often done with simple paper wallpaper. Since the choice of colors, patterns and textures in those days was small, all apartments were similar in decoration to each other.
  • Floor finishing. Basically, back then, linoleum or parquet was mainly laid on the floor. But in some houses, for example, Khrushchev, the floor was wooden, consisting of boards that were painted and covered with carpets.
  • Mandatory part repair work there was painting of wooden windows, as well as sewer pipes, radiators and water pipes.

This is where the simple repair ended. If we compare it with the kind of repairs being carried out in apartments and houses now, then this is, in fact, heaven and earth. More and more building materials began to appear, and the technology for performing repair work changed. Today we can buy various components and materials, both domestic and foreign manufacturers. The choice of products is so wide that your eyes are simply dizzying! General form the premises can be unique, the way the owner sees it, everything can change before our eyes. And if once renovations only allowed for refreshing the room, now it can be changed beyond recognition. Everything depends only on imagination and, most importantly, the amount of financial resources invested.

The word “European-quality renovation” became popular just a couple of decades ago. Now this word has become a brand, and everyone who decides to do renovations strives for the “European ideal”.

Despite its name, it has no direct relation to Europe. As stated in the most popular online encyclopedia, the term “European-quality renovation” can be interpreted as a set of repair works that are carried out in accordance with the European standard.

It should be noted that this concept is quite relative. But still, several types of such repairs can be noted.

European-quality renovation of the middle class. Such repairs may include some intervention by the owner in the overall layout of the room. In this case, they are limited only to creating niches, arches, partitions, leveling walls, replacing doors and windows, etc. Such repairs are more labor-intensive and can give your “cozy nest” a new look.

European-quality renovation of the highest class. It will transform your house or apartment beyond recognition. It’s hard to do here without a construction team and a professional designer who are capable of turning the most ordinary Khrushchev-era building into luxury housing. There are no restrictions on design delights; your imagination can run wild as you please.

It is clear that it is impossible to determine exactly how much such repairs cost, since everything depends on the cost of the materials that will be used, the size of the room, as well as the use of specialist services or doing the work yourself.

Please note that the higher the cost of materials for repairs, the more expensive the construction team will have to pay for the work performed.

What are the pros and cons of European-quality renovation

There are enough advantages of this type of repair. The most important of them:

  • comfort of living;
  • receiving aesthetic pleasure from contemplating the updated interior;
  • safety of your health.

Thanks to new, environmentally clean materials, you can make your home not only beautiful, but also harmless. It should also be noted that modern materials, which are used for European-quality repairs, have a longer service life. Thanks to this, you won’t have to do repairs as often as in Soviet times. Having made the repair once, you just need to maintain it in proper condition. Facing materials, solutions and mixtures that are used now will not change their appearance even after repeated cleanings and cleanings.

Despite all the advantages listed above, European-quality renovation also has its disadvantages. The main one should be called its cost. Even if you want to do a cosmetic renovation, it can be expensive if you use good and quality materials. As you know, you have to pay for quality, but you, of course, can’t go wrong, such repairs will pay for themselves. If we talk about repairs of the middle or upper class, then everything will cost even more.

Another disadvantage is the long process of obtaining permission for redevelopment. When the project involves dismantling and load-bearing walls or making an opening in them, then you will have to wait even longer, because in this case a special commission is convened to make a final decision.

So, now you know what European-quality renovation is, what it’s used with, and what its advantages and disadvantages are. If you decide to do it in your home, let's find out in more detail how to do it.

Where to start

We must remember that any repair begins with preparation and determination of the scope of work. This is what you need to do - decide what you want to do with your premises and what type of repairs to perform. First, assess the condition of your home and think about what you would like to change. It is clear that everything will depend on your budget.

When you want to bring something fresh and new into the interior, change the decor, it is enough to carry out cosmetic repairs. There are no particular difficulties in such work, and you can do everything yourself, saving money on hiring specialists. You will need them to purchase better materials.

And in the case when your soul requires global changes, or you want to move to a new building, you need to do a major overhaul. You must be prepared for the fact that you will have to move in with your relatives or temporarily rent a home during the renovation work. Some materials, for example, screed, need time to dry, and in general, being in the place where repairs are taking place is unpleasant: dust, dirt, etc.

Once you have decided what repairs you need, it is advisable to write down all the work that definitely needs to be done. This is done so that you can calculate the quantity Supplies required for work. In addition, you will be able to roughly estimate how much it will all cost. Experts advise purchasing materials in advance and storing them in the place where the repairs will be done. Then the materials will be able to “acclimatize.” Moreover, by buying everything together, you can save a lot, since the store can give you a good discount. Wholesale, as they say, is cheaper. Moreover, everything can also be transported at once.

Some types of materials, such as wallpaper, laminate or tiles, are best taken with a small margin. After all, you can miscalculate when making calculations. In addition, the material can easily be damaged during operation. The problem is that it is not always possible to purchase exactly the same material.

The beginning of a modern European-quality apartment renovation

When you decide to do a major renovation, initial stage a professional designer will be hired to design future interior in your apartment. He will be able to develop a sketch of furniture arrangement, outline changes in the layout of the room, electrical and communications. In addition, he will professionally select finishing materials to achieve the ideal combination of color and style. Rooms can be visually made even more spacious and expanded, add light to dark rooms, etc. The designer will be able to decorate your room in accordance with fashion trends. True, the work of a designer is not cheap.

If you know how to work with a special computer program or are able to master it in a short time, then you can complete such a project yourself. It is clear that the selection of furniture, materials and design will not be professional, but this will be your vision of your corner. The main thing is that by doing the project yourself, you will save your own money.

When it comes to redevelopment of premises, European-quality renovation may include:

  • installation of doors and windows, demolition and installation of new additional partitions;
  • modification of room shapes;
  • construction of arches with complex shapes, production of multi-level ceilings, combining a toilet with a bathroom, etc.

Which room to start work from?

If you are a beginner, you may be asking yourself this question. If you decide to redecorate, you can start with any room in the room. You can do renovations separately in each room. After which you can proceed to rooms such as the bathroom and kitchen. This method may seem inconvenient to some, but the decision is yours. The main thing to consider is that the corridor and passage rooms are best done at the end of the renovation, since you will often walk through them and carry tools and materials.

If you decide to live in a house or apartment during the renovation, you will have to work on each room separately. Even if you decide to do all the work yourself, it is advisable to entrust some work to specialists. No matter how hard you try, it is important to install electrical wiring correctly, because the safety of both you and your property depends on it. This requires certain skills and experience. The same applies to work on installing windows or doors. This job is not that difficult, but still not worth the risk. Particular attention should be paid to the renovation of the bathroom. As practice shows, this is the most difficult room of all to repair. By the way, this is why professionals charge more money for finishing a bathroom compared to other rooms. The thing is that the process of performing the work is quite labor-intensive.

But as for overhaul, here the situation is much more complicated. Let's take a closer look at all the steps that need to be completed in correct sequence, if you want to avoid mistakes and make sure that your renovation goes perfectly and in accordance with all construction requirements.

Do-it-yourself major repairs - sequence of work

The overhaul consists of a whole complex various works that need to be completed in in the right order. As mentioned above, first you need to draw up a project and decide what changes you want to make in your home. A further work must be done in the following order:

  1. Dismantling.
  2. Laying out and carrying out all necessary communications.
  3. Rough (starting) ceiling finishing.
  4. Rough (starting) wall finishing.
  5. Finishing (final) finishing of the ceiling.
  6. Finishing (final) decoration of the walls.
  7. Installation of flooring.
  8. Installation of new doors and baseboard flooring.

Let's take a closer look at what the task is and how to perform all these points correctly.

Stage 1: dismantling

At this stage it is necessary to remove all unnecessary things. Here you definitely need to “break - not build.” This “extra” includes: old wallpaper, facing tiles, lamps, switches and sockets, elements of decorative plaster, unnecessary plasterboard systems and suspended ceilings, baguettes, whitewash from the ceiling, polystyrene tiles and other types of facing materials. We recommend dismantling the flooring at the very end. After all, all the debris, dust and other nastiness from the walls and ceiling during work will fall on it, and not on the cleaned base. And only then everything is cleaned up together. If you do not plan to change the floor, then you need to take care of it: first lay a thick oilcloth on it, then lay one or two layers of cardboard on top, then it will be difficult to damage the coating. By the way, if it is laminate, then it can be disassembled and removed from the room.

Please note that you don’t need to touch the old doors and windows yet, they will be dealt with later. For now you can remove the trim from the doors. Why? When you remove them, you will have to immediately install new ones, since, of course, without windows and doors, all tools and materials can whistle “ good people" It turns out that when installing new doors and windows during the dismantling stage, there is a possibility of them being damaged or dirty. But when your windows or doors are in good condition and do not need to be replaced, cover them with thicker film before starting work. That's all - dismantling is completed, and you can proceed to the next stage.

Stage 2: wiring and carrying out all necessary communications

This is one of the dirtiest jobs to do after dismantling first. It is clear that first you need to calculate everything and make a diagram. You must decide where you will place the TV, aquarium, acoustic system, air conditioning and other devices that require a source of electricity. It is better to entrust this work to an experienced electrician who can correctly draw up a diagram, select suitable wires with the required cross-section and connect them.

All that is required of you is to groove the walls in in the right places. Wires will be laid into these grooves or recesses. Grooves can be made in several ways, it all depends on the tool you will use:

  • A chisel and a hammer is the longest and most labor-intensive process; the groove does not always turn out perfectly smooth, but it is cheap and cheerful.
  • Impact drill or hammer drill - simple, clean and quick way, the main thing is to have the right tool. True, the groove will also not be smooth enough.
  • A grinder is also a quick way to get an even groove, but there is one drawback - the formation of a large amount of dust during work, which is not easy to catch, even using an industrial vacuum cleaner.
  • - a tool designed specifically for these purposes. The groove turns out perfectly smooth, and you can choose the desired width and depth. The downside is the cost of the tool; if possible, you can borrow it from friends or rent it from a store.

After this, the wiring is done (television, electrical, telephone, Internet and other necessary wires). All of these devices have their own power and can load the electrical wiring system in different ways. It is very important to calculate the entire load and choose the right cables, which is why it is better to involve an experienced electrician. If the wires fail, they will melt and a problem may occur. short circuit, and we think you know what this entails. Moreover, replacing electrical wiring will cost you a lot, since you will have to rip off all the lining to get to the cables.

At the same stage, it is necessary to install the remaining life support systems: communications for plumbing system, heating, sewerage, etc. If necessary, old ones metal pipes can be replaced with new, more reliable ones. Often used plastic pipes, having good performance properties. This applies to both water pipes and heating and sewerage pipes. If desired, you can make a heated floor in the bathroom, hallway or other room as desired.

Stage 3: rough (starting) ceiling finishing

The whole point of this work is to make a ceiling that will be ready for subsequent finishing: painting, gluing slabs, installing hanging systems and baguettes. Using plaster, you need to level the ceiling and eliminate all imperfections. You shouldn’t immediately prime the ceiling and paint it, as you will still have to work with the walls. When preparing them for finishing, construction dust will form and settle on the freshly painted ceiling. This finishing is called roughing or starting, so that after all the rough work the final finishing can be done.

A completely different case with a suspended ceiling. It is recommended to install it as a last resort, without specially preparing the ceiling.

Stage 4: rough (starting) wall finishing

It is at this stage that you can dismantle old unnecessary windows and install new ones. You can order double-glazed windows from specialized companies, of which there are a sufficient number. You can arrange for them to not only deliver the double-glazed windows, but also install them immediately. This will be cheaper than hiring new workers, since the company can give you a discount.

After the new double-glazed windows are in place, they need to be protected by covering them with film and tape. Now you need to take care of the slopes and all the walls in general: level the slopes, plaster the walls, putty them and clean everything, thereby preparing the surface for finishing. If you follow this sequence, the amount of dust that may fall on the windows will be minimal. Please note that stage 3 and 4 can be performed simultaneously, since all the work is almost identical.

Stage 5: floor screed

The rough finishing is almost ready, all you have to do is do it on the floor covering. At this stage you have walls and ceiling that are prepared for finishing. What to do with the floor? When you decide to keep the old coating, which is well preserved, you can skip this step and move on to the next one. If you need to make a new floor, and its base does not meet the established requirements, you will need to make a screed. What it is? Leveling cement-sand layer, which gives the surface rigidity. Another option for preparing the base is to pour a self-leveling mixture, of which there are many on the market. All you have to do is wait until it dries completely and you can proceed to the next stage.

If parquet will serve as the floor covering, then its installation should be started immediately after the rough base has dried. No matter how hard parquet installers try to convince you that the sander they will use can work without dust, do not believe them. Dust will be present and quite large quantities. Therefore, everything needs to be done before the walls and ceiling are finished. Then the finished parquet must be covered so as not to damage it during subsequent work.

Stage 6: priming walls and ceiling

This step may seem small at first, but applying primer to your walls and ceiling is a must if you don't want all your work to go to waste. The primer has good adhesion and transfers it to the surface being treated. This property allows the materials to adhere well to each other. The primer will penetrate deeply. Thus, the applied finishing material will adhere firmly to the walls and ceiling.

It is necessary to apply the primer to the surface of the walls and ceiling according to the manufacturer's instructions. To check whether everything is properly primed, you need to wait until it dries and just run your hand over it. Now look at your hand - if there is no dust or dry putty left on it, you have done everything correctly and can proceed to the next stage. If there are any remaining dust, go through the product again.

Stage 7: finishing (final) finishing of the ceiling

Now you can say that you have reached the finish line, since the bulk of the work has already been completed. All you have to do is arrange everything and put it in order. The first step is to finish the ceiling. As facing material Can be used as wallpaper, decorative plaster, polystyrene boards (cheaper option), plasterboard structures or PVC panels ( great option for rooms with high humidity such as the bathroom and kitchen). What exactly to choose is a purely personal matter. Start from your available funds and general design rooms. If the room needs to be visually enlarged, ideal option There will be suspended ceilings.

If you want to glue baguettes, you must first finish the walls and only then proceed with their installation.

Stage 8: finishing (final) wall decoration

Now it's time for the walls. Here the situation is similar to the ceiling, only the choice of materials is even wider. Ideally, it is better to select all finishing materials at the planning stage in order to immediately purchase them. Wall decoration is one of important stages because they are the ones who play main role in the design of the room. To finish them you can choose:

You can easily do this work yourself, you just need to familiarize yourself with the technology and learn how to apply this or that finishing material. All these topics and instructions can be found on our website.

Stage 9: installing flooring

To get inspired and keep going, look at how much work you've already done! The renovations are almost complete, only a few things remain to be done. last steps. One of them is installing floor coverings. You need to lay finishing material on the base that you have prepared in advance. It can be linoleum, laminate, parquet board, tiles or carpet.

When you are working with parquet, at this stage it should already be laid and sanded. All that remains is to open it with varnish.

Stage 10: installation of new doors and skirting

When the flooring is already in place, you can dismantle and install new doors, both entrance and interior. The European-quality renovation of the home is almost ready, all that remains is to install the baseboards in their places. After this, it’s time to start designing and decorating the interior. Arrange furniture, hang pictures, mirrors, install lamps and everything that is provided for in your design project. Now you can open the champagne and celebrate the completion of the renovation work!

The order of work may vary depending on each situation.

Let's sum it up

As you may have noticed, making a European-quality renovation is not so easy. This business requires certain skills, but most You can do the work yourself. Before doing this, it is better to read the instructions for implementation in detail. individual species work to do everything correctly and efficiently.

If you have any questions, suggestions or recommendations, write them in the comments to this article. Our experts will quickly and efficiently provide you with accurate information on your question. In addition, we are pleased when others share their experiences, which will help other readers of our site!


This video shows how a major renovation of the apartment was carried out and what happened in the end:


There are many ways to renovate your home. There are cosmetic, capital or, for more, modern language, - European-quality renovation. This concept has greatly increased its popularity recently. In Soviet times, this repair included the following types works:

  • Ceiling finishing. At that time, the ceiling was only covered with whitewash.
  • Wall decoration. The walls were covered with paper wallpaper, which was often of the same type, due to the small choice of colors.
  • Floor finishing. Previously, floors were laid with parquet or linoleum.
  • Painting wooden windows.
  • Coloring of plumbing and sewer pipes, radiators.

Now the concept of European-quality renovation is flexible; it increasingly depends on financial security and imagination. There is a huge selection building materials who can implement a wide variety of ideas. With such a set of building materials, cosmetic repairs, along with major ones, can also be of high quality.

What is European-quality renovation of an apartment?

European-quality renovation is a prestigious renovation, the to-do list of which includes complex works, which require the use of advanced technologies, building materials High Quality and professionals for the job. A designer is required, as well as everything international standards must be complied with.

The sequence and types of work for modern European-quality renovation of an apartment.

1. Design - project

At the beginning of European-quality renovation is the involvement of an interior designer. A sketch of the future arrangement of furniture is being developed, various changes are being made to remodel, replace electrical equipment and pipelines. The selection of finishing materials is also carried out, looking at the compatibility of colors and style. If you have a computer, you can do such a project yourself, thereby saving money on paying for the designer’s work.

2. Redevelopment of the apartment

First of all, apartment renovation is carried out in order to obtain a cozy and comfortable atmosphere for living. To achieve this, it is necessary to make several changes to the territory of the apartment, that is, to perform redevelopment. It includes:

  • Destruction of partitions and subsequent installation of additional partitions, doors and windows are installed.
  • The rooms are combined into one or several pieces.
  • Change the shape of the rooms.
  • They make arches of complex shapes, ceilings with many levels, carry out a complete reconstruction of the toilet (combining it with a bathroom, etc.).

Important! Before proceeding with redevelopment, certain aspects should be agreed upon with the relevant authorities.

3. Replacement of utilities

When carrying out European-quality renovations, the sewerage and water supply systems are replaced. For this purpose they use Newest technologies, such as PVC pipes made of plastic. Along with this, the heating is replaced with a newer one or an individual one is made. In the second case, an insulated floor is laid in the bathtub, corridors and other places as desired. Unlike other stages of work, in this case the pipes are hidden in the walls. Electrical wiring must be replaced; it is also hidden in walls, ceilings or floors.

4. Installation and replacement of windows and interior doors

Old doors and windows are dismantled. They are replaced by metal-plastic doors and plastic windows. Wooden windows and doors must be manufactured using modern technologies. For example, using double-glazed windows.

Mosquito nets for all types window designs remokna.kz/setka will provide protection not only from insects, but also from dust and dirt.

5. Leveling walls, ceilings and floors

European-quality renovation implies compliance with high quality. To do this, align all corners of ceilings, walls and floors. To do this, use drywall, ready-made plaster and lighthouses. Drywall is used only when the area of ​​the room allows it, since the manufactured frame will require several centimeters on each side of the rooms. Floors can be made using cement screeds or more modern technologies, such as self-leveling or self-leveling floors.

Features of finishing work in European-quality renovation

At this stage, European-quality repairs are no different from major repairs. Sometimes newer and more expensive ones are used Decoration Materials for cladding floors, walls and ceilings.

When laying tiles, you can combine them with mosaics or something else. Solid wood boards can be laid on the floor, cork covering or artistic parquet.

The ceiling in the bathroom can be decorated with a suspended ceiling system or mirrors. They put it on the walls large sizes tiles with original inserts.

Plumbing is also very important. They install a hygienic shower, electric water heaters, bidets and much more.

European-quality renovation is a truly difficult and complex matter that requires skills and understanding of complex technological processes. But, no matter how difficult it may seem, you can do it yourself.

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Eurorepair is a word that has come into use relatively recently. During the Soviet past, renovation included simple steps such as whitewashing the ceiling and walls, painting pipes and windows. Currently, when starting renovations, many owners strive specifically for the European standard of apartment finishing. What does the notorious European-quality renovation mean? Is it possible to make it in your home yourself?

It should be noted that the concept of European-quality renovation is quite relative and is not directly related to Europe. This type of repair is based on the selection of first-class building materials, thorough and integrated approach to work. It is mandatory to involve a designer in European-quality renovations.

This includes the development of sketches of the future premises, which take into account the arrangement of furniture. In addition, at this stage changes in the layout of the home, replacement of pipes, etc. should be taken into account. It will not be difficult for people who own a certain computer program to draw up such a project on their own without involving a designer.

This process is carried out with the aim of creating the maximum comfortable conditions in the home. Redevelopment includes demolition of walls, installation of window and door equipment. Here it is possible to combine several rooms or completely change the shape of the premises. It is worth considering that if you decide to carry out redevelopment, you must notify the relevant authorities. Otherwise, demolishing walls can lead to many problems and unexpected expenses. Replacement of sewerage and water supply is also an important stage of European-quality renovation. As well as replacing heating and electrical wiring.

During European-quality renovation, wall decoration is acceptable decorative plaster. The floor can be decorated with artistic parquet or cork. This will provide the apartment with an original and presentable look. Rooms for adoption water procedures receives especially close attention during European-quality renovations. This includes the selection and installation of new plumbing fixtures, electric water heaters and much more.

Of course, European-quality renovation is not the easiest thing. However, there is no need to worry or be scared about this. This type of repair can be done at home. Before starting work, it is better to carefully familiarize yourself with each stage of work. To do this, it is appropriate to study the relevant articles, preferably with step by step photos on this topic.

It is also worth considering that there is absolutely no need to burden an apartment purchased in a new building with European-quality renovations. In a building that has not yet settled, such repairs will soon require rework.