home · Installation · How to replace a piece of metal pipe with a plastic one. How to replace a section of plastic pipe yourself? Replacement of water supply and heating system pipes with polypropylene

How to replace a piece of metal pipe with a plastic one. How to replace a section of plastic pipe yourself? Replacement of water supply and heating system pipes with polypropylene

The arrangement of a bathhouse is largely determined by the material that will be used for similar works. Natural raw materials are the most suitable. Enough already for a long time The finishing of the baths is done with lining, available on the market in a wide variety of varieties and types.


The functionality and durability of the bathhouse are fundamental factors in the entire construction of a structure of this nature. But not every lining can meet the requirements for raw materials for lining a bathhouse or sauna. This applies not only plastic products, but also natural material, because the Not all types of wood are resistant to high levels of humidity.

A feature of the lining, in addition to its natural origin, is its external attractiveness, which, due to the use of manufacturers modern technologies in the manufacture of products makes it possible to realize a huge amount design ideas related to the design of the premises. We are talking about the possibility of producing products such as lining that imitates timber trim, or lining “like a log.”

In addition, the following advantages of the material can be highlighted:

  • long service life;
  • ease of processing;
  • moisture resistance;
  • using similar material in a bathhouse, you can reliably hide all existing communications, including wiring and insulation, as well as disadvantages and uneven foundations;
  • clapboard upholstery increases sound and heat insulation in the room;
  • Some types of wood emit when heated useful material, and also provide a pleasant natural aroma in the steam room.

Despite the absence worthy alternative, the lining still has a number of disadvantages: the room cools down quite quickly, so to achieve the effect of a real Russian bath it is necessary to add fuel very often, due to which the heating and steam level must be constantly monitored.

However modern devices, such as a steam generator and functional stoves for saunas and baths, help to cope with the tasks.


It is best to clap a bathhouse using larch clapboards or use products made from coniferous varieties wood But in order to make the final choice, it would be useful to study the entire range of products in this line, since each variety has specific features and qualities.

Fir panels They are distinguished by antibacterial properties and a wonderful aroma of pine needles. Wood does not lose these characteristics even after processing. During use, the raw material gradually acquires more dark shade, which only increases the attractiveness of the sheathed surfaces.

In addition, fir lining has a very affordable price.

Bathhouse lining made of juniper will help improve the health of the body due to the antiseptic properties of wood. When heated, walls covered with such material will emit an unobtrusive but invigorating aroma.

The most popular lining for baths is linden products. Linden warms up quickly, but is not capable of burning the skin when touched. Wood of this type has low thermal conductivity, so it cools gradually. Like most of raw materials for finishing the steam room, it has a pleasant smell. There is no need to further process such panels, since the material itself has an attractive structure.

Aspen products has a slightly bitter odor. Wood has good density, which determines the durability of such finishing.

When purchasing aspen paneling, you need to pay attention to the absence of knots and resins, since in the first case you can burn the skin, and the presence of resins as a result of thermal effects can lead to difficulty breathing in the room.

Alder is in great demand in Europe. Particularly popular is black alder, which stands out for its unique pink tint wood It should be noted that the raw material contains almost no knots, which means that sanding of panels will not be required for the manufacture of cladding products.

Alder wood has good indicator resistance to deformation, as it is resistant to moisture. Lining of this type is often purchased due to the wide color range– you can even find products in deep red color.

Cedar products stands out for its sophistication, thanks to which the room will look simply luxurious. Choosing North American cedar from the available assortment is quite simple - it has a wonderful aroma and a reddish tint of the raw material. The Canadian representative of this variety is widely popular due to its unique texture and pinkish tint.

The positive features of cedar lining are:

  • durability;
  • the wood does not turn black or swell.

Paired larch claddingperfect option, since the raw material stands out for its strength, elasticity and aesthetic appeal. In addition, this type of wood has a unique and very beautiful texture on cuts, due to which you can upholster a steam room quality material, which will create an interesting composition on the base.

Using larch for flooring, you can enjoy the warmth emanating from the surface. Equally important are the properties of raw materials to withstand negative factors. external environment. Availability of similar positive qualities creates a fairly serious cost for the material.

Hemlock, a plant somewhat reminiscent of oak, is also used to arrange a bathhouse. By purchasing a similar type of wood for a steam room, you can be sure of high level endurance and strength of raw materials, due to which the finishing will delight the owners for a very long time.

Abashi lining- a new trend in terms of arranging baths; such material can be found more and more often in such premises. Its popularity is explained by its ability to practically not heat up in a steam room, which is why indoor shelves are most often made from this type of wood. Interesting combination alternation of panels is considered light shades who have not been exposed heat treatment, and dark heat-treated beams.

Needles are not the most suitable material for use in damp and hot rooms, so pine lining is used for arranging a dressing room or rest room in bathhouses. A specific aroma always has a positive effect on well-being and mood, so the material in such rooms will come in handy.

Besides, pine lining does not stand out high cost, so some specialists still purchase it to decorate the steam room. A to get rid of the resins that the wood will emit, the bath is heated several times, and the substances released onto the base of the material are cleaned off with a spatula. The disadvantage of pine products is the likelihood that after some time the products will turn blue, which will significantly affect appearance premises, however, will not affect the quality of the material.

When choosing birch for a bath, you should understand that this variety is not resistant to moisture, so it can only be used in dry rooms.

In addition to the type of wood, for this finishing material, like lining, grade is important. Before being sent for sale, products in production are sorted into certain classes. The selection is based on the presence of natural defects on the samples or flaws formed during the manufacture of the panels.

There are several types of products: A, B, C, where the first type is the most expensive and high-quality product, in which no defects were identified during the selection.

Besides, important point for these products is processing and impregnation. It is necessary to coat the products with special compounds in order to protect the boards from insects, mold and rot.

Carrying out this work requires the use of compounds that will be resistant to the characteristics of the room in which the lining is used. The market offers various high-quality domestic and foreign manufacturers, used for application to the lining used in the steam room.

Another important factor is the type of product, since not every board is suitable for such premises. There are several profiles recommended for bath rooms. Among them, we can highlight eurolining, which has a special angular chamfer. Due to this configuration, the seams between the panels will be clearly visible.

Most experts agree that the most suitable board for steam rooms is one with longitudinal grooves on the reverse side. This feature counters the risk of condensation accumulation.

An interesting option is the “calm” lining, due to which the base acquires almost flat surface. The block house can also be used for baths, but it’s worth buying a model with ventilation grooves.

A type of lining called a loungehouse is not recommended for use in steam rooms due to the specific configuration of the boards.


To complete the finishing with clapboard, the room needs lathing to allow for insulation work. For rooms where it is not required, it will appear free space for air circulation, thereby reducing the risk of wood rotting. In addition, the use of lathing allows for the installation of communications and electrical wires.

Warming is carried out in several stages:

  • fastening the waterproofing layer;
  • laying cotton wool - it is better to use material cut with an outlet, then it will not stick out and will be well fixed between the beams;
  • a vapor barrier is placed on top;
  • counter rails are stuffed, the thickness of which should not exceed 20 mm.

When installing the sheathing and insulation, do not forget about ventilation. It is mandatory for such premises.

Before you start attaching the lining, you should choose a method for installing it on the base. There is no categorical ban on one method or another, so each master proceeds from his own experience and preferences of the bathhouse owners.

The vertical lining arrangement is popular due to the simplicity of the work performed. In addition, moisture flows faster along the boards located in this position. Also, when installing products vertically, a very important opportunity is created to retain and accumulate heat inside the room to a greater extent.

A positive feature of arranging the lining in a horizontal position is explained by the fact that the boards are fastened with the tenon facing upward, which reduces the risk of water getting into the joints between the products.

More ventilated steam rooms are considered to be rooms where clapboard finishing is done in this way. The advantage of horizontal installation is also the ability to quickly and easily replace boards at the bottom of the wall and on the floor. This option is the most optimal for baths made in the traditional Russian style.

Installation of boards is carried out using a hidden method, which involves the use of nails or screws of the appropriate size. The use of hardware is fraught with the formation of rust on the surface of the board; in addition, this method is less aesthetically pleasing.

The traditional material for building a bathhouse or sauna is wood. And it’s hard to imagine the interior decoration of the steam room without natural wooden lining. It creates a special microclimate, retains heat, and has an attractive appearance. The main advantages of lining made from natural wood are durability and environmental friendliness. Remains topical issue: which wood is best for a steam room.

The wooden lining in the steam room looks beautiful and has excellent performance characteristics

Hardwood Material Overview

TO deciduous trees, from which lining is most often produced, are alder, linden and aspen. All these rocks have been used for wall cladding in bathhouses since ancient times. Their advantages are that they do not emit resins, are resistant to moisture and do not heat up under high temperatures. But when choosing lining you need to pay attention to the quality of the material. It is important that there are no chips or knots on the surface of the panel.

  1. Alder is great option finishing material for a sauna or bathhouse. It has a pleasant light pink color, is highly durable, heat-resistant and moisture-resistant. It would seem that, best material for a steam room, but not everyone can afford its cost.
  2. Linden wood lining has unique properties necessary for a steam room. Firstly, from high humidity the panels do not crack or darken. Secondly, linden takes a long time to heat up, so the possibility of getting a burn from contact with the skin is minimized. They have a pleasant golden color and a sweetish aroma - best characteristics for a bath.
  3. Aspen lining has similar characteristics to linden, but it is much harder and stronger, which means it does not deform during use if it is thoroughly dried beforehand. The negative point is that it darkens with constant contact with moisture. It has a fairly low cost compared to other finishing materials.

Some use it for interior decoration bath paneling made of birch, but it quickly rots and is subjected to negative impact moisture and high temperature. Its use is permissible, but only in rest rooms or dressing rooms.

Overview of softwood material

Coniferous wood has a relatively low cost and is easy to process. Negative quality– under the influence of high temperature, resin is released, which negatively affects human health. However, softwood lining is also used for internal lining steam room walls.

Pine material is more often used for ceiling decoration, although wall cladding is allowed if an electric stove is used in the steam room - it heats up less.

Cedar lining is highly expensive and has an original wood texture. It releases a smaller amount of resin when heated, so it can be used to create unique design inside the steam room.

Cedar lining looks aesthetically pleasing in any room, including a bathhouse

Among the best lining options for finishing a steam room is African abashi wood. Its unique natural properties are best suited for baths and saunas; this wood does not heat up and it is impossible to get burned if you come into contact with it. It has a pleasant light beige or light yellow color, which when heated turns into chocolate.

Material grade

The quality of interior finishing largely depends not only on the type of wood, but also on the class of finishing material. The quality of the lining is determined by four grades:

  1. Extra-class are panels of the highest quality. There are no knots, chips or any defects on their surface, the texture of the wood is uniform. The cost of such lining is quite high, but it is the best option for steam rooms and baths.
  2. Class A is a little cheaper, but also has high quality indicators.
  3. Class B. There may be knots on the surface of the panels. Decorating the walls in the steam room with such clapboard is acceptable, but the service life will be slightly shorter.
  4. Class C. This is a low quality material and should not be used for wall cladding in a steam room.

Many people choose construction material, based on financial capabilities, but one should take into account not only the cost of the material, but also its strength, resistance to high temperatures and humidity. Therefore, for a steam room it is better to choose premium or A-class material, although others are also suitable.

The lining in the steam room can be grade B or C

Whatever lining is ultimately chosen, the secret to its long-term use lies in proper processing and regular care. An important factor influencing service life is proper installation.

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Replacing old ones steel pipes

Our apartments often require replacement water pipes, since most of the old ones have been standing since the moment the house was put into operation, and this is decades of service! Usually this is a metal water supply system, which today no longer meets all standards and requirements, since it cannot provide adequate water quality, safety, and ease of use.

Plastic pipes are increasingly being used, which are not only more durable and stronger, but also easier to install and maintain. You can easily install such a water supply system with your own hands in just a couple of hours.

In order to replace pipes, you do not need to have special knowledge or expensive equipment: polypropylene pipes, special fittings and other simple tools can be bought at any hardware store.

Such a replacement can be carried out not only with the help of metal-plastic ones, which have shown themselves to be excellent, but their cost is quite high, so more and more often preference is given to installing plastic ones.

From metal to polypropylene

Today, four types of water pipes are used for installation in apartments, including:

Elements for metal-plastic pipes water supply: 1 - adapter; 2 - square; 3 - elbow joint; 4 - tee; 5 - union nut; 6 - fitting; 7 - valve; 8 - metal-plastic pipes.

  1. Metal, having different diameter. These can be steel, cast iron, galvanized water pipes. Pros: strength, reliability, long service life. But there are also numerous disadvantages, among which it should be noted: the complexity of installation (it is necessary to cut a thread, use welding machine for connecting pipes), the inside walls become covered with rust and plaque. In order to crash into a water pipe, you need to have the appropriate skills. In addition, metal requires careful care, constant checking for leaks, painting.
  2. Copper pipes are more durable, replacing water pipes with copper can improve reliability and durability, in addition, copper is very aesthetically pleasing and looks great in any bathroom. But there are also disadvantages here: in order to replace copper pipes, you need to have special skills, the cost of the products is very high, and stray currents may occur.
  3. Plastic pipelines are easy to install, they are reliable, durable, they can be connected to ordinary metal ones, but in the places of fastening due to sharp changes temperatures may begin to leak, so a connection method using special welding is often recommended.
  4. Polypropylene are considered the best option when installing water supply in an apartment. Polypropylene is a very reliable material, can withstand temperature changes, and the connection method is simple and reliable. Polypropylene pipes are used for cold and hot water supply, heating, and sewerage. The diameter can be different, so choosing them is very easy, and the cost is affordable.

The following materials and equipment will be needed:

Replacing polypropylene water pipes is simple, but you should prepare everything you need for the job in advance. Today, several installation methods are offered. Depending on the choice of a specific method, the set of equipment also differs:

  • pipe cutter (cutting scissors);
  • pipe bender (to give the water pipe the required shape);
  • soldering iron and nozzles (for hot, so-called diffuser welding);
  • calibration scan (when using the press method);
  • press pliers (for the pressing method);
  • glue, building level, sandpaper, nozzles for any diameter for a soldering iron, fittings, couplings, adapters, etc.

Methods for replacing old pipes

  1. Cold welding of plastic pipelines involves treating the inner surface of one pipe, after which a special material is applied to the end of the other adhesive composition. Only 15-20 seconds are enough for gluing. Such plumbing installation It is considered the easiest, anyone can do it.
  2. Press fittings provide a more secure connection. For fastening, a pipe is put on the press fitting, and the crimp sleeve is pressed with special pliers. The work is done very quickly, you only need to select the fittings the right size and diameter. Additional sealing is only necessary when connecting to faucets and metal pipes.
  3. Hot welding is carried out using a soldering iron, the seams become monolithic, this connection is the most reliable, but often requires the presence of a specialist.

What should you pay attention to before replacing steel pipes?

When replacing the water supply system in an apartment, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • whether water consumption meters need to be replaced or polypropylene pipes are simply laid;
  • what material the pipes will be laid from (plastic, metal, copper), what installation method is chosen, what pipe diameter is required;
  • what inlet taps are installed on the riser (valves for shutting off the water);
  • what tools are needed to lay pipes in an apartment (depending on the material).

Often the quality of water in our water supplies leaves much to be desired. To ensure higher quality water, coarse and fine filters are used. Such filters help extend the life of steel and plastic pipes by cleaning them inner surface from rust, silt and other things.

Such filters are installed at the entrances, before installing plastic and other pipes. With such an installation, it is necessary to provide what diameter of the pipes will be, what connecting elements necessary for this.

Cost of work: calculation example

Before you change the pipes in your apartment, you need to correctly calculate all the costs that will go into such plumbing work. We offer a calculation for replacing pipes in a typical apartment, which includes the cost of dismantling old metal pipes, purchasing new ones, and installing them:

  • replace the wiring from the inlet taps - 5000-5500 rubles;
  • replace the riser - from 1800 rubles;
  • replace existing pipes from inlet taps, install water consumption meters - from 7,500 rubles;
  • replace the hot water supply riser and heated towel rail - from 4,500 rubles.

Carrying out plumbing work in an apartment is a rather responsible, complex task, which, however, can be done with your own hands. Often this is a simple replacement of old metal pipes with new and reliable plastic ones, installation of meters and water filters. It is best to trust professionals in this matter, but modern plastic pipes, unlike traditional steel pipes, not only differ high quality, but are also easy to install even by a person who has no experience in such repairs.

In old houses, where engineering systems have been in place since the days of developed socialism, replacing pipelines is a top priority. Instead of steel and copper, plastic pipes are installed as the most preferable option and according to physical properties, and for the price.

Polypropylene pipes have many advantages over metal ones, because:

  • are not afraid of corrosion and the formation of calcium deposits;
  • protected from stray currents;
  • resistant to both high and low temperatures;
  • do not burst when water in the system freezes;
  • easy to install without laborious welding work;
  • They are an order of magnitude cheaper than metal pipes.

Another important advantage of PP pipes over metal ones is low thermal conductivity. When the coolant passes through polypropylene pipes his thermal energy is not spent on heating the pipeline, as is the case with steel or copper pipes.

Thanks to this, replacing metal pipes with polypropylene pipes in the heating system can increase the heat transfer of radiators by 40%. The service life of PP pipes for hot water supply and heating systems reaches 25 years, and for cold water supply – 50 years.

Replacement of water supply and heating system pipes with polypropylene

Installation of a new pipeline based on PP pipes can be done with minimal experience and a simple arsenal of tools.

First you need to draw up a diagram of the new engineering system, mark out the areas where new pipes will be laid. You can navigate old pipes by measuring their length and drawing a wiring diagram on paper.

Before starting work, you should prepare necessary equipment and materials, Special attention paying attention to the type of pipes that will be used.

Tools required for work:

  • grinder for cutting old metal pipes;
  • special wrenches for twisting threaded connections;
  • soldering machine for PP pipes (“iron”).

Depending on the engineering system to be modernized, you need to purchase the appropriate types of pipes. They differ in diameter and wall thickness, the presence/absence of a reinforcing layer, and the nominal temperature and pressure in the system.

Note! These parameters can be clarified at the Housing Office or management company(For apartment building), or look at the design of the engineering system (for a private house).

For the installation of heating systems, pipes reinforced with aluminum or fiberglass with a diameter of 20, 25 and 32 mm are used. The greater the length of the pipeline, the larger the cross-section of the pipe should be.