home · On a note · Do-it-yourself design ideas for a summer cottage and a vegetable garden. Amazing DIY garden crafts. Beautiful crafts from mayonnaise buckets

Do-it-yourself design ideas for a summer cottage and a vegetable garden. Amazing DIY garden crafts. Beautiful crafts from mayonnaise buckets

Do-it-yourself homemade products for your garden and garden not only perfectly complement your garden plot, but will also help you save a decent amount of money. Today there are many useful devices for the garden, simplifying daily life. Usually, a large number of unnecessary things and materials that people do not use in their apartments are collected at the dacha. it takes up a lot of space. Any summer resident has the opportunity, using his imagination, to make simple homemade items.

Garden tools

When visiting hardware stores, many buyers note that the quality of garden tools does not correspond to their cost. Even an expensive and high-quality shovel is very easy to damage. One option is to personally make some kind of country tool that can perfectly replace a regular bayonet shovel. for example, a garden digger, which is not only very easy to make, but also easy to use. If we compare an ordinary shovel and this country tool, it can be noted that it is much easier for the second to dig the ground, and it does not place heavy loads on the human spine.

To make a digger for the garden with your own hands, you need those items that often lie and gather dust in the country. Must have:

  • metal sheet 2 mm thick;
  • metal pipe 0.5 inches in diameter;
  • 2 bolts and 2 nuts;
  • 2 engraver washers for the bolts and 2 hours of free time.

Needs to be cut a metal sheet into 7 segments, similar to stakes. That is, you should get a stake that is wide on one side and tapering to the other. Then, take a pipe 43 cm long and measure 5 mm from the edge. The following marks are made every 6 cm. Another 5 mm should remain on the other edge of the pipe, which should also be marked. Using a grinding disc on a grinder, you need to make cuts in the marked places to the middle of the pipe.

The cut stakes are taken (they will act as legs), inserted into the grooves cut in the pipe and secured by welding. Then the remaining pipes are welded into a handle U-shaped and bolted to the workpiece. That's all, the digger is ready to use.

Garden decoration

We should not forget about the opportunity to become a designer of our own garden in the country. After all, you can make not only garden tools, but also much more. And to add some zest to your country house, you can lay out a beautiful and original garden path made of stone. Such a path will not only delight its owners, but will also become the latest trend, very popular among summer residents. For a stone path you will need:

  • stone used to lay out the path;
  • sand;
  • gravel and board 25-30 mm thick.

Work should begin with a preliminary measurement of the distance of the future path. To do this, four pegs are driven in and connected in pairs with a guide rope. Afterwards, you need to remove upper layer soil, or in other words, dig a trench. When working with a shovel, one should not forget about the level of the trench, since it is better to make it even in depth. This will not only help to use building materials correctly and economically, but will also simplify subsequent work. You need to install boards along the edges of the trench; they will act as sides into which sand and stones are placed.

First of all, gravel should be poured into the bottom of the hole. It will not only perform a shock-absorbing function, but will also provide indispensable assistance in draining groundwater. Next, the gravel is covered with sand, which should be moistened in advance - this way it will lie more tightly. It is best to make a sand cushion with a thickness of 10 cm, and then you need to level the surface of the embankment with a board. Only after this can stone or paving stones be laid. It is necessary to calculate the thickness of the future path in advance so that you do not have to cut the stone again.

Mosquito traps

The invention fights not mosquitoes, but their larvae. It is suspended from tree branches. Mosquitoes lay their offspring in this device, which prevents the newly born mosquitoes from leaving it. For more effective fight with bloodsuckers you should make as many of these traps as possible. But even the use of this gadget cannot provide 100% protection from mosquito bites.

One of the most simple ways- This is to use an ordinary plastic bottle as a trap. Needs to be cut top part with the neck and insert it into bottom part so that the neck does not touch the bottom. Next you should prepare special solution, which will attract mosquitoes. To do this you will need 15 g of yeast, 45 g of sugar and warm water. All 3 components need to be mixed and the resulting solution poured into the trap. Then, the bottle must be darkened. For this you can use a dark cloth or thick paper. This trap can attract not only mosquitoes, but also cockroaches. Therefore, the owners of a house in the village have the opportunity to use it in their living space.

These were just 3 of the most interesting and easily made devices for the garden and garden. Do not forget that a person can create something more useful and unique from available materials, you just need to give freedom to your imagination.

Each owner of his own - potentially happy man. At the dacha, you can not only enjoy work in the fresh air, have a barbecue party, but also give free rein to your own imagination. Do-it-yourself garden crafts will certainly come in handy here. All new items best examples And practical advice by their implementation - in this material.

Read in the article

The best ideas for designing a vegetable garden with your own hands: photos of flower beds and their main types

Few owners leave their land idle. A city dweller enjoys poking around in the black soil and enjoying every flower and sprout. There is even a kind of competition between neighbors in plots: who will grow the most luxurious tomatoes or plant the most colorful flower bed.

There are several secrets in organizing flower beds, thanks to which you can “score points” in a dacha competition.

Main types of flower beds

A “strict” flower bed with regular flowering. Its main features are clear geometric shapes, frequency of planting and simultaneous flowering of all plants. These are not often used because they fade quickly and require complete replacement of the contents. On city streets, this work is carried out by public utilities. They grow flowers in greenhouses and plant them in bloom to decorate streets and squares.

All-season flower bed. This flower garden is designed in such a way as to accommodate plants with different flowering periods. It can be anyone, including irregular shape. Groups of frost-resistant plants that will delight the eye until the snow falls, clearings of primroses, and perennials with summer and autumn flowering periods can settle here. If you choose plants wisely, such a flower garden will not require annual planting. All care will come down to replanting plants that have died for some reason.

About form and content

The second stage of planning a flower garden is determining its shape:

  • Multi-level flower garden. A surface consisting of several multi-level platforms will immediately attract attention. You shouldn’t immediately take on a large pyramid - just try your hand at small version. This design is not difficult to water and caring for is a pleasure.

Flower garden - pyramid

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Landscape designer at VENUS DESIGN studio

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“Before you start creating a flower garden, take the time to read information about the characteristics of the selected plants and the rules for caring for them. Forgetful summer residents are better off jotting down a small reminder for each flower with important information.”

  • Blooming carpet. A very attractive variety of flower garden. It consists of many low plants planted in a certain order. Alternating shades of greenery and colorful buds form intricate patterns. This beauty has only one drawback - labor-intensive care. Planting such a flower bed is a long and painstaking task. Watering can only be done with a hose, otherwise there is a risk of trampling the tender shoots.

For your information! Plants different heights may come into conflict in the flowerbed. Too high ones will hide the low ones from the sun and prevent them from developing.

  • Flower bed on the wall and other vertical options. You shouldn’t immediately try to create a complex vertical composition. Try experimenting with . You can use plastic bottles, pipe scraps, and old shoes as pots. All this is fixed on a vertical surface and filled with earth. A flowering fence will undoubtedly become the highlight of the garden.

Idea! It is absolutely not necessary to plant only flowers in the flowerbed. Try placing bright kohlrabi, juicy lettuce and delicate green carrots there. It will not only be beautiful, but also useful decoration garden

  • Flowerbed solo. In such a flower garden there are only one type of plant. Roses, dahlias, chrysanthemums, and gladioli are planted in monoflower beds. The more plants, the more attractive the flower garden.

And a few more examples of decorating a garden and vegetable garden with your own hands in the photo:

flower beds

Trying our hand at sculpture

For summer cottage It is absolutely not necessary to build full-length statues, unless this is to frighten away from feathered predators. Small funny figures animals or fantastic characters will add a cute charm to the garden. They can be made from any material: from leftover building materials to old pots and lemonade bottles.

Admire the photo: DIY wooden figurine

Most often you can meet gnomes in gardens; in different cultures they are considered the patrons of all plants. You can cut a little man out of a stump and paint him with bright acrylic or sculpt him from clay and plaster.

The second option requires the manufacture of a reinforcing structure so that the sculpture does not fall apart from an accidental touch.

The base for a small sculpture can be cut from polystyrene foam or a frozen piece construction foam. and then coat it with putty. After the layer has dried, it needs to be sanded and painted. Animals - squirrels, hedgehogs, birds - storks, herons, ducks, owls are especially good on this basis.

Important! Such sculptures need to be properly placed in the garden. Frogs, snails and ducks belong near a pond or fountain, owls and squirrels belong in a tree, and a curious gnome can look out from a rose bush.

Similar original ideas DIY sculptural decorations for the garden will please the eye for many years.

Garden figures

The magic of painted stones: photos and practical tips

No offense intended, but crafts made from household waste cannot be compared with the natural charm of wood and stone. These materials fit naturally and gracefully into any garden design.

Stones suitable for painting must be collected in advance. The best place for this purpose - the bank of a river or sea. Large smooth pebbles - great option. You shouldn’t stop only at perfectly smooth specimens. Original form can be a great incentive for fantasy coloring.

Idea! Porous boulders can also become an art object if painted from yellow, I’ll put a plaster mouse next to it.

If you couldn’t find a suitable stone, it doesn’t matter. You can simply make it from or . You don't even need to invent a filling mold. Simply make a hole in the ground or sand, cover it with polyethylene - and you're done. Cement or plaster can be tinted with tinting paste. To save on mortar, stones can be made hollow.

Advice! Big fake diamond It is better to cast without moving far from the future installation site.

It is better to use acrylic paints for painting stone for the following reasons:

  • dry quickly;
  • perfectly applied to the surface of the stone;
  • safe to work with;
  • are not afraid of moisture;
  • do not fade from the sun.

Before starting work, the pebbles must be washed from sand and dirt and dried thoroughly.

The first layer is PVA glue. It will act as a primer. You can paint only after the soil is completely dry. The second layer is background paint. It is applied evenly over the entire surface and also allowed to dry completely.

The third layer is the drawing itself. First, you can sketch out a sketch of the future picture on paper and transfer the diagram to the stone using a pencil.

Idea! If complex ornaments or landscapes are not yet possible, try painting the pebbles with smiley faces. Another option is ladybugs. They are very easy to do.

This is how you make stone crafts for the garden with your own hands. All new items can be used to decorate flower beds, garden fountains and paths.

For example, pebbles with images of frogs and fish will be harmoniously placed near a pond, and ornamented items will highlight the edges of the paths.

For example, we offer a photo original ideas DIY decor from pebbles:

Ladybugs and frogs on pebbles - water lilies

Idea! If you draw X's and O's on the pebbles, the children will have something to do on the lined playground.

stones for garden

DIY garden crafts: all the new items and crazy ideas

In addition to those listed, you can build an incredible number of others dacha tricks with your own hands. Photo examples and numerous master classes will help you master this exciting activity. Here are a few original ideas, perhaps some of them will be useful in your area:

To make a flowerbed, a casing from an old grand piano or upright piano is suitable. Small musical instruments, fastened into one whole, can become a support for loaches.

Mirror in the garden Weaving from branches

Old large mirror Can't find a place in the house anymore? No problem. You shouldn't throw it away, especially since it's Bad sign. If you hang it on a fence in a dark corner of the garden, it will add light to the plants and visually enlarge the area.

Vintage items and antiques are excellent decoration for the site. Anything can be used - from a spinning wheel to vintage irons.

Miracle - benches

This essential garden element can be made from the most different materials and decorate with flowers or carvings. If you install flashlights next to such solar powered, in the evening it will be unusually pleasant to listen to the trills of cicadas.

Arches in the garden Fence as an art object Refreshing fountain

Or a fountain can change the climate of the site. Plants will really like constant humidity in the air. It’s easier to breathe near the fountain, and you can put goldfish in a small home pond. Eat different variants design of a garden pond.

Decorative fountains and panels


Probably, all owners of their own plots, be it a yard or a dacha, are forever captured by the desire to decorate the territory under their control. Of course, for these purposes it is easier to purchase everything you need in the store. However, making crafts for the garden with your own hands, new and unusual ones at that, is a unique pleasure.

Especially for those who have succumbed to this desire, we have selected the newest craft ideas. We made many of them ourselves and publish descriptions, drawings and diagrams for repetition. Thus, you will be able to see all the latest news from the world of homemade products for the garden.

The best craft ideas for decorating your garden with your own hands

Hot new products this year

When deciding to decorate your yard with homemade items, you should not rush. Of course, first you need to familiarize yourself with what others have already done. The desire to build something unusual and new is commendable.

However, it is much more important to ensure the harmony of the landscape design of your yard with future design elements.

For example, a charming cart with flowers is placed in the shallows of a pond, without which the decor becomes familiar and standard.

If you want to get an interesting and thoughtful garden design, you should follow the following instructions:

  • study possible options homemade products;
  • draw up a diagram of their placement on the site in accordance with the landscape;
  • evaluate your capabilities, discuss the project with friends and adjust the plan.

It will be logical and correct to place crafts in accordance with their purpose:

  • a frog, duck and snail are appropriate near a pond;
  • a small bird, a squirrel and an owl will take root in the tree;
  • a cheerful hedgehog can peek out from behind a bush;
  • a large animal or figurine has a place on the ground.

The charming donkey with a cart has impressive dimensions and would be appropriate on a plot of at least 6 acres. To make it you need to follow the following plan:

  1. The frame of the sculpture is made of metal mesh With PVC coated. The torso, head and legs are made of individual parts mesh with a cell 50x50mm, rolled into rolls different sizes. The parts are connected to each other by pieces of wire.
  2. Inside the case is laid plastic mesh with fine mesh and geotextiles.
  3. The cavities inside the donkey's body are filled with fertile soil.
  4. Plants that do not require moisture are planted in the ground.
  5. The cart is made of wooden blocks. It is convenient to select wheels and flowerpots from available waste materials.

The palms look original and never get tired of holding the flowers placed in them. A simple master class for making crafts:

  1. A solution of cement and sand diluted to liquid sour cream in a ratio of 1:3 is poured into rubber gloves. It is necessary to use clean fine sand.
  2. While the solution hardens, you should ensure the desired position of the hand elements using cardboard, a rag and sand.
  3. After the cement hardens, the rubber mold is removed. Small imperfections may need to be filled with putty. The workpieces must be primed and painted.
  4. Cement hands are placed near low plants, soil is poured into the palms and flowers are planted.

Obviously, do-it-yourself metal figurines are rarely made due to the complexity of execution. The more interesting and valuable the presented specimens are. The iguana is made of steel sheet, a couple of lovers is made of rebar, a shovel is suitable for the owl, and the ants are assembled from a steel rod and fine mesh. In all cases, welding was used to install metal homemade products. As you can see, metal crafts can be even more interesting without painting.

Here are images of handmade crafts made from plywood. It can be used to make quite large and colorful figurines for the garden.

Wood is the most ancient material for creativity. Here are the easiest figurines to make. Nothing prevents you from using your imagination and offering something of your own.

For example, it is possible to build an entire submarine out of planks. Everything is so simple that there is no need to explain.

Stone is no less an ancient material for crafts than wood. Nevertheless, creative individuals from the country of masters continue to surprise us. The simplest ladybug or caterpillar is made according to a short master class:

  • stones of suitable shape and size must be washed and dried;
  • apply a dye of the main color to the surface of the pebble with a brush;
  • after the first layer has completely dried, the largest decoration elements are applied;
  • dyes of subsequent layers are applied after the previous layers have completely dried;
  • covered protective layer varnish decorations will retain their attractiveness for a long time.

Spatial figures made of stone are made using a frame made of thick wire or reinforcement. Thus, it is possible to build a dragon from the cartoon “Shrek” and other novelties with your own hands:

  1. First of all, you should schematically depict the future figure and select the required number of stones. Limestone, which is easy to drill and process, is suitable.
  2. A heavy sculpture will require a small concrete foundation. Pieces of wire or reinforcement with a diameter of 8-12 mm are placed in the concrete, onto which stones will subsequently be placed.
  3. After the foundation has completely hardened, the stones are drilled with a hammer drill and placed on sections of the frame. Individual pieces of wire are bent to create the required shape. To prevent the stones from rotating, they should be fixed with cement mortar.
  4. The grinder needs to be modified individual stones, to indicate a dragon's mouth, eyes, etc.
  5. Applying paint will help place missing accents.

Dragon-boy also happens

Funny dogs also made of stone. To collect them, I had to choose stones suitable shape. To connect individual elements of the craft, holes are drilled into them, into which pins made of wire with a diameter of 4-8 mm are inserted. Additionally, the parts are fastened with cement mortar.

It is easy and simple to build a stone flower for the garden with your own hands. The idea is obvious: we select suitable stones and fasten with cement mortar. For reliability, it is necessary to equip a very small foundation 5-10 cm high under the base of the flower.

Gnome, ladybug and cartoon characters are made of concrete. The examples given mean that it is possible to build both very simple and quite complex homemade products for home and garden using cement mortar.

A variety of homemade products are made from old car cylinders at home. The photo shows the most typical new tire products. We provide other interesting examples, as well as techniques for working with car tires, in a special article.

A few more successful homemade projects for home and garden are offered for your evaluation:

  1. An old bathtub is used quite often in the country. The shape and size of the object are great for simulating the body of a cow. A little black paint, a head made of plywood and an udder made of a rubber glove complete the image of the animal.
  2. This beautiful butterfly is made on the basis of a sheet of plywood. The base surface is primed. A mosaic is applied to the plywood using glue.
  3. Bushes that have been given oval shape during shearing, they resemble the bodies of ostriches. The long neck of the bird is imitated by a stick stuck in the ground. It is convenient to make the ostrich's head from plaster or foam plastic.
  4. The hedgehog is beautiful in his embarrassment! It is convenient to make it from foam plastic, into which you can easily stick toothpick needles. The paws are made from wooden sticks. It is better to put contents that are not afraid of moisture in a cloth bundle.

Original and simple garden figurines made from scrap materials

In this section we have grouped products made from scrap materials. Thus, it is possible to choose an object to repeat yourself, comparing several options. Most of them are easy to make at home.

Computer CDs sparkle with a bright rainbow in the sun and are not afraid of bad weather:

  1. In combination with the body of a bird cut from a tire, you get an original figurine of a peacock. A knitted metal mesh was used as the basis for the bird's tail.
  2. If you glue fins cut out of plastic to the disks, you will get charming fish.
  3. Several disks, screwed with wire to the fence mesh, form a cheerful caterpillar. All that remains is to add the hair and legs.
  4. We paint 6-8 discs with bright colors and put them on a stick. We fasten the ends of the disks with a glue gun - we get another caterpillar.

Decorations for the garden and vegetable garden can be made from polystyrene foam. These can be birds, mushrooms, and other figures. The material can be processed well with sandpaper. It is highly advisable to protect it from solar radiation using a coating. Acrylic paint will not dissolve the foam, but before applying it, the surface of the figure must be primed.

Garden decorations from glass bottles will serve for a long time. From glass containers It is convenient to make fences for plants. Using glass bottles, you can create a futuristic plant by placing them on the ends of wires sticking out of the ground.

Old 200L barrels will get a second life if they are brightly painted. Barrels can be used for water, as flower beds of various designs, or made garden furniture. The barrels laid on their sides resemble a freight train with tanks. To make the composition lively and cheerful, you need to decorate it and fill it with flowers.

Many children love to make homemade products from polymer clay. Your child will be proud of the figurine that will decorate the dacha. In such a situation, it is better to make an exception and first make a figurine from polymer clay, and then choose a place for it on the site.

From flower pots You get beautiful figures. It is convenient to fasten them by stringing them on a cord or wire. Of course, the more additional attributes, the more expressive the product.

Especially good flower pots for its intended purpose: for planting flowers. Of course, additional handles, legs and decor provide bright expressiveness to pot products.

Cones - excellent natural material For garden crafts. Pine cones can be glued to a plastic bottle using a glue gun. Add a pair of cork eyes and you get a wonderful hedgehog. You can cover a concrete flowerpot with pine cones in the same way. Cones are convenient for mulching the soil under plants: grass does not grow, moisture is retained, and the bed looks neat and unusual.

PVC pipes for water supply provide ample opportunities for country creativity. To assemble the samples shown in the photo, you will need a special welding gun. Seams and joints are neat and durable.

A variety of things, from a greenhouse frame to a cart, can actually be assembled from PVC pipes. Of course, you can find many new ideas for making the necessary household equipment from plastic pipes.

As you can see, there is no such thing as unnecessary items when it comes to garden decorations. Old plates will make a cute and durable fencing for your flower bed. Plastic plates make beautiful mushrooms. Mushroom caps are glued to the stems of mayonnaise buckets. White spots of paint complete the design of the fungi.

A basin on a stump – the plot is familiar. However, you can complement the design with taste and zest. Check out the bowl mushroom ideas shown in the photo and make them even better!

Miniature decorative house for a flowerbed you can make it yourself in a variety of designs. The house is complemented with landscape design elements to scale. The author is given the opportunity to realize those ideas that cannot yet be implemented on a personal plot. If you build a flowerbed house from small pebbles on cement mortar, it will last a long time.

What is a dacha without butterflies? Let's look at the different options step by step:

  1. Option No. 1 is made from a plastic bottle. The base of the butterfly is cut out according to a pre-prepared template. You can paint the wings with nail polish, acrylic and other paints. The insect's body is made of beads placed on a thin copper wire. The antennae are made in the same way. The body of the butterfly is attached to the wings with wire through holes in the latter.
  2. Butterfly No. 2 is made of plywood. It is better to read about how to work with plywood in a separate article, which we have already mentioned.
  3. Butterfly No. 3 is also made of a plywood sheet on which caps from plastic bottles are attached. The covers can be attached using glue or screws.
  4. The fourth butterfly is assembled from a PVC-coated metal mesh, which is supported on a frame made of steel reinforcement. The cavity of the wings is covered with geotextiles and filled fertile soil. You will have to water the flowers more often, as the soil will dry out quickly.

As you can see, old buckets make interesting compositions, so you shouldn’t throw them away. Of course, flowers in pots should be watered periodically like houseplants. I can give only one recommendation for making garden decorations from old buckets: don’t slow down your imagination.

The mill attracts attention from owners of garden plots. This option based on the use of leftovers building materials. On the roof we see trimmings flexible tiles, the second floor in the form of a ring is made from the remains of linoleum, the body of the building is made from scraps plastic siding. The entire structure is assembled on a frame made from scraps of wooden beams. It will be correct to use your own set waste material.

Our own DIY workshops for the yard

Let us repeat: the following site decoration items were made by us independently and for this reason alone are original. You can familiarize yourself with the corresponding master class and repeat the homemade product. Particularly interesting are the techniques of working with available materials, using which you can compose your own work.

The basis of the garden donkey figurine is made of plastic bottles. The solid-looking design requires relatively little time, tools and materials.

Easier crafts There are no garden canisters. This design uses an interesting technique for attaching horns, so it’s better to see how this is done in the same article where we write about the donkey. Currently, a canister ram's head plays the role of a “hunting trophy” in the garage and lifts the mood when returning home. Plastic canisters also make interesting feeders for birds, which we talk about in the corresponding article.

The plastic bottle palm tree is famous and popular. Artificial tree may have different sizes.

A native made from plastic bottles will decorate the area of ​​your garden. We assigned him as a scarecrow for the birds.

At first glance, it may seem that flowers from plastic bottles are inappropriate at the dacha. However, practice refutes this idea: such decoration is not afraid of either drought or autumn.

A swan from plastic bottles can be made using several technologies. The photo shows a simple and effective method: a plastic tail is attached to a plywood base.

It happens that there is no washbasin at the dacha. It can be made from plastic bottles.

Repellers for moles, snakes and birds are often made from plastic bottles. We decided to give the rattle an attractive look and design it in the shape of an airplane.

A reliable bird feeder can be assembled from plastic eggplant. Our option is an imitation of a snowman, and best time think about it - autumn.

The simplest feeder for birds are made from a bag. We decided to design the feeder in the shape of a bus. This option is also described in the mentioned article about making feeders.

The simple-looking birdhouse is made using “Canadian technology”: cardboard inside, plastic outside. We made a reliable, warm and comfortable birdhouse without boards or a hacksaw.

Best of polyurethane foam it turns out to be a lamb. In our version, the animal’s hooves are successfully imitated with brown plastic bottles.

Fungus is a classic option for using gypsum to decorate a summer house. There are an incredible number of techniques for decorating a fungus.

What can you use to make unique garden crafts?

To those who have reviewed the contents of the entire article, the question posed by the title may seem unnecessary. However, looking at the above picture, you understand the fallacy of the impression. Let's try to list the possible options for improvised means for crafts in the garden, supplementing the above:

  • unnecessary furniture;
  • old car;
  • unusable household appliances;
  • remains of various building materials;
  • branches, tree trunks, snags, stumps;
  • metal and plastic cans;
  • unsuitable clothes and shoes;
  • unnecessary children's toys;
  • unusable garden tools.

Obviously, the list can be continued. Thus, the most correct answer to the question posed is any available means!

For those who passionately want to decorate their yard and home with my own hands, there is a simple piece of advice: rummage through the nooks and crannies of your property and before throwing away what you don’t need, ask yourself the question - what can you build from it?

What crafts can you make in the yard yourself?

At first glance, it may seem that you can make figurines, dolls and fun crafts for your dacha yourself. The presented images demonstrate that it is possible to build both the simplest useful things and full-fledged serious attributes country interior. Those who show persistence, diligence and imagination will inevitably be rewarded with the results obtained. For everyone who is seriously passionate, (10 rated at 4,40 from 5 )

And today it’s already summer outside. Walking down the street in the morning near one building, I was met by a green beauty, such a wonderful one - a crocodile. And today I decided to take up a topic such as garden crafts, which you can use to decorate your yard, plot and of course your cottage.

So that it is cute and beautiful, for everyone to enjoy. So that everyone can watch and marvel. I will try to collect a lot of original and creative ideas in this collection so that there is plenty to choose from.

In fact, making such masterpieces is not so difficult, the main thing is to find suitable material, usually improvised means are used, as well as waste material.

Our neighbors recently built a wonderful piece of work near our entrance that residents from other houses still come and admire. Do you know how to surprise? I look forward to new ideas from you, my readers and colleagues. I'm always happy to receive comments and advice.

Well, let's not waste time, let's get down to what we're planning.

The first thing that comes to mind is to take all sorts of unnecessary things and build something extraordinary. Among the garbage and rubbish you can find and find ordinary bottles that always remain. And they litter our streets.

Moreover, of course, it is better to devote a separate article to this topic, but in this one I will show only a few examples.

You can easily and simply use them to lay out or fence off some area of ​​land. Take the bottles and dig them into the ground with your nose. And the bottom can be painted acrylic paints. To make it more fun, use only different colors.

From old sneakers you can make such a funny bird, or anyone, depending on your imagination. You will also need metal sticks.

The most unexpected option for me was laying out a path around the house. Imagine the owner made it not from cement, but from corks.

The stone works also look great.

And another creator of thoughts even managed to design ordinary beds. Well, it’s convenient and moisture doesn’t run away in all directions.

For beginners, I suggest watching a video from YouTube and conquering everyone with a tree like a plastic palm tree.

And here they actually used drain fittings.

You can make someone out of a metal bucket, for example a lumberjack, by the way, mayonnaise ones can also be used.

Or take barrels. It turned out beautiful.

From birch logs or some other forest, maybe even coniferous trees, you can build funny little men or guards. All sorts of little animals and brownies are also popular.

Works made from logs look original. Such a cute caterpillar and fungus.

Or such cool ideas for products made from ordinary plywood.

Wow, they came up with and laid out a well and the stumps turned out to be chairs. Ha, they even used galoshes.

And here it looks like someone is good at what. An old machine and even a washing machine were used. And how cool the teapot looks. Plus, they managed to adapt a two-wheeled bike and, as you can see, a toilet.

Old ceramic or clay pots suitable for somehow decorating your dacha or garden.

Mushrooms can be made from pebbles and basins painted red.

And here, look what the owner came up with, he made a ladybug out of a shovel.

I couldn’t pass by this work either. Such a mischievous and cheerful cockerel.

From wheel tires, I think they saw flower beds, but such vehicles?

Ah-ha, the children's boots came into play.

I came across other options from computer disks, take a look at this handsome peacock.

Or you can do something simpler, but it will still work out in an original and stylish way to hang it on the fence.

Beautiful crafts from mayonnaise buckets

Russian people consume a lot of mayonnaise, well, that's a fact. And this product leaves many empty buckets. Don't throw them away, save them for the summer season, and then do something weird. In addition, you can also make children happy with them. For example, design a site in kindergarten cartoon characters Nyusha and Kroshik, you just need acrylic paints.

Also cut out carefully, and then turn the bucket over and you will get another creative bird feeder.

Or make mushrooms, and magical ones with unusual caps.

Or, if you are a jack of all trades, then it will not be difficult for you to come up with a flashlight or lamp for your garden.

The next option is again for kids.

And, if you suddenly want to have lunch at the dacha, then you can put on the table any vase of flowers, also decorated with your own hands.

As you can see, you can take any idea and turn it into reality; work with clothespins is shown here.

What can be made from wheel tires

Let's move on to the next point and touch on another incredibly cool idea. You will need wheels, or whatever they are called. car tires. The most popular is the craft in the form of swans, as well as sunflowers.

The cutting diagram will look something like this.

Of course these are flower beds.

And you can’t do without flower beds. What a funny turtle.

But, in any case, any such work requires some effort and patience, be prepared for this.

Here are a few step-by-step instructions, such small master classes of animal products, turtles and parrots.

This is a big vase for growing flowers.

Believe it or not, you can make a zoo out of rubber tires. Let even unusual fairy-tale animals, such as the Cheburashka, live in it. The most famous are frogs, cats and elephants.

As you can see, there is also a horse and a fox.

In kindergartens and schools you can often find snails and cockerels.

They even thought of making furniture.

The simplest thing is a bench or bench.

Crafts from plastic bottles for the garden and garden

I propose to make a flower garden, but not on the ground, but in zero gravity. You don't understand what I'm talking about. Look at this photo. Decorate the walls of your home, and then how it all will bloom. It will be wonderful and attractive.

It is possible to decorate the veranda in this way, if there is a desire. Take a closer look.

Don’t forget about the birds, feed them, and to make it more convenient, make a feeder.

Of course, there can be any number of options from waste material. And every year you never cease to be amazed. For example, this piglet.

I really liked these cute bees from this video.

Or take a look at these creations.

They even make furniture, wow, and bottles are needed in quantity, a whole bunch. It seems like rubbish, but what comes out better.

And then they even began to build houses with gazebos. I'm shocked).

Or greenhouses, and whatever is cheap and cheerful is relevant in a crisis, ah-ha.

Finally, I decided to amuse you, they used to make scarecrows in vegetable gardens, but now there are these robots, one might say security guards. Flasks, tins and even beer bottles are involved.

Craft ideas for summer residents and gardeners from the Land of Craftsmen

There are a lot of pictures on this topic on the Internet, because garden crafts will always be in demand, because we want to decorate our territory with something special every year.

I suggest you look through these illustrations, perhaps you will come across a new idea.

And also, there is a wonderful plot, just click on the button and have a good viewing.

That's all. How do you design a garden or dacha? What kind of improvised means do you take? Write your comments, reviews and suggestions, share the article on in social networks. See you later. Bye.

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

Interesting things are never out of place ideas for the garden, do it yourself which you can surely implement. This will allow you to introduce a little of those fashion trends that leading designers dictate to us. It's time to get rid of plastic bottles and garden gnomes; it's worth learning interesting and, by the way, not so complicated techniques for creating fashionable decor.

DIY gardening ideas photo

Eat ideas for a garden with your own hands, photo which you can see in our article today, which require some effort and skill from you, but this is exactly how truly valuable specimens are created for decorating the garden with your own hands. Efforts need to be made, and materials need to be purchased, and in some cases some calculations need to be made, but in the end end result you can safely be proud that it will turn out no worse than in the photo in landscape design magazines.

If you are interested fashion trends in this area, you probably know how popular textures such as glass and mirrors, as well as simple geometric shapes, you can safely add all this to the area and be sure that it will look relevant, even if you doubt your design talents .

The look of a romantic, abandoned garden is no less popular, as a counterbalance to the strict geometry of the previous trend. The garden is unpredictable, with interesting ideas, which looks as if everything in it is growing on its own without the slightest of your participation - this is the real aerobatics in such landscape design.

An interesting trend that has already won many admiring reviews is the construction of decorative wall, which looks like part of an ancient building. Such romantic ruins, shaded perennial trees, fragrant herbs, climbing roses or ivy - a real star for design.

Original ideas for your garden with your own hands

Our next example from the number will also be devoted to working with cement. original ideas for your garden with your own hands. Because garden sculptures are gradually losing ground or, at least, are used in extremely measured doses, then it is worth looking for inspiration from nature itself.

The concrete leaves you see in the photographs show how sculpture and eco-trends can be combined. The scope of application of such leaflets is quite wide; you can use them instead of elements garden path, placing them at some distance from each other, you can make part of the composition under the trees.

In addition, the photo shows two more interesting examples uses, one of which is a water catcher drainpipe, the purpose of a series of concrete sheets is to direct water from the blind area to the lawn and flower garden, which are located under the house.

And in the last example, a curved shape was specially made for the sheet so that small quantities could accumulate in it. rainwater. As a result, you will get a very beautiful birdbath, which will also become an excellent decoration for the site.

In the photo you can see the process of making such a craft. The amount of cement you need is mixed so that it is sufficiently thick and flexible. Using your hands (necessarily with gloves), the composition is transferred to the selected “stencil” - a torn large leaf with good relief, for example, a burdock leaf, distribute the composition over the surface. Wait until the composition sets a little, and carefully, as if working with sand molds, remove the leaf. At the end, the craft will need to be dried, spraying it with water from a spray bottle from time to time to prevent the surface from cracking.

Interesting ideas for your garden with your own hands

The presence of a barbecue, oven or barbecue device on your site does not at all negate the construction of an open hearth. This structure is rather not intended for cooking or heating. This decorative element to observe a living fire, for the beauty of the flame, which is appreciated while sitting around a beautifully decorated hearth. It is precisely the construction of such architectural element and many are dedicated interesting ideas for the garden with your own hands.

We have chosen for you instructions for assembling the fireplace, which are among the simplest. For the hearth you need to choose a place, and as a base you need a flat area with earth, so either cut out the lawn, as shown in the photo, or clear the place of flowers. It is necessary to fill the selected area with crushed stone or medium-sized screenings, then the fire will not heat the surrounding space.

The fireplace needs a side that will form the necessary contour; this can be a special heat-resistant plastic; it is better not to use an iron rim, since it will quickly rust when heated by the flame and being in the open air.

The edge needs to be lined around the perimeter paving slabs or natural stone so as to completely hide it in height. This creates a safe stove in which the fire burns below the level of the side, the wind will not blow it out, and sparks will not fly around, burning through clothes.

In other photos you can see other examples of construction on the site of a similar fireplace and see how attractive it looks, even if it is not particularly functional. But the main task of good landscape design is to evoke warm emotions in you, to give you the pleasure of being outside the city.

New ideas for your garden with your own hands

We have already seen used wooden pallets many times; they are used to make furniture, flower beds and fences. We suggest you take a look at new ideas for the garden with your own hands using this material, a bar counter becomes a new object of dacha infrastructure, which is located on the terrace, barbecue area or nearby summer kitchen.

In itself, such a furniture object is very useful, even if you have never thought about building it, then, for sure, the photos will convince you otherwise. On such a counter you can not only pour cocktails while chatting with friends while preparing barbecue, it can also become great place for communication, an auxiliary surface when preparing food, and so on.

Developing the theme with the bar counter further, you can provide it with a roof to use in any weather, even in the rain, and also make it inside functional shelves, where not only bottles can be stored, but also dishes, cutlery and other equipment of a real bartender.