home · Other · Schemes and patterns for children's pillows and dog toys. We sew a funny dog ​​pillow. Master class and pattern. Pillow with dog silhouette appliqué

Schemes and patterns for children's pillows and dog toys. We sew a funny dog ​​pillow. Master class and pattern. Pillow with dog silhouette appliqué

For children fun games, and also for home decoration, do-it-yourself pillow toy patterns will be useful. Such pillows will delight both children and adults, and in addition they can become a good gift, for example, for a housewarming party.

Most often, such pillows are sewn in the shape of cats. Cats are warm pets that bring comfort and peace to the home. They know how to curl up and take a sweet nap on sofas or armchairs, and perhaps that’s why soft pillows and are associated with these pets.

Pillows in the form of owls and turtles are also popular, but there are also other animals - dogs, hippos, whales, sheep, elephants, ladybugs and even frogs. You can figure out for yourself how to “adapt” your favorite animal under the pillow and make a pattern yourself.

Sewing such pillows with your own hands is not difficult even for a beginner, but skilled and knowledgeable craftswomen only need to “spot” the idea from a photo of finished pillows.

Let's get started

The master class on creating a pillow toy is basically the same for any model. The most important thing is to choose the pattern you like and purchase everything necessary materials. Usually the pillow is stuffed with padding polyester or holofiber.

Tools and materials you may need:

  • textile;
  • pattern;
  • pencil or piece of soap;
  • pins;
  • threads to match the fabric;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine;
  • additional elements (inserts, patches, stripes, beads).

The fabric can be of any color and texture, the main thing is that it matches the interior and the general mood. It is worth paying attention to its durability: satin and silk pillows are beautiful, but short-lived, especially when playing. Pillows made of cotton and fleece fabric are more durable and comfortable.

You also need to consider how much the fabric collects lint and dust. This may be important for those who have a beloved pet in the house.

You can make a pattern yourself or use an existing one. Usually a figure is drawn the desired shape(the main part of the pillow) and add individual details (paws, tail, ears) if desired.

A pattern can be made without additional details, the main thing is that the shape resembles the body of an animal. Here, for example, is a slightly modified square pillow, decorated to look like a fox:

Or a pattern in the shape of a bird:

A toy pillow can also be made using simple patterns: a square pillow, decorated to look like some kind of animal. You can “update” an existing pillow with fabric appliqués (muzzle, eyes, antennae) and additional elements(paws, tail), making it a toy.

These pillows have their own standard square shape, but they look like dogs:

To these square pillows The faces of the animals are simply sewn on, and now they can turn into toys (using buttons or Velcro):

Of course, you don’t have to limit yourself to just animals. To really turn a pillow into an entertaining toy, just make it in the form of a puzzle. If you fold several well suitable friend to a friend of pillows, you will get a cozy and original mattress on which you can happily lie or sit on the floor.

The pattern and sewing are quite simple.

It should be taken into account that if you are using a voluminous, high pillow, then you need to sew all the sides (strip) with a separate fabric. But you can also sew a simple double-sided pillow.

When creating any pattern, of course, you should take into account seam allowances to ensure the pillow is the desired size.

How to sew:

  1. We make a pattern, taking into account all the details, and cut it out;

  1. We transfer the pattern to the fabric: pin the parts to the wrong side of the fabric and trace with a pencil or a piece of soap (depending on the color and texture of the fabric);

  1. We cut out the parts from the fabric, taking into account allowances (1-1.5 cm);
  1. We sweep the parts along the edge and sew them on a machine (you can do it by hand), leaving a small unsewn space (usually at the bottom);

  1. Turn the parts inside out front side through the unstitched area and fill it evenly with filler (usually padding polyester) to the required volume;

  1. We sew up the hole with a hidden seam;
  1. We sew the necessary elements on top or embroider them (nose, eyes, mouth).

The toy pillow is ready!

It is worth paying attention to how to sew additional parts to the pillow. There are two ways:

  • on top of the finished pillow with a hidden or regular seam;
  • sweep along with the main seam from the wrong side.

Here, for example, are the owl’s paws sewn on top:

And here are the pillows with muzzles sewn into the outer seam:

Additional details do not need to be stuffed like a pillow. You can leave them without padding at all or add some volume with a small amount of padding polyester.

To make it more convenient to sew parts on top (appliqués), you can do this in advance - after cutting. It is better to sew buttons, beads and sequins last on the finished pillow.

Video on the topic of the article

A selection of videos on how to make pillow toys.

2018 will pass under the auspices of the yellow dog. Therefore, any souvenir in the shape of a dog would be a good gift. These can be magnets, figurines or soft toys. In this regard, you can make a talisman for next year with your own hands. For example, you can sew a comfortable dog pillow with your own hands.

For this you will need:

  • textile yellow color(cotton or linen);
  • black fabric (for the nose);
  • filler (sintepon or foam rubber);
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread.

First you need to make a pattern for the base of the dog pillow from paper. We draw by hand or you can use this pattern:

We cut out the part from paper, and then transfer the contours to the fabric folded in two layers and cut out two parts of the base of the pillow.

We draw small details (paws, ears, tail and nose) on paper, then transfer them to fabric, do not forget to leave seam allowances:

tail - two parts

ears - two parts

paws - four parts

From black fabric we cut out the nose - also 2 parts.

Lay out the patterns on the fabric, cut out:

All parts are sewn by hand, seam first, needle first. But if you have a sewing machine, you can do it much faster.

Stitching small parts(tail, ears and paws) along the contours, leaving room for turning, turn it right side out. We stuff the paws with foam rubber.

We sew the nose parts to the body immediately. The body must be sewn together, leaving unstitched areas for the tail and paws.

Then we turn the body through the hole for the paws. We stuff the body with filler, not too tightly.

We insert the tail into the hole left and sew it on (using a regular stitch).

We sew the paws in the same way.

In order to sew on the ears, you need to make two small cuts, insert the ears into them and sew them together.

To make eyes for our dog, you can take eyes from an old soft toy(or cut them from fabric of a different color):

To ensure that the fabric does not fit, we sew the circles in a circle. To do this, take black threads. The pupil can be embroidered with black thread or drawn with a marker.

That's all, the dog pillow is ready.

As you can see, it was not difficult to sew it with your own hands.

The result is a wonderful amulet for 2018, which is also very comfortable pillow under the neck. You can use it at home or take it with you in the car for long trips.

It's hard to imagine modern life without such a wonderful thing as a pillow. It's no secret that a properly selected pillow will give you good and bright dreams.

In stores you can find a huge number of different pillows, including toy pillows. Let's figure out together what they are and how you can make them yourself.

What is a toy pillow

As the name suggests, a toy pillow is a pillow made in the shape of a soft toy (most often some kind of animal). You can play with such a pillow, take it with you to bed, sit on it or lie on the floor. Such a pillow can be an excellent decoration for an interior made in a certain style.

The pillow is a boat.

The advantage of handmade toy pillows is that you can use leftover scraps or leftover wool to make them. In this case, the pillow will also perform a developmental function: the child will develop sensitivity, and the variety of colors will help him learn the names of colors.

For example, a pillow made in the shape of a car or a house with windows will help not only learn the names of colors, but also the names of geometric shapes.

Knitting pattern for a machine pillow

Sewing a toy pillow with your own hands is not at all difficult. You will need a pattern (which you can draw yourself or use our ideas), fabric, threads with a needle, if available, a sewing machine, knitting threads (if you want to make a knitted toy) and filler.

Pillow-toy “Cat” made of fabric

Pattern of a toy pillow in the shape of a cat

Crochet "Pigguin" pillow

Knitted horse pillows

When choosing materials for a toy, do not forget that they should not cause allergies and should not fade.

Choosing an idea for a pillow

Its shape will also depend on the purpose of the pillow.

Cushion cushion

Do you want to make a tight roll under your back? The ideas of a dachshund dog, a snake or a train will suit you.

Pattern of a toy pillow in the shape of a dog

Want to make a pillow for the road? Choose semicircular shapes: such a pillow can be placed under the child’s neck:

Pattern of the toy pillow “Giraffe”

How to make a pillow in the shape of a sweet donut, watch the video master class:

Sleep pillow

If the pillow is intended for sleeping, then you should not make hard, noticeably prominent eyes and nose. It is difficult to press your face against such a pillow and fall asleep. It's better to give preference soft tissues: fleece or flannel.

Pattern of a toy pillow in the shape of a sheep

Scops owl pillow

Seat cushion

Do you want your pillow to be able to sit on? Try to make it flatter.

Floor pillow

A long pillow can be placed on a window or on the floor to protect from drafts.

Pillow patterns in the shape of a cat and a dog

Pillow filler

When choosing filling for a toy pillow, there are several important things to remember.

Firstly, the toy should be quite light so that the child can carry it from place to place.

Secondly, such a pillow will have to be washed often. This means that the filler should wring out well and dry quickly. It is best to use synthetic fluff or holofiber for stuffing.

Another interesting option filler - special polystyrene ball filler (the same one that is used in muffin pillows).

And remember that handmade toy pillows are a unique product that will add comfort to your home and will undoubtedly please your child!

In order to make a gift for your family and friends with your own hands for the New Year 2018, you just need to sew one nice little thing as decorative cushion in the form of the mistress of the coming year - Dog.

The dog pillow, or rather the option we want to offer you below, is very easy and simple to sew; you don’t need to create complex patterns or have advanced cutting and sewing skills. The main thing is to do everything carefully and put your soul and love for your home and your family into the work - and the talisman pillow will definitely bring you happiness and good luck, and will also add comfort and warmth to the interior!

How to sew a doggy pillow with your own hands

As we said earlier, we don’t need patterns as such; we also need the simplest and most affordable materials:

  • a small piece of fabric (choose the size at your discretion),
  • scraps of fabric of other shades and any material),
  • stuffing filler,
  • scissors, thread, needles.

You need to cut out the main parts from the fabric - two squares of the same size:

On the front side of one of the squares we sew the dog’s eyes, nose, tongue from scraps of fabric, and decorate the muzzle with decorative stitches.

We make the dog’s ears triangular from fabric of the texture and color you need.

We sew the squares that form the base of the pillow from the inside out, do not forget to sew in the ears and leave a slit in order to turn the finished pillow right side out and stuff it with filling.

All women at a certain time in their lives think about comfort in their home. With the help of minor decorative elements you can update the decor in the room and give the house more warmth and beauty. An ordinary sofa cushion can become such a decorative element. Even if you are far from needlework, sewing a pillow will not be difficult. If you have doubts about what plan to make it, then on the eve of 2018 you definitely need to sew a dog toy pillow. You can make very original things with your own hands, but first we’ll look at how to make a dog pillow with your own hands.

What you will need:

- textile. It can be almost anything. When choosing fabric, focus on the ease of sewing, the tactile sensations the fabric evokes and its pattern. It is better to take a plain fabric (cotton, linen) as the base of the pillow;
- a piece of black fleece or felt (for eyes, nose);
- scissors;
- pencil;
- pins;
- paper;
— filler (sintepon, holofiber);
- threads;
- needle.

How to make a dog pillow with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction

1. Make a pattern on paper. Cut it out.

2. Transfer the paper patterns onto the fabric. Pin and trace. You need to make two parts of the head, four ears, a spot, eyes and a nose.

Important: Remember to leave a seam allowance of approximately 1 cm.

3. There is a hole on the paper ear pattern, which is necessary to mark the place for the eye.

4. Place the eye, nose and spot pads on the front of the dog's head. These details can be stitched, not forgetting to leave a slit for the eyes.

5. Complete all operations to get a beautiful face.

6. Place the two head pieces face to face. We sew them together, leaving a slit for the ears and room to turn the head inside out for stuffing.

7. Sew two parts of the ears together and turn them inside out.

8. The ears need to be inserted into the cuts on the head and stitched.

9. Turn the dog’s head inside out and stuff it with stuffing. We sew up the hole for the stuffing.

After doing these simple manipulations, you will get a wonderful dog pillow with your own hands. You can buy a pillow in a store. But it’s not a fact that it will fit into your interior. And by making it yourself, you will be sure that it will emphasize the individuality of your room, because you will independently select the texture and colors of the fabrics, the size and style of the dog pillow.