home · Other · Scorpio and Capricorn love compatibility. Capricorn and Scorpio: are they suitable for each other in love, friendship and partnership?

Scorpio and Capricorn love compatibility. Capricorn and Scorpio: are they suitable for each other in love, friendship and partnership?

Two strong signs form a contradictory pair. On the one hand, partners are ambitious and equally strive to conquer career heights, and their ambition does not give them the opportunity to support their chosen one on the path to success. Everyone believes that the best in the world is destined only for him. But at the same time, when they manage to organize cooperation, there is no stronger tandem in any field of activity. Compatibility of Capricorn and Scorpio signs suffers greatly due to their vanity and selfishness. But as soon as they try to take a step towards each other, everything will turn out for the best.

These people are close in their worldview. They are not just partners, they are, first of all, good friends, since the aspirations of one are painfully known to the other. They are colleagues, lovers, comrades; such relationships are like a rainbow, because there is passion and love, calculation and business cooperation, acute physical attraction and deep spiritual connection. They will not be able to feel only calm, since both are too active, insanely independent and tend to demonstratively show their tough temperament. It takes enough time for these people to achieve harmony in their relationships. In the end, both are smart enough to realize that together they can conquer any heights, and in such a rapprochement, the compatibility of Capricorn and Scorpio acquires the necessary understanding.

Capricorn is an excellent tactician. He is very down to earth and can easily provide the material basis for their union. Scorpio will shine by offering new solutions and original execution. The only problem with these partners is that they are not open enough. Scorpio is by nature too mysterious to reveal his soul even to the closest person. And Capricorn, even if he wants, will not be able to explain himself clearly enough to his chosen one. Both are a little cold, and they have to overcome this barrier in order to become a happy couple.

Sexual compatibility between Capricorn and Scorpio

The sexual compatibility of the signs Capricorn and Scorpio defines these people as wonderful lovers. Their temperaments are similar, you just have to tune in to the same wavelength. Scorpio will give his partner amazing deep sensuality, and he will in return please him with the excellent practical fulfillment of the duties assigned to him.

Compatibility: Scorpio man - Capricorn woman

Outwardly, this couple gives the impression of an ideal union. Compatibility of Capricorn and Scorpio in this ratio is characterized by mutual concealment of any unpleasant situations within the family. When sorting out relationships, the Scorpio man and the Capricorn lady will never raise their voices. What if the neighbors hear? They prefer to discuss everything in private and then go out in public looking like an ideal couple.

These two are very practical, thanks to which they manage to brilliantly manage a joint household, raise children and develop a family business. They are prudent and know how to calculate financial costs, because they are convinced that everything should be justified. Their relationship should be strong, reliable, painfully predictable. Without a long check, Scorpio and Capricorn will not get married.

They prefer to eliminate any difficulties in relationships at the inception stage, without waiting for everything they have put so much effort into to collapse. These partners are not lacking in vigilance and willpower. They are capable of building a real empire.

The Capricorn woman, unable to properly express her emotions, sometimes feels a serious lack of warmth and tenderness from her partner. A Scorpio man should recognize such moments in time and pay all his attention to his beloved. And he succeeds quite well. Thanks to this, partners can live a happy, long life together. Sometimes they become unbearably bored with the routine with which they have surrounded themselves. Their salvation will be traveling together or just a change of scenery. Then their feelings will sparkle with new colors.

Compatibility: Scorpio woman – Capricorn man

A Scorpio woman and a Capricorn man are attracted to each other. He is smart and taciturn, but the speeches of this representative of the earthly element become a reflection of his wisdom and life experience. It is not surprising that the Scorpio lady is so fascinated by her chosen one. At times she seems to see her reflection in him, and this touches her to the depths of her soul. A Capricorn's smile doesn't just happen, it has to be earned, and she appreciates it. Just as he values ​​their relationship, doing everything to make this union stronger.

The mystery of the Scorpio girl wins the heart of an earthly man. It seems he is ready to follow her to the ends of the earth just to unravel her secret.

The compatibility of the signs Capricorn and Scorpio in the event that she is Scorpio, he is Capricorn, is characterized by some difficulties. For example, Capricorn is an ardent owner. Having invested his strength in something, he does not intend to give it up easily. Therefore, it will be safer for him to keep his beloved under supervision. At the same time, a girl born under the sign of Scorpio believes that a sense of possessiveness is her exclusive right, and she herself should have sufficient freedom. Here, it is better for partners to immediately set boundaries, since constant crossing of personal space and strict control over each other will not have the best effect on their relationship. Let Capricorn, who is a typical careerist, sometimes stay late at work, and let his beloved often go shopping with her girlfriends.

The main task facing Capricorn and Scorpio in such relationships is to achieve that degree of sincerity that will provide them with spiritual comfort and the opportunity for joint spiritual development.

Business compatibility between Scorpio and Capricorn

As employees of a large company, these two are unlikely to work together fruitfully. But compatibility of the signs Capricorn and Scorpio in business will allow them to express themselves fully and achieve great heights. Freelancing or entrepreneurial activity kindles in their hearts the desire to be the best, and such a tandem has nothing to do with the machinations of competitors. An important aspect of cooperation is understanding each other and accepting the partner for who he really is.

Which we will consider. These two signs can be together, and completely painlessly, only if there is a man, and Capricorn, respectively, a woman. An interesting fact is that he is the only one of his kind who can curb Capricorn’s temper.

In such a union, two completely different hypostases are connected at once. One is a fighter by nature, while the other is famous for his art of fighting back and resisting. From here it immediately becomes clear that it has unimaginable power. Scorpio and Capricorn, whose compatibility is based on significant differences in character traits, together are focused and driven. What is noteworthy is that both of these signs, in their union, both marriage and community, temper their hearts and strengthen their nerves. However, as the horoscope shows, Scorpio and Capricorn are also united by common qualities, such as mutual respect, hard work, common interests, ambition and high efficiency. In this regard, equality flourishes in this union.

The marriage union of Scorpio and Capricorn is based on a sense of self-esteem, which they have almost from birth. Both of them bring the work they have begun to its logical conclusion, and direct all their efforts exclusively to a positive resolution of the issue. Such a married couple moves towards their material and social well-being with mathematical precision and insight, that is, consistently and gradually, confidently and reliably. In this regard, Scorpio and Capricorn complement each other, because Capricorn lives by long-term strategies, and Scorpio gives preference to the present, while very skillfully using the experience of the past.

Capricorn and Capricorn fit almost perfectly into the horoscope. One hundred percent compatibility is not achieved only by the intimate life of these two signs. Scorpio is a very passionate and ardent sign, but Capricorns look a little cool against their background.

As a rule, Scorpio and Capricorn, whose compatibility is clear as day, spend most of their free time discussing joint and personal hopes, desires and dreams. Only the methods of achieving their goals are significantly different for these signs. And quite often disagreements arise between them on this basis. However, they won't last too long. Very soon they will come to a common opinion. And with this, the barely flared conflict will be extinguished.

Both Capricorn and Scorpio, deep down in their souls, simply crave respect and strive to gain quiet power. However, Capricorn has a negative attitude towards Scorpio’s internal tension, mistaking it for a meaningless waste of vital energy. Scorpio, in turn, is confident that Capricorn is deprived of such qualities as sentimentality and sensuality. But, even despite this, both of these signs belong to the category of rather practical people. When united together, both of them are capable of achieving very high results.

Scorpio and Capricorn, whose compatibility is undeniable, can go with the flow of habits for years. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that many lines in their relationship are erased, novelty and inspiration are lost. They are both friends and lovers. Both Scorpio and Capricorn are able to hide their inner selves from the prying eyes of the people around them. But in their union they remain sincere. Almost always they have a single secret, which unites them for many years and strengthens mutual devotion. Both of these signs in their union are patient with each other. And what if not patience makes coexistence the most successful!

Such relationships do not arise spontaneously - Scorpio and Capricorn can look closely at each other for a long time, as if deciding whether it is worth taking a step towards each other. We can definitely say that it is worth it.

Most often, Capricorn starts - he is confident in himself and in his choice, and has weighed everything. This can be confusing for an assertive Scorpio, but this match is truly wonderful, even if it doesn't last long.

Scorpio and Capricorn have incredible compatibility in bed - mutual passion can smooth out any rough edges between them. Scorpio and Capricorn have a simply magical influence on each other, and only circumstances can lure this couple out of the bedroom.

The secret of compatibility between Scorpio and Capricorn.

Your temperament is different - predictable Capricorn will invariably stand his ground only for the reason that he considers it his direct responsibility to protect Scorpio from rash actions.

Scorpio will try to free himself from control, and can inflict a grave offense on Capricorn. How to avoid this?

Scorpion, your Capricorn is reserved, not cold - you need to understand this difference and stop provoking your loved one. Capricorn simply will not understand the true goals of your provocation; he will be extremely surprised and very upset. After all, he wanted what was best for you, but it turns out as always. Be patient and learn to ask logical questions - for all its secrecy, Capricorn subconsciously wants to open up to you.

Capricorn, your pressure could be peacefully tolerated by a less explosive sign, but not Scorpio. Criticism causes a natural defensive reaction in Scorpio, and if you hurt him, he will not cry in the corner, but will take revenge. Moreover, Scorpio’s revenge is blind and merciless - he can sincerely love you, but at the same time he will hurt you very much.

For Scorpio and Capricorn, compatibility lies in the area of ​​the intellectual - this is in addition to intimacy. You are not bored with each other, so you should protect the feelings of your loved one, and he will repay you in kind.

Scorpio man and Capricorn woman.

The Scorpio man, with his insight, passion and knowledge of a woman’s needs, will win the heart of a Capricorn woman. With him, she may learn to be open, liberated within the limits that she sets for herself. In any case, the Scorpio man will allow her to understand and accept a lot, he will expand her horizon of perception of life and fill her life with joy.

The Capricorn woman will turn out to be a reliable, serious and responsible partner for the Scorpio man. She will help him with her business acumen, composure and clarity of action in difficult life situations.

Scorpio woman and Capricorn man.

Compatibility in love for this couple is more complex. The Scorpio woman will have to learn to bring the Capricorn man to open conversations, to emotions and explain to him what she wants.

Sensitivity and touchiness of nature, which can give rise to anger and quiet or, on the contrary, loud anger, will not give anything useful to this couple. You need to direct your energy to creation and under no circumstances use “heavy artillery” at home in the family.

The Capricorn man should pay more attention to the Scorpio woman, show concern not only with money, but also with a warm attitude. She needs a little affection and gentle words like air!

Love compatibility horoscope for Scorpio and Capricorn.

Compatibility in love between Scorpio and Capricorn resembles an alliance of business people. Of course, this should not be taken literally.

At the initial stage of relationship development, everything will be fine: Scorpio’s passion and inner strength will be met with a bang by Capricorn.

The emotional nature of Scorpio will receive an “answer” from Capricorn and together they will discover each other with great enthusiasm and pleasure.

Capricorn, understanding Scorpio's possessive inclinations and his willingness to be jealous of Capricorn with or without reason, pleases the latter's pride, and gives a feeling of security, even a reliable rear. After all, this is exactly what Capricorn is looking for so diligently! He needs a partner who will build a fortress house with him and accumulate reserves.

Let's not forget that after a riot of passions there is always a period of calm. Domestic problems and joint affairs come to the fore. And here Scorpio and Capricorn will quickly find a common language.

Both Scorpio and Capricorn are, as a rule, purposeful and ambitious people, decisive and responsible. Having a common goal, and considering that everyone will spare no effort for a common cause, we can say with confidence that they will achieve significant success! This is especially true for financial issues.

In the compatibility horoscope of Scorpio and Capricorn, there may be one problem - a discrepancy in needs regarding romance and sex. Scorpio, as a more sensitive person, needs more attention, discussion of their experiences, and, finally, sex. Capricorn is more likely to finish with love games quickly in order to move on to more interesting activities - work.

Despite the endurance of both and the ability to work as much as is needed for the job, Capricorn is ready to work for weeks without rest, while Scorpio needs emotional “feeding” - he cannot work like a robot for a long time without fuel.

If Capricorn, realizing that he needs to rest, simply does not allow himself to relax, then for Scorpio this situation is not acceptable. He wants not only to work hard, but also to fully rest.

To prevent work from becoming a cause of discord, Scorpio will have to explain his position and, together with Capricorn, look for a mode of living together that is suitable for both.

Mysterious and enigmatic Scorpios were born under the auspices of Pluto. The planet is named after the ancient Roman god who ruled the underworld and knew how to penetrate the human world. Pluto's influence on his subjects is great: Scorpios have the gift of hypnosis and easily read the thoughts of others.

Capricorns are the pets of the planet Saturn. The ancient Romans considered Saturn to be the god of time and order, and depicted him as a reaper with a sickle. The planet controls the organization of life of Capricorns - Saturn's pets are hardworking and unusually patient. Scorpios were born under the element of water, which is in a frozen state. An ice block knows how to hide its intentions, but if necessary, it can thaw and become anything: a waterfall, a stream, or steam.

The element of Capricorn is earth, which is the flesh of our world. The land of Saturn's wards is motionless and secretive, but its power is great - it controls people from behind the scenes, and is well aware of everything. If necessary, Capricorns come out of the shadows - all the puppets they controlled run away in panic.

Autumn Scorpios and winter Capricorns can create a good union, astrologers say, because earth and water complement each other perfectly. But Scorpios and Capricorns have to go on and on until they reach perfect compatibility - Pluto’s pets love to dominate, and Saturn’s wards are in no hurry to obey. The stars believe in the best: the luminaries are stocking up on delicious heavenly nectar and are seated more comfortably - the show is about to begin.

Scorpio woman and Capricorn man

The Scorpio girl is an extremely contradictory nature. The lady of water is gentle and passionate, romantic and ruthless. Pluto's pet is born with a set of hypnotic talents - from infancy, Scorpio can predict the future, sometimes all she needs to do is look into a person's eyes. People around are afraid of the water witch, but she attracts you to her like a magnet. Men lose their heads and run to the Scorpio woman at the first call. The beauty of the water has been looking for her future husband for a long time, this is not an easy matter, because a smart, handsome, kind, sensitive and rich man does not lie on the road. The guys line up and go through the most severe selection - the poor fellows do not know that the beautiful and amazing water fairy has a small drawback: Othello, compared to Scorpio, is simply a lamb of God. The Capricorn guy is a cool and silent handsome man with a piercing gaze.

Capricorn does not like to chatter, when the earthly baby was born, he did not shake the air with crying, but simply ate and calmly went to bed. Saturn's pet is reliable, like a rock - any woman is happy to cling to the strong shoulder of an earthly guy. Capricorn can be gentle and romantic, however, only a select few know about this - you will not get compliments and affectionate confessions from an imperturbable man. Capricorn will not be jealous of his wife, and he himself will never go to the left - if he has chosen a spouse, then this is forever (but the wife must remember: there should be no flirting with neighbors, otherwise the earthly husband will silently pack his suitcase and disappear).


The Scorpio lady loves to travel, she loves sports that involve risk, and is always in search of adventure. The water lady is not a fan of making acquaintances, she needs silence - Pluto’s pet will happily swim in the sea with sharks, instead of drinking a cocktail in the company of suitors.

Capricorn is constantly working, even if the earthly boy is lying motionless on the sofa, you should not think that he is too lazy to get up - grandiose plans are brewing in the head of Saturn’s pet. Capricorn is unlikely to go to a party in the middle of the night - it would be better for him to lock himself in the workshop and build a perpetual motion machine, or something like that. The stars decided not to rack their celestial heads and settle Capricorn and Scorpio in the same building. Lady Scorpio recently changed her apartment and moved into the house where Capricorn lived for many years.

Scorpio is an independent girl, she can handle a hammer and make friends with a hammer drill. So the hammer drill became a talisman for future relationships. It’s winter, there’s nothing to do at the dacha, and dear Capricorn decided to lie at home with a book. But as soon as the earthly guy settled comfortably in a chair with a novel and opened a box of chocolates, an eerie drilling sound was heard from above. An hour, two, three - the neighbors do not calm down, and Saturn’s pet’s patience has run out. Capricorn rushed to the showdown, he expected to see a big guy, and grabbed a crowbar, but the door was opened by a beautiful Amazon with a hammer drill on her shoulder.


Suddenly a song rang out: We are not stokers, not carpenters. Capricorn and the Scorpio lady burst out laughing, the earthly guy forgot why he came and offered his help. The renovation was completed quickly, and Capricorn decided to invite a new friend to his place for tea (especially since Scorpio’s apartment is terribly dusty, and the room needs to be ventilated). Of course, gatherings in Capricorn’s kitchen can hardly be called a romantic date, but the earthly guy did not lose heart. Scorpio turned out to be an excellent conversationalist, and when Capricorn looked into her bottomless eyes, he understood that he could not escape this strange sorceress. The water lady’s heart sank in earnest (Is it really him? - Pluto’s pet wondered and did not receive an answer from her intuition).

But then the aquatic-terrestrial guys brewed the last (one hundred and fiftieth) bag of tea and Capricorn decided to invite Scorpio on a ski trip.
It turned out to be a good day for the date, at least that’s what it seemed to the extreme water lady - a terrible storm, and most importantly, the absence of people. The pets of Saturn and Pluto had a great ride, and the prudent Capricorn invited the beauty to rest at his dacha.
While the Scorpio lady was wrapped in a blanket, trying to keep warm, the economical Capricorn lit the stove and baked potatoes in the ashes.


Blizzard, candle flame, crackling firewood - it's time for the first kiss. And Capricorn and Scorpio couldn’t stand it. They attacked each other as if there had never been a love relationship in their lives. The aquatic-terrestrial guys conveniently forgot about potatoes, and what kind of potatoes are they if love has pierced their hearts, and passion makes it impossible to even breathe.

The Scorpio girl, in moments of intimacy, throws away all conventions and amazes her partner with her frenzy and ingenuity. Next to such a woman, the modest Capricorn will also open up - the earthly guy has many erotic fantasies, and the water lady will be overwhelmed by the pressure and sensuality of her partner.

For three days the water-earth guys enjoyed each other, forgetting about everything in the world. But then the Scorpio girl woke up and invited her lover to take a walk in the forest. No such luck: the door was completely covered with snow, and the pets of Pluto and Saturn were captured. Capricorn has everything he needs for life at his dacha; he even found a landline telephone in the basement. The earthly guy immediately called a friend and asked him to come to the rescue. But Saturn’s pet could not imagine how this call would turn out. For some reason, the friend decided that Capricorn was stuck alone, and took a couple of girls with him for fun.


When Capricorn's friend burst into the door hugging the rosy-cheeked girls, the Scorpio girl was speechless. But the insidious Jealousy did not sleep - the unlucky ladies instantly mastered skiing and rushed off to the city as fast as if they had been involved in biathlon since childhood. The earthly guy's friend locked himself underground, and Capricorn was left alone with his enraged lover.

The stars do not know how the conversation between water-earth creatures would end, because the Scorpio lady is familiar with all types of struggle. But then a friend of Saturn’s pet came out of the underground and began to dance (the reserves of alcohol that Capricorn kept for special occasions came in handy, so the friend drank for courage).

The men fell to their knees in front of the angry water lady and began showering Scorpio with compliments. After drinking peace, my friend crawled to the car and started snoring, and Capricorn decided that it was time for active action. He grabbed his beloved, called a taxi, and took the Scorpio lady to meet her relatives.

Capricorn's relatives were delighted with his new passion, because no one imagined that a modest earthly boy could date such a gorgeous woman. The water girl forgot about the attack of jealousy, and besides, the hundred-year-old grandmother of the earthly guy stopped by for tea - she hugged Pluto’s pet and told about her great love (by the way, the grandmother was also a Scorpio according to the horoscope). The ladies had a great chat, and the water lady got rid of her last doubts - get married, get married!


The calm Capricorn was crazy with happiness, and the Scorpio woman simply fluttered with love and delight. The celebration was grandiose, and there were enough guests (despite the fact that the lovers decided to have a wedding at the dacha in a snowy village). The dance between the Capricorn groom and the Scorpio bride was memorable. After all, the water-earth newlyweds danced in an embrace with the same hammer drill that became the reason for their meeting.

Here comes family life, with everyday life and other lovely components of marriage. The wife from Scorpio turned out to be excellent - Capricorn got fat from daily pies, and looked like a teddy bear. And the Scorpio wife has not lost weight - the earthly husband has tried, and the water wife is about to go to the maternity hospital. Mother Scorpio is domineering and strict, but she adores children and is proud of the most insignificant successes of her children. When the babies make their first sound, journalists are invited to the house, and the whole world learns about the babbling of the offspring.

Father Capricorn is a teacher from God. He believes that discipline works wonders, loves family dinners, and honors traditions. Children love their parents, but often take advantage of the weaknesses of a strict water mom and a serious earth dad. If the Capricorn husband goes bald, then the family life of the water-earth creatures can be called ideal - the Scorpio wife will not have to pull out her husband’s hair, and she will only occasionally nag her husband for looking at the neighbor.


Scorpio is not an easy baby - the water girl has a strong will and an unusually stable psyche. Pluto's pet cannot be scolded or punished - if the parents risk using a belt, then Scorpio will give a five-hour lecture, call a lawyer and move to a separate apartment.

The Capricorn boy is slow and calm. From birth, he knows about his main life goal and confidently moves in the right direction. A wise earthly child is the dream of any teacher - Capricorn will never take part in noisy games and will not scare adults with stupid pranks.

An independent Scorpio girl and an imperturbable Capricorn boy can become friends in kindergarten. Water-earth guys are selective - they will not communicate with children who they do not like. But the pets of Pluto and Saturn will find a common language with each other. The earthly guy will teach the water lady patience and perseverance, and Scorpio will help Capricorn master the talent of a hypnotist. In old age, the pets of Saturn and Pluto will become like water. Old Capricorn will be a favorite at the entrance (he is gallant and courteous, and always helps the residents). And old Scorpio will teach her neighbors how to win men - I must say that there will be no lonely grandmothers left in the area. And when water-earth pensioners go for a walk, everyone takes off their hats and bows to them.


The Scorpio lady is a born warrior. She goes to the goal and does not notice obstacles. Often the water lady strives for government activities - she needs power and independence. Pluto's pet is not familiar with doubts and fear, and she has never heard of competitors.
The Capricorn man is stubborn, hardworking and resilient. Success attracts Capricorn, and if an earthly guy has something in mind, there is no doubt that he will achieve the desired result. Saturn's pet is patient, and it is impossible to force him to deviate from his chosen path. He is excellent in any profession, but taking risks is not a characteristic of Capricorn - an earthly man will think ten times, and only then do it.

The Capricorn guy and the Scorpio lady can create an excellent team - water-earth guys are demanding of those around them, but they don’t give themselves any concessions either. Capricorn will become a reliable support for a distrustful aquatic woman - you can rely on an earthly guy, and even if everyone turns away and the world is filled with competitors, Saturn’s pet will not abandon or let you down. Although, the stars doubt that anyone in their right mind would risk competing with the mysterious Scorpio lady and the unshakable Capricorn guy - the water-earth guys are honest and fair, and they will sweep away any scammer from their path in no time.

Money for the pets of Pluto and Saturn is not an end in itself, but this does not stop Scorpio and Capricorn from dreaming of a beautiful life. In addition, green bills themselves stick to water-earth hands - astrologers are waiting for an invitation to a ball hosted by Capricorn and Scorpio on the ocean in a recently purchased hotel.

Scorpio man and Capricorn woman

The Scorpio man is determined and persistent, strong and smart. When Scorpio was born, all the local magicians and psychics rushed to change their profession - the young wizard has incredible power and is able to bewitch anyone who gets in his way. Scorpio can be both a devil and an angel - depending on what mood he is in. Women adore this mysterious man - all the beauties are ready to give their souls for a kiss from a mysterious guy. Scorpio is a winner - it is impossible to resist his temperament and passion. There are thousands of women's hearts in the collection of Pluto's pet, but it is extremely difficult to achieve his favor - the wife of the water guy will be the best of the best women on this earth. True, Scorpio's wife will often worry about her unearthly beauty - the water husband is also a jealous person.

The Capricorn woman is modest and shy, and at the same time, amorous and passionate. The girl of the earth is secretive and taciturn, and often falls into depression for no reason - her parents can even call a crowd of clowns, the little princess Nesmeyana will not even smile. But guys are crazy about Saturn’s ward - many men on the planet dream of revealing the secrets of Capricorn. An earthly lady may seem cold-blooded, and few people manage to reach her heart. Capricorn's husband will become the happiest man - his earthly wife is an excellent housewife, a faithful friend and a passionate, inventive lover. True, even a calm Capricorn woman has attacks of rage, few people know, but deep down the earthly lady is a terrible jealous person (in general, the stars advise the future husband not to even think about other ladies).


A Scorpio guy will not be attracted to a cozy beach or the quiet atmosphere of a family cafe. Risk, danger, fear and a sea of ​​adrenaline - only then will Pluto’s pet be satisfied with his fate. The water man hates monotony, although sometimes he allows himself to sit on the shore with a fishing rod, at least there are no fans around, and no one bothers him with stupid chatter. Lady Capricorn is a homebody; she hates noisy gatherings and avoids meaningless fun. If it’s a vacation, then it’s alone, if it’s a party, then it’s at your own dacha with a couple of trusted friends. But even the earthly lady has periods when she wants to change the situation, then Capricorn turns off the phone and goes in search of adventure. The Capricorn girl is a creative person, she sees beauty everywhere, and can build a chic hanger or flower stand out of ordinary driftwood. The stars decided to take advantage of this and directed the earthly woman to the river, where the Scorpio guy was proudly sitting on the bank, rejoicing at the approaching storm.

Pluto's pet was about to take a swim when he suddenly saw a strange lady dragging a piece of wood along the shore. Gallantry is in the water guy's blood, and he hastened to help. That's where it all happened. Suddenly a thunderstorm began, lightning flashed, and Capricorn and Scorpio stood in the center of Chaos and did not notice anything.


Finally, the water-earth guys woke up, and Scorpio began to stuff the snag into the trunk. Capricorn appreciated the good manners of her new acquaintance (the water guy didn’t ask a single question), and sat contentedly in the car.

The pets of Pluto and Saturn were silent the whole way, Scorpio was glad that the fellow traveler was not rattling, as all the beauties she knew usually did, and Capricorn was thinking about what to treat her gentleman. But the water guy solved this problem, he helped drag the future piece of furniture into the apartment and invited the earthly woman for a walk.

While Saturn's pet was sorting out her outfits, Scorpio managed to order flowers and champagne (the girl, of course, is unusual, but the methods of seduction are always the same - the water guy never deviates from this rule). When Capricorn approached the car, Pluto’s pet was stunned: in front of him stood a fairy, goddess and princess in one person, and when the earthly lady blushed from Scorpio’s gaze, the water guy realized - it’s SHE!

Scorpio admired the beauty of Capricorn, and almost crashed into a birch tree by the side of the road. But then the guys found themselves outside the city, the water guy handed the lady a gorgeous bouquet and solemnly opened the champagne. After a couple of glasses, the water-earth guys finally got to talking and were surprised to find out that they had a lot in common.


Then a traffic cop from nowhere approached the car and demanded documents. Capricorn and Scorpio asked why the patrol guy needed a quiver of arrows, but the man disappeared as if he had never existed.

Cupid did his job, and the guys spent their first night together in the car. Intimacy did not disappoint: Scorpio did not let go of the passionate earthly beauty from his embrace until the morning, and Capricorn dreamed that the night would never end. The water guy realized that all the ladies he had met before Capricorn meant nothing: had he really met the one he had been dreaming about for many years? And the earthly lady was afraid that the passion would pass and they would have to part, because such a magnificent lover as Scorpio is unlikely to be content with a relationship with one woman. But Capricorn has not yet become acquainted with Scorpio’s jealousy, and without this, the love story will turn out to be boring and banal.

The water owner showed character the very next day. Scorpio suggested that Capricorn quit his job, bought food for a month in advance, showered his beloved with expensive gifts and went on a business trip. Pluto's pet called the earthly lady every minute. Scorpio listened to the sounds and tried to guess whether there was an insidious seducer next to Capricorn.


One day Scorpio couldn't stand it and rushed home in the middle of the night. The Capricorn girl was sleeping peacefully on silk sheets when suddenly the light came on. Scorpio nervously crawled under the bed and looked for signs of betrayal, then the jealous man climbed into the closet and began throwing things around, trying to find his lover. Lady Capricorn was offended, but decided to restrain herself, but when Scorpio began to scream and break dishes, demanding a confession for something unknown, the earth girl burst into tears and rushed to pack her suitcase.

And then the neighbor also brought a difficult one (the poor fellow heard the noise and decided to find out what was the matter). Scorpio was in such a hurry to convict his beloved of treason that he didn’t even close the door. When a man in shorts appeared at the apartment, even the stars hid behind the clouds in fear. Scorpio screamed and rushed at the unfortunate guy and began to torture him. Then the neighbor’s fat wife burst into the apartment and somehow pulled the angry Scorpio away.
Lady Capricorn looked at this scene with all her eyes, and could not figure out what to do: run, call the police, or calm down the water Othello.

But then the Scorpio guy remembered that he had installed a bunch of cameras, the water man reviewed all the records, made sure that the Capricorn girl was faithful to him, and only then calmed down.


Capricorn stood in tears and thanked fate for the fact that the friends whom she had invited to drink beer, for unknown reasons, did not come to visit (what could have happened if the friends had been in the apartment that night, it’s even scary to imagine). Scorpio remained on his knees until the morning. Finally, he realized that repentance would not help matters - the water guy rushed to the jewelry store, bought the most expensive engagement ring, and proposed to Capricorn.

Compatibility in bed means a lot for a relationship, and the Capricorn lady could not resist - she could not imagine life without Scorpio.
The wedding went smoothly, and the Scorpio groom and Capricorn bride looked quite happy. The water husband gave his earthly wife a truly royal gift - Scorpio bought an old mansion (a driftwood hanger fit perfectly there).

The storks did not delay their visit - a couple of years later, Capricorn’s wife gave birth to a little angel. Scorpio secretly made an examination, became convinced that the child was his, and, finally, the water-earth couple lived happily. Disciplined parents raised the child according to all the rules, the baby was happy, and was looking forward to brothers and sisters (Scorpio will never stop at the birth of one baby).
During outbursts of jealousy, Scorpio would lock himself in the closet and play loud music. Meanwhile, Lady Capricorn was frying potatoes and explaining to the children that daddy was learning to dance.


Scorpio wears the crown literally from birth - he is unusually powerful and independent. The water bully is a threat to the local punks - not a single bully will get close to Scorpio, and Pluto’s pet himself is always looking for adventure, protecting weak children.

The Capricorn girl is patience itself and the embodiment of calm. It’s impossible to piss off an earthly baby, and there’s no point in doing so - the sweet creature never makes a scandal, and sits in a corner, reading a book, or braiding the hair of her favorite dolls. But if Scorpio notices that the boys are teasing the peace-loving little girl, then a real battle will occur. The water boy will challenge the guys to a duel, and after he wins, he will approach Capricorn and offer his eternal friendship and protection.

Water-earth friends will have something to do and talk about, besides, Capricorn and Scorpio differ from the rest of the guys in their integrity and perseverance. The Capricorn girl will idolize her water friend, and Scorpio will begin to follow her earthly friend around the clock, dreaming of saving her from a terrible dragon, or, at worst, from a harmful neighbor.

The Scorpio guy loves secrets, even when the water man gets old, he will not calm down, and will definitely organize some kind of secret community. Naturally, old Capricorn will be the best guest in the secret apartment, which the local police have already taken under surveillance. Law enforcement officials are scratching their heads: why do all the pensioners in the area gather in the apartment of the strange grandfather Scorpio every evening?


The Scorpio man is a born warrior and leader. The leadership qualities of the water guy are beyond doubt - he can gather a crowd in no time, and people will follow Pluto’s pet without hesitation. In matters of career, Scorpio has no equal - in a year he will turn from an ordinary loader into the director of an enterprise.

The Capricorn woman is a persistent and strong person. If an earthly lady sets a goal, then sooner or later she achieves what she wants. Lady Capricorn can become a writer (she is smart, observant, and also a dreamer), or try herself as a teacher (children adore an earthly woman and obey her unquestioningly).

If the water-earth guys decide to cooperate, then they can achieve fame and recognition, and in a fairly short time. Naturally, Scorpio will be at the helm, but the hardworking earthly woman will not mind. Competitors can deceive the gullible Capricorn lady, but they will not compete with the water guy - Scorpio sees through scammers and knows more about their rivals than they do themselves.

Comfort, wealth and success - this is what awaits the Capricorn lady and the Scorpio guy if they manage to find a common language. And if you hold a competition for the most luxurious office in the world, there is no doubt that the building that the water-earth guys bought for work will turn out to be the best on earth!

Silent and reserved Capricorns, who were born under the auspices of Saturn, Secretive and mysterious Scorpios are the pets of the gloomy Pluto. Capricorn and Libra: compatibility in love and close relationships between men and women of these two zodiac signs would seem to be possible, but let's take a closer look. Both signs are very strong and a fight is expected. Who will emerge victorious - the submissive Scorpio or the disobedient Capricorn?

The stars advise not to rush to conclusions about the relationship between these two signs.

If you had to choose a fairy-tale character based on your horoscope, then Princess Nesmeyana could well be one of the options. This daughter of Saturn, stingy with emotions, seems too strict and unapproachable to men, but this is precisely what awakens their hunter instinct.

Who can jump over the protective wall erected by this earthly lady? A candidate for the heart of a Capricorn woman must have a sharp mind, a kind heart and an honest, direct disposition. To such a man, the daughter of Saturn will not only give all her smiles, but will also become a beautiful and faithful wife and lover.

Mysterious and mysterious is popular with women. It is impossible to guess how he will appear at the next meeting - an insidious seducer or a stern warrior, a charming angel or a fallen sinner. There may not be anything bright and beautiful in his appearance, but the eyes on his face will always stand out - the gaze of the son of Pluto pierces right through.

During his life, this water man will pass through many women, but it is not a fact that he will give his heart to at least one of them. His chosen one must be a bright and charismatic lady with a strong temperament, so as not to immediately surrender to the mercy of the Scorpio winner. Only then can the almost impossible happen - a wedding ring will appear on the hand of the son of Pluto.


How can these pets of the elements of Earth and Water get to know each other, since their interests are completely different? The Scorpio man, prone to risk and adrenaline in his blood, and the calm and measured Capricorn woman, who double-checks everything several times before doing anything.

The stars suggest that the meeting of the daughter of Saturn and the son of Pluto could have taken place in the emergency room of one of the city hospitals. A Capricorn woman, prone to fractures, found herself in line to see a trauma surgeon next to a Scorpio man, prone to risks and extreme situations. Common problems unite. Therefore, after seeing a doctor and applying plaster or tight bandages, the water handsome man waited for his colleague in misfortune and, like a real man, offered her his help, having received the phone number of Saturn’s daughter.


The Scorpio man will invite the Capricorn woman on a date to a small basement where there is a cafe-bar and an informal closed club of rock musicians. And this will be the perfect place for both of them. After all, the daughter of Saturn really loves sincere and real music combined with life lyrics, so rock is very much to her taste. And there definitely won’t be any extra people in the closed club.

Well, the son of Pluto has long been a part of this environment - a lover of the underground and informal movements, he himself often picks up a guitar. And when the first guitar chords performed by a Scorpio man sound for a Capricorn woman, it will be possible to predict that the next meeting will definitely take place, because the beginning of compatibility between a Scorpio man and a Capricorn woman has been laid.


The Capricorn woman is not one of those people whose heart is easy to steal. She looks closely at her chosen one for a long time before allowing herself to become attached to a man. The Scorpio man has a similar style of behavior. His heart is hidden so deep inside that he no longer remembers where it is. And all because the son of Pluto loves very passionately and strongly, tearing his heart to shreds. And, although he loves all sorts of sadomasochistic things, it’s somehow unmanly to suffer a lot. Therefore, the compatibility of Capricorn and Scorpio in love will definitely stand the test of time.


The main difficulty in the relationship between a Capricorn woman and a Scorpio man will be the latter’s jealousy. There are many jealous people, but no one can compare with the son of Pluto in this. He is capable of being jealous even of an imaginary lover and believing it himself. And also an overly developed sense of ownership - no one has the right to touch everything that this water man considers his own. Both literally and figuratively.

And how can the calm and faithful daughter of Saturn live with this? The only option to avoid scandals for this couple is to create a common business and work together hand in hand, and also be nearby in their free time. Well, the jealous Scorpio himself needs to let off steam sometimes - physical labor or sports are suitable for this.


Children will strengthen the marriage even more, especially if they look like their dad.

When a Scorpio man finds his ideal, he will not hesitate for a minute to propose marriage. After all, there lives in him a subconscious fear that another man will take his chosen one away from under his nose.

The Capricorn woman is a tough nut to crack. It is not easy to persuade her to marry. The daughter of Saturn must be confident in her chosen one, because she is getting married once and for all. Therefore, the marriage prospects of this couple can be very optimistic if the son of Pluto restrains his jealousy. And, in fact, the daughter of Saturn will not give reasons for it.


The little bully Scorpio will be attracted like a magnet to the correct and well-mannered Capricorn baby. At school, these children form an unusual symbiosis - the daughter of Saturn helps the son of Pluto do his homework, and he protects her from everyone.

A young lady and a bully can become a legend in the area, and the parents of other girls will be glad that this guy is not friends with their daughter. However, everything is not as scary as it seems to them - songs with a guitar have never harmed anyone. Adult water-terrestrial friends can work together. At a minimum, the Pluto man’s connections at the highest level will be useful for the Capricorn woman’s career.


This business union has every chance of becoming one of the most successful in the history of business. The Capricorn woman often strives to make a good career and, thanks to her analytical mind and high efficiency, she succeeds. A Scorpio man can easily start his professional journey as a loader in a store and become its director in a couple of years. In addition, he sees right through everyone; it is incredibly difficult to deceive the son of Pluto.

Another advantage of this partnership is the financial side. A water man easily earns a lot of money, it just sticks to his hands. And an earthly woman knows how to count, save and increase money. It will be beneficial for this duo to work in politics, medicine, banking and the oil business.

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Scorpio woman

Reliable as a rock and silent as a statue, he never makes vain promises and always goes towards his goal. This mystery and masculinity constantly attracts women to him, but the son of Saturn rarely takes advantage of his attractiveness. As a rule, these children of the Earth give their hearts to one and only one and, if they have found their love, they remain faithful and constant.

True, the Capricorn man is in no hurry to get married. But his chosen one has nothing to worry about - anyway, the obligatory son of Saturn will sooner or later lead her to the altar, the main thing is not to turn her attention to other men. Otherwise, in this case, the earthly beauty will simply disappear from the horizon.

A mysterious sorceress with a hypnotic gaze - this is what she often looks like. The element of Water gives her strong emotionality and the ability to deeply feel and experience everything that happens. Men are losing their minds over this daughter of Pluto. Everyone who fell in love with her will always remember the Scorpio lady.

In the life of an aquatic woman, tragic and fatal coincidences of circumstances are not uncommon; she seems to attract fatal events to herself. But the Scorpio woman is also very jealous. Men are attracted to such beauties in large numbers, but not everyone can stay with them forever. And, nevertheless, the wives of Pluto’s daughters turn out to be very good - economical and caring. The stars advise men to take a closer look if they are not afraid of the whirlpool of passions.


Both the Capricorn man and the Scorpio woman do not like crowds and noisy gatherings. However, this is where the similarities end. The son of Saturn will prefer a hammock in the country with a book in his hands, and the daughter of Pluto may well go scuba diving in difficult conditions; she loves risk.

The acquaintance of this couple may well occur in some extreme situation, for example, an accident, where the daughter of Pluto will be like a duck to water and will immediately rush to the rescue. The son of Saturn is also not afraid of difficulties and will support her. Together they will act harmoniously and almost professionally - Scorpio is not afraid of extreme sports, and Capricorn has patience and endurance. A water woman will appreciate such a partner and invite him to meet.


The stars voted two best ideas for a date between a Capricorn man and a Scorpio woman. If it happens in winter, then it will be a joint ski trip in the forest: Capricorn is not afraid of the cold and loves skiing, and Scorpio Water is frozen water, that is, snow and ice, and extreme sports can easily happen there.

The second option for the summer is sports car racing. The son of Saturn is well versed in mechanisms and, like many men, loves sports cars, but the daughter of Pluto simply loves speed and risk. After this, a cup of hot coffee and a drop of cognac will clearly help this aquatic-terrestrial couple get to know each other better.


The love of a Capricorn man is a mysterious feeling. It exists, but few have seen it. The love of a Scorpio woman is like a deep pool, once fallen into which a man can no longer get out. In the event of a love relationship between the son of Saturn and the daughter of Pluto, the saying “found a scythe on a stone” is most suitable. Strong emotions and passions cannot penetrate Capricorn’s armor, and Scorpio’s heart cannot be touched by detachment and cold silence. The stars warn that it will not be easy for this water-earth couple to find compatibility between Scorpio and Capricorn in a love relationship.


The Scorpio woman is accustomed to violent emotions and showdowns involving breaking dishes. The Capricorn man loves peace and quiet and hates showdowns. How can this water-earth couple find a compromise?

If their love is strong, then everyone needs to find something to do where they can release negative emotions in order to come to their common home already relaxed and calm. The son of Saturn can periodically lock himself in the garage and silently finger the mechanism of his favorite car. And Pluto’s daughter may well enroll in boxing courses and throw out all her pent-up rage on her opponent. Well, try not to go to extremes. Otherwise, either the Capricorn man will go with his things to live with friends, or the Scorpio woman will scandalously destroy everything in the apartment and make it uninhabitable.


If the relationship of this water-earth couple lasted so long that the Capricorn man nevertheless decided to legitimize it, then the marriage promises to become the event of the century. The family and friends of the newlyweds will endlessly act either as arbiters in family quarrels or as a vest for crying out problems.

And only a few years after the wedding, the son of Saturn and the daughter of Pluto will be able to find a middle ground in their relationship. The Capricorn man will learn to ignore the loud remarks of his wife, and the Scorpio woman will understand that she gets more from her husband with affection than with scandals. By this time, you can already have children. And in old age, these water-earth spouses will remember with laughter the first years of their life together, spent trying to sort things out.


The calm and obedient little Capricorn was often set as an example to the little badass Scorpio girl. Deciding to teach the quiet guy a lesson, unbeknownst to herself, she can become friends with him. An earthly boy will be a reliable support and support for an aquatic girl during her school years. In her youth, only her decent friend Capricorn can save a Scorpio girl from bad company. And the adult pets of Earth and Water will communicate no less closely and, perhaps, it will be the Scorpio woman who will introduce the Capricorn man to his future wife, because this lady has a very highly developed intuition.


A hardworking and organized Capricorn man will always find a path to success, even if the journey takes a very long time. Fearless, without a shadow of a doubt, the Scorpio woman also knows how to wait and endure, but she prefers to go towards her goal in roundabout ways. This business union can be very successful. The Son of Saturn has fantastic endurance and impenetrability, but is too honest and straightforward in his judgments. And the daughter of Pluto is strong in behind-the-scenes games and is often on friendly terms with the powers that be. The partnership will be most successful in politics, medicine, automotive and sports.