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A brief overview of the best attractions of Crimea. Relief and minerals of Crimea. What minerals are mined in Crimea

We decided to take you off the beaten path and put together a collection of little-known, miraculous ones. Take note!

Elegant palaces, luxurious castles and majestic cathedrals will always delight the inquisitive traveler. But in every corner of the world there are sights no less valuable and beautiful, created by nature itself to delight our eyes. It is in such places that our best photographs are taken, declarations of love are made, and our hearts skip a beat with delight or pride. It is a great happiness that we can see many unique natural wonders and the most beautiful places on Earth with our own eyes. To do this, just go to.

Koyashskoye Lake

Koyash lake in Crimea

A unique salt lake with water of a striking shade of pink is located on the Kerch Peninsula in the Opuksky Nature Reserve. The width of the lake ranges from a kilometer to three, and the length reaches four. Formed naturally due to the lack of flow into the Black Sea, this estuary has become home to endemic microorganisms and algae, on which the amazing color of the lake’s water depends. The salt water itself and the mud of Lake Koyash have healing properties.

Many travelers indulge in the pleasure of taking mud and air baths while relaxing in this corner of Crimea.

Wild tulips of Crimea

Very close to Kerch you can see another Crimean miracle- blooming fields of wild tulips. A lot bright colors nothing would be surprising if it weren’t for their location: Schrenck’s tulips, listed as protected plants, grow at the very edge of the seashore. The peak of their colorful flowering is April and May; it is during this time that you should plan your next trip to Crimea.

Lavender fields

Between Sevastopol and the Crimean capital there is a small settlement of Turgenevka. It is its surroundings that have already been nicknamed Crimean. All this is thanks to the romantic and delicate purple and lilac shades of blooming lavender. June and July - best time for photo shoots, admiring this spectacular spectacle and enjoying the delicate aroma of lavender.

Marble Cave

Another miracle of the nature of Crimea - Marble Cave

According to all leading speleologists, Marble Cave is one of the five most impressive and beautiful caves in the world. It is located in the lower part of the famous Chatyr-Dag mountain range. Important Feature This place has a rather narrow entrance. You can only go down to the cave using a special staircase. The depth of the hall reaches 60 meters, and the length of the routes equipped for underground excursions is almost one and a half kilometers.

Don't forget to take a warm jacket with you - even at the peak of the heat, the temperature in the cave will hardly exceed 8 degrees Celsius.

Wild beaches of Crimea with azure water

For many of us, holidays in Crimea are primarily associated with dozing on a sun lounger on the crowded beach of Alushta, or a promenade along the noisy embankment of Yalta. The more striking is the effect produced on travelers by the beauty of the deserted Crimean coves with wild beaches. Even at the height of the summer season, sometimes you cannot see people here. The water and beaches here are disproportionately cleaner than in popular resort towns, and a relaxing holiday brings indescribable pleasure to those travelers who are tired of city noise and long for true unity with the nature of Crimea.

You can find such untouched corners on the road to Cape Tarkhankut, not far from Feodosia, Kerch and the Kazantip Nature Reserve.


Balaklava Bay is one of the wonders of Crimea!

Of course, the unique city itself (more precisely, the Sevastopol region) and its history, including during the Soviet period and later, are also interesting. But I would like to say, first of all, about the impression that the picturesque Balaklava Bay, so similar in outline to one of the Scandinavian fjords, sheltering the city from the sea from prying eyes, makes on travelers. Gradually revealing to the amazed gaze of travelers its snow-white buildings, scattered along the shores of a cozy bay, which is hidden between rocky cliffs strewn with Crimean pines,

The balaclava often becomes one of the most memorable experiences.

Red Cave

Kizil-Koba, as the famous cave is called Crimean Tatars, is the largest of all Crimean underground grottoes of natural origin. Today, speleologists have explored only part of its area, although this part is more than 60 thousand square meters. The length of the known underground routes here is 25 kilometers. Only 500 meters of them are available for tourists to explore, which does not detract from the interest in this popular cave tour. Six floors of intricacies of passages and labyrinths, underground waterfalls that discharge water into the underground river Kizilkobinka (which can be seen and heard on excursions) make an indelible impression.

It is in the Red Cave that one of the oldest and largest European stalactites is located - over 8 thousand years its length has reached as much as 8 meters.

There are almost all minerals in Crimea, but in tiny quantities, says Anatoly Pasynkov, Candidate of Geological Sciences. “There are many deposits in Crimea, but most of them do not have industrial significance - the reserves are too small,” Lyudmila Kirichenko, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, agrees with her colleague. Although hundreds of years ago the main wealth of Crimea was considered not the climate, landscapes or fruits, but minerals...


During the time of the Crimean Khanate, one of the main export items (along with slaves and fruits) was fatty and soapy bentonite clay — all wealthy people of a huge 30 million Ottoman Empire used it instead of soap and shampoo.
Clay was mined open method - in keel pits. One of the mining sites was Sapun- (translated as “Soap”) on the territory of present-day Sevastopol.
In Crimea, keel was used not only for washing, but also for degreasing sheep wool and washing clothes. Clay was used to clarify wine and fruit juices and purify water. By the end of the 19th century, the demand for keel decreased, and at the beginning of the 20th century, production increased again - during the years of devastation, keel replaced expensive and scarce soap and tooth powder. Industrial development of unique raw materials began in 1931 at two deposits - Kurtsovskoye in the Simferopol region and Kudrinskoye in Bakhchisaray district. The first in the USSR was made from clay, mixing it with soda. washing powder with the simple name “StirPor”. Clay from the Kudrinskoye deposit was considered the best in the USSR. It was even used for medicinal purposes — for varicose veins, arthritis and radiculitis. On the Sunset Soviet Union Clay mining was considered unprofitable and development has now been stopped.

In Crimea, oil was extracted in small quantities back in the 70s of the 19th century. The most famous deposit was located at that time on the Kerch Peninsula and was exploited by private entrepreneurs. The deposit began to be studied in detail only after the revolution, and serious exploration and exploitation began after the Great Patriotic War.
“There is not much oil there, it seeps to the surface near mud volcanoes. Both before the revolution and now, people collect it and use it for their needs. Free,” says Anatoly Pasynkov. Until recently, an oil field was also developed in Tarkhankut. The joint venture of the Krymgeolognya association and Tvkhasnafta produced about one tank of oil per month there.

Iron ore

The deposits are located along the eastern and northern shores of the Kerch Peninsula. Almost the entire city of Korch stands on layers of iron ore, its estimated reserves are about two billion tons! For comparison, in 2010, 72 million tons of ore were mined from all deposits of Ukraine. Industrial development of iron ores on the Kerch Peninsula began in 1845. Brown iron ores lay simply on the surface and were easy to mine. “The quality of iron is not very high, but still ore was smelted from it and sent to Zhdanov, to metallurgical plants. Crimean ore was not exported due to its rather low quality,” explains Lyudmila Kirichenko, leading researcher at the Crimean Institute of Mineral Resources.


This is not only an asset of the peninsula, but also a headache. “There are good quality sands in the area of ​​Fiolent and Yalta Bay,” says Anatoly Pasynkov. - But since they are at shallow depths, they cannot be developed - otherwise irreversible processes will begin on the coast. For example, in Yalta Bay, sand development has intensified landslides.”


11 freshwater deposits were found in Crimea groundwater. The largest ones are Alminskoye, Severo-Sivashskoye and Belogorskoye. Each of them is capable of producing more than 245 thousand cubic meters of water per day - this is enough to meet the needs of the entire population of Crimea. Crimea also has its own “Borjomi” - a well with water whose composition is similar to the famous Georgian mineral water, but less mineralized, located in the area of ​​​​the Saki resort. It is not only bottled, but also used for medicinal baths.

Karadag gems

Jewelry stones are rare for Crimea. You can find single specimens of amethyst and rock crystal, you come across agate, onyx, opal, brocade jasper. But there are so few of them that reserves of colored stones have never been calculated and industrial mining has not been carried out. The most famous and popular jewelry stone in Crimea is carnelian. “Under the tsar, up to 16 pounds of carnelian were mined per year in the bay at the foot of Karadag,” says Anatoly Pasynkov. “They took them around Mother Russia, Faberge made handicrafts.” In 1915, a small workshop appeared on the slope of Karadag, the owner of which was engaged in processing carnelian, agate and Before the Great Patriotic War production was expanded - jewelry from Crimean gems began to be made in Simferopol. The fame of colored stones thundered throughout the Union, and in the late seventies, single miners descended on Karadag. They destroyed the slopes of an extinct volcano with explosions, agates and chalcedony were uprooted from the blocks with sledgehammers and crowbars, and then taken out of Crimea in backpacks and bags. Soviet writers, who took a liking to the village of Koktebel near Karadag, made a fuss in the press in defense of the unique corner of Crimea, and Karadag was declared a nature reserve.


“Gold was mined on the peninsula, although its reserves are small,” says Anatoly Pasynkov, but where exactly the precious metal was mined, the scientist does not say: data on gold is classified. However, it is known that there is a small gold deposit at Cape Fiolent. In the 80s, while developing quartz glass sand quarries in the Nizhnezamorsky Leninsky district, workers found gold flakes brought millions of years ago by the rivers of the northern Azov region. Gold was also discovered near the Sudak coast, on Cape Frantsuzhenka.


Favorable conditions for salt extraction have existed in Crimea since ancient times. Here were the largest saltworks in the entire Black Sea region. To obtain salt, the waters of salt lakes in the east and west of the peninsula were diverted into shallow pools, where the water evaporated, leaving a crust of salt. In the Middle Ages, Crimean salt was sent to Kievan Rus, and later, every year, Chumaks went with convoys from Ukraine to Crimea for priceless goods - to sell bread to the Tatars (then owners of saltworks) and buy salt. The Chumaks entered Crimea in two ways: through the Perekop Isthmus — to the lakes near Sak and Evpatoria, or along the Arabat Spit, which separates Sivash from the Sea of ​​Azov. For the Crimean Khanate, salt trade was an important source of income: Chumaks were taxed when leaving Crimea. Then, ox-drawn carts carried salt throughout Ukraine – to the Dniester and even to the Danube.
The Chumatsky Way ceased to be used for its intended purpose at the end of the 19th century, after it was laid into the Crimea railway, but salt is still mined on the peninsula. The largest saltworks are located on Lake Sivash - 70% of the table salt mined in Ukraine is obtained there.


The only coal deposit in Crimea is located in the Bakhchisarai region - mineral deposits in the upper reaches of the Kacha River were discovered in 1881 by geologist Davydov. The estimated reserves amounted to two million tons — this is quite a bit, 30 times less than what was extracted in Ukraine in 2011 alone. The development of the modest deposit began during the Civil War - the commander-in-chief of the Russian army in Crimea, Baron Wrangel, decided in this way to save the freezing peninsula from the cold. On his orders, a narrow-gauge railway was built to the mines from the nearest Siren station (its traces can still be found along the banks of the Kachi). In 1919, mines began to be built at the site of the find. Local residents learned about the deposit - they often came to the mine, but not for fuel, but for “black amber” - jet. It was believed that this especially dense and hard coal protected against dark forces and relieved fears. Then the underground Bolsheviks blew up coal mines to hasten the defeat of Wrangel, but under Soviet rule coal mining was restored. The Beshuya mines worked until 1949 - further development of the deposit was considered unprofitable. In addition, the coal that was mined on the peninsula was no different high quality: it had a high ash content and smoked mercilessly when burned. Now there is practically nothing left of the coal mines: the mines are abandoned and dangerous to visit.

Inkerman stone

Inkerman stone (also known as bryozoan limestone) is the first mineral that began to be mined on the peninsula. The light stone got its name due to its structure: it is made up of the skeletons of very small marine animals - bryozoans. Thanks to its unique properties - strength combined with softness, good frost resistance and durability - it was valued far beyond the peninsula. It is known that in antiquity stone was transported by galleys to ancient Greece, used to construct buildings in Alexandria and Rome. About two thousand years ago, when Chersonesus was a Roman colony, the first Christians were sent to hard labor in Inkerman. The life story of one of the first Roman popes - Clement - says that having arrived on the peninsula in 94 AD, he found about two thousand Christians here - they cut and processed stone, which was then sent to Rome, used for the construction of fortresses and roads in Crimea .
Later, almost the entire center of Sevastopol was built from Inkerman stone; the buildings of the Palace of Culture “Ukraine” in Kiev, buildings in Moscow, the Volga region, Siberia, the Urals and the Far East were built from it, with white slabs lined with it. Similar bryozoan limestone from the Alminskoe deposit in the Bakhchisarai region covers the facades of two of the most famous “Stalinist high-rises” in Moscow - the buildings of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Moscow State University. It was also used to decorate the facade of NATO headquarters in Brussels. Crimean limestones can also be seen in the Moscow subway - they line the Komsomolskaya, Lenin Library and Okhotny Ryad metro stations.


Unique recreational resource Crimea has medicinal mud. Currently, two deposits of silt mud are being exploited: Chokrakskoye (Kerch Peninsula) and Sakiskoye.

Crimean mineral resources in numbers

According to the Crimean branch of the Ukrainian State Geological Prospecting Institute:

  • Crimea is in 7th place among 25 regions of Ukraine in terms of the number of explored deposits.
  • In Crimea, 315 mineral deposits have been explored and accounted for. Currently, 85 fields are being developed, and another 18 are being prepared for exploitation.
  • The most mineral resources are in the Saki and Leninsky regions - 52 deposits in each. In the Sovetsky district there is only one deposit of building stone, and no mineral resources have yet been found in the Nizhnegorsky district.
  • Crimea accounts for 91% of the shell rock mined in Ukraine.
  • 30 underground deposits have been explored in Crimea mineral water, only six are being developed.
  • 250 thousand dollars — for this price the current owner is ready to sell an active shell rock deposit in the village of Zernovoe, Saki district.

The relief is varied. The northern part of the peninsula is an almost flat, weakly dissected low-lying plain, gradually rising to the south. Only small depressions of subsidence origin, low mounds, dry rivers and gullies somewhat brighten up its monotony. The Tarkhankutskaya elevated plain lies on it - up to 179 m.

The relief is unique. In the southwest there is a low-lying plain, which is given an undulating appearance by local watersheds, and erosional remnants in the form of hills and small hills. It is typically characterized by flat-bottomed, often extensive depressions occupied by salt marshes. During rains they turn into small lakes. The northeastern part of the Kerch Peninsula is a hilly ridge plain with basins surrounded by rocky limestone ridges. There are a lot of mud hills here.

In the southern part of the Crimean peninsula there are mountains that stretch for 150 km from to. Their maximum width is about 50 km. The mountains are heavily dissected by faults and erosions. They are a complex combination of small mountain ranges, rocky ridges and basins, forming three ridges - Main, Internal and External (Northern), two interridge depressions.

The southern and highest Main Ridge rises above sea level to 1200-1500 m. Its maximum height is 1545 m (peak Roman-Kosh). In its western part the ridge has the appearance of a very fragmented low mountain. In the middle, highest part, it consists of a chain of table massifs, the so-called yayla: Nikitskaya, Babugan, Chatyr-Dag and some others. In the eastern part, the ridge again presents a fragmented lowland, which in the extreme northeast turns into a very dissected hilly and elevated area.

The coastal (up to a height of 400-500 m) part of the southern slope of the Main Ridge from Cape Aya to Kara-Dag is called. This narrow strip, inclined towards the sea, dissected by numerous ravines and river valleys, is very picturesque.

In the extreme east of the South Coast there is the Kara-Dag volcanic mountain group. It consists of a central dome-shaped massif (576 m) and the coastal ridges surrounding it from the south and east (Lobovoy, Karagach, Khoba-Tepe, Magnitny, Kok-Kaya). These ridges stretch along the seashore, forming grandiose steep coastal cliffs, and protrude into the sea with bizarre rocks and capes. The coast is indented with small picturesque bays. From the north-west, the central massif of the Kara-Dag is surrounded by the Syuryu-Kaya ridge, composed of Upper Jurassic limestones.

The internal foothill ridge rises to a height of 600-700 m and reaches a maximum height of 739 m east of. The lowest External foothill ridge has a maximum height of 352 m. The interridge depressions are very dissected and hilly.

The activity of water in the limestones that make up the Crimean Mountains along with other rocks led to the formation of karst relief forms in the form of grottoes, funnels, basins, wells, mines, caves with beautiful sinter formations.

The small one is complex. The Crimean Mountains are a relatively young fold and fault formation. The mountains are composed mainly of sedimentary rocks: limestones, marls, sandstones, conglomerates, shales, sands. The main ridge is composed of the most ancient rocks. Inner foothill - younger, External - even younger. There are also igneous rocks in the mountainous Crimea: diorites, diabases, porphyrites, etc. They make up the mountains of Kastel, Chamny-Burun, Uraga, etc. The rocks of the mountainous Crimea are collected in folds, broken in different directions by faults.

In the northern, flat part of Crimea, folds formed in geological times that were more ancient than in the mountainous Crimea. Sedimentary and igneous rocks occur here. IN different places they are on different depths and are covered on top by younger sedimentary deposits, often of considerable thickness: limestones, marls, clays, sands.

The southwestern part of the Kerch Peninsula is the destroyed and lowered tip of the mountainous Crimea. It is composed mainly of clays. The northeastern part of the peninsula is part of the foothill trough. It is composed of limestones, clays and sands, crushed into short folds.

Crimea is rich. The iron ores of the Kerch Peninsula are of great economic importance. In terms of total ore reserves, the Kerch deposit is one of the largest in the world. The reserves of Kerch ores suitable for industrial use amount to over 2 billion tons.

The salt resources of Crimea are huge in their reserves and very important. The brine of salt lakes contains sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and bromine salts. From the magnesium salts of Sivash, brine magnesium oxide is obtained, which is used for the manufacture of high-quality metallurgical refractories.

The subsoil of the plain Crimea and the Kerch Peninsula is gas and oil-bearing. A number of important gas fields have been discovered in the lowland Crimea: (discovered reserves are about 15 billion cubic meters), Glebovskoye on the Tarkhankut Peninsula and others. The natural building materials of Crimea are diverse: marls, clays, sands and sandstones, gravel, pebbles, diorites, tracks. Limestones come in several varieties. Marble-like limestones (gray and pink) provide good facing and walling materials, rubble and crushed stone. Bryozoan limestones (Inkerman stone) are different high density and low moisture capacity and are used as a good wall and cladding material. Nummulite limestones provide wall and rubble stone. Shell limestones are an excellent building material. Clays are found almost everywhere and are used to make bricks, tiles, and dishes. Bentonite clays (keel) are used as a detergent, absorbent in, as well as in the pharmaceutical industry, soap making, etc.

Trass is used as an additive in the production of special strength cement.

Widely known for their medicinal properties mud salt lakes and numerous mineral springs.

Every year, millions of travelers choose the Crimean Peninsula for their holidays. Of course, this is where many wonderful monuments are located, including not only resorts, but also amazing corners created by Mother Nature. So, the natural attractions and riches of Crimea - what are they? We present to your attention a ranking of the ten best!

10. Maiden Lake: a fantastic surface of water even in the photo

  • Coordinates: 44°35′46″N (44.596105), 33°48′4″E (33.801063).

And the huge temple, the ruins of which rest peacefully at the bottom, artificially created many years ago, are the main secret of this corner of Crimea. From the outside, the pond seems calm and serene. The unshakable surface of the lake reflects the beauty of greenery and sun. But as soon as the water level begins to fall towards the end of summer, the ruins of the old Christian church become visible to the eyes of tourists, as if reminding them of themselves and silently telling their story.

9. Soldatskaya – the deepest cave in Crimea

  • Coordinates: 44°52′29″N (44.874634), 34°34′59″E (34.582967).

Some natural attractions and riches of the Republic of Crimea are distinguished by record data compared to the whole of Europe. This is a dangerous and enticing cavity in its depths, discovered in 1968 nearby and consisting of inclined wells, various passages and narrow deep manholes up to 85 m. For tourists who want to look into the mysterious space, it is necessary to obtain permission from special services. Only then, having put on your equipment, go to explore lakes, streams and other amazing creations of nature located underground.

8. Balaklava Bay - a natural decoration of Sevastopol

  • Coordinates: 44°29′44″N (44.495538), 33°35′41″E (33.594715).

In the eighth position of our rating is located, distinguished by its beauty and pristine nature. It's easy to find good ones here. The water here cuts into the land quite deeply and resembles a winding path. The atmosphere of solitude and tranquility, stunning landscapes leave an indelible impression and remain in the memory for a long time. On the Fortress Mountain, which is located nearby, there is still a building built by the Genoese many centuries ago.

7. Pushkin Grotto - one of the natural resources of Gurzuf

  • Coordinates: 44°32′48″N (44.546677), 34°17′47″E (34.29642).

On the eastern side of Pushkin Rock you can see a truly grandiose creation of nature -. This writer spent a little more than 3 months in 1820. He rented a small boat and sailed under the arches of the rock formation, where he found solitude and inspiration in the depths of the rocks. Now this magnificent creation is popular among tourists who come to the peninsula to admire the monument. Inside the cave cavity there are places where you can rest next to the water before heading back.

6. Cape Chameleon - a “changeable” attraction near Koktebel

  • Coordinates: 44°57′50″N (44.963976), 35°17′42″E (35.29495).

We continue our acquaintance with the natural attractions and riches of Crimea. Not far from is located, which was formed from clay shales - hard rock that has the property of reflecting light. As a result, the protrusion completely changes color depending on weather conditions, the location of the sun and the time of year, identical to a lizard that can change color. Thanks to this, it bears such a telling name. Interestingly, two bays formed on both sides of it. The water in them is different in color, which adds additional charm if you admire the view from above.

5. Golden Gate - arch to the sun of Crimea

  • Coordinates: 44°54′52″N (44.914547), 35°13′53″E (35.231274).

At the end of our top, in fifth place, are . Kara-Dag is a volcanic massif on the Black Sea coast, where this arch-shaped rock can be seen not far from the shore. In the past, this attractive structure of nature bore the gloomy name - “Devil's Gate”, as it was believed that here was the entrance to the underworld. Today, excursion routes have been laid out to the famous landmark, and travelers, having caught a good angle, can admire how it appears golden, bathed in the rays of the setting sun.

4. Rock Diva - a legendary monument near Simeiz

  • Coordinates: 44°24′2″N (44.40067), 34°0′3″E (34.000851).

You can also find natural attractions and riches on the South Coast; the Republic of Crimea is famous for them throughout Russia. So, in the area, in the Black Sea, at the foot, there is a limestone more than 45 m high. It owes its name appearance, the top, which from a distance resembles the bust of a woman with flowing hair. There is a legend around her that once upon a time evil spirit committed evil deeds by turning into a girl. But the forces of good recognized the lie and punished him by turning him into a rock. Travelers who climb to the top of Diva, where they need to overcome 260 steps, have an impressive view of the endless water surface turquoise color, which fascinates, sparkling with the sun's rays.

3. Dzhur-Dzhur - the most powerful waterfall in Crimea

  • Coordinates: 44°48′19″N (44.805365), 34°27′34″E (34.459533).

Now the time has come to talk about which natural attractions and riches of Crimea are most in demand among tourists. In, on the territory of the urban district, the flows of the Eastern Ulu-Uzen River formed an inexhaustible river, which has several translations, such as “Water-Water” or “Eternally Murmuring”. It got its name due to the fact that even in the driest times the water does not end here and falls in rushing streams down the cascading threshold. Here you can take unforgettable photos against the backdrop of the gurgling giant and enjoy the mesmerizing scenery. Due to the low temperature and the presence of stones in the raging waterfall, tourists are not recommended to go into the water. It will be safer to admire the spectacle from the sidelines.

2. Valley of Ghosts - the most mysterious place on the peninsula

  • Coordinates: 44°45′3″N (44.750934), 34°24′28″E (34.407894).

On the slope, located in the northern part of the Alushta valley, there is a mysterious and mysterious place -. Large blocks of stone, created by nature, in their entire appearance resemble living creatures - people and animals, who are forever frozen immobilized. There is a legend in Crimea about ancient nomads who once wanted to occupy the lands of the peninsula. But the mountain did not like the attitude of the uninvited guests towards the locals; it punished them by turning them into stone statues. The thick fog that often settles over the valley adds even more mystery. Thanks to this phenomenon, in ancient times Demerdzhi was called “Funa”, which means “smoking”. The play of light and shadows is also interesting, creating the impression of the presence of life among the motionless rocks. Excursions are often organized here, when tourists can observe a picture that defies logic and think about what secret the attraction hides.

1. Ai-Petri - a majestic elevation that does not need description

  • Coordinates: 44°27′4″N (44.450996), 34°3′17″E (34.054659).

The first place in our rating is, which, although not the highest in Crimea, is not inferior in beauty and picturesqueness to any other natural monument. Its name is translated from Greek as “Saint Peter”. You can get to the top either from where it originates, with a length of 1860 m, or by car from Yalta. Not far from the famous observation deck "Shishko" on the plateau lies the highest mountainous Crimean settlement - the village of Okhotnichye. From the heights of Ai-Petri there is a stunning view that will impress any tourist, inspire new exploits and energize!

We hope that the natural attractions of Crimea with photos and descriptions given above have inspired you to new achievements! However, there are many other places on the peninsula created by nature that deserve tourist attention. They never cease to amaze with their incredible beauty, mystery and splendor!

The Crimean peninsula has been one of the most popular tourist destinations for many decades. Southern nature generously endowed the region big amount sunny days, with little snow in winter and a warm climate, and if desired, you can choose both dry and relatively humid areas for recreation.

Numerous tourists are attracted not only by the opportunity to relax on pebble or sandy beaches and swim in clear water one of the two seas - Azov or Black, but also to visit the famous sights of Crimea. There are many architectural and natural monuments on the peninsula. The article contains photos and brief descriptions attractions of Crimea that are really worth visiting.

Crimean palaces

The Crimean palaces are considered the hallmark of Crimea - an example of a rich historical and cultural heritage. A fascinating walk through the palace gardens and ensembles, alone or accompanied by a guide, will not only replenish your treasure trove of interesting knowledge, but also provide real aesthetic pleasure.

bird home

IN detailed description there is no need for this landmark of Crimea, because everyone has at least once seen a photograph depicting a Gothic castle rising above the sea from a steep cliff. The first wooden buildings on Cape Ai-Todor appeared in the second half of the 19th century, and modern look The castle was acquired at the beginning of the 20th century. The castle managed to serve private dacha general of the Russian-Turkish war, the house of the court doctor, the estate of Moscow merchants, a restaurant, and the reading room of a local sanatorium. "Swallow's Nest" was able to survive after strong earthquake in the 30s, but was later closed due to its poor condition. Currently, numerous works have been carried out to restore and strengthen the building, and now the Swallow's Nest castle is included in the register of objects of federal significance.
From the observation deck of the castle there is a stunning view of Yalta Bay, mountains and the sea surface. It is not for nothing that such famous films as the detective story “Ten Little Indians” and the children’s fairy tale “Mio, My Mio” were filmed in this place.

Vorontsov Palace

At the foot of Mount Ai-Petri near Alupka there is a famous palace complex named after the Vorontsov family. The construction of the palace was carried out at the beginning of the 19th century with the participation of architects and sculptors from England and Italy, and the magnificent garden with cascades, fountains and rare species plants were created by the talented German gardener Karl Kebach. The complex combines elements of English architecture, neo-Moorish style, and oriental splendor.
Before nationalization, the palace belonged to the family of Count Mikhail Vorontsov. An interesting fact is that the count was a member of the Masonic lodge. In the interiors and garden of the palace you can find secret decorative elements used in the decoration of Masonic architecture. This mysterious landmark of Crimea is undoubtedly worth a visit.

Livadia Palace

One of the best attractions of Crimea, along with the Vorontsov Palace, is the Yalta Livadia Palace. This snow-white building, built in the first half of the 20th century, attracts tourists with its austere beauty. Initially it served summer residence royal family of the Romanovs. The historic Yalta Conference of the Allied Countries of 1945 took place in the halls of the Livadia Palace. Currently, a museum and a cardiological sanatorium are opened in the palace, and political summits are often held.
On the territory of the palace and park ensemble there is a corps of pages, a palace of the court minister, and a palace church. In the park you can see decorative elements preserved from tsarist times - fountains and gazebos. And the highlight of the palace – the lushly blooming Italian courtyard – became the backdrop for scenes of famous Soviet films such as “Dog in the Manger”, “Twelfth Night”, “Anna Karenina”.

Massandra Palace

Another interesting place in Crimean Yalta is the Massandra Palace. It was built at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries for Prince Vorontsov, but was later purchased royal family and served as the residence of Emperor Alexander III. Outwardly ascetic, the castle was decorated with numerous decorative elements(scale roofing, saturated tiles yellow color), turning it into a fairy-tale tower. The castle is surrounded by a wonderful park, planted not only with the usual pine and cypress trees for the south, but also with Mediterranean trees: olives, lemons, oranges.

Gifts of nature

What is definitely worth seeing in Crimea are its natural masterpieces. Tourists from many countries travel to the peninsula to see the unique nature of Crimea. On the map you can find Mountain peaks and plateaus, protected forests and waterfalls, steep cliffs and deep caves. The list is huge, so let’s name the main attractions.


Many descriptions say that Ai-Petri is the true symbol of Crimea. This is the highest mountain range and the one subject to the strongest winds. Having reached the top on foot or by cable car, you can enjoy stunning views that will remain in your memory forever.


A powerful waterfall, the name of which translates as “eternally babbling.” This is a real paradise on the hot peninsula, because the 15-meter waterfall does not subside even in the driest summer. It is located in the Khapkhal Nature Reserve, which is best reached by forest paths. A walk along the trail will allow you to fully enjoy the charm of the local nature.

Valley of Ghosts

This mysterious place is located on Mount Demerdzhi in the Alushta region. There are dozens of natural stone sculptures scattered throughout the Valley, fascinating with their whimsical forms. You can spend more than one hour watching how the shapes of the stones change, shrouded in fog or illuminated by the bright sun. In the Valley you can go horseback riding and visit the filming sites of the comedy “Prisoner of the Caucasus”.

Stone mushrooms

About 18 km from Alushta is the Sotera Valley, where you can observe a unique natural phenomenon - sculptures made of stone mixed with clay. Rain and wind thin the clay base, and a large stone “cap” remains at the top, giving it a mushroom-like appearance.

Crimean caves

The most famous and attractive for tourists are the Emine-Bair-Khosar cave, the Marble cave, and the Red cave. The Emine-Bair-Khosar cave amazes with its pristine beauty, which is amazingly preserved despite a large number of visitors. Huge stalactites and stalagmites grow here, there are incredible halls with calcite lakes and the remains of animals that died in the cave, including the skeleton of a baby mammoth. Nearby is the Marble Cave with unique stalactite cascades and calcite flowers. And the Red Cave Kizil-Koba will amaze with its richness of colors. By the way, in this cave you can walk along a special, unequipped route with diving into underground lakes and passing extremely narrow paths.

In a short article it is impossible to describe even a tenth of all the wonders that can be seen in Crimea. Be sure to come on vacation to this wonderful region and appreciate its beauty, generosity and hospitality!