home · Measurements · Which moon to plant carrots on. How to grow large carrots in open ground. Methods and schemes for planting carrots

Which moon to plant carrots on. How to grow large carrots in open ground. Methods and schemes for planting carrots

March 14, 2017

Why are more and more farmers now interested in the issue of changing the phases of the moon? Landing different cultures carried out based on shift lunar phases. What is the reason for this and what difference does it make on what day to sow?

The lunar cycle affects the germination and yield of carrots

Mystical moon

Growing or decreasing, we all know it can be different. And in the process of its growth and decline, its impact on others changes. The change of phases determines whether there will be a harvest or whether hair will grow. will there be success in business? It’s not so much the influence of today’s popular astrologers that plays a role, but rather the awareness of people.

Everyone believes in their own, but there are facts that are pointless to deny. If you cut your hair during the waning moon, its growth will be very slow and the hair itself will become problematic. It's the same with the harvest, business, everything. It’s worth paying attention once, maybe several times, and you will be convinced of the reality of this relationship.

Moon month lasts twenty-eight days, namely four weeks. Every week the satellite travels different phases. Depending on the chosen position of the luminary, a conclusion should be made whether it is worth landing or not.

On the waxing moon, you need to dive and thin out carrot shoots

As the moon grows, it gradually grows out of a thin crescent, becoming larger each time. For carrots, it is beneficial to carry out during this period of time:

  1. Fertilizing growing crops with organic mineral fertilizers.
  2. Sowing treatment: thin them out and plant them.
  3. Remove weeds from garden beds.

During this period, the earth absorbs everything useful, giving it to the roots of the planted plant. Therefore, it is difficult to come up with the most suitable period for planting. Not worth it in the first week from birth new moon plant carrots, otherwise you may not expect anything other than tops.

When the full moon arrives, you can collect material for future planting, but sowing and cultivating the area is strictly prohibited. Full moon depletes the root system. The plant is weakened and cannot be processed or planted.

Full moon - time to collect seeds

When the moon decreases and it decreases in the lunar calendar, crops with root crops can be sown. There is a fundamental difference between the planting period of various crops. That is, some vegetables are planted on the waxing moon, others on the waning moon. Its phase according to the lunar calendar affects all areas of life in different ways.

To better navigate, you can buy yourself a lunar calendar and record the days when the moon is waxing and when it is waning. Sowings carried out in the third week of the moon’s life according to the lunar calendar produce abundant shoots. They digest and germinate faster and produce stronger, more beautiful vegetables with excellent taste.

  • organic fertilizers;
  • ensuring generous watering;
  • pest control and weed removal;
  • plowing the soil, or loosening.

This sequence of actions is typical for autumn and spring season when you are going to plant carrots. In winter, you also plant seeds on the waning moon. If you sow dry seeds, then tillage and soil preparation should be done first by cutting the satellite.

When you are going to plant with soaked seeds, carry out the action in the fourth week of the satellite formation phase. This period is suitable for harvesting. Cleaning these days is effective, since the cleaning performed will allow you to maintain the quality of the product and its appearance.

The waning moon favors fertilization and pest control

When a new moon is born, many actions by farmers can negatively affect planting. The roots and tops are greatly weakened at this time. Therefore, you cannot cultivate, loosen, sow or even fertilize. But now is the time to kill the weed.

When the moon is in Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo, care and any actions in relation to carrots and all root vegetables will be crowned with success. It is better to sow carrots between the end of October and the beginning of November. Sowing should be done with dry seeds. Please note that severe frosts can destroy crops.

Depending on the differences in climate in the regions of the country, there are differences in the implementation of planting carrots according to the phases of the moon, you need to make sure that all factors are accompanied:

  • the moon was in the right phase;
  • the ground has thawed;
  • the climate was appropriate.

Mineral fertilizers are added to root crops when the moon is waxing according to the calendar; organic fertilizers will work if they are applied on a waning moon.

It is better to plant carrots based on several indicators. Using only the phases of the moon in the chart, you will not achieve a harvest.

Basically, planting of crops is carried out in the month of October with seeds, or already in the spring, in the middle. You need to wait until the ground has thawed for sowing to begin. It is important to pay attention to weather forecasts; they do not provide a guarantee, but at times they protect against unnecessary costs.

During the new moon, plants are weakened

Sowing carrots is also effective if you choose the right variety. The root vegetable has many varieties different varieties, which differ in their qualities. Depending on the climate of the region and the taste of the final product, you can choose the one that is most suitable for you.

Before planting a root crop, calculate the phases of the moon and prepare the soil for planting based on the phases. Dig up your area, removing weeds and fertilizing the bud.

If thorough ground work is required, start earlier than usual. Having chosen the phase of the moon, prepare the planting material for sowing. Seeds can be planted dry or soaked. Swollen seeds are more common and effective way implementation effective landing root vegetable

You can plant carrots in open ground if your area satisfies all the needs of the crop. If the climate is not warm enough, cover the area where you intend to plant after sowing with film.

During the process of growing root crops, water and process them on the appropriate days of the calendar. planting material organic fertilizers. Carrots need care that will satisfy the crop.

It is important to regularly thin out the rows and not plant them crowded. Excessive watering and fertilization will spoil the product’s taste and appearance. If everything is observed in moderation: provide moderate but regular watering; fertilize in a timely manner and in small quantities; clean the beds on time; you can get a product of excellent quality.

Excessive care will make the labor-grown root crop unfit for human consumption. Since its appearance and taste will leave much to be desired. Moon phases are a popular and accurate indicator for planting and caring for various vegetables and fruits.

The post When is the best time to plant carrots according to the lunar calendar appeared first on SeloMoe.

Planting beets and carrots does not take much time during spring work. But if you approach this process carelessly and sow it somehow, then you should not expect good harvest. It is important to remember that there are different approaches, on which beet yield depends: planting and care open ground slightly different from the same processes when planting in a greenhouse.
Also, when you sow seeds on a plot or transplant seedlings from a greenhouse, you need to regularly loosen the soil and apply fertilizer, this is the key to a good harvest.

It is important to know how and when to plant beets, what recommendations you need to follow in order to get large root crops. In this article we will provide important information, which every gardener should familiarize himself with, and we will also traditionally consider the timing of planting beets and carrots according to the lunar calendar.

Preparing the land

Beets can grow on any soil, but most of all it loves well-cultivated, loose, sandy loam and chernozem soils. It can also grow on peat bogs after liming. It is not recommended to plant beets on heavy clay soils, podzolic and sandy soils. How to plant beets correctly if the soil on the site is too wet? Gardeners recommend sowing seeds on beds and ridges.

Good predecessors:

  • cucumber;
  • potato;
  • tomato;
  • legumes

Bad predecessors:

  • cabbage;
  • carrot.

It is better to pay attention to what grew in the garden bed before the beets. This is especially true for planting beets with seeds in open ground. There is no need to grow it in the same place for several years in a row. Only after 3-4 years can the plantings be returned to their original location.

Planting beets in the spring means preparing the soil in the fall. That is, if you decide to sow beet seeds in the spring, then in the fall you need to make sure that the soil is prepared. First you need to remove all plant remains, get rid of the weeds and dig the area well. Next you need to loosen the soil.

Fertilizing the site

If the soil is depleted, then it makes sense to add mineral fertilizers. Earth from increased acidity must be mixed with lime, chalk or dolomite flour. As a rule, 1 glass of mixture per 1 sq.m. is enough. Don't forget about fertilizers in the spring. It is necessary to enrich the soil shortly before sowing beets. Often gardeners use self-prepared fertilizer.

It includes:

  • wood ash (2 cups);
  • magnesium sulfate (1 tsp);
  • boric acid (12 tsp);
  • micronutrient tablet.

All components must be mixed well and added to the beds. The proportions are indicated per 1 sq.m. You can also add a mixture of ammonium nitrate (20 g), superphosphate (40 g) and sodium chloride (10 g) to the soil. If you fertilize the area with manure, you do not need to add more than 4 kg of this fertilizer per 1 sq.m. to the soil.

To grow table beets, you need to choose a well-lit place. This root vegetable does not like shade. If she suffers from lack sunlight, then the fruits will not have a rich color.

Planting dates for beets and carrots

The timing of planting beets and carrots varies depending on weather conditions. Most gardeners try to plant beets in the spring, when the ground has already warmed up to 5°C. If planted too early, the seeds will not germinate in cold soil and root crops will not form. Sowing too early is also dangerous due to the formation of flower stalks on beetroot. This negatively affects the development of this garden crop. Seeds can germinate at temperatures of +4...+5°C, and they can also withstand light frosts (down to -2°C). Optimal temperature For good growth root vegetables - +16...+23°С.

You shouldn’t delay sowing either, because of the moisture-loving nature of the plant. You need to try to catch the moment when spring moisture has not yet left the soil (approximately the first week of May).

Immediately before planting beets, the soil must be loosened with a rake and dolomite flour. If the soil is warm, moist, loose and enriched with minerals, you can start sowing.

Also, according to the old tradition, some summer residents try to adhere to the lunar calendar.

Favorable days for sowing beets and carrots in the spring of 2019 according to the Lunar calendar:

  • in March:
    • favorable: 13-15 and 20-22
    • conditionally favorable: 30;
  • in April:
    • favorable: 3, 17-18,
    • conditionally favorable: 22-23;
  • in May:
    • favorable: 23-24,
    • conditionally favorable: 19-20;
  • in June:
    • favorable: 10-12, 20-21,
    • conditionally favorable – 15-16.

Planting with seeds

There are two ways to plant beets: seeds and seedlings. The first method is most often used. The prepared soil can be cultivated to a depth of 3-4 cm and scouring can be done. You can sow the seeds after planting carrots is completed. Usually at this time the soil has time to warm up well. This is why newcomers to gardening People often wonder when to plant carrots and beets in the spring. It is better to check the weather forecast before boarding. If rain is expected, hurry to sow the seeds.

Before planting seeds in the beds, it is recommended to treat them. In order for root vegetables to appear as early as possible, the seeds need to be soaked in a solution of a growth stimulator. It can be bought in specialized stores. At home, ordinary ash is often used. The seeds should be soaked for about a day, after which they should be washed with warm water and dried. Until planting, it is better to store them in a fabric bag. You need to put it in a dry, cool place.

You can also treat the seeds using the bubbling method. But in this case, they need to be sown only in moist soil. If you don't pre-treatment seeds, the arrow will not be able to develop.

The scheme for planting beets in open ground is very simple: sowing in rows with further thinning of the seedlings. Planting depth depends on the type of soil. If the soil is loamy, then the seeds should be planted at a depth of 3 cm, if sandy - approximately 4 cm. The distance between the rows should be at least 40 cm. Planting beets in open ground should be done in identical beds and resemble a trellis.

It is necessary to make small grooves and pour water into them. Planting beets with seeds should only be done when moisture has been absorbed. The seeds of this garden crop are sufficient big size, so they can be sown individually. Sometimes gardeners worry that seedlings may not appear, so they put several seeds together. After adding seeds to the soil, they need to be covered with soil.

Planting seedlings

If you do not want to thin out the beets, you can use the second planting method. This method is also perfect for those who do not fully understand how to plant beets with seeds. If you are planting seedlings, you need to sow them in a greenhouse at least 30 days before transplanting them into permanent soil.

When to plant beets in the spring if you are using seedlings rather than seeds? There is no point in talking about specific dates, since everything depends on weather conditions. Seedlings can only be planted if the sprouts are strong.

If you have a greenhouse, then you need to make several grooves in it at a distance of 5 cm from each other. You need to sow seeds in them. You need to maintain a distance of 3 cm between them. When the seedlings grow, you need to monitor how leaves form on them. If the stem becomes strong and about 4-5 leaves grow on it, you can safely replant the seedlings. However, there is no need to do this abruptly. It is recommended to harden off the sprouts first. To do this, the greenhouse must be ventilated for some time. Sudden changes temperatures negatively affect the development of root crops.

Only after all these processes have been completed can the sprouts be planted in open ground. It is advisable to first place them in a clay solution, and only then - in open ground.

Some gardeners know how to plant beets in the fall, and often practice this. In the second half of autumn, you can sow the beds with seeds and already in July you can expect the first root crops. This is considered an early harvest.

Root crop care

You already know when to sow beets and how to do it correctly. Now let's get acquainted with the features of caring for this root vegetable.

It is important to take into account the fact that several seedlings sprout from one grain, and in any case, beets need to be thinned out. Therefore, you should not sow too thickly. If after thinning there are many sprouts left, they can be planted as seedlings. It is necessary to remove excess sprouts twice. First you need to thin out the beets when 2 leaves appear on the sprouts. It is advisable to maintain a distance of 3-4 cm. Then it is recommended to repeat the process when about 5 leaves appear on the sprouts and the size of the root crop reaches 4 cm in diameter. You can not be afraid to use the torn root crops during the second thinning for food.

As for loosening, this should be done no more than 2-3 times per season. Beets also need to be watered infrequently. The further north the area where you live, the less frequently you need to water the area. It is better not to water beets before harvesting, as this has a negative impact on taste qualities root vegetables

Fertilizing needs to be done 2 times. First, it is advisable to fertilize the root crops with a solution of mullein or bird droppings in a ratio of 1:10. In a month you can enrich the land again. A solution of potassium and urea is best suited for this. In 10 liters of water you need to mix 2 g of urea and 20 g of potassium sulfate. How to plant beets correctly so that it is convenient to fertilize them later? Be sure to leave enough free space between the beds. Under no circumstances should the solution be poured directly onto the root. It is best to moisten the distance between the grooves with it.

Gardeners often practice watering saline solution. This helps enrich it with sodium. Usually for 10 liters of water you need 1 glass of salt. This is enough for root vegetables not only to receive useful microelements, but also to increase their sugar content.

Plant beets correctly and enjoy an excellent harvest!

Carrots are many people's favorite vegetable. If you are going to grow this root crop on your site, then you need to study in detail the rules and timing of planting carrots in 2018.

Correctly selected timing will significantly affect the quality and quantity of the harvest.

In this article we will talk in detail about correct selection landing date in different regions in spring and autumn.

What do the deadlines depend on?

For getting large quantity To ensure a high-quality carrot harvest, you should study in detail the climatic conditions of your region, ask the manufacturer about the timing of planting a particular carrot variety, and study the lunar calendar.

It is important to understand that even such a minor nuance as a planting scheme can play an important role at the moment the seedlings emerge. Let's look at how air temperature, planting dates, carrot varieties, region, lunar calendar, etc. affect the harvest.

When to plant carrots in spring

Orange root crops should be planted in spring in certain days and under certain weather conditions. It happens that a day is marked as favorable in the lunar calendar, but the weather outside is frosty or excessively rainy. In such cases, it is necessary to seek a compromise.

Optimal planting dates

Planting dates will differ for early, mid-season and late varieties orange root vegetable.

Early varieties

Early varieties of carrots are planted after the first true warmth has arrived (when the night frosts have gone). Early ripening varieties, in most cases, should be planted in open ground in mid- to late April. Since the ripening time of early varieties is very short (60-80 days), when correct landing and care, you can get the first harvest at the end of June or early July.

Did you know? Afghanistan is considered the birthplace of carrots, where it for a long time grew in the wild and had purple pulp. Orange carrots were developed by Dutch breeders for agricultural cultivation.

Mid-season varieties

Mid-season varieties are suitable for long-term storage, so they are grown in regions with short period warm season. 80-120 days after planting the seeds, you can harvest the first carrot crop.

If, for example, you plant a mid-season root crop in Siberia at the end of May, then in mid-September you can already harvest. That is, the growing season of carrots (mid-season) ideally coincides with the warm period of time in the specified part of Russia. In warmer regions, mid-season varieties are usually planted in early to mid-May (as recommended by producers and agricultural companies).

Late varieties

Late varieties of orange root vegetables keep very well in winter. They are grown by summer residents and gardeners who love to enjoy fresh carrot juice or cold salad winter evening. Late varieties should be planted in early June and harvested in October. The growing season of such carrot varieties is 120-150 days.


Weather conditions are important factor when planting carrots. First of all, you should carefully study the characteristics of the variety you are going to grow. If the variety is frost-resistant, then planting can begin when the night air temperature does not fall below 0 °C. In this case, at least 5 days must pass after the end of the night frosts (it is necessary for the earth to warm up to a depth of 10-15 cm).

Frost-resistant varieties of carrots can withstand frosts down to -5 ° C or more, but it is better to avoid such loads on the seeds, since after severe night frosts, seedlings may not appear for a long time.

Important!Before planting, the seeds must be soaked in an aqueous solution consisting of a growth stimulant and wood ash.

The ideal night air temperature for planting orange root crops is considered to be +7…+9 °C. IN daytime it should vary within +15...+18 °C. In such conditions, the seeds will quickly germinate, and the first harvest will not take long to arrive.

Features of the region

It is necessary to plant carrots in the central regions of Russia and in the Moscow region no earlier than April 20, since night frosts in this region can return until the beginning of May. Planting an orange vegetable in the Urals, in Leningrad region and other northern regions of Russia should be done no earlier than May 10. In Siberia, carrots need to be planted at the end of May (or earlier if weather conditions permit).

Always focus on the variety of root crop and its cold resistance. There are special varieties of carrots that are suitable for planting in Siberia as early as the end of April. On the territory of Ukraine and in southern regions In Russia, the vegetable is planted in early April, when the soil warms up to +5...+7 °C.

Lunar calendar and planting dates

If we are guided by the lunar calendar, then favorable days carrot sowing in 2018 will be:

  • March- favorable: 13, 14, 15, 20 and 22, conditionally favorable: 30;
  • April- favorable: 3, 17, 18, conditionally favorable: 22, 23;
  • May- favorable: 23, 24, conditionally favorable: 19, 20;
  • June- favorable: 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, conditionally favorable: 15, 16.
Video: how to plant carrots in spring

Planting carrots before winter

If you decide to plant carrots before winter, you will need to find ideal weather conditions. In addition, after planting, the seeds must be carefully covered so that they do not freeze in the harsh winter.

And do not forget that the planting area should be on flat ground, since a lot of water will accumulate in the holes in the spring, and the seeds may rot and not sprout.

Calendar dates

This planting method is more suitable for residents of the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine. Some varieties of orange vegetables can be planted in autumn middle lane Russia and the Moscow region. Of course, breeders have already developed varieties that are suitable for autumn planting in Siberia and the Urals, but there the planted bed must be properly covered.

There are frequent cases of complete freezing of carrot seeds after forty-degree frosts in the severe climate of the northern part of Russia. However, there is a clearly established time frame for autumn planting of root crops: from October 20 to November 25.


Autumn planting must be carried out after the average daily air temperature has established within 0...+2 °C. It will be good if a small layer of the first snow falls, but very coldy won't come yet. Too much early boarding will cause sunrises to appear and all the carrots to die.

That is why in the southern regions of Ukraine and Russia you should focus not on the date, but on the weather conditions, since the first frosts in these regions may not occur until mid-December.

What varieties are suitable?

The most popular varieties of carrots for winter sowing:

Did you know?Carrots remove “bad” cholesterol and calcium ions. Both of these substances negatively affect the heart and blood vessels, increase blood pressure levels and the risk of blood clots.

Lunar calendar: when to plant carrots before winter

Favorable days for planting carrots in the fall of 2018:

  • Sunday, November 11 - Tuesday, November 13;
  • Friday, November 16 - Sunday, November 18;
  • Sunday, November 25 - Tuesday, November 27.

Is it possible to plant carrots earlier or later, and what are the consequences?

Often, summer residents and gardeners decide when to plant carrots based on weather conditions and the availability of free time. Sometimes planting is done earlier or later than expected, which is associated with an early or prolonged spring. Let's look at the consequences of planting orange root crops too early and too late.

in spring

Planting carrot seeds early may result in them freezing and, as a result, seedlings will not appear. This can happen when warm air masses arrive in the region in March and the average daily temperature remains at +8...+12 °C for a long time.

A summer resident may decide to plant the seeds a little earlier, because the warmth has already arrived and the harvest can be harvested earlier. But there may be a danger here: frosts will most likely return, perhaps even in early May, and the seedlings may die.

Important!The most frost-resistant and suitable varieties carrots for planting in Siberia:« Vitamin-6» , « Queen of Autumn» , « Dayana» , « Altai shortened» .

Planting too late is dangerous only for late varieties of carrots, the growing season of which exceeds 130-140 days. If such carrots are planted late in the northern regions, then by the time the harvest begins there may already be snow on the street. This should be taken into account and not delay planting seeds.

in autumn

Planting work in the fall should be carried out at a certain time: choose a suitable air temperature and a favorable day. If you plant the seeds too early, they will begin to germinate before frost sets in. Eventually the carrots will die and you will have to replant the seeds.

Too much late landings can cause seeds to freeze as they need to adapt to temperature conditions soil. That is why it is recommended to plant seeds at temperatures of 0…+2 °C.

For high yield carrots need not only to be selected perfect timing planting, you should also prepare the seeds, fertilize and cultivate the planting area, and then properly care for the seedlings.

Depth and scheme

When planting in spring, carrot seeds must be soaked in water or buried in warm water. wet soil for at least a day. This will become a kind of hardening for the seeds. If planting work will take place in the autumn, then you cannot soak the seeds, since this procedure is designed to stimulate their germination.

After preparing the seeds, you should prepare the area for planting:

  • Carrots really don’t like compost and manure. Moreover, these types of fertilizers negatively affect the taste of the root crop;
  • before planting seeds, the area should be thoroughly dug up and loosened;
  • You can add sawdust or peat to the soil, which have already begun to decompose;
  • In the fall, you need to cover the area where you plan to plant seeds, because sometimes sudden snowfalls can interfere with planned planting work.
Video: how to prepare a bed for carrots Step by step process landing looks like this:
  • The furrows should be 1.5-2 cm deep. The holes should be moistened with potassium permanganate or plain water(for spring sowing).
  • The distance between holes in a row should be 5 cm, between rows - 20 cm. This planting pattern will be convenient for future weeding and loosening.
  • If planting work is carried out in late autumn, then upon completion the bed must be properly insulated.
  • After the end of spring planting work the bed is watered with water diluted with liquid fertilizers with growth stimulants.
Video: how to sow carrots before winter

How to care for seedlings

Carrot seedlings must be weeded regularly, as excess weeds will negatively affect the yield of the root crop. Weeding should be regular. Do not forget to loosen the soil so that underground part the plants received more oxygen and a dense earthen crust did not form on the soil surface.

Did you know?Carrot tops are also edible. In some countries, soups, salads and even tea are prepared from it.

Thinning seedlings is one of the main stages in crop care. In this case, the basic rule is this: the distance between neighboring plants should be 3-4 cm.

Lack of moisture is the cause of bitterness and dryness of fruits. Root crops need to be watered every 5-7 days. Water should not be spared; it should saturate the soil to a depth of 25-30 cm.

The first fertilizer of carrots should be carried out 3-4 weeks after the appearance of the first shoots, the second - 1.5-2 months after the first.
Carrots love such fertilizers.

When to plant carrots according to the lunar calendar? This question arises among novice gardeners, as well as among those who have been growing for a long time. garden crops. It is worth noting that the sowing calendar changes every year, so you should know those favorable days when it is better to plant this root crop.

Changing phases of the Moon has a fairly significant impact on development and growth cultivated plants, and also affects fruiting. This point was still noticed by our ancestors, but relatively recently lunar calendars have become quite popular among gardeners, since by adhering to certain dates, you can get friendly carrot shoots and a good harvest of this useful root vegetable.

Carrots, like other crops, are subject to the influence of the night luminary. The lunar month is four weeks, each of them corresponds to its own phase. As the moon grows, when its bright crescent becomes brighter and wider, moisture and nutrients from the earth quite actively rush from the root part to the tops and foliage of this crop.

Usually, the first week after the start of the new moon is considered the optimal time for planting, but this does not apply to carrots, since we are not interested in lush tops, but in the root crop of this plant, therefore, the timing of planting in open ground should be moved forward.

Is it possible to plant carrots during the full moon?

While the celestial body remains in the sky in all its glory, garden crops, in particular carrots, root system clearly weakened and quite sensitive to external interference, accordingly, it is not recommended to thin it out and loosen it, since traumatization of the roots can subsequently negatively affect the development of the vegetable. Root crops should not be planted these days.

When can you plant carrots during the waning moon?

As soon as the lunar disk begins to gradually decrease, the juices that moved to the crown before the full moon, according to the views of astrologers, begin to change their direction, and nutritional compounds also rush to the root part. Therefore, this is the best time to plant the root crop.

Seeds that penetrate the ground during this period of the lunar cycle actively produce root growth, which is good for carrots. And at this time, already grown plants are rapidly forming root crops. On the waning Moon, it is also good to feed carrots, water them, and add certain plant growth stimulants.

While the lunar disk is in a waning state, carrot seeds that fall into open ground have every chance of good rooting. If the seeds are planted in the soil dry, it is better to plant them as soon as the moon begins to wan.

If you decide to use swollen carrot seeds, then they can be sown in the fourth week of the lunar period, at a time when the aging sickle begins to noticeably narrow.

Is it possible to plant carrots during the new moon and during lunar eclipse?

During the new moon period, the growing season gradually slows down; accordingly, it is better to abandon work associated with planting and weeding carrots. In addition, plants during this period will not fully respond to the applied fertilizing, as well as on those days that are close to the new moon. During the period of a lunar eclipse, any earthwork should also be temporarily postponed.

Determining the timing of planting carrots according to the Zodiac

Each lunar day corresponds to a specific zodiac sign; all root vegetables, including carrots, respond better to planting and care in those days. lunar days, when the night luminary is in Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo, these signs belong to the element of Earth.

In different regions, root crops are planted in different time, which is determined climatic conditions southern and northern regions. In any case, it is necessary to take into account that the earth is completely ready to accept the seeds and has not yet lost the melted spring moisture, and that the period of the waning moon falls on the zodiac signs corresponding to the elements of the Earth. If you successfully calculate this combination, you will definitely be pleased with the harvest.

Watering and feeding carrots according to the lunar calendar

After the carrot seeds are planted in accordance with the lunar calendar, you must adhere to proper watering this root vegetable, this event is best held when the moon is in the zodiac signs Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio. At this time, the water supply can be made more economical.

It is better to apply mineral fertilizers for root crops to the soil during the waxing moon, but organic compounds, as well as growth stimulants, are best used during the period of waning night light. Moreover, greater effectiveness can be obtained from these events when the Moon passes through the signs of Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio.

What date according to the lunar calendar should you plant carrots?

For informational purposes, I will give you, dear reader, optimal time planting the seeds of this root crop. Favorable days for planting carrots for 2016: March 24, 26, 29, 30; April 2-4, 7-10, 22, 30; May 4, 9, 10, 11, 22.

Let's consider favorable days according to the lunar calendar for 2017 for planting carrots: April 17, 18, 23, 28; May 4, 14, 15, 19, 24, 31; June 1, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 30.

Favorable days according to the lunar calendar for 2018 for planting carrots: April 19, 20; June 20-22. Knowing these dates, you can plan your work in a timely manner. garden plot and get a good harvest as a result.

Carrots are a crop that grows within two years. How is this possible? By planting it in 2019, you can get the vegetable itself and tops, and in the future 2019 you can get carrot seeds. Carrots are a very valuable, healthy and nutritious product, rich in provitamin A. As a rule, carrot seeds do not sit in the ground for long and sprout within twenty days after planting. This means that after two and a half months you can already harvest this useful root vegetable. When to plant carrots in open ground in 2019? We invite you to find out the answer to this question.

When to plant carrots in open ground in 2019

When to plant carrots in 2019?

Carrots tolerate well cold weather, which is why it can be planted as in early spring, and closer to autumn. The main rule for planting carrot seeds is that this work must be done on the waning moon (in general, all root crops are usually planted on the aging Moon, so they are better accepted and give a good harvest).

In 2019 good days for planting carrot seeds, according to Lunar calendar The following days are considered in April: 17,18,23,28. In May: 4,14,15,19,24,31. In June: 1,7,10,11,15,16,20,30. It will not be too late to plant carrots in July, then they will ripen just in time for mid-autumn; the best days for planting will be July 12, 15 and 18.

For optimal growth and development of carrots, it is enough to meet a number of conditions:

  • The beds should be located so that the sun shines on them as much and as long as possible.
  • The soil for planting carrots should be well-permeable to oxygen and should not contain stones.
  • The soil should be light, otherwise the carrots do not grow straight down, but give off side branches, become curved and do not have a beautiful appearance.
  • The soil should not be moist, otherwise the carrots will quickly rot.

As a rule, carrots are still sown May days when the weather becomes warm and dry. Those varieties of carrots that need to be harvested for the winter, which take longer to ripen, are sown already in June and July.

Planting carrots in open ground

Before sowing carrots, the seeds should be soaked overnight in a small amount of water, so they will germinate faster. When sowing carrots, it is important to maintain a distance between rows of thirty to forty centimeters. You should not plant the seeds very close to each other; in order for the roots to develop well, they need a free distance of at least five centimeters. It is a good idea to add sand or ground dried coffee to the soil before planting seeds.

Important! Typically, carrot seeds sprout two weeks after planting, but if the sprouts are very close to each other, they must be threaded. If this is not done, the resulting harvest will not only be small, but also have an ugly appearance.

When planting carrots, you must follow the rules of crop rotation. You should not plant carrots where dill, fennel or parsley grew last season. The fact is that after these plants, pests overwinter in the soil and are not averse to eating carrots. But after cabbage and tomatoes, carrots will receive excellent soil, which has received a lot from these vegetables useful substances. It is very good to plant carrots where potatoes grew last year. After this root crop, there are no diseases or pests left in the ground that could damage the carrots; moreover, after it the soil remains loose and saturated with oxygen.

To prevent carrots from being attacked by flies or aphids, onions or garlic should be planted next to them. Essential oils, contained in them, perfectly drive away these pests. And calendula sown around carrots will further contribute to obtaining a good carrot harvest.

Now you know when to plant carrots in open ground in 2019? Finally, it is worth noting that for favorable growth of carrots, you should not moisten the soil too much as it withstands dry weather quite well. But moderate watering will not hurt, due to which the root crops will grow larger in size.