home · Appliances · The negative impact of the waning moon on a person. The influence of the moon in different phases on the psyche and human health

The negative impact of the waning moon on a person. The influence of the moon in different phases on the psyche and human health

It's no secret to anyone that The moon governs the waters of the ocean on our Earth. It is its approach and removal that forms the ebb and flow of the World waters. Continuing the thought, I would like to say that man by nature is also water, only a more complex formula, so it is not surprising that we The moon has a special influence.

The essence of the lunar cycle

Scientists have already tracked the dependence of human biorhythms on the rotation of the moon around the earth. We all know that all celestial bodies in this world have their own cycle, and the Moon, as one of these bodies, has a monthly cycle that lasts for 28-30 days, and the diurnal cycle, when the moon makes a revolution around the earth, which lasts 24 hours . If everything is clear with the daily cycle, then about the monthly one I would like to clarify that almost half of the calendar months of the year have an unfinished cycle and consist of 29 lunar days. Usually when the lunar month has 29 lunar days, practice has shown that it is very difficult for a person, as it often turns out to be very stressful. When a month falls 30 days long, it is more favorable for a person, since influence of the moon on man appears more favorably.

People who willingly raise their heads up and look at the Moon know that it goes through 4 phases in its journey through the night sky, which are associated with the position of the Moon relative to the Sun, namely the new moon, the full moon, the days of the first (growth) and third quarter (descending). ). Each of the phases is extended in time by about a week. All these phases are spectacular in their own way, but each of them affects a person in its own way.

The influence of the new moon

It is the distance and approach of the Moon in relation to the Earth that leads to the fact that on the new moon, when the Moon is maximally illuminated by the Sun, people who are prone to diseases of the central nervous system and all kinds of psychological disorders feel anxiety and lose sleep. In this phase of the moon, a person feels the maximum the influence of the gravity of the moon and the sun.

In practice, this can be felt in the fact that your mass will be less, as the fluid from the head area rushes down and is evenly distributed throughout the body. Such a movement leads to the fact that the activity of metabolic processes increases, which leads to an increase in the number of mental disorders.

During this period, it is very good to carry out all kinds of procedures for the skin, since the active substances optimally penetrate the body and enter deep into the skin. Men react most intensively to the new moon. This manifests itself in:

  • aggression
  • nervousness
  • may end in a heart attack.

The influence of the growth of the moon (first and second phases)

In this first phase, the cerebral cortex and organs located at the top of the body will feel a special load. Since during this period there is a beginning of a new cycle of energy. It is this beginning that will allow you to effectively get rid of bad habits, or change your behavior patterns. When starting these events, you should know that as the moon grows, there will be a temptation to return to the past, but by busting yourself, you can start living in a new way.

The second phase of the growth of the Moon leads to the fact that the external gravity increases, which is reflected in the increase in body mass and the release of liquids to the outside. During this period, it is optimal to fasting and cleansing the body, as its results will be many times higher than in other phases.

The energy in this phase is moved to the area of ​​the chest and abdominal cavity. As a rule, during this period, chronic diseases in these areas become aggravated. If you have to undergo surgery during this period, then you cannot do without heavy bleeding.

full moon effect

During the full moon, the Moon and the Sun have the most opposite effect on the Earth. During this period, a person receives a very tangible, since the fluid flows are directed inside the person. It leads to burst of strength and energy. During this period, the energy is concentrated in the pelvic region, since most healthy women eggs mature, which in turn creates an unprecedented craving for the opposite sex. On the full moon, it is very important not to overdo it with physical exertion and voluptuousness.

Influence of the waning moon (third and fourth phases)

Starting from the third phase, the energy in the body begins to shrink, which leads to the fact that a person does not tolerate stress well and becomes sensitive to problems. digestion and stress.

The fourth phase brings with it that all the liquid that was compressed in the previous phase begins its movement of energy to the head and legs, which provokes a fluid deficiency, which manifests itself in fainting, thrombophlebitis of the extremities. For many women, menstruation begins in the fourth phase. At this stage, special attention should be paid scalp, face and feet, it will not be superfluous to conduct a series for them.

Scientists have long proven the existence of the gravitational influence of the moon on the surface of the earth. A vivid example of this is the phenomenon of ebbs and flows in the coastal zones of the seas and oceans. And given that we are 80% water, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to avoid the effects of this planet on our mood and well-being. How does the moon affect a person? Its action covers many spheres of our life. Which ones, we will analyze in more detail.

The influence of the moon on the human body

As you know, the moon is the closest planet to us. And its gravitational field has a significant impact on the distribution of blood in our body. Many centuries ago, people learned to count lunar rhythms and created a lunar calendar. Its essence lies in the fact that moving around the Earth, the night luminary appears every 2.5 days in one of the 12 signs of the zodiac. The functioning of our internal organs depends on the position of the moon in a certain sign. Knowing the lunar calendar allows you to determine on which days it is better not to overload certain parts of the body.

Especially precisely the influence of the moon on human health can be traced thanks to its phases, when the Earth's satellite changes its position every week.

The influence of the phases of the moon on a person

Thanks to the lunar cycles, it is possible to determine favorable days for a haircut, physical activity, prevention of diseases of some internal organs, and even for a diet. But first things first.

New moon. In this phase, the gravity of the Sun and Moon makes the mass of a person smaller, and the fluid from the upper body rushes down. At the same time, the activity of metabolic processes increases and the number of mental disorders increases. Men react strongly to the new moon. During this period, they become aggressive and risk getting a heart attack.

First phase. This period is favorable for the activation of the functions of the cerebral cortex and the entire upper body. If you are going to get rid of bad habits and take care of your health, then this is the right time. Due to the energy of the new life cycle of the moon, a person experiences an increase in mental and physical strength.

Second phase. At this time, the increase in gravity from the Sun and the Moon gradually begins and the fluid in the body moves outward. At the same time, the body weight of a person increases. This period is good for cleansing the body of toxins and visiting baths and steam rooms. Also, during the second phase, you should not physically overload the body and carry out any operations.

Full moon. The influence of the moon on a person during this period is particularly acute. We have strength and energy. Also on such days, the craving for the opposite sex and for various adventures and temptations increases. Especially brightly during this period, you can notice the influence of the moon on a woman. When it comes to planning a child, the full moon is the best time for a full-fledged conception, since the passage of a mature egg is accelerated at times. In addition, during this period, women become biased and irritable. The physiological cycle also influences the emotional state of women. If it is at least approximately close to the moon, then after the full moon the woman is cleansed and finds harmony.

Third phase. During this period, there is a compression of energy and fluid in the body. In this cycle, you should not experiment with food and abuse physical activity.

Fourth phase. The completion of the lunar cycle is characterized by passivity. Energy and fluid in the body rushes to the feet and at the same time to the head. In this case, swelling of the limbs and blood deficiency are possible. During this period, there should be moderation in everything.

However, even during rest, we will be under the influence of this planet. A well-known fact is influence of the moon on human sleep. Therefore, do not be surprised if in the first half of the lunar cycle you will see vivid dreams, and in the second half you may be visited by nightmares. And if your acquaintances suffer from "sleepwalking" and roam at night, treat them more carefully during the full moon.

The influence of the moon on human life is inevitable. Knowing this fact, it is best to purchase a lunar calendar and follow the recommendations according to each phase of the Earth's satellite. The correct use of lunar gravity will allow you to determine the days of activity and rest, which undoubtedly contributes to the strengthening of health, relationships and improve your career.

The influence of the moon on a person is not just mysterious myths invented by the people. In our material, you will learn how and why the Moon affects a person, and also understand in what period you need to pay attention to your health. Recall that we previously wrote about, which may be useful to you.

Why does the moon affect a person

There is a lot about how the moon affects a person. But one thing is for sure - depending on the lunar cycle and the lunar phase, our well-being and even health status can change. The fact is that the Moon is in constant motion around our planet, it regularly reflects sunlight from different sides of its surface, and this affects human life on planet Earth. Moreover, the Moon has a direct influence on the tides of water - its gravitational field attracts large water masses, which causes their level to rise.

But back to the questions of the influence of the moon on man. The well-being of earthly inhabitants often depends on what phase the Moon is in now. Therefore, we will talk about this in more detail.

The influence of the phases of the moon on a person: new moon

The influence of the Moon on a person during the period of the new moon is expressed in the fact that the energy resources of a person at this time are at a minimum level. Therefore, people may feel lack of strength, weakness and need for rest. Some develop unexpected fears and obsessions. Interestingly, men are more influenced by the new moon, so during this period they can be irritable and harsh towards those around them.

And if we talk about how the Moon affects a woman on a new moon, then it is worth noting the lethargy and weakness in her well-being. Nothing terrible happens to her body, but during this period it is better to reduce physical activity and not be zealous with. But the new moon is the best suited for cleansing the body, so at this time you can start or go on a light diet.

How the phases of the moon affect a person: full moon

The influence of the Moon on a person on a full moon is expressed in the fact that we become more emotional and sensitive. During this period, many suffer from insomnia and increased activity, often feel that it is difficult for them to sit in one place, especially during a long working day. If men mostly react to the full moon, then the full moon affects women more, as they are more often guided by their emotions.

On the full moon, chronic diseases are often exacerbated, so each person needs to monitor their health, paying attention to any ailments. There is a widespread opinion, which has no scientific evidence, that it is better not to do any operations during the full moon. They say that blood coagulates worse at this time, so surgical interventions, even minor ones, should be postponed until another time.

They have been trying to study the influence of the phases of the moon on a person for decades, discovering new interesting facts about how we depend on the Earth's satellite. In the meantime, scientists are trying to explain many anomalies, we will tell you, on a subconscious level.

Since ancient times, the moon has attracted the attention of man, beckoning him with its mysterious light ... Poets and artists were inspired by her secret influence, once again creating their own unique masterpiece. Lovers sought peace in her soft embrace. Why does this mistress of the night so attract our admiring glances and our quiet exclamations of jubilation? Let's and we will try to understand such an ambiguous and exciting question about the mystical impact of the night star.

Astrology, as the science of the influence on all living and non-living celestial bodies - planets and stars, has been known to initiates since time immemorial. It was successfully used by Persian magicians, Chaldean priests, Babylonian astrologers. All kings, kings and emperors followed her recommendations. Why is astrology so attractive, why does it excite the minds of ordinary people and enlightened nobility? The answer is simple. We all want to know what lies ahead for us, what fate is in store for us. And that is why we strive so hard to know our future.

One of the most important luminaries in astrology is the Moon. Why was it shining? Because it shines, albeit by reflected light. Why is the moon so important? First of all, let us remember what does progressive science say about the impact on nature and man? It's no secret that the lunar influence causes the ebb and flow of the world's oceans on our Earth, but few people know that under the influence of the gravitational field of the earth's satellite, its surface fluctuates on the Earth.

When the moon moves around the earth, then after its rotation that part of the earth's crust moves, which is turned towards the night star. The Earth's crust under the Moon swells, as it were, and this huge boulder runs across the Earth, like a huge tsunami wave. And the waters of the oceans set in motion and the rearing giant hill of land, obeying the wave of the gravitational force, steadily follow the movement of the night companion.

All this movement takes place in the Earth's magnetic field and, thanks to such a physical phenomenon as electromagnetic induction, a wave of electric charge runs across the Earth's surface. All nature seems to come to life, is activated, being electrified by the generated electric field. Such is the physical impact of our closest natural satellite on the biosphere of our planet.

But what is the effect of the moon on man? It has long been noticed that during certain periods of the full cycle of its circulation around the Earth, the behavior of people changes greatly: for example, on the full moon, when the Moon and the Sun are on the same line on opposite sides of the Earth, the number of disasters and crimes increases sharply. And during the period of the new moon, when these same luminaries are on the same line, but on the same side of the Earth, the number of suicides increases.

Such observations prove that the Moon somehow affects the human psyche. Since our body is almost 80% water, it is no wonder that under the influence of the moon this water comes into motion. Our internal waters during periods of a full moon or a new moon also begin to experience ebb and flow, which will certainly lead to a change in their structure, composition and properties. As a result, we feel comfort or discomfort. Since everything is interconnected in our body, the state of all fluids in it will definitely affect the state of our psyche: emotions, feelings and thoughts.

In the same way, the Moon has an effect on organic life in general: on animals - activating their behavior, on plants - activating their growth, and even on crystals - exciting an electrical charge in them. This influence is strongest at night and when the moon is full, since at such a time it is easiest for predators to hunt, and it is better for plants to absorb nutrients from the soil.

Now let's look at the Moon from the position of astrology already familiar to us. Mainstream science says that The moon is a dead celestial body, which makes a complete revolution around the Earth in 27.32 days. However, from the standpoint of astrology, the Moon is a luminary that has a very specific nature - cold and wet, transmitting its soft, life-giving rays to the Earth. And under the influence of these rays, all life on Earth, including humans, receives a very definite influence.

Ancient astrologers argued that this influence is of a feminine nature, which means that it will affect women most strongly. So, from the point of view of ancient astrological knowledge, the Moon influences the human psyche, or rather, on that part of it that is connected with our subconscious. The subconscious is a part of our psyche that we do not control, which includes everything that we have forgotten or suppressed. This is both the memory of the past and the instincts that wake up in us from time to time in the form of an animal feeling of hunger or a strong sexual desire.

It is also the imagination of some unreal, non-existent situations under the influence of unreasonable fear, and quickly transient emotions that we cannot restrain: fear, passion, greed, anger, jealousy, tearfulness, joy. That is, these are the emotions that are mainly inherent in the child - natural, genuine, quickly replacing each other.

Besides , The moon influences our physiology, which is reflected in our general well-being, and therefore affects our mood. All fluids of our body - blood, lymph, bile - are subject to its influence. The birth and death of a living being is also associated with the Moon. All the unconscious processes of our body, our psyche and everything that we absorb with mother's milk (habits, reflexes, instincts, stereotypes of behavior and thinking) - everything is subject to her, the mistress of the night.

The moon influences:

  • unconscious processes in the body and psyche (sleep, imagination, perception, sexual behavior, the ovulation cycle in women, hunger and the instinct of self-preservation);
  • subconscious (repressed emotions, desires and dreams, memory of the past);
  • emotions that flow freely and naturally (anger, passion, greed, joy, tearfulness, sadness, jealousy, daydreaming, and others);
  • general well-being, mood and everything that we call health and youth.

What is the lunar cycle and what are the cycles?

To track the influence of the night star on us, ancient astrologers watched its movement across the sky. The centuries-old experience of such observation allowed the sages to come to the conclusion that during their cycles The moon affects us in different ways. And they conveyed to future generations their message about how the night luminary affects all living things.

First of all, the cycle of changing lunar phases, or the so-called synodic month, lasting 29.53 days, is of great importance. This is the time from one new moon to the next. It is important to understand that in astrology all the planets, including the Moon, are subordinate to the Sun. Therefore, the entire cycle of changing the lunar phases is a change in the relationship between the Moon and the Sun.

The synodic month is the period of time between two new moons, lasting 29.53 days. During this time, the angular distance between the Moon and the Sun changes from 0° (New Moon) to 180° (Full Moon) when it is waxing, and from 180° to 0° when it is waning.

In this case, the Moon successively passes through four main phases: I quarter, when the angular distance between it and the Sun is from 0 ° to 90 °, II quarter, when the angular distance is in the range from 90 ° to 180 °, III quarter, with an angular distance of 180° to 270°, and IV quarter, when the angle between the Sun and the Moon is from 270° to 360°.

During the new moon, the moon is almost invisible, which means that our emotions and instincts are controlled by the Sun - our consciousness. However, during this period, we feel unfree, depressed and oppressed, because the Moon gives us freedom to naturally express our instincts and emotions. That is why most suicides occur at this time. When the Moon begins to grow in its phase, all the processes associated with it awaken. Their strength increases, and we begin to feel more free and liberated. However, the control of our consciousness is weakening.

Thus, the waxing Moon increases the energy of our emotions and instincts, and at the moment of the full moon, this energy reaches its peak: our soul is as free as possible from the influence of the Sun - our spirit. It is during this period that most car accidents, murders and rapes occur, because repressed desires and negative emotions come out. Having reached a maximum in its phase, the Moon begins to decrease, and after this, the strength of our emotions and instincts also decreases. When the new moon comes, they are back in control.

Also of great importance cycle of the moon around the earth, called the sidereal month. This time period is 27.32 days. During this cycle, the Moon successively passes through all the signs of the Zodiac - from Aries to Libra and from Libra to Aries.

A sidereal month is the period of time between two successive passages of the Moon through 0° Aries, lasting 27.32 days. During this time, the Moon makes a complete revolution around our planet, successively passing through all the signs of the Zodiac. The presence of the Moon in each sign of the Zodiac sets us one or another program of action in relation to our body (treatment, cleansing, exercise), since the Moon affects our health, or in relation to the outside world (for example, planting plants and caring for them) , since the Moon influences the natural processes occurring in nature and society.

The recommendations of astrologers for each of the periods of the Moon in one or another sign of the Zodiac have been known for a long time. For example, recommendations for planting plants of one kind or another, how to care for them, etc. are given in the lunar sowing calendar, which you can easily find in any gardening magazine or tear-off calendar.

For example , on the growing moon we need to plant those plants in which their aboveground part is important to us (spicy herbs, berries, shrubs, flowers, leafy vegetables, fruit trees, etc.), and on the waning moon it is necessary to plant plants in which we are interested in their underground part (beets, potatoes, turnips, carrots, etc.).

You probably know the recommendations for body care and treatment of the body, depending on the position of the Moon in the corresponding sign of the Zodiac. But it would be nice to be reminded of them. And before you follow these recommendations, remember one very important rule:

  • It is impossible to treat, let alone operate on that organ or that part of the body that corresponds to the sign of the Zodiac in which the Moon is located.
  • It is possible to treat and operate on an organ or part of the body corresponding to the sign of the Zodiac opposite to the sign in which the Moon is located.

Transit Moon and its influence on the organs and parts of the human body

Moon in sign Body parts, organs or systems that cannot be treated or operated on Body parts, organs or systems that can be treated or operated on
Aries Head, face, upper jaw, ears, eyes Endocrine system, pancreas, kidneys, urinary system, skin
Taurus Neck, mandible, throat, larynx, pharynx, thyroid, endocrine system (except prostate) Prostate gland, rectum, genitals
Gemini Lungs, trachea, bronchi, shoulders, arms, hands and fingers Hips, hip joints, liver, gallbladder, sciatic nerve, circulatory system
Cancer Chest, mammary glands, stomach Teeth, legs, knees, tendons, circulatory system, liver, gallbladder, spine, bones
lion Heart, back, chest, spine Legs, joints, eyes, nervous and vascular systems
Virgin Abdomen, small and large intestines, entire gastrointestinal tract (except rectum) Feet, sensory organs, liver, legs, skin
Libra Kidneys, endocrine system, pancreas, urinary system, skin Head, face, ears, eyes, upper jaw
scorpio Genital organs, prostate gland, rectum Neck, throat, upper respiratory tract, endocrine system (excluding prostate)
Sagittarius Hips, hip joints, sciatic nerve, liver, gallbladder, circulatory system Lungs, bronchi, trachea, arms, shoulders, hands and fingers
Capricorn Liver, gallbladder, knee joints, teeth, spine, bones, circulatory system Chest, mammary glands, stomach, diaphragm
Aquarius Legs, venous system, legs, joints, nervous system, sense organs, eyes Heart, chest, back, spine
Pisces Feet, sensory organs, skin, liver, legs Abdomen, entire gastrointestinal tract (excluding rectum), small and large intestines

How do the phases of the moon affect our lives?

What does it mean for a person to be born on a new moon? How does the night Luminary affect a person born on the full moon? To answer these questions, let us ask what astrology says about this. It turns out that the phase of the moon in which he was born most strongly affects a person.

For example, if someone was born in the first quarter, then the growing moon will have the greatest influence on him in this phase. If someone was born on a new moon or a full moon, respectively, at this time he will experience the greatest influence from the night Luminary. To find out which lunar phase you were born in, look at a tear-off or astronomical calendar for your date of birth, or ask your astrologer.

So if you were born in:

Is it necessary to live according to the lunar calendar?

Moon calendar allows us to be successful in all our endeavors. How should the recommendations of the lunar calendar be applied correctly? If the Moon is initially strong in your horoscope, then this means that you are more susceptible to its influence. Therefore, you can successfully follow the recommendations of the lunar calendar in your daily life. This calendar provides a description of the lunar days of the lunar month, as well as the lunar phases and positions of the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac.

You are prone to lunar influence if:

Women, children and people with an unstable, receptive psyche, as well as mentally ill and unbalanced people are especially susceptible to the influence of the earthly satellite. Following the recommendations of the lunar calendar, be prudent and prudent, because dependence on lunar rhythms does not make us more free. Remember that the Moon is relaxation and naturalness, and the calendar allows us to achieve success without much effort, unless, of course, we ourselves become like the mistress of the night. Therefore, use the support of the night luminary in those matters in which you want to succeed and your life will become more fruitful!

The waning moon is a special period that can be used to your advantage. How a person reacts to this lunar phase and what is best to do during this period, you will learn from our article.

Even our ancestors noticed that the moon affects all the processes of our planet. Gardeners use the lunar calendar, because depending on the phase in which our natural satellite is located, the harvest depends. The gardener's lunar calendar helps them in this. The water in the oceans and seas of the Earth also depends on the Moon: it literally controls the tides. It also affects the condition of people. The waning moon turns out to be one of the calmest phases, and the reasons for this are known. They lie in the state of human energy during this period of the month.

How the waning moon affects human energy

The observations of astrologers show that during the waning of the moon, human energy is gradually depleted and by the New Moon it is reduced to its lowest level. In nature, for example, the smallest tides are also observed. It would seem that this time should be unfavorable if a person gradually wastes his strength. But in fact, the period of the waning of the moon is complicated by that, which also carries positive aspects.

The waning moon is the best time for cleansing, not only of your body, but also of your spirit. During this period, it is best to analyze your own actions and work on yourself. Rituals for cleansing from magical influences, for example, conspiracies or corruption, are excellent. Esotericists highly recommend carrying out a general cleaning of housing during this period: this also helps to get rid of evil spirits in the house and has a positive effect on a person’s energy. Indeed, in this case, the impact of negative energy on people is also reduced.

Human health and the waning moon

The waning phase of the moon also affects human health. First of all, as energy decreases, a person becomes more vulnerable to diseases. Heavy physical activity is contraindicated, since it is very easy to wear out the body. On the other hand, this time is suitable for all kinds of surgical operations, since less blood will be lost, and the body will experience less stress. Moreover, after, with the onset of the growth phase of the moon, wounds heal faster.

During this period, you can simply and easily get rid of bad habits. It is also noticed that hair and nails grow more slowly if they are cut off on the waning moon. You can choose the right day for a manicure or a successful haircut thanks to the lunar calendar. In general, the following rule applies: the more economically you spend your energy, the better.

The emotional state of a person during the waning moon

People become calmer, which helps to avoid conflicts. Emotions are quite stable, and there are no major mood swings. Usually, during the waning phase of the moon, people are more immersed in themselves, analyzing situations that concern them, and are looking for answers to questions that are important to them. Emotionality can be significantly reduced, but this does not mean that a person becomes callous and unreceptive. He just starts to worry more inside himself.

Astrologers recommend engaging in self-knowledge during this period and, if necessary, increasing self-esteem. Often during this period there is a desire to be alone with yourself, and this desire is worth succumbing to. It is easy to restore contact within the family, so use the periods of the waning of the moon in order to establish communication with children.

Also, during the waning moon, money rituals are performed, which really help to maintain prosperity. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.07.2016 03:08

A person's energy can be in different states, but any of them affects health and ...