home · Installation · Do-it-yourself electrode boiler: a step-by-step process for manufacturing and installing an electrode boiler for home heating. Electric ion (electrode) boiler Production of electric electrodes for heating boilers

Do-it-yourself electrode boiler: a step-by-step process for manufacturing and installing an electrode boiler for home heating. Electric ion (electrode) boiler Production of electric electrodes for heating boilers

An electrode (another name is ion) boiler is one of the heating variations. It is used mainly in country houses and differs in that, instead of the usual heating elements, it is equipped with a set of electrodes, which, in fact, heat the working fluid.This innovation made it possible to get rid of the disadvantages characteristic of electrical equipment – ​​low performance and short service life. Due to the simplicity of the design, you can makeDIY electrode boiler. But before you start assembling, you should familiarize yourself with the features of its operation.

Design features

From a structural point of view, such a boiler is a small all-metal pipe coated with polyamide (it acts as an insulator). The coolant input and output, as well as power terminals, are connected to the housing. A set of insulated electrodes is inserted into the pipe on one side, while the other is hermetically sealed.

Let's consider the technical parameters of factory models.

Based on the method of coolant supply, ion devices can be of two types:

Video - How the boiler works

About the advantages

About the disadvantages

But there are also disadvantages, including:

  • inability to operate from emergency power systems;
  • high requirements for coolant conductivity;
  • the need for grounding due to the high risk of electric shock;
  • the need for special knowledge to control the operation of the device.

We also note that the entry of air into the housing can lead to fairly rapid corrosion.

Manufacturing technology. Instructions

After becoming familiar with the structure of the boiler, you can try to make a similar device at home. This process is not as difficult as it may seem, but it requires utmost care and attention. Otherwise, the finished product may be unsafe.

Stage 1. Preparing everything you need

To work you will need the following equipment:

  • electrodes;
  • iron tee;
  • electrode insulation (polyamide);
  • neutral wire;
  • coupling;
  • ground terminals;
  • steel pipe of appropriate dimensions;
  • insulation for terminals.

Note! At the preparatory stage, you should study the operating diagram of such equipment.

Stage 2. Assembling the ion boiler

First, let's clarify a few important aspects. So, the ion boiler needs grounding, as mentioned above, and the neutral cable must be supplied exclusively to the outer pipe. It is also worth remembering that the phase should only be supplied to the electrodes.

With proper preparation, the assembly procedure should not cause any difficulties.

Step 1. First, take a pre-prepared pipe (optimal dimensions - length 25 cm, diameter 8-10 cm). On one side, a set of electrodes is placed in the pipe, and on the other, a coupling is installed for connection to the heating main.

Note! To install the electrodes, a tee is required, through which the coolant will enter/exit.

Step 2. An insulator is installed near the electrode, which, in addition to its direct function, will also serve for additional tightness of the boiler.

Step 3. High quality heat-resistant plastic is used to make the insulator. But not only tightness is important for the device, but also the possibility of threaded connection of the electrode with a tee. That is why it is recommended to entrust the manufacture of the insulator to an experienced specialist who will make the part in accordance with the required dimensions.

Step 4. A large bolt is welded to the body. Next, the neutral cable and grounding terminals are attached to the bolt.

Note! For greater reliability, you can attach a second bolt similar to the first.

Step 5. After connecting to the heating system (this is done using a coupling), all that remains is to hide the finished boiler with a decorative coating. Such a coating is necessary not so much for aesthetic purposes, but for safety and protection from electric shock. This should not be neglected, since it is necessary to limit access to the heat generator as much as possible.

Stage 3. Installation work

At this stage, it is necessary to install the following system elements:

  • air vents;
  • pressure gauge;
  • fuse.

In this case, the shut-off valves are installed after the expansion tank. The above diagram will help you get acquainted with the connection features in more detail.

Video - DIY ion boiler

Other important installation points.

Video - Connecting the Galagan boiler

About the coolant used

Electrode boilers do not require a specially prepared coolant; ordinary water can be used for this (provided that its resistivity does not exceed 1.3 kOhm/cm). In this regard, the water still needs some preparation. So, if you simply fill it with distilled water, it will not bring any success, because it does not conduct electricity.

The preparation process consists of conducting experiments, as a result of which the resistance increases (baking soda is used for this, for aluminum appliances - ASO-1) or decreases (melt or rainwater is added).

Prices for the range of electric boilers

Electric boiler

As a conclusion

Now you know what the operating principle of an electrode boiler is and how you can assemble such a unit at home, saving a lot of money. The main thing in the work is to strictly follow the instructions and comply with safety requirements. In this case, no problems will arise.

Characteristics of electrode electric boilersOchag-2Ochag-3Ochag-5Ochag-6Geyser-9Geyser-15Vulcan-25
Volume of heated room (m3)75 120 175 200 340 550 850
Rated power input (kW)2 3 5 6 9 15 25
Rated voltage (V)220 220 220 220 380 380 380
Approximate six-month electricity consumption (kW/h) (with proper thermal insulation of the room)0,5 0,75 1,25 1,5 3 4 6,5
Maximum electric boiler current for each phase (A), frequency 50 Hz9,1 13,7 22,7 27,3 13,7 22,7 37,5
Rated current of automation. Electromechanical option (A)20 26 25 32 3x163x253x40
Wire cross-section, copper (mm2) 220 V4
4 (380 V)4 (380 V)6 (380 V)
Recommended volume of coolant in the heating system (l)20-40 25-50 30-60 35-70 50-100 100-200 150-300
Diameter of the “Input” and “Output” pipes of the electrode electric boiler (mm)25 25 25 25 32 32 32
Electric shock protection class1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Length (mm)315 315 315 355 360 410 460
Weight (kg)1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 5,0 5,3 5,7

In an electrode heating device, the temperature of the coolant increases due to the Brownian movement of ions. This design allows you to save energy consumption and promotes its rational use. How to make an electrode boiler with your own hands? By answering this question, you can reduce the cost of building a heating system and try to make it yourself.

List of materials and tools

At the initial stage, you should carefully study the drawings of the future heating system and, in accordance with them, select the necessary materials and tools. To make a heating device you will need the following elements:

  • welding device. It is better that the device has an inverter design. It is easier for a beginner to work with it;
  • steel pipe. The boiler body will be made from it. The optimal pipe diameter is 10 cm. Its length should not exceed 30 cm;
  • the metal rod will act as an electrode;
  • tee for connecting the heater body to the heating radiators;
  • coupling for fastening the boiler;
  • insulating material for terminals and electrodes;
  • terminals for ground loop equipment;
  • Bulgarian.

Operating principle

The operation of an electrode boiler is based on the electrolysis process. Two oppositely charged electrodes are lowered into water. The current supplied to them is constant. The result of the chemical process is the multidirectional movement of ions.

The same thing happens in a heating device. Only the electrode contacts are supplied with alternating voltage. Ions constantly change the direction of their movement with enormous frequency. As a result of this, the heating medium occurs.

Advantages of electrode design

Electrode heaters have a number of advantages compared to classic boilers:

  • efficiency is close to 100%. A simple and reliable design allows almost all used electrical energy to be converted into heat;
  • heating devices are small in size. They are installed directly into the heating circuit. Does not take up additional space in the room.
  • A typical representative of heaters of this type is the Scorpion electric boiler;
  • The devices are highly reliable. If the system starts in the absence of a coolant, its failure is impossible;
  • Voltage surges will not lead to heating shutdown. Only the heating temperature will change;
  • a homemade electrode boiler for water heating is a more economical device compared to a conventional electric heater. Its operation consumes less electrical energy.


High-quality operation of the heating device is possible only with a certain composition of water. Deviations from the norm will lead to a decrease in the power of the device.

The boiler cannot be used without a ground loop. There is a risk of electric shock. The electrode heating structure cannot be installed on some types of radiators.

Manufacturing of an electrode heater

There are various schemes for connecting an electrode heater to a heating system. With a single-circuit connection, heating is used only for heating the premises. If you install a dual-circuit device, the coolant will also be used in the hot water supply system.

The manufacture of an electrode heating device is carried out in the following order:

  • a coupling is attached to the steel pipe, which will later be used as the boiler body;
  • a tee is attached to the other end;
  • the tightness of the connection is checked, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of leaks;
  • the end of the tee is connected to the electrode. Its immobility is ensured by the insulating material used. The electrode is installed in a certain position and fixed;
  • before welding, liquid is poured into the pipe;
  • Steel bolts are welded to the pipe. The ground and neutral wires will be attached to them. The connection points are carefully isolated;
  • At the last stage, the product is connected to the heating circuit and connected. Please note that RCDs cannot be used to protect the system. This increases the risk of electric shock.

To ensure safe operation of the heating device, the design is supplemented with the following elements:

  • safety valve;
  • a device with which air will be removed;
  • pressure sensor;
  • expansion tank.

Installation of an electrode heater should be carried out taking into account certain recommendations:

  • the device is mounted in a vertical plane;
  • direct connection of the device to the heating system should be done using metal pipes;
  • a copper wire is selected for grounding;
  • Before turning on the boiler, it is necessary to clean the system using special means.

Adjusting the operation of the heating device

Liquid for electrode boilers must have a certain chemical composition. For the heating system to operate efficiently, it is necessary to select the correct salt concentration. For this purpose, use regular soda. The adjustment is carried out as follows:

  • the power wires are connected to an ammeter;
  • turn on the heating device;
  • add soda to the liquid and pour it into the expansion tank;
  • Using an ammeter, determine the current strength. It should not exceed 18 A;
  • Periodically, the solution is added to the heating system and the current strength is measured. When the value reaches 17 A, topping up stops.

Selection of radiator batteries

When choosing radiators, you should take into account the power of the heating device. 1 kW of heater power must correspond to 10 liters of coolant. Do not overfill the liquid. In this case, more electrical energy will be consumed to heat it.

It is better to use bimetallic or aluminum radiator structures. They contain fewer impurities, which, if they enter the heating system, will negatively affect its operation.

Features of operation

In heating devices with an electrode operating principle, hydrolysis gases are formed. Therefore, the system must have a device for releasing air masses.

A manual mode or an automatic control system can be used to supply electrical energy. To increase the current strength of the heating boiler, it is necessary to increase the concentration of soda in the liquid. When the characteristics of the coolant change, the resistance value changes. For stable operation of the device, the composition of the liquid should be controlled, maintaining certain proportions.

Electrode heating devices are highly efficient and are used for heating small buildings. At the same time, they have small dimensions and allow you to save free space in the room.

Today there are three types of electric heating boilers on the market: induction, based on heating elements and electrode. Electrode boilers are also called ion or ion exchange boilers, but these are the same devices.

Principle of operation

This equipment differs from other electric boilers in the presence of open electrodes, to which current is supplied from the network (alternating with a frequency of 50 Hz). The electrodes are placed in water of a certain chemical composition. When a potential difference occurs in the electrolyte, which is water, the ions begin to move. Due to the constant change of potentials on the electrodes, the movement of charged particles is chaotic. When the ions move, a large amount of heat is released, which heats the coolant (water in this case).

Advantages and disadvantages

Is it convenient to use this type of boiler for heating? I guess, yes. It is especially good in places where the network voltage is unstable: even when the voltage drops to 180 V, the electrode boiler continues to operate. Its power drops, but it continues to work. What else is such a system convenient for: if you have competent automation and the correct connection of the boiler, the system is autonomous and can maintain the set temperature independently. Another positive point: if for some reason water disappears from the system, the equipment will simply stop working. It won’t burn, won’t deteriorate, but simply won’t work, since water, in this case, is the working medium. Without it, there is no current.

Now about the disadvantages. From the principle of operation of the electrode boiler, their main drawback emerges: they are demanding on the composition of the water. Not just any water is suitable, but with certain characteristics. When starting the system, it is necessary to prepare the coolant according to the recommendations of the boiler manufacturer. Usually this is a few teaspoons of salt or soda per liter of water in the system. That's all. You can also use special liquids that are produced by the same manufacturers. But this is for those who don’t want to bother at all.

On the other hand, by changing the composition of the water, you can “adjust” the power of the boiler to your needs: in principle, you can make it work with both more and less power relative to what is stated in the passport. It is only necessary to change the chemical composition of the coolant-electrolyte. Here it is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can “modify” the composition until the boiler completely and instantly fails. Therefore, stay within the limits specified by the manufacturer (as usual, “from” and “to” are indicated).

Another unpleasant moment. Even more. The current spreads in the water, and the water circulates in the system. And, in principle, it is possible that if you touch the radiator you will receive a considerable electric shock. This leads to another indispensable condition for safe operation when using electrode boilers for water heating: high-quality and reliable separate grounding is required. It will just help avoid such a situation.

Not the most pleasant moment is the need to periodically clean the system and replace the electrodes - they gradually become thinner and the heating efficiency decreases. In this regard, electrode boilers do not have any advantages over traditional electric boilers with heating elements.

How economical are electrode boilers?

There is constant debate about the energy consumption of electrode boilers. Sellers and manufacturers claim that these boilers are more economical than heating elements. They even name a figure – 30%. Their opponents say that if the boiler is 6 kW, then it will consume 6 kW. No more, no less.

This is true. But owners of operating systems claim that they pay less for heating (some previously had heating elements, and some compare their bills with the bills of friends). Note that negative messages are written only by theorists who advocate the use of good old, well-known heating elements. There is not a single negative review from the owners (5 forums viewed).

There is one conditionally negative one: after 2.5 years of “excellent” operation, the efficiency of the system dropped significantly, and it was only possible to increase it partially, but not sufficiently, through careful preparation of the coolant. At first glance, a significant reduction in the power of the heating unit is possible for two reasons: the electrodes are worn out and need to be changed, or something is wrong with the automation. In any case, you need to contact a specialist service center.

How can an electrode boiler for water heating at home benefit? Due to the low inertia of the system: there are no intermediate carriers, and all the energy is immediately transferred to the coolant. This is important not only during system startup, but also to maintain the set temperature. As soon as the air temperature in the room (for greater comfort you need to monitor this indicator, not the temperature of the coolant) becomes lower, the system turns on. Heating begins instantly, without delays for heating the same heating element.

The situation is the same with the shutdown: the power supply is turned off, the heating stops. And again, there is no inertia, and the temperature remains stable, and there is no excessive wastage of electricity. This is true. But in order for everything to be as described, high-quality automation is necessary, and this, as we know, is not cheap.

Practitioners say that electrode and induction boilers are more suitable for the device than boilers using heating elements. They have more advanced automation and the temperature is maintained more accurately. But modern multi-stage boilers using heating elements can also regulate their power, although this transition is abrupt - turning on/off one or more heating elements gives a power jump. So, if you have to choose, preference for organizing water heated floors can be given to electrode ones. They are also good in this area, but they are much more expensive.

The advantages of using electrode boilers for water heating include their small size, low cost (even in relation to boilers using heating elements) and noiselessness during use (unlike induction boilers, which are sometimes very noisy). But here you need to take into account that in addition to the need for a separate power line, you will also need to build a separate grounding circuit, and this is also a cost.

In general, it is impossible to say unequivocally whether electrode boilers are good or bad. There are some positive aspects, but there are also a fair number of negative ones. Actually, you need to decide in each specific case: as always, when there are several options, the problem of choice arises. But everyone makes their own choice. We are trying to present the situation as fully as possible, but it’s still up to you to decide.

Galan electrode boilers: table of characteristics and reviews

Therefore, it is quite difficult to suspect them of bias, and they persistently promote electrode boilers. They produce flow-type equipment. This is good because the installation of such a unit does not require approval from the boiler inspection department. Another positive point: electrode boilers from this manufacturer can be used in conjunction with another hot water boiler.

Now about the characteristics and prices. The data was taken from the official website, prices there are displayed in rubles, but due to the instability of the situation, we converted them to dollars at the current rate. Therefore, some errors are possible.

Power consumption/voltage Room volume m 3 / m 2 Coolant volume Price Dimensions
Length Diameter Weight
Galan Hearth 3 2 and 3 kW/220 V 80-120 m 3 /25-40 m 2 20-50 l 67 $ 275 mm 35 mm 0.9 kg
Galan Hearth5 5 kW/220 V 200 m 3 /65 m 2 30-60 l 69 $ 320 mm 35 mm 1.05 kg
Galan Hearth 6 5 and 6 kW/220 V 250 m 3 /150 m 2 35-70 l 71 $ 335 mm 35 mm 1.1 kg
Galan Geyser 9 9k W/220 or 380 V 340 m 3 /110 m 2 50-100 l 130 $ 360 mm 130 mm 5 kg
Galan Geyser 15 15 kW/380 V 550 m 3 /180 m 2 100-200 l 136 $ 410 mm 130 mm 5.3 kg
Galan Vulcan 25 25 kW/380 V 850 m 3 /285 m 2 150-300 l 142 $ 450 mm 130 mm 5.7 kg

Important! The table shows the price only for the boiler itself. You also need automation, which, depending on the functionality and capabilities, costs from $50 to $150; you will need sensors (each about $15) as well as a circulation pump.

Of the entire range, mini-electrode heating boilers “Galan Ochag 3” are probably more suitable for heating a dacha. They will also be good for a one-room apartment. Available in 2 kW and 3 kW capacities. Boilers with a lower power of 1 kW have not yet been found anywhere. Reviews about all Galan electrode boilers are positive. But almost all of them indicate: you need to follow the rules for installing and preparing the system: check the water and bring its composition to the required levels, or fill in a specialized solution produced by the same company. Properly selected automation plays an important role. There is an announcement on the manufacturer’s website: “We are not responsible for the operation of boilers with non-recommended automation.”

Galan produces both electrode and heating element boilers

The most reviews come from owners of Galan Geyser 9 boilers. There are no dissatisfied people. Here are some facts that relate to the issue of electricity consumption by these boilers:

  • House 135 m2 in Kharkov region. Galan Geyser 15 is heated. During the heating season 2012-2013, the meter showed 2750 kW.
  • Room 120m2 in Dnepropetrovsk region. Galan Ochag 5 installed. The owner says that he “missed the mark” a little - he needs Hearth 6.
  • House 150 m2 in Energodar (which is not specified). The cost of “Galan Geyser 15” for the 2013-2014 season in frosts down to -25°C per month on the meter is up to 1300 kW.

The reviews do not indicate the materials from which the house is built, how it is insulated and many other nuances, but certain conclusions can be drawn. Almost every review indicates that you need to monitor what kind of fluid is poured into the system. In one of the messages, a person repairing heating systems responded to a call: the electrode boiler had stopped heating completely. All due to the fact that the system was filled with ordinary, unprepared tap water. After working for a couple of weeks, the boiler stopped heating. After flushing the system and cleaning the electrodes, the coolant temperature still did not rise above 35 o C. The owner bought new electrodes and fluid for these systems, and after installation and repeated flushing, everything works.

In general, it turns out like this: electrode boilers are simple in design, but demanding to operate. Coolant parameters and high-quality automation are important.

This is what an electrode electric boiler looks like.

Such a boiler is also called an ion boiler. This is due to the principle of converting electrical energy into thermal energy. The electrode boiler itself is quite small. An electrode electric boiler for heating is installed on a pipe and does not even need to be additionally attached to the walls. He is supported by the American women with whom he is assigned, this is quite enough.

The body of an electrode electric boiler for heating is similar to a piece of pipe, about 40 cm long. A metal rod is screwed into one of the ends. The second end is either sealed, or a pipe for coolant circulation is welded into it. In total, the heater body has two pipes for supply and return. They can be located:

  • one at the end, the second perpendicular to the side;
  • both in the side part are perpendicular to the body and parallel to each other.

The operating principle of an electric heating boiler is that ions move between the cathode (positively charged electrode) and the anode (negatively charged electrode). They, in turn, can also be either positively or negatively charged. In this case, their polarity constantly changes; the same ion changes plus to minus 50 times per second. Because of this, the movement of ions is chaotic, because plus attracts minus, and when a constant change in polarity occurs, the particles, accordingly, change the vector of movement.

As a result of fast, chaotic movements of ions, friction occurs, due to which the coolant for electric heating boilers quickly heats up. The reaction speed is so high that a segment of 40 cm is enough to heat the liquid circulating in the boiler. The cathode is a metal rod to which the phase, that is, plus, is supplied. Zero, also known as minus, is connected to the body, while the rod has no contact with the body except through the coolant. They are isolated from each other. If there is no coolant in the electrode electric heating boiler, the reaction stops.

Disadvantages of this heating method:

  • the coolant is under voltage;
  • salt preparation of the liquid is required;
  • can not use .

Heating of the coolant occurs due to contact of the liquid with electrical charges. Water is the best conductor and, due to its resistance, boils quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to change the composition of the coolant in such a way as to reduce its resistivity. In this case, the operating current level in amperes must be observed. For each heater, the starting and maximum current values ​​are indicated in the technical documentation. To achieve the required current strength, add table salt to the liquid, the same one used in everyday life.

An electrode electric heating boiler works only with specially prepared coolant.

The amount of salt in water must comply with state standard No. 2874–72. In practice, everything happens by measuring current strength. If its value is insufficient, table salt is added to the liquid, but if the value exceeds the permissible standards, then distilled water is added to the coolant. There are practically no metal and salt impurities in distilled water, while tap water contains a lot of such impurities, especially in water from a well or borehole. The coolant temperature is controlled by special sensors. When the set temperature is reached, they turn off the boiler and turn it on when the water cools down.

Operating principle of an induction electric boiler

Induction heating electric wall-mounted boilers heat the coolant with a magnetic field created by electric current. Electric heating boiler design:

  • sleeve (body);
  • insulation;
  • coil;
  • the core through which the coolant circulates.

The coil in induction electric boilers for home heating is isolated from the liquid, that is, the current does not penetrate the coolant.

The copper winding is connected to the network through the control unit. Due to this, a magnetic field is created inside the coil. It contains the core (roughly speaking, the pipe through which the liquid flows). The magnetic field heats the pipe, which, in turn, gives off heat to the water. The heater body remains cool, as it is protected by a layer of insulation. This method is good because the coolant is not energized, so it will not shock you.

To increase the residence time of the coolant inside the boiler, the core (pipe) is not made straight, but has a labyrinth design, as shown in the figure:

A visual diagram of the design and principle of circulation in an induction boiler.

As you can see, first the liquid enters induction electric boilers for heating a house through the return pipe, goes through several 180-degree turns and tends to exit. In this case, heating begins from the first second of coolant entering the unit. The design of an electric heating boiler does not have any movable elements, scale does not accumulate on the windings, and, in fact, there is nothing to break. Unless the inner walls of the heat exchanger in which the coolant is heated may rust over time. But due to the fact that fairly thick metal is used for production, this process stretches for more than a quarter of a century.

The operating principle of a heating element electric boiler for heating

Tens come in different shapes and sizes, but the principle of operation remains the same.

A wall-mounted electric boiler for heating a private home is cheaper than all its counterparts operating from the network, and replacing the heating element costs mere pennies. Heating water with heating elements is practiced not only in boilers. This method is widely used:

  • in boilers;
  • in baseboard water heating.

In modern electric heating boilers, the coolant is heated using heating elements. They are completely immersed in liquid and this is a prerequisite for their operation. The fact is that if the heating element does not come into contact with the liquid, it will burn out. Water cools it, taking away heat. If the heating reaches a critical level, the material cannot withstand it and burns out.

The heating element consists of a metal tube bent in any shape. These can be round or oblong spirals with different numbers of turns. Inside the tube there is quartz sand. It is an intermediary between the heating element body and its heating element. All the heating work is done by a thin tungsten filament twisted into a spiral. In essence, there is nothing complicated. Let's summarize how an electric heating boiler with heating elements works:

  • current is supplied to the tungsten filament;
  • the thread heats up itself and transfers heat to the quartz sand;
  • sand conducts heat to the heating element body (metal tube);
  • the tube comes into contact with the coolant and heats it.

In this case, voltage should not enter the coolant. If the liquid produces an electric current, this may be the result of a heating element failure, or problems with grounding. Due to the fact that the heating elements are constantly in contact with liquid, and hot liquid at that, scale appears on them. This is where particles of metal, salts and minerals settle, which are found in any water, except distilled water, of course. Therefore, in order for heating element electric boilers to serve longer, it is better to pour distilled water into the circuit. You can buy it or get it yourself.

There are several ways. You can collect rainwater or use a chainsaw to cut ice on a river and melt it. As a last resort, you can stand with ordinary water so that everything unnecessary settles, and then use a hose to drain a third of the liquid from the bottom. But even if you don’t use distilled water, you shouldn’t worry too much about replacing heating elements. They are inexpensive and you can find them in many places, there are no problems with these.

Another advantage of heating element electric boilers is a wide range of models. There are floor-standing electric heating boilers and wall-mounted models that can be connected to a 220 and 380 volt network. Some copies are equipped with a switch and are universal. And there is no difference in the design of the 220 and 380 volt heater, it’s all about the sequence of connecting the heating elements. Two independent connection schemes are made in the control unit, and the user selects the one he needs.

The operating principle of all types of electric boilers

Simple control unit with display for an electric boiler.

It is clear that manually controlling the operation of the heater is nonsense; after all, we live in a time of high technology. Therefore, almost all types of electric heating boilers are equipped with electronic controls with a different number of options. The “brains” of the device may not be provided by the manufacturer. Some models have the simplest and most necessary sensors; in expensive devices the number of functions is much wider. What should be in the control unit of all types of electric heating boilers:

  • temperature sensor;
  • separate fuses;
  • time relay;
  • load relay;
  • two-tariff meter.

It is better to install a temperature sensor to control the air in the room than to control the coolant.

Depending on the temperature outside the window, with the same heating of the coolant, the house will be either warmer or colder. It is more convenient when the room temperature is kept at the same level by increasing or decreasing the heating of the liquid in the circuit.

The load relay will prevent the heater from turning on when the home network is overloaded. For example, when the washing machine is running. Thus, the wiring will not be overloaded and will not burn out. To save on electricity bills in houses that are heated by electrical appliances, you need to install double tariff meters.

They calculate how much energy is spent during the day and night, and divide the cost per kilowatt used. Electricity is cheaper at night. The installed time relay will turn on the heater when it is more profitable, that is, at night. While during the day the boiler will work as little as possible.

If serial models of heaters do not suit you in terms of their functions or are too expensive, then you can buy the simplest boiler and assemble the control unit yourself. This is convenient because you can determine for yourself which features you need and which you don’t. In addition, everything can be done in stages, so you don’t need to shell out a decent amount right away.

Electrode heating structures are part of autonomous heating systems. Such devices are characterized by the presence of a specific type of heater consisting of several electrodes. An electrode boiler for heating a private house is used in conjunction with innovative types of automatic control. This allows you to increase the efficiency of the heating system and make it more economical.

Operating principle

In order for the thermal fluid used to heat up, it is necessary to split the water molecules. The result of this process is the formation of constantly moving positive and negative ions. In this case, a large amount of energy is released. The heating device heats the liquid without using heating elements.

As the temperature of the coolant increases, its electrical resistance decreases. Electrical arcing may occur. To prevent this situation, table salt is added to the liquid. The required proportions can be found in the technical data sheet for the heating device. The power of the electrode unit increases when the coolant is heated. The result of a decrease in electrical resistance is an increase in current strength.

Design features

The thermal fluid used is heated during the movement of multidirectionally charged ions between the electrode contacts. The design of such a heater is quite simple. It consists of: a metal rod and a hollow steel pipe.

The device is hermetically sealed on both sides. Special pipes are welded to its sides. With their help, the heater is connected to the heating system.

The phase wire is attached to the inner rod, and the neutral wire is attached to the surface of the housing. A three-phase network is used to power powerful heat generators.

Under the influence of alternating current, the ions contained in the thermal fluid constantly change the direction of their movement. Electrolysis is not carried out fully. During the heating process, there is no transfer of substance between the two electrodes.

The heating device has the following characteristic features:

  • small overall size;
  • simple design;
  • ease of installation;
  • high level of efficiency;
  • long service life;
  • reliability of operation - there are no contacting parts;
  • low cost.


Electrode heating boilers make it possible to regulate the indoor microclimate and save electrical energy. If we compare their efficiency with the efficiency of induction devices and heaters, which include heating elements, we should note the advantages of the electrode design:

  • the water entering the boiler is heated very quickly;
  • efficiency level approaches 100%;
  • long service life. The design features of the device cause rapidly changing polarity. Ions constantly change the direction of their movement. Therefore, despite the presence of constant contact of the surface of the electrodes with the liquid, scale does not form on them;
  • the electric electrode boiler has small dimensions;
  • it is easy to install in any room;
  • there is automatic control of the operation of the heating device;
  • The heater has a high level of fire safety. If the system depressurizes, the risk of electric shock is eliminated. The device will simply stop working;
  • there are no extraneous noises during operation of the heating system;
  • electrode electric boilers for heating a private home do not have a harmful effect on the environment;
  • chimneys are not used during their operation;
  • devices are not afraid of voltage surges


Despite the high quality performance of electrode heating systems, certain disadvantages should be taken into account:

  • for high-quality functioning of the heater, pre-prepared water is required, which has a given resistivity;
  • Distilled water, antifreeze or oil cannot be used as a heat carrier;
  • An electrode electric boiler for heating can operate effectively only with continuous circulation of liquid. If the movement speed decreases, the likelihood of the system boiling increases. If it increases, difficulties may arise with starting the heating unit;
  • Over time, the substance that makes up the electrodes dissolves in water. They have to be replaced periodically;
  • the heating system must have a grounding circuit;
  • when the temperature of the coolant increases above 75 degrees, the consumption of electrical energy increases sharply;
  • in single-circuit devices, the liquid cannot be used for domestic needs.

Carrying out installation work

When installing electrode heating systems, air vents must be used. They work automatically. They include a safety valve and a pressure gauge. The design of the shut-off valves should be located next to the expansion tank.

The heating device is installed in a vertical plane. The installation kit usually includes a special mount. The electrode structure must be connected to metal pipes. The remaining sections of the heating system may consist of a different material.

It is best to entrust the process of installation and installation of climate control sensors and temperature control devices to specialists. Before installation work, the system is washed with water. Special cleaning agents are added to the liquid.

When choosing a radiator, take into account the total volume of circulating coolant. 8 liters of liquid must correspond to 1 kW of heating device power. As this indicator increases, the consumption of electrical energy will increase.

The operating efficiency of boilers with an electrode design increases as the volume of liquid used in the system decreases. The wiring of the heating device is best done using bimetallic or aluminum radiators and pipes made of polyethylene material.

All heating circuits are pre-insulated. A separate cable is used to connect the heater. It, in turn, is connected to the distribution panel and a separate circuit breaker.
A grounding circuit must be installed. To increase the power of the heating system, in some cases several heating devices are used at once. When installing them, a serial or parallel connection is used.

Electrode-type heating devices can only be used in closed systems with a built-in circulation pump. They are reliable equipment with a number of undeniable advantages. The systems are successfully used for heating individual buildings.