home · Installation · How to properly care for sea buckthorn in the autumn season? Spring care for sea buckthorn. How to prune so as not to remove excess and get a harvest Pruning sea buckthorn in spring

How to properly care for sea buckthorn in the autumn season? Spring care for sea buckthorn. How to prune so as not to remove excess and get a harvest Pruning sea buckthorn in spring

Pruning sea buckthorn branches is the key to health and high yield bush. From the first years of life, the plant needs to properly form the crown. Otherwise, the branches will grow and get mixed up with each other. Subsequently, only shoots that thicken the crown or weak, broken branches are pruned. Pruning is carried out when there is no foliage on the plant - in early spring or late autumn. The sections are immediately disinfected copper sulfate and lubricate with putty.

Sea buckthorn is a lush shrub with a spreading crown, its branches grow strongly, become entangled with each other, forming dense, often thorny thickets. This plant is grown for its bright orange berries, which ripen in the fall, densely clinging to the branches. You can cultivate sea buckthorn as an ornamental crop to create a hedge. The bush needs to be pruned annually.

There are several types of pruning. Each of them has its own purpose (increases crop yield, reduces the risk of diseases). the main objective pruning - the formation of an open crown, allowing you to freely harvest the bright orange fruits.

What is the time frame for the procedure?

Traditionally, pruning of sea buckthorn crops is carried out in early spring, that is, before the buds bloom on the trees and the juices begin to flow. The branches of the bush are pruned at the end of March or at the very beginning of April. In the spring, as a rule, formative or rejuvenating pruning is carried out.

The branches of the bush are also pruned in late autumn - after the leaves fall and the fruits are harvested. Autumn months more suitable for sanitary pruning of bushes. You can trim sea buckthorn branches even in summer. The summer procedure has its advantages. During this period, all diseased and dried branches are clearly visible, which can be removed, as well as abundantly fruiting shoots - it is advisable to leave them.

Required Tools

To carry out pruning you need the following tools:

  1. Secateurs are a device for cutting thin (up to 2.5 centimeters in diameter) branches.
  2. A lopper is a tool for cutting thick branches (up to 5 centimeters in diameter).
  3. A garden saw (cordless or manual) is a tool that is used for cutting large and thick branches.
  4. A garden knife is an item for cutting thin shoots. Allows you to make oblique cuts.

Types and features of pruning

There are several types of plant pruning. Each of them performs a specific task. It should be remembered that this culture does not like frequent pruning and reacts sensitively to it. Any procedure for cutting branches must have a specific purpose. During the first two years after planting, young seedlings are tried not to be touched; they are given the opportunity to get stronger and grow a little.


It is carried out for 7-8 years to resume fruiting of aged shrubs. Anti-aging pruning helps to increase the yield of sea buckthorn.


It is carried out every season (in autumn, after picking berries and falling leaves). All diseased and broken branches are removed from the bush. Sanitary pruning is done to prevent the spread of infection and maintain healthy growth of sea buckthorn.


This type of pruning is carried out to give sea buckthorn a certain shape. The crown begins to form in early spring, already in the 2nd year of life. The plant can grow as a shrub or as a small tree. The shape of sea buckthorn does not affect productivity at all.


To give the plant a neat shape, only 3 skeletal branches coming from the very roots are left, the rest are removed. The tops of the remaining branches are shortened by 5-10 centimeters. According to this scheme, the plant is formed in the form of a bush.

On the standard

Sea buckthorn can be given the appearance of a small tree. Pruning is carried out in the second year after the life of the seedling. One, largest, preferably central, vertically growing shoot is left, all the rest are cut off. The next season, the main trunk is pinched. Leave several (4-5) side branches growing from the top. The lower shoots on the trunk are cut off. The next year, the side branches are shortened, the lower ones are cut off, and the emerging root shoots are completely removed (down to the root).

There are varieties of sea buckthorn that are genetically tree-shaped. Such tall crops need to pinch the top and form a crown at the beginning of development.

Is it possible to trim sea buckthorn branches when picking berries?

If you cut off sea buckthorn branches along with the fruits that ripen on them, then next season it is quite possible to be left without a harvest. After all, flower buds form only at the ends of young and old shoots. In addition, due to severe pruning, many wounds form on the bush. Sea buckthorn is very sensitive to the removal of just 2-3 branches, and severe pruning can lead to the death of the plant.

Nuances of crown formation depending on the age of trees

Branch pruning methods:

  • on the ring;
  • shortening.

Any of these techniques has its purpose. Removal of branches into a ring is carried out to make the crown sparser and lighter. You can trim old, diseased branches in a similar way. With this cutting method, the cut is made along the top edge of the ring bead. It is located at the point where the shoot departs from the trunk.

When shortening, the branch is cut at an oblique angle. This procedure is performed to reduce crown height, increase branching, and change the direction of growth. To stop the growth of a young trunk and stimulate lateral branching, pinching is carried out, that is, the upper growth bud is removed.

There are simple techniques that help regulate the growth rate of shrubs. To slow down the development of shoots, 4 centimeters of bark are removed under the growth bud.

To enhance (activate) growth, the bark is removed above the growth bud. In order for the young shrub to begin to bear fruit faster and not form side shoots, you need to remove a strip of bark 1 centimeter wide at the base.

After planting the seedling

Immediately after planting, the young shoot is pruned to a height of 30 centimeters (if you plan to grow a tree) or to a height of 10-20 centimeters (if you plan to grow a shrub). In the first case, the main stem will have an advantage and will begin to stretch upward. In the second, sea buckthorn will produce basal shoots, from which in the future it will be possible to form a shrub.

Forming young sea buckthorn

The crown of sea buckthorn should be neat and not dense. In the very first years (3-4) it is formed annually in the spring. For 2-3 years, you need to open the central part of the bush and leave 3 branches growing from the root. When the bush grows to the required height, the top needs to be pinched.

If you want to give the plant the appearance of a tree, leave one vertical shoot. Its top is slightly shortened, the lower branches are cut off, the side branches growing from the top are left, and the root shoots are completely removed.

For 4-5 years, the main branches cannot be touched - flower buds will be laid on them, from which fruits will appear by autumn. You can cut off shoots that grow inward and thicken the crown.

Pruning an old tree

At 7 or 8 years of age, rejuvenating pruning of aged sea buckthorn is carried out. The purpose of this procedure is to replace old branches that have begun to produce fewer berries with new ones. First, they look for a promising one-year-old shoot on an old branch and transfer growth to it. You can even leave a top, although it will need to be bent a little in the ground.

The top of the top needs to be pinched so that it begins to branch and lay flower buds. The branches are rejuvenated gradually, over 2-3 seasons; only 1-3 old shoots are removed per year.

Caring for the plant after the procedure

After pruning, all open areas and wounds must be treated: disinfected and covered. If the sections are not treated, an infection may get into the wound. A shrub that is not treated after pruning may develop cancer or a fungal (viral) disease.

Processing slices

A fresh wound or cut is disinfected using copper or iron sulfate. When the wound dries, use putty (garden pitch or oil paint on drying oil). There are other means to seal the wound. For example, Ran Net paste, Blago Sad putty, Robin Green biobalm. It is forbidden to cover fresh wounds and cuts with earth - it may contain dangerous pathogens.

Top dressing

After pruning, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures (whiten the trunk with lime, pour copper sulfate around the trunk) and feed the bush. In spring, it is advisable to fertilize sea buckthorn with organic matter (half a bucket of rotted manure per 1 square meter area) or nitrogen substances (urea, ammonium nitrate).

Any plant requires care and proper care. Most types of shrubs cannot do without pruning, without which it is impossible to achieve intensive growth, beautiful flowering, and abundant harvests. This especially applies to berry bushes which, deprived of attention, thicken and begin to hurt. As a result, they are attacked by pests and one cannot count on effective fruiting.

Beginning gardeners are often simply afraid to approach the bush to remove the excess. But if you learn the basic principles and techniques of pruning, the effect will be visible very soon. And over time, the plant will respond with a beautiful, healthy appearance and increased yield.

Comprehensive care for sea buckthorn trees and shrubs includes a procedure for selective or thorough removal of branches and shoots, the purpose of which is:

  • maintain plant health;
  • prevent diseases;
  • improve appearance;
  • maintain productivity at the proper level;
  • extend lifespan.

Any of the selected tasks corresponds to a specific type of pruning, and they are carried out depending on the goals set by the owner, the age of the bush, and the time of year.

From this article you will learn

Types of pruning

How can you classify the types of pruning of sea buckthorn trees:

  1. Formative. Sets a goal to form the correct development of the crown.
  2. Sanitary. Designed to free the plant from unnecessary things: diseased, dry branches.
  3. Rejuvenating. Allows you to stimulate the growth of new healthy fruit-bearing shoots.
  4. Restorative. When a neglected bush needs to be revived.
  5. Regulatory. Makes it possible to maintain the crown in the desired condition, prevents thickening, and lets the sun's rays into the middle of the bush.
  6. Normalizing. It can limit excessive fruiting in order to reduce the load on the plant and improve the quality of the berries.

Sea buckthorn can react painfully to the procedure, so its timing is not chosen randomly. Caring for sea buckthorn in the spring usually includes pruning. It is important that the growing season has not yet begun at this point. Pruning sea buckthorn in the fall has sanitary purposes. At the end of the season, they prune broken, shriveled, diseased branches.

There are no strict regulations on when to prune a bush. Some do this even in the summer, citing the fact that the formation of the crown is more obvious. In summer, all the dried branches are clearly visible.

Spring pruning

At the end of winter, branches are pruned, rather for sanitary purposes. This is done before the start of sap flow. For those who have experience handling raspberries, the process will not cause any particular difficulties. First, the bush is freed from heavily sagging branches that have frozen in winter. If even after the operation the crown seems too thick, you can remove some of the strong ones that thicken the bush.

In young bushes, formative pruning is carried out at the same time.

You just need to remember that sea buckthorn branches that bear fruit last year should not be removed. Unlike raspberries, they are not considered old yet.

Sea buckthorn trees or shrubs rejuvenate approximately at 6-7 years of age. Branches that have stopped growing and produce a poor harvest are removed. At a time, so as not to harm the plant, remove from 1 to 3, leaving in return young strong shoots, even top shoots. The plant is rejuvenated in stages, after 3 years it will look like new.

For beginning gardeners, below is a diagram that will help you prune sea buckthorn correctly.

If the tree, unfortunately, breaks or does not survive the winter well, everything is cut down to the root collar. A strong root will drive out a new one from the shoots, from which in 3 years it will be possible to harvest.

Powerful shoots that are 8-10 years old are removed with a hacksaw, younger shoots with pruning shears. At the same time, inspect the plant for diseases and pests.

Advice. You should carefully monitor the trunk during fruiting. If there are branches where slightly faded berries are noticeable and fall off prematurely, this indicates the presence of endomycosis. To prevent the disease from spreading to the entire plant and destroying it, such growth must be mercilessly removed and burned.

Crown formation

Sea buckthorn can be formed into a bush or tree. After planting the seedling, in order to obtain a bush in the future, it is cut off, leaving a trimming of about 20 cm. 3-4 shoots are left from the shoots that subsequently appear. The excess is cut out as low as possible, into a ring, digging out the root. This operation is only possible with ungrafted specimens.

You need to act carefully, since sea buckthorn does not tolerate interventions well. root system, may dry out if not handled correctly.

In order for a single-trunk tree to develop, a low trunk (about 30 cm) is left. The low height contributes to the formation of a narrow crown, which is easy to care for and harvest. 3-4 large branches are left on it. The central conductor is left for the next season.

Of the emerging shoots, 3-4 are left again. The top level equalizes everyone. Strongly growing branches are shortened during the second and third years. Next you need to be careful, because upper parts branches lay flower buds.

How to care for sea buckthorn in spring

After planting the plant, it will need proper care. Since it is anchored shallowly by the roots, loosening is carried out superficially. To prevent weeds from taking away valuable moisture and nutrients, they must be removed promptly.

Sea buckthorn also needs good air exchange; its roots, like legumes, accumulate nitrogen from the air. Therefore, after loosening, it is recommended to cover the ground around the trunk with the material at hand, but make sure that water does not stagnate there. The cover can be removed closer to autumn when harvesting.

Afterwards you need to water more often until the first shoots appear. If there is no rain in summer, the bush will need 3-4 buckets of water for young plant, 6-8 buckets for fruiting plant per 1 m 2 once or twice a week.


  • Approximately from three years old bushes need potassium and phosphorus fertilizing (they provide themselves with nitrogen).
  • Ammonium nitrate is allowed up to the age of five (20 g/m2).
  • Fruiting bushes can be treated with potassium humate on their leaves immediately after flowering. The procedure is repeated again after 3 weeks.
  • When the ovaries are formed, in order to have a good harvest, double superphosphate (2 tbsp) is added under the plant, plus the same amount of “Universal-micro”, plus potassium sulfate. All this is pre-dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Autumn care. Preparing for winter

Working with sea buckthorn is not much different from caring for other plants in the fall. Exposed roots are mulched with peat and sand. After harvest tree trunk circles They try to loosen shallowly, water the bushes thoroughly in order to better prepare the sea buckthorn for winter.

When digging, it is advisable to add superphosphate (30 g m2), add wood ash(100 g), potassium salt (25 g). If the soil at the dacha is acidic, replace superphosphate with phosphate rock (50 g).

The tree does not need to be insulated; it easily tolerates frosts down to -40°C. Whitewashing is desirable. She will kill the harmful “animals” that have settled under the bark on winter time. For the prevention of certain types of pests, decoctions of tobacco or potato and tomato tops are effective.

When the dormant period begins for sea buckthorn, you can autumn pruning. It consists of removing unnecessary, too old, damaged, improperly growing, diseased shoots that drain the plant’s strength. garden tools You need to sharpen it well to get smooth cuts and disinfect it. Some gardeners prune branches without further processing, claiming that sea buckthorn does a good job of wound healing on its own.

In any case, activities must be carried out in dry, sunny weather before the onset of persistent frosts.

Autumn rejuvenation can be combined in time with harvesting. This does not mean that all the fruits can be cut off along with the branches. You can trim sea buckthorn with berries; this is all the more convenient if you put them in the freezer and then remove them from the branch frozen. But only those shoots that were planned to be removed for proper formation are removed.

You need to be careful, the branches are covered with fruits and have fan of green leaves, will give in next year new harvest.

How to properly care for the bush and how to prune sea buckthorn in the fall is clearly shown in the video.

Caring for sea buckthorn after pruning

Sea buckthorn is a low-demanding plant. There is no need to carry out special events after pruning the bush. If there is a lack of precipitation, you will need to take care of watering, remembering that both drought and excess moisture are equally harmful to it. After abundant watering it recovers well. Moreover, it is important Special attention be given specifically to the root zone, then the branched root system further away from the bush will not intensively produce shoots.

  • So that the tree does not suffer so much from drought, receives all the nutrition intended for it, and the roots around the perimeter do not strive upward, mix the soil with sand and cover the base of the plant with a layer of 5-10 cm.
  • Fresh sections are cleaned with a garden knife and treated with copper sulfate. After a while they are passed over with a garden varnish, which contains beeswax. You can use oil paint with drying oil in its composition. Garden putties from retail chains that have a natural base are also used.

Sea buckthorn loves the sun very much, always strives for it, so it is very for a short time stretches out a lot. Its crown is worth appreciating even when it is lush and green. All excess is removed with pruning shears along with the fruits. The lower branches hanging on the main ones are also subject to pruning. In the future they will die off anyway.

The remaining branches are evaluated. The ends of those branches that definitely will not produce growth are cut off. The rest will continue to grow until autumn, give good growth, and lay flower buds.

The result is benefit to the tree, good basis for a future bountiful harvest. The branches cut off with fruits are taken to the shade, where the fruits are conveniently and quickly cut off from them with pruning shears. The remaining ones on the bush will also be much more convenient to collect.

  • You cannot leave shoots directed inside the bush. They have a bad effect on lighting and can cause poor ventilation, resulting in fungal infections and low yields.
  • You cannot shorten the side shoots too much. It is on them that the plant lays generative buds. You can't wait for the harvest.
  • Old diseased branches are cut into rings, without stumps. Over time, they become the gateway to infection, like a partially destroyed rotten tooth in the mouth.
  • Simultaneous multiple pruning of sea buckthorn is contraindicated. Her callus forms slowly. If there are many wounds, it is difficult for the plant to survive.

Despite its simplicity, pruning a sea buckthorn bush or tree is a very responsible task. But any efforts of the gardener will not be in vain. A beautiful spreading plant with many bright berries will become the real pride of the owner. There is no need to talk about the benefits of sea buckthorn, but its decorative value is just as high.

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The end of March and the beginning of April is the most favorable time for pruning sea buckthorn. After forming the bush during planting, pruning adult sea buckthorn comes down to thinning out the branches. In a thickened crown, annual growth decreases, yields fall, many dry branches appear, and the plant quickly ages. At good care And correct landing a cultivated sea buckthorn tree lives and bears fruit for up to 50 years.

The structure of a sea buckthorn bush.

Growth shoots of a sea buckthorn bush are different types. From the buds located on last year's growths, annual shoots 30-40 cm long arise. They are continuation shoots, as they ensure the growth of the crown.

During the growth process, annual shoots often branch due to the germination of early ripening buds. The lateral shoots arising from these buds are called premature (summer).

structure-bush of sea buckthorn

From the buds formed on last year's growths, shortened annual overgrowing shoots (enrichment shoots) are formed. At the base of each of them, females have fruits.

On the annual shoots of sea buckthorn, thorns are also formed - modified shortened summer shoots. In the year of formation, the spines bear leaves.

Top shoots (“tops”) grow from dormant buds on perennial branches or trunk when the correlation between the root system and aboveground part when pruning, bending branches, and dying off of the above-ground parts.

Formation of sea buckthorn during pruning.

Sea buckthorn is usually formed in the form of a bush with 4-5 skeletal branches or a single-standard tree 20-30 cm high.

When forming a sea buckthorn bush, when planting, prune the seedling, leaving 5-6 buds on the shoot (or 2-3 buds on each shoot, if the seedling has several shoots), and next season I leave 4-5 branches from the regrown side branches, from which, according to the described system, form the crown of the plant, cut the rest into a ring.

formation options - sea buckthorn

In the first 4-5 years, pruning sea buckthorn consists of cutting out excess, parallel and incorrectly located shoots and shortening branches that are too thin and long. With the entry into the period of full fruiting, crown care consists of systematically removing thickening shoots to lighten the crown. Every year in the spring, sanitary pruning of all diseased, broken, dry and severely drooping branches is carried out. Thick branches are not removed.

sea ​​buckthorn pruning

When forming a single-standard tree, the shoot of the planted seedling is cut off at a height of 30 cm. Next year, when spring pruning Of the shoots that appear at the top, 3-4 are left. They are equalized in height, that is, the strongest ones are shortened so that all the tops are at the same level.

To form a compact crown in the second and third years, if they grow strongly, branches are shortened by a quarter to a third of their length. When the time for fruiting comes, the upper parts of the shoots are not touched, since mainly flower buds form on them.


Further formation, be it a tree or a bush, is to prevent thickening of the crown with numerous shoots and strong branches not provided for by the formation.

Chokeberry in the photo

Large beautiful bush chokeberry can decorate not only the fruit, but also the decorative part of the garden. Natural crown shape chokeberry- rounded, but the bulk of the leaves and fruiting branches are concentrated on the periphery of the bush, and Bottom part an adult plant is often exposed even in good light.

However, if the benefits of chokeberry fruits do not need proof, then decorative qualities this culture is not fully appreciated. It doesn't really grow in gardens. place of honor, usually somewhere near the fence. However, chokeberry tolerates regular “artistic” trimming very well; it can be used to form trimmed hedges (of course, the yield will be low). You can also form a standard crown - choose one beautiful shoot, tie it up and shorten the branches so that the crown is compact - active branching in chokeberry usually occurs in the upper part. Don't forget about the beauty autumn colors- in a favorable autumn, chokeberry successfully competes in beauty and brightness with recognized leaders among ornamental shrubs- euonymus and maple trees.

Pruning chokeberry is similar to pruning black currant, the only difference is in the size of the bush. When planting a seedling, the shoots are greatly shortened to stimulate the growth of several powerful young shoots; weak shoots are cut out as they appear. It is worth taking a particularly meticulous look at the young shoots and not sparing them, since chokeberry tends to become very thick. On the other hand, if damaged, chokeberry quickly recovers and produces a harvest within a year.

To keep the bush neat, you need to trim the chokeberry as evenly as possible, at the same height. It is not forbidden to “comb” the bush with pruning shears if any branches spoil its appearance. Young and strong shoots coming from the root are left - these are future fruit-bearing branches. Usually 30-40 branches are left in the bush of different ages. The offspring that appear on the periphery of the bush can be used for propagation.

In most cases, only regular thinning - cutting out old branches - is sufficient. It is usually not advisable to keep branches older than 5-6 years, since the yield is significantly reduced, and harvesting from a three-meter height is not very convenient. However, with good care the branch remains productive for up to 12 years or more. The main criterion by which the fate of a branch is determined is the ability to form high-quality annual growths, since flowering and fruiting occur on the shoots of the previous year. The optimal length of annual growth in the fruiting zone is about 25 cm.

In industrial gardens, rejuvenating pruning is sometimes used - bushes are pruned at a height of about a meter “with one comb” every 3-5 years. This helps to increase the yield of old branches.

The pruning shears are useful not only for pruning, but also for collecting fruits - compared to manually picking “berry by berry”, cutting off whole fruit fruits is quick and easy, but try not to damage the ringlets, so as not to deprive yourself of the harvest next year. In a cool, dry place, fruits placed in boxes can be stored for up to two months.

In addition, chokeberry can become a rootstock for pears and small varieties of rowan.

This video shows anti-aging pruning of a chokeberry bush:

Sea buckthorn in the photo

Pruning sea buckthorn is mainly sanitary, it is also necessary to remove it in a timely manner root suckers. If you don’t pay attention to them, instead of two or three trees, you will get a real “grove” in record time, which will be extremely difficult to get rid of.

Sea buckthorn is a dioecious plant, and it is impossible to change the sex of the tree by pruning. Male plants are distinguished by “promising” large buds, which is sometimes taken advantage of by unscrupulous sellers. Sea buckthorn gives good harvests, when there are 5-6 female plants in the “harem” of one male plant. If there is not enough space for several trees, you can graft a branch of a male plant into the crown of a female one. There are varieties of sea buckthorn that differ in the height of the tree, the size of the fruits and their shades - from light orange to almost red, and theoretically, a “garden tree” can be made from sea buckthorn, like from an apple tree.

When placing sea buckthorn in the garden, remember that it is a wind-pollinated plant, and for good fruit set, the crown must be blown by the wind. In cramped conditions you can’t count on high yields.

This shrub is prone to thickening and bare branches. Therefore, you will need rejuvenating pruning of sea buckthorn; for beginners, we can advise combining thinning with harvesting, cutting out part of the branches with fruits and “plucking” them at home, in a calm environment.

Sea buckthorn fruits remain on the branches after leaf fall and even in winter. However, you need to think about protecting the crop from birds; sometimes blackbirds and waxwings arrive as early as September.

Watch the video “pruning sea buckthorn” to better understand how to carry out this important task:

Every year sea buckthorn gives high yield berries, but in order for this to happen, you need to select high-quality seedlings and understand the features of caring for them. For planting, medium-sized seedlings obtained by cuttings are required. This makes it easier to distinguish between seedlings and coppice plants.

Pollination of sea buckthorn. Peculiarities

Sea buckthorn has male and female plant species, it is pollinated by the wind, so two seedlings should be planted close to each other. A distance of 5-10 m is enough for the plant to be well pollinated and bear fruit in the fall.

Gardeners advise planting one female plant and two male ones, since the male one has a greater chance of dying, and in general, two plants can pollinate a female seedling much better, there will be more berries, they will taste better. Male plants can be planted next to each other, less than 1 m apart.

When is the best time to plant and replant sea buckthorn?

The most favorable time Early spring is considered the best time to transplant a plant; the earlier, the better. She does not survive the winter well if the conditions are not the most favorable. For example, the thaw period has a negative impact on the shrub; the growing season begins early for sea buckthorn.

Earlier replanting is needed for plants with an open root system, as well as for individuals that may damage or lose the root system or part of it during digging.

Planting a seedling from a container into the ground is an easier process, but only if the plant has existed in the container for a year or more. In this case, its root system is resistant to the soil; it is not hardened by the most better conditions and will “get over” the period after disembarkation just fine.

Even if you do not have the opportunity to plant sea buckthorn in the spring, try to do it in the summer. Some prefer the autumn period, after harvesting, but in this case the root system of the plant simply does not have time to properly strengthen before the cold weather approaches. This could injure him.

Choosing a landing site

Sea buckthorn is planted in the garden or vegetable garden. If you plant plants in the garden, you need to carefully ensure that they are not too close to the vegetable planting area. Garden soil is not entirely suitable for this type of shrub, and sea buckthorn itself, with its roots, branching many meters around itself underground, can cause damage to plantings. They do not lie very deep, only 20-30 cm deep, which is why the root system is easy to damage. Sea buckthorn does not tolerate root injuries well, it begins to hurt.

Important: plant the plant in a place where you will not need to cultivate and dig up the soil around it. Most often, sea buckthorn is allocated an area at the edge of the garden or vegetable garden - near a fence or next to buildings.

You also need to monitor whether the plant receives enough light. You should not plant it in a place where the sun does not reach; sea buckthorn needs light, dark places are not suitable for it.

How to replant an adult sea buckthorn?

Planting sea buckthorn is a simple process, since its structure is almost no different from the others. fruit plants. Some gardeners like to use a lot of fertilizers, which is not the best in the best possible way affects the life of the plant in the future. Don't go overboard with organic and mineral fertilizers, a bucket of compost will be enough (for replanting, but if you are planting a young seedling, then this will be a lot), superphosphate (if the soil in your area has the ability to acidify, then use double superphosphate).

If desired, you can use complex fertilizer, although this is not the most useful option.

When transplanting sea buckthorn from one place to another, you need to carefully dig out the main part of its roots. Since they are very long, several meters in length, it is unlikely that it will be possible to dig up the plant without damaging the roots at all. In order for sea buckthorn to take root better in a new place and not begin to wither due to a damaged root system, it is worth cutting off part of the above-ground area of ​​the plant. Of course, this will reduce its ability to bear fruit this year, but in the future such a measure will be useful.

Planting young seedlings

If the plant is already large and has many branches on the sides, then they can be removed, thus “making life easier” for the tree. Leave only the main trunk; it will quickly grow new branches.

It is ideal to plant sea buckthorn at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the border of the site; the rows between sea buckthorn bushes should be 2x2 m. The hole for planting should be 30-40 cm deep and 50 cm in diameter. The bottom of the hole should be lined with broken bricks and shells and crushed stone, the layer should be about 10 cm. Fertile soil should be poured on top of this layer, and fertilizers should be added above (do not overdo it with them).

The young seedling must be no younger two years of age. It should be planted directly; it is best to first place a stake in the hole, which will serve as the basis for correct installation seedling. If the tree is not planted correctly initially, the trunk may later become very bent, which can lead to the tree being damaged in the future.

A newly planted tree needs to be watered generously and the soil at its base compacted.

How do you fertilize sea buckthorn?

After planting itself, there is no need to be zealous in fertilizing the soil. At this time, the plant needs rest, and unnecessary actions can disturb it. Make sure there is enough sun, clear the ground around the sea buckthorn from weeds, nature will do the rest.

If your plant is already several years old, then there are certain schemes for fertilizing and feeding sea buckthorn.

Some people are accustomed to lime the soil before planting sea buckthorn; the dose of lime depends entirely on what type of soil is in your garden. But for all plants there are certain standards of nutrients that they must receive regularly.

We fertilize the soil according to the scheme

There is a scheme for fertilizing the soil in accordance with the goals of obtaining a certain number of fruits.

An excellent way to fertilize sea buckthorn in spring and autumn - garden auger. Using this device, holes are made 40 cm deep between the roots of the tree. The distance from the trunk should be 1 m. The hole is filled with pebbles and gravel, after which fertilizers can be supplied through it and filled with water. In this way, the minerals will seep much deeper into the ground, due to which the plant will be nourished and filled with energy.

Eat certain rules use different types fertilizers for sea buckthorn.

Important: sea buckthorn needs phosphorus to a greater extent than other substances, as it helps the formation of nodule bacteria that form on the roots.

Females require more care and, accordingly, they should be given large quantity fertilizers Male plants are more unpretentious; they can grow in dark areas, in dry soil, and so on. But this does not mean that they do not need care - they do, but it may be less thorough.

Video - Secrets and subtleties of growing sea buckthorn

Further care of the plant

In the spring, before the first buds bloom, you need to form sea buckthorn bushes, giving them the required form, cutting off unnecessary branches. This should be done a year or two after planting, since the above-ground part of the tree is already well formed during this period.

It is worth paying more attention to 4-5 year old trees. During this period, there is no need to spare fruit-bearing branches, excess weight the above-ground parts interfere with the tree. It is best to remove shoots that grow parallel to the trunk; it is also necessary to trim dry branches.

In older plants that bear fruit for 8 years or more, a period of disease may begin, the branches dry out, and the fruits become less strong, which can lead to an attack of pests on the plant. There are techniques for rejuvenating pruning of branches that can help bring sea buckthorn back to normal and return it to its former fruitfulness.

Interesting: in some areas, sea buckthorn is grown not for its fruits, but for decorative purposes, therefore, pruning of branches occurs regularly, because it is given the necessary shape, which can be either round or angular.

Worth pursuing sanitary cleaning sea ​​buckthorn annually. It includes sealing various holes, removing dry branches and leaves, and getting rid of fungus. If the fungus damages most shrub, it must be cut out and completely processed.

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