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May country calendar. May country calendar Planting days in May

1st of May, sun
Moon in the sign 17:33
Waning moon

Holy Resurrection of Christ.

May 2, Mon
Moon in a sign
Waning moon

May 3, Tue
Moon in the sign 20:04
Waning moon

Recommended are radishes, bulbous plants, planting seedlings in the ground, pruning and grafting of trees and berry bushes. Planting seedlings of late-ripening crops. Weeding, loosening, removing mustaches on strawberries. An excellent time for cultivation, watering and fertilizing, destroying pests.

May 4th, Wed
Moon in a sign
Waning moon

5 May, Thu
Moon in the sign 20:10
Waning moon

It is recommended to prepare the soil for sowing, exterminate pests, weeding and mulching
It is not advisable to collect and prepare medicinal plants and herbs, as well as planting fruit trees and propagate plants by dividing the bush.

the 6th of May, Fri
Moon in a sign
New moon 22:30

May 7,Sat
Moon in the sign 19:34
Waxing Crescent

May 8, sun
Moon in a sign
Waxing Crescent

It is recommended to plant legumes and climbing plants(climbing rose, grapes). Removing excess shoots, weeding, mulching, preparing a good place for lawns and beds, fighting pests and diseases (spraying and fumigation)

May 10,Tue
Moon in a sign
Waxing Crescent

May 11, Wed
Moon in a sign
Waxing Crescent

12 May, Thu
Moon in sign 0:32
Waxing Crescent

Sowing and replanting is not recommended horticultural crops. Shrubs will also work well. It is worth mowing to slow down the growth of grasses. The right moment for preparing beds and lawns for planting, mulching, pest control, pruning trees, fumigating and spraying against pests.

may 13,Fri
Moon in a sign
First quarter 20:02

Pruning and crown shaping work is recommended garden trees And berry bushes. Mowing can be done to slow down the growth of grasses. The right time to prepare beds and lawns for planting, mulching, pest control, and pruning trees. Planting shrubs and trees will work well.
Sowing and replanting garden crops is not recommended.

May 14,Sat
Moon in the sign 08:52
Waxing Crescent

May 15, sun
Moon in a sign
Waxing Crescent

16th of May, Mon
Moon in the sign 20:33
Waxing Crescent

May 17,Tue
Moon in a sign
Waxing Crescent

It is recommended to plant flowers and store tubers and seeds for storage. It is also recommended to plant stone fruits fruit trees. Watering and haymaking are effective. Optimal time for grafting and pruning garden and berry plantings, as well as applying complex fertilizers. It's a great time to cut flowers, create lawn ornaments, and care for indoor plants.

May 18, Wed
Moon in a sign
Waxing Crescent

It is recommended to plant flowers and store tubers and seeds for storage. Planting stone fruit trees is also recommended. Watering and haymaking are effective. Irrigation and grafting activities are allowed. Plant pumpkins, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, peppers and zucchini. This is a great time to cut flowers, create lawn ornaments, and care for indoor plants.
It is not recommended to plant fruit trees and shrubs

May 19, Thu
Moon in the sign 09:29
Waxing Crescent

It is recommended to plant most crops: cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, pumpkins. It is not recommended to propagate plants by roots, collect herbs and plant trees. Pruning trees and berry bushes, grafting, fertilizing, watering, killing pests, and loosening the soil are effective. It is advisable to fumigate and spray, as well as trim excess shoots to garden plants and berry bushes

May 20, Fri
Moon in a sign
Waxing Crescent

May 21st, Sat
Moon in the sign 21:48
Waxing Crescent

It is recommended to plant fast-growing crops: greens, onions, garlic, peppers, medicinal herbs - for seeds, as well as strawberries, spinach, rose hips, honeysuckle, plums. It is recommended to collect vegetables, fruits, berries and seeds, and cut flowers. The optimal time for planting climbing and legume plants. House flowers planted on this day bloom faster. It is not recommended to plant fruit trees and shrubs

22nd of May, sun
Moon in a sign
Full moon 0:14

May, 23rd, Mon
Moon in a sign
Waning moon

It is recommended to plant and replant trees and shrubs. Loosening, fertilizing, tree grafting, mowing. It is recommended to mow and prepare the beds for planting seedlings. Possible pruning of fruit trees and pest control.
It is allowed to replant fruit trees and berry bushes.

May 24, Tue
Moon in the sign 08:34
Waning Moon Aquarius Aquarius Aries 04:09
Waning moon

The lunar sowing calendar for May 2016 was compiled for middle zone Russia and Belarus, Moscow time.

The moon directly affects the growth and development of plants. Therefore, when planting and working in the garden, it is necessary to take into account its phases and location among the constellations.

1st of May: the month will begin with the position of the Moon in the constellation Aquarius. It is unfavorable for sowing. It is better to devote time on this day to hilling and loosening the soil and spraying against pests.

May 2 and 3: great days for transplanting and planting all types of plants, since the Earth's satellite will move into the constellation Pisces. This will best affect the development of pumpkin, nightshade and vegetable crops.

May 4 and 5: Aries is not favorable for sowing, but you can collect seeds for testicles and trim the mustache of dugouts and strawberries. The lunar seedling calendar will tell you more about the impact of the Moon on plantings.

May 6 and 7: One of the most favorable positions for sowing is the Moon in Taurus. You can plant any type of cabbage, carrots, cucumbers and peppers, as well as herbs.

May 8 and 9: The Moon will change its position and will be in the Sign of Gemini. Under its influence, legumes, strawberries, melons and climbing plants grow well.

May 10 and 11: The influence of Cancer will increase. These days it’s a good idea to soak the seeds, loosen the soil and graft the plants. The constellation has a particularly positive effect on growth annual plants, planted these days, but perennials also grow well.

May 12 and 13: Leo is a sign of little fertility, so during its activity it is best to clear plants of unnecessary shoots and yellowed leaves, as well as collect fruits and seeds.

May 14, 15 and 16: The Moon will move into the influence of the Virgo constellation. This is a low-fertility sign, but strawberries can be planted when the harvest is not abundant; creeping plants develop well.

May 17 and 18: The influence of the constellation Libra will increase, which is favorable for planting tuberous flowers and roses. Vegetable and fruit crops will give a rich harvest; potatoes planted on this day, as well as any root crops and legumes, also develop well.

May 19, 20 and 21: the Earth's satellite will move into the zodiac Scorpio, helping pumpkins, zucchini and cucumbers to be disease-resistant. Scorpio also favors the development of bulbous and nightshade plants such as eggplants, tomatoes and peppers.

May 22 and 23: can be planted to collect seeds for subsequent sowing, since the Moon will move into a less fertile sign - Sagittarius. You can plant cuttings and seedlings.

May 24, 25 and 26: Capricorn will have a beneficial effect on sowing, planting and replanting legumes and grains, as well as shrubs and trees. Vegetable and tuber crops develop well.

May 27 and 28: The Moon will be under the strong influence of Aquarius. It is infertile, so may calendar The gardener advises these days to start weeding the beds, loosening and removing excess shoots.

May 29 and 30: When planted these days, any plants will develop well, since the influence of the sign of Pisces, which is very fertile, will increase. Its effect is especially positive on cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, tomatoes and eggplants.

May 31: The Moon will again be in the barren constellation Aries. On the last day of the month, the gardening calendar recommends treating plants against pests and thoroughly loosening the soil.

Find out the influence of the zodiac constellations, and you will definitely reap a rich harvest. I wish you success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

27.04.2016 06:03

The moon affects plants, so it is best to care for them at the most favorable days. ...

Favorable landing days in May 2016. May 1 - Orthodox Easter. It’s better not to do anything in the garden. Atheists can spray fruit trees and shrubs against diseases and pests. May 2 - Vegetables sown on this day will be unsuitable for storage. Possible, but not the best favorable time for re-seeding lettuce, spinach, dill. good time for irrigation, root and foliar feeding vegetable crops. May 3 - Treat strawberries (removing old and yellowed leaves, loosening, fertilizing with mullein and complex fertilizer). Planted mustaches take root well. May 4 - Barren day of Aries from 09.12. It is possible to carry out sanitary pruning of frozen ornamental crops. Removing growth from fruit trees. Removing unnecessary and yield-reducing strawberry tendrils. May 5 - Good day for weeding. Collection of early greens and its processing. May 6 - New Moon at 23.31. Barren day - rest. May 7 - Plant seedlings of mid- and late-ripening varieties and hybrids of white cabbage and cauliflower in open and protected ground. It is possible to plant flower seedlings. Planted in the sign of Taurus, they have increased stamina. This is a favorable time for planting the next batches of non-shooting varieties and hybrids of radish. Sowing beet seeds. The best time to fertilize root vegetables, garlic and onions. Start planting and replanting ornamental shrubs. May 8 - The sign of Gemini is very favorable for replanting roses. Replanting and dividing faded small-bulbous flowers. May 9 - Dividing the rhizomes of perennial flowering plants, propagating them by cuttings and layering. Favorable period for planting, dividing and replanting flowers. It is useful to feed flowers. May 10 - Waxing Moon in Cancer. Will tolerate transplantation well permanent place any seedling. May 11 is a great day for: sowing, planting, replanting, grafting, fertilizing trees, shrubs, vegetables (except root crops). Favorable time for re-sowing lettuce, dill, spinach in open ground. May 12 - Favorable period for sowing, planting and picking drought-resistant flowers of all growing plants: decorative beans, hops, maiden grapes, climbing rose etc. May 13 - Collected during this period medicinal herbs will have greatest strength, especially heart-stimulating herbs. Carrying out loosening, hilling, mulching, composting. May 14 - After 09.50, it is possible to sow annual fast-growing flowers, if you did not have time to do this earlier. Replant indoor flowers May 15 - Ideal time for planting ornamental plants and facilities alpine slides, flower beds, sowing lawn grass and so on; The planted green cuttings will take root well. May 16 - Planting and replanting roses and clematis. May 17 - Possible, but not the most favorable time for planting seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, eggplants in greenhouses and greenhouses. Planting cauliflower, leeks, sorrel, and broccoli in open ground. May 18 - Boarding days in May 2016 for planting in open ground: white cabbage, onions, dill, parsley, sorrel, zucchini, pumpkin, squash and potatoes not for storage May 19 - Pinching vegetable crops and pruning trees and shrubs is strictly prohibited. Grafting of fruit trees will be successful. May 20 - Everything that is planted in Scorpio will grow well. May 21 - Complete the open ground plantings started the day before. Replanting indoor flowers. May 22 - Full moon at 01.16. If you do not intend to store your harvest for a long time, you can collect early vegetables(radish, spinach, etc.). May 23 - Install supports under the branches of fruit trees, build fences around the bushes. The day is suitable for loosening the soil, spraying, and pest control. May 24 - We are doing weeding, hilling potatoes, cultivating the soil. A good time to fertilize root crops and potatoes. May 25 is a favorable day for planting seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers in greenhouses and greenhouses. May 26 - Root feeding of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, physalis, cabbage until 18.25. May 27 - When the Moon passes through the sign of Aquarius, you should not plant or sow anything. May 28 - Weed and thin out the beds well and add compost. May 29 - It’s a good time to root strawberry tendrils or transplant rooted rosettes to a new location. On this day you need to water the plants and weed them. May 30 - It is best to sow vegetables that will go straight to the table or for canning and freezing. Vegetables sown these days will not be suitable for storage. Strawberry tendrils take root well. May 31 - Sign of Aries. A barren day. It is effective to spray all fruit trees and berry bushes against pests and diseases.

It is interesting that the tradition of giving each other colored eggs for Easter dates back to the time of Emperor Tiberius, to whom, after the resurrection of the Lord, Mary Magdalene came to preach about Him, to which the emperor told her: “If the egg in your hand turns red, I will believe.” Mary took the egg in her hands with the words: “Christ is Risen!” - and it turned red. Today we paint eggs in memory of a miracle that happened many centuries ago. Onion peels The oldest and most popular way to paint eggs for Easter. When I was a child, my grandmother had cast iron, tightly packed with husks, which produced beautiful dark orange eggs. The intensity of the color directly depends on the amount of onion peel in the solution. You can diversify this coloring by wrapping the eggs in cloth or putting a leaf (parsley, dill, basil) in gauze, then an unusual pattern will appear on the egg. Tips for dyeing eggs: An hour before dyeing, remove the eggs from the refrigerator to allow them to cool. room temperature. In this case, they will not burst during cooking. brilliant appearance You can get colored eggs if you wipe them dry after painting and rub them with vegetable oil. Pour water into a saucepan and add onion skins. The red-brown color can be obtained by taking the peels of eight onions and adding two glasses of water. Based on this, you can calculate the amount of water and husk for a specific case. The water with the husks should be brought to a boil and boiled for 30-40 minutes. Let the broth sit. The broth should be filtered, freed from the husks, and the prepared eggs should be boiled in it for 7-10 minutes. To obtain a more intense color, the eggs can be returned to the broth and left until they acquire the desired shade.

Before lunch, water and feed the plants.

Water and feed the plants. Carry out sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs. Clematis shoots are normalized.

Continue the work of the previous day.

They dig, loosen and mulch the soil, and spud up the plants. Feed vegetables and fruit crops. Fruit trees and berry bushes are pruned.

They dig, loosen and mulch the soil, and spud up the plants. Vegetable and fruit crops are fed.

Fertilizers are applied. Weeds are being pulled out. Install supports for peonies, delphiniums, foxgloves. Lay compost heaps.

The grown acidanthera, galtonia, and crocosmia are planted in the ground. Tuberous and bulbous crops are fed. Lilies are propagated by scales.

Seedlings of climbing varieties of vegetable beans, Turkish beans, marjoram, cumin, and fennel are sown and planted under temporary cover with lutrasil.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Plant seedlings of tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplant, watermelon, melon in protected soil. Green crops are sown in open ground, cucumbers, zucchini, squash - under temporary shelters. Watered. Clematis is propagated by cuttings and layering.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Sow corn and sunflowers in open ground. Basil, rosemanir, marjoram - for temporary shelter.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Heat-loving annuals are sown in the ground. And also tuberous begonia, dahlias, acidanthera, galtonia, crocosmia. They sow, plant and replant any plants, including indoor and greenhouse ones. Protect heat-loving crops from possible return frosts.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Plant seedlings of sunflower, leaf parsley, endive, artichoke and annual flowers in open ground. Thin out the seedlings of annuals sown in April.

Water, feed, and graft plants. Green crops are sown in beds under temporary cover with lutrasil. Biennials (mallow, foxglove, etc.) are sown. Seedlings of heat-loving annuals, as well as sweet peppers, tomatoes, melons, and watermelons are planted in greenhouses and in open ground under temporary shelters.

Continue the work of the previous day.

They dig up and loosen the soil, prepare an area for planting perennials.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Weeds are being pulled out. Lay down compost heap. Laying paths in the garden.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Work from the previous day continues until lunch.

They dig up and loosen the soil, hill up and mulch the plants. Feed beautiful flowering plants. Weeds are weeded, carrots, beets, etc. are thinned out.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Water and feed the plants. Carry out sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs. They fight against ground pests and plant pathogens (aphids, downy mildew, leaf spot). Plants propagate green cuttings and layering.

Continue the work of the previous day.

They dig, loosen and mulch the soil, and hill up the plants. Feed vegetables and fruit plants. They carry out shaping of cucumbers and tomatoes in greenhouses and open ground, and sanitary pruning of fruit trees.

IN sowing lunar calendar as of May 2016 you will find tips for the month and for every day. With this knowledge, any gardener will be able to reap an excellent harvest!

Boarding days for May 2016

Let's feed the cabbage

In early May, it is recommended to feed cabbage planted in April. Early ripening varieties of cabbage should not be overfed with nitrogen, because this leads to a delay in setting heads. It is good to fertilize with potassium; it makes cabbage more resistant to disease.

Protect tomatoes

Tomatoes - reliable protection from asparagus borer, aphids, sawfly and moth. In this regard, it is recommended to grow them near asparagus, melons, and cabbage.

It is useful to plant several tomato bushes near gooseberries, which often suffer from moth.

And the pepper will be healthy

Having planted sweet pepper seedlings in open ground, do not forget to pay attention to the leaves of the new shoots, especially during cold weather. If the temperature outside stays below 12 degrees for a long time, root system heat-loving crops (and peppers, zucchini, and tomatoes are just like that) stops working, the plants begin to starve. To maintain the growth point, they take away nutrients from the leaves, they turn yellow and then fall off.

If cold weather lasts more than 5-6 days, you can’t do without feeding the leaves with calcium nitrate (half a tablespoon per bucket of water). In addition, in such weather, it is appropriate to spray the plants with ecoberine, novosil (Silkom) or epin-extra: these drugs will help them survive stress.

Radish without bitterness

The radish will taste less pungent and be more juicy and crunchy if the furrow is lightly salted with table salt before sowing, and then the bed is generously watered in the morning and evening. But you shouldn’t do this in hot weather: the water will immediately evaporate through the leaves, without making “weather” inside the root crop.

How to feed onions

To guarantee a harvest, the onions need to be fed a couple of times during the growing season. At the end of May, 10-15 g of ammonium nitrate are added to the soil per square meter beds or for the same area a bucket of an aqueous solution of slurry (concentration 1:6).

Three weeks after the first feeding, a second feeding is carried out: 10-15 g of ammonium nitrate and potassium salt per square meter of planting.

At the same time, do not forget to water the onions.

Thanks mustard

Mustard, as a green manure, enriches the soil with phosphorus and sulfur, and partly clears the beds of mole crickets and wireworms. If this crop is sown next to peas, the harvest will be twice as large. And onions grow better after mustard.

While young

It is advisable to harvest rhubarb petioles when they are young. Old ones contain much less vitamins and much more oxalic acid, which, after heat treatment, becomes a prerequisite for the formation of oxalates (kidney stones).

For the bow

The bow will resist more actively powdery mildew, if you water it with warm water (not lower than 18 degrees). And when the bird cherry blossoms and wakes up onion fly, the row spacing should be sprinkled with tobacco dust or lime to protect against the pest.

Fertilize currants

Currants are responsive to fertilizers. Therefore, to ensure good productivity, you need to add 2-4 kg of compost or manure, 20-30 g of urea, 30-50 g of superphosphate, 15-20 g of potassium chloride per square meter annually.

Foliar feeding with microelements is also effective. We remind you that zinc increases resistance to fungal diseases, boron promotes better flowering and fertilization, manganese - increasing yield. Foliar feeding is carried out during the flowering and ovary formation phases, in the evening or in the morning after the dew has dried.

Sowing calendar for each day of the month of May in 2016

Unfavorable days for planting: 1, 6, 7, 12, 13, 22, 26 (from 17:29), 27, 28.

May 1 - Spring Festival. Sunday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Scorpio - Holy Resurrection of Christ.

May 2. Monday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Scorpio - Dill, spinach, sorrel, onions, rhubarb, other greens

May 3. Tuesday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Scorpio/Sagittarius (18:52) - From 11:36 - we plant seedlings of late-ripening crops. Weeding, loosening, removing mustaches on strawberries

May 4 and 5. Wednesday and Thursday. Moon in the zodiac sign Sagittarius - We plant seedlings of late-ripening crops. Weeding, loosening, removing mustaches on strawberries

May 6 and 7. Friday and Saturday. Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn, new moon (6th) - Caring for the garden and vegetable garden, collecting medicinal herbs

May 8 and 9 - Victory Day. Sunday and Monday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Capricorn/Aquarius (9:00) - Peas, momordica, climbing flowers, garden care

May 10 and 11. Tuesday and Wednesday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Aquarius/Pisces (11:32) - Re-planting seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, sowing lettuce, sorrel, onions, and other greens

12 May. Thursday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Aries (from 4:43 on the 11th) - Protective measures against pests and diseases of the garden and vegetable garden

may 13. Friday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Aries (from 4:43 on the 11th) - Garden and vegetable garden care

May 14. Saturday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Aries/Taurus (14:37) - We are planting perennial faded flowers, planting cabbage for autumn consumption. Watering, fertilizing, weeding

May 15 and 16. Sunday and Monday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Taurus - Planting cabbage for autumn consumption. Watering, fertilizing, weeding. Flower care

May 17 and 18. Tuesday and Wednesday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Gemini - Planting cauliflower and kohlrabi seedlings for autumn, green. Picking cucumbers and zucchini

May 19. Thursday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Cancer - We sow green cucumbers to get a second harvest closer to autumn, we take care of the plants

May 20 and 21. Friday and Saturday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Cancer - We sow spinach, lettuce, dill and other greens, cucumbers for autumn harvest. Planting cauliflower seedlings

22nd of May. Sunday. Moon in the zodiac sign Leo, full moon - Plant care

May, 23rd. Monday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Leo/Virgo (14:25) - Sowing greens, watering, fertilizing, pest and disease control

May 24 and 25. Tuesday and Wednesday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Virgo - Potatoes, greens, watering, fertilizing, mulching

26 of May. Thursday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Libra - Until 17:29 - potatoes, greens, watering, fertilizing, mulching

May 27 and 28. Friday and Saturday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Libra - Thinning, pinching, watering, loosening the soil, pest control

May 29 and 30. Sunday and Monday. Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio - Green. Picking berries for wine and liqueurs

May 31. Tuesday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Scorpio/Sagittarius (2:57) - Green. Collection of cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables. Plant care