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Is sarcasm good or bad? Examples of sarcasm in literature. Sarcasm and irony: examples

Today many people have a frivolous attitude towards life. They speak disrespectfully even about serious matters. Sarcasm is especially offensive. What is sarcasm and why is this mindset popular in society? Let’s find out!

Sarcastic remarks

Sarcastic humor dehumanizes others. To understand what sarcasm is, let's look at the origins of this word. Translated from Greek, the verb "sarcasm" literally means "to tear meat like dogs." Imagine a dog tearing meat from a bone with its teeth. Banter works in a similar way. Barbs are to the object of jokes what meat is to a dog.

Showing sarcasm in relationships

This topic is very relevant among children and teenagers and between loved ones, as well as at work among employees. In the question of what sarcasm is in relationships, there is a note of misunderstanding, which we will now dispel. If we talk about a sarcastic attitude towards children, it is clear that often the child does not distinguish what is being said seriously and does not take the joke. And, seeing laughing faces around him, he feels offended. What's worse is learning not to trust your feelings.

What can we say about sarcasm in adult relationships? How unpleasant it is to hear when a loved one humiliates or ridicules their loved one in the presence of others. Everyone around perceives this as a joke, and the victim as criticism of her. This humiliating condition must be stopped. You definitely need to talk about your feelings with your offender. If you don't do this, your partner's behavior will not change.

Sarcasm is emotional abuse

Unlike bruises that are visible on the body after physical abuse, sarcasm causes invisible changes in a person's mind and personality. This can change his attitude towards other people for a long time. What does sarcasm mean and why does it hurt so much?

According to one dictionary, sarcasm is the highest degree of caustic irony, based on veiled criticism and the comedy of a joke. It is considered a minor attack, but it is the basis for an argument.

Draw conclusions, be sincere with other people. Express your opinion directly, without resorting to sarcasm.

Sarcastic, caustic expressions sometimes hit harder than physical blows. Sarcasm can be called a kind of art, because not everyone is able to hurt their interlocutor so that his ridicule is not perceived as ordinary rudeness.

Despite the negative connotation, sarcastic expressions are considered a sign of a subtle mind and are sometimes used in literary works. But what is sarcasm? And how does it manifest itself in life?

In Greek the word "sarcasm" (σαρκασμός ) means “to tear flesh, mock, bite lips in rage.” In English, this term first appeared in Edmund Spenser’s annotation to the calendar of The Shephardes, and subsequently took root in the Russian language.

Evil words can really hurt so much that a person feels as if they were torn to pieces. And if the uttered barbs caused the laughter of others, then the pain and humiliation become doubly stronger.

Sarcasm is understood as one of the varieties of satirical exposure, caustic ridicule, pointing out the shortcomings of a person, any phenomena or objects.

Its distinctive features are its ruthlessness towards people’s feelings and its harsh form of expression. Most often, he is called upon to demonstrate to others the stupidity of his opponent and boast of the sophistication of his own mind.

Sarcasm is always negative, but even politicians, famous artists, etc. use it. At different times, it served as one of the tools of political struggle, and in the Middle Ages - a way for the oppressed to express their indignation towards those in power.

The essence of sarcasm is the ability to tell a person the bitter truth, presenting it in the form of a subtle joke. Since it is one of the forms of exposure, it is often used in journalistic works, polemics, and oratory.

Some people believe that irony and sarcasm are synonymous. In fact, such a judgment is not entirely correct.

Sarcasm is the highest form of irony. If ironic statements have a tinge of good-naturedness and give the speaker’s speech a positive coloring, then the highest degree of indignation is expressed in sarcastic ridicule.

There are practically no comic elements in sarcasm - hatred and hostility are expressed in an open form, only slightly veiled as a joke.

There are many examples in literature of sarcastic expressions that over time have turned into aphorisms. Famous authors who used sarcasm in their works include Voltaire, who disparaged the Roman Catholic Church in his pamphlets, and Jonathan Swift, who exposed public life in England.

Dostoevsky, in his novel “Demons,” used the sarcastic expression “administrative delight” in relation to employees who sold railway tickets. With this, he ridiculed their intoxication with power over ordinary passengers.

Exceptional causticity lies in the statement of Chatsky, the hero of Griboedov’s work “Woe from Wit”: “Molchalin! – Who else will settle everything so peacefully! There he will pet the pug on time, here he will wipe the card at the right time.”

In life, sarcasm can manifest itself both towards strangers and towards relatives and lovers. In love relationships, it often serves as one of the signs when a person puts his own interests above the desires of his other half.

Sometimes sarcasm is a way to resolve problems and sort things out. With a caustic and apt expression, a person tries to draw attention to some problem that requires a solution. For example, a man is not happy with the weight of his chosen one.

He can tell her about this directly and probably offend her, or he can tell her in the form of a joke, after which the girl will think about it and sign up for the fitness room. That is, sarcasm sometimes allows partners to completely change their behavior without losing the most important thing - their mutual love.

Existence in modern society presupposes that an individual has a sense of humor - this makes it easier to “fit in” with society. Any topic - from politics to blondes - is impossible to imagine without ironic intervention. Our beloved (sarcasm?) traffic cops and deputies very often become the subjects of sarcastic jokes.

Sarcasm is a sarcastic statement that often has a positive connotation, but is exclusively negative in nature. That’s why some people sometimes can’t “see” it. Typically, sarcasm is a mockery in which there is a tangible difference between what is said and what is implied. Also, this method of ridicule shows the true attitude of the speaker towards the object of ridicule.

Sarcasm differs from irony in that the latter is the most cruel. Irony is petty banter, while sarcasm is deliberate, sarcastic ridicule of shortcomings. Moreover, in sarcasm the external meaning and subtext stand out very clearly. Simply put, sarcasm is poisonous irony. It expresses a high degree of hatred and indignation.

The use of sarcasm in journalism, poetry, prose, and polemics has become firmly established in our lives. This technique is widely used in literary criticism. Many writers use it to highlight negativity in social and political events. But one should not assume that sarcasm on their part is open aggression. On the contrary, it can be seen as a method of fighting “the system.”

It is very easy to cross the line between sarcasm and irony, but the use of the former is justified by the ability to more clearly express a thought. Everyone’s favorite Vladimir Mayakovsky and Faina Ranevskaya were masters of words: their sarcastic phrases are still remembered and quoted by people. They opened their eyes to existing problems with “taste.” That's why the authorities didn't like them, that's why they were condemned and tried to exterminate them. Because it hooked people, because they removed the veil of “decency” and the whole truth, the essence, was revealed.

In modern filmography, the “king” of sarcasm is considered to be Dr. House from the series of the same name. He has no empathy for his patients and spews venom at everyone in his brilliantly sarcastic manner.

Phrases with sarcasm are not a humorous joke, which reveals a funny reality with a dose of sympathy and which is endearing. The comedy of sarcasm may not be clearly expressed, and dissatisfaction can be shown quite openly and assertively.

Sarcasm is a good policy of discontent and indignation. In the end, perhaps, he will be able to rid people of obscene speech and fill indignation with eloquence.

Surprisingly, many people are unable to recognize sarcasm. Although it represents a caustic mockery, it is often veiled as a positive judgment, so some may take it for slight irony or, even worse, for praise or a compliment.

The use of sarcastic expressions in literature can be considered justified, but when communicating with loved ones you need to monitor the degree of sarcasticness, so to speak. Often in youth social circles ridicule with sarcastic statements is common. But they can humiliate and “trample” the self-esteem of the person being ridiculed. Therefore, you should not use this technique with new and receptive old acquaintances.

Date of publication: 10/12/2012

Sarcasm shows the sharpness of a person's mind. Sarcasm allows you to subtly make fun of politicians and other narrow-minded ordinary people. Sarcasm gives you self-satisfaction and helps you release negative emotions.

What it is?

The scientific definition is:
“Sarcasm (Greek σαρκασμ?ς, from σαρκ?ζω, literally “tearing [meat]”) is one of the types of satirical exposure, caustic ridicule, the highest degree of irony, based not only on the enhanced contrast of the implied and the expressed, but also on the immediate deliberately revealing what is implied"

Agree, this definition is too “dry” and does not answer many questions. Sarcasm is a mockery of a person, object or phenomenon. Sarcasm is always negative. However, sarcasm is not just a caustic mockery, it is the ability to construct a sentence in such a way as not to openly declare one’s disdain. Those. sarcasm is “veiled” ridicule.

For example:
If you are upset about a person's thinking abilities, then you can tell him this:
“You, Ivan Ivanovich, are a complete idiot!” However, this phrase sounds very hostile. Moreover, if Ivan Ivanovich is not your friend, but just an acquaintance, because friends will most likely perceive such a phrase as a subtle joke.
Or you can say this phrase differently, using the skill of speaking with sarcasm:
“Ivan Ivanovich, your mental skills amaze me with their unimaginable depth!”
How does it sound! Ivan Ivanovich will not understand what you are hinting at, but you will feel like such a cool guy.

Thus, we come to the main purpose of sarcasm. Sarcasm is the ability to tell people the bitter truth to their face, presenting it in the form of a subtle joke.

Sarcasm is merciless! Therefore, sarcasm very often is not just incriminating, but sometimes even offensive. Sarcasm is used by politicians, show business stars and famous scientists. This means that sarcasm can be used by both a good person and a bad one.

Why is Sarcasm needed?

Sarcasm is a verbal weapon. Sarcasm sounds witty, and therefore people love it. Sarcasm can be obvious, or it can be veiled and understandable only to the speaker.

If you want to sarcastically mock someone, then correctly assess the mental abilities of your “victim.” Your interlocutor may turn out to be smarter than you, and therefore will respond to your sarcasm with even more cruel ridicule, then you will lose “on your own field.”

The main thing is to understand what purpose you are pursuing when using sarcasm. Do you want your interlocutor to understand your ridicule, or do you want to convey the essence of the ridicule to third parties.

Psychologists say that sarcasm is a sign of a healthy mind. People often use sarcasm unconsciously. At the same time, comedians never use sarcasm. Sarcasm does not cause intense joy and fun, like ordinary humor. Therefore, never use sarcasm in public, as politicians and other public figures do. This is akin to black PR. After all, almost any judgment can be used for a sarcastic answer.

Writers often use sarcasm. Sarcasm received particular development during the development of Greek and Roman philosophy. Many philosophers have used sarcasm to ridicule totalitarian and stupid officials and rulers. Later, during the Renaissance, sarcasm was clearly reflected both in literary works and in painting. Those ridicule that could not be expressed in words were expressed in pictures.

Sarcasm today

In the modern world, sarcasm has moved to the Internet. Almost everyone uses sarcasm on the Internet. Some make sarcastic memes, others blog, expressing their hatred in the form of sarcastic notes and entries.

Sarcasm on the Internet has gradually deformed. Sarcasm has become trolling. Of course, trolling is not only sarcasm. People who engage in trolling are quite obviously called “trolls.” The word “trolling” does not come from the word “troll,” but from the word “trolling,” which means “to catch fish with a lure.” Trolls write provocative messages on the Internet, making others angry, enraged, and also experience other warm feelings. The troll's main weapon was and is sarcasm. A troll is easy to spot.

For example:
In a group (on a social network) dedicated to vegetarians, a troll will leave the following sarcastic messages:
“A person must definitely eat meat. This is how nature intended"
Or more subtly (subtle trolling):
“Scientists conducted an experiment. They took two lions: one was fed a small amount of meat, and the other was fed a large amount of vegetables. A week later, the vegetarian lion died.”

Conclusions and results

Sarcasm is a subtle, caustic mockery. Although sarcasm has a negative connotation, people will always use it. Sarcasm is the ability to show yourself as smart and others as stupid.

If you do not understand the essence of this article, then your mental skills do not meet adequate standards :)

Thank you for your attention!

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“Only human stupidity and the Universe are infinite. Although I’m not sure about the second one” - this is one of the most striking examples of hidden sarcasm. What is it? Sarcasm, examples of which are abundant on the World Wide Web, is defined as a caustic, mocking remark that opens with a positive judgment, but generally contains a negative connotation. As a rule, the object of a merciless and harsh statement is some phenomenon or person. And any examples of sarcasm universally express hatred and anger. People who use such statements either do it to influence others or are struggling with some unpleasant situations for them. Neuroscientist from the University of California Rankin has proven that if sarcasm is funny and negatively caustic, then it plays an important role in the social interaction of people. According to her research, people with damaged parahippocampal gyrus cannot understand sarcasm. It is also difficult for people with dementia to perceive, which is why their reaction can be completely inadequate.

Examples of sarcasm at work

A senior manager or uses harsh language to manipulate his subordinates. Scientists have found that a caustic remark from management activates an employee’s work and allows him to look at problems from different angles. For example: “Do you really think that this project will win the tender? I don't understand, what's the problem? I am very surprised that a person who has received two higher educations hopes that his doodles will be highly appreciated by potential customers!” Or: “Darling, I see that your hair is shiny and your eyes are rolling languidly, but this is a job, not a place for a date! And if you don’t want to get paid by making cosmetics, then turn on your brain and take your mind off your reflection in the mirror, since there’s nothing to look at there!” Just don't use funny sarcasm at work. We need comments that can make employees feel inferior and insecure, which will encourage them to improve the quality of their work.

Examples of sarcasm in family relationships

In family relationships, caustic statements have room to run wild. But when manipulating with children, sarcasm should not be used, as it can be taken too seriously, even to the point of mental trauma. Let's consider examples applicable in relations between the sexes:

“Oh no, honey! Don't you seem a little stupid to me! You’re a little bit smart!”

She: “Darling, is it true that my new dress beautifully emphasizes my breasts? He: “Honey, I only see lung containers!”

Him: “What is your zodiac sign? She: “No entry!”

“Are all your places so hairy or just your nostrils?”

Examples of sarcasm can be given for a long time, because there are many of them on the Internet and specialized literature. If you wish, you can create your own list and use it depending on the situation. The better the sarcasm, the faster you can bring your opponent to a state of absolute inadequacy, when he, fearing new ridicule, will not even resist. As a result, his level of self-esteem decreases and a feeling of insignificance appears, which, in turn, leads to submission to the manipulator.