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Yellow siding red roof. Siding color combinations. Selection of siding: successful and unsuccessful color combinations

As a rule, the facade of the house is finished after the roof has been installed. And if you don't take care of the selection harmonious combination colors in advance, then you will have to rack your brains about what shade to choose for finishing.

For example, you have green roof. This perfect solution for the house around which they grow perennial trees. The color of the roof will fit into the landscape and look beautiful against the background of tree crowns. But the question is: what siding goes with a green roof? Even a professional designer will not give a definite answer. It depends on many factors. And first of all - from the taste of the owner. But there are some design tricks that will help you decide.

3 main rules for a harmonious combination of facade and roof

    Classic: dark top, light bottom.

    If you have a dark roof, choose siding in lighter shades. This is a classic rule that always works.

    Inversion: light top, dark bottom.

    A more extravagant solution. Slopes, external corners and the gutters can be made the same color as the roofing.

    Tone-on-tone: roof and walls are the same color.

Such a house looks monolithic, as a whole. But some people may find it boring.

Nuances not to be forgotten

To really create good combination facade and roof, designers recommend paying attention to the following nuances:

  • Look wider. Pay attention to the neighboring houses, the landscaping of your site, the landscape against which the house is located. Perhaps they will tell you the colors for the facade. For example, if all your neighbors choose brown roof, it often makes sense to join them. And if you have a green area, where there are a lot of flowers, bushes and trees, the roof and facade of green and brown shades will look very advantageous.
  • Choose variety. If you have a green roof, it is not necessary to clad the façade in the same color scheme. Pick 2-3 primary colors and use them on different elements of the house. This way it will look more alive and brighter.
  • The texture is also important. Sometimes it is the type of surface that determines the color choice.
  • Be discreet. Don't mix multiple bright colors. It is better to choose one catchy one and complement it with calm, pastel shades.
  • Don't be vulgar. Do not use too bright a shade as the main one.
  • Geometry matters too. If the house has an unusual architectural form with complex elements, it is quite acceptable and even desirable for the roof and facade to have the same light color or differ by only 1-2 tones. In this case decorative elements the facade can be emphasized with a contrasting shade.
  • Don't combine things that don't go together. There are colors that don't go together. So don't combine them!
  • There is always a way out! Can't find siding for your green roof? Choose the same color, just a few shades lighter.

How to choose siding color for a green roof

So you have a green roof, what color siding should you choose? Everything depends primarily on the shade of the roof: dark or light, rich or pastel, warm or cold.

For example, siding in light shades of beige or peach will suit a bright green roof.

Pairs well with green all shades of yellow-brown. It’s only better in this case to give preference to soft tones. If we look around, nature itself tells us an excellent solution: brown bark goes with the green crown of trees. Therefore, the combination of a block house with a green roof will look very natural.

The photo below shows light green siding, which can also be installed under a green roof. Pay attention to how white accents refresh the overall look of the house: gables, exterior corners, window openings and gutters.

By the way, White color on its own will also look good with a green roof. This is confirmed by the following photo:

To help homeowners, designers have developed entire color matching tables. So, the following siding colors are suitable for a green roof:

  • beige
  • yellow
  • pink
  • white

However, a lot depends on the shade. For example, if we are talking about a pink facade, then it should not be bright and saturated.

Don't trust your eyes

Do not forget that both roofing and siding will look “live” differently than on the stand in the salon. In addition, it is not always possible to attach roofing material to the facade in order to evaluate how they will look together.

Do you want to avoid making mistakes and choose the right one? siding will do to a green roof? Use Alta-Planner - online program on the selection of finishing for the house. It contains about 200 color and texture options from the Alta-Profile catalog! You will see your home from different colors roofing and siding and you can choose the most optimal one that will delight you long years. Experiment and decide!

External Finishing work pursue several main goals, of no small importance among which is attractive decorative look. On this moment Many materials are used, but houses covered with siding look the most original and aesthetically pleasing. The products are presented in a wide stylistic variety, which allows you to realize your design imagination.


There are several main types of material that are in stable demand.


The most popular products are made of PVC. The cheapest options are made from recycled materials, which reduces attractiveness and durability. High-quality panels stand out decorative variety, including various imitations.

Among all types of such siding, the block house stands out. When used, the coating takes the form wooden log house due to the reliable transfer of color and texture.

Vinyl block house - imitation of a wooden frame


Can be used as an alternative to vinyl. The material also applies to polymeric form, but has more modern technology manufacturing, which consists in the use of special components. The front coating of such parts is not subject to fading, which helps maintain decorativeness and color saturation throughout the entire service life.

Acrylic siding- color quality and saturation


It is produced on the basis of a composite, which includes wood raw materials and cellulose. Due to pressing, the material becomes resistant to moisture. Decorative and protective treatment of such parts is most often carried out at the last stage of manufacturing. You can update the coating after 3-5 years if you want to change the design.

wood siding- warmth and comfort

Externally, the elements fully reproduce the view wooden board, so it is difficult to distinguish such a finish from natural.


This facing material includes two varieties:

  • Steel products are very popular, since cladding a house with such siding allows you to get an excellent imitation of rounded logs. The effect is ensured outer covering, which is applied in a special way. The result is a rich color and the desired texture. A type of metal siding called “ship beam” is also popular.

Metal siding “ship beam”
  • Aluminum parts do not have such a wide decorative range, so they are more suitable for cladding industrial and commercial facilities.

Fiber cement

It is made on the basis of cement and cellulose, which provides high performance properties. Like the previous variety, it perfectly imitates the texture of a wood surface, which can be seen in the photo below. But it is extremely rare due to its high price.

Fiber cement panels – excellent characteristics, but high cost

On a note! Fiber cement and vinyl options can include not only facade materials, but also plinth products, which are successfully used for full house cladding. There are three main types of imitation: stone, brick and wood chips.


In order to finish the house with siding outside according to the technology, it is necessary to use special fittings. Also, additional elements make it possible to highlight the main color scheme, because most often they are of a different shade. The use of components allows you to harmoniously combine different panels.

How to choose siding color

To sheathe beautifully a private house or a dacha, it is necessary great attention pay attention to the selection of shade. To do this, many factors should be assessed: the size and shape of the building, the presence of other buildings nearby, the need to adhere to the old design idea.

Possible solutions

Different colors of siding allow you to emphasize the advantages and hide the shortcomings of the object.

Light coating

These are white, beige, cream, pale blue shades that significantly transform small houses, giving them volume and solidity. These colors are suitable for buildings with climbing hedges or surrounded by small trees or shrubs.

An interesting effect is obtained if a house sheathed with beige or other siding light shade, framed by a small front garden without massive ornaments and decorative items.

When choosing such a finish, it is necessary to place the accents correctly. The fact is that a completely monochromatic facade will not give the building a zest, so it is recommended to highlight windows and doorways. To achieve this, deeper tones are used that match the main skin.

Houses sheathed in white or beige siding will look more expressive if windows and doors are highlighted with dark elements.

Dark cladding

This design can be gray, dark blue, brown, rich cherry. These colors give the house austerity, visually making it smaller. But for the right choice it is necessary to evaluate the location of the object and the surrounding space.

So, brown and rich green tones in the outer skin are especially relevant when you are around big trees with a spreading crown. Although light shades can be used in such cases, dark options allow you to emphasize the status of the owner and his commitment to order.

As in the previous version, we must not forget about accents that help smooth out tension. If you completely decorate the building with too dark shades (blue, black), then the house will look gloomy and uninhabited, so some details need to be highlighted in light.

Small light elements will perfectly complement dark trim

Bright lining

This coloring should be clearly thought out. The fact is that overly rich solutions can quickly become boring, cause fatigue, or increase irritability. The shape of the house plays an important role: it should be non-standard, without the same straight lines.

For example, panels yellow color you can cover the entire building if it has more than one floor. The complex shape of the roof, facade and windows at a significant height will create an unusual effect. But it is advisable to highlight all openings with white or dark components.

Photo of a house with bright yellow siding

To correctly combine the facade and roof, you need to take into account some tips.

Classic combinations

The most popular solution is to combine dark and light shades, the latter being used exclusively for walls. This style is chosen if it is necessary to achieve complete harmony with the surrounding space and avoid pretentiousness. You can also cover the base with stone or use special siding for this.

A monochromatic solution is also classic, but this option will make the house faceless and uninteresting. To avoid this, corners, openings, and the edges of the roof overhang are highlighted. This structure looks whiter, stylish and individual.

Since siding is often chosen to imitate wood (log, timber or herringbone), the walls reproduce texture and texture natural material. In this case, cherry-colored tiles or green corrugated sheets are laid in advance.

You should know! The opposite combination (light roof and dark facade) requires a responsible approach, since the object may turn out to be incomplete, lacking coherence. To avoid this, dark background Light accents are placed, and all corners and edges of the roof are highlighted in the same shade as the walls.

Non-standard solutions

To make houses decorated with siding more expressive, you can use unusual combinations. So, if the roof is calm of blue color, then the facade is decorated in yellow, turquoise or beige.

The brown roof is perfectly complemented by light green walls.

Blue and gray surfaces will look standard. To make such a composition look more complete, it is decorated with catchy accents.

A green roof can have many combinations if you want to achieve non-standard solution. Yellow, gray and turquoise panels are suitable for this coating.

If the walls have a complex shape, you need to choose one primary color and highlight all the protrusions with another. This technique is used to level out the massiveness of the structure.

Warm and cool shades are suitable for rustic style. The surface can be coated basement siding under a natural stone or the color of burnt brick. The base must be highlighted. The appearance of any house will benefit if the pediment differs from the main cladding. You can also create a wide border separating it from the rest of the house.

Siding combination options

Usage different colors when designing a facade, it allows you to give private or country house individuality. Several basic methods are used for this.

Horizontal and vertical installation

Arrangement of panels in different directions- This is an excellent solution if you want to make the structure more expressive. In such a situation, there is no need to use shades of different colors: the desired effect can be achieved if the main part of the facade is clad horizontally, and the pediment vertically.

Interesting options are obtained when covering multi-storey buildings. In this case you need to create visible border between combined multidirectional elements. The building acquires outline and shape, which allows you to hide existing shortcomings.

Covering in two colors

When choosing this method, the shades must match each other, so it is advisable to have samples of products to evaluate real result. Because it often happens that pictures in catalogs distort the real color.

Facing technology: walls are divided into sections that will be completed in different styles. The tone of the connecting profile for joining the panels is also thought out; it should not attract much attention to itself.

Most often, this combination is used to highlight corners, but it is also suitable for areas above and below the window opening.

It would be wrong to think that a harmonious color scheme is important only when decorating interiors. The facade also needs careful study, especially when a material such as siding is used for its design.

After all, it has a wide range of colors, as do roofing materials. Therefore, the combination of roof and siding colors should be thoughtful, creating a pleasant-looking exterior of the building.

Criterias of choice

Considering that the cladding of external walls is carried out after roofing finished, selecting siding according to the color of the roof is the most logical.


  • Giving preference to a certain color combination of finishing facade materials, we should not forget that they must be in harmony not only with each other, but also with the environment.
  • The decoration of the house can be stylish and bright, it can be invisible against the background of other buildings, it can be a contrast to the design local area. Let's look at the options we have proposed together and think about how to choose the color of the siding for the roof so as to get an original facade.
  • There is an opinion that rich and bright shades roofing materials best used for roofs is simple geometric shape, which do not have complex elements. This statement can only be argued by giving an example that states the opposite.

  • In the photo above you see that the roof is in four levels, each of which has different shapes, covered with bright blue tiles. General form Such richness does not spoil the façade at all, because the corner and window areas of the walls are finished to match the color of the roofing material.
  • Since we are talking about an azure-colored roof, pay attention to how, in this case, the selection of roof color and siding color was carried out. Panels whose color is called “banana” were chosen for cladding the walls.
    In general, each manufacturer has its own color scheme for its products, and the shades may be called differently. Some people simply number them.
  • Design of this facade built on contrast: a neutral shade of the walls - as opposed to the bright color of the roof. It would be wrong, in this case, to use an equally rich color to decorate the walls.
    And siding can be like that. After all, there are aluminum panels on sale with bright colors obtained through polymer coating.

  • In the following example, you can see how the same royal blue roof color pairs beautifully with marshmallow colored siding. The configuration of the house is completely different, but the finishing principle is the same.
    Window trims, eaves overhangs, the perimeter of the pediment (see), and even the fence are painted in the same azure color. Thanks to this design, the facade does not look monotonous, and the roof fits harmoniously into its appearance.
  • If trees grow close to the house, the color of the roof is selected so that the leaves that fall on the roof in the fall do not stand out so much against its background. Most often it is a green roof, or has yellow-brown shades. By the way, a green roof looks great in many other cases.
  • What color is the siding green roof better to use? Much depends on its hue and saturation.
    In the picture above you can see the roof dark green color, perfectly matching the shade with the foliage. Blueberry leaves have the same color, after which the color of the siding panels used in this case is named.
  • If the roof color is a brighter shade of green, as in our next example, the shade of the siding should be a lighter shade. The color "ice cream" is perfect for this.

  • WITH green flowers all shades of yellow-brown scale are perfectly combined, but soft. Therefore, sheathing panels that imitate, for example, a wood texture (see), in this situation, would look just as good.
  • If we continue the theme of bright colors of roofing materials, then red can be called one of the most popular. Here, too, much depends on its saturation.
    Dark red ceramic tiles are one of the classic roofing materials that have been used for many decades.

  • But there are not so many colors that harmoniously combine with red - white, and light shades of brown. In our example, the facade of the house is lined with sand-colored basement siding, with a “brick-like” texture.
    A similar design of siding and roof looks just great in the decoration of a small house. But, it seems that in the facade of a large mansion, such a combination would look no worse.
  • By the way, about siding panels. They can not only be long, but also be modules rectangular shape. As a rule, they are composite, that is, multilayer, and are also mounted using interlocking joints.
  • Siding panels can imitate not only brickwork or clinker lining, but also have the relief of a log surface. Therefore, before choosing a siding for a red roof, you need to take into account its texture.
    You will see an excellent option for this selection in the photo below.
  • If you have not encountered modular siding, watch the video and you will understand how quickly you can clad a house with your own hands if you use this type panels. Installation instructions are usually included with purchase.
    More high price This type of cladding is due not only to the excellent appearance of the material, but also to its thermal insulation properties.

  • And here is the next example of finishing a house with a red roof, but more bright shade. The peach color panels are chosen here, and the bright red roof harmonizes perfectly with it. We can say that this is a natural combination, because the peach has a red side.
    And everything that is harmonious in nature will be beautiful in decoration.
  • The color of the roof of the house that we see in the next picture cannot be called red. Terracotta-colored shingles are interspersed with darker, almost black elements. Moreover, the roof configuration falls into the complex category. Look how pleasing to the eye it is when combined with the crème brûlée wall paneling.

It is not for nothing that we indicate in quotation marks the exact names of the shades of the siding we produce. If you like any option, just remember what it is called, and it will be easier for you to choose siding to match the color of the roof.

After all, online selection is not yet available everywhere. Only large shopping centers can boast of such a service.

Color solutions according to style

Many architectural styles They generally do not accept the use of polymer materials in finishing. Nevertheless, you need to try to stay within the framework of the style in which the house was built.


  • Take, for example, the style of a Russian estate. The roofs of such houses always have a complex configuration, with many turrets and gables. But the finishing is always done in neutral colors. Bright roofs are not appropriate in this style.

  • How to choose the color of the siding to match the roof in this case? Let's look at the example presented. We see the roof a pleasant shade of coffee with milk.
    The cream-colored siding panels that cover the central part of the facade, as well as all the gables, simply harmonize perfectly with the color of the roof.
  • The use of gray color requires careful attention. It looks nice only if the house is located in an open, well-lit area.
    A gray building, always in the shadows, will look inexpressive.

  • Decorating the roof and walls in the same light shades is quite acceptable, and even encouraged in cases where the house has a complex configuration, interesting architectural elements. To prevent the finish from blending, you can take materials that differ by one or two tones.
  • But oh beautiful design individual elements façade, which provides a contrast to the main color, should not be forgotten either. In the example above you see an elegant facade, the design of which uses and bitumen shingles gray shades, plus white finish window areas, columns, eaves overhangs.
  • You can find color combinations in many styles. For example, the Renaissance does not accept cold and gray shades.
    Therefore, the colors of wall and roof coverings are selected in warm, cream, brownish and reddish tones. But even in this case, it is impossible to do without contrasting finishing of some elements of the facade.

  • White color appears in many styles: old and new classics, Mediterranean, Provence, minimalism and hi-tech. And if in classics it is combined with beige or cream, then in minimalism it is combined with steel and gray.
  • By the way, in houses with several gables, two or three types of siding are often used to decorate the walls. They can differ not only in color, but also in shape and texture, as well as in the direction of installation. This type of decoration always looks interesting and makes the building original.

Country, Alpine, chalet and half-timbered styles adhere more to various wood shades. It would seem how you can use siding in styles that “preach” only natural materials.

It turns out that you can get something similar by choosing correct color, and designing the parapets of the balcony and porch accordingly.

When building a private house, the owners may be faced with the question of how to correctly select the color of the roof and siding. Currently construction market crowded various types materials for finishing roofs and facades of houses. The color palette of these building materials is simply amazing. But how to combine and combine colors correctly to get the perfect picture, and not a tasteless splash of color?

Siding is used to imitate wooden cladding of residential or industrial premises.

Roofing and materials based on it

Humanity does not stand still in its development, and the emergence of new materials proves this as well as possible. Our usual roof design methods, such as slate and metal plates, gradually fade into the background, giving way to more modern materials for these works. All these theses apply to the decoration of house facades. The choice of new materials is quite large. Here are just a few of them that are especially popular among ordinary citizens of our country:

  • ondulin;
  • metal tiles;
  • flexible roof;
  • corrugated sheeting

If the choice of materials is large, then the color palette used in their manufacture is simply huge. This is especially true for metal tiles, since there are a great many types and colors of them available on the building materials market. Modern production uses almost everything known to us color palette for the production of their products. This allows our imagination to run wild. And sometimes when designing an object, trying to use as many colors as possible, we end up with a rather gray or, conversely, too colorful final picture. How to correctly combine the colors of the roof and connect it with the decoration of the facade? To do this, you can contact a design company and be sure that specialists will do everything in their power, or, conversely, following a few basic tips when choosing a color, do all the work yourself. The choice in this difficult issue remains with the potential consumer.

Separately, I would like to consider the issue of the quality of new materials. The same slate has proven itself with best side during operation. However, the installation process is quite complicated. What is it about new materials that has earned them such popularity? The answer is simple - in all respects they are not inferior to slate, and in some they even win. A variety of colors and low weight are the main advantages of new materials.

Principles for combining the colors of a building with the surrounding space

How to combine colors correctly? As children, we were given the answer to this question in fine arts lessons. Now, based on this experience, we will highlight several features when finishing the roof and facade of a building.

It is very important that the appearance of the object is in harmony with the existing landscape. If it is necessary for the roof and façade of a building to be combined with the surrounding area, as a rule, colors that match the surrounding landscape are used.

For a house located near a sea or river beach, yellow or blue is ideal, and for a building in the forest, it is better to choose a green or brown finish.

There can be a lot of options, but the main thing is to take a reasonable approach and not overdo it with colors.

Nearby buildings also play a role in the selection of the color palette.

Sometimes, so that our house does not look like the neighboring one, we are ready for any experiments with color. This is not always beneficial, since you can end up with a completely tasteless structure. Let's imagine a picture in which all the houses on the street are made in blue colors with a dark blue roof, and in the middle of this composition you can see a brown color with a yellow roof. This finish does not look the best, and similar examples a great multitude. Sometimes it’s better to look at your neighbor’s house and do something similar to his than to end up with a completely inappropriate color scheme for your home.

Finish options

Light-colored siding with a dark roof is the most common type of finish.

Let's also talk about options for combining roofs and siding. As a rule, there are three main combinations.

  1. A light facade and a dark roof is the most common type of decoration, which uses the same color in different tones. Dark blue suitable for roof turquoise facade, burgundy roof will be embodied in pink walls- here are just a few examples of finishing that looks presentable, but does not catch the eye.
  2. The facade and roof are the same color - with this solution, the selection of the color of the siding and roof is carried out based on the calculation of completing the entire volume of work in one color scheme. The structure of the object in this case turns out to be holistic and monolithic. This option can be diversified by using accessories of different tones. Ebbs, corners, slopes - all these details can have other colors to diversify the resulting picture.
  3. A light roof and a dark facade are the most interesting option finishing, since few people decide to implement it. The main thing is not to make the roof too dark, as the visual picture can turn out gloomy and dull. Usually the roof is only a few shades lighter than the façade, and this creates a pleasant contrast during appearance the whole object.

Risk factors when choosing a color scheme

The installation process is complete, the result is pleasing to the eye. It seems that all the rules have been followed and there is nothing more to worry about. However, time passes and the picture begins to change. What is this connected with? There are a number of points that need to be taken into account Special attention, since they are not immediately visible, but appear only over time:

  • fading of paint on surfaces;
  • heat absorption.

Gray color is the least susceptible to fading in the sun.

Under the influence of ultraviolet any, even the most resistant paint gradually begins to change color, fade in the sun. Typically this is very bright colors, which burn out faster when exposed to solar radiation and become dull and faded, which is a big surprise for the owner of the house. As a result, panels need to be replaced, which is an additional expense. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the factor of fading under ultraviolet load when using very bright colors in the decoration of facades and roofs.

It's no secret that dark colors“absorb” the sun’s rays more strongly. This can also cause some discomfort if not prepared. good thermal insulation. The room will be too hot and stuffy due to the constant heating of the outer surface, while it will also quickly cool down in the absence of a heat source. Even if this is not such an obvious disadvantage, it certainly disrupts the heat transfer process significant drawback. Therefore, when choosing rather dark tones, the thickness of the thermal insulation layer should be such that no impact is felt inside the room. sun rays outside.

Many neglect gray shades, they seem dull and joyless to them initially. But that's not true. Exactly grey colour least of all lends itself to the above factors, and you can pick up a great variety of options using it and get the result no worse than when using bright colors and shades.

Conclusion on this topic

Decor own home- this is very important aspect for any construction. Everyone wants their home to be not only comfortable and convenient, but also look presentable from the outside. To accomplish this task, we use various methods. One of them is the combination color solutions for siding and its combination with the roof of the building. This process is quite complicated, so it is better to entrust it to specialists, but if you have the desire and at least a small idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe combination of colors, you can do all the necessary work yourself.

A variety of materials for roofing and facade decoration forces us to keep up with the times and use in construction latest solutions design and engineering. The number of color options is limitless. Under these conditions, it becomes quite difficult to choose a color, but everyone is trying to join the new trends, using a maximum of colors in the decoration of the facade and roof of the building. But the result is not always praiseworthy. Excessive grayness or, on the contrary, variegation and brightness make such objects more like "white crows" among the space surrounding them.

Choosing siding to match the color of the roof is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Palette roofing coverings relatively narrow, therefore, there are not so many shades that can harmoniously complement it.

In our article we will look at how to choose a material so that the shades of the coatings effectively complement each other, and the overall picture of the house fits well into the surrounding landscape.

A high-quality selection of color combinations for siding and roofing will determine the future attractiveness of your home

Basic guidelines for selection

Classic combinations of roofing and siding shades

For many decades empirically The most effective combinations, which are considered classic, were identified. These include:

  • Dark roof and light facade. The selection of shades for panels and roofing in this design is perhaps the most traditional and frequently encountered. This variation, where a large area of ​​light-colored walls contrasts with the roof in tone, is pleasing to the eye. Other contrasting elements, for example, the plinth and window frames, can add additional interest to the design.

Classic combination dark roof with light facade trim
  • Selection of roofing and panels in one tone. In this case, the façade and roof are, as it were, a continuation of one another, virtually forming a single whole. At the same time, the house looks monolithic and harmonious, but for some it may appear boring in appearance.
  • The option with light roof and slightly darker siding facade. The accent here is the walls. The roof is supported by a similar shade of door and window openings. This solution will appeal to those who are not afraid of fresh ideas.

Successful and unsuccessful combinations

When organizing the design of the outside of the house with your own hands, be sure to pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Under any circumstances, the roof and siding facade, made in different shades of the same color, will be a good solution.
  • Natural shades combine well with each other and with the surrounding nature.

Advice! It is not at all necessary to choose a single color scheme for the facade. Two or three main shades, repeated in different colors, will look much fresher and more interesting. various elements facade.

It is not recommended to select materials based on roof color as follows:

  • Using sharply contrasting and poorly combined shades.
  • Making the design of the house absolutely monochromatic, devoid of accents.
  • Using overly bright shades as the main ones.
  • You should also avoid too much large quantity colors in the facade palette. Two or three options will be more than enough.

Other criteria for choosing siding and roofing colors

House with blue roof and white façade siding will look very beautiful and well-groomed

In order to choose the color of the panels and roof as best as possible, it is not enough to be guided only by their combination. You should definitely pay attention to the surroundings of the house and site. For example, it is recommended to pay attention to your neighbors’ houses.

This doesn't mean you have to copy them. Taking into account the tint solutions of nearby buildings, you can the best way determine for yourself whether you want your home to stand out against their background, or whether you will stand in solidarity and keep common line cottages located on the street.

In addition, you should not deprive your surroundings of attention. landscape. So, with densely planted bushes and trees around the house, a roof and facade in close to natural green and brown tones will harmonize perfectly. If the house is located near the beach, blue, coral, turquoise and beige shades are more suitable for painting the house.