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Projects of small wooden houses made of logs. Log houses of small houses

The SeverStroyLes company brings to your attention big choice small houses from rounded logs. You can live in them with the necessary level of comfort and at the same time spend relatively little money on their purchase. Exhibit on products affordable prices availability allows us own production logs and teams of highly qualified specialists who short time will build an object of any complexity.

Projects of small houses made of rounded logs

Taking care of our customers, we are constantly expanding the range of residential properties that differ in size, layout, architectural solutions And additional elements. In the catalog you can find various projects small houses made of rounded logs. These can be ordinary one- or two-story structures without any extensions. Some will choose models with an attic, balconies, verandas or terraces. In any case you will receive quality houses, which have a lot of advantages:

  • demonstrate increased stability To atmospheric influences, are distinguished by wear resistance, strength and durability - they will last for many decades;
  • create an ideal microenvironment indoors with optimal humidity and temperature characteristics for human habitation;
  • have the ability to naturally regulate thermoregulation, giving a person warmth or coolness depending on environmental changes.

Small houses made of rounded logs provide high level comfort in any climate. They are absolutely safe, because they are made from environmentally friendly natural materials that nature itself gave us. The hypoallergenic properties of wood are advantageously complemented by its aesthetic appeal. We can say that such a house is a real work of art. In addition, you don’t need to spend money on finishing at all - another plus that speaks in favor of purchasing it.

Choosing small house from rounded logs from our company, you get high-quality and durable housing that you can envy. You can choose any type of layout or offer your own options - we will make all your dreams come true in the blink of an eye. Contact us today, and soon you will become the owner of a cozy wooden house, which will bring a lot of warmth and comfort into your life - call!

It is steadily gaining momentum, although previously such structures were very popular, especially in dachas and suburban areas. Small projects wooden houses today we are ready to offer many construction companies. Such designs have a positive effect on human health.

Project of a small wooden house with an attic

First of all, this is due to the fact that wood is a natural natural material and has a number of advantages.

Wood properties:

  • Wooden buildings have excellent circulation and good air exchange;
  • The low thermal conductivity of log houses helps retain heat in the coldest winter;
  • Beautiful designs can easily be brought to life using wood as building material, they will not look the same, boring;
  • The unique texture of each log or beam is a subtle, individual feature;
  • Being in a wooden house, you feel a special, positive atmosphere that promotes relaxation and rest.

Option for a small wooden house project

Today, when creating a comfortable home with all modern amenities, owners prefer to build small ones on purchased plots, especially country houses - comfortable, environmentally friendly, in which there is a healing atmosphere.

One of the initial stages of building a wooden house is creating a project. This the most important aspect, the safety, comfort and service life of the home will depend on competent and high-quality design. Having studied geographical characteristics soil, you can start designing. It's connected with . There are a variety of designs from which you can really choose the right wooden house project.

Ready-made project of a wooden house with a basement floor

The contractor will complete its turnkey construction carefully and on time. What are the requirements for the project:

  • Certified with a blue seal;
  • Must be signed by officials on all pages;
  • Consists of 36 album sheets containing the necessary sections;
  • Its developers must have a blue seal certified license to operate.

If the project is not perfect, a construction permit may be refused. The documents must contain a clause on the responsibility of the design organization in accordance with the article of the Law.


Ready standard project must have the following sections:

  • sketch;
  • architectural;
  • constructive;
  • engineering.

The sketch part is a drawing of a house that explains certain wishes of the customer and developer.

Project and layout of a small wooden house with an attic

The architectural section includes information about the number and location of rooms, windows, and doors.

When preparing this item you need to install:

  • How many floors will there be?
  • Number of rooms, their location, purpose;
  • Dimensions of residential premises. Sanitary standards provide 12 square meters per resident. m.;
  • How many hygiene rooms are there and where are they located?
  • Will it be, and for what purposes is it intended;
  • Existence included in the existing project.

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Insulation of the house facade from the outside

The constructive paragraph contains information on the equipment of the foundation, walls, ceilings and roof.
The engineering section includes sections on home heating and electricity.

What else is shown

The finished project must contain a graphic image of the building and an estimate.

Presence needs to be monitored necessary documents to avoid additional costs. This concerns the foundation. If the finished project has standard soil, and ideally there is soft soil, then the house can “float”. This fact is important.

What problems might there be?

As a result of developing projects for small wooden houses, it is better to adhere to some recommendations:

The energy-saving Swedish foundation is also good, allowing you to reduce heating costs.

Ways to get a project

If the owner independently builds a small wooden house, you should listen to the following advice:

  1. It is necessary to conduct a topographic survey of the land plot, record it on paper and transfer it to local administration, having received a copy.
  2. Carry out a geological study of the construction area to detect water and determine the quality of the soil. This information is needed to select the type of foundation.

The design stage is very important, how competently the projects are developed for the construction of a house, so that the home will be reliable and will last for quite a long time.

Interior and decoration of a small wooden house

Many city residents dream that one day they will wake up as owners of a small country house or cottage. Considering that the demand for wooden houses is only growing, construction in this direction is developing very actively.

The Marisrub company offers quality and reasonable prices, which attract clients with a wide range of income levels.

The most popular among our customers are small houses, the area of ​​which does not exceed 100 square meters. Such a project will not scare you with its price.

Despite the fact that the size of their houses is small, with correct layout, there will be quite enough space there. Your project can turn into a bath house or a guest house. If the lack of space is still noticeable, you can always add more top floor with an attic.

The price for projects of small wooden houses made of logs starts from 250 thousand rubles. Taking care of our clients, we have provided the possibility of building housing on credit.

Wooden houses are simply created for a happy life!

Wood has long been a very popular material in construction. This is because it boasts a number of advantages:

1. Wood creates an ideal microclimate for the body indoors. This natural material is completely environmentally friendly and has excellent breathability.

2. High thermal insulation properties make it a very advantageous material: you are always warm. This means that you can save on heating.

3. Stylish appearance wood inside and out allows you to minimize costs for Decoration Materials. The tree is beautiful in itself and looks expensive, stylish and solid.

4. Despite its great popularity, this material still remains much more accessible than many others.

Stop being jealous of your friends and acquaintances! Order yours from our company own house and experience all the delights of comfort and coziness.

Select your house project from the proposed options and simply contact us. If you don't like anything, it doesn't matter. Based on your ideas and suggestions, we can create your individual project, which no one else will have! Moreover, you will get all this completely free of charge if you order construction from “Mari Log House”.

Living outside the city has become not only fashionable, but also quite practical; by purchasing a small plot of land, you can build on it country house, and a home for permanent residence or organize an eco-hotel in a picturesque location. In any case, the majority gives preference to the construction of small and functional home. In the building small size there is everything necessary premises for a comfortable stay and it is always cozy.

Design workshop "DK-Dom" will create a unique project small house, which will be easy to build on small area and a small family can live in it comfortably. A house made of logs will be environmentally friendly, which is very important today and will not require large expenses for heating the premises and other utility costs.

As a rule, small-sized log houses are built on one floor or with an attic.

A house whose area does not exceed 100 square meters is considered small. For comparison, such a house can accommodate 5-6 functional premises standard size: kitchen, dining room, living room, bedroom, bathroom. node and hallway. And choosing a house project with an attic will allow future owners to make maximum use of the living space. On attic floor can be placed utility room, a separate room with a unique flavor. You can easily build from the attic work area, children's playroom, extra bedroom or a dressing room.

Our website presents a variety of projects of small wooden houses.

On the website of the company Design Workshop "DK-Dom" you will find a catalog of ready-made projects of small houses, which is constantly updated and supplemented with new projects. To make it easier for you to make your choice, all presented projects are accompanied by photorealistic visualizations and layouts that will help you imagine in the most comprehensive way what your project will look like. future home. A team of professional architects is ready to make the necessary additions and changes to finished projects based on the customer’s needs and provide planning solution within 8 hours, and completely finished project during the week. The cost of designing the main section is 400 rubles per 1 square meter (the main sections of the project are AR and CD). We guarantee full legal and complete documentary support of the transaction.

Small and cozy house outside the city will give you an unforgettable feeling of unity with nature and yourself!

The SeverStroyLes company invites everyone to buy a log house of a small house on favorable conditions. This perfect solution for temporary or year-round residence of one person or a small family - sizes may vary. You can also choose the layout, decoration, various architectural elements such as a balcony or veranda.

Due to the relatively small dimensions, prices for small log houses are low, so almost everyone can afford housing. In addition, you do not have to pay the entire amount at once - we provide step-by-step payment. And the cost of our services and materials is lower than many. This is due to the presence of our own production and the organization of a full cycle of work on a turnkey system without the involvement of third parties.

Advantages of small log houses

The construction of such a building does not require expensive foundations or special equipment - all work is carried out manually by a team of specialists. The log houses of small houses can be assembled at any time of the year, and it will not take much time - in just a few weeks the housing will be ready. As for the general advantages of wooden buildings, we note the following important points:

  • Ecological cleanliness. From the point of view of hygienic safety, wood is the most suitable material to create a home.
  • Comfortable climate. The tendency of wood to thermoregulate ensures suitable temperature and humidity conditions at any time of the year.
  • Durability. Thoughtful assembly using proven technology, high-quality wood and antiseptic treatment ensures long-term operation in any climate.

We develop projects for the log houses of small houses ourselves, so if your friend needs to make changes to the proposed solutions, there will be no problems. We offer any layout and architecture, size and design - it all depends on your financial capabilities and personal taste. In any case, you can count on significant cost savings and high quality services and materials offered - contact us!