home · On a note · Types of vinyl siding: decorative and functional differences. Which siding is better - acrylic or vinyl Description of equipment for the production of vinyl siding

Types of vinyl siding: decorative and functional differences. Which siding is better - acrylic or vinyl Description of equipment for the production of vinyl siding

One of the most popular questions today is about how to properly make siding. In this case, you can use highly qualified specialists who will do the job properly.

But this will take a significant toll on your pocket. Therefore, many are interested in how to make siding themselves.

Siding: definition of material

This is a very important moment. But with the right approach, quality similar works will not be inferior to the activities of professional builders.


  • First of all, you need to understand what this concept is.
  • Siding is a type of material whose direct purpose is wall cladding.

It provides decoration for the facades of buildings, and also provides them with protection from external factors, in particular weather conditions.

Initially wood was used. But due to the fact that the material is natural and high quality, its price is too high. This was the reason for the emergence of new types of cladding. Now you need to figure out what siding is made of.

List of possible materials:

  • Made of wood (see).
  • Made of wood.
  • Made from vinyl (see).
  • Made of metal (see).
  • Made from cement.

Note. Each material has its own specifics, but in general each of them is of high quality and performs all its characteristic functions.

Carrying out installation work

When you decide to install siding yourself, a completely logical question arises - where to start?

In the table - overview upcoming works so that you have an idea of ​​what actions need to be performed.

How to take measurements correctly

Let’s start the section on how to make siding yourself, first of all, with recommendations regarding measurements of the building that you are going to cover:

  • To do this, you can use a method called geometric partitioning.
  • Its essence lies in the fact that the building needs to be divided into more simple figures, after which it is necessary to calculate the sum of their area.

Advice. It is important to remember that it is better to take the material with a small margin. This is necessary so that you have insurance in the event of a certain percentage of defective finishing materials.

Preparation of the workplace

So where will the material be stored? And also where can you cut and file it?

Please note that:

  • Sufficient space is required. After all, during the installation process you will need to install scaffolding.
  • In case of unfavorable weather, namely rain or snow, you need to lay pallets or boards. It is on them that the siding should be placed before direct installation.
  • The process requires the presence of a table - a workbench. Panels are stacked on it for sawing. The best solution will be installing a canopy over it.

Advice. You can make scaffolding yourself. The presence of bars and old boards will help in this matter. If they are not available, then scaffolding will need to be purchased.

DIY siding installation tools

You will need:

  • Electric drill– most works involve its use. In this case, the power of the device will play a big role, especially if the walls are made of brick or concrete.
  • Jigsaw or saw. But when working with metal, a circular saw will be more effective.
  • Screwdriver, hammer and metal scissors– required attributes.
  • Twine– is needed in order to level the vertical plane of the sheathing.

How to make siding yourself: surface treatment

The instructions are:

  • Construction involves processing facade plaster. The reason for this is cracks in the walls, insects, etc.
  • If the object is not new, then you need to remove old finishing materials.
  • If there are places on the walls that have bloomed or rotten, then they need to be replaced or treated.
  • Seams and joints need to be sealed. It would be rational to use special water-repellent materials.
  • After plastering, you need to attach the sheathing. She will straighten the façade.

Helpful Tips:

  • It is important to remember that when installing siding, the wall must be level.

Quality installation work depends on how correctly the sheathing was packed (see), namely, what is the strength at the base.

How to fix the panels correctly

During the installation process, remember about the formation of gaps between the panels, since this type of cladding is affected by temperature; it can shrink or, conversely, expand.

If you ignore this fact, you may end up with a swollen façade. To secure the panel, use self-tapping screws or galvanized nails.

Advice. Nails should not be driven tightly into the middle of the hole. By following this rule, you will get a reliable fastening. This is because if you drive the nail too tightly into the hole, it may get damaged.

Insulation for siding

The choice is influenced by weather conditions in winter time of the year. If your region has extremely cold winters, then you should not skimp on insulating material.

What to pay attention to:

  • Using expanded polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam or basalt wool will be for you ideal option if you have hard climatic conditions. (cm. )
  • If winter is warm in your area, cover the walls with foam plastic.

This will save you cash without compromising coziness and comfort.

Features of siding installation

  • On the siding sheathing that you previously secured, you need to attach an auxiliary profile - H-profile starting strips for joints.
  • The next thing you need to do is frame the windows (see). For this you will need J-profiles, platband, and window strips.
  • Corner elements must be attached to the corner parts of the house. The distance from the cornices is within 6 cm, while 6 mm below the starting profiles.

Advice. It is important to remember that profiles are mandatory. They make the siding stronger and are auxiliary elements upon registration.

How to install horizontal panels with your own hands - step-by-step guide:

  • Insert the first strip into the groove of the vertical profile, bending the middle slightly.
  • Next you need to install it in starting bar, then secure.
  • After securing lower parts siding, adjust it so that there are gaps within 4 mm at the extreme parts.
  • Self-tapping screws must be attached to the central parts of the technological holes. Step back 1 mm from the surface part.
  • Absolutely all rows must be installed in the same way. The exception should be the last row. It must be installed strictly after the soffit has been secured and the finishing strip has been installed.

Advice. Sheathing must begin from the places to which it is distributed most of loads, for example doors or windows. This way, other connections will be isolated from these locations.

To learn how to make siding, watch the video presented on this site. You will be able to visually evaluate the nuances of the work.

When choosing a material for facade cladding, it is important to approach this issue, otherwise the money will be wasted.

We will talk to you about the popular material today - siding, and tell you what manufacturers of vinyl siding exist.

Manufacturing technology

Vinyl siding was originally invented and manufactured in North America, USA and Canada more than 50 years ago. Behind long years technologies have changed a lot, and it is safe to say that siding manufacturers from the USA and Canada make the highest quality products. However, prices for foreign materials are more expensive than domestic analogues, so it is worth considering this option for purchasing products.

Vinyl siding is produced using the extrusion method. This means that molten vinyl powder is forced through special holes into the mold. After the vinyl has cooled, it retains its shape, it is removed from the extruder, then cut to specified dimensions and given a working profile.

Production technology is divided into two types:

  • Monoextrusion;
  • Coextrusion.

In monoextrusion production, the composition of the siding is uniform, all additives in it are distributed equally, and do not take into account the properties of the external and inside panels. Today this method is practically not used, as it is considered outdated.

The coextrusion production method is more advanced and requires the use of expensive equipment. Its essence is that the first layer is 15-25% of the thickness of the panel, it contains a dye to give color and additives to protect against conditions external environment. The inner layer is much thicker and has a different composition, which allows the siding to retain its shape for many years.

Thanks to the use of this technology it is possible optimal material in price, strength and durability.

The thickness of the panels is determined by the standard established by the American Society for Testing Materials and should range from 0.9 to 1.2 mm. If you want the facade to serve you for more than 10 years, it is recommended to use a siding thickness of at least 1.1 mm.

Often, low price on siding may be to the detriment of its quality.
Manufacturers, in pursuit of cost reduction, use recycled products (more than 4%) to make the second layer, which are obtained from old doors and plastic windows.
Sometimes this siding is called “Grey-back”.
Some manage to use up to 80% recycled products, which naturally greatly reduces the characteristics of the material.
At the same time he suffers appearance and the strength of the siding, as well as its resistance to climatic influences.

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Pitfalls when choosing

Inexperienced builders do not know all the intricacies of choosing siding, and usually choose it based on appearance.

You should consider these nuances so that you can choose quality material for the facade with your own hands.

  • German quality. Russian companies often go for this marketing ploy, as joint Russian-German siding production. For many, the inscription “Made in Germany” has already become a symbol of high quality, and therefore people choose this manufacturer.
    In fact, this company only has a name from German quality, so be careful and do not make a choice only because of the country of manufacture.
  • Choose panels not bright colors, then they will retain their original color longer and will absorb less heat. Recently, siding with a protective acrylic layer has appeared, which allows you to obtain more saturated colors, but it is much more expensive.

  • Buy additional elements white . It fades more slowly in the sun and does not absorb much heat. If you still decide to buy components dark colors, get a written guarantee from the seller that the parts will not be exposed to the sun if the installation instructions are followed. You can see an example of such a defect in the photo below:

  • Try to purchase products from those companies that have been on the market the longest. Large companies usually value their reputation greatly, and therefore monitor the quality of their products. If you don't like something, it will be easier to resolve complaints issues.
    And most importantly, if in 10 years you decide to make an extension to the house, you will make its facade the same color as the house, because each manufacturer has its own color palette.

Before purchasing, check with the sellers which type of siding is easier to clean. This is not so important, but, nevertheless, it can serve as one of the decisive factors when choosing among several types.

Does siding burn out?

The main question that plagues many buyers is whether siding fades in the sun? Our answer: Yes, it fades, like any painted material. Titanium dioxide is responsible for preserving color, which is added to the top layer and protects pigments from ultraviolet rays.

This is the difference between cheap and high-quality siding. The highest quality types will begin to fade after 10 years, many Russian ones after 5 years, and the cheapest ones after 1-2 years. So if you are building a house for yourself, then it is better not to skimp on facing materials.

List of manufacturers

Below is short review manufacturing companies and a small description.

Foreign companies

  • Mitten is a Canadian company that has been on the market for 50 years. The products of this company are different high quality and a beautiful color palette, but costs more.

  • Variform– good and high-quality products from the USA. If you like it beautiful shade, you can buy with confidence.
  • Elixir– American economy class siding. The quality is comparable to the domestic economy series from Alfa-Profile, but the price is higher.
  • Vytecexcellent quality, from a Canadian company, you can buy.
  • Gentek- another manufacturer from Canada who has been on the market for 50 years. One of Mitten's main competitors.
  • Heartland– economy option from the USA. There is no point in overpaying; it is easier to buy domestic products for less money.
  • Royal– Polish siding. Quite a good option, but more expensive than Russian analogues. You can buy if you like any color.
  • Georgia Pacific– high-quality siding from the USA.
  • Nailite– USA. Engaged in production plinth panels high quality siding.
  • Foundry– one of the leaders in the production of vinyl siding.
  • Novik– popular Canadian siding. It is durable and reliable.
  • Kaycan- another Canadian manufacturer with good quality products.
  • Remico– according to statements, this is a manufacturer from Canada, but there are many rumors about it, that it is made in Poland, and that it is a fake. A dubious manufacturer, so it is better to refrain from purchasing their products.

You can watch a video about how the popular Canadian siding Mitten is produced:

What is vinyl siding? You've probably read about vinyl siding in various articles and said that it is made of polyvinyl chloride, or simply "PVC". The article probably talked about the excellent price-quality ratio of vinyl siding for cladding the facade of a house, and all of them were listed functional benefits and characteristics of the material. Articles often mention that the production of vinyl siding is based on the use of polyvinyl chloride as the main material. The finishing material It’s inexpensive, quick to install, and easy to clean, right? If you are intimately familiar with siding and its chemical component, then, like millions of consumers, you will probably simply nod and smile and take a step forward.

If you have no idea what kind of finishing material this is and are going to invest your hard-earned money in hundreds of squares cladding panels and decorate the facade of your house with it, then it would be nice to get answers to some basic questions. Maybe you are familiar with materials such as wood, aluminum and steel. So why not find out what PVC is?

What is vinyl siding, & what is polyvinyl chloride?

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a synthetic polymer. Base material for the production of vinyl siding

Without going into too much detail, polyvinyl chloride is a thermoplastic polymer. Thermoplastic, at a certain degree of heating, melts and becomes liquid, and when the mass cools, it becomes very hard and even brittle. Remember how chocolate behaves under the influence different temperatures and a lot will become clear to you in terms of thermoplastic. This is why vinyl siding expands in hot weather and contracts in cold weather.

A polymer is simply a very large network consisting of large quantity related, identical parts. Each polymer chain is essentially Velcro and can easily be attached to another polymer chain. In general, all these polymer chains form a material of sufficient rigidity and strength called vinyl siding.

Polymers can be natural or synthetic. For example, natural polymers include shellac, amber, and cellulose, which you can find in wood and paper. Synthetic polymers include neoprene, nylon and silicone.

Why are polymers used to produce vinyl siding?

Still, what's so great about polymers? Why is vinyl siding made from synthetic PVC polymer?

The reason why polymers are so popular in the manufacturing industry is that parts made from them are quite strong, lightweight, and durable. They are also inexpensive and easy to form and install.

ON A NOTE! PVC is a special, specific type of polymer. As noted earlier, it is a thermoplastic, which has obvious advantages, especially when it comes to creating quite complex structural form. PVC is an extremely popular and valuable polymer because it is inexpensive, durable and easy to assemble, such as vinyl siding.

PVC has characteristics that make it particularly attractive in the construction industry. In fact, 50% of all PVC materials are used in construction. This material is biologically and chemically resistant, so it is practically resistant to corrosion. This makes it a great replacement metal pipes, which tend to rust and break badly over time, as well as for many other purposes. For example, it is used to make sewer pipes, insulation of electrical wiring, as well as window and door frames.

Adding additional ingredients called plasticizers can make PVC softer, more flexible, harder, or in some cases even elastic. This adaptability means that PVC is used in everything from clothing and floor coverings, plumbing pipes, medical IV bags, children's bounce houses and much more.

How is vinyl siding made?

Possessing biological and chemical resistance, thermoplastics are ideal for PVC manufacturing pipes, the material is also great solution in the production of siding panels and all additional components. This type plastics are strong and durable and are little or not affected by factors such as prolonged exposure sun rays or adverse weather conditions.

Vinyl siding, unlike, for example, linoleum or children's inflatable structures, is made of PVC, or non-plasticized polyvinyl chloride, which is why it is hard and strong. It is also known as rigid PVC.

In the production of vinyl siding, polymer resins are heated to a molten state. Next, the necessary pigments are added to the mixture and mixed thoroughly. This process gives vinyl siding its full depth of color and camouflages it with scratches giving it wood and other textures.

The molten PVC is then extruded or extruded through a die into sheets. To give the siding a visually noticeable texture, the required pattern is applied to the bottom of the mold.

Embossing on vinyl sheets also helps dull PVC panels become more natural without much shine and helps them look less synthetic. Then, while the vinyl sheets are still hot, they are formed into a profile panel.

In addition to plasticizers, which can turn PVC into a soft, pliable material, others are sometimes added during the production process. necessary components. Each of them has a specific purpose: some can improve impact resistance, others prevent fading or protect against ultraviolet damage.

How about recycling and reusing vinyl siding?

As mentioned earlier, one of the advantages of polymers is that they are recyclable. And one of advantages of PVC is its thermoplasticity, meaning that it can be heated and cooled repeatedly, just like chocolate. This quality has helped manufacturers find a way to reuse old, worn-out PVC when creating new vinyl siding panels. All this helps reduce production costs and also reduce waste.

Some manufacturers have created something called a "co-extrusion process." The bottom layer is a combination of a new polymer in tandem with an old one, i.e. recycled. Upper layer vinyl contains additives that provide weather resistance and flexibility. The top layer is called cap, and it usually makes up about 30-35% of the total thickness of the siding panel.

As a result of all these scientific innovations, today's vinyl siding is a more durable product than ever. The basis of the siding panel is a thermoplastic polymer, which makes it durable and also inexpensive to produce. Various additives help increase the flexibility of the material, prevent fading and enhance its natural ability to resist biological, chemical and other influences, including mechanical ones. Responsible manufacturers can produce even more cost-effective and environmentally friendly forms of vinyl siding by incorporating recycled materials.

Consequently, vinyl siding manufacturers today provide generous warranties on their products. What you can’t help but notice when using the material for a long time in cold or hot climates. The service life of PVC vinyl siding stated by some manufacturers may well vary from 50 years. And in some cases, the product warranty may even be for life.

The concept of "siding" is also known as " external cladding building". Thanks to this process, any home receives additional protection from external weather influences (rain, snow, wind), and also improves the aesthetic perception of the facade of your own home.

You can purchase siding materials at: https://budmaterial.com.ua/vinilovyj-sajding.html.

There are only two types of siding:

  • Traditional wood cladding.

  • More modern vinyl siding.

Wood siding

Wood siding is produced by pressing wood threads under great pressure and using high temperatures. After this, this material is covered with several layers of varnish or paint. Thereby wood siding does not cease to look like real wood, but at the same time the material receives excellent characteristics resistance from external influences. Also, such siding is often used for the interior cladding of a building, since this material has an excellent appearance and also remains completely environmentally friendly.

Wood siding began to be used in the 19th century. Modern version serves for approximately one and a half decades. In addition to wood, polypropylene is used. This material does not absorb moisture at all and is also non-flammable. There is no need to tint or impregnate this type of building cladding.

Vinyl siding

Vinyl siding was first used in the mid-20th century. In appearance, this material looks like the simplest board, but even after several decades it completely retains its appearance. Vinyl cladding is very resistant to sudden change temperatures, exposure to water or severe frosts. Vinyl siding is also distinguished by its practicality. It is easy to clean. But even this process will have to be done very rarely, since pollution does not stick to such cladding at all. The cleaning process will consist solely of removing dust.

Advantages and disadvantages of vinyl siding

  • Sustainability. This material has high resistance to almost all existing external influences. It does not absorb moisture and does not deteriorate when exposed to ultraviolet rays from the sun.

  • Strength. Vinyl siding is practically not susceptible to external deformation. It is very difficult to damage or scratch it.

  • Resistant to temperature changes.

  • This material is completely environmentally friendly. No toxic substances are used in its production.

  • Life time. Vinyl siding is so durable that it can last for your descendants.


All vinyl siding is almost the same in appearance, so the use of this material in different houses will make them look alike.

Vinyl siding is a modern cladding material that is used in cladding building facades. It has impeccable characteristics: reasonable cost, lightness, ease of fixation, a huge range of colors and textures. Due to these features, the production of PVC siding is great idea for business. And given the high demand for the product and capacious distribution channels, the production of this facing material is a profitable and cost-effective project. How to start a vinyl siding production - about this in our review.

About the material

Vinyl siding is of synthetic origin. It is made from recycled PVC or vinyl powder. In production, PVC mixtures are used, the basis of which is granulated (powdery) polyvinyl chloride with an admixture of stabilizers, additives, and synthetic dyes. Additives provide decent performance characteristics vinyl siding:

  • Resistant to moisture and detergents.
  • Durability.
  • High resistance to deformation.
  • Ease of installation.
  • Light weight, which allows the material to be used for cladding structures made of lightweight materials.

Despite such an impressive list of advantages, vinyl siding has disadvantages. The material is deformed when exposed to high temperatures and does not tolerate processing chemical solvents and strong aggressive substances. During operation, the cladding loses its original shade as it fades under direct sunlight.

Organizational aspects

Starting a vinyl siding company requires legal registration. An entrepreneur needs to register the company as an LLC. In the case of small production, you can choose to register the businessman as an individual entrepreneur.

IN OKVED codes an item corresponding to the direction of activity is selected. In this case, paragraph 22.23 (“Production of plastic products used in construction”) or 20.16 (“Production of plastics in primary forms - polymers, PVC”) is suitable.

We carefully approach the choice of premises. Automated equipment for the production of vinyl siding is quite large, so the suitable area for organizing a workshop is at least 120 square meters. meters. The room must have an elongated rectangular shape 30 meters long to accommodate the working area of ​​the line.

The premises are equipped with an uninterrupted supply of electricity, water, heat, supply system compressed air. To work on the lines you will need service staff in the amount of 8-10 people.


The main elements of the working production line are extrusion and mixing plants. Equipment is purchased new or used, depending on the capital of the organization. It is worth noting that used equipment will cost 3-4 million rubles. New – 2-3 times higher.

The equipment for the workshop is in the form of a single extrusion line. Production activities begin with the installation of one or more automated lines, which include:

  • Extruder.
  • Cooling chamber.
  • Machine for drawing material to length.
  • Embossing machine.
  • Press forms.
  • Cutting machine.
  • Equipment for packaging finished material.

Additionally, you will need a loader or mini-truck for transporting raw materials and loading finished products. Their total cost is within 1 million rubles.

Production technology

Production details and equipment different manufacturers siding products are different, because each manufacturer strives to obtain exclusive products. However, the technological basis for the production of vinyl siding is similar.

PVC-based facing material is produced by extrusion. The raw materials are loaded into the chamber of an automatic extruder for mixing and melting to a viscous, uniform consistency. The mass then passes through a forming press apparatus.

There are two methods used in the production of vinyl siding:

  1. Monoextrusion. Finished single-layer siding, obtained in a simple way melting and extrusion through a forming apparatus. After initial processing, a texture pattern is applied to the surface of the material. The workpiece is cooled and cut. The products are low cost, have the same structure on both sides and have low performance characteristics.
  2. Coextrusion. During the production process, two layers are made - internal and external. External covering processed with dyes and special compounds to protect the facing coating from exposure environment. Interior siding is coated with modifiers that ensure frost resistance and resistance to mechanical stress of the material.

Material standards are determined by the American Society for Testing (ASTM). The recommended thickness of the finished product for long-term service (more than 10 years) is at least 1.1 mm. Depending on the area of ​​application of the facing material, the thickness of the finished product is allowed from 0.9 to 1.2 mm.


In Russian construction, vinyl siding is a popular and in-demand material. However, to successfully promote a company, marketing research of the market, competitors' strategies and the most popular types of products is required. Developing sales channels will help an entrepreneur organize sales of products.

Vinyl siding supplied construction companies through dealer and distribution networks. Important for the company has its presence in the Internet space. Thus, sales are established not only in the region, but throughout the country. The website is developed taking into account the range of products. A list of new materials is posted on the website in a timely manner, and programs of promotions and interesting offers are posted.


Initial investments in a business require significant finances. The purchase of equipment and material will cost the entrepreneur 5 million rubles. Taking into account additional monthly costs, the total cost of the vinyl siding production business is 7-8 million rubles. Since this facing material has increased demand, the profitability of a siding production plant is high. Initial and ongoing investments in the business will pay off in 1.5–2 years of stable operation.

The leading manufacturers of vinyl siding in Russia are the companies Alta-profile, Nordside, Holzplast, Docke, Snow Bird, Tecos, Opto. The material belongs to the budget list, has a steady demand and an open market. Therefore, the production of vinyl siding, with a competent approach to organizing a business, promises considerable income and development in the future. Compliance with production technologies and the release of quality products will ensure high performance characteristics of products that meet international standards and are not inferior to imported analogues of vinyl siding.