home · On a note · Rats are decorative fillers for cages. What a decorative rat should have in a large cage is all the necessary accessories. Which litter is best for little rats?

Rats are decorative fillers for cages. What a decorative rat should have in a large cage is all the necessary accessories. Which litter is best for little rats?

Hamsters and guinea pigs are popular pets. They do not take up much space, but despite their compact size, they need care and attention no less than larger pets.

The importance of hygiene

One of the main problems of keeping rodents is the smell. Owners know that most of their charges choose a certain corner in the cage for the toilet. Therefore, in order to minimize the “aroma”, it is enough to remove wet sawdust once a day and add fresh sawdust. This will help reduce odor and allow for general cleaning Once every two weeks.

The choice of litter for rodents also plays a big role in hygiene. Ordinary scraps of newspaper will not work here - as they do not absorb the smell well, and the animal itself risks being poisoned by printing ink. Therefore, as a bedding for little friend It is better to purchase special fillers sold in pet stores. They better absorb the “aroma” of animal activity and are completely harmless to them.

Filler selection

Manufacturers offer different types filler for rodents. All of them are made from natural materials: wood (pellets or sawdust), corn fibers, as well as other plant components, such as hay and sand. Some of the beddings have an aromatic fragrance, thanks to which they skillfully mask all unpleasant odors. However, owners of animals prone to allergic reactions should avoid such products.

When choosing a filler, the following requirements should be taken into account:

  • The bedding should be comfortable for the animal. For small rodents, granules will be uncomfortable, and large pets will scatter light sawdust.
  • Ability to absorb unpleasant odors. An important detail, especially if there are several rodents in the house.
  • Safety. The bedding material should be only natural and, if possible, free of fragrances, so as not to cause allergies. It should not generate dust, as this may affect Airways animal and cause diseases.

Wood filler

One of the most popular brands wood litter are "Clean Paws", produced Russian company"Ark St. Petersburg".

In production, only natural raw materials are used, which are easy to dispose of without harm to the environment. environment. In addition, such bedding has a natural smell, which is important for small animals.

The price for “Clean Paws” is quite affordable, which cannot but please the buyer.


Sawdust is a universal bedding for Djungarian hamsters and others small rodents. Wood processing products are used for the filler, so it is completely natural and safe for the health of children.

Possibility to choose large or small as well as reasonable price undoubtedly are the advantages of this particular product.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Ease. Since dwarfs love to dig, you will have to remove the scattered filler quite often.
  2. The litter is not highly absorbent and is not a leader in odor absorption.


This is an ideal option for rodents with allergies, as it does not contain wood dust. This filler is less popular than wood filler, and it is much more difficult to find on the shelves of pet stores. It does not retain the smell well, it is light, so the animal will constantly scatter it. But it is safe for babies, as it does not get tangled in fur, does not get stuck in cheek pockets and does not cause health problems in animals with allergies to wood dust.


Corn litter for rodents in its qualities is one of best views litter It perfectly absorbs moisture and completely neutralizes odor. Even with large species of hamsters, cleaning the cage can be done much less frequently, since the “aroma” appears much later than when using other types of litter.

Fine sawdust allows it to be used for very small animals: dwarf birds, mice, etc. Those who like to rummage through litter can dig up whole mountains of corn filler around them overnight. It is absolutely harmless for rodents; its particles cannot damage their paws, it does not cause allergies and does not get tangled in animal fur.


Choosing the perfect bedding for your pet is quite a difficult task. An extensive range can help a beginner. Therefore, before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with the types of hygienic filler and determine which one is ideal for the animal. You can also consult with rodent lovers on specialized websites.

It is important to understand that not only the health and well-being of the pet, but also hygiene and the smell in the apartment depend on a well-chosen bedding, especially if there are several pets.

Cage litter helps keep rats in clean and relatively hygienic conditions because... absorbs waste and neutralizes unpleasant odors to a certain extent. Unfortunately, often the wrong choice of litter and its improper use negate the pleasure of keeping rats, make life very difficult for the owner or his household, and can worsen the health of the animals. Therefore, it is very important to familiarize yourself in time with the main types of fillers, options for their use and understand what is most suitable for you and your rats.

Types of fillers

Unfortunately, it is impossible to unambiguously answer the question of which litter is best to choose for rats or, moreover, which litter is the best. Rats react differently to the same materials and litter that is ideal for one rat may cause a chronic runny nose or sores on the feet of another. But there are certain indicators or properties of fillers that make them better or worse for use in a cage; we will try to consider these properties on this page.

: sawdust, shavings, pressed (granules, pellets), wood chips;
: hay, corn, flax, cotton, grass pellets, hemp mulch (fire);
: cellulose, paper napkins/towels, office paper, newspapers;
: disposable diapers, mineral (bentonite, palygorskite, etc.), silica gel.

Wood litter for rats

Sawdust and to this day remain the most common filler. However, they are also one of the worst options, because... most often they are made from coniferous wood, and many rats react to needles in the form of irritation and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, as well as the lungs. In addition, sawdust can be extremely fine and dusty, which additionally leads to irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes. The rat begins to porphyrinate, sneeze, and in general the joy of life becomes overshadowed by ailments, including chronic rhinitis. At the same time, sawdust from non-coniferous wood can become a good filler if the cage has a false bottom: rats cannot reach the sawdust, and the sawdust does not generate dust and does not get into the nose and eyes. In all other cases, the use of sawdust as a filler for rats is highly discouraged.

Shavings Compared to small sawdust, it has one advantage: it is larger, so it does not generate dust and does not get into the nose and eyes. Large, dust-free shavings from non-coniferous (deciduous) wood can be used either under the false bottom or simply poured into a pallet or trays. This is far from the best option, but it has a right to exist if the rats do not react to the presence of shavings by sneezing, porphyrin, or a runny nose. It is highly not recommended to use coniferous, dusty and small shavings as filler.

Pressed wood filler on the market it is presented in granules or pellets. Pellets remain a very popular type of filler; they hold moisture and odor better than sawdust, but they rattle, generate dust, and when completely wet, fall apart into fine dust. Pressed wood filler is convenient if the cage has a false bottom; in all other cases it is not recommended for use, because inconvenient for rats when moving, can be very traumatic for the skin of the legs and can cause pododermatitis, and also in the form of dust can irritate the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes of rats. It is highly not recommended to use pine granules and pellets as filler.

Wood chips is on this moment a good alternative to all other types of filler. Please note that in pet stores it is sold as a filler for terrariums and at a relatively high price. You can also find it without any problems in hardware stores under the name “chips for smoking.” Wood chips do not generate dust or irritate mucous membranes, provided that a product made from hardwood tree. Trauma to rat paws is also within acceptable limits, however, for elderly, sick, too heavy rats or rats with a predisposition to pododermatitis, it is still not worth using this type of filler without a false bottom. For all other rats, the filler is suitable for pouring into trays and trays, as well as under the false bottom. It is definitely not recommended to use pine chips.

General recommendations: Do not use granules and pellets if you have elderly and weakened rats, rats with overweight or predisposition to pododermatitis; do not use small, coniferous, dusty, clumping or scented wood fillers; If a rat develops symptoms of a respiratory illness on wood litter (runny nose, sneezing, etc.), remove it immediately.

Vegetable litter for rats

Corn filler consists of crushed corn cobs and comes in three types - fine fraction, coarse fraction and granules. This type of filler is currently perhaps the most popular among rat breeders. Unfortunately, corn litter has a number of disadvantages: it is quite noisy, in rats with a large weight or a tendency to pododermatitis it can lead to injuries and inflammation of the skin of the feet, it is not suitable for elderly, sick and weakened rats, because It is difficult for them to move on such an unstable surface, it can cause pain when stepping on it, and some rats try to avoid it for this reason. However, he does not have negative influence on respiratory system and mucous membranes, which is why rats with chronic respiratory infections are often switched to it; it retains odors and moisture well, and the corn filler is completely safe to eat.

Linen filler There are two types: granules (pellets) and kostra (chopped plant stems). The filler has good performance in terms of moisture absorption and odor retention. Pressed flax granules have the same disadvantages as granules of any other filler: they are traumatic for the skin of the feet, turning into dust and dust when wet. The disadvantages of fires include possible dustiness and sharp parts, but this directly depends on the manufacturer. In some rats, flaxseed fillers can cause swelling of the mucous membranes, but this effect is observed in a very small number of animals.

Cotton filling has not poor performance odor retention and moisture absorption. In addition, it does not injure the skin of the feet and is not hazardous. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it can cause rhinitis in rats prone to inflammation of the mucous membranes or with chronic respiratory diseases. At the moment, cotton litter is quite rare on the pet products market.

Herbal granules They absorb moisture well and retain odor, but they have all the disadvantages of granules, and when wet they disintegrate into dust. If you don't replace it often enough, the filler can turn into a “grass porridge.” Not recommended for rats prone to respiratory diseases and pododermatitis.

Hemp filler in the form of a fire is enough good filler for rats, but, unfortunately, at the moment it is almost impossible to purchase it on the pet goods market of the CIS countries. Alternative option You can buy mulch at markets and in stores that provide gardening products, but in this case you need to pay attention to the quality: it should not be too dusty and uneven, mixed with debris, because this will increase its risk of injury.

General recommendations: Do not use granules and pellets if you have elderly and weakened rats, rats that are overweight or have a predisposition to pododermatitis; Such organic fillers require frequent changes during the warm season, because are a convenient environment for hatching fly larvae; dusty fillers can lead to inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes, and sharp parts can damage the eyes of rats; do not use flavored fillers.

Paper litter for rats

Cellulose filler Suitable only for a small number of rats or for laying a second layer on top of granular litter, because In terms of odor retention, it is not up to par. The advantages of this type of filler include the fact that it does not rattle, rats like it, does not injure the feet, absorbs moisture well, however, it does not cover a large surface well and some of its varieties can be quite dusty.

Paper napkins or towels They are good for use in a cage, but they are not able to replace litter, at least on a permanent basis and for those rats that like to chew paper and drag it into their house or create “nests”. Napkins and towels have fairly poor odor/moisture retention and are easily “destroyed” by rats, so they need to be changed at least 2 times a day. But at the same time, they are hypoallergenic, ideal for use as bedding in houses, well suited for rats with respiratory diseases, sensitive mucous membranes, pododermatitis, and can be used in a cage with lactating rats. You can only use napkins and towels without patterns or dyes.

Office paper Not suitable as a filler for rats. The decisive disadvantages are the sharp edges, which can leave quite serious cuts, and poor odor and moisture retention. However, paper, torn (not cut!) into long strips, may be to the taste of rats for building nests and as an interesting activity for walking.

Newspapers magazines and other printed materials should also not be used in a cage, because in the production and application of printing inks, among other things, drying oils, phenols, formaldehyde, petroleum oils, synthetic resins, metal salts (cobalt, manganese, aluminum, iron, etc.) are used*. These substances or their traces are theoretically capable of harming the health of rats due to chronic intoxication, i.e. with regular and direct contact. It is better to avoid any contact with freshly printed products and products published before the end of the 90s: in the first case, due to fumes from printing ink, in the second, due to the use of lead salts in old pigments. In addition, newspapers and magazines are not able to sufficiently absorb and retain moisture and odors.

Inorganic fillers

Disposable diapers absorbs and retains odors/moisture very well and is especially suitable for elderly, sick and weakened rats, allowing them to be kept in hygienic conditions with a clean and dry cage. You can secure diapers both on shelves and directly in the tray using masking tape or other devices. Please note that only non-gnawing rats should be given diapers and only if they have no desire to tear apart the bedding. Unfortunately, there are known cases of death due to the inhalation of small particles of the inner layer of diapers, torn into small pieces.

Silica gel and mineral fillers with any composition (bentonite, palygorskite, etc.) cannot be used as a filler for rats, except in cases where the cage is equipped with a sufficiently high false bottom to prevent any contact of animals with the contents of the tray, and this is at least 5 cm. The entry of a mineral or silica gel filler into the gastrointestinal tract of a rat leads to its blockage and, as a result, an almost guaranteed death.

Using litter in the cage

Usually the entire surface of the pallet is covered with filler; the thickness of the layer depends on the type of filler, its properties and the number of animals. This method has its pros and cons, and, in my opinion, there are many more cons. This includes the noise of the filler when it comes to pellets or various granules, and inconvenience for the rats themselves, and the possibility of injury to the delicate skin of the hind legs, which can lead to pododermatitis (corns), and an increase in the overall negative impact on health if the filler is chosen incorrectly, for example , pine sawdust, and high price, because Depending on the size of the cage, several liters of the same corn litter may be required. The advantages include a large absorbent surface, which will allow you to change the filler less frequently and, in the case of sloppy rats, provide fairly long-term protection from odor.

However, now another method is becoming increasingly popular, in which the cage tray remains unfilled (but can be covered with napkins, PVC mats, fleece), and the filler is placed only in a tray or several trays located in different places cells. It is not difficult to accustom rats to a tray; they learn on their own, but to speed up the process, you can collect and put them in trays rat excrement, found in inappropriate places in the cell. Soon the rats will understand that the trays are the place where waste is collected, and not the nearest shelf or random corners of the pallet. One of the disadvantages is the need to frequently change the filler in the trays. Keep in mind that not all rats are accustomed to using such a toilet and it is almost impossible to achieve 100% success from them. Never punish animals for mistakes!

An option with a false bottom is also possible: the middle of the false bottom is covered with some material (PVC mats, linoleum, etc.) to reduce its risk of injury to rats; the entire tray or areas in the corners of the cage with an open false bottom are filled with filler. Thus, waste products enter the filler, bypassing the closed part of the false bottom. This method also allows you to easily and simply get rid of contaminants, be it rat feces or husks from food, simply brushing them into a corner. This will make it easy to hold ground floor cages are clean, which is especially important for older rats or rats with a predisposition to pododermatitis.

Of course, it is also possible various combinations the above options. For example, trays on shelves have proven themselves in large cells even when the tray is full: the rat no longer has to run about its business with top floor to the bottom, just look at the nearest shelf with a toilet.

* Berezin B.N.: Synthetic polymers in printing; Pochinok A.P.: Encyclopedia on occupational safety and health T3; Knop A., Sheib V.: Phenolic resins and materials based on them; Gordon C. Miller: Printing and printing; V.A. Kabanov: Encyclopedia of polymers.

Lyricist Katharina From. Photo provided by Lyudmila Khludova. For assistance in writing the article, I thank the candidate of chemistry. sciences Maria Musalova, Olga Yudicheva, administration of the “Decorative Rats” group.

You can buy bedding for a rat in Moscow without even leaving your home.

We have not only developed a convenient online shopping system for our customers, but also made sure that our assortment always includes those products that pet owners often buy.

Those who keep decorative rodents can inexpensively purchase high-quality and safe fillers at Zoolakki to maintain hygiene in the cage.

Our catalog contains the most popular and modern views bedding that has proven itself in use. These are absorbent corn fillers and paper mats different colors. With them, your pet's cage will always be clean, dry and beautiful.

How to choose bedding for a rat

Before you buy rat litter, pay attention to its composition: both the absorbent properties of the litter and its safety for the health of the animal depend on this.

For example, newspapers or sawdust often used by inexperienced rodent owners can negatively affect the health of the rat. The substances released by such bedding cause allergic reactions and can even infect nervous system animal.

It is preferable to use litters specifically designed for rodents. They don’t clump, don’t rub their paws, and even if a rat tries them, nothing bad will happen.

In our assortment you will find cheap and expensive fillers of different compositions. We offer soft paper bedding, granulated corn mixtures with excellent moisture and odor absorption.

Qualified consultants are always ready to answer your questions and help you order goods in the right quantity.

Prices for litter for rats

Depending on the composition of the filler, the weight of the package and the brand of the product, their prices also vary. Wood-based mixtures are considered the most affordable, followed by paper and corn fillers.

At the same time, inexpensive bedding for rats is not uncommon. It is quite possible to purchase it in an online store site offering products from famous manufacturers reasonably priced. Taking care of our customers, we make good discounts on the order amount, award bonuses to store cardholders, and also arrange monthly promotions.

All this makes it possible for pet lovers to purchase quality products for them without significant financial difficulties.

Very often, people who are far from rat breeding, but have rats, make one important mistake. They use sawdust as a filler. Or worse, a newspaper! My dears, let's take a closer look at what is best for our beloved pink heels to walk on. And let's take a closer look at all the pros and cons.

Let's start the review with regular sawdust.

— Sawdust is most often used from coniferous trees, which is not recommended for rats. Very small particles can enter a rat's respiratory tract, causing it to become ill or even suffocate. Plain sawdust is never processed before packaging. This means that yours can become infected with lice-eaters, subcutaneous mites and ear mites through them. The latter is very difficult to treat. Sawdust gets wet very quickly and does not hold back the smell well. This means the cage has to be cleaned much more often. If you still do not want to replace the sawdust with another filler, then before “using” simply calcine them in the oven for a few minutes. This way you can destroy insects that are harmful to rats. The advantages are that they are quiet and low cost.

Wood granular filler.

Corn filler

— Made from corn cobs (generally has 3 different fractions). Safe for rats, absorbs well. The fine fraction is especially often recommended for rats that are elderly or have calluses on their feet. But the service life is much shorter than wood filler. And from time to time it becomes difficult to find it in stores. It also has noise, but less than that of wood.

Paper filler.

- Attention! I mean a special filler made of cellulose, and not newspapers. Forget even about them! Printing ink is very dangerous for rodents in general, and rats in particular. But the filler is very convenient for travel because it makes no noise at all. It is also logical to use it for old people and rats with corns. It will not put pressure on the paws, and small particles will not get into the wounds, if any. Completely safe for rats if they want to eat them. But personally, I didn’t like the fact that the smell doesn’t last very long. This means the cage will be cleaned more often. And the cost is not very cheap.

Chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs, rats and mice are popular pets. To keep them healthy, the cage is clean and it does not spread throughout the house bad smell You need to take care of a toilet for your rodent in advance. If previously they used hay, straw, ordinary sawdust or sand for this, which had to be changed daily, today manufacturers offer special fillers that block extraneous odors and do not need regular replacement. These are hygienic absorbents, for the production of which silica gel, wood shavings, corn cobs, sand mixture with the addition of talc and other materials are used.

Filler selection criteria

The filler is poured into a tray and placed near the wall or in the corner of the cage. When choosing a filler, it is recommended to take into account the following requirements:

  • it should absorb odors well, especially if the cage contains several rodents at once, and absorb moisture;
  • must be comfortable for the animal. So, not suitable for large pets sawdust: they are light in weight and the animal will scatter them throughout the cage. Small rodents will not be comfortable using granules;
  • must be natural, hypoallergenic, fragrance-free.

Types of filler

Thanks to the use of fillers, the animal’s cage always remains clean and the animal itself does not get sick. But it is important to choose the right hygienic adsorbent. On the market today you can buy the following types:

  • pressed wood shavings;
  • silica gel sand;
  • bedding granules;
  • sawdust;
  • volcanic sand for chinchilla hair care;
  • cellulose flakes;
  • from corn cobs.

Pressed sawdust is the most popular type of filler. It consists of granules that absorb moisture well and absorb unpleasant odors. This filler has antibacterial properties, is economical to use and can be disposed of in the sewer. Moreover, the granules can be like big size, and small. This a good option for rabbits, hamsters, ferrets, chinchillas.

For the Djungarian hamster and other very small animals, pellets will cause inconvenience, so it is better to choose regular sawdust. This filler is also safe for babies. Flavored sawdust is available for sale. When choosing them, be sure to read the label and keep in mind that they may cause allergies. It is better to give preference to proven manufacturers.

By the way, cellulose flakes can be recommended for rodents with allergies. This is not the most common litter in pet stores because it does not retain odor well. But it does not contain wood dust, so it is considered ideal option for kids, dwarfs, mice. By light in weight, absorbs moisture well, its particles are harmless to animal paws and do not get tangled in fur.

Corn fillers, for which the core of corn cobs is used, are environmentally friendly and economical. They do not injure the paws, have good adsorbing properties, retain odor, are light in weight, bulky, and attract rodents. specific smell. Suitable for rats, hamsters, mice.

As you can see, according to the composition criteria, fillers can be made from organic raw materials - corn, wood, recycled paper or grain waste, or also made from mineral raw materials - silicate gel. It is recommended to take the latter with caution, since the pet may try it.

Remember that litter is the most important means of pet hygiene. The health of the animal, its comfortable living and the cleanliness of the cage will depend on its quality.