home · electrical safety · When to plant tomatoes in a Primorye greenhouse. Planting tomatoes in a greenhouse: the best timing and conditions for obtaining a rich harvest. How to care for tomato seedlings

When to plant tomatoes in a Primorye greenhouse. Planting tomatoes in a greenhouse: the best timing and conditions for obtaining a rich harvest. How to care for tomato seedlings

There are tomatoes all year round- it's possible. To do this, it is necessary to grow, creating optimal conditions for their quality growth and fruiting. There are two ways to grow tomatoes: know when to plant tomatoes and grow seedlings in advance, or plant the seeds directly into the ground of the greenhouse.

There are two ways to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse - using seedlings or seeds.

You need to wipe the inside with a dry cloth, that is, remove any remaining moisture and check the ventilation system. It is better to make a polyethylene greenhouse in two layers, leaving a space of 4-5 cm between them. This is necessary in order to cold air did not penetrate the greenhouse, but lingered in this gap. The outer layer of polyethylene must be changed at least once every 30 days, because polyethylene is deformed under the influence of the environment.

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Soil and vitamins for tomatoes

Preparing the greenhouse: ventilate, wipe the polycarbonate, removing remaining moisture and dust.

A soil that produces results and bears fruit every year is considered fertile. You need to prepare the soil in the greenhouse in the following way. Having removed a layer of top soil 10 cm thick, the remaining soil must be treated with an aqueous solution of copper sulfate at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. fertilizers per 1 liter. The top soil is removed to get rid of microbes, and treatment is necessary to prevent them from appearing again. The soil in greenhouses should be saturated in the fall. Tomatoes do not absorb special fertilizers well with their roots, so it is better to fortify and fertilize them with regular manure and compost. A crop such as a tomato needs phosphorus, potassium, and ammonia nitrogen. Each component has its own effect, but they are all equally necessary for the tomatoes in the greenhouse to grow and produce a good harvest.

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Seed preparation

It is better to sow tomato seeds in the ground in the first half of March. After soil and greenhouse preparation, you need to make grooves in the already fertilized soil with a thin stick. Their depth is about 1.5 cm, and the distance between the furrows is 2-2.5 cm. It should be noted right away that the temperature for tomatoes in greenhouses should be above 23°C for the first week. You need to cover the seeds very carefully with soil.

When the first seedlings appear, it is necessary to provide them with as much light as possible. Fluorescent lamps are also suitable for this. A week after planting, you need to number the varieties so as not to get confused later. After another week, you need to re-inspect the young shoots in greenhouses and greenhouses. The leaves should be a pleasant green color, this means that there is no light deficiency and the plants are developing normally. If their color is changed, you need to urgently open the windows in the greenhouse. When the 25th day arrives from the moment of planting in the greenhouse, the first true leaves appear. Watering tomato bushes in a greenhouse should be done carefully and infrequently. The temperature must be maintained at least at room temperature. Already at this time, it is necessary to install supporting mechanisms in the greenhouse - when the fruits grow, it will be difficult for the branches to hold them.

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How to germinate and plant seedlings

Seedlings are planted in the second half of May.

There is another way of growing. Seeds planted in containers become seedlings, and then they can be planted in a greenhouse or greenhouse. The optimal time for planting seedlings in a greenhouse is the second half of May. The soil, both in the greenhouse and in containers for seedlings, needs to be treated and fortified. It should be clarified that for this type of planting, seeds need to be selected only highest quality, removing diseased, defective and deformed ones. The principle of planting seeds is the same as described above. The difference is that if immediately, the harvest will be a little later. When planting pre-prepared seedlings at the end of spring, you can transplant the tomatoes into the greenhouse already grown. In order to grow seedlings, you need to prepare containers 15 cm high; the size of such containers is at the discretion of the gardener.

After pre-cultivating the soil, you will need to make furrows. The seeds are placed in them, sprinkled with soil, after which they should be watered. The difference in the development of greenhouse seeds from seedlings is also that for good growth of plants in containers they need a lot of light and heat. If there is a shortage of light, this will affect the fruits and the yield is unlikely to meet expectations in the future. Therefore, it is better to place containers with germinating seeds on the window, adding lamp lighting, then the effect will be like in a greenhouse. For the first 2 days, it is better to leave the light on even at night. After 10 days, the container needs to be moved to a cooler place so that the bushes do not stretch too much - growth will slow down in a cool place. The lamps, on the contrary, do not need to be removed, although they are already turned off at night.

Water the tomatoes as they dry. When the seedlings grow, they are tied to pegs.

Seedlings need to be watered as the soil dries out. As soon as the shoots have grown sufficiently, they need to be moved to a greenhouse. You need to make hole-shaped holes in the soil using a spatula, 5 cm wide and deep. The bushes of young shoots are carefully separated and transplanted into the greenhouse. If the seedlings reach very high heights - up to 0.5 m - the planting holes should be at least 30 cm in diameter so that the rhizomes are not crowded. If the root system is tangled, with great care you need to untangle or tear off the ends of the roots, but so that the main part of the rhizome is not affected. After this, the roots need to be sprinkled with soil, but so that they are not pressed down too much. The holes should be of such a size that the plant is stable. This is followed by moderate watering. The holes need to be dug 10 days before, because the soil must warm up as much as possible before the rhizome gets into it.

Otherwise, the plant will simply freeze and will not sprout in time.

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The crop should be harvested as it ripens.

The best length of shoots is up to 0.5 m. There is no need to grow taller seedlings, otherwise, when planted in a greenhouse, the shoots risk breaking or bending. Such bushes are sprinkled with soil until the first small leaves appear. After they adapt, you need to add a little more soil. The next watering after planting is carried out no earlier than the 12th day. Caring for tomatoes planted in a greenhouse is not difficult. Timely tying, hilling and fertilizing will give good results. Do not forget that the greenhouse must be equipped with constant drip or conventional irrigation systems. It is also worth regularly checking the temperature and the amount of light entering the greenhouse. If the tomato gets enough light, the fruits will be large and tasty. Initially, there is no need to save on the cost of seeds - the more expensive the hybrid, the better the fruits will be. To carry out work on planting tomatoes in a greenhouse, you will need the following equipment.


  • seeds or seedlings;
  • fertilizers (vitriol, manure, compost, vitamin complex);
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • ammonia nitrogen;


  • conical blade;
  • containers;
  • hoe;
  • rake;
  • watering can;
  • fluorescent lamps;
  • groove stick;
  • gloves.

What is drip irrigation? This is a water collection system that you can make yourself. This system consists of two barrels, into which water enters from the roof. Both barrels have a volume of 1 m³, in addition, they are connected to each other by a hose. Water not only accumulates in them, but is also heated.

Depending on the height to which the hose is raised, the pressure will be adjusted. Secondary hoses, smaller in diameter, extend from the common hose. Such mini-hoses are connected to each bush. When you turn on such a system, watering is carried out little by little on each bush, which is very convenient.

It should be noted that tomatoes are very heat-loving. With any planting method, you need to water the plants with water at room temperature before planting and subsequently. Tomatoes love peat humus. By adding this mixture to the wells, you can provide additional heat. It's better to do this first landing days, then add a little every 7-8 days.

Then the rhizome will be powerful, rich in warmth, and the fruits will be beautiful and full of vitamins.

The most popular vegetable crop, grown by half of gardeners, is tomatoes. In order to get a bountiful and tasty harvest, you need to know how to properly grow these plants and care for them. This article will tell you how to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse.

Soil and seed preparation

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse differs from similar activities carried out in open ground. And the differences begin from the preparation stage. This stage consists of two sub-points: proper preparation of the soil and seeds. Let's look at each sub-item in more detail.

The soil, both in a greenhouse and in open ground, plays an important role in the growth of cultivated plants and the ripening of fruits. Usually in greenhouses the soil used is manure type. This is due to the fact that it is not always possible to place a greenhouse structure on the site of black soil. Therefore, soil is brought into the greenhouse separately. The applied soil must be of high quality, previously fertilized with natural additives. This will avoid contamination of tomatoes with chemicals. Despite several high cost Such soil, its purchase in the future will allow you to save on fertilizing applied during the growing season in order to restore the fertility of the land.

Preparing the soil for beds for tomatoes is carried out as follows:

  • first removed from the garden bed upper layer land. You need to remove approximately 20 cm;
  • During the process of removing soil, a groove is formed. Its length should extend over the entire length of the plantation;
  • humus should be poured onto the bottom of the formed groove. He must wait three years for this procedure. Remember that humus should not contain hay and straw, since these components increase its decomposition time in the soil;
  • approximately half of the ditch should be filled with humus;
  • after this, it is necessary to pour either new land, or soil that was discarded when digging a ditch.

This is the simplest option for preparing the soil. If you want to further increase your chances of success when growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, it is recommended to carry out additional procedures. To control weeds, you need to use disinfected soil.

It is worth remembering that the main parameter for assessing soil fertility is the presence of earthworms in it. They are the ones who can best prepare the land for the next gardening season. Therefore, it is recommended to populate the soil in the greenhouse with earthworms, which you will have to dig up yourself with your own hands.

Properly prepared soil will be the key to your future excellent tomato harvest. But besides this, you also need to be able to properly prepare the seed. Since tomatoes are most often grown in a greenhouse using the seedling method, this procedure will significantly increase the germination of seeds. It will also make it possible to obtain tall and strong seedlings that can be planted in a greenhouse.

Choice seed material do it like this:

  • First, we decide on the variety (early, middle or late). The choice of variety directly determines when the seeds will be sown and seedlings planted in greenhouse soil. Remember that it is necessary to choose a variety not only for taste, but also for agrotechnical characteristics;
  • the seeds should appear unfrozen and of good quality. The presence of plaque and mold on them is not allowed;
  • Next, the seed must be sorted by size, discarding all unsuitable seeds.

The largest seeds should be selected, without visible defects. Proper calibration of the seed will ensure healthy tomato shoots.

After the highest quality seed has been selected, it is disinfected. For example, seeds can be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or calcined. In the second case, they must be heated for three days at a temperature of +50°C. Then, before direct sowing, it is recommended to treat the seeds with any growth stimulant.

Planting material prepared in this way can be used to produce seedlings. It is also allowed to land them in open ground. But still experienced gardeners It is recommended to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse using seedlings.

Video “How to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse”

This video discusses 5 rules for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse.

Sowing technology

You can plant tomato seeds in greenhouse soil or seedlings in early March. Planting seeds is carried out as follows:

After the seeds have been planted in the greenhouse, the temperature in it should be at +23-25°C. When the first shoots appear on the beds, it would be correct to organize additional lighting for them using phytolamps. If the lighting was organized correctly, the seedlings will have a bright green color.

After the seeds are planted in the ground and until the first true leaves develop, approximately 20 days pass. Seedlings require moderate watering. At the same time, remember that the greenhouse needs to be ventilated regularly.

In order to obtain seedlings, tomato seeds should be planted as follows:

  • First we determine the landing time. Here it is necessary to take into account that seedlings should grow from 50 to 70 days. You need to count from the moment when it is recommended to plant it in the greenhouse. Planting is carried out in a heated greenhouse in April. In such a situation, seeds are sown for seedlings in February. In a greenhouse that is not heated, transplantation is carried out in May (the first ten days). Therefore, sowing in this case is carried out in mid-March;
  • It is most convenient to grow planting material in separate containers, the height of which is approximately 15 cm;
  • the selected containers are filled with substrate. It should be compacted. After this, the surface of the soil mixture is leveled;
  • Next, use a knife to form furrows into which the seeds are poured. They need to be sprinkled with earth on top.

Immediately after planting, watering is carried out. After this, the containers are placed in a room with a temperature regime of +25°C. Before transplanting into a greenhouse, caring for the plantings is as follows:

  • during the first two days, planting requires round-the-clock artificial lighting;
  • when the first shoots appear, the room temperature should be lowered to +15°C. This will avoid excessive stretching of the seedlings;
  • Watering is carried out as the soil dries. It should be moderate. Do not water the tomato until the first true leaf appears. Only spraying the soil with water is allowed;
  • the room should be ventilated regularly. In this case, it is necessary to avoid the formation of drafts.

To carry out picking of seedlings, prepare separate peat pots or plastic cups. Each plant is carefully removed and its root is pinched. This procedure allows you to form a well-branched rhizome.

Picking tomato seedlings for further planting in a greenhouse can be done in the following ways:

  • Each plant is planted in a separate cup. This way you will get a strong and tall bush;
  • Two plants are placed in one container at once. When they reach a height of 10 cm, the stems of the bushes are tightly tied to each other using a nylon thread. As a result, a bush with two roots is formed. This also requires pinching the top of a less developed plant. This method significantly increases the yield of tomatoes.

Hardening of seedlings must begin approximately 14 days before planting them in the greenhouse. To do this, containers should be taken out into the open air. First, they are placed on the balcony for 2-3 hours. Then you need to gradually increase the time the seedlings spend in the air to a day.

After this, the seedlings can only be planted in the greenhouse.


When the seedlings have developed, they should be transplanted into a greenhouse. The planting scheme for tomatoes in a greenhouse is selected based on the tomato variety. Remember that to receive great harvest plantings should not be thickened. However, they require sunlight.

There is no single correct answer to the question “how to properly plant tomatoes in a greenhouse,” since there are a wide variety of planting schemes:

  • for low-growing, early-ripening varieties that form several stems, the distance between tomatoes should be 40 cm, and between their rows - 50 cm. It is recommended to use a checkerboard pattern when creating two rows;
  • for determinate varieties that form 1 stem, the distance between their rows is 50 cm, and between plants - 25 cm.
  • indeterminate tall varieties must be planted in a checkerboard pattern in 2 rows. The distance here between rows should be 80 cm, and between neighboring plants - 60 cm.

When a planting scheme has been chosen, seedlings are transplanted as follows:

After planting, moderate watering is required. It is recommended to spray the soil with water. This type of watering should be done at first. When the seedlings have taken root, watering is carried out every 4-5 days. For one sq. m. you need to pour out about 4 liters of water. Usually this procedure is carried out at the root in the morning. During the flowering period, it is recommended to increase the number of waterings by 2-3 times.

The greenhouse should be ventilated approximately 1.5-2 hours after watering.

One more important point caring for fondants is stepsoning. The resulting stepsons weaken the plants. Therefore they should be removed. This procedure is carried out in the morning. Tomatoes can be propagated using cut shoots. The first feeding is carried out 2 weeks after planting.

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse is a troublesome task. The main thing is to stick correct sowing and plant care. If everything is done correctly, the harvest will be abundant and tasty. This is a real reward for any gardener.

Video “Technology for growing tomatoes in greenhouses”

In this video, a farmer shares his experience of growing tomatoes.

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​varieties selected for cultivation;​
Each climate zone may have its own technology for planting tomatoes in greenhouses. In regions with long and warm summers, it is possible to do without intermediate transplants of seedlings. Tomatoes are planted in a greenhouse by placing the seeds directly into the ground. This reduces losses when transplanting seedlings. However, in this case, problems arise with uneven germination and low seed germination. They can be solved by replanting individual specimens from a small amount of specially grown seedlings.​

How to prepare seedlings for transplanting

​after another 10 days, infusion of garlic - 200 grams of greens (arrow) and one whole head I chop, leave for a day and process the bushes;​

Why is this necessary?

​Thanks correct selection varieties, my greenhouse, covered with polycarbonate, with an area of ​​12 square meters, produces such a harvest that it is enough for the family, for relatives, and for sale on the market. As for tall varieties, if cultivation occurs in one stem, then the distance between them should be at least 75-80 cm, and tomatoes should be at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other; if growing in two stems, then there should be a distance of 65-75 cm between plants.

To prevent the development of late blight on leaves, the bushes are treated three times - a week after planting the seedlings, 20 days after the first treatment, and then after about a third of the brushes bloom. It is customary to treat bushes with “Barrier” and “Barrier” products. It is recommended to carry out the third treatment using garlic solution.​

​Many novice summer residents often ask one question - is it possible to plant other vegetable crops along with tomatoes in the same greenhouse made of polycarbonate or glass? Experts say that other plants from the nightshade group, such as peppers, get along well with them. Therefore, planting tomatoes at the same time as peppers is quite acceptable. Since both of these crops - peppers and tomatoes - require similar care conditions. Of course, it is best to plant peppers in the same room with tomatoes only when you cannot do without it. In this case, planting peppers can be done either in a separate bed or between tomatoes.​

​Growing a crop such as a tomato, on the one hand, is a simple thing, but every business has its own little secrets, knowing which, experienced vegetable growers achieve rich harvests, maximum yield of tomatoes from a small area and a small number of bushes. Let's consider what the planting scheme for tomatoes should be and how to plant them correctly in a greenhouse and open ground, so that even a novice farmer will not be disappointed in this wonderful plant and the possibilities of its cultivation.​
​In open ground - depending on the weather from late May to early June.​

Preparing for the “move”

Advice. If the transplantation has moved to a later date or you see that the seedlings are beginning to suffer from lack of moisture, watering is necessary. But not very abundant and produced in the morning.​

  • ​placement of the greenhouse relative to the cardinal points and wind rose;​
    In order to ensure greater germination of seeds and reduce the need for replanting seedlings, they should be culled. First you need to do this visually. Good way the initial rejection of seeds is to pour them into some container with low edges and simply blow on them. Light seeds will scatter, heavy seeds will remain. The light seeds are already dry, that is, dead. The next stage of testing is soaking. You need to pour the seeds into a damp cloth, preferably cotton, cover them on top with the same cloth and leave for about a week, periodically moistening them. When the bulk of the seeds have sprouted, the remaining seeds can be thrown away and the seedlings can be planted in the ground. In more severe conditions or when growing a capricious but productive variety, the seedlings can be planted in a greenhouse.​
    ​after 10 days - again Fitosporin or EM-preparation Baikal (or Radiance);​

​By the time of planting in the greenhouse beds, my seedlings reach 30-40 cm and there is the first cluster of flowers. I have been preparing the soil since the fall - loosening it, filling it with humus, watering it with a solution of the biological product "Shine". That's why, spring work consist only of watering the day before planting and making holes.​

  • In order to combine the cultivation of early ripening varieties with determinate and tall varieties in a greenhouse, you can use the following scheme. The seedlings are arranged in two rows. The first row near the wall are early ripening determinate varieties, with a distance between plants of about 40 cm. They form into one stem. The upper stepson is transferred to the stem.
    ​Video about how to create optimal conditions for growing tomatoes, how to cope with diseases and how to form a bush. ​

​The soil for peppers, like for tomatoes, should be loose and moist. There is even a special variety of pepper that has an interesting shape and color of the fruit, which is called “tomato-shaped.” It is also quite acceptable to plant tomatoes together with eggplants. The video at the end of the recording will show you how to do this in accordance with all the rules.​

​These dates shift by 5-10 days in one direction or another if your region is located further north or south middle zone.​

Checking readiness

​Seedlings with formed flower clusters require additional preparation. To prevent planting tomatoes in a greenhouse from causing flowers and buds to fall off, they are sprayed with a warm solution from a hand sprayer 3-4 days before. boric acid(1 tsp per 1 liter of water). Every experienced summer resident decides when to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse, based on his own experience, the type of protective shelter and weather conditions in his region. But what should gardening beginners who do not yet have sufficient knowledge do?​

​presence of other crops in the greenhouse;​

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​After another 10 days, pour 3 liters of boiling water over the ash decoction - 300 grams, and after cooling - bring it up to 10 liters.​

​Here we come to such an important question: at what distance should we plant tomatoes in a greenhouse?​

Transplantation into the ground

In the second row near the aisle, tall tomatoes are planted at a distance of 55-60 cm from each other. They form into one stem. Between them, with a step of 25 cm, determinate standard varieties are planted, which also form only one stem. They need to be pinched after the second brush so that 2-3 sheets remain above it. While the tall tomatoes are growing, it will be possible to harvest the entire harvest from the early-ripening ones and remove the plants from the greenhouse.​

Transplant timing

​Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse requires a competent approach. This is a whole range of necessary measures: timely watering, fertilizing, gartering and forming tomato bushes, loosening the soil, pest control and other important work.​
​When there is a week left before planting tomatoes in the greenhouse, you need to carry out the stage of preparing the beds. Their width should be about 60 - 90 cm, and their height should be about 25 - 30 cm. Between the beds you should definitely leave passages about 70 cm wide. For planting tomatoes, it is customary to use clay or loamy soil after sawdust is mixed into it , humus and peat in equal proportions. For one square meter of land you will need about three buckets of this mixture.​
​So, it all starts with choosing seeds. Of course, old varieties of tomatoes could be selected the old fashioned way: I chose the most best bush, picked all the fruits except one or two, waited until they were completely ripe, husked the seeds and dried them. The seeds are ready next year you can plant and expect good seedlings. Yes, this is what our grandparents, parents, and even some of the modern generation did, not knowing what they were doing.​
Advice. On the day of planting, tomatoes should be watered very well. We do this before lunch, and plant the tomatoes in the greenhouse in the evening, when the heat subsides.​

  • ​Limiting watering restrains the growth of seedlings in height, lowering the temperature accustoms it to temperature changes, fertilizing and spraying increase vitality. All this allows you to reduce the risk of poor survival of plants in a new place.​
  • ​We answer: listen to experienced people and study materials on this topic. For example, the recommendations below.​

​aesthetic requirements of the owner.​

  • ​Tomato planting scheme.​
  • ​And so on in circles all season. Over the past 5 years, this scheme has proven to be very effective and my tomatoes practically did not get sick. Late blight appeared once when there were cold rains for more than 2 weeks. And then I had to use Meteor. Then for 2 weeks we will not have tomatoes from the greenhouse. And in the open ground, more than half got sick.

​It all depends on what varieties you choose. Since I plant mainly tall tomatoes and form them into one stem, I maintain the following distance: between rows 50 cm, between bushes in the garden - 35 cm.​

Thickened plantings should not be allowed. Ideal for a plant when every leaf is illuminated. All stepsons and lower leaves must be removed in a timely manner. This will have a positive effect on lighting and air exchange, reduce the risk of disease and speed up the fruiting phase. How many clusters tall plants will have and the number of fruits in the cluster depends only on the varietal characteristics.​

​Hardening should begin at 2-3 hours during the first 3-4 days, then you can take the plants out for the whole day.​

How to reduce the risk of seedlings dying from frost

In the case when peat is used instead of soil, humus, turf, sawdust and sand must be mixed into it in a ratio of 1:1:1:0.5. After preparing the soil, it should be fertilized with double granular superphosphate - you need to take a teaspoon of the product, as well as wood ash - you need a couple of tablespoons. Preparation planting material for planting in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate, glass or film, it invariably begins with growing seedlings. It is best to sow seeds in special containers from February to the end of March. After about 50 days, when the shoot length is about 30 cm, the tomato seedlings can be removed from the containers.​
8-10 days after planting the seedlings, the tomato plants are tied with twine to wire trellises.
Immediately after replanting or shortly before it, the seedlings are sprayed with Oxykh or Bordovsk liquid to protect against diseases.
​The fact that the seedlings are hardened and ready for transplanting is indicated by the purple tint of the leaves on the underside.​
​Young plants will not be so afraid of return frosts, diseases (see Tomato diseases: their varieties and how to deal with them) and other troubles associated with transplantation, if they are properly prepared for this.​

​Types of formation of tomatoes.​


​It is better to make a greenhouse in the fall. A classic greenhouse is a small room for seedlings that heats itself. After it has completed its functions, it can be used as an ordinary garden bed.​
​How to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse?​


Tomatoes definitely need a garter to a reliable support. I use wooden stakes up to 2 meters high. There is no wind or rain in the greenhouse, so they stand reliably until autumn. I tried to tie individual bushes to the crossbars of the greenhouse ceiling structure, but it was very inconvenient to maintain these bushes.​

​At first, caring for seedlings comes down to loosening the soil and maintaining the required temperature.​

​One of the most important conditions for the normal development of a plant is the preparation of seedlings.​

The planting scheme largely depends on the plant variety and the characteristics of its bushes. For example, at low-growing varieties With early period ripening in a greenhouse, three shoots are formed, so it is recommended to plant them in two rows in a checkerboard order, as shown in the video.​

​In the background modern problems And latest technologies More and more new hybrid varieties are appearing that have a lot of special properties, such as: resistance to one or a whole group of diseases, especially appetizing presentation, long shelf life, excellent performance during long-term transportation, and many others. But seeds collected from the berries of a hybrid bush do not always transmit hereditary traits to the next generation. And they do not always have at least some (not to mention “friendly”) germination. Therefore, it is important to choose seeds from leading agricultural companies that have been closely (and for a long time) engaged in the selection of this nightshade plant and have achieved significant success.​

​Despite all the precautions - hardening off the seedlings, planting in a shelter - the weather sometimes makes the most unexpected somersaults. And if during the week you do not have the opportunity to come to the dacha to protect the plants from return frosts, they may die.​


How to properly plant tomatoes in a greenhouse and in open ground?

​The plants that will best survive this procedure are not very tall (35-40 cm) seedlings with a powerful stem, a well-developed root system and 6-8 true leaves.​

​Planting a tomato in a greenhouse, even if it has all the conditions for good survival, is stressful for the plants.​

The choice of seeds determines the yield

The main condition for a good harvest is that the plantings should not be too dense. The rules for planting tomatoes in a greenhouse can be boiled down to the following points:​

The latest technologies and hybrid varieties of tomatoes

​The main structure of a greenhouse is a layer fresh manure or other organic matter placed in the soil so that young roots of seedlings cannot grow to it. Optimal depth this layer is about 20-30 cm.​

​This is both simple and complex. Simple, because tomatoes are a vegetable known to everyone. It’s difficult, because there are many subtleties and nuances that both experienced and novice vegetable growers should know.

I start planting tomatoes while growing seedlings in a glass. I leave only one central stem. And I carefully pluck out all the stepsons that appear in the axils of the leaves when they reach a length of 5-6 cm.

The health and productivity of tomato depends on the choice of planting site

In the first 12-14 days there is no need to water the tomatoes. Only after this period has passed, watering is resumed. How much water is needed will depend on the age of the plants and the weather. On average, you can use from 5 to 20 liters of water at a time per 1 m2, always warm, at least 20 degrees. You need to water the plants until the soil is completely wet and so that water does not get on the leaves. Before the fruiting period begins, watering is rare but plentiful. As soon as the first brush begins to fill, watering is carried out twice a week in small portions. The humidity in the greenhouse should not exceed 60%, otherwise there is a high risk of disease.​

About two weeks before planting, hardening begins. In the room where it is grown, you need to open the windows and leave them in this position both day and night. If the days are warm and sunny, then the seedlings can be taken out into the open air. You should start with 2-3 hours during the first 3-4 days, then you can take the plants out for the whole day. When weather permits, leave them overnight. When seedlings are hardened in greenhouses, then good weather you need to remove the frames. If the plant is well hardened, it has a slightly purple tint.​

In this case, the two bushes should be at a distance of about 35 cm from each other. As for standard varieties, in which one shoot is well developed, it is permissible to plant them more densely. But at the same time, the distance between crops should not be less than 30 cm. Since tall tomato varieties need more space, it would be correct to plant them at a distance of about 70 cm from each other.

​The seeds have been selected, the timing of sowing and planting in the ground has been determined, the soil and greenhouse have been prepared. What next: plant tomatoes in open ground or a greenhouse? Depending on the region and climatic conditions, seeds are sown in late winter/early spring, that is, mid-February/March. Consequently, planting in open/indoor ground will be carried out in April/May. Thrifty owner can divide the seedlings into two parts: first, plant them densely in a greenhouse, then, after the threat of nighttime spring frosts, thin out and plant tomato seedlings in open ground. Thus, the fruiting of tomatoes will last for a maximum period - the entire warm period of the year and even more.​

​The asking price is the annual tomato harvest.​

What tomatoes are best to grow in a greenhouse?

​Everything changes dramatically: soil, temperature, environmental humidity.​

​Early ripening and low-growing varieties are best placed in a checkerboard pattern. The distance between rows should not be less than 50 cm, and between bushes - 40 cm.​


Recommendations for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse: planting and care

​This organic matter should not so much fertilize as warm, that is, create steam. Dry, slowly decomposing organic matter should be placed on top of actively decomposing organic matter: grass, sawdust, shavings, etc.​


​Caring for tomatoes is not as easy as it seems at first glance, but the result in the form of a rich harvest of tomatoes is worth the effort.​
​There is no need to do this before, as a new shoot will immediately begin to grow in the same place. And if you delay pinching, then the extra branches will take a lot of strength from the bush. Yes, and removing them will be more difficult. Also, I always remove the leaves that grow under the knotted brush - they will not shade the bush.​

​On the 10-12th day after planting, you need to tie up the plants. To do this, you can take twine, which is fixed on wire trellises. At the same time, formation is carried out.

Before planting tomato seedlings, they must be treated with Bordeaux mixture. This will help protect tomatoes from diseases. In order for the seedlings to take root better and the first flower cluster to develop faster, you need to cut off 1-2 lower leaves two days before planting. Spraying will help preserve flower buds on the first cluster. boron solution, which must be carried out 4-5 days before disembarkation. A solution is prepared in the following proportion: 1 g of boric acid is diluted in 1 liter of water.​

​Before planting plants in the soil, you should make sure that it has warmed up to a temperature of 15 degrees. It should also be remembered that the stems of the seedlings should not be too immersed in the soil, since in this case the tomato may go into roots and not grow. The soil should not contain excessive amounts of nitrogen, as this situation will cause foliage to grow excessively rather than fruit. After you have examined the seedling for damage, you can plant the future tomato in the ground. Our video will demonstrate how to do this correctly.​

​Tomatoes are planted in well-prepared and fertilized soil, preferably in place of last year’s planting of crops such as onions, garlic, cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage, pumpkin, carrots, and zucchini. You should not plant tomato seedlings in place of last year's growth of eggplants, physalis, tomatoes, and peppers. Such “inheritance” will not give anything good except infection with some disease.​

To prevent this from happening, it is better to plant it not all at once, but at some intervals, at intervals of 7-10 days. If the weather does not let you down, early plantings will take root well in favorable conditions ( wet soil, absence of intense heat) and will bear fruit faster.​

​Often by this time the first flower clusters already appear on the plants. Read above on how to preserve them to get an early harvest.​

​For reference. Even a change in lighting can affect the well-being of seedlings if they grew on a window or glassed-in loggia and then moved to a polycarbonate greenhouse. These materials (glass and polycarbonate) refract differently Sun rays, transmit different radiation spectra.​
​Standard and determinate varieties, which form no more than one stem, can be planted more densely: the distance between rows is 50 cm, and between individual specimens - 25 cm. Such denseness of the bushes is compensated by careful care: tomatoes must be tied to trellises and excess shoots must be constantly removed.​

The layer of soil in which the seedlings are planted should be no thinner than 10 cm. The top of the greenhouse is covered with a lid made of polyethylene film or made of glass.​

​Tomatoes are a capricious vegetable that requires a lot of effort and time. However, the invested work usually pays off with a wonderful harvest and a magnificent picture of huge tomato bunches hanging from each bush. Thanks to this formation, the bushes are well ventilated, do not touch each other and do not get sick.
​As soon as 20 days have passed after planting the tomatoes, you need to carry out the first fertilizing. To do this, you need to dilute 15 g of ammonium nitrate, 50 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium sulfate in a bucket of water. Use 1 liter of solution for each plant. The next feeding is carried out after 2-3 weeks, the final one - 25 days before the end of the growing season. After the tomatoes reach the fruiting period, the amount of ammonium nitrate is increased to 40 g, potassium sulfate - to 60 g, and as for superphosphate, its amount is reduced to 30 g per bucket of water.​


​Tomato seedlings ready to “move” to the greenhouse should have a thick stem, buds on the first cluster, a well-developed root system and have a height characteristic of its variety.​
​Best suited for greenhouse cultivation hybrid varieties. They should be planted in warm soil in the first half of May, when the height of the seedling stems already reaches 30 - 35 cm.​

​Depending on the variety, different planting schemes are used, but its main rule is more air and sunlight for each plant.​​If some of the plantings are damaged by frost, you will have a reserve for more late dates. In any case, you will have a harvest.​ ​Advice. If the seedlings are overgrown and very elongated, cut off the tops, remove the lower leaves from them and place them in water. After a while they will take root and you will have more planting material.​

​Tall varieties would be correctly planted in 2 rows in a checkerboard pattern with a distance between rows of 80 cm, and between specimens - 60 cm.​

​This cover should be no higher than 50 cm from the soil.​

​When growing tomatoes in open and closed ground, you must adhere to the following rules.​

​One of the most important, in my opinion, agrotechnical techniques is mulching beds in a greenhouse. Many gardeners neglect this technology, but in vain. It is much easier to care for such plantings; you need to water them half as often, and the soil in the root zone does not overheat.

Video “Growing tomatoes in greenhouse conditions”

​These simple rules will allow you to form strong plants and get a good harvest of tomatoes.​


Proper preparation of tomatoes for planting

It is believed that after this age the seedlings take root well in a new place and adapt to the proposed conditions. As mentioned above, tall varieties are planted in a checkerboard pattern, but medium and dwarf varieties require a different planting method - in rows, and the distance between plants should be about 40 cm.

Preparing seedlings for planting

​This rule is due to the susceptibility of tomatoes to late blight and other diseases, including fungal ones. The tendency to get late blight is one of the reasons why tomatoes prefer root watering, when the plants are watered carefully in each hole or along a shallow ditch stretching across the entire greenhouse. In addition, seedlings are planted in a greenhouse taking into account the convenience of further processing: weeding, pinching, spraying and harvesting.​

​If such interval planting is not possible, you can play it safe by additionally covering the greenhouse with one or two more layers of film with an air gap between them.​

​A couple of days before planting a tomato in a greenhouse, you need to remove the cotyledon leaves and lower leaves, which may be below ground level. This will allow them to more easily take root in a new place and quickly form flower clusters.​

Of course, we try to use the most gentle methods; many vegetable growers specially plant seedlings in peat pots so as not to injure the root system during transplantation. But this is not enough.​

Preparing soil in a greenhouse

​Combined accommodation option. To do this, you need to divide the greenhouse into 2 beds and plant tomatoes in 2 rows on each of them. The first row is located at the outer edge. It contains early ripening varieties, the distance between specimens is about 40 cm. In the second row, located near the aisle, tall tomatoes should be planted at a distance of 60 cm from each other. Between tall and short varieties you can place tomatoes with average height stems with a distance of 25 cm from each other.

​If the greenhouse is located directly in the greenhouse, then some of the seedlings can then be left in the greenhouse to grow further. The design and features of planting seedlings depend on the desire for subsequent use of the greenhouse.

​Location of beds for tomatoes.​

​Mulching makes it much easier to care for the soil, or rather, there will be no need to loosen and weed at all, and the roots will breathe, and the soil will not be washed away during watering.​

Planting tomato seedlings

​When grown in a greenhouse, the yield of juicy and sweet tomatoes can be increased at least twice if you follow simple rules: grow strong and healthy seedlings, plant it at the appropriate time and periodically water and fertilize it.​

About a week before planting seedlings, you need to prepare the beds. How many of them there will be, as well as their height and width, depend on the dimensions of the greenhouse, but you should not make them higher than 30-40 cm and wider than 60-90 cm. It must be taken into account that the distance between the holes should be at least 35-40 cm. the holes in the row should not be closer than 40 cm to the walls of the greenhouse. It is imperative to place a passage between the beds of at least 50 cm.

Unovergrown seedlings are planted vertically; if the plants are elongated, they need to be laid obliquely in prepared holes, tearing off the bottom leaves and covering them with earth. Pay special attention to those seedlings that have outgrown. For it, a 12-centimeter hole should be made in the ground, in which another deeper hole should be made, matching in height with the height of the pot in which the seedling is located. After a few weeks, the initially formed hole must be covered with earth.

​Many people plant plants at a distance measured “by eye,” but this planting scheme is suitable for amateur summer residents who will plant a maximum of 10-15 bushes. The optimal distance for tall tomato bushes is 40x70x100 cm. In this case, 40 is the distance between the rows, 70 is the distance in the row between the bushes, and 100 is the path separating the rows.​

Scheme of planting tomato seedlings

​Before transplanting, it is advisable to leave pots or boxes with seedlings in a greenhouse for several days so that they acclimatize. This can be done when weather conditions already allow planting tomatoes in a greenhouse.​

​In order for the plant to survive the change of residence well, it must be prepared for this in advance. Read on to find out how to do this.​

​Aesthetic requirements for the placement of tomatoes are not considered here, since they are too individual.​

​It is better to divide the greenhouse soil into fragments in the form of small dimples. They will be convenient for watering.​

​Under natural conditions, tomatoes are not so much an upright bush as creeping grass. As soon as the tomato stem touches the ground, roots grow from it and a new tomato bush appears. This property cannot be ignored. When planting seedlings in the ground, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of adding soil as the bush grows. It is best to plant seedlings in a hole. As the plant grows, this hole is gradually filled up. This should be done before the first true leaf. You can bury tomatoes to greater depths. This will allow you to grow big bush, but may delay flowering and ripening. Tomatoes need to be buried depending on the climate. In long and hot summer conditions, you can bury a tomato by 50 cm or even more. In more severe conditions, you should limit yourself to 10-20 cm.​

​Tomatoes should be watered only at the root and preferably in the first half of the day, so that by night the vegetative part is completely dry. Only then will the flowers be pollinated. I try to gently shake the plants 1-2 times every day, and for a more complete set of fruits, I periodically spray them with a weak solution of boric acid (from the pharmacy). Take a quarter of a teaspoon for a bucket of warm water (about 30 degrees).

Caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse

​Select varieties and hybrids of tomatoes designed specifically for growing in greenhouses. Indeterminate tomatoes (i.e. varieties with unlimited growth) are suitable for this; they make full use of the volume of greenhouses and give a very high yield. Tomatoes can be planted only when the soil warms up to 13-15 degrees at a depth of 12-15 cm To check this, you can use a regular household thermometer. It needs to be immersed in the ground for 10-15 minutes and the indicators checked. If everything is in order, you can start planting tomatoes. In such conditions, the seedlings will take root much faster, and the root system will be well strengthened.

​After about two weeks have passed since the planting of vegetable crops, they will need to be fertilized for the first time. This feeding should consist of mullein and nitrophoska - at the rate of a tablespoon of nitrophoska, half a liter of liquid mullein per 10 liters of water.​

This method of planting tomatoes is called ribbon-cluster or multi-line, due to the fact that 2-3 rows of plantings form a line, and between the “lines” a distance of 60 to 100 cm is left. The square-cluster, or square, method of planting is more often used tomatoes: at the intersection of the marker trail, from 1 (square method) to 2-4 (square-cluster method) tomatoes are planted. Such planting schemes are suitable not only for open ground plantings, but also for planting in a greenhouse.​

​As you can see, not only the yield of tomatoes, but also their viability largely depends on the timing of planting seedlings in a greenhouse. Hardening measures help prepare them for new conditions, but are not able to protect them from serious frosts.​


​The optimal timing for planting seedlings in a greenhouse or hotbed is determined climatic features region and the prevailing weather in a given year. As you know, it is very unpredictable, so the deadlines can shift in any direction, and even experienced vegetable growers can make mistakes with them.​


  • ​Instructions for preparing seedlings for transplanting into a greenhouse or open ground include measures for hardening, fertilizing (see Feeding a tomato: several practical advice) and spraying plants.​
  • ​Diagram of arrangement of tomatoes in the garden.​
  • Everything about tomatoes is fragile. Leaves, stems, and clusters of fruits break easily. In nature, this fragility is compensated by the rooting of broken stems. In cultivation, and especially in a greenhouse, parts of the bush cannot be allowed to fall off - this reduces the yield. For this reason, tomatoes always need to be carefully tied up with all parts except the leaves.​
  • The heat in the greenhouse has a very detrimental effect on fruit set. The color just falls off. To protect my tomatoes, on hot days I not only open all the sides, but also throw an old white sheet over the roof. Under such penumbra, the temperature immediately drops by several degrees. But it is absolutely forbidden to spray tomatoes - this is a direct path to the appearance of fungal diseases.​
  • Among the early ripening tomato hybrids intended for growing indoors, we can recommend “Hurricane F1”, “Typhoon F1” and “Blagovest F1”. Tomatoes are round in shape and are valued for their early and abundant harvest. Very tasty tomatoes of the varieties “Krasnobay F1”, “Granny’s Gift F1”, “Funtik F1” and many, many others. Currently, breeders have developed many new varieties and hybrids, and each of them is good in its own way.​
  • ​A week before you plan to plant tomatoes, you need to prepare the holes. This will allow the soil at depth to warm up faster. The width and depth depend on the variety of tomatoes. For high varieties, the width and depth should be 30 cm, for others 20 cm is enough. Fertilizer must be added to each hole: 2 liter jars of a mixture of peat with humus and one glass of ash. You need to fill it all with one liter of potassium permanganate solution.​
  • Each bush should be watered with this solution, using a liter for each of them. After 10 days, it is necessary to feed the crops again, using potassium sulfate and a fertilizer called “Fertility”. To prepare such fertilizer, add a tablespoon of the product and a teaspoon of potassium sulfate to 10 liters of water. It is recommended to use this fertilizer about three times a season. You can see activities for caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse in our video.​
  • ​Planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse requires choosing tall varieties that will give maximum yield, occupying vertical rather than horizontal space, in contrast to low-growing tomatoes, which will bush, leaving usable area empty. ​
  • KakProsto.ru

When to plant tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse to get a harvest in May

​To better understand this issue, we suggest you watch the video offered in this article.​

Planting seedlings in a permanent place

In addition, planting tomatoes in a greenhouse occurs earlier or later, depending on the quality of the shelter itself. In heated greenhouses (see Heating a greenhouse with your own hands: a workshop) equipped with lighting, planting dates are not limited at all - tomatoes are grown in them even in winter.​

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​The seedlings are planted densely, but so that a distance is maintained between the seedlings to prevent shading.​

​To increase the yield in the second half of summer, when the fruits begin to ripen en masse, it is necessary to remove new shoots and new flowers. They still won’t have time to produce ripe tomatoes, and they take away the plant’s strength.​

​This is one of the most unclear issues in growing tomatoes - how often and in what volumes should they be fed. I will say this: tall tomatoes are very sensitive to regular fertilizers. I do this every 2 weeks.​

​You need to sow tomato seeds for seedlings for subsequent cultivation in greenhouses in the first ten days of March. Some manufacturers claim that their seeds have undergone pre-sowing treatment, but experienced gardeners still advise treating the seeds before planting. This will subsequently avoid many diseases. Make a pink solution of potassium permanganate and dip tomato seeds in it for 30 minutes. Then take them out and dry them.​

Caring for greenhouse tomatoes

​In addition to fertilizing plants, caring for them also implies that crops should be grown in a timely manner and the right amount water.​

​If planting in a greenhouse, you can reduce the distance between the bushes in a row, but do not forget to space the plants so that the plantings have good ventilation and access to light.​

​Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse helps gardeners achieve maximum yield these vegetables. However, in order to really be pleased with the yield in the end, you need to know when to plant seedlings in closed ground and how to care for them.​

Feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse

​Another thing is ordinary seasonal structures.​

Hardening begins in 2-3 weeks. To do this, reduce the frequency and intensity of watering and begin to accustom the seedlings to lower air temperatures.​

​Planting seedlings depends on where they come from and what condition they are in. The timing of planting depends on the climate of the area. Seedlings can be transplanted from the end of April to the end of May. Planting in a greenhouse allows you to protect tomatoes from late frosts on the soil. Even if they suddenly turn out to be significant, you can take measures to temporarily heat the greenhouse.​

​You can combat too much density using the fragmentation described earlier.​

Disease Prevention

​During the season, tomatoes must be watered several times with water in which manure is mixed and, if necessary, mineral fertilizers. This does not need to be done only if fertilizers were applied to the soil the day before planting. Fertilizing allows you to quickly respond to plant problems: falling flowers, ovaries, poor growth, etc.​

  • ​After planting in a permanent place, the first feeding will be in 7 days. To do this, I use an infusion of manure (1:10) or bird droppings (1:15 parts of water). I also add a half-liter jar of ash to the bucket. I alternate all subsequent feedings with a solution of nitroammophoska - 250-250 grams per bucket of water.​
  • ​Prepare the soil for growing seedlings. A good substrate is one of the components of an excellent harvest. The soil for growing tomatoes should be light, loose, and well permeable to moisture and air. To prepare 1 bucket of soil mixture, take 1/3 of a bucket of humus, add 2 parts of peat and approximately 1/10 of a bucket of clean sand. Put 1 glass of ash, 30 g of superphosphate, 15 g of urea and potassium sulfate. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.​
  • ​Before planting, you should fill the holes with warm water to create liquid mud, in which you need to plant the tomatoes. If the seedlings are well formed, then they need to be planted vertically, deepening them no more than 2-3 cm. Overgrown seedlings go deeper. A hole up to 25 cm deep is prepared. Another small one is made in it, the size of the planting pot. A small hole is well poured with hot water, and only after that the overgrown tomato is planted. The transplant pot is deepened by 2-3 cm. It turns out that the plant is sitting in a large hole. Then, every 2-3 days, a mixture of peat and humus is added to this hole, but no more than 2-3 cm per addition. This is how gradual deepening occurs and a new root system is formed in the plant. The tomato is developing normally, its first brushes are forming.
  • ​Remember that you should not water tomatoes too much, as this may negatively affect the quality and taste of the fruit.​
  • ​Then the harvest will be full and the tomatoes will be large. Many people do not advise planting tomatoes in the same greenhouse with other crops, such as cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, and melons. It's all about the plant's relationship to the microclimate in the greenhouse. For example, cucumbers. These plants love high humidity and warmth, but a tomato, although it loves warmth, can begin to hurt if there is excessive humidity in the greenhouse! Some gardeners, in order not to put several greenhouses on the site, resort to one simple trick: they delimit the greenhouse with a curtain made of film and plant as many types of vegetables as they need. If you do not neglect the already accumulated knowledge about growing tomatoes, every gardener and farmer will get an excellent harvest of delicious tomatoes.​

When to plant seedlings in a greenhouse


​So, for central Russia the approximate dates are as follows:​​First, they simply open the windows for a few hours during the day so that the temperature drops by 4-5 degrees. On warm days, take the boxes out onto the balcony, terrace or directly outside.​

​The main requirement when planting seedlings is to take measures to minimize damage to the root system. It is best, of course, to plant in peat pots. In this case there is no damage at all.​

Basic principles of growing tomatoes

​Corridors organized between areas of seedlings will provide sufficient lighting to part of the seedlings, which can then be selected for transplantation into the permanent soil of the greenhouse.​

​Tomatoes are light-loving plants, but scorching heat is contraindicated for them. They also cannot tolerate drought. Their delicate leaves and succulent stems always need watering.​

​I carry out each feeding like this - in the area of ​​the roots I pour a glass of infusion or solution, and then on top - a liter and a half of settled water (in no case cold!).​

  1. ​Fill the seedling containers with nutrient substrate and sow the seeds. Shoots will appear on day 4-5. After 2-3 true leaves appear, the seedlings need to be planted in separate pots. This technique is used to increase the feeding area and, accordingly, better development of the root system of tomatoes.​
  2. ​Immediately after planting tomatoes, they should not be watered. The soil around the planted plant is compacted and immediately mulched with dry soil. The layer should be at least 4-5 cm. It also should not be watered to prevent the formation of a crust on the surface. To reduce evaporation from the ground, the row spacings are carefully loosened. This procedure when planting seedlings allows it to quickly take root. There is no need to water every day.​
  3. ​Experts advise watering tomatoes every five days.​
  4. ​To be able to enjoy fresh tomatoes regardless of the time of year, you need to start growing ripe and juicy fruits in our own greenhouse. To get a good harvest, you need to adhere to all the rules for planting tomatoes, as well as provide proper care for these very demanding plants. Our recommendations will help both experienced and novice gardeners plant tomatoes and get a rich harvest.​

​Tomato seedlings, which are intended for growing in a greenhouse or hothouse, can be planted in closed ground in early May, when the threat of frost has passed and the soil has warmed up to at least +8°C. If the ground temperature is lower than specified, then it is better to wait a while with planting seedlings. In addition, the development of the plants also affects the time of planting tomatoes in the greenhouse. Tomatoes that are at least 25 centimeters high and have well-developed foliage (9-11 leaves per bush) are ready for a change of “place of residence.”

​Stationary greenhouses with heating capabilities - end of April;​

How to plant tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse

​If possible, you can begin to accustom the plants to the greenhouse by placing boxes with seedlings in it in good weather.​

You can avoid unnecessary damage when planting your own seedlings from a greenhouse. In this case, the roots are, of course, damaged, but the main factor in minimizing plant stress is time. The less time a plant is outside the soil, the faster it adapts to new conditions. The worst thing to do is to replant seedlings that were not purchased in peat pots somewhere at the market. Its survival rate is usually very low.​

​When the weather becomes warm enough and the sprouts are large, the greenhouse will need to be ventilated.​

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​I completely exclude fertilizers from the second half of August, leaving only an ash solution when watering. This significantly speeds up the ripening of tomatoes. Since September, I also remove, if possible, the inflorescences that form - these tomatoes will not have time to ripen anyway.​

​The seedlings are ready for planting in greenhouses 60-65 days after the first shoots appear. You can start planting it in greenhouses as early as the tenth of May. But before that, 1-2 weeks before planting, you need to prepare the soil in the greenhouse.​

Greenhouse as a way to grow seedlings and adult plants

​After finishing planting the seedlings, you must immediately remove the leaves that touch the ground. This must be done in the morning, so that by the evening the wound at the site of the removed leaf has time to dry.

​Please also take into account the fact that in the first ten days after planting, watering is also not advisable, since the crops have not yet had time to adapt to new living conditions. When you care for plants in a greenhouse, remember that the water temperature for irrigation should be about 20 - 22 degrees.​

​A modern greenhouse can be built from ordinary polyethylene film, glass, or the latest durable material - polycarbonate. In any case, it must have normal dimensions for good growth and harmonious development of tomatoes. Growing a vegetable such as a tomato requires a competent approach, so it is important to consider all the nuances. ​

How to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse

​Stationary greenhouses and greenhouses without heating - May 5-10, but if there is a threat of frost, the plantings are additionally covered with film directly indoors;​

In addition, the sprouts need to be hardened. If you are not planning to plant seedlings in open ground, then this procedure is not so relevant, and the need for ventilation will be reduced to preventing rotting from excessive moisture.​

​Tomatoes in a greenhouse are well protected from weather hazards and other destructive influences.​

​As I already said, I try not to use it at all. chemicals protection. But I actively use biological products, trying to alternate them with traditional methods. If you show the processing diagram, it will look like this:​

​Make beds 60-90 cm wide along the structure. For each, add 1-2 buckets of humus, sawdust and a little coarse clean sand. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate over the surface of the bed. Dig up the soil and level it with a rake. Leave the soil to warm up.​

​Options for attaching to a trellis: 1. Lightweight, 2. More rigid, 3. Garter of the stem at the bottom, 4. Garter with a “loose” loop​

​The approximate amount of water that plants require before the flowering period begins is 4 - 5 liters per square meter. During the flowering period, this amount increases to 10 - 13 liters. It is best to water the crops in the greenhouse in the morning. Proper care for vegetable crops also involves maintaining optimal temperature regime inside the greenhouse. When the weather is sunny outside, the temperature in the greenhouse should be about 20 - 22 degrees, when it is cloudy - 19 - 20. It is especially important to prevent sudden temperature rises at night. The temperature during this period should be about 16 - 17 degrees until flowering.​

​ After you build your greenhouse from polycarbonate or other material with everything you need - comfortable lighting, good ventilation system, that is, implement all preliminary preparation Before planting tomatoes, you can proceed to the next stage. It is necessary to prepare the soil inside the greenhouse for subsequent planting of tomatoes.​

​There are many various schemes planting tomatoes and their choice depends on factors such as the variety of tomatoes and their height. The planting pattern is also influenced by the size of the greenhouse, its location in the garden, the method of growing tomatoes (with pinching or not), etc. Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to prepare the beds and till the soil. To do this, you need to make narrow beds in the greenhouse 60-70 centimeters wide and about 40 centimeters high, then make holes in them (the distance between the holes is 40-50 cm) 20 centimeters deep and then water each hole with a liter weak solution potassium permanganate (one gram of potassium permanganate per 12 liters of warm water). In this case, instead of potassium permanganate, you can use other drugs that protect plants from many diseases. The most common drugs are “Barrier” and “Barrier”.​

Scheme for planting tomatoes in a greenhouse: options

  • A week before planting, tomatoes can be fed. The solution is prepared with your own hands: you just need to stir a glass of wood ash in a bucket of water and pour this mixture over the plants.​
  • ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yONzUvuMHzI​
  • ​Return to contents​
  • Options for planting tomatoes.

​Immediately after planting the seedlings, I treat the bushes with Fitosporin M (everything is strictly according to the instructions);​

​After 1-2 weeks, water the prepared beds with a pink solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per bucket of water). Make holes at a distance of 60 cm from each other in a checkerboard pattern, moisten them and plant tomato seedlings.​

  1. ​What scheme is used to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse mainly depends on the varieties and methods of plant formation. The best option would be to plant early-ripening, low-growing varieties, formed in two or three stems in two rows, using a checkerboard pattern. The distance between rows is at least 50-55 cm. The distance between tomatoes is at least 40 cm.​
  2. ​After the crops bloom, the temperature should be 26 - 32 degrees. The lower limit of temperature during the flowering period is at least 14 - 16 degrees. After you have collected the first fruits, you can maintain the temperature in the greenhouse at 16-17 degrees. This can have a beneficial effect on the growth and ripening of tomatoes. Another important point of care is rightfully considered the pruning of stepsons - unnecessary lateral shoots developing on the leaves. They should be removed regularly, and the bush itself should be formed from the main shoot, on which about five brushes are left.​
  3. Experts do not recommend growing tomatoes in the same greenhouse for several years in a row. In this case, crops can often get sick.
  4. ​As soon as the beds are ready, a day later you can start planting seedlings. The first step is to water the seedlings and pick off dry and yellow leaves, while being careful not to injure the plant stem. Next, carefully remove the seedlings from the cups (you need to strictly ensure that the earthen ball with roots is not disturbed), place each plant in a separate hole and sprinkle with a small amount of soil. After this, place rotted manure (compost) around the tomato stems, cover it with soil, compact it lightly and water each plant with a liter of clean water.​

​There is no need to water them until planting in the shelter.​

​When planting seedlings, the future harvest is laid. Here it is necessary to take into account the first rule of planting and growing tomatoes, described above: a hole for a new plant must be dug, taking into account the subsequent addition of soil. You need to bury the young plant right up to the first true leaf. Juvenile leaves can be safely immersed in the ground, since they fall off anyway.​

Planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse: basic rules

​The layout of tomatoes in a greenhouse depends on many factors, such as:​

​However, they do not receive ultraviolet radiation, and this affects their taste. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of an opening greenhouse. It's best to open it from the top. However, this is not always technically feasible. In addition, there is a possibility of damage to tomatoes from the sun, rain, and hail. In this case, a compromise option is possible - open the greenhouse from the sides. This way scattered ultraviolet light enters it and reduces the likelihood of damage.​

​after 10 days - diluted milk or whey (2 liters per 10 liters of water) plus 10 drops of pharmaceutical iodine;

Carefully remove the seedlings from the glass. Tear off the lower leaves, place them in holes and bury them, leaving 3-4 leaves on the surface of the soil. Leave the tomatoes in this form for 10-12 days. Then water and tie to a support.​

​Standard and determinate varieties that form in one stem are also planted in two rows using a checkerboard pattern. The distance between rows is at least 50 cm, between plants - no more than 25 cm. This scheme makes it possible to plant about 10 plants per square meter. But with such planting, careful care is required to prevent thickening.

About a month before the end of the growing season, you need to pinch the top. When the fruits ripen and begin to turn red, the lower leaves are removed. Pruning is best done in the morning. When caring for tomatoes, don’t forget about prevention. various diseases. Blackleg disease is very dangerous for seedlings. To avoid the appearance of this fungus, the soil in the greenhouse is changed to new soil before planting crops.​

In this article I will talk in detail about how to plant tomatoes in polycarbonate greenhouses and unheated film greenhouses, I will provide planting patterns and some recommendations for caring for plants.

About growing tomatoes in greenhouses

The need to grow tomatoes in protected soil is associated with its high temperature requirements and a fairly long growing season.

In the conditions of the Moscow region, it is usually carried out in late May - early June, when the risk of frost decreases. Already in September the weather may be too cold for normal fruit ripening. Meanwhile, some varieties begin to bear fruit after 120 (for example) and even more days. This means that they simply will not have time to yield the harvest, or at least most of it, when grown in open ground.

When planting tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse, we automatically solve the problem of late frosts and even cold May. This means that the plants receive about 30 additional days growth in a permanent place and will be able to produce a much larger harvest. At the same time, of course, you have to remember the disadvantages:

  • when planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse, we are forced to thicken the plantings because the greenhouse area is limited;
  • the lighting intensity in a greenhouse or greenhouse is lower;
  • increased planting density and increased air humidity increase the risk of late blight and other tomato diseases.

That is why, as well as for a number of other reasons, not everything should be grown in protected ground, but only those varieties that are intended for protected ground. If you have not yet decided on the choice of such, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our material “” - it will be useful to you.

Timing for planting tomatoes in greenhouses

The timing of planting tomatoes in greenhouses depends on the region, the type of greenhouse and partly on the characteristics of the variety.

In the conditions of the Moscow region, polycarbonate greenhouses or film greenhouses seedlings are usually planted in the first ten days of May. If the greenhouse has a double frame or at first the seedlings will be covered additionally, it is possible to plant in last decade April, and when using air heaters or other heating systems- even in mid-April.

Seedlings are planted in light greenhouses on May 5...10, and if additional shelter is available, a week earlier. Can be used as shelter paper bags or boxes, thin geotextiles, etc.


If possible, you should not grow tomatoes in the same greenhouse in the same place for two years in a row, but sometimes a summer resident simply has no choice. If you cannot move the greenhouse to another location, try to at least disinfect its structures with a disinfectant solution and replace the soil. If it is not possible to replace the soil, carefully dig up the soil in the fall, removing plant debris.

Poor predecessors for tomatoes are potatoes (you should not put a greenhouse where it has grown in the last 2...3 years) and. Good predecessors are cucumber, pumpkin and cabbage. If green crops or flowers were grown in the shelter last year, that’s also good.

Preparing soil in a greenhouse

Preparation begins in the fall with digging. Digging should be as deep as possible, completely covering plant debris and weeds. At the same time, it makes sense to add rotted manure, humus or other organic fertilizers in an amount of about 10 kg/m2.

If you use film covers or remove part of the polycarbonate lining from the greenhouse, the ground in/above the greenhouse will be covered with snow. If it doesn't melt, try to remove it in early April - this will speed up the warming of the soil.

Before planting tomato seedlings in the greenhouse, the soil should be dug up again and fertilized:

  • phosphorus - at the rate of 15...25 grams of active substance per square meter;
  • potash (preferably potassium sulfate) at the rate of 15 grams per square meter.

Nitrogen fertilizers should not be applied - they will be partially applied when feeding tomato seedlings, and partially with subsequent fertilizing directly in the greenhouse.

To better warm the soil in the greenhouse, you can make ridges that should be oriented from north to south. To be fair, it should be admitted that only a few gardeners bother to create such beds, and the harvests are usually quite good without them.

Scheme for planting tomatoes in greenhouses

The scheme for planting tomatoes in greenhouses and greenhouses depends on:

  • characteristics of the variety;
  • the intended method of forming a bush;
  • greenhouse parameters.

Most often, tomatoes are planted in two-row ribbons. The following landing schemes are used:

  • for determinate varieties with a compact bush - the distance between tapes is 80 cm, between rows - 50 cm, between plants - 30 cm;
  • for tall determinate, semi-determinate and - the distance between tapes is 90 cm, between rows - 60 cm, between plants in rows - 40 cm.

If the plants will form into three stems, the distance between plants in the row should be increased by 5...10 cm.

The technology for planting tomatoes in polycarbonate greenhouses or film shelters is almost no different from the technology for planting in open ground:

  1. Preparing planting holes
  2. Add a handful of humus to each hole, mixing it with soil.
  3. Carefully transfer the plant from the seedling pot or box, trying not to damage the roots. We bury it so that the cotyledon leaves are located at ground level.
  4. Carefully compact the soil so as not to damage the roots.
  5. Water with warm water - approximately 1.5 liters are needed per plant.
  6. We leave the plants alone for a couple of days, and then tie them to a trellis.