home · Installation · Manufacturing of reels to order. Production of electrical control and protection devices - production of voltage coils. Professional services of JSC "Elteza"

Manufacturing of reels to order. Production of electrical control and protection devices - production of voltage coils. Professional services of JSC "Elteza"

JSC ELTEZA offers professional winding of transformer coils in Moscow, with a full quality guarantee. Our production facilities consist of a fleet of specialized machines numbering 20 units, which allows us to quickly cope with the most large orders and always guarantee quality and comply with work deadlines. Experienced, highly qualified personnel are the basis for the success of our activities and are able to quickly solve any problems that may arise during the work process.

Professional winding of transformer coils

Winding transformer coils is a job that requires high precision and care when performing. The slightest inaccuracy here can lead to disruption of functionality, performance and performance characteristics equipment. Our company will wind transformer and inductor coils and other winding products on SRN-0.5 equipment using special wire with a diameter of 0.1 to 1.4 mm. The high productivity of our company is ensured by excellent production facilities and experienced personnel who can quickly complete any volume of expected work. When ordering winding of transformer coils from us, you can be absolutely confident in the quality of the work performed and count on one hundred percent results when completing any orders.

Professional services of JSC "ELTEZA"

The winding of transformer coils we perform fully complies with current quality standards and is the basis for the popularity of this service. Our employees will always be happy to offer the most favorable prices and other work conditions that will become the basis for long-term mutually beneficial cooperation. Contact our managers or call the numbers on the website. You can always agree with us to perform the work on the most favorable financial terms.

In this article we will talk about the manufacture of coils for metal detectors (hereinafter referred to as MD). There are quite a lot of methods for manufacturing coils for MD described on the Internet and this publication does not aim to discredit other manufacturing methods, rather another manufacturing method in this industry, everyone has the right to choose what suits them. So let's begin to describe the process of making a coil.

Actually, it all starts with a frame or template for winding both regular and DD coils. We won’t come up with anything particularly new here; we’ll leave this part of production unchanged. According to the requirements, we wind it onto the template required amount turns based on the frequency of the MD, one thing but the coil must be round, at least by initial stage process, regardless of whether it will be round later or DD. If the coil is DD shaped, it must be converted to round shape, this is not so difficult from a practical point of view, we simply measure the length of the turn D of the shape and wind it on a template for a round coil, the length of the turn, I repeat, must be the same to maintain the calculated parameters of the coil. Next comes the author's technology. Having wound the required number of turns of the coil, we tightly wrap the winding with several turns of thick thread to make round section winding We need this intermediate technological step to determine the diameter of the heat-shrinkable tube that will be used as a cover for the wire harness, after which the thread is removed. When we have decided on the diameter of the cambric, we choose its length, it should be 15-20 millimeters more than necessary. We wrap the extra centimeters of cambric in the same way as excessively long jeans are rolled up, example in photo 1.

There are no difficulties with this; you just need tweezers and a little patience at the initial stage of tucking. Tucking is done from both ends of the cambric, and its length should be reduced so that a gap of 15-18 millimeters appears from the circle formed by the wound coil. After this, we take the first turn of the wound coil, run it inside the cambric and stretch it through the entire length until it appears on the back side, bring the ends of the wires together until we obtain the desired diameter of the circle, see photo.2.

Next, we wrap the beginning of the first turn around the beginning of the second turn, so as to avoid moving along the second wire. Next, rotating the entire skein of the coil, we screw it into the cambric, approximately like a spring. Screwing in usually does not cause any difficulties since the diameter of the wiring harness is much smaller internal diameter Cambric. When screwing in, if possible, you should try to ensure that the turns do not intersect but lie parallel and the winding diameter does not change. After the entire wire is screwed into the cambric, the first and second turns are separated, and corrections are made to the laying of the turns. Approximate view of photo 3.

After this, the thread is wrapped around the beginning and end of the winding, and a gap is established in the screen (for the transmitting coil). If you are satisfied with the result of the work, it’s time to turn back the previously wrapped cambric. Gradually unscrewing the wrapped cambric, when approaching the beginning of the wire or its end, a puncture is made in it and through it the wire is brought out outside the cambric. After the cambric is completely unscrewed, it should overlap each other by 15-20 millimeters. In this case, one side is pre-shrinked. If the future coil needs to be given rigidity, before turning the cambric inward, either varnish or epoxy resin is injected using a medical syringe with the needle removed, which are evenly distributed throughout the entire cavity. To allow excess resin to enter, a small hole is first left in the cambric. After completing all operations, the cambric with the wire screwed into it is placed on a mandrel of the required shape and starting from the middle, on the opposite side of the terminals, we heat the cambric to achieve uniform shrinkage and uniform distribution of the polymer or epoxy mass inside it. In the case of the formation of bubbles with an accumulation of resin, it is removed after puncturing the bubble and the place of the bubble is additionally heated. When one half-arc is seated in the same way, the second one is seated. The coil is leveled on the mandrel, the shape is adjusted and remains there until the varnish hardens or the resin polymerizes. In this way, it is possible to produce a receiving coil that, as a rule, does not require shielding. For a transmitting coil that has a screen made of foil or graphite, the technology is slightly different, although you can either apply graphite on top of the heat-shrinkable casing using one of the described methods, or make a foil screen as described. When making a transmitting coil, you can use two thermocambes with increasing diameters. The first is as described above, the second is put on the first and has a larger diameter, taking into account the thickness of the foil or graphite coating. A cambric with a larger diameter is pre-folded in the same way, but on both sides as much as possible, ideally half the length, it can be put on the first one already pre-folded, this will be easier than tucking it with a wire. In this case, it should move freely in a “tucked” state along the first cambric. The length of the larger diameter cambric is 3-4 centimeters less than the diameter of the coil. When the coil wire is tucked into the first cambric and its cavity is filled with resin or varnish, we shrink it. If in the first case it was possible to use almost any heat source for this, such as a hair dryer, candle, lighter, etc., then in the second case a local heat source is used, best of all a hair dryer from soldering station, a somewhat worse but quite satisfactory result is given by the usual gas lighter, but you need to use it slowly, shrinking it in several passes. When the coil in the first cambric is seated, we begin making the screen. In the case of using foil as a screen, moving the tucked cambric along the reel frees the beginning or end of the winding. Leaving room for the screen to break, we begin to wind the foil, making several turns of foil and reaching the edge of the second cambric, we move it further, freeing up space for winding the foil, and so on until the foil is completely wound along the entire length of the coil, excluding the break. After winding the foil, secure the end of the tape to prevent it from unwinding. Usually on top aluminum foil reeled tinned copper wire 0.3-0.4 mm, which is wound simultaneously with the foil and serves as a screen output. When this procedure is completed, we begin to unroll the larger diameter cambric over its entire length. Having unscrewed the cambric and straightened it, we move it along the winding in such a way that its ends are equidistant from the breaks in the foil screen. After this, you can shrink the second thermocambric using construction hair dryer, a hair dryer, a soldering station, a lighter and then the coil, as in the first option, is placed on the frame until the resin has hardened.

When applying a graphite screen, the second cambric moves over the first and a varnish-graphite mixture is applied to the surface of the first, or graphite is applied in the form of a spray. Unlike foil winding, graphite deposition involves hardening the applied graphite to prevent the latter from contracting when moving a larger diameter cambric. A tinned conductor is inserted into the cambric as in the first case. You can, of course, as in the first case, simply fill the space between the two cambrics with a graphite-containing mixture and then shrink it. But only in this case, the distribution of graphite will be uncontrolled and, as a result, the characteristics of the coil will change. After the coils have hardened on the templates, they are placed in the housing, balanced and secured there using epoxy resin or other adhesive as described in the manuals for making search coils.

Disadvantages of the described method: more complex than traditional, requires accuracy and attention, needs technical devices like a hairdryer, etc.

Advantages: a more accurate appearance of the semi-finished coil; with careful execution, an almost factory design is obtained, but the most important advantage is that after the resin hardens inside the cambric, a rather rigid design of a neat appearance. Rigidity allows you to balance the coil in the body and tune it into resonance and obtain the same parameters after filling the coils with epoxy resin. When forming the contour of the coil, it is necessary to take into account the shape of the coils at their intersections, receiving and transmitting, and bend them in relation to each other until hardening epoxy resin, otherwise you may break the conductors.

Winding technology

TO category:

Production of radio equipment

Winding technology

Winding operations occupy a significant place in the production of radio equipment. By winding we mean technological process laying wires to produce coils of circuits, windings of transformers, chokes, relays, resistors and other elements of radio equipment.

Below we cover mainly the issues of manufacturing inductors - the main elements of oscillatory circuits, filters, chokes, and transformers.

Types of windings. Depending on the functional purpose, inductors are subject to different requirements in relation to the value of inductance, quality factor, stability, self-capacitance, electrical strength, etc.

Functional purpose also determines the permissible deviations of the inductances of the coils during their production.

Coils for high and intermediate frequency circuits are manufactured with an inductance tolerance of ±(0.5-1.5)%, coils feedback- with a tolerance of ±10%.

Tolerances for the inductance value of high-frequency chokes are set in such a way that smallest value, which can be obtained during the production process, did not go beyond certain limits.

Inductance coils of elements of low-frequency circuits (chokes and transformers) are manufactured with a tolerance of ±10%,

The conductive part of the coil - the winding - is characterized by the following parameters: winding pitch p, wire diameters d and du3, frame diameter dK, distance between turns A and wire laying angle cf.

The winding pitch p is the amount of displacement of the end of the turn relative to its beginning, measured by linear measures. The winding pitch when the turns are tightly packed will be equal to da3, and when

Rice. 1. Schematic illustration winding pitch and wire laying angle: a - continuous winding, b - step winding

laying the wire with spaces between turns is determined by the sum d + A or dm + A. The ratio of the winding pitch p to the length of the projection of the perimeter of the turn F onto a plane perpendicular to the axis of the winding determines the tangent of the angle of laying the wire<р:

All windings wound on frames can be divided into two main groups - single-layer and multi-layer.

A single-layer winding is characterized by a small intrinsic capacitance, ease of manufacture and is wound with a pitch equal to daa\ dm + A or d + A. In mass production, coils with such windings have a small spread of parameters, but with large inductance values, the dimensions of such windings become significant, which limits area of ​​their application.

Single-layer windings can be divided into regular, bifilar and toroidal. Ordinary windings are used to make inductors; bifilar - for the manufacture of non-inductive resistances, and toroidal - for the manufacture of rheostats, transformers, etc. A feature of the toroidal winding is the absence of an external magnetic field in it. This winding is laid on toroidal frames, its turns are arranged radially. The winding pitch is determined by the inner circumference of the toroid and is usually equal to da3 or daa + A.

Multilayer windings are used to obtain a sufficiently large inductance with relatively small coil sizes. According to the winding principle, multilayer windings can be: ordinary, multilayer bifilar, sectioned induction, sectioned non-induction, biscuits, spiral, pyramidal, universal, cross and toroidal.

To insulate the winding layers, gaskets made of capacitor, telephone or cable paper are used. Winding is carried out in rows: one row is wound from right to left, the next one is vice versa, etc. The wire for these windings is used only insulated, and the winding pitch p is equal to yal.

A multilayer winding is characterized by an increased potential difference between turns located in adjacent rows along the edges of the winding, so it must meet stringent electrical strength requirements. A feature of all multilayer windings is the presence of a large intrinsic capacitance. To reduce the value of its own capacitance, the winding is made sectional or special types of windings are used: universal and cross.

A universal winding is characterized by the fact that a turn of wire has two or more bends in one turn around the frame. With this winding, the turns intersect each other at a certain angle. The larger this angle, the lower the coil's own capacitance. However, for design reasons, this angle cannot be made as large as desired; it cannot be greater than the limit value for a given type of insulation and wire diameter. The advantages of a universal winding include high inductance, compactness and high mechanical strength. The latter circumstance allows it to be used in frameless reels (the frame is required only during the winding process).

If, during winding, a turn of wire through a turn has not reached the starting point, such winding is called universal with advance (Fig. 2, a). If, during winding, the turn approaches the

Rice. 2. Universal winding: a - advanced laying, 0 - delayed laying

the previous turn, but on the other hand, such winding is called universal with delay (Fig. 2, b). Typically, a universal winding is made with a diameter D not exceeding 25-30 mm and a width b not exceeding 8-10 mm.

To obtain large inductances, cross winding is used (Fig. 3). By the nature of the wire laying, it resembles a universal one, but differs in that it has only two bends. Before winding, the wire is fixed to the frame, then several turns are made with a certain step (the turns go from left to right). Having reached the right end, they make a bend, and winding is carried out in the opposite direction. Having reached the left end, they make a bend again, etc. This winding method ensures a fairly small intrinsic winding capacitance.

The type of winding is selected depending on the functional purpose of the unit being developed.

Winding machines. For the manufacture of windings, special winding machines are used. They are divided into three main groups: for ordinary, universal and toroidal windings.

For ordinary winding, machines of different designs are used. A typical diagram of such machines is shown in Fig. 4. The machine is driven by a special electric motor /, which transmits rotation through a belt drive with a pair of three-stage pulleys to the intermediate shaft.

Rice. 3. Cross winding

Using a friction clutch located on the shaft, a smooth start and stop of the machine is ensured, which is necessary to prevent wire breaks. The device is turned on by a lever through a plug.

By means of a gear transmission, rotation is transmitted to the spindle and the mandrel mounted on it, on which the coil frame is placed.

Rice. 4. Typical kinematic diagram of a winding machine for ordinary windings: 1 - electric motor, 2 - intermediate shaft, 3 - lever, 4 - friction clutch, 5 - fork, 6 - gear pair, 7 - counter of laid turns, 8 - replaceable gears, B - worm pair, 10 - rod, 11 - cam, 12 - adjusting screw, 13 - rocker, 14 - rocker stone, 15 - driver, 16 - wire, 17 - wire driver, 18 - winding frame, 19 - spindle, 20 - mandrel

The drive of the turns counter and the wire laying mechanism is also carried out from the machine spindle.

The movement from the spindle is transmitted through replaceable gears to the worm pair and cam, and then through the linkage and the linkage.

The machine is adjusted to the required winding width using a screw by changing the position of the backstage stone.

Using the known values ​​of the winding length and diameter of the wire with insulation, the point of intersection of the lines indicating

Rice. 5. Nomogram for selecting replacement gears for the winding machine SRN -0.1

these quantities. Then, along the nearest (from this point) inclined line, follow down and find in the graph on the right or below the values ​​of the numbers of teeth of the machine’s replaceable gears - Zb Z2, Zs, Z4.

However, it is not always possible to obtain exactly the required pitch by selecting replacement gears, especially for winding thin wires with a diameter of less than 0.1 mm.

Setting up a machine with replaceable gears is a labor-intensive process that requires a qualified operator.

Winding machines with stepless, or frictional, pitch adjustment are free from these shortcomings, which makes it easy to quickly adjust various winding steps.

Rice. 6. Wire tensioning mechanism: 1 - ratchet wheel, 2 - lever axis, 3 - spiral spring, 4 - handle for twisting the spring, 5 - lever, 6 - reversible roller, 7 - roller axis, wire, 9 - mandrel for attaching the spool , 10 - spool with wire, 11 - brake band, 12 - brake disc

An important component of the machine is the device for attaching the spool with wire and... wire tension mechanism. The mechanism (Fig. 89) serves to create a certain tension in the wire and maintain it constant during the winding process.

The driver lays the wire directly on the frame. In Fig. Figure 7 shows typical driver designs, the choice of which depends primarily on the type of winding, as well as the diameter and brand of wire. Rod drivers, which have minimal axial play, are used for regular windings with thin wires; roller drivers, which ensure minimal friction and bending, are used for regular windings with wires of medium and large diameter. The fork driver is characterized by transverse (axial) rigidity; it is used for cross windings. Drivers with a hole are used in toroidal winding machines. Drivers' working surfaces must be polished and must not have sharp edges or corners to avoid damaging the wire.

Rice. 90. Wire drivers. a - with two rollers, b - in the form of two rods, c - with a hole for the wire, d - in the form of a fork (with a pressure spring); 1 - leash, 2 - wire, 3 - rollers, 4 - fixed part of the driver, b - rotating part of the driver, 6 - rods, 7 - pressure spring, 8 - guide for the wire

cutting the frame on the machine spindle, removing it and minimizing runout during winding. In Fig. 10 shows various designs of winding mandrels.

The simplest mandrel is a rod mandrel, consisting of a rod with a threaded end and a tail. The coil frame is secured with a nut (wing or round) on a blank, previously placed on the mandrel rod.

For mass radio production, a quick-detachable mandrel is most acceptable.

For multi-coil winding, use the mandrel shown in Fig. 10, f. It has a rotating hinge to facilitate installation and removal of frames, as well as spring gaskets that fix the position of the spool frames.

The universal mandrel is a clamping chuck with two sliding jaws 18, through which the frame is secured.

Rice. 10. Winding mandrels: a - simple rod, b - quick-release with a spring clamp, c - for a multi-reel machine, d - universal sliding mandrel-cartridge; 1 - locking screw. 2-shank, 3-rod, 4 - round knurled nut, 5 - bushing, 6 - spring 7 - fork, 8 - latch, 9 - frame, 10 - rotary hinge, 11 - spring spacer between frames, 12 - fixing holes , 13 - center of the tailstock of the machine, 14 - base, 15 - body, 16 - screw with squares at the ends, 17 - split lock washer, 18 - sliding clamping jaws

The industry produces many types of winding machines for regular windings, two of which are shown in Fig. 11 and 12. The machine shown in Fig. 11, is intended for the manufacture of windings with wire from 0.05 to 0.5 mm.

The semi-automatic winding machine PR-159 has a friction transmission mechanism for stepless adjustment of the wire pitch and automatic stop after winding a given number of turns or when the wire breaks. The machine is designed for ordinary multilayer winding on coil frames; its main data: the diameter of the wound wire is from 0.08 to 0.6 mm, the largest diameter of the coil frame is 90 mm, the winding length is 180 mm, the number of spindle speeds is 6, the spindle speed is 78, 137, 240, 1600, 2800, 4900 rpm min; electric motor power 0.4 kW, dimensions 1110 X 585 X 1800 mm, weight 250 kg.

Rice. 11. Machine for ordinary windings: 1 - frame, 2 - casing covering the transmission mechanism of four replaceable gears, 3 - revolution counter, 4 - spindle, 5 - driver, 6 - stand, 7 - spool, 5 - mandrel

The semi-automatic machine PR-160 is similar in design to the G1R-159 machine; the diameter of the wound wire is from 0.2 to 3 mm.

Increasing the productivity of winding operations, their mechanization and automation is an important issue that represents a large field of activity for workers-innovators and designers. Winding machines of the latest brands have special devices designed for automatic laying of interlayer insulation.

For large-scale and mass production, semi-automatic multi-reel machines are used, which simultaneously lay up to twenty or more windings on long frames of round, square or rectangular sections.

Devices have been developed that make it possible to detect short-circuited turns during the winding of inductors using a special electronic circuit.

Great opportunities for mechanization and automation are provided by the use of program-controlled winding machines.

Machines for universal windings, unlike machines for ordinary windings, do not have a permanent worm pair; here, replaceable cams are used, made for a specific winding width, or an additional rocker device, which allows you to adjust the winding width within certain limits (Fig. 13).

Gears serve to provide the desired gear ratio from the spindle to the cam. To select gears, special nomograms for universal windings are used.

For toroidal winding on closed-type frames, a special winding machine is used, the operating principle of which is shown in Fig. 14. The wire is pre-wound on a spool inserted into the reel frame. The coil frame is installed on the machine table and driven into rotation using two drive rollers and one pinch roller. When the frame is slowly turned, the spool from which the wire is wound onto the frame also rotates. The machine must be configured so that after laying one turn, the frame is rotated by the winding pitch.

The kinematic diagram of the machine for toroidal windings is shown in Fig. 15. The machine spool is a system of two rings inserted into one another. The rings have a removable sector, through which a toroidal frame is inserted into the spool.

Rice. 12. Semi-automatic PR-159 for ordinary winding

The rotation of the spool rings is carried out by an electric motor through a belt drive, gears and a gear mounted around the circumference of the spool rings. The frame is secured in the clamping device using three spring self-centering rollers.

Rice. 13. Machine with a cam for universal winding: a - kinematic diagram of the machine, b - cam design; 1 - electric motor, 2 - friction mechanism, 3 - transmission mechanism, 4 - driving device shaft, 5 - cam, b - spring pressing the driver rod to the working surface of the cam, 7 - driver rod, 8 - driver, 9 - laid wire, 10-roller, 11-wire driver! 12-frame, 13-mandrel, 14 - spindle, /5-revolution counter, 16 - inner corner of the cam, 17 - outer corner of the cam, 18 - locking screw for fastening the cam, 19 - working end surface of the cam, 6 - height difference between external and internal corners of the working surface of the cam, equal to the width of the winding

The roller has a kinematic connection with the spool through a transmission mechanism, thanks to which, during one revolution of the spool, the frame rotates at an angle equal to the winding pitch. The kinematic connection is carried out from the gear through the gears, the eccentric, the rocker mechanism, the gears, the worm pair and the gears.

Before starting work, the spool of the machine is wound to determine the amount of wire required to make the winding (the wire is supplied from the supply coil). After this, the end of the wire is secured to the frame, and the machine is turned on for a working stroke, during which the wire is unwinded from the spool and placed on the frame. The tension of the wire is adjusted by braking the spool. The winding speed on machines of this group is much lower compared to other machines (up to 300 turns per minute).

In Fig. Figure 16 shows a general view of a desktop machine model SNT-5 for toroidal windings. The machine is designed for circular and sectional winding of wire on toroidal cores with a smallest hole diameter after winding of 5 mm.

In Fig. Figure 17 shows a general view of a similar machine model SNT-12M. The machine is also designed for circular and sectional winding of wire on toroidal cores with a smallest hole diameter after winding of 12 mm.

Both machines consist of standard components: a drive, a wire feed mechanism, a shuttle head, two tables (for circular and sectional winding) and a control panel.

During the winding process on machines, you can manually adjust the feed amount, as well as monitor the integrity of the wire.

The tension of the wire laid on the toroid is carried out by a brake, which periodically slows down the spool in accordance with the cyclogram.

The process of winding wire on toroidal cores involves placing the toroid on a work table, filling the spool with wire and rewinding it from the spool to the toroid.

Technical characteristics of the SNT -5 machine: the diameter of the wound wire is 0.05-0.15 mm, the smallest diameter of the coil hole after winding is 5 mm, the largest coil height after winding with the smallest internal diameter is 6 mm, the largest coil height is 12 mm, the largest outer diameter of the coil 20 mm, the smallest inner diameter of the coil for sectional winding is 7 mm, the smallest outer diameter of the core is 11 mm, the limits of smooth regulation of the pitch along the outer diameter are 0.056 - 1.68 mm, the spindle rotation speed (stepless regulation) is 50-300 rpm, the inner diameter shuttle and spool 45.5 mm, spool capacity 400 mm3 or 14 m of wire with a diameter of 0.05 mm, electric motor power EOR - 80 W, overall dimensions 580 x 680 X 515 mm, weight 42.6 kg.

Rice. 14. Operating principle of the machine for toroidal winding: 1 - pinch roller, 2 - drive rollers, 3 - spool, 4 - wire, 5 - reel frame

Rice. 15. Kinematic diagram of the machine for toroidal windings: a - diagram, b - side view of the magazine, frame and drive roller, c - top view of the magazine, frame and rollers; 1 - electric motor, 2 - belt drive, 3-7, Ills, 15, 17, 26, 28 - gears of transmission mechanisms, 8 - magazine rings, 9 - toroidal frame, 10 - drive roller for frame rotation, 14 - worm pair, 16 - handle for turning on the mechanical feed of the winding pitch, 18 - handle for manual rotation of the frame, 19 - handle for manual rotation of the magazine, 20 - rocker mechanism, 21 - eccentric. 22 - cam, 23 - counter of laid turns, 24 and 25 - support rollers. 27 - pitch setting handle, 29 - pitch setting scale, 30 - wire wound from the magazine onto the frame

Rice. 16. SNT-5 machine for winding on toroidal cores

Rice. 17. Machine SNT-12M for winding on toroidal cores

Technical characteristics of the SNT-12M machine: the diameter of the wound wire is 0.15-0.4 mm, the smallest diameter of the coil hole after winding is 12 mm, the largest coil height after winding with the smallest internal diameter is 15 mm, the largest coil height is 80 mm, the largest outer diameter of the coil 120 mm, the smallest inner diameter of the coil for sectional winding is 16 mm, the smallest outer diameter of the core is 30 mm, the limits of smooth regulation of the pitch along the outer diameter are 0.12-3.6 mm, spindle rotation speed (stepless regulation) 50-300 rpm, the internal diameter of the shuttle and spool is 161 mm, the spool capacity is 13,000 mm3 or 420 m of wire with a diameter of 0.05 mm, the power of the EOR electric motor is 80 W, overall dimensions are 580 X 680 X 515 mm, weight is 47.2 kg.

Typical winding manufacturing operations. The technological process for manufacturing windings consists of a number of standard operations; blanks for gaskets and output ends; terminal servicing; winding and securing the ends of the winding.

Preparation of gaskets consists of cutting the gasket material into strips of the required width, as well as cutting the strips along the edges, if this is provided for in the drawing. The cushioning insulating material (paper, varnished cloth, etc.) is cut using lever or roller shears.

When preparing leads, the wire is cut into pieces of the same length (from 25 to 120 mm), the insulation is removed from them by 7-10 mm and the ends are tinned. The main brands of output wires: MGBD, MGBDO, MGShD, MGShDO, PMVG and MGShV.

High-performance preparation of output wires is carried out using special equipment - automatic machines that combine cutting wires with stripping of insulation.

The servicing of the ends of wires that do not have galvanic tinning on the conductor is usually carried out in tabletop electric crucibles.

Winding the wire onto the frame largely determines the quality of the winding and is the main operation of the technological process.

The winding machine is selected based on the size of the coil, the diameter of the wire and the product production program. The winding process is preceded by preparatory work: installation of coils (bobbins) with wire, selection and installation of a winding mandrel; setting the pitch and winding width; winding speed setting; wire tension adjustment; preparation of materials and tools for soldering. The machine is set up by an adjuster who also makes a test coil, and only after checking it they begin to manufacture a batch of coils.

If the batch is small, it is more convenient to first wind the first winding on all frames, and after rebuilding the machine, wind the second winding, etc. For a large batch, it is more rational to use a separate machine for each diameter of wire (winding).

The winding speed or the number of revolutions of the machine spindle is set depending on the permissible peripheral speed of the wire, which is determined by its diameter, as well as the size and shape of the frame.

The winding speed can be increased for round frames compared to rectangular or flat frames by 15-20%. Recommended winding speeds for PR-159 and PR-160 machines are given in table respectively. 9 and 10.

Particular attention should be paid to the tension of the wire when winding, as it determines the quality of the winding. Insufficient tension leads to slipping of the turns and changes in the geometric dimensions of the winding, and excessive tension leads to mechanical damage.

Rice. 18. Methods for sealing winding leads and intermediate point leads: a - lead wire, b - winding wire, c - the beginning and end of the winding are brought out on one side of the coil, d - lead wire (round cross-section) from the intermediate point, d - lead wire ( rectangular cross-section bus) from an intermediate point, e - winding wire from an intermediate point, w-lead wire and winding wire when connecting two windings of different diameters, z - rear screen terminals, 1 - cambric tape or cotton threads, 2 - electrical insulating tube , 3 - varnished fabric LSh 1, 4 - electrical insulating cardboard EV, 5 - flexible mounting wire, 6 - copper busbar, 7 - cotton threads "L" 0, 8 - copper screen, 9 - insulating gasket

insulation, increasing the resistance of the wire, as well as inserting the wire between the laid turns.

It is necessary to secure the ends of the winding for all coils. The fastening must be strong and reliable so that the winding is not damaged during installation and operation.

In Fig. 99 shows the most common methods of terminating winding terminals and intermediate point terminals. Calico tape, strips of varnished fabric, nylon threads, etc. are used as materials for securing ends and bends.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the electrical connection between the output end and the winding wire. The junction of the output end and the winding is laid with varnished cloth.

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The voltage coils used are switching, switching, holding, time delay, braking, etc.; by type of current - direct current and alternating current; According to their design and technological characteristics, voltage coils are divided into frame and frameless. Frame reels are available in one- and two-section versions.

Frameless coils are simpler to manufacture, but have a reduced heat transfer capacity, reduced mechanical strength of insulation, and do not have structural elements that ensure their reliable fastening to certain parts of the devices. The main technological operations are as follows: procurement operations, winding, impregnation and drying of the winding or compounding, finishing operations, operational control with intermediate and final winding tests.

The scope of procurement operations includes: completing the winding with frames (for frame execution) and winding wire; selection of insulating materials in accordance with the specifications of the coil assembly drawings; preparation of leads - hard or soft and other materials necessary for winding work, usually provided for in the technological documentation for winding work.
The paper used for interlayer insulation in order to increase the penetrating ability of the impregnating varnish and compound is perforated by punching round holes in a checkerboard pattern. Cutting paper, micanite, cardboard and other sheet insulating and cushioning materials into narrow strips is usually done using lever shears.
All prepared materials are accepted by the quality control department before entering the winding area.

Manufacturing of coil frames.

In Fig. Figure 3-35 shows one design of a prefabricated coil frame.
Sleeve 1 is made of bent galvanized steel sheet with a fixed end gap of 2-3 mm; insulation 5 is performed by crimping and baking from flexible micanite or fiberglass based on a thermosetting resin. Washers 2, 3 and 6 are made by stamping. When assembling the frame with washers attached to sleeve 1, washers 3 are glued to washers 2 and 6 with insulating varnish. The end washers 2 are fastened by bending the tendrils 7 of the sleeve 1 into the fixture. The corner insulation 4 is a varnished fabric tape wound in several layers with sizing with insulating varnish, pre-cut on one side to half its width in increments of 5-8 mm.
Prefabricated frames are made from isolite sleeves and getinax end washers by gluing.
Reel frames made of plastic have a number of advantages over prefabricated frames; their production is less labor-intensive; they are more monolithic; have stable dimensions and high insulating properties; When using press material of the AG-4 brand, the frames have high mechanical strength.
The coil frames have special extensions with which the coils are attached to the magnetic circuit.

Manufacturing of frameless reels.

The specified drawing dimensions of the internal holes of frameless coils and their ends are entirely determined by the shape and dimensions of the mandrels. They are made collapsible with dimensional allowances that take into account the subsequent application of the main insulation of the internal holes and ends of the coils.
The main insulation of frameless coils consists of cutting sheet insulating material (flexible micanite, film cardboard, glass mica, etc.), providing a given level of insulation of the coil windings from grounded or oppositely polarized metal parts of the devices.
The solidity of frameless coils is ensured by inter-row gaskets of capacitor or other paper with folding of the edges under the first turns of subsequent rows, several ties of winding turns with cotton tape, external banding of the coils and, finally, impregnation or compounding of their windings.

Winding coils.

The most widely used are semi-automatic machines for open winding of multi-row windings. The design feature of these machines is to ensure strict consistency between the rotation of the spindle with the frame or coil mandrel and the movement of the unfolding device with a conductor equipped with a reversing device.
The sizes of electric winding machines are distinguished by the maximum diameters of the windings of the coils they process, the lengths of the latter and the diameters of the winding wires.
When winding on semi-automatic machines, manual operations include: installation of the frame or mandrel on the machine; work related to the manufacture of the initial and final terminals of the coil windings; adjusting the tension of the winding wire with the conductor setting; soldering of wires; insulation of exposed winding areas; securing the winding terminals.
Automatic operations include: winding wire layout; row stacker reverse; supply of inter-row paper spacers; stopping the machine when the wire breaks and when the specified number of turns of the winding is reached.
In mass production, high-performance multi-spindle single-spindle (Fig. 3-36, a), multi-spindle (Fig. 3-36, b) and multi-position winding machines are beginning to be introduced.

In Fig. 3-37 shows a schematic diagram of a six-position carousel-type winding machine for winding frame coils. The machine has six spindles 3, evenly spaced on the rotary table 1.

In the first position from the magazine with frames, the feeder 4 installs the coil frame on the spindle 3. The spindles are installed on faceplates 2. After rotating the table at position II, the coil is wound with a spool 5 with a wire and a tension control mechanism, at position III the coil leads are secured using a gluing device 6; at position IV - control of the winding for the presence of short-circuited turns with attachment 7; at position V - removal of defective coils; in position VI - removal of usable coils from the spindle.
For large-scale and mass production, a promising direction is the use of high-performance specialized winding machines and program-controlled winding machines instead of universal ones.
Winding work ends with acceptance by quality control department with measurement of winding resistance, quality of leads, banding, and checking preliminary geometric dimensions. The winding of AC coils must be checked for the absence of short-circuited turns.

We bring to your attention WINDING PRODUCTION various inductors:

Our company will perform WINDING transformers on frames and chokes on ferrites, coils for electromagnets, frameless coils and other winding products.

Row winding of open coils according to customer parameters, R&D.
.High speed winding equipment is available.
.Through impregnation with varnish is carried out.
.The casting of frames of our own production in Moscow has been mastered; it is possible to manufacture molds for frames according to the Customer’s drawings.
.Manufacture of frames from textolite.
.Production of equipment and winding of frameless reels.
.Development and winding of custom-sized coils for scientific and technical research and industrial development.
.High efficiency of order execution and low prices.

To order inductors, you must send a request to email. mail: [email protected] or
The application can be in free form: drawing, technical specifications, drawing, photo with dimensions.
For a quick calculation, it is advisable to indicate the dimensions, number of turns, and other parameters.


Our company carries outdevelopment and winding of coils non-standard sizes for scientific and technical research and industrial development. Many leading scientists and universities and research institutes of the country, RAS, Moscow State University, MADI, MISIS, Moscow Higher Technical University have collaborated with us. Bauman and others.

Winding coils any types and sizes from 1 mm to several meters and weighing up to several tons.

Works with any type of wire with a cross-section from 0.02 mm to the thickest busbars produced by industry, and more - folded in parallel.

Range voltages, currents and temperatures unlimited thanks to special efficient winding and cooling methods developed in our company.

Strengthening the insulation or heat resistance of the wound wire by transversely wrapping the wound wire with various materials.

Impregnation of windings or wetting the wire during the winding process with various varnishes and epoxy resins.

Development, production and implementation of special winding equipment to perform complex non-standard tasks.

Application of efficient winding cooling systems.

The development of automated systems and winding control cabinets makes it possible to create coils with a program-controlled electromagnetic field across coil zones. It is possible to control the direction of magnetic fluxes, field strength, frequency, current strength, space and time, and other characteristics.

Winding separation by zone allows you to create any type of electromagnetic fields, constant, variable, vortex and others; mix, add and push fields together. Deform, tear, crush, mix, separate, sort, activate any materials at the atomic level. Add ferromagnetic balls and other auxiliary materials to the magnetic field, which, under a controlled magnetic field, can perform various mechanical works more efficiently than in the traditional way.

Activation at the atomic level means increasing the energy of atoms, electrons and other elementary particles. Practical applications are very extensive. Some examples are given below.

Production of export exhibition coils in mirror stainless steel housings along with control cabinets and cooling systems for participation in international exhibitions and demonstration of unique inventions of Russian science.

Development and implementation of applied problems together with scientific laboratories of large Russian enterprises.

At international exhibitions abroad, significant progress has been demonstrated in the following areas:

  • Activation of paint and varnish coatings by electromagnetic fields at the atomic level, which makes it possible to increase adhesion, resistance and durability of coatings, and reduce the number of paint layers;
  • In Poznan, for the first time in the world, the successful technology of painting ships directly in the water was demonstrated;
  • Activation of cement and concrete to improve the construction of buildings and structures;
  • Activation of road asphalt concrete surfaces;
  • Technologies for cleaning, filtering, sorting liquid and granular media;
  • Increasing the grade of concrete from M 200 to M 500 using in-line electromagnetic activators such as EMA-SV, Si-200, Si-400 by grinding fractions, sorting and separating excess slag;
  • Technologies for crushing and grinding especially strong materials using rocking of the crystal lattice with a vortex electromagnetic field;
  • Development of an in-line high-performance mining system for crushing ore into sand in a pipeline and separating harder minerals and diamonds from the rock on simple grates;
  • Grinding diamond abrasive powders into smaller grades using magnetic fields is a difficult task for traditional mechanical methods;
  • Very fast and efficient mixing of liquid media by adding ferromagnetic balls to a vortex magnetic field;
  • Introduction of the concept and production of installations “Paint and varnish plant in the trunk of a car”;
  • Melting zinc on a continuous galvanizing line for steel using a specially designed for the “Plant named after. Sverdlov” system of electromagnetic coils, where zinc is the core;
  • Energy savings of up to 20-30% by replacing direct electric heating with induction electromagnetic heating, with practical application in industrial production processes and in heating systems of residential buildings, cottages, and enterprises.
  • And much more.

Effective winding methods developed at our enterprise:

Allows you to remove restrictions on the ranges of applied voltages, currents and temperatures. Reduce wire cross-section, cost and weight of coils under the same operating conditions. Or they allow you to increase voltages, currents and operating temperatures with the same wire cross-section.

Our many years of research have shown that the most effective method of cooling is air. The use of additional types of insulation is sometimes undesirable and worsens the properties of the windings. Instead of insulation, we use division of the winding into sections. We strive to increase the contact area of ​​the wire with powerful air flows.

1. Split winding.

The best alternative to additional insulation. The winding is divided into any number of sections connected in series. The potential between sections is divided by the number of sections. The potential between layers is divided by the number of sections multiplied by the number of layers. The potential between adjacent turns in one layer is divided by the number of sections multiplied by the number of layers and the number of turns in the layer. Thus, any dangerous breakdown voltage can be reduced to the electrical protection parameters of an ordinary enamel wire without the use of special electrical insulating measures. The more separate sections, the better the cooling can be organized.

2. Non-contact winding.