home · electrical safety · Step-by-step instructions on how to make a fireplace from boxes. Fireplaces made from boxes: beautiful DIY decor for the New Year holidays (51 photos). Preparation before creating a fireplace with your own hands from boxes

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a fireplace from boxes. Fireplaces made from boxes: beautiful DIY decor for the New Year holidays (51 photos). Preparation before creating a fireplace with your own hands from boxes

For most people, a fireplace portal in the living room interior evokes a feeling of well-being and comfort. It’s not for nothing that holiday photos, especially on New Year’s, are taken against the backdrop of a decorated fireplace. But building a real hearth is a complex and expensive undertaking, and not at all affordable for apartment residents. For those wishing to acquire this attribute of home comfort, we will show you how to make and beautifully decorate a fireplace with your own hands from corrugated cardboard.

Preparation for production

To assemble a decorative fireplace portal at home, you need to do the following:

  • allocate a place for a false hearth and choose a design that suits the interior;
  • find a sufficient amount of hard cardboard;
  • buy materials for gluing and external finishing, prepare tools.

False fireplaces, like real wood-burning fireplaces, are usually made in two varieties - wall-mounted and corner. So the choice of design depends on the location of the portal - in a corner or on a free section of the wall. To get an idea of ​​what it will look like and how much room space it will take up, sketch out a sketch with dimensions, and at the same time think through and draw the design of the fireplace dummy.

Advice. For a small room, a New Year's fireplace made of cardboard can be made portable and free up space for it during the holiday, and then put away in the pantry.

After creating the model in the drawing, you will understand how much material is needed. The main source is cardboard boxes of any size from a TV or other household appliances, as well as from various goods. The main thing is that the cardboard has a two-layer structure with corrugation inside; ordinary thick and thick paper will not work. The technology for manufacturing an artificial hearth depends on the size of these boxes, which will be discussed later.

To reliably connect cardboard parts, prepare construction adhesive for foam plastic such as Dragon or Eltitan, or better yet, a glue gun with transparent rods. Afterwards, you will need PVA glue and inexpensive water-based paint to decorate the false fireplace in accordance with the interior.

Reference. Now in stores you can purchase decorative elements intended for interior cladding of rooms and made of polystyrene foam and polyurethane. Ceiling plinths of various shapes and widths, fake columns and stucco molding are perfect for cladding a homemade cardboard portal.

This is what a polyurethane imitation stucco molding looks like, which can be used to decorate a cardboard fireplace

Master class on assembling a fireplace from boxes

If you are lucky enough to get a dozen small boxes of the same size, then making a wall-type structure is greatly simplified. Small boxes will not have to be further reinforced from the inside, since they are already quite rigid. Step-by-step instructions for assembling a fireplace look like this:

  1. First, fold the portal model in the shape of the letter “P” to understand how best to glue the cardboard boxes.
  2. Make the side supports of the fireplace dummy by gluing the boxes in pairs. Place them under a weight and wait until the glue hardens.
  3. In the same way, glue the horizontal jumper and connect it to the vertical supports.
  4. To make the top plane serve as a shelf, strengthen it with sheets of corrugated cardboard, glued in 3-4 layers.
  5. To add stability structure, attach the same multi-layer stand to the bottom. The layout of the home is ready.

Note. When working with a glue gun, there is no need to load the elements and wait for the glue to dry; the connection is made almost instantly.

If you only need a homemade fireplace made from boxes for the New Year or another holiday, then there is no point in weighing it down with finishing elements. You can cover the portal with regular or liquid wallpaper to match the brickwork, and connect the boxes together with tape, as demonstrated in the video:

Making a fireplace from sheets of cardboard

When you receive boxes from a TV, refrigerator and other large equipment, you will have to reshape them to fit the planned dimensions. You can go two ways:

  • make small blocks out of cardboard, and then glue them together using the technology described above;
  • cut out the front and side walls, then connect them together and make an opening for the hearth.

The second method is more complex, but it allows you to imitate the arched vault of a fireplace insert, while using block assembly you can only glue together a straight U-shaped portal. We propose to make a fireplace from cardboard, proceeding in this order:

  1. Based on your drawing, bend the cardboard box to your dimensions. It is desirable that the front panel remains solid. Cut off the excess sections of cardboard resulting from bending and set aside.
  2. Mark the front part and cut out the vaulted opening. The remaining piece will go to the back wall of the fake firebox.
  3. To strengthen the structure on the back side, glue cardboard strips folded like an accordion to the walls. If necessary, install additional rigidities inside the portal.
  4. Create an opening to simulate a fireplace by gluing the cut out part to the side walls of the firebox.
  5. Make the top shelf and stand as described in the previous section.

A cardboard accordion will help strengthen the walls of the product

Advice. If one container is not enough for a false fireplace, join 2 boxes vertically, as shown in the photo.

At the end, a self-made cardboard fireplace needs to be refined - all joints must be masked using newspapers and PVA glue. Apply it in such a way that the newsprint gets wet through. Afterwards, dry the product and proceed to cladding.

Newspapers will hide all joints and irregularities

The corner fireplace portal is made using the same technology, only the walls of the box are bent differently and at sharper angles. For the finished layout there are the following design options:

  • glue imitation stucco molding and other fireplace elements made of polyurethane, and then paint it;
  • decorate the portal with a foam plinth (baguette);
  • apply liquid wallpaper followed by painting;
  • create a texture that imitates brickwork or plaster.

For a corner portal, the cardboard box must be bent in a special way

Three-dimensional brickwork is done simply: “bricks” are cut from 10 mm thick foam plastic, with which you need to cover all the walls in a checkerboard pattern, and then apply several layers of paint. A master class on decorative fireplace design is shown in the following video:


As you can see, making a false fireplace yourself is a fairly simple process, but requires a creative approach. If desired, the finished portal can be decorated with a wide variety of materials, and artificial firewood or electric lighting can be placed inside the firebox. If you decide to use candles for decoration, be careful, since cardboard does not burn much worse than paper.

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If you are unable to build a stone or brick fireplace, we recommend choosing a cardboard version of the fireplace. This fireplace is perfect for both private houses and apartments; it can be easily transported from place to place and does not require special material investments for its construction. We will learn further about how to make a fireplace from cardboard boxes with your own hands.

DIY New Year's fireplace made from cardboard boxes

With the help of a fireplace, you can not only decorate your home before the holidays, but also create a real New Year's mood. In appearance, such a fireplace is no different from a real one; its only difference is the fact that the fireplace is not capable of heating the room.

Before starting to make a fireplace, determine its location. If there is not much space in the room, then it is best to opt for a corner version of the fireplace. Also, decide on the size of the future structure. In this option, you need to proceed from the size of the boxes from which the fireplace will be built and from the size of the room.

In the process of working on a decorative fireplace made of cardboard boxes, you will need:

  • large cardboard boxes;
  • glue for connecting boxes together;
  • polymer-based glue;
  • paints for working with cardboard surfaces, most often, they are water-based;
  • colorless version of varnish;
  • gold-colored paints in a can;
  • ceiling molding;
  • brushes and sponges;
  • masking tape;
  • rulers, levels, measuring instruments.

Among the main parts of the fireplace we highlight: the base, the portal and the top cover.

To make the main part we use cardboard. The width of the base is about 50 mm and the length is about 120 mm. It is necessary to construct the main part from a cardboard box and cover it with tape. Thus, it is possible to obtain a blank in the form of a dollhouse.

Cardboard is also used to make a portal under the fireplace. We recommend choosing the option that has a solid back wall. To make the front part, a piece of cardboard in the form of a strip is used. Next, you should take care of cutting out the combustion part, the size of which is smaller than the fireplace itself. To connect all the parts together, use tape.

Next comes the process of making the top shelf; its quality determines the strength of the fireplace. Therefore, if you plan to install some heavy objects on the fireplace, then take care of the strength of this base. To do this, you need to connect several layers of cardboard together. To connect the parts, in this case, use PVA glue. After this, the product can be pressed until completely dry. Thus, it is possible to create a rigid shelf located on top. To fix the shelf on the portal, use polymer-based glue. Next, using masking tape, tape all the joints between the parts on the fireplace.

The easiest and most enjoyable moment in making a fireplace from a cardboard box with your own hands is the process of decorating it. To frame the product, use moldings or baguettes made of foam plastic. It is possible to create stucco molding. Next comes the process of painting the fireplace. Initially, the product should be given the same tone; most often, it is coated with light-colored paint. To ensure that the coloring composition is evenly absorbed into the fireplace, we recommend applying it with a brush. To paint over stucco molding and other relief elements, use a sponge.

Further finishing of the fireplace is done using transparent varnish. This material will allow you to reliably fix the first layer of paint. In order for the fireplace to have a more realistic appearance, it is necessary to cover it with gold spray paint. To further decorate the fireplace, hang New Year's socks, tinsel, and garland on it. In addition, inside the firebox you can paste wallpaper that imitates brickwork. Please note that using burning candles for decoration is unacceptable, since the fireplace is made of cardboard and will easily catch fire from minimal contact with fire.

As an additional accessory for the New Year's fireplace, we recommend using self-made firewood. To build them you will need:

  • corrugated cardboard;
  • polymer-based glue;
  • paints;
  • scissors;
  • masking tape.

Roll the cardboard into a tube and use masking tape and glue to secure it. The length and width of the logs should be different; cut a small log into pieces and connect it to a large one, making an imitation of knots. After the glue has dried, paint the logs white.

DIY decorative fireplace made from cardboard boxes

Before starting work on a decorative fireplace, first of all, you need to decide on the size of the fireplace. Please note that the fireplace should be located in a prominent place, which will make it a central and attractive part of the interior.

In order to determine the size of the fireplace, you must use a tape measure. In relation to the installation location of the future structure, its dimensions are determined.

Particular attention should be paid to the process of finishing a decorative fireplace. It should exactly resemble a real fireplace made of brick or stone. At the next stage of work, the material for work and tools are selected. It is recommended to construct the body of the fireplace from cardboard on a corrugated base for large household appliances. These boxes are highly durable and ideal for creating a fireplace.

In addition, for work it is necessary to prepare PVA glue and a polymer-based composition. To cover the corners and other elements of the fireplace, use masking tape. In order for the fireplace to acquire the same color, white paint is necessary. In some cases, a clear varnish will also be required. To obtain different paint colors, prepare colored dyes; with their help you can achieve a variety of shades when decorating a fireplace.

Additionally, you need to purchase elements in the form of moldings and corners that will give the fireplace a complete look. During the finishing process, you should use shaped polystyrene foam and polyurethane parts.

In addition, you should prepare tools in the form of brushes and sponges, pencils and a level. Stock up on clean rags to remove paint or glue from the surface.

We bring to your attention the two most common options for fireplaces:

  • wall;
  • fireplace located in the corner.

The fireplace installed near the wall is compact in size; various decorative details are installed on the mantelpiece. A wall-mounted fireplace is the central part of the room; it is always in a prominent place and attracts attention. In the process of making such a fireplace, you should free up space in the room to create it. Next, we recommend that you acquire sketches of this fireplace, all the details of which are placed on the floor. The main parts of such a fireplace are the base, the portal part and the top shelf.

First we start working on the base. It must be rigid and stable. Therefore, ordinary cardboard will not be enough; you need to take care of compacting it with several layers of cardboard. We recommend fixing stiffening ribs inside the base. This part of the fireplace should be 80-120 mm larger than the product itself on each side. There are two ways to make a base for a false fireplace from cardboard boxes with your own hands:

  • manufacturing a box that has sides, installing additional elements on its bottom that increase rigidity;
  • production of several cardboard panels that will serve as the bottom and surface; the stiffeners in this case are fixed only at the bottom.

To make the side parts of the base, identical strips made of cardboard are used. Thus, the base becomes more durable. The stripes are fixed using masking tape.

When making the stand, consider how to fix the portal to the surface. Most often, it connects to the bottom. For additional fixation of the portal, ordinary tape is used.

The next process is the construction of the portal part of the fireplace. To make it, a previously prepared box of a certain size is used. We offer two options for making a portal with your own hands:

  • frame base of the portal;
  • one-piece design.

The first option implies a more rigid structure. Since for the manufacture of frame partitions several layers of cardboard material are used at once. Initially, the front and rear parts of the portal are installed. They increase the strength of the entire structure. On a cardboard base, make markings for the fireplace insert. Use a utility knife to cut it out. Thus, the manufacture of this part of the fireplace is carried out.

To make the ceiling part of the firebox, cut out a small piece of cardboard in relation to its size. Use tape to secure the part. For additional fixation and strengthening of the main part of the fireplace, use a frame structure in the form of stiffeners.

To make frame panels that increase the rigidity of the base, solid cardboard rectangles are used. They are connected to each other using PVA glue and dried using a press. Next follows the process of fixing these rectangles on the front portal part.

There is another way to create wireframe elements. These partitions lighten the overall weight of the fireplace. They have the shape of a lattice dividing partition. On gratings with increased rigidity, another layer of cardboard material is fixed. The portal is installed on the base of the podium and fixed to it with masking tape or adhesive. After installing the frame, the process of painting and decorating it is carried out.

Fireplace made of cardboard boxes photo:

To hide all connections between cardboard pieces, use masking tape. Various decorative elements can be installed on the frame part of the fireplace. Please note that in this case, the frame walls are additionally sealed with cardboard.

The second method of building a Christmas fireplace with your own hands from cardboard boxes is easier to implement. The back wall of such a fireplace will have a solid shape, however, it is not possible to arrange shelves on it.

Masking tape is also used to connect the parts of the fireplace. It is enough to cut out the combustion part in the box according to the sketch. Rectangular strips are fixed along the side parts of the body. Thus, the focal part is formed. Next, you should fix the finished fireplace form on the podium. First, the surface is covered with glue and then additionally fixed with tape.

The upper part of such a fireplace plays the role of a shelf. Please note that the weight of this element should not exceed the weight of the fireplace, as there is a risk of deformation. To make a shelf, use several cardboard sheets connected to each other. The top layer is made of cardboard with maximum density.

To fix the shelf on the fireplace, use liquid nails. It is possible to make a shelf from a plywood base. In this case, its thickness should not exceed one centimeter. Even better, use moisture-resistant plywood.

DIY fireplace decoration from cardboard boxes

The next stage of working on the fireplace is decorating it. The attractiveness of the finished product directly depends on the quality of its execution. The first method of decoration involves the use of purchased decorative elements made of polyurethane. A small molding is used to divide the fireplace into several zones. Next, the stucco molding is installed. It is also possible to manufacture columns.

To fix these elements, use liquid nails. Next comes the process of painting the fireplace with all previously installed decorative elements. For these purposes, we recommend using a sponge and brush.

What follows is a process of additional work to isolate these elements. For example, stucco can be highlighted using gold color. After painting is completed, the process of coating the fireplace with varnish follows, which will prevent damage to the paint. An option to imitate a brick wall is possible. For these purposes, gypsum-based putty is used.

Additionally, firewood is installed in the firebox, which makes the appearance of the fireplace more attractive and realistic. Installing a garland near firewood will help imitate a flame.

DIY fireplace made from cardboard boxes video:

A decorative fireplace made from boxes with your own hands will help you create a romantic atmosphere in your home, a good mood in winter and comfort all year round. Step-by-step instructions will help you avoid doing “dirty” work in the house, diluting cement and dismantling the roof for the chimney. A fireplace can be created in one evening using scrap materials. So, let’s turn on our imagination, involve children in the work and start creating.

How to make a fireplace from cardboard boxes

To build such a fireplace we will need:

  1. Cardboard boxes: small, for example, for shoes (5-6 pcs.) and large (4 pcs.)
  2. Scotch tape: regular and double-sided
  3. PVA glue
  4. Thick white paper or a piece of old wallpaper
  5. Sheets of cardboard or wallpaper with a brick pattern
  6. Ruler, simple pencil.

To prevent the boxes from opening, we tape all the joints together with tape. According to the drawing in the figure, we assemble the base of the future fireplace. We glue the boxes that will make up the parts of the fireplace with tape together. For the side racks we use smaller boxes stacked on top of each other. We make the base of the fireplace and the upper mantelpiece from larger boxes, butted end to end with the short sides.

We cover each part of the fireplace with thick paper or old wallpaper. Boxes must be completely covered with paper. We connect the edges of the paper with tape. Now we glue the parts of the fireplace together with PVA glue. The product is ready, all that remains is to design it.

To decorate the fireplace, we use wallpaper with a brick pattern or sheets of thick cardboard. Four “bricks” can be cut from one cardboard sheet. We cover the fireplace with wallpaper, giving the appearance of brickwork. If we use “bricks” cut out of cardboard, we glue them onto the surface of the boxes, creating rows of bricks and leaving gaps between the bricks, so that it is as similar as possible to natural masonry.

To glue the “bricks” we use PVA glue. The back wall of the fireplace, adjacent to the wall, does not need to be covered. If the cardboard is white, paint it with paints of appropriate shades - from sandy yellow to dark red.

The fireplace is ready, let's install it in a prepared place in the room, against the wall. We will put decor on the mantelpiece, and we can put natural logs or their imitation in the hole for firewood. Here we focus on our imagination.

Exquisite decorative fireplace from a large box

Let's prepare materials to create a fireplace. For this you will need a large cardboard TV box. You can use thick cardboard instead of a large box. But then you need to be prepared for the fact that it will have to be cut and glued.

You will also find it useful for making a decorative fireplace:

  1. Stationery knife
  2. Scotch
  3. PVA glue
  4. Skirting boards and foam decor
  5. Paint in a can
  6. Ruler, simple pencil.

We transfer the drawing to the TV box. We cut a hole in the middle of the box according to the drawing. This will be the “hearth”. We fold the cut edges and glue them to the back wall of the box. If cardboard is used, we cut the sheets according to the drawing, taking into account gluing tolerances. We connect them together with glue.
To make the top of the fireplace, take a sheet of foam plastic or plywood, or glue together several sheets of cardboard. Glue the resulting mantelpiece to the fireplace itself.

To ensure that the fireplace is stable, it is better to glue an additional sheet of cardboard or plywood to the base. At a hardware store we will buy a foam ceiling cornice and a couple of decorative elements - foam pylons or rosettes. They will add sophistication and grace to our hearth. Let's glue the decor to the fireplace. To do this, use PVA glue or liquid nails.

We paint the fireplace in two layers with white or other pastel color spray paint. To avoid damaging the floor covering, lay old newspapers or paper on the floor. After painting, let the product dry and install the fireplace. The decorative fireplace is ready.

Firewood for the hearth can be made from cardboard, twisted into logs, or natural branches can be used. If the fireplace is planned in one color, we will paint the firewood with the same paint. You can also place candles in tall glass glasses or an electric garland in the recess of the hearth. Decorating the mantelpiece also leaves room for creativity. Photos in beautiful frames, paintings or flower arrangements and memorable gifts in bright packaging will look great on the mantelpiece.

Photo of a decorative fireplace out of a box

It is very easy to create beauty and comfort in your home with your own hands. Imagine and create, then you can do it DIY decorative fireplace made from boxes using step-by-step instructions in the shortest possible time. Your apartment can be decorated with simple decorative items at minimal cost. All it takes is a little time and effort.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

U You always want comfort and warmth, regardless of whether it is a city apartment or a country house. The desire to create a fireplace in the house especially appears when there is snow and a blizzard outside the window. And what could be better than your own fireplace in the house? If you remember about such a desire in the summer, then it is quite possible for residents of a country house to equip it, but the population of high-rise buildings can only dream about it. We have a solution: a less expensive and no less impressive DIY cardboard fireplace (step-by-step instructions included). If this solution interests you, then go ahead... get a large cardboard box. What else is needed and how to do it, we will now tell and show you.

The key and most important thing, without which you won’t be able to create a fireplace with your own hands, even with the most detailed instructions, is a large cardboard box. It can be from a TV, refrigerator, or even suitable from. The main thing is that it meets the following requirements:

  • Strong packaging cardboard. It has the necessary rigidity, which will allow you to apply finishing to the future fireplace and make a top shelf.
  • Have a large size so that there is room for imagination. If you don’t find a very large box, you will have to limit yourself to a laconic corner fireplace; for this you can take a smaller one.
  • The box should be unnecessary. For example, you just bought a refrigerator, then don’t rush to use cardboard for a good cause, because when problems arise with the device, without the original packaging they won’t accept it for warranty, and even if they do, it will probably be inconvenient to transport it.

In addition, you will need the following helpers: masking tape, glue gun, paint primer, stationery knife, ruler, paint brush, application sponge, acrylic paint, spatula (not wide). These are the basic materials. If you are planning additional, then for these purposes you can use, depending on the fireplace design: polystyrene foam, drywall, baseboards and borders (decorative polystyrene foam), mosaic or any other, tile grout, varnish. For the convenience of cutting all this, use a grinder or jigsaw.

Cardboard is convenient because it can be used to make a structure of almost any shape.

Before starting work

Before you start making a fireplace out of cardboard with your own hands, step-by-step instructions for which are already there, you need to develop the design of the future fireplace, since even the most skillful hands will not rely purely on imagination and you need to rely on something before making a fireplace with your own hands from cardboard .

The development of the project includes marking the dimensions of the future product in accordance with the possibilities of its placement, and the following factors must be taken into account:

  • If there is little space and there is a free corner, then a small false fireplace with a corner placement would be an excellent option.

Having received information about the free space, you can develop a fireplace layout. On a sheet of paper it is worth drawing to scale the height, width, depth of the furnace and its shape. After such detailing, you can begin to work in kind with our box.

Helpful advice! If you don’t have a large box, use several small ones, gluing them together in the shape of an arch-portal.

Fireplace frame

Now comes the most crucial moment: you need to make markings on the box and cut out the components of the future fireplace. The final appearance of the fireplace will depend on the accuracy of the work at this stage. Therefore, work carefully, clearly and accurately.

Lay the box on the floor and mark the future firebox and the necessary bending points. To avoid confusion, mark the cut line with one color and the bend line with another. In order for the cardboard to bend where it is needed, you only need to cut through the top layer, that is, the paper that covers the corrugated insides. This manipulation will allow you to clearly draw the contours of the future fireplace.

Next, we begin cutting out the firebox. Regardless of what shape you choose for it, the steps to form it are the same. First, cut out the window, then bend its lower part inward - this will be the bottom of the firebox. Next you need to organize the back wall and sides. For the back wall, cut out a figure identical in shape from such cardboard, but you need to make it a little larger, about 5 cm allowances are enough to make it convenient to glue it. We do the same with the sidewalls. Then we collect it all. You can fasten it either with a glue gun, or tape, or a stapler, but always from the inside out. If you plan to organize shelves and niches, then the stage of forming the firebox should be postponed. And carry it out after making the shelves, which are made according to the same scheme as the firebox.

After all the niches are ready, you need to worry about strengthening the structure. To do this you need:

  • Under the firebox and shelves, place cardboard, polystyrene foam or other light but durable material that can withstand the weight of what is supposed to be placed in the niches.
  • In places of probable deformation (at bends), fix the cardboard rolled into a tube: it will give a stable shape to the structure.
Helpful information! For durability and reliability of the structure, it is best to use drywall or. However, these materials require some skills, and gypsum boards will also require the construction of a metal frame.


If you made a fireplace out of cardboard with your own hands, step-by-step instructions for which you had, but there are irregularities and other shortcomings, then they need to be corrected. Putty will come to our aid. But here you need to work carefully. After all, cardboard absorbs moisture, so it needs to be applied in parts and to small areas, the second layer only after the previous one has completely dried. There is a little trick that will help if the shortcomings are minimal. Stick regular rough paste onto the uneven areas - it sticks well to the cardboard, and the finishing putty fits just fine on it.


There is not a single fireplace that is without a cover, and ours is no exception. It must be made from any dense and light material. For example, from thick foam. First, you need to make recesses in it so that the lid falls into place. That is, it fixed the position of the fireplace. Before fixing it with glue, you need to try it on and check that all the protrusions match. If everything is good, you can record it. The joints need to be puttied.


The last stage will be finishing. First you need to apply the finishing putty using a spatula, and then let your imagination run free. You can decorate the fireplace with foam borders, which are used on the ceiling. Or make it out of polystyrene foam and paint it accordingly, you can apply an ornamental design and much more. It is better to lay out the lid with tiles or paste it with wooden clapboard. The final stage will be to coat all this splendor with varnish in order to fix the decor and give it a finished look.

Many people want to make the interior of their house or apartment original and impressive. Today on the Internet you can find a great variety of truly original and interesting ideas and ideas. Among them, not the least popular decoration is the fireplace. However, not everyone has the opportunity to install a wood-burning stove with a chimney indoors. That is why, as an alternative, you can make a decorative fireplace from boxes. A fireplace made from boxes is one of the most budget-friendly and attractive solutions.

Yes, you can make a fireplace out of boxes with your own hands. To do this, you will need packaging from various household appliances and electronics, which you can always find on hand at home. So how do you do this? Read further in the article!

Selection of materials

Before making a fireplace, we will need to select suitable materials for the manufacture of such a decorative structure. In order to assemble a false fireplace with your own hands, we will need to acquire:

  1. In boxes. There can be many different shapes and sizes, or just one or several large ones. Boxes can be not only different sizes, but also shapes;
  2. Wallpaper or plain paper. If you are going to use wallpaper to decorate the portal, one tube will be enough for you;
  3. To glue boxes, wallpaper, paper together, you will need to buy an adhesive base - it can be silicate or PVA glue;
  4. Scotch tape (regular, masking and double-sided);
  5. Paint brushes, sponges and rags;
  6. For basic work we will need a stationery knife and a simple pencil. Additionally, you can get a ruler and scissors, a tape measure and a building level;
  7. If you are going to equip the fireplace portal with a shelf or tabletop, you will need a sheet of plasterboard or plywood.

It is also worth purchasing the necessary materials for decorating the fireplace portal in advance. This can be wallpaper with a print imitating the classic brick surface of a fireplace. A fireplace made of cardboard can be decorated with self-adhesive film, the surface of which imitates natural minerals, such as marble, sandstone or granite. Classic volumetric patterns represented by various columns, plaster elements, baseboards, and foam decor look beautiful and stylish. The surface can also be painted with simple paint from a can or bucket.

If you want the final result to be a rougher and more uneven surface, it is recommended to use liquid wallpaper, which has a corrugated structure and a rather uneven surface. All kinds of acrylic compositions are very popular. This paint is practically odorless, dries quickly and has interesting shades and tones (gold, silver, bronze, sparkles, mother-of-pearl).

Getting to know the varieties

A fireplace, the portal of which has a purely decorative function, may have more advanced functionality and a number of additional features. Such a false fireplace will be an excellent addition and decoration to the electric fireplace firebox. Electric fireplace will be an excellent alternative to a wood stove and can even be installed in an apartment.

Since cardboard and boxes are classified as flammable, it is unsafe to install a biofireplace or gas fireplace in it. For the same reasons, it is strictly forbidden to install a fireplace with a water circuit.

Installation of such fireplaces is impossible not only because of the strong heating of the housing, but also because of the rather large mass. It is also not recommended to install open fireboxes and an electric fireplace with a heating function.

The best option is a modern electric fireplace with 3D with the effect of a burning flame and high-quality sound visualization and lighting.

You can make a false fireplace with your own hands in one of the following styles:

  • The category of modern fireplaces includes fireboxes in the Art Nouveau style. The direction is distinguished by its originality of shapes and sizes. It is possible to have and use contrasting shades, bright, catchy and cold tones;
  • A false fireplace in a high-tech style will look stylish and original. To create the necessary image, you can decorate the portal in one fairly calm and muted shade (black, gray, white, silver, metallic). Complete the look with a mirror or glass decor;
  • The classic style is always appropriate and will be relevant even in ten years. A classic fireplace is a wealth of patterns, ornaments, voluminous decor, and expensive decoration. It is fashionable to complement the frame with columns, candlesticks, and shelves;
  • Rustic style or country motifs will make the fireplace and atmosphere in the room as cozy and homely as possible. Natural and environmentally friendly materials are always used for finishing in this direction. However, for a false fireplace you can use photo wallpaper with a pattern and texture of stone. You can decorate the combustion chamber with firewood.

DIY step-by-step assembly

As it turns out, you can make a fireplace with your own hands quite quickly and on a budget. To do this, you will need to use the following step-by-step guide:

  1. First of all, decide on the room and the specific location in which the structure will be installed. A false fireplace can be island, corner or wall-mounted. The smallest are the corner portals. Also, with the help of a fireplace you can hide some wall defects;
  2. Using a building level, first apply all the necessary marks to the floor and walls and carry out a control check;
  3. The quality of the pre-drawn drawing and sketch of the fireplace plays an important role. Make it as detailed as possible, indicate the dimensions and features of the firebox, portal and each decorative element;
  4. The base can be either several separate boxes glued together, or one large box from under an LCD TV. Double-sided tape is used to glue several boxes together;
  5. We remove unnecessary decor and things that interfere with work from the room. Apply the marks indicated in the drawing to the box using a pencil;
  6. The basis of any false fireplace is a podium, which is responsible for the stability of the structure. The podium must first be strengthened. For this purpose, its sides are supplemented with special cardboard inserts. The ribs must be installed in a perpendicular position to the podium and secured with tape. Each rib has a height equal to the side edge of the pedestal. Also, the sides of the pedestal can be strengthened using several layers of cardboard, which are secured with tape. To ensure that the structure is as stable as possible. The podium is made wider and larger than the portal itself by 80-100 millimeters.

Do-it-yourself portal for a false fireplace

A fireplace in an apartment made of cardboard or boxes can be made of either a frame type or have a back wall. Fireplace instructions or step-by-step assembly guide:

  1. If you want to assemble a frame frame, you need to prepare cardboard, which will become the front of your fireplace. We make marks in the area where the hearth will be located and make an incision in the upper part. For this we need a stationery knife. It is also necessary to cut the central part of the portal. We bend the cut sections, they will become the sides of the combustion compartment. A rectangular strip is cut out, the width of which will be equal to the sides of the frame, and the length will be equal to the width of the combustion compartment. After this, we fix the ceiling part with tape and strengthen the inside with frame panels consisting of 2-3 layers of glued cardboard. The frame is installed and secured to the podium using glue;
  2. A portal with a back wall is easier to implement. It can be formed from just one large box. Incisions are made in it, the upper and combustion parts are formed and folded. Next, the portal is installed and secured to the pedestal.

You can complement a false fireplace and make it more functional with the help of a mantelpiece. It can be assembled from one sheet of drywall or plywood. Also, a fairly high-quality shelf is obtained by gluing 2-3 layers of cardboard together. To secure the shelf to the frame, use double-sided tape.

Before you begin cladding the portal, you need to prepare the surface. To do this, the cardboard is pre-painted with water-based paint, acrylic from a spray can, or puttied. This is necessary to obtain a uniform shade and get rid of contrasting spots. As an alternative, you can cover the surface of the portal with several layers of white paper, the so-called papier mache.

For surface cladding, you can use photo wallpaper simulating brickwork, marble, or granite. The rough surface formed by applying liquid wallpaper looks advantageous. You can simply paint the frame or apply self-adhesive film.

The firebox can also be decorated at your discretion: with firewood, garlands. Above the fireplace you can place a mirror, a clock, a picture. On the shelf there are various candlesticks, candles, figurines, photo frames.

Corner false fireplace

You can also make a corner false fireplace with your own hands. To do this, you will need the following step-by-step guide:

  • We find the most advantageous angle for placing the fireplace in a room with good visibility;
  • We make a podium from one large box. We cut the sides and shape them in such a way that they perfectly match the shape of the selected corner in the room. For fastening we use masking tape;
  • To strengthen the structure, we equip the sidewalls with stiffening ribs. To do this, we make small dimensions on the sides using a stationery knife. The optimal distance between cuts is 10-15 centimeters. The marks will connect on the inside and bend the cardboard. Next, all excess and remnants of cardboard are removed and gluing is performed;
  • A size for the firebox is made in the center of the portal. Recommended shape: square or rectangle. The top may have a slight rounding of the pores, similar to the arch principle. The lower part is not cut off, but folded inward to form a firebox. Secure with masking tape and trim off all excess;
  • At the next stage it is necessary to form the side walls of the portal. To do this, take two cardboard sheets, the height and length of which are equal to the dimensions of the combustion compartment. We cut them to shape and secure them with masking tape. The top of the fireplace is also formed from one cardboard sheet;
  • We equip the mantelpiece portal from two sheets of cardboard connected to each other with PVA glue;
  • After the glue has dried well, we line the frame with the selected materials.

As an addition, you can make decorative firewood for the fireplace with your own hands. To do this, take cardboard and remove the first smooth layer. We determine the length and thickness of the logs so that they look harmonious with the fireplace insert. To form firewood, you need to cut a strip, which rolls up and can be supplemented with small knots. To form logs, after rolling, it is necessary to glue the edges of the workpiece well with PVA glue and additionally secure it with thread. For small branches, it is enough to cut out a small and very thin strip of cardboard, glue it, dry it and stick it to the main log. Next, the surface is painted with white paint and, after drying, repainted with a suitable color. To make birch logs, the original color can be left white and after the paint has dried, apply a few strokes or stripes with black paint.

For painting you can use acrylic, oil or gouache.

Anyone can make such a decorative fireplace from cardboard boxes. At the same time, the design and design of a false portal can be very diverse. The advantages of a false fireplace made from boxes include mobility, light weight and environmental friendliness.

In this video you will learn in more detail how to assemble a fireplace with your own hands from boxes or cardboard for an apartment or house. The video shows a Christmas fireplace for the New Year: