home · Measurements · Wiring diagram for a motion sensor for lighting. How to connect a motion sensor to a light bulb: step-by-step instructions Light sensor for street lighting installation

Wiring diagram for a motion sensor for lighting. How to connect a motion sensor to a light bulb: step-by-step instructions Light sensor for street lighting installation

Initially, motion tracking systems were intended to protect territories and important objects. Motion sensors are now widely used to turn on lights. This electronic device allows you to save up to 85 percent of electricity. Let's consider the basic principles of operation of the device, its types and installation procedure.

The sensor will not only help turn on the lights, but also warn about unwanted guests

The tracking device monitors the area covered by the viewing sector. The territory is limited not only by the angle of action of the device, but also by the range of the sensor.

Note! For effective operation, the sensor is placed in a place that provides maximum visibility.

How the sensor works

The device records the level of infrared radiation. If an object with the temperature of a living creature appears in its field of responsibility, the device receives several impulses that affect the circuit and turn on the lighting. As soon as the pulses stop coming, the circuit breaks and the power goes out.

Below is a sample motion sensor circuit for lighting.

Advantages and disadvantages of using sensors

Thanks to an indoor or outdoor light sensor to turn on the light, there is no need to frantically search in pitch darkness or for keys in a bag.

Types of motion tracking devices

Motion sensors can be divided into two categories:

  • installation location: external and internal devices;
  • alarm type: ultrasonic, infrared, microwave, combined.

External sensors monitor a given perimeter and are intended mainly for large adjoining spaces and outbuildings. Their response radius reaches five hundred meters.

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Installing this device will allow you to automate lighting depending on the time of day. How does such a device work and how does it work? More details in a special publication.
Helpful information! Thanks to street motion sensors, no special alarms are required to protect the perimeter. They will work as soon as an outsider approaches the protected area. An attacker will not risk intruding into the illuminated area.

Indoor sensors are designed to work indoors. They are not resistant to sudden changes in temperature and active exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Ultrasound devices

The operating principle of such a product is based on the reflection of ultrasonic waves from the surfaces of objects. This simple process, named after the Austrian physicist Doppler, makes it easy to calculate moving objects by changing the frequency of the pulses. Such a sensor uses a device that generates ultrasound, inaudible to the human ear.

If any movement occurs within the range of the device, the ultrasonic waves change their frequency, which is recorded by the sensor.

Helpful information! In addition to lighting systems, such devices are widely used in automatic parking sensors.

Advantages and disadvantages of ultrasonic motion sensors for turning on lights.

Infrared devices

Their work is based on measuring the ambient temperature. When high-temperature objects enter the sensor's operating range, it reacts by turning on the light.

Infrared radiation from the human body, through a set of lenses and special mirrors, affects the sensor that activates the lighting system.

Helpful information! The sensitivity of the device depends on the number of lenses; there are up to thirty pairs of them in one device.

Advantages and disadvantages of such devices.

Allows precise adjustment of detection angle and rangeFalse alarm due to radiation from heating devices or, for example, an electric kettle
Triggers only on temperature objects, so can be used outdoorsMalfunctions when exposed to adverse weather conditions
Completely safe for humans and petsSmall adjustment range
Transmits objects coated with materials that do not transmit IR radiation

Microwave sensors

Microwave devices act like radars. The device sends a signal and receives its reflection.

A microwave device emits a high frequency wave. The slightest deviation in the returned signal causes a chain reaction that turns on the light.

Advantages and disadvantages of microwave sensors.

Combined instruments

Combined motion sensors for turning on lights combine two or three types of sensors at once. Tracking is carried out in parallel and very accurately detects an object in the coverage area. There are no other disadvantages to such devices other than their cost. The most common sensors on sale are those that combine infrared and ultrasonic devices.

Manufacturers and prices

In motion devices, the price is directly related to the quality and performance of the device. The more expensive the device, the larger the area it can cover. Among the popular brands it is worth noting devices from the following companies:

  • Camelion;
  • Theben;
  • Ultralight.

The cost of sensors starts from 400 rubles and reaches several thousand. The most rated among budget models according to Yandex.market.

ImageModelViewing angle, degreesRange, metersAverage price, rubles
Camelion LX-39/Wh180 12 558
Rev 3180 12 590
Feron SEN30 (hand motion sensor)30 5-8 759
PIR16A180 12 505
IEK LDD12-029-600-001120 9 508
Elektrostandard SNS M 02180-360 6 512
TDM SQ0324-0014120 12 519

Pro Tips: How to Connect a Motion Sensor for Lighting

You can install and configure the product yourself. When purchasing, you need to check the availability of instructional material and follow its advice.

Note! The tracking device must be mounted in a place where it cannot be triggered by extraneous signals.
  • It is important to know that the sensitive device does not like to be moved frequently, so you need to carefully consider its location.
  • In the room, in parallel with the sensor, you need to install a regular switch so that, if necessary, you can turn off the lighting manually.
  • In order to prevent accidental damage to the device, it can be recessed into the wall by cutting a corresponding hole in the drywall.
  • It is important to ensure that the tracking device is not exposed to sunlight, as it will disrupt the operation of the sensor.

Motion sensors for turning on lights: installation diagrams

The device can be installed in several ways:

Checking, setting and adjusting

To check the correct connection, a temporary circuit is used; you need to connect it following the instructions in the technical data sheet of the product. If the device does not work, it means that errors were made during installation.

Complex devices can be tested as follows:

  • assemble a temporary connection diagram;
  • set the light control to maximum;
  • set the timer to minimum.

If the LED indicator lights up when the object moves, the device is working. Instead of an indicator, a relay can be installed that will start clicking when motion is detected.

After installing the sensor, it must be adjusted. The timer operation time can be set from a few seconds to a quarter of an hour. Adjusting the sensitivity of the sensor is a complex process, the main task of which is to prevent the device from triggering the appearance of pets.

How to connect a motion sensor (video)


Home touch sensors will allow you to significantly save on lighting. The device will turn on the light in the hallway, kitchen, bathroom, on the threshold of the house when a person appears and turn it off if there is no movement.

The cost of the simplest sensors starts from 400 rubles. You can install such sensors yourself. It is better to entrust the installation of more complex and expensive devices to professionals.

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According to experts, the use of motion sensors (MS) allows you to save up to 30% of electricity, while if the devices are equipped with photo relays, the savings reach an unrealistic 58%. If the indicators are truly reliable, then choosing a special detector for the lighting system is an appropriate solution. In this article we will figure out how to choose a motion sensor to turn on the light and which manufacturers are the best in price and quality.

Criterias of choice

So, there are several rules, using which you can choose the right motion sensor. Let's look at what experts advise:

  1. Decide on installation location. For the street, it is recommended to choose a detector with at least 55, preferably 65. If the device is installed under a canopy, you can choose a model with an IP44 index. When choosing a motion sensor to turn on lighting in a room (house, apartment or garage), the degree of protection may be less, provided that there is no high humidity and dust.
  2. We take into account possible obstacles. Let's move away from the topic a little and talk about the types of detectors. There are devices that respond to thermal radiation (infrared). They turn on the light when they detect any moving objects, including animals. The second type of product is sound or, as they are also called, acoustic (triggered when noise occurs). The next type of DD is microwave. They emit waves that can pass through obstacles to detect movement. Well, the last ones are combined devices that combine several methods of response. So, in apartments, in the country, and in private houses, we recommend using IR sensors or a combined version of infrared radiation with ultrasonic radiation. For security, the best solution would be to use microwave models that respond even through small obstacles (for example, a partition). Such devices have found application in garages, warehouses and, in general, in alarm systems.
  3. Deciding on the viewing angle. If you can enter a room from several sides (for example, 2-3 doors in a corridor or entrance), then it is better to choose a motion sensor with a 360-degree viewing angle (ceiling-mounted). If you need to turn on the light when passing through one specific area, then it is enough to select a detector with a viewing angle of 180 degrees and point it at the desired detection zone.
  4. We take into account the power of lamps. It is equally important to choose the right DD power. This is quite simple to do - we find out the power of a chandelier in the room, or, for example, an LED spotlight on the street and select the power of the detector with a small margin.
  5. Determining the range of action. Also, when choosing a motion sensor, you need to consider the maximum distance to which it can respond. Typically, the detection radius ranges from 6 to 50 meters. Accordingly, for small rooms in an apartment or house, you can select the minimum radius (in the toilet, kitchen, hallway, bathroom), but to turn it on, you need to decide on the operating radius and, based on this, select the appropriate parameter.
  6. Availability of photo relay. Recently, most DDs are additionally equipped with light detectors, which allow even more. The operation scheme in this case is as follows: the light turns on only if the illumination level is below the specified settings. This is logical, because there is no point in turning on the lighting during the day.
  7. . Another useful feature that we recommend paying attention to. If you have pets, for example, a small dog in the yard, then it is better to choose a motion sensor with animal protection. Otherwise, turning on the light will be triggered by your pets, which is not very convenient and economical.

These are all the tips you should consider when choosing a device. Another important point is the manufacturer of the detectors, because The durability and correct operation of the product depends on it. If you don’t know which motion sensor is best to choose, we recommend choosing products from companies such as Theben, Rev Ritter, Orbis and Camelion. In the latter case, the manufacturer is Chinese, but, nevertheless, it is optimal in terms of price and quality. You can figure out the right model if you consider our 7 tips provided above.

Every evening you have to turn it on, and every morning you have to turn it off. And if in good weather you can somehow put up with this, then in rain or snow... Therefore, the idea arises to automate the switching on and off of lamps. This is what the photorelay for street lighting does.

There are many names for this device. In the literature you will find the name light-control switch or light-sensitive machine, and when communicating you can hear it as an illumination or light sensor, photosensor, twilight/twilight sensor or day/night. Perhaps there are others. But all this is about one device that turns on the lighting at dusk and turns it off at dawn.

Photo relays are made on the basis of a photoresistor or phototransistor, which change their parameters when the illumination changes. As long as enough light falls on them, the power circuit remains open. As darkness falls, the parameters of the photoresistor/transistor change and, at a certain value (set by settings), the circuit closes. In the morning, the process is exactly the opposite: when the illumination reaches a certain level, the power circuit is broken.


First of all, you need to decide whether you want a photo relay for street lighting with an external or built-in light sensor. The remote sensor is small in size and is easier to protect from illumination; the device itself can be placed in the house, for example, in a panel. There are even models for din-rail. A photo relay with a built-in light sensor can be placed near the lamp. It is only important to choose a place so that the light from the lamp does not affect the photosensor. This option is more convenient, for example, for .

Performance characteristics

Having decided on the type of sensor, we move on to the technical parameters:

To select a photo relay for street lighting, these characteristics are required. Their correct choice determines the performance of the device. But there are still some parameters that affect the correct operation of the device.

Customization options

There are several adjustments that allow you to customize the operation of the photo relay in each specific case. The problem is that the settings are made manually by turning the desired knob, and it is impossible to achieve absolutely identical parameters for several devices. There are always some differences in their work.

Using these settings, you can make the operation of the photo relay to automatically turn on the lighting of the area comfortable and eliminate false alarms.

Where to put

Choosing the right place to install a photo relay for street lighting is quite a quest. Several requirements must be taken into account:

With all this, the installation height of the photo relay is at the level of 1.8-2 m. This will make it possible to adjust the parameters “from the ground”. You can go higher, but you will need a stepladder/ladder or a chair/stool.

As you can imagine, finding such a place is not easy. There are several tricks that make the solution easier:

And another piece of advice from practice: it’s easier to adjust the operating parameters if the light sensor of the photo relay is located on the eastern or western wall. But only if there are no brightly glowing objects there. In this case, it is best to choose the side where the “exposure” is least.

Types of photo relay

As already mentioned, there is a photo relay with a built-in and remote light sensor. In addition, you can find the following varieties:

If you need one of the functions described above, it is not at all necessary to buy a photo relay with a motion sensor or timer. You can install a regular sensor and, in series with it, connect the desired device (motion sensor or timer). The functions will be the same, and repairs and replacement will cost less. If one of the parts in a photo relay with additional functions fails, you will have to change the device completely, and this option costs more than its “no frills” counterpart.

Connection diagrams for photo relays for street lighting

The purpose of a photo relay for street lighting is to supply power at nightfall and turn it off at dawn. That is, it is a kind of switch, only instead of a key there is a photosensitive element installed in it. Therefore, its connection diagram is similar: a phase is supplied to the photo relay, removed from its outputs and supplied to lamps or a group of lamps.

The simplest case is a diagram for connecting a photo relay to a lantern

Since the photo relay also requires power to operate, a zero is applied to the corresponding contacts; it is advisable to also connect the ground.

As we said earlier, you need to select a photo relay based on the power of the connected load. But one pattern is observed: with increasing power, prices increase significantly. To save money, you can supply power not through a photo relay, but through. It is designed for frequent power on/off, and can also be used to connect power using a light-sensitive element with a small connected load. In fact, it only turns on the magnetic starter, so only its power consumption is taken into account. And a powerful load can be connected to the terminals of the magnetic starter.

If, in addition to the day/night sensor, you also need to connect a timer or motion sensor, they are placed in series after the lighting relay. The order in which the movement/timer is set is not important.

If a motion sensor or a timer is not needed, simply remove them from the circuit. She remains functional.

Installation and configuration

For a photo relay with a built-in photo sensor, three wires come out of the housing. They are always connected the same way:

  • Red goes to the load - a lantern, light bulbs, lamps.
  • The brown or black wire is connected to the phase taken from the panel.
  • The neutral from the bus with the “working zero” from the panel is connected to the blue one.

It is also advisable to ground the device by connecting it to the appropriate terminal on the housing. The wire cross-section is selected depending on the power of the connected load.

The relay is configured after it is installed and connected. When twilight sets in, wait until you are in a state where you would like the lighting to turn on. Take a small screwdriver and turn the adjustment wheel until the light comes on.

The procedure for connecting a photo relay with an external sensor is slightly different:

  • connect the phase to terminal A1 (L) (at the top of the device);
  • set zero to terminal A2 (N);
  • from the output (depending on the model, it may be located in the upper part of the housing, then designated L’ or in the lower part of the housing), the phase is supplied to the lighting fixtures.

One of the connection options is in video. A circuit with a magnetic starter is implemented here.

To install a motion detector, you do not need specialized knowledge or professional experience. It is enough to understand simple electrical circuits and correctly connect the cables to each other. This article simply and clearly explains how to connect a motion sensor with your own hands, as well as recommendations for choosing a device and solving possible problems during installation.

Connection diagrams

If you open the box at the motion sensor, you will find 3 wires inside with different markings on the terminal block: red (A - load), blue (N - zero), brown or black (L - phase). Wires are connected using terminal clamps. Connection diagrams are also described in detail in the instructions for the device or on the case.

Connecting one device in a circuit

The simplest option is to connect the detector to the lamp directly. This scheme is suitable for closed, dark, windowless rooms where more complex lighting logic is not required.

To do this, you will need a three-core wire to connect to the sensor, a screwdriver, NShVI tips and terminal blocks (two pieces for 2 contacts and 1 piece for 3 contacts).

  1. Remove the cover of the device. Connect the three-wire wire to the block. If the colors of the wires in a three-core wire match the colors of the wires in the sensor, it is advisable to distribute them as a continuation of each other: red to red, blue to blue, etc. using NShVI tips. Close the lid.
  2. Connect the three-wire wire to the junction box, in which you need to combine 7 wires: 2 from the lamp, 2 from the electrical panel, 3 from the motion sensor. Now you need to connect the phase (L) cables from the sensor (brown or black) and the shield (brown) together using terminal blocks. Then the neutral (N) cables from the sensor, shield and lamp (blue). And finally, the remaining two: sensor load (A) - red and lamp phase (L) - brown.
  3. Apply power and check the functionality of the sensor.
Motion sensor connection diagrams

Connection via switch

Sometimes it is necessary to connect a switch to the circuit. This is done so that it is possible to force the light to turn on, regardless of movement in the visibility zone. This can be achieved by adding a switch with one key to the electrical circuit in parallel to the motion sensor.

For this task, in addition to NShVI lugs, a three-core wire and a screwdriver, you will need three terminal blocks with 3 contacts.

  1. Disconnect the network and check that there is no voltage.
  2. Connect the three-wire wire to the device block and lead it to the junction box. Also bring the cable from the switch here.
  3. There are now 9 wires inside the junction box: 2 each from the lamp, switch and panel, plus 3 from the sensor. We connect the phase (L) cables from the sensor, electrical panel and switch (brown). Zero (N) from the sensor, electrical panel and lamp (blue). And the remaining wires: load from the sensor (A, red), neutral from the switch (N, blue) and phase from the lamp (L, brown).
  4. Apply power and check operation.

Connecting multiple devices in a circuit

This method of connecting sensors is recommended mainly for long corridors and staircases. This is due to the small range of the sensors or the unusual layout of the room. In this case, two or more sensors are connected to one phase in parallel. If you connect to different phases, a short circuit will occur.

  1. Turn off the power and check that there is no voltage.
  2. Combine the phases (L, brown) at the sensors and the electrical panel. Then the load (A, red) is connected to the sensors and the phase (L, brown) to the lamp. It remains to connect the neutral cables (N, blue) between the sensors, the lamp and the electrical panel.
  3. Turn on the power and check the operation of all devices.

Since no household motion sensor is designed for high power floodlights, you may have to connect them to the circuit through a contactor with a 220 V coil. Unlike the previous circuit, the phase (L, brown) wire goes to the contactor from the sensor and the panel. And the load (A, red) of the sensor goes not to the lamp, but to the contactor coil. In this case, the lamp is controlled through the contactor and not directly.

Connection diagram to the spotlight

Video instruction

Verifying the installation

To check whether the sensor is working, you need to set the LUX parameter to maximum, and the TIME setting, on the contrary, to the very minimum. If after power supply the LED indicator lights up, it means that the load has been turned on. If the diode does not light up immediately, this does not mean that the device is faulty. You need to wait half a minute so that he has time to prepare for work. This allows you to check the device before connecting other devices, saving time on finding a place to install the sensor.


After installing the device, you need to adjust it for more accurate operation. The number of settings depends on the device model. In cheap options, you can only influence the time the light is turned on and the level of illumination. More expensive models add sensor sensitivity adjustment and the ability to move the viewing angle of the sensor.

Viewing angle

The listening area of ​​the device can only be approximately calculated. Therefore, situations may arise when the sensor does not respond as intended during installation. One reason may be that the viewing angle is chosen in the wrong direction. Therefore, if the device model allows you to change this parameter, it is worth taking advantage of it.

Configured to cover maximum area

Sensitivity (SENS)

This setting allows you to reduce the number of false positives from animals and other factors. Copes with identifying cats and small dogs; with large animals there may be no effect at all. It is better to start setting from the minimum value, gradually increasing to the desired values.

Turn off delay (TIME)

Depending on the detector model, the parameter can vary from 3 seconds to 15 minutes. This means that once motion has been detected, the light will stay on for that amount of time. At the same time, if the time is up, but the person is still within the visibility range of the device, the light will be on. The timer starts counting down until the lamp turns off after the movement has stopped. You should start setting from the minimum value.

Light level (LUX/DAY LIGHT)

This parameter sets the lighting level in which the device will operate. That is, so that it does not work during the daytime, but begins to operate only with the onset of twilight or darkness. To configure, you need to turn the indicator to maximum, gradually reducing it to the desired sensitivity.

Possible problems and their solutions

A situation may arise when the light does not turn off, although the device is working properly. Here it is worth checking the response duration setting (TIME), which can be turned to the maximum position. The light stays on for so long that it simply does not have time to go out. In this case, you need to reduce this interval to an acceptable result.

The problem may also be in other settings: too low sensitivity (SENS) or incorrect lighting threshold (LUX). Check the operation of the sensor by turning the knobs to the maximum to eliminate these options.

Sensors have their own detection zone characteristics

Suboptimal installation location

Perhaps the device is blocked by a cabinet or cabinet. Or the coverage area is too far from the person and does not see movement. Or the lamp it is connected to is so close that it causes false alarms. There is also a possibility that the viewing angle of the device is not directed where it is needed. These shortcomings are corrected easily and quickly. Furniture can be removed or the detector can be placed in another place. To select the optimal installation location, it is necessary to understand the operating principle of the sensor. Microwave and ultrasonic sensors like movement towards or away from the sensor. And infrared - movements past the sensor. If you move towards the pyro sensor ideally along the center line, then it may not work. Understanding these features will help you avoid dead zones and false alarms. As we can see, the viewing angle indicated in the manufacturer’s description does not indicate in which plane - this is not complete information, but the manufacturer’s tricks. An infrared sensor can be triggered if there are objects with different temperatures in its field of vision, even without the movement of these objects. That's why they are also called presence sensors.

Lamp burnout

Before installing a new lamp, check its functionality. This is also done using a voltmeter, although the method is not the most accurate. You can also screw the lamp into another lamp, which previously worked with another lamp.

Wiring fault

If you suspect a wiring fault, you need to call a technician or test it yourself with a multimeter. Another reason lies in the incorrect connection of the neutral cable to the motion sensor. Often construction debris gets into the junction with the block, after which a layer of soot forms and oxidation of the metal. In this case, the contact no longer passes, and the sensor stops working. To fix this, you need to check the wires for damage, and thoroughly clean the oxidized area and press it with NShVI tips.

Defects and incorrect operating conditions

Unfortunately, no one is immune from manufacturing defects and improper transportation of the device. This often applies to cheap models with a low level of protection. Or, for example, a powerful lamp was connected to the sensor, exceeding the recommended values, and it could not cope with the load. Water or dust may have entered the housing. Before purchasing, do not forget to check the functionality of the device.

Working principle and use

The essence of the action of all sensors is to track moving objects and close the electrical circuit if movements are detected. The circuit opens when no movement has been detected in the field of view for a certain time.

Types of motion sensors

The technologies with which sensors perform their direct duties may differ. In total, there are 5 types of detection:

  • Infrared(IR). Such sensors respond to changes in thermal radiation in the field of view. The advantages include ease of installation outdoors, complete safety for household members, as well as the ability to adjust the response range and very low energy consumption. These devices passively listen to the surrounding space without emitting anything. Due to the nature of the technology, false alarms on animals and other extraneous movements may occur, especially on the street. In addition, the device can be easily fooled by wearing IR-resistant material.

IR motion sensor design
  • Ultrasonic(UZ). Using sound waves, the sensor listens to the environment at a frequency of 20–60 kHz, which is inaudible to the human ear. If the reflected signal has changed frequency, the device recognizes that there is movement in the area and responds appropriately. They are unpretentious to operating conditions and work well in damp and dusty rooms, regardless of temperature. They are relatively inexpensive. However, if there are animals in the house, it is better to opt for another device. Also among the disadvantages are the small coverage of action and indifference to smooth gait and movements.
  • Microwave(microwave). The device emits electromagnetic waves with a frequency of about 5.8 GHz, registering surrounding objects. This type is mainly used by security systems. It is not suitable for installation in a residential area, since microwave radiation is unsafe for humans.
  • Acoustic. The detector reacts to sudden noise and does not emit anything. Most often used in basements and staircases.
  • Combined(dual). These sensors combine several technologies to clarify the result. They can be more precisely tuned, which reduces the number of false positives.

Each technology has its own advantages and disadvantages, which affect the choice of installation location for the device. For home use, IR and ultrasonic sensors or a combination of them are most suitable.

Each device has a number of characteristics that you should be aware of when purchasing a device.

Degree of protection

In other words, the strength of the device body. It is measured in IP: the higher the indicator, the more durable the shell of the device. For outdoor use, you need to choose models with IP 55 and higher. For home use, IP 22+ is quite enough.

Power type

There are wired and wireless motion sensors. Accordingly, wired ones are powered from a standard 220 V network, and wireless ones run on batteries, including solar batteries, and batteries. The latter are more often used when it is necessary to turn on lights or other devices from low-voltage sources (for example, from a 12 V emergency network). They are used if, after European-quality renovation, it is not possible to lay a wire for transmitting information.

Important Features of a Motion Sensor

Angle of action

One of the key characteristics that directly affects the operation of the sensor and the installation location. Most often, the numbers range from 90 to 360° horizontally and from 15 to 180° vertically.


This parameter determines at what distance from the device a person will be detected. It is measured in meters and determined in three planes:

  • Perpendicular, when a person moves along a tangent circle, where the center is the motion sensor.
  • Frontally, when a person moves towards the device.
  • The presence of a person near the device.

The fundamental difference from viewing angle is that it measures range, not viewing angle.

Maximum connected power

Most sensors are designed for low-power devices: from 500 to 1000 W. If you need to connect powerful lamps, you need to add a magnetic starter to the circuit between the lamp and the sensor phase, and its coil on the other side of the lamp.

Use Cases

There are many alternative uses other than turning the lights on and off in a room:

  • Security systems and alarms.
  • Illumination of gates and paths near the house.
  • Installation of control over the operation of fountains.
  • Installation of pool lighting.
  • Lighting of stairs and corridors.
  • Lighting of basements and utility rooms.
  • Activation of the toilet flush and the inclusion of the hood.
  • Light-emitting diode (LED) tape for.

The main area of ​​​​use is street lighting

Where to install?

Without experience in installing such devices, it is quite difficult to choose the optimal location for the sensor. Therefore, it is worth spending a little time testing different corners in the apartment or in the yard. There are a few general guidelines to help you through this process:

  • There should be no obstacles such as trees, bushes and other randomly moving objects in the visibility range of the device.
  • It is not recommended to install the device near other lighting fixtures, microwave ovens, fans, air conditioners and batteries.
  • Minimize exposure to water, sun, dirt and dust. If the sensor is installed, for example, in the yard, it makes sense to attach a canopy or other protection from bad weather and directed sunlight over it.
  • The sensor must cover the maximum viewing angle, and no large objects in the field of view are allowed. Their presence makes the sensor ineffective.

Installation locations

The technical characteristics and appearance of the device directly affect the installation location. Household motion sensors are usually mounted on the ceiling or walls. The first option is convenient to install in a room with several doors, where it is unknown which side a person will enter from. Ceiling sensors most often have a 360° viewing angle and are installed in the middle of the room. But for different sensors, the direction of movement and in what plane they work are important.

Wall motion sensor option

Before moving on to the instructions for connecting a motion sensor for lighting with your own hands, I would like to note that the device in question is not the same as the one we already discussed in the previous article. This product is designed to instantly turn on the light when any object enters the detection zone. We'll talk further about how to install and connect the motion sensor yourself!

What is the working principle?

Many people wonder how exactly this detector works. So that readers of "" are fully aware, let's first quickly go over the basic principle of the sensor.

The operation and inclusion of the lamp will depend on what type of detector you have chosen. Today there are the following types of motion sensors for lighting:

  • sound - triggered by the noise level in the detection zone;
  • oscillatory - they close the circuit if they detect a moving object nearby;
  • infrared - react to heat.

For outdoor use, it is best to install a second version of the motion sensor, which is also suitable for use in an apartment (entrance). The remaining two options are more often used in security systems. As for the principle of operation itself, everything is not complicated - when the detector detects an object (or sound / increase in temperature), it gives a signal, as a result of which the relay closes the circuit and the light bulb turns on.

By the way, you can make a simple detector with your own hands, if, of course, you have the slightest skills in working with a soldering iron. If you are interested in creating such a useful homemade product, we recommend watching the video tutorial provided below.

Making a detector with your own hands

Methods of connecting to the network

The second, important nuance that you should know is the diagram for connecting the motion sensor to the lighting. Today, the device can be connected directly to the luminaire, through a regular switch, or in combination with another detector installed in another location.

We bring to your attention all four options for wiring the wires to the terminals:

By the way, it is not at all necessary to draw a new line from the distribution box, creating additional grooves in the wall. The light control device can be connected to an outlet by connecting an electrical cord with a plug, or it can be “embedded” directly into the connection point of the chandelier to the electrical network. There are also modern battery-powered (wireless) models.

As for the first connection diagram for a motion sensor, it is the simplest, but at the same time the least convenient for use in a house or apartment, because The light will only turn on when detection occurs. The second option is more convenient, because it becomes possible to switch the circuit to a regular key switch. In this case, the current will bypass the detector, which will make the lighting in the room constant until the switch manually opens the circuit.