home · Appliances · Unusual room design. DIY room decoration: ideas, crafts. How to decorate a teenager's room. Topographic threads

Unusual room design. DIY room decoration: ideas, crafts. How to decorate a teenager's room. Topographic threads

The laconicism and simplicity of the interior sometimes seem too cold; the hand itself reaches out to add a little color and decor. Buying ready-made interior decorations is a completely logical and simplest solution. However, your home can become unique in terms of decoration and it is quite possible to achieve this uniqueness without shopping in a store. If you decide to decorate your room and don’t yet have any ideas on how to do it, then let’s borrow one of those that we will consider below.

How to beautifully decorate your room?

Who said that original decor will necessarily be very expensive? Sometimes one of the most inexpensive materials The result is stylish designer items. Currently, the eco trend has become incredibly popular. Great! This means that it is quite possible to use this topic in your ideas. Flowers are the simplest solution for decoration. The cheapest plastic pot It will look very stylish if you wrap it, turn by turn, with twine or a decorative cord and place it on glue. A textile flowerpot made of burlap or thick linen (we just put a flowerpot and wrap it in fabric, like a bag) paired with decorative rope It will also look great.

The easiest way to decorate, as you can use it to create whatever you want for the room with your own hands. Interesting pillowcases on sofa cushions, and wall-mounted ones made of fabric stretched over a frame. Just look at the rugs woven from old bright T-shirts. Some even manage to decorate the ceiling using textiles.

When you want something light and airy, paper comes to the rescue. This is the second universal material for a flight of fancy. Huge flowers or balls made of corrugated paper, they can replace an ordinary curtain on the window. From them it is easy to create paintings with your own hands with color transitions and decorate them with appliqués, as in expensive room design projects.

Let's try to decorate a children's room with our own hands

In the nursery you can give full rein to your imagination. Absolutely everything comes into play. For example, many toddlers are happy to bring from kindergarten their applications or drawings and proudly present them to their parents. So why not decorate their children's room with large handmade frames and hang their creations in the garden? They are assembled from ordinary polyurethane ceiling cornices, painted in bright colors. There is no time for cornices, you can just make a whole pendant from your child’s drawings. In short, you will combine business with pleasure.

If we decorate a girl’s room with our own hands, then we remember the love of young ladies for ruffles and everything pink. Once again, fabric and a sewing machine will come to your aid. A voluminous beautiful bedspread made of ruffles will definitely delight your child. Panels or rugs made from pompoms work great. They are essentially just small strips of fabric tied into a very large bundle.

Decorating a boy’s room with your own hands in just a couple of days is even easier if you have interior paint. It is enough to put drawings with his favorite characters on the wall, just interesting ornaments. Making stencils with your own hands is quite simple, even from thick cardboard they turn out great.

If we decorate a teenager’s room with our own hands, then we remember the passions and idols of our child. A child at that age is unlikely to appreciate pictures, but large photo wallpaper with an image of a city at night or a shot from a concert of your favorite musician - absolutely. If you wish, you can always make a whole composition from shelves. The most ordinary chipboard boxes, painted in a contrasting color, can radically change the appearance of a room.

Sometimes you really want to start new life, change something, and the first thing that comes to mind is to get a haircut or dye your hair in some way bright color– this way your mood will improve and there will be more beauty in the world. But if you already like your hair, we offer you another solution - change the design of your room! It may seem to you that this is very difficult: you need to ask dad to move the furniture, and before that it takes a long time to persuade mom to change something, and in general it’s better to eat ice cream to make life more fun, but in reality everything is much simpler. We know 5 ways you can decorate your room with your own hands without the intervention of parents and designers.

Floral lettering

Tired of family portraits, old drawings and posters of bands whose songs you haven't liked for a long time? Want something light, pretty and girly? Try creating a floral monogram! Something similar is used at weddings and festivals, but for large-scale events, decorators create entire figures from fresh flowers, and you can create an inscription from artificial or paper flowers. Just draw letters on whatman paper, cut them out, make paper flowers and cover the entire letter with flowers. Mark the resulting inscription in a frame and hang it on the wall. Voila, original decoration ready!

Photo gettyimages.com

Create a corner for reading or relaxing

In general, psychologists say that every girl should have a place where she can relax from everyone and be alone, but while you live with your parents, this is problematic, so we suggest organizing a small space for relaxation. Find a corner in the room, throw pillows there, buy a soft chair-cushion or pouf, and you can also hang lanterns on the wall, like American teenagers do in the movie.

Photo gettyimages.com

Create your own night light

Do you remember how Rapunzel looked at the glowing lanterns every year and called them fireflies? If you also love twinkling lights, and you liked the drawing on the wall in Rapunzel's tower, then you can create your own lantern from scrap materials. Take it tin can, for example, from under canned pineapples (you will eat the pineapples first), using your dad’s drill, carefully make holes in it, and insert a garland inside. When you turn it on, you will have a lamp with flickering light.

Photo gettyimages.com

Create your own moodboard or wish map

If American bloggers can do it, why can't you? Buy a chalkboard like you had at school for scheduling, plywood or something similar, collect all the magazines you like, arm yourself with scissors and create your own mood board! You can cut out actors, beautiful bows, inscriptions, attach photos with friends, various movie tickets and whatever you like to the board. Then hang it over desk– let him inspire you. We wrote in more detail.

For most people, the bedroom is more than just a place to sleep. Redecorating your bedroom can help create a relaxing atmosphere that reflects your personality and even improves your... night sleep. By adding home furnishings or homemade elements, you can completely transform your room to suit your needs. You can add feng shui elements to transform your room into a temple.


Part 1

Planning and reorganization

    Make a 2D plan of your room and the furniture in it. Use a tape measure to measure the dimensions of the room (length and width). On a piece of drawing paper, draw your room to a scale where three squares of the drawing grid equal 10 or 30 centimeters.

    • Map out the placement and dimensions of windows, doors, cabinets, fireplace, etc. on your floor plan.
    • Draw the furniture to scale on a separate sheet of paper. Measure the length and width of large pieces of furniture (e.g. bed, chest of drawers, sofa).
    • Cut them out and overlay them on the room plan to see what kind of space you'll be working with.
    • Carry this furniture plan with you when visiting stores or sales so you know if you have enough space for a particular item.
  1. Make a list of design ideas. In search engines like Google or Bing, type “easy bedroom decor” or “inexpensive DIY bedroom decor.”

  2. Clean your room. Create more space, reorganize it by getting rid of unnecessary or outdated things.

    • Clean out and organize your closet, under-bed alcoves, and other storage areas in the room.
    • Donate to charity any furniture, clothing, or electronics that are in good condition. Exists good rule– you need to donate or throw away something you haven’t worn or used in a year.
  3. Rearrange or add furniture. Create more space in your room by moving the bed to another wall, or placing comfortable armchair by the window to have a secluded and cozy reading corner.

    Maximize the storage space in your bedroom. Create extra space by installing shelves in your closet, or purchase a set of plastic and decorative storage baskets.

    Rearrange your bedroom according to Feng Shui principles. Your bed should be located at some distance from the floor, and if possible, away from the area where a large number of light per daylight hours

    Create a more relaxing atmosphere. Replace bright lamps with bluish light, to soft white LEDs. Blue light stimulates brain activity and may interfere with sleep.

    • Search your home LED bulbs soft white glow and replace them with those in your bedroom. Most interior lamps come with 40-watt and 60-watt bulbs, but check for yourself before swapping them.
    • Add bright and warm colors as accessories (lamps, vases, pillows, etc.), but do not make them the dominant colors in the bedroom.

Part 2

Decorate with upcycled and repurposed items
  1. Look for free stuff. Find a flea market in your area or ask family and friends about home decor items they no longer need.

    Go to garage sales. Check your local newspapers for information about garage sales in your area.

    Find out about old catalogs at a wallpaper store. Use them to decorate old lamps, vases or old furniture.

    • You can also use wallpaper to cover the bottoms of shelves or drawer bases.
  2. Swap furniture and art pieces for a fun result. For example, move bookshelf from the living room to your bedroom.

    • Look for design inspiration in your own home. Use pictures decorative pillows, clothing items or floor mat as the basis for a new design or color palette in your room.
    • Ask your housemates for permission before moving anything large.

Part 3

Making your own bedroom accessories
  1. Create your own throw pillows. They make a big statement and can add color. Unfortunately, pillows are usually expensive in stores. While having sewing skills or access to sewing machine useful, but not necessary.

    Make your own curtains. Wrap the fabric around the curtain rod from top to bottom and then slide it along the curtain rod.

    Make your own ikebana. Explore garage sales, flea markets and second-hand stores to find silk flowers or cut and dry real ones.

    Make a jewelry tree for your dresser. Arrange several dry branches in a vase. Fill the vase with pebbles for stability. Decorate the tree by hanging earrings, necklaces and bracelets from the branches.

    Experiment with DIY craft ideas. Make a decorative rug or placemat for your dresser.

  • Play your favorite music to create your own atmosphere in the room. Music can change her completely, even without cosmetic repairs.
  • Planning is the most important first step for any redecoration or DIY project.
  • Select a topic or color scheme and stick to it. This will help you stay within your budget by preventing you from buying the wrong items.
  • Spray paint furniture that doesn't match the style of your room.
  • Turn a wall into a chalk board, or choose one wall as an art canvas and draw whatever you want on it.
  • Minimize damage to walls by hanging pictures or posters with blue sticky tack or reusable adhesive hooks. You can also buy an inexpensive painting or mirror set from a hardware store.
  • Turn a double bed into a sofa by moving it up against the wall and placing pillows along the back.
  • Keep your room feeling fresh by changing your sheets and pillowcases at least once a week.


  • Always let someone else use the hammer and nails if you don't already have experience. Stubbed fingers and broken walls will add little comfort to your room.
  • Be careful when moving furniture. Seek help if you feel it is necessary. Broken toes and a sprained back are not funny at all.
  • Refrain from using power tools unless you have proper training or advice from someone who already has experience. Always wear a mask when cleaning old paint and furniture.

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You can make many elements for your child’s bedroom with your own hands. The main thing is to correctly combine such elements with the overall design so that there is a certain balance and harmony. In this for everyone creative person The suggested ideas will help. Nursery decor for girls is exciting activity for both parents. They will be happy to create the most Better conditions living for your daughter, and for this you just need to show all your imagination and skill.

Many different decorative elements will fit perfectly into overall design rooms. It all depends on the age of the child. For example, there is a big difference whether a daughter is 7, 12 or 17 years old.

Interesting design ideas:

  • a canopy over the bed with your own hands will decorate any sleeping place;
  • decorating wallpaper, more suitable for a teenager, they really like it, especially if it is their photographs, names, their own drawings;
  • design of curtains to match the overall theme of the room;
  • design of a place for spending creative time;
  • decorative stands for flowers, shelves and bedside tables;
  • interesting options for potted flowers, decorating containers, and much more.

All the proposals presented are easy to do on your own if you have interesting ideas and the necessary materials. The right approach, love for the girl who will always be in the room, and you will be able to create a magnificent interior for your child, which he will be delighted with.

Making your own canopy over the bed

The most original solution A canopy (a type of dome) with a circular fastening is considered. The mount itself and the ring can be purchased at a specialty store; it must be securely held on the ceiling. This option is perfect for a girl who is one or two or three years old. Usually a design is arranged for them that gives additional comfort and tranquility.

The presented table indicates not only the materials for production, but also additional decorative elements to ensure a successful design.

Material Necessarily light, airy, only natural, not allergic. The footage depends on the height of the ceiling; the fabric can hang not only to the floor, but also be 12-20 centimeters below the mattress.
Decorative ruffles Depending on the style of the room, the fabric is decorated with ruffles, which will add tenderness and sophistication to the design.
Butterflies, bows, little animals. Decorating with butterflies is suitable not only for a teenager, cheerful and carefree, but also for a little daughter. A variety of fakes in the form of bows and animals look great. This is suitable for a daughter aged from 3 to 12.

It is important that the design is strong and reliable in order to achieve a safe, comfortable sleep for the girl.

Walls as the basis of decor

You can decorate a room by decorating the wallpaper in the room. The main thing is to provide free space to kid. They make various panels, collages, and paintings with their own hands. You should leave room for the girl, who will be happy to give a successful design to the walls herself. To do this, you need to purchase a drawing board and place it in an unoccupied area.

  • if the child is 12-17 years old, there is an option to organize wallpaper of a certain style. At this age, there are already favorite actors and cartoon characters that will deserve to be placed on the wall as posters and fakes. It is very important for a teenager to take into account his opinion and apply all his ideas;
  • If the baby is one year old, then the parents themselves come up with various decorative elements for the wallpaper. These are various drawings, photographs of animals, nature, plants.

Ideas don't just come out of nowhere, so studying certain materials would be useful for every parent. And children are always the embodiment of hidden potential.

Making your own collage on the wall

For a teenager aged 12-17 interesting offer to decorate the walls is a collage of photographs. It should be done by following certain steps:

  • the selection of photographs and their quantity is an important detail. Only the most beautiful, beloved ones. You should first look at everything on the computer, make a choice, and discuss it with family members. You need to select a photo where the child is one year old, or three, or 12-16 years old;
  • We research the Internet, find a suitable background that will fit well into the design of the room. You can decorate it with a combination of beautiful, bright colors;
  • When the first two steps are completed, you should begin the main work. Using the Photoshop program, we structure and place photographs. When it’s ready, you can send it for printing, which is carried out with large color plotters in specialized photo centers;
  • the finished collage is placed in a frame and takes place of honor girls on the wall.

Stores sell a variety of photo frames that can complement rooms for a variety of purposes. The main thing is to choose the right photos and place them in the finished product.

Decorating curtains

Ideas for decorating curtains with your own hands are the most popular. It depends on the type of room, so you can decorate them with the following elements:

  • fake butterflies, bows, plants. For a teenager, the idea will not be very successful, because the child is already big. Babies grow up very early, tastes constantly change;
  • decorating curtains is considered excellent option, especially if it is done by modifying them. For a teenager of 15 years old it will be boring to have boring roller blinds or blinds in the bedroom. And here beautiful combination tulle and night curtains will become great solution which you can do yourself. There are many ribbons on sale that will perfectly complement the look by the window. They will beautifully tie up the night curtains and make the overall design as in the picture;
  • It’s better to immediately write down ideas that come to mind on a piece of paper so as not to lose them. Then their use will be fully useful; you will be able to decorate the curtains as you imagined.

Creativity as an important detail of personality development

For a baby, it is important to realize her abilities, show creativity, and embody a certain idea. Therefore, parents are simply obliged to keep her busy with an interesting activity. For example:

  • we make creative corners with our own hands. The decor is very varied. If the daughter is 6 years old, then the place for drawing is equipped with a small easel, a rack with magazines, and a stand for accessories. It is advisable to complement the corner with the beauty of decorative elements;
  • game on musical instruments more suitable for a teenager, so decorating such a place will be an interesting activity. Decorating it is not difficult, because specialized stores sell many interesting products for additional room decor. For example, photographs of famous musicians, vinyl records, vases with flowers. Elements are selected in the same style.

It is important not to overdo it with small things (figurines, candlesticks). Harmony and combination must be observed, since this is the basis of successful decor.

Original flower stands

You can make decorative flower stands with your own hands that will perfectly complement the design. Greening the walls is considered an excellent solution. This is a rather labor-intensive process, but the result will be excellent.

Plants such as azalea, gerbera, gardenia, various palm trees, and ficus are suitable for a girl. The following tips will help you add greenery to any wall.

  • we buy small pots, rectangular containers in stores;
  • We plant interesting plants in each pot;
  • carefully and creatively put them into containers;
  • we cover them with earth so that it is not visible that there are pots;
  • do not forget about drainage, which is pebble stones or specialized drainage products;
  • We arrange these containers beautifully one above the other.

Any girl will love this decor because they love plants. Alternatively, you can decorate the containers. This is done using special paints, stencils, decorative fakes, in the form of butterflies, letters or bows.

Some sites have many ready-made containers that can be hung on walls without any problems. All parents need to do is fill it with plants.

The importance of decor

The decor of the room is very important, because from childhood a child should grow up in a favorable environment, especially at the age of 6-12, to develop and improve calmly. To do this, it is necessary to create certain conditions. Therefore, as a complement general view a huge number of children's interesting elements, which are easy to make yourself.

The main thing is to show love and care for your child, then many ideas will not keep you waiting for their implementation.

Often, extraordinary techniques for decorating a room with your own hands become the main highlight of the entire interior. But here it is important to take into account the style and design of the room: futuristic objects are a very dubious decoration for a living room in english style, wooden pallets with inscriptions in the rhythm of Provence are not suitable for a kitchen interior with high technology, just as aluminum signs are unlikely to fit into elegant Art Deco. When trying to create sophisticated eclecticism, you can easily make a mistake. It is very important to think through everything in advance, namely the location and fastening of decorative elements.

We suggest you consider interesting solutions for the room, in addition to paintings, posters and photos. However, let's not forget about them either.

Window as a decorative element of the interior

A window built into a wall that is interior partition, is a rather extraordinary technique for dividing space. Such a solution will not only become the main decoration of two zones at the same time, but will also allow more passage natural light from one room to another.

The window frame can be extraordinary an independent art object. Hang it on the wall or place it on the console - this technique will radically transform the atmosphere, adding lightness and elegant charm to it.

An aged wooden frame with a large number of sections looks very colorful. like this decorative item It’s easy to make yourself at minimal cost.

A decorative window frame can not only serve as a decoration for a room, but also be a functional piece of furniture. So, glazed mirrors look quite interesting according to the type window frame. A clear example is shown in the photo of the bedroom interior.

Door against the wall

In addition to windows, used old doors can become an unexpected decoration for the walls of a room. A sophisticated idea is to hang on them something obvious in traditional wall decoration, for example, paintings, panels, photographs.

Large scale panels

Room decoration volumetric panel– an excellent opportunity to show your creative imagination. Here, try experimenting with textures, colors, materials and other components.

Dimensions decorative panel must be correlated with the square footage of the room and the load on all other walls. Large panel V small room will look ridiculous: after all, its texture and color sometimes absorb space. Please note that panels and wallpaper are two different things! The larger the panel, the brighter its role in home interior, the more neutral the adjacent walls should be.

Take a fresh look at ordinary material. Old a metal sheet, suspended on a chain, will become an original and extraordinary backing for posters or photographs.

Squares from sections of simple fiberboard, painted with stain and silver (by the way, you can safely use painting and stencils) will be beautiful in the form of panels. In this presentation, it will fit perfectly into the luxurious industrial loft style.

You can also easily decorate one of the living room walls with your own hands. The composition of impressive large-scale tiles captivates with its originality and simplicity. You can fantasize about this topic endlessly.

Take a look at how your playful mood tic-tac-toe on accent wall unobtrusively distributed throughout the room.

Panels with 3D effect

Appeared not so long ago fashion trend multidimensional decorative elements are rapidly gaining popularity. The 3D panels presented in the next photo literally attract the attention of others. Reasonable prices allow many to purchase such panels for decoration, while the texture and pattern can be chosen to suit your taste. There are many design options: engravings, plaster bas-reliefs, compositions from various multidimensional parts.

Do not forget about the fragility of such products. Installing and transporting them is very difficult, but the visual result is worth it.

Decorating a room with shelves

Shelves in a room can serve not only as a functional piece of furniture, but also creative decor in the room. It is important that the shelves contrast in color with the wall. Think carefully about how to fill them beautifully and harmoniously - half-empty shelves create a feeling of some imperfection in the interior. Excellent decorative contents will include candles and lamps, hourglasses, original book holders, and colorful ceramics.

Even bigger decorative effect will create cute compact shelves non-standard shape(triangles, polyhedral cells, unnatural angles).

Posters and paintings

Decorating a room with paintings, photographs and posters is perhaps the most common decor today. In order for the result to live up to expectations, to look decent and unique, you need to carefully select the elements of fine art.

Use your imagination, choose non-standard approach: frame herbariums of plants instead of painted still lifes, tin panels and posters in retro style instead of flowers on canvas, pencil sketches of animals instead of waterfalls and beaches.

If you still decide to purchase something unique, buy paintings at exhibitions, special sites or on trips abroad.

Photos can be designed in a completely non-standard way.

Unusual Attributes

Giant letters in inscriptions, quotes in posters, deer antlers - all these objects are so often found in interiors that today we would hardly like to see them again. But even from these seemingly familiar details you can create an original combination in your own way. You just need to interpret them skillfully.

So, for example, a composition of five medallions with deer antlers already looks unusual, and inscriptions made in a non-standard font and placed on atypical canvases (not in rectangular frames, but at least in a hexagon) are perceived completely differently.

More ideas for do-it-yourself room decor are presented in the bright selection in the photo.

Original decor from flowers and plants