home · electrical safety · Stone panels for wall decoration. Stone-look wall panels are a non-standard approach to interior design. Installation of facade panels

Stone panels for wall decoration. Stone-look wall panels are a non-standard approach to interior design. Installation of facade panels

Today natural materials are becoming popular, allowing you to create surprisingly warm and homely cozy interiors. Their cost is so high that not every one of us can afford to use them during repairs. Manufacturers, taking this shortcoming into account, proposed potential buyers a great alternative. It can be used as decorative stone panels for interior decoration. What kind of material is this? What advantages does it have? Is installation difficult? The answers are in this article.

Varieties of decorative stone panels

Actually the market building materials offers a wide range to help replace natural stone. Its use is increasingly being abandoned not only because high cost. It is quite difficult to work with it; additional specialized equipment must be used for processing and installation. In addition, natural stone has a lot of weight. For this reason, it cannot be used for wall decoration in residential apartments located in apartment buildings: too much load is placed on the floors.

Almost all of these shortcomings are free from stone-look panels intended for interior wall decoration. They can be made from different materials, they can be presented in different forms. Manufacturers offer:

  1. Sheet modules for interior decoration. They are more than one meter wide and more than two meters long. Designers use this material when it is necessary to decorate a room with a large area.
  2. Tile materials are presented in the form of modules square shape. This material is easiest to use when renovating a city apartment.
  3. Stone slatted panels have the shape of slats of different sizes in length and thickness. They are most often used for finishing bathrooms.

In addition, in appearance, the varieties of the described material can also differ significantly from each other. They are able to reproduce different decorative effects. For example, “ragged limestone” helps imitate natural limestone masonry. This material is often used for interior decoration of individual decorative elements (arches, columns or fireplaces).

“Mountain slate”, “Jurassic stone” - it is impossible to list all the names. The collections present a wide variety of designs, each with its own realistic colorful relief, so the shape of the stones, their color, size - everything can be different.

What are they made from?

Modern ones, intended for finishing interior walls, can be made from different materials.

Fiberglass modules - very durable and lightweight material, which is made using the following technology: first, a pressing mold is made from natural stone, it is filled liquid plastic and is reinforced with fiberglass for strength. The front layer is then painted with dyes. The result is a material that is very similar in appearance to its natural prototype. In this way, panels are made for finishing interior walls with imitation of almost all existing natural stones used for finishing. Important distinguishing feature This option is durable and low price.

MDF stone panels - decorative material, which is often used to decorate interior walls. Made from wood chips, they are pressed under high pressure. A design is applied to the front layer using printing, which is then protected by lamination. The use of such panels becomes justified when it is necessary to additionally protect the room from heat loss or noise penetration.

Stone panels made from chipboard or fiberboard have similar characteristics to materials made from MDF, but have a lower price.

General characteristics

The characteristics of stone-look wall stones easily translate into their performance benefits.

  • They are durable.
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • Easy to clean (stone panels can be washed with water).
  • Under the influence of direct sun rays don't burn out.
  • Almost all stone panels are made from durable and at the same time lightweight materials, so there is no additional load on the walls and other floors.
  • It is quite simple to lay panels under stone on the walls, and then dismantle them yourself. What is important is that after dismantling, you can reuse the material for wall decoration.
  • Mold never settles on the surface of the composite, and fungi do not grow on it.
  • Stone panels do not rot, they are not afraid of moisture, so the material described can be used in the decoration of kitchens and bathrooms.
  • The described material does not burn in fire, it does not support combustion, and during a fire, panels under the stone will not emit dangerous toxic substances (like plastic).
  • Wall sheets are not afraid sharp changes temperatures
  • With the help of sheets it is quite easy to hide existing communications and uneven walls. When using frame cladding, you can additionally insulate the walls and provide effective sound insulation.
  • Anyone can install them, even those who do not have construction experience. Special tools are not needed for this.

Possible installation options

As noted above, installation wall panels under the stone is quite simple. But in order to final result expectations are met, must be met certain rules and carry out all installation stages in a certain sequence.

There are two methods that can be taken into account by all those who want to independently reproduce the installation of wall panels under the stone.

The first method involves using adhesive compositions. This option is considered only in one case - when the walls are initially flat and do not have significant differences in height. Silicone or acrylic adhesives. There are stone-look panels on sale today that have a self-adhesive back surface.

The second method involves creating a frame. It can be made from wooden beam or from metal profiles intended for installation plasterboard structures. Whatever material is used, the method of constructing the grille is the same: first, the guide is attached to the floor, then to the ceiling. After this, the sides are attached to the guides. The pitch between the sidewalls should correspond to the dimensions of the stone wall panels.

Creating such a frame helps to form an air gap between the wall and finishing layer. It can be filled with anything: thermal insulation, sound insulation. It is easy to hide any communications in it. This is very convenient when creating luxury renovations. Attaching stone-like panels to such a sheathing is quite simple. They are applied to the guides and fastened to them with self-tapping screws or metal brackets. In order to decorate the upper section of the joint with the ceiling, it is covered with decorative molding. The lower one is decorated with a plinth. This is what might happen in the end. The installation principle is clearly shown in the video posted at the end of the article.

The process of choosing a material for wall decoration is a real challenge for many people. Indeed, these days the construction market is so crowded with various materials that this presents a certain problem when choosing. These include various types of wallpaper, a huge variety decorative plaster, decorative tiles and much more. So, in order to somehow make the choice easier, I will tell you about a really worthy option - decorative panels for walls. To be more specific, you will learn about stone-look panels for interior decoration. Let's look at their features and positive traits. We will also consider several installation options yourself without the use of special skills and tools.

Positive qualities of panels

Well, in order to make sure that stone panels not only deserve to exist, but are also in high demand, let’s consider some advantages. So, let's begin to consider and study the advantages:

Finishing technique

As mentioned above, installation of panels is quite simple, but in order to do it correctly, efficiently and beautifully, you need to follow some rules and perform a certain sequence of actions.

Wall covering decorative slabs carried out in two optimal ways:

After the frame is ready, we take the first sheet and install it from the corner of the room or room. We fasten with self-tapping screws or metal brackets (for wooden frames). All strips of stone should be fastened according to the guides that are already installed. The finish can be fixed using the tongue-and-groove method, but the main thing is that all parts are installed level and in the same plane. The last row will be installed using a molding that will be attached to the front.

If the task is not only decorative finishing, but also insulation or sound insulation - you can use a layer of insulation that will occupy the space between the decorative material and the frame.

Panels can perform all functions - like internal view finishing and how external. Nowadays, stone decoration of the exterior of the house is becoming very popular, so the use of such a design is very appropriate.

Before you start decorating with stone panels, think about whether they will look organic in your interior or in your setting. If yes, then head to the store to stock up. the necessary materials and get to work. Good luck in your endeavors!

Video “Installation of panels under stone and brick”

On record detailed instructions for installing panels under stone.

When starting a home renovation, everyone is faced with the problem of a variety of finishing materials. Wallpaper, paint, PVC boards, MDF wall panels – whatever suits your taste. Stone effect wall panels Lately are becoming more and more popular in interior decoration.

They help create the unique texture of natural stone. The panel itself can resemble marble, malachite, limestone and other materials, and the surface can be embossed or polished.

The paints used in the manufacture of wall slabs create various effects and shades when arranging a home.

Stone-look MDF material was previously used exclusively for finishing outside building. Currently, they have become widely used for indoor decoration.

Stone-look wall panels compared to natural stone They weigh a little, they are practical, and they are easy to handle during installation even for a beginner. IN price issue decorative elements also benefit: they are affordable and profitable, so they are gaining more and more popularity.

The peculiarities of the panels include the fact that they do not fade in the sun, do not melt at high atmospheric temperatures, do not lose their colors and are not washed off by rain and snow.

In addition, stone slabs for interior decoration must have the following properties:

  • strength and elasticity;
  • heat and moisture resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • long service life.

The panels will improve sound and heat insulation in the room

The use of wall panels makes it possible to mask defects and unevenness of the wall surface. They create the effect of natural stone, giving the home an unusual look.

Pipes and wires can be hidden under stone coverings. In addition, they improve sound and heat insulation in the room, which is especially important in multi-story buildings.

When choosing wall slabs in a store, you need to pay attention to the quality of the material. It is not recommended to chase cheapness. A low price product has corresponding quality.

Most often, decorative elements are attached with glue.

If you want decorative elements to really decorate your home and have something to show off to your friends, you should not save money; it is better to choose high-quality products that meet certificates of conformity.

To work, in addition to the panels themselves, you will need fasteners (glue and nails, as well as sealant), fittings (corner elements, overlays), which are purchased separately, as well as tools. WITH corner elements for various purposes can be found in the diagram below:

Types of stone wall panels

Decorative panels for interior decoration vary depending on the filler added to the plastic. Its composition almost always includes resin and stone powder.

Each sheet is made by casting. Current technologies make it possible to resort to the use of a variety of finishing materials for the manufacture of artificial stone.

Distinguish the following types panels:

  • PVC or plastic (easy to maintain, can be given any texture and pattern);
  • wood (tree species such as pine, oak, ash are used, to which a variety of textures and patterns are transferred);
  • MDF (produced by pressing wood chips);
  • fiberglass (produced using a stamp: a model is made from natural stone, on the basis of which the panel is made);
  • aluminum (with elements of a three-dimensional effect due to the application of a pattern and coating after that metal surface PVC film).

Depending on the size of the panels for interior wall decoration, they are made in sheet options(width – a meter or more, length – two meters or more); tiled ( small size square elements); slatted (small planks different sizes). More about application artificial brick watch in this video:

There are panels for finishing interiors and facades. For external cladding the material has an additional layer of insulation. Such slabs are not recommended for indoor use. Embossed slabs look better than smooth ones. Their appearance similar to natural stone, which creates the effect of a natural design.

Places of use

Stone-look wall panels are perfect for cladding walls with artificial stone. They can be used to finish the entire surface, as well as individual sections of the wall. Stone slabs are suitable for zoning, highlighting arches, ledges, and doors.

Wonderful decorative paneling stone effect suitable for kitchens. False panels are used for finishing aprons instead of the usual tiled cladding.

It would also look good for the kitchen to decorate the walls with stone panels for the dining area. An entrance hall or corridor decorated with stone will look very original.

To decorate individual zones, stone slabs would be appropriate in the bedroom. It will look unusual, for example, to highlight the head of a bed. In the living room, it would also be appropriate to highlight certain areas using panels, for example, a fireplace or a large TV.

There are plenty of places in the house where wall panels can be used. The main thing is to decide on the idea and design. All that remains is to bring this design to life.

Installation of panels under stone

Before installation, you should consider whether to decorate the entire wall with decorative panels or just part of it. Depending on this, you need to calculate the material that will be required for finishing.

The surface on which decorative elements will be installed must be prepared and leveled in advance. Alternatively, you can install it on a frame made using metal profile or wooden blocks. The frame elements should be located at a distance of no more than 40 cm from each other. Most often, this method is used if the walls are uneven and there are defects on the surface.

Before installation, the material is allowed to rest at room temperature

Before gluing, the material must be kept at room temperature for approximately 3 days. If the installation is carried out using a frameless method, then the plane must first be primed. A deep penetration primer is suitable in this case.

Next you can start applying glue. It is recommended to start work from the corner, retreating 1-3 mm. If necessary, the pattern is adjusted. After installing the panels, decorative elements are installed in the corners.

If the panel needs to be cut to size, use a small hacksaw or jigsaw. In this case, the wall sheets should be turned upside down.

During installation decorative panels frame method it is necessary to ensure that the end sections are tightly adjacent to the profile. The sheathing must not be allowed to move freely and not be secured. For frame fastening, it is recommended to use wall elements with a thickness exceeding 5 mm. For more information about installing stone panels, watch this video:

When gluing the skin, be sure to read the instructions included with the material. If glue suddenly gets on front side sheet, you need to remove it until it is completely dry.

With the help of decorative panels you can create amazing design options room decorations.

Due to modern technologies production are made various materials, having a striking resemblance to natural stone.

However, the price for such finishing material much lower than natural, which makes this type of cladding the most popular and attractive.

Today, natural materials are becoming popular, making it possible to create surprisingly warm and homely interiors. Their cost is so high that not every one of us can afford to use them during repairs. Manufacturers, taking into account this drawback, have offered potential buyers a wonderful alternative. It can be used as decorative stone panels for interior decoration. What kind of material is this? What advantages does it have? Is installation difficult? The answers are in this article.

Varieties of decorative stone panels

In fact, the building materials market offers a wide range that helps replace natural stone. Its use is increasingly being abandoned not only because of its high cost. It is quite difficult to work with it; additional specialized equipment must be used for processing and installation. In addition, natural stone has a lot of weight. For this reason, it cannot be used for finishing walls in residential apartments located in apartment buildings: too much load is placed on the floors.

Almost all of these shortcomings are free from stone-look panels intended for interior wall decoration. They can be made from different materials, they can be presented in different forms. Manufacturers offer:

  1. Sheet modules for interior decoration. They are more than one meter wide and more than two meters long. Designers use this material when it is necessary to decorate a room with a large area.
  2. Tile materials are presented in the form of square-shaped modules. This material is easiest to use when renovating a city apartment.
  3. Stone slatted panels have the shape of slats of different sizes in length and thickness. They are most often used for finishing bathrooms.

In addition, in appearance, the varieties of the described material can also differ significantly from each other. They are able to reproduce various decorative effects. For example, “ragged limestone” helps imitate natural limestone masonry. This material is often used for interior decoration of individual decorative elements (arches, columns or fireplaces).

“Mountain slate”, “Jurassic stone” - it is impossible to list all the names. The collections present a wide variety of designs, each with its own realistic colorful relief, so the shape of the stones, their color, size - everything can be different.

What are they made from?

Modern wall panels intended for finishing interior walls can be made from different materials.

Fiberglass modules are a very durable and lightweight material, which is manufactured using the following technology: first, a pressing mold is made from natural stone, it is filled with liquid plastic and reinforced with fiberglass for strength. The front layer is then painted with dyes. The result is a material that is very similar in appearance to its natural prototype. In this way, panels are made for finishing interior walls with imitation of almost all existing natural stones used for finishing. An important distinguishing feature of this option is durability and low price.

MDF stone panels are a decorative material that is often used to decorate interior walls. Made from wood chips, they are compressed under high pressure. A design is applied to the front layer using printing, which is then protected by lamination. The use of such panels becomes justified when it is necessary to additionally protect the room from heat loss or noise penetration.

Stone panels made from chipboard or fiberboard have similar characteristics to materials made from MDF, but have a lower price.

General characteristics

The characteristics of stone-look wall stones easily translate into their performance benefits.

  • They are durable.
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • Easy to clean (stone panels can be washed with water).
  • They do not fade when exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Almost all stone panels are made from durable and at the same time lightweight materials, so there is no additional load on the walls and other floors.
  • It is quite simple to lay panels under stone on the walls, and then dismantle them yourself. What is important is that after dismantling, you can reuse the material for wall decoration.
  • Mold never settles on the surface of the composite, and fungi do not grow on it.
  • Stone panels do not rot, they are not afraid of moisture, so the material described can be used in the decoration of kitchens and bathrooms.
  • The described material does not burn in fire, it does not support combustion, and during a fire, panels under the stone will not emit dangerous toxic substances (like plastic).
  • Wall sheets are not afraid of sudden temperature changes.
  • With the help of sheets it is quite easy to hide existing communications and uneven walls. When using frame cladding, you can additionally insulate the walls and provide effective sound insulation.
  • Anyone can install them, even those who do not have construction experience. No special tools are needed for this.

Possible installation options

As noted above, installation of wall panels under stone is quite simple. But in order for the final result to meet expectations, it is necessary to follow certain rules and complete all stages of installation in a certain sequence.

There are two methods that can be taken into account by all those who want to independently reproduce the installation of wall panels under the stone.

The first method involves the use of adhesives. This option is considered only in one case - when the walls are initially flat and do not have significant differences in height. Silicone or acrylic adhesives are used as adhesives. There are stone-look panels on sale today that have a self-adhesive back surface.

The second method involves creating a frame. It can be made from wooden beams or from metal profiles intended for installation of plasterboard structures. Whatever material is used, the method of constructing the grille is the same: first, the guide is attached to the floor, then to the ceiling. After this, the sides are attached to the guides. The pitch between the sidewalls should correspond to the dimensions of the stone wall panels.

Creating such a frame helps to form an air gap between the wall and the finishing layer. It can be filled with anything: thermal insulation, sound insulation. It is easy to hide any communications in it. This is very convenient when creating luxury renovations. Attaching stone-like panels to such a sheathing is quite simple. They are applied to the guides and fastened to them with self-tapping screws or metal brackets. In order to decorate the upper section of the joint with the ceiling, it is covered with decorative molding. The lower one is decorated with a plinth. This is what might happen in the end. The installation principle is clearly shown in the video posted at the end of the article.


As you can see, the material described can claim to be universal. It perfectly combines decorative and performance qualities.

Stone panels for interior decoration

All about concrete and gypsum products

Stone effect wall panels

Stone effect wall panels

Recently, everything natural has become increasingly popular. People try their best to fill their home with only environmentally friendly materials. But, unfortunately, not everyone can afford this. Due to the high cost of the material, only people with large financial resources can use natural stone for wall cladding. What about the rest? Modern technologies have made it possible to create an unusually affordable and at the same time practical material – stone-look wall panels. What are the advantages of this product?

Characteristics of stone-look wall panels

Such panels have long gained popularity in foreign countries. construction markets. This is due to the natural origin of the base material, as well as its excellent performance characteristics. Artificial stone panels are successfully used in various places, for example, restaurants, hotels, as well as houses and apartments. Ease of installation, high-quality coating And original design, help create unusual interiors. They are often used to create some sort of period setting on film sets and opera performances. Among other things, the following positive qualities of this material can be highlighted:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • durability;
  • quite reasonable cost;
  • environmental Safety;
  • no special care is required, just wipe with a slightly damp cloth to remove dirt and dust;
  • protected from the influence of sunlight, so color fading is excluded;
  • a large assortment various colors and textures;
  • Opportunity for creative ideas is provided.

Decorating a house with wall panels imitating natural stone is beautiful!

Stone-look wall panels can be found in several variations. This is done for ease of installation.

There are these types of panels:

1. Slat panels. They are long slats of different sizes. Usually in production they provide different lengths panels.
2. Sheet panels. They are very convenient to use when you need to cover walls or ceilings. large room. Due to its impressive size, the work moves quickly and efficiently.
3. Tile panels. Made in the form of squares. They are preferred to be chosen for creation unusual interior. Combining different colors squares, you can combine an amazingly beautiful wall panel.

For more wet areas There are wall panels with special moisture-repellent properties. It is recommended to use them in the kitchen, bathroom or sauna.

Material for stone-look wall panels

The modern construction industry allows the use of various materials for the production of wall panels that imitate stone. We will consider two main ones: natural wood (MDF as a subspecies) and fiberglass. Each of the presented materials has positive and negative sides and its own purpose. Let's figure it out.

Natural wood

Wooden stone-look wall panels are made by processing split wood into fractions. Further, using the hot pressing method and adding various binders and fastening substances, reliable and high-quality products are obtained. The final stage is lamination of the finished panel and giving it the required stone texture using modern machines. Also, in addition to stone, wall panels can perfectly imitate tiles or bricks.

Natural wood panels are attractive due to their low cost and easy installation. In addition, being completely environmentally friendly, it is ideal for families with children. Without highlighting harmful substances even when exposed to ultraviolet radiation or the influence of detergents, wood-stone panels will be a salvation for people who suffer from allergies.

Stone effect MDF wall panels

Stone effect MDF wall panels are becoming increasingly popular in the CIS, although they have only recently entered the finishing materials market. Such panels have a number of advantages, including resistance to deformation, moisture resistance, high density(600 - 800 kgm3). MDF wall panels are made from boards that consist of compressed wood dust bound under high pressure with lignin. Such stone-look panels can be used for both interior and exterior decoration; they are not afraid of moisture and have good performance sound insulation, thermal insulation.

stone-look wall panels photo

Tips for installing wood panels

If you decide to cover the walls yourself, you need to make sure you have everything necessary tools. If there are any, then installation will not be difficult. In principle, wall panels are attached from natural wood different ways, but the main one is considered frame option. This process consists of several stages:

Stage 1
First you need to install the sheathing. In this case, it is allowed to use both metal profiles and wooden blocks. If selected last option, then it is important that the surface itself is dry and clean, without residues of wallpaper or plaster. Since this technique involves gluing the frame to the wall, it must be primed.

Stage 2
Depending on the selected type of panels (slat, sheet or tile), the frame is installed taking into account the distance between the panels themselves. In any case, you need to leave a minimum gap between the panels, taking into account the likelihood of their expansion (usually 2-3 mm).

Stage 3
Fastening wall panels to look like stone from natural wood. For this, there is a special glue that provides high-quality and durable bonding. Corners and cracks are covered with molding.

Stage 4
Typically, panels from the manufacturer are already treated with special substances and varnishes that protect against fungi, mold, and also impart wood water-repellent properties, but if something is missing, you need to do your own coverage. All materials needed for this can be purchased at any hardware store.


This material is popular among stone-look wall panels, as it best matches the price-quality ratio. Thanks to the strong reinforcing fiberglass, it is possible to achieve exceptional strength and resistance to mechanical stress. Manufacturers use special equipment to help perfectly convey the texture of the stone. Fiberglass panels can be used to decorate not only walls in houses or apartments, but also to transform the interior of an office or restaurant.
It is possible to use fiberglass for facade cladding. Mounting on the frame creates extra space, which can be used to insulate a building.

The material is light, flexible and perfectly follows rough masonry. There are different panels with imitation stone on sale - marble, limestone, mountain slate and travertine. They are good for decorating such interior details as arches, columns, decorative walls or bathrooms.

Fiberglass has many advantages:

  • environmentally friendly material;
  • the fiberglass layer creates extraordinary strength for the material;
  • fire resistant;
  • easy to attach;
  • contains only natural dyes for perfect light transmission;
  • does not change color or fade when exposed to direct sunlight;
  • used for both interior and exterior decoration of premises;
  • has low weight;
  • easy to clean with detergents.
  • Fiberglass panels can be mounted even on uneven concrete walls or plaster.

As in the case of panels made of natural wood, these are attached to the surface according to the same principle: on a lathing made of metal or wood.

If the wall panel is made of polyvinyl chloride, it is not advisable to use it for interior decoration. Consisting of toxic elements, it is dangerous to keep it in a closed space. But it is perfect for facade cladding.

Stone-look wall panels - 20 photos of ideas for interior decoration

Decorating a house with stone has always been considered noble and exclusive. True, use natural materials is expensive. Today there is a solution that allows you to decorate your home at the same time elegantly and inexpensively - stone wall panels have been popular for several years.

  • 1 Stone-look wall panels for interior decoration
    • 1.1 How are panels made?
    • 1.2 Ten advantages of “stone” panels
    • 1.3 Wall panels in the interior - beautiful, sophisticated and light

Stone-effect wall panels for interior decoration
Bastone panels from Kmew

This is not surprising - they replace natural expensive stone, and in appearance and “miracle” characteristics they are in no way inferior to the latter, or clinker brick. Anyone can make their dream come true and decorate their interior in an elegant “stone style”.

How are the panels made?

Thanks to modern technologies, panels are made from chipboard and fiberboard by pressing wood fibers at high temperatures. Wood is glued together by lignin - this “glue” is released under the influence of hot temperatures. It is thanks to this processing that the material turns out to be very dense; it will not deform or crack. Stone panels are also made of plastic - such models are good because they are highly flexible.

Plastic panels can be used to decorate large and complex surfaces, for example, an arch in the living room or a decorative extension on the street. The panels become stone-like not only due to the application of a “natural” pattern, but also due to their special texture.

Ten advantages of “stone” panels

Why are MDF stone panels so popular? Of course, they cost less than their “natural” brother. Although this advantage is significant, it is not the most important. The panels can be used both for interior decoration and, what is most surprising, for any room, as well as for the exterior decoration of the facade of the house.

This material has several other advantages:

  • Features good heat and sound insulation
  • It has low thermal conductivity and does not allow heat to pass through on a hot day.
  • Looks like natural stone literally like two peas in a pod
  • Not subject to “temporary” changes - panels will not crumble or crack
  • Resistant to atmospheric influences and physical activity
  • Fire resistance - the material can be used in rooms with high level fire danger(for example, in administrative buildings, in the premises of a hospital, train station or airport)
  • In addition to the intended decorative function, they also have a practical one - with the help of panels you can visually increase the space in the room. For example, for a small room, choose options made of light-colored stone, which is very convenient for decorating a living room or bedroom
  • Wall panels are durable - they will not lose their exclusive appearance for several years
  • A unique version of the panels is also being produced today - warm to the touch. This advantage distinguishes artificial material from natural stone

And the tenth advantage of this material is the “lightness” of the panels, which allows you to decorate the most fragile structures with stone. Agree, natural stone slabs will be almost impossible to attach to the lungs plasterboard walls or partitions.

Wall panels in the interior - beautiful, sophisticated and light

You can decorate any room or space with stone panels - from the living room to the facade or loggia. You can also use this decor for individual parts interior – finishing of the fireplace, arches between rooms and corners of the house is considered popular.

A hallway with a stone finish can look like a cave if you choose dark color material. If you choose light panels, the hallway will become a formal “entrance” to the hall or living room. By the way, design solution in the style of “dwellings of ancient people” is in fashion today

A living room decorated with wall panels will look like a medieval castle - a combination of dark and light shades will create the illusion of magic and understatement

You can add a royal touch to the interior by decorating individual parts of the room - portals, arches, fireplace, niches or columns. This accent will add zest to the room, and color scheme panels are best chosen in contrast with the main color in the room

For a living room, hall or bedroom, it is best to choose panels of a light sand shade - they will create the feeling of “ sunny day"and visually enlarge the room. Panels imitated with stone will look harmonious with wooden furniture dark brown or honey shade, as well as white or beige carpet

The living room or hall, which is lined with dark-colored panels with the illusion of “ torn stone" The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of stone - it’s best to decorate one or two walls, and cover the rest of the space with light wallpaper

It is worth choosing light furniture and light fabrics for dark panels, but you can experiment with light - both subdued lighting and plenty of sunlight will do.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the decor of the fireplace with stone-like wall panels - you should choose the most durable material that can withstand high temperatures, while at the same time slowly releasing heat.

With the help of “stone” panels you can realize the most decisive design ideas. Since rectangular and square shaped models are available, you will have the opportunity to design different rooms V different styles. To create a facade and create a cozy atmosphere in the room, you can lay the panels end-to-end on one plane - this creates a homogeneous surface. In order to diversify the room, you can decorate the walls with panels that will be laid in a herringbone pattern.

Panels for interior decoration: 6 most interesting options

What types of decorative panels are there for interior decoration and which one should you choose? Since I often encounter this type of material, I am ready to answer the questions posed. In addition, I will tell you in which cases which panels are best to use - this information will certainly help you make your choice.

Panels allow you to decorate your home in a beautiful and modern way

Panel options

Currently, the most popular types of panels are:

Modern types of finishing panels

Option 1: made of plastic

The most popular plastic panels. This is due to their practicality, attractive appearance and low cost.

Most often, plastic panels are used for finishing bathrooms, kitchens and hallways. However, some types are also used in the living room. For example, in some interiors they use plastic panels that look like stone or brick, which allows you to visually highlight individual walls or sections thereof.

Wood-look plastic panels resemble clapboard

Varieties: Plastic panels come in two types:

  • Made from PVC (polyvinyl chloride). Most often, vinyl panels are made in the form plastic lining. Typically this material imitates wood or ceramic tiles, there are also plain models or with different patterns on the surface.

Sometimes used for interior decoration facade PVC stone panels. Unlike plastic lining, they have a textured surface.

In terms of performance, PVC panels are inferior to polyurethane ones, since they are less durable and also become brittle at subzero temperatures;

Polyurethane boards look beautiful in classic interiors

  • Polyurethane. They cost more than vinyl, but are stronger and more durable. It should also be noted that polyurethane finishing materials come in the most different forms and sizes.

Like PVC analogues, their polyurethane products can imitate any natural coating.

Façade panels can be used for interior finishing of housing only if the material has a certificate guaranteeing its environmental friendliness.

Pros: In addition to the above advantages, this material has other positive qualities:

  • Heat resistance. The material is not afraid low temperatures, and can warm up to enough high temperatures. Thanks to this, it can even be used for finishing balconies;
  • Moisture resistance. Plastic is not afraid even of direct contact with water. When installed correctly, it can protect walls and ceilings from moisture;

Plastic lining can imitate tiles

  • Strength. They can withstand quite large mechanical loads, including shock. However, this only applies to high-quality plastic materials;
  • Easy to install. Mounted on the sheathing with self-tapping screws or even glued to the walls liquid nails if the walls are smooth;
  • Fire resistance. Due to the presence of fire retardant in the composition, the plastic does not burn, but only melts. Therefore, you can use plastic non-combustible panels for the interior decoration of the kitchen, even if there is a stove nearby.

White plastic turns yellow over time


  • Zero vapor permeability. Walls lined with plastic stop “breathing”;
  • UV instability. White panels may turn yellow over time in the sun.

There are plastic panels that contain insulation inside, i.e. made like a sandwich. Such slabs are usually used for insulating slopes.


All prices are current in spring 2017.

Wood-look MDF paneling

Option 2: from MDF

The abbreviation MDF translated into Russian stands for “fibreboard medium density" The advantages of the material include simplicity machining and environmental friendliness.

Unlike chipboard and other similar boards, MDF does not contain formaldehyde resins. At the same time, decorative panels made of MDF are much cheaper than wooden ones.

MDF has a dense, uniform structure

Varieties. The particle boards themselves have an unattractive appearance, so they have a decorative coating. Most often used for these purposes:

  • Lamination. Represents vinyl film with a photograph. Thanks to this, you can find on sale MDF panels imitating artificial stone, wood and other materials, and they look very authentic;

MDF panels allow you to imitate the decoration of walls with expensive wood


  • Attractive view. This material looks more natural and expensive than its plastic counterparts;
  • UV resistance. Not afraid of exposure to sunlight;
  • Versatility. Can be picked up suitable design for any interior.

MDF panels can only be used for dry rooms


  • Instability to moisture: MDF swells when exposed to moisture and becomes unusable. Therefore, this finish should not be used in rooms with high humidity;
  • High price. Although MDF products are cheaper than wooden ones, they are still quite expensive.


Fiber cement slabs can be used in the interior

Option 3: fiber cement

Fiber cement boards are facade material, made on the basis of fiber reinforced cement. The coating does not apply to facades, however, designers successfully use it for interior decoration.

Most often, decorative panels imitation stone, brick or wood are made from cement. There is a wide range of colors available. Some types require painting yourself.

The fiber cement coating looks very natural. The walls decorated with them look as if they were really made of stone or lined with wood.

Imitation stone made from fiber cement looks authentic


  • Versatility. The coating can be used in any room, as it is not afraid of moisture, high and low temperatures;
  • Environmental friendliness. The material contains no harmful substances that can cause harm to health;
  • Fire safety. Fiber cement boards not only do not burn, but they are also fire resistant, i.e. able to resist the spread of fire during a fire;
  • UV resistant. Do not change appearance when exposed to sunlight.

Fiber cement boards can imitate brick walls


  • High price. Fiber cement facing slabs cannot be named budget material, as you can see below;
  • Heavy weight. They require powerful lathing, as they place a significant load on the walls - 16-18 kg/m2;
  • Fragility. They do not withstand shock loads well.

If you are choosing panels not only for interior decoration, but also for the facade, I recommend paying attention to thermal panels. This material allows you not only to clad walls and at the same time insulate it, since it is based on insulation.

When starting a home renovation, everyone is faced with the problem of a variety of finishing materials. Wallpaper, paint, PVC boards, MDF wall panels - whatever suits your taste. Stone-look wall panels have recently become more and more popular in interior decoration.

They help create the unique texture of natural stone. The panel itself can resemble marble, malachite, limestone and other materials, and the surface can be embossed or polished.

The paints used in the manufacture of wall slabs create various effects and shades when arranging a home.

Features of stone-look wall panels

Stone panels weigh less than natural stone

Stone-look MDF material was previously used exclusively for finishing the exterior of a building. Currently, they have become widely used for indoor decoration.

Stone-look wall panels weigh a little compared to natural stone, they are practical, and easy to handle even for a beginner during installation. In terms of price, decorative elements also benefit: they are affordable and profitable, so they are gaining more and more popularity.

The peculiarities of the panels include the fact that they do not fade in the sun, do not melt at high atmospheric temperatures, do not lose their colors and are not washed off by rain and snow.

In addition, stone slabs for interior decoration must have the following properties:

  • strength and elasticity;
  • heat and moisture resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • long service life.

The panels will improve sound and heat insulation in the room

The use of wall panels makes it possible to mask defects and unevenness of the wall surface. They create the effect of natural stone, giving the home an unusual look.

Pipes and wires can be hidden under stone coverings. In addition, they improve sound and heat insulation in the room, which is especially important in multi-story buildings.

When choosing wall slabs in a store, you need to pay attention to the quality of the material. It is not recommended to chase cheapness. A low price product has corresponding quality.

Most often, decorative elements are attached with glue.

If you want decorative elements to really decorate your home and have something to show off to your friends, you should not save money; it is better to choose high-quality products that meet certificates of conformity.

To work, in addition to the panels themselves, you will need fasteners (glue and nails, as well as sealant), fittings (corner elements, overlays), which are purchased separately, as well as tools. Angular elements for different purposes can be found in the diagram below:

Types of stone wall panels

Wood panels imitate various textures

Decorative panels for interior decoration vary depending on the filler added to the plastic. Its composition almost always includes resin and stone powder.

Each sheet is made by casting. Current technologies make it possible to resort to the use of a variety of finishing materials for the manufacture of artificial stone.

The following types of panels are distinguished:

  • PVC or plastic (easy to maintain, can be given any texture and pattern);
  • wood (tree species such as pine, oak, ash are used, to which a variety of textures and patterns are transferred);
  • MDF (produced by pressing wood chips);
  • fiberglass (produced using a stamp: a model is made from natural stone, on the basis of which the panel is made);
  • aluminum (with elements of a three-dimensional effect due to applying a pattern and then covering the metal surface with PVC film).

Depending on the size, panels for interior wall decoration are made in sheet versions (width - a meter or more, length - two meters or more); tiled (small square elements); slatted (small planks of different sizes). For more information about the use of artificial brick, watch this video:

There are panels for finishing interiors and facades. For external cladding, the material has an additional layer of insulation. Such slabs are not recommended for indoor use. Embossed slabs look better than smooth ones. Their appearance is similar to natural stone, which creates the effect of a natural design.

Places of use

Stone panels are well suited for finishing doorways

Stone-look wall panels are perfect for cladding walls with artificial stone. They can be used to finish the entire surface, as well as individual sections of the wall. Stone slabs are suitable for zoning, highlighting arches, ledges, and doors.

Perfectly decorative stone cladding is suitable for kitchens. False panels are used for finishing aprons instead of the usual tiled cladding.

It would also look good for the kitchen to decorate the walls with stone panels for the dining area. An entrance hall or corridor decorated with stone will look very original.

To decorate individual zones, stone slabs would be appropriate in the bedroom. It will look unusual, for example, to highlight the head of a bed. In the living room, it would also be appropriate to highlight certain areas using panels, for example, a fireplace or a large TV.

There are plenty of places in the house where wall panels can be used. The main thing is to decide on the idea and design. All that remains is to bring this design to life.

Installation of panels under stone

Before installation, you should consider whether to decorate the entire wall with decorative panels or just part of it. Depending on this, you need to calculate the material that will be required for finishing.

The surface on which decorative elements will be installed must be prepared and leveled in advance. Alternatively, you can install it on a frame made using a metal profile or wooden blocks. The frame elements should be located at a distance of no more than 40 cm from each other. Most often, this method is used if the walls are uneven and there are defects on the surface.

Before installation, the material is allowed to rest at room temperature.

Before gluing, the material must be kept at room temperature for approximately 3 days. If the installation is carried out using a frameless method, then the plane must first be primed. A deep penetration primer is suitable in this case.

Next you can start applying glue. It is recommended to start work from the corner, retreating 1-3 mm. If necessary, the pattern is adjusted. After installing the panels, decorative elements are installed in the corners.

If the panel needs to be cut to size, use a small hacksaw or jigsaw. In this case, the wall sheets should be turned upside down.

When installing decorative panels using a frame method, it is necessary to ensure that the end sections are tightly adjacent to the profile. The sheathing must not be allowed to move freely and not be secured. For frame fastening, it is recommended to use wall elements with a thickness exceeding 5 mm. For more information about installing stone panels, watch this video:

When gluing the skin, be sure to read the instructions included with the material. If glue suddenly gets on the front side of the sheet, you need to remove it until it is completely dry.

Using decorative panels you can create amazing design options for decorating a room.

Thanks to modern production technologies, various materials are produced that have a striking resemblance to natural stone.

However, the price for such finishing material is much lower than for natural ones, which makes this type of cladding the most popular and attractive.

Recently, wall decoration with natural materials such as stone has become increasingly popular. But this material is quite expensive and not everyone can afford it. And work with natural stone very difficult. Especially for interior decoration. A way out of this situation can be stone-look wall panels that imitate natural material. Such panels are made of very high quality. So much so that it is visually impossible to distinguish from its natural counterpart. And they are several times cheaper in cost.

Stone in the interior

Stone in the interior is a sign of taste

The stone itself looks rich in the interior. But most people cannot afford to use it in the interior for a number of reasons:

  • the price of natural stone is high;
  • it is difficult to process and lay it;
  • it has a lot of weight;
  • stone conducts heat well, which has a bad effect on maintaining heat inside the room.

We can conclude from the above features that interior wall decoration with natural stone is expensive and not practical. An excellent alternative is false stone panels. They are made from plastic, MDF or fiberboard panels.

Types of stone-look wall panels

Stone-look wall panels for interior decoration are of such quality that they completely imitate stone masonry. Most often, such panels are used to decorate kitchens, corridors, bathrooms or living rooms.

For rooms with high humidity levels, it is worth purchasing special moisture-resistant panels.

Wall panels for interior decoration are:

  1. Leafy. Their size is more than a meter wide and more than two meters long. They are convenient to use when you need to decorate a large area.
  2. Tiled. They are made in the form of small squares. The most common type of decorative panels.
  3. Rack and pinion. They are made in the form of slats, the length, thickness and width of which can vary.

Different types of panels reproduce different reliefs. For example, a panel called “Fragmented Limestone” imitates natural limestone masonry. They are in demand not only for the interior decoration of buildings and buildings, but also for the exterior. And they also use it to finish individual elements decor: arches, columns, fireplaces.

The appearance of the panels is very realistic

The Mountain Slate panel has the same deep relief as natural stone masonry. The panel called "Jurassic Stone" features a realistic chipped rock relief rectangular shape of various sizes. The use of such panels can radically transform the interior.

Panel characteristics

Artificial stone panels for interior decoration are widely popular for renovation in hotels, offices, restaurants and homes. With their help you can create original and unique interior of a kind. They are often used to decorate exhibition spaces, theater and film sets.

Characteristics of decorative panels imitating stonework:

  • natural appearance;
  • financial costs are minimal;
  • long service life;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • quite easy to care for, can be washed using detergents;
  • huge selection of colors and textures;
  • it is possible to combine all kinds of colors and textures;
  • resistant to ultraviolet and solar radiation, do not burn out.

Advantages of pattern and material

Decorative stone panels for interior decoration have a number of advantages compared to other popular types of finishing:

  • made of lightweight and at the same time durable material;
  • installation and dismantling is simple. After dismantling, reuse is possible;
  • installation on concrete is possible;
  • if there is a need for additional sound and thermal insulation, then it is enough to put a layer of appropriate material under the panels;
  • panels are manufactured using environmentally friendly pure materials and safe for health;
  • the panels do not fade in the sun;
  • not susceptible to the growth of mold and rot, resistant to moisture;
  • fireproof, as they do not support fire, and during a fire hazardous substances do not emit for health;
  • are not afraid of changes in humidity and temperature;
  • with the help of false panels you can hide not only uneven walls, but also communications if you use frame cladding;
  • Even a person without experience can install the panels;
  • No special tools are required for installation.

When using decorative stone panels for interior decoration, you can get a stylish, comfortable and cozy interior.

Video on “stone” panels

Stone colored panels can also be used outdoors. Video on installation of “stone” siding: