home · Appliances · Comfort and beauty in the house with your own hands: a master class on sewing sofa cushions. We sew a decorative pillow with our own hands How to sew a fur pillow

Comfort and beauty in the house with your own hands: a master class on sewing sofa cushions. We sew a decorative pillow with our own hands How to sew a fur pillow

Initially, pillows were invented not for comfort during sleep, but for the sake of preserving complex, intricate hairstyles. The first examples of these devices were preserved in the tombs of the Egyptian pyramids and have survived to this day in in its original form. In eastern countries (China, Japan) they called “pillows” special devices made of stone or porcelain, which were placed under the neck also to preserve hairstyles. There was no talk of any convenience. Hard “pillows” performed exclusively a supporting function for the head. To get used to sleeping on such devices required a habit developed over the years. Real soft pillows, which are well known to all of us, were invented in Ancient Greece. Most of the wealthy citizens of this country tried to create comfortable conditions for relax. Because most they spent their lives in bed, soft mattresses and pillows have become a must-have attribute of spending time. They were stuffed with down, feathers, and aromatic herbs.

History remembers many precedents when a pillow became a murder weapon, but this decorative item not only took away, but also saved lives. For example, one of the parables about Buddha talks about how a pillowcase stuffed with fragrant leaves, on which he fell asleep, saved him from physical fatigue. From ancient Greece, pillows migrated to Ancient Rome. Although at first they were very skeptical about them, later this attribute for sleep became mandatory even for the military, hardened by the harsh life of the field. It was given a sacred meaning: a thing that protects a person’s sleep. Many girls' fortune telling is related to pillows. Fir branches, combs, and twigs were placed under them in the hope that this would “bring” the betrothed to sleep. Bags of lavender and dried wormwood, hidden in pillows, were supposed to normalize sleep and ward off evil spirits. To harm a person, it was enough to sew a specially prepared magical attribute into his pillowcase. These beliefs have survived to this day, although the age of digital technology denies the mystical component. Centuries later, the pillow becomes an important part of textile decor. Some are intended only for the bed, while others decorate the house. Let's talk about how to sew pillows with your own hands and what you will need for this work.

Purpose and types of sofa cushions

Pillows are classified into two types depending on their purpose:

  • Decorative. Their main function is interior decoration. Such pillows may be hard and uncomfortable, but this is not so important, because they certainly look beautiful and stylish.
  • For sleep. Comfortable pillows, which are decorated only with colored pillowcases. They are intended only for sleeping and most of the time they are covered with a blanket on the bed or hidden in niches for storing bedding.

Depending on the location, pillows are divided into three more types:

  • Sofas. Although the name speaks for itself, such pillows can decorate not only sofas, but also armchairs, chairs, ottomans, and chaise lounges.
  • Triggered. Now this type is rare. Foot cushions were popular in the Middle Ages. Then the owners of stone castles, fearing that their feet would get cold when in contact with a cold floor, ordered special pads.
  • Floor-standing. Pillows are stacked directly on the floor. This is an excellent replacement for armchairs and stools. The tradition of sitting on the floor came to us from the east. For example, in Turkey, entire “beds” are built from them for guests. In Japan it is generally not customary to use chairs. However, the Japanese are so accustomed to sitting on folded knees that they, in fact, do not need pillows. But for those who are trying to fit into their lifestyle, a floor pillow will be a salvation from numb legs.

Separately, it is worth noting figured pillows, which are usually classified as children's pillows. They are given the shape of various animals, cartoon characters, and letters of the alphabet. They are decorated with drawings and inscriptions. For example, for little boys they sew pillows in the shape of cars or robots, and for girls they choose more delicate options: puppies, giraffes, cats, dogs, soft dolls. You can sleep on such toys, but most of the time they decorate the room and are used for games. Depending on the sewing technology, several more types are distinguished:

  • Quilted. The pillowcases of these pillows are decorated with rough seams that run right through and connect three layers: two canvases and cotton insulation in the middle. They can act as decoration and be used only for sleeping. In a sleeping set, a warm quilt is usually included with the pillows.
  • Modular or sectional. The lower and upper parts of such pillows are connected by a special insert. Thanks to this, they look more voluminous.
  • Turkish. Their pillowcases are generously decorated with fringe, and the corners are decorated with tassels.

Shape of pillows

The classic “European” shape of a pillow is considered to be square or rectangular. Such small things are called “dumkas”. The second most popular, eastern type is rollers. These pillows are shaped like cylinders and are used not only as headrests, but also as armrests. They are quite hard and tightly packed with filler. Round pillows (buffs) are also considered to come from the East. They are very rarely used for sleeping, but are ideal for decorating sofas and as soft seats on stools. They are usually decorated with numerous folds and intricacies of fabric. All other forms belong to the group figured pillows. The most popular ones include pillows in the shape of letters and hearts. There was a real “boom” just a couple of years ago. Furry hearts with typical “love” inscriptions, stuffed with foam rubber, were sold in almost every home textile store.

Types of fabrics

A cover or pillowcase (if used for sleeping) is the main part, the “face” soft pillow. As a rule, it is made of durable fabric that will withstand many washes and last for many years. For homemade pillows, improvised materials are often used: from old clothes (T-shirts, jeans), blankets or patchwork scraps.
Although in last years synthetic fabrics have taken over the textile market, it is better to choose natural ones:

  • Silk. Delicate but skin-friendly material. Silk slipcovers are difficult to maintain, but they go perfectly with a luxurious, classic design.
  • Linen. The rough texture of flax suits the country subspecies. The material wrinkles easily. This is its main drawback, but it is hypoallergenic and pleasant to the touch. In the summer heat, linen will give you a feeling of coolness, and in winter it will warm you up.
  • Cotton. Inexpensive natural material that is easy to care for. In terms of stylistic consistency, cotton slipcovers are easy to integrate into almost any interior.
  • Wool. The covers may look rough, but the material will keep you warm. cold winter. It's nice to sleep on these pillows.

When choosing fabric for a cover, it is important to follow the rules of its compatibility with the filling:

  • For “loose” fillings, thick fabric pillowcases are needed.
  • For delicate stuffing (swan down), the same delicate fabric is selected, which will allow you to feel the filling.

Popular textile options for pillow covers include fleece, felt, teak, jacquard, satin, percale, cambric, twill, and tapestry.

Polyester is considered one of the cheapest and most durable materials. This synthetic fabric not suitable for sewing covers. It quickly wears out and loses its shape. It is not recommended to use old polyester T-shirts for sewing pillowcases.

Types of stuffing

The next question that faces those who want to make a pillow with their own hands is what to stuff it with? TO natural fillers include swan's down, goose feather, horsehair, sheep and camel hair and even buckwheat husks. These types of fillers require special care. Due to their high cost, they are mainly purchased for those pillows that will be used for sleeping. Decorative ones are mainly stuffed with synthetic fillers:

  • Sintepon. The leader among synthetic paddings. It replaced foam rubber, unlike which it breathes due to its special fibrous structure. Synthetic filler is lightweight, does not cause allergies and is easy to care for.
  • Holofiber. Almost weightless material that allows moisture and odors to pass through. Holofiber fillings are ideal for kitchen pillows.
  • Latex filler. It is obtained from foam rubber. The filler holds its shape well, so it is often used to stuff special orthopedic pillows for people with poor health.

There is also a separate type of filler - comforter. The material consists of small balls that quickly regain their shape after pressing.

How to sew a pillow with your own hands

Sewing a pillow can be divided into several stages:

  • Selection of materials and tools (scissors, needles, liner or chalk, thread, sewing tape measure).
  • Directly stitching together the elements.
  • Padding.
  • Final suturing of the hole through which the filler was passed. Attaching a zipper.
  • Making a cover and decorating it.

Given below detailed master class will help you understand the algorithm for performing work.

You need to start sewing with a pattern. In essence, this is a scheme, a “template”, according to which you will have to work in the future. Typically patterns are presented in finished form in specialized magazines or on websites for needlewomen. It will be quite difficult to draw a drawing for a pillow of complex shape (animals, letters) on your own, but for simple thoughts or cushions it is quite possible. The main thing that should not be forgotten is the “reserves” of fabric that will be wrapped inside and processed with an overlocker, which will prevent them from delaminating into fibers. The standard size of a rectangular pillow is 70x50 cm. If there are no plans to make a pillowcase, then it is easy to buy a ready-made cover for such a model in any textile store. Markings are applied to the fabric on the reverse side after measurements are taken. The pattern is then cut out. For pillows of complex shapes, use a pre-prepared template made of graph paper, which is secured with pins. You can cut a large piece of fabric into two and sew them together, or cut out a rectangle, fold it in half and make do with connecting the sides. This will result in one less seam.

To make it easier for a beginner to work, first make a sketch of the finished product and a preliminary drawing of the pattern on a sheet of paper. Having before my eyes final result, it will be easier to navigate.


Details future pillow sew together from the wrong side. The stitch should go exactly along the pre-designated line. It is better to use a sewing machine, as the stitching will be more accurate and durable. If the work is done by hand, then the stitch is done as little as possible. Only then will the pillow be strong. Three (two, if there is one fabric), the sides are sewn completely, and the fourth only halfway. The hole is necessary to turn the pillow inside out and fill it with stuffing. Some people immediately sew a zipper on the fourth side. The locking clasp is really convenient, but you need to choose models with small sliders and tiny teeth on the ribbons. Too large parts of the zipper can be “felt” through the cover and cause discomfort. The edges of the fabric must be processed from the inside. It's better to use an overlocker.


Filling a pillow with synthetic filling is a simple process, which is not the case with natural down. Usually it is “poured” from old cases into new ones. If you take a “clump” of fluff in your hand, it may seem that there is nothing difficult in sorting it out. However, just a couple of movements are enough and the white weightless fluffs scatter throughout the room, trying to get into your mouth or nose. You can’t just “pour in” the fluff. This is not cotton wool, which retains its shape and is easy to compact. A hole is made in the old cover, which is sewn to the same one. new pillow. The fluff is gently “turned”, crushed and moved by hand. This process will take more than one hour, so you will have to be patient. Those who purchased fluff in a store should also not tear open the packaging, but follow the same pattern of pouring from one container to another.

How to sew a pillow?

The eversion hole is usually closed with a hidden stitch. Stitches should be small and neat. The knot is tied from the inside, and the needle is pulled out front side. The edges of the fabric are folded, and the cover is folded exactly along the machine seam, which ends in the middle. This is important because the discrepancy will be obvious. To make the stitch look even neater, it is duplicated, but the needle punctures are staggered relative to the previous ones. Then the seam will be stronger and it will look neater. Since the pillow will not be exhibited in a museum as an exhibit and it will spend most of its time in a pillowcase, the fourth side “from the face” can simply be stitched with a machine. The main thing is that the line goes as close to the edge as possible. If the fabric chosen is variegated, then the thread selected by shade will not be noticeable on it at all.


When the work on sewing the pillow itself is completed, you can begin the most creative part, choosing the design of the pillowcase. First you need to choose a design that matches the stylistic decision of the room that will decorate this piece of decor. For classics, it is better to use luxurious, expensive fabrics with elegant embroidery with gold or silver threads. For modern styles, simple cut models made from laconic materials are suitable, because here the emphasis should be on shape and color. For oriental interiors, colorful pillows with numerous fringes and tassels are created. A child's room will be decorated with covers with frills, ruffles, appliqués, lace, and simple embroidery. For modern girls' bedrooms, pillows decorated with sequins, pins, bows and even fur are suitable. For rustic interiors They use knitted covers decorated with buttons and ribbon flowers.

Pillow decor options

Decorating is the most creative part of the process. Here you can fully express your imagination and create both laconic options for strict interiors and playful solutions for original furnishings. To decorate the case, both available materials and specially purchased fittings are suitable. Let's take a closer look at the popular ways of decorating pillows and analyze them step by step.

Color selection

First of all, you need to decide on a color scheme. Covers can be plain, variegated, or combine a moderate number of shades (two or three), selected according to the principles of analogy (ombre effect) or contrast. Last option easy to implement in modular cases, the two parts of which are not sewn, but connected by an insert. The shade must be selected based on the characteristics color scheme rooms in general and furniture in particular. If textile decor should become a bright accent on the calm palette of the interior, then catchy colors are chosen: red, orange, yellow, green. Shiny golden, bronze, and silver cases that are covered with continuous rows of sequins will look stylish and original. If the pillow is just a neutral touch, then choose a calm shade: white, gray, blue, pink, brown, pastel colors. For outdoor decor (patio, gazebo, garden bench) choose more natural colors. For example, the covers of crimson and brown tones with color gradation. They are complemented by a checkered blanket, picturesquely laid out on a bench, and now a cozy place in the open air is ready for reading a book with a cup of hot tea.

The patchwork technique, or patchwork, as it is sometimes called, allows you to create unusual decor from old things. These cushion covers will look homely and cute, but will only suit country-style interiors. For the work you will need pieces of fabric of different colors, decorated with ornaments and images. They are cut into squares of the same size, which are calculated from the parameters of the future pillowcase and the expected number of segments. These pieces are then sewn to each other to form strips. They are also connected to each other, resulting in a finished canvas.

Using the patchwork technique, you can not decorate the entire pillowcase, but only a separate part of it. For example, a combination of scraps of fabric with a variegated checkered pattern on one half will be organically combined with embroidery on a plain burlap on the second.


The appliqué technique involves sewing individual pieces of fabric onto a canvas so that the result is a picture. The decoration method is somewhat similar to putting together a puzzle. The master has a large number of parts that need to be put together. The application is:

  • Flat. This simple technique, in which pieces of fabric are applied to the cover and sewn completely.
  • Volumetric. A more complex technique, which is characterized by the presence of convex elements. For example, on a ballerina’s dress there are flounces, ruffles and bows with ribbons. Sometimes, to get additional volume, a soft filler is placed under a piece of fabric.

When working with fabric, “reverse” appliqué is encountered. A detail is cut out on the pillowcase cover according to the template. The edges must be stitched. Preferably by typewriter. Then a similar part is cut out from a piece of another fabric and sewn on the wrong side. It is best to work with a template prepared in advance.

Printing on fabric can be ordered at specialized salons, which, using special equipment, accurately transfer the image onto the material. However, you can design a pillow cover yourself. You can try to transfer an image using a hot iron from a regular photograph, but the result will be dull and short-lived. It is much easier to work with a set of markers or spray paints and stencils. Drawings, as a rule, are chosen to be laconic, since only a master artist can display complex color transitions. The fabric must be laid out on a flat horizontal surface. For reliability, it is better to secure it with pins or press down the edges with something heavy. The area that should remain untouched is isolated using masking tape or cling film. Now apply the stencil and secure it. You can start coloring the image.


Covers with lace look very gentle and touching. This “feminine” option is perfect for shabby chic, Provence and blends seamlessly into children's bedrooms for newborns. As a rule, thin lace is only used to decorate separate part cover: a strip in the center, on one side or paired openwork ribbons that “close” a neat pattern in the middle. Due to its special sophistication, this decoration is combined with covers in pastel shades. Contrast is appropriate in double pillowcases. They are sewn from a bottom plain layer of regular fabric and a top lace layer. This piece can be knitted by hand using a crochet hook and special yarn.

Knitted pillowcases

Knitted pillowcases bring warmth and comfort to the interior. To work, you will need yarn (about 500 grams for a medium-sized case), buttons, knitting needles or a crochet hook. We must not forget that natural threads will shrink a lot after washing. To prevent the pillowcase from becoming too small for the pillow, it is better to use mixed yarn. Mass knitting technique. Some prefer the laconic “braids” and “bumps” that are usually used to decorate homemade sweaters, while others prefer complex “web” patterns and, again, the patchwork technique, but in a slightly different guise. A pillowcase can be made from separately crocheted (usually crocheted) scraps of yarn of different colors. To keep the cover closed, they use buttons rather than zippers that blend seamlessly with the yarn.


The cover can be decorated with continuous embroidery or only part of it can be decorated. For the first option, the techniques of embroidery with threads (floss), cross and half-cross (tapestry) are suitable. You need to work either with burlap or with regular fabric on which the canvas is fixed. After the embroidery is completed, it is unraveled along the thread. For partial decoration, embroidery with ribbons, chenille or work using the satin stitch technique is suitable.

We use old clothes

Wonderful pillowcases are made from old jeans, shirts and sweaters. In the last two cases, the sleeves are cut off and bottom part, leaving only the collar and “chest” piece of fabric. There is no need to cut a shirt or sweater along the seam. The second part will become the back side of the case. Then the remains of the shirt are sewn together on both sides. A zipper is sewn to the bottom. Upper part, on which the collar is additionally decorated with a piece of fabric previously cut from the bottom to cover the empty neck. This detail can be sewn to the back of the shirt and simply smoothed out, since the seam on the front side will not look very aesthetically pleasing. You can put a scarf in the breast pocket. Covers are sewn from jeans using the same principle, only both legs are cut off.

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Hello, dear readers! Anastasia Skorekova welcomes you. Today I will tell you how to sew a pillow. Not just one, but several dozen

In general, in my opinion, the pillow is very good gift. Even my beloved. It is generally easy to sew and rarely requires exotic materials. That is why an amazing journey into the world of pillow dreams awaits you.

Step-by-step master - classes and patterns or how to sew a pillow with your own hands

A lot of master classes are waiting for you now. Let's start with children's pillows.

Pillows - toys for adults and children

Soft plush friends are always appreciated by children. What if we made them a little more practical, but no less original? In this section you will see a lot of children's pillows in the form of toys and simply unusual and bright designs for a great rest for your baby.

Children's pillow - toy “Rosalina”

With this shy beauty children's sleep will always be a joy. To sew a soft blanket for your child, you will need:

  • velsoft (for the base of Rosalina, you can take faux fur and fleece);
  • thin felt (for decorating the muzzle);
  • threads in the color of the fabric + black;
  • lace of 2 colors (for decoration);
  • small rose (for the central part of the bow);
  • padding polyester (for stuffing);
  • dry pastel (to give a delicate blush);
  • cotton pad (optional);
  • chalk or pencil (for transferring patterns onto fabric);
  • needle;
  • pins (for chopping parts);
  • scissors.

Here are the patterns for Rosalina (click to enlarge):

Cut them out carefully, velsoft is a capricious fabric. We start with the ears. Sew them like below. Turn the ears out and stuff them with padding polyester.

Place the ears inside the head. Pin along the edge, baste and sew, leaving an opening at the bottom.

Turn your head inside out along with your ears. I got it like this:

Stuff Rosalina with padding polyester and sew up the bottom hole with a hidden seam.

Now we have to make Rosaline's face. To do this, take all the details of the face, pin them to the head (so as not to move), and then sew them with a small hidden seam.

To apply blush, just take a pastel chalk and rub the bunny’s cheeks, rub it with your finger. If the pile on the fabric is not very long, you can do this using a cotton pad, after first applying pastel to it.

Rosalina definitely needs to make a cute headband! To do this, cut the lace so long that it is slightly longer than the distance between the ears.

Sew the ends of this piece to the ears, as if stretching it.

Now let's make a bow! To do this, take another piece of lace, fold it in half and sew the ends together.

Now simply sew a line of running stitches down the center of the bow. And pull it off.


Necessary materials

What will we need for a pillow - a Quadrocat toy?

Here is the list:

  • fleece in 2 colors (for the muzzle and head);
  • felt (for the eyes and nose);
  • threads in the color of the fabric;
  • padding polyester or padding polyester (for stuffing);
  • white acrylic paint for the pupil (or rhinestones)
  • a glass of water (if you use paint);
  • second glue (if you chose rhinestones);
  • pencil or chalk for transferring patterns onto fabric;
  • stitching needle;
  • paper for transferring patterns onto fabric;
  • scissors.

Before you start sewing, you will need the patterns that I have prepared for you (click):

First of all, I want to say: this is only a quarter of the pattern (for the head and muzzle), for the nose it is half. For felt parts, allowances are not needed. For everyone else, half a centimeter should be enough.

First of all, cut out and sew the ears together. Trim off excess seam allowances. Turn out the ears.

You can put the ears aside for now, take the muzzle and head. Sew the muzzle into the head as shown below.

To avoid confusion, you can make small notes in the same places on the muzzle and border.

This is what the cat's face looks like:

Now place the ears inside the Quadrocat where you like and sew them in. Also sew around the edge of the cat, leaving a small hole at the bottom.

Turn the pillow inside out. So far Quadrocat looks like this:

And now you need to stuff the pillow with padding polyester as tightly as possible, since fleece is very sensitive to stretching and can simply turn out “orange peel” if the stuffing is not dense enough

Sew the bottom hole with a hidden seam. Below you can see the hole that is already completely sewn up.

Our cat is still without a face! Let's fix this. Take the eyes and nose and place them where you would like to see the muzzle.

We will sew on the eyes and nose. To do this, bring the thread out as below and sew with a buttonhole stitch, but VERY fine. That is, there should be no distance between the stitches at all.

This process is quite painstaking, but it’s worth it! Final photo:

DIY letter pillows

A very common type now sofa cushions. They are sewn quite simply, the main thing is to have the alphabet with the desired language on hand. And increase the letters to the right size, Certainly.

The most important thing is not to forget to cut required quantity strips for the side jumper.

I found two such alphabets, but on the Internet there are also a very large number of different fonts, each of which is applicable for letter creativity.

Photos of baby pillows

There will also be a lot of inspiring photos at the end of the article, so don't miss it

DIY decorative pillows: photos and creation schemes

There will be cushions, flower pillows, and simply unusual, practical and easy to implement ideas.

Soft heart for dear

Now we’ll talk about how to give a gift to your loved one with your own hands. Otherwise, Valentine's Day is about to come, and somehow I rarely prepare you for it)

What gift am I talking about? We will sew a beautiful pink heart-shaped pillow with voile frills.

Necessary materials

  • faux fur for the heart itself (the pillow is quite large, so the dimensions of the material are decent: 110 x 40 cm);
  • veil, chiffon or organza for frills and flowers (dimensions: 300 x 30 cm);
  • synthetic padding or padding polyester for stuffing;
  • threads in the color of the fabric;
  • satin ribbon for bow;
  • rhinestones;
  • paper for patterns;
  • pencil for transferring patterns;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • pins for pinning patterns and frills.

You will need patterns (click to enlarge):

As you can see, this is only half of our heart. Therefore, when you cut it out, transfer first one half, then the other. And so on for both parts.

Cut out two parts so that the direction of the pile on them is the same. Cut a strip of the following dimensions from the veil: 300 x 18 cm. Such a long length is needed so that when further gathering this strip you can insert it into the edges of the pillow.

Now fold the strip in half lengthwise. Sew two lines on a sewing machine at a distance from the edge and from each other by about 5 - 7 mm. But do not fasten the ends of the thread! And leave more thread on all sides.

We haven't secured our stitching, so now we can tighten it. Just pull both threads and slowly gather our frill to the desired state (the length of the finished frill should be equal to the length of the edge of the pillow itself).

Once the threads are tight, tie all the threads into knots at the ends and trim off the excess threads.

Now you need to put the frill inside the pillow, as shown below, and pin it.

And then baste and sew without sewing to the end. Leave a small hole. After everything is sewn, turn the future pillow inside out and fill it with synthetic down.

Now sew the ends of the frill together, as in the bottom photo.

If you have a small reserve of frill left, you can slightly hide the seam by making a small fold. All that remains is to sew up the left hole.

Our pillow, of course, is good, but there are not enough decorative elements on it, so we will make roses with you. To make roses, you will need 3 strips of veil with the following dimensions: 9 x 50 cm, 5 x 30 cm and 4 x 17 cm. Process them as well as a frill for a pillow.

It's time to wrap our rose! To do this, start rolling the rosette as below. But when wrapping the flower, bend the edges of the rose so that it looks more natural. Using this principle, make all 3 roses.

The roses turned out great, didn't they? I hope everything worked out for you too. By the way, I wrote about creating similar roses in one of the previous posts.

All that remains is to sew or glue the rose to the pillow. It turns out very nice:

Other sofa cushions

I think a few more detailed master classes will not hurt you)



Bear and dog



Roller “Princess Hotdog”(don't worry about the name, this is a character from one stoned cartoon)

I don’t have a detailed photo description, but I can say one thing: for the body you will need six elongated wedges and two parts (almost semicircles) for the muzzle.

Other fabric fantasies

It's nice to know that blog readers are inspired by my posts. The wonderful needlewoman Marina Grudzinskaya sewed pillows based on the works presented in this article. Come visit her (profile in In contact with And Instagram) and evaluate the products yourself:

I want to show you where to buy excellent materials to create super-soft and delicate pillows, indistinguishable from store-bought ones. I bought this myself wonderful fleece- I couldn’t be happier, he’s so nice. The most important thing is that the color palette is excellent.

On this, Dear friends, I bid with you. This time the article turned out to be very full of ideas (personally, I counted about 50 ideas). I hope that we found exactly the option you wanted. See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

It doesn’t matter whether decorative pillows are sewn with your own hands or purchased, they will organically fit into the decor of the room. However, the first option will save you from exhausting shopping in search of a pillow of the desired style, color, and material. Sew beautiful pillows decorating a sofa with your own hands is quite simple; many patterns are so simple that even a novice needlewoman can handle them.

The variety of this accessory, which you can see in the photo, excites the imagination: animals, roses, letters, flowers, puffs. You can sew sofa cushions of any shape - rose or turtle, and for any occasion.

Materials and tools

To sew any pillow you will need certain materials:

  • fabrics;
  • stuffing;
  • decoration elements;
  • threads;
  • tools.


Fabric is the main element when sewing any type of pillow. When choosing, the most important thing is to use your imagination and choose an option that is suitable in texture and color. It can be linen, cotton, upholstery fabric, knitwear, jeans, felt, fleece and even fur.

There are a number of materials most commonly used for sewing decorative pillows:

  • fleece and flock;
  • linen and cotton;
  • plush and velor;
  • sackcloth;
  • satin and velvet;
  • jeans;
  • artificial and natural fur;
  • leather and dermantine.

Fabrics are often combined, but in this case, their own rules apply, since, for example, you cannot combine “non-stretch” options with stretch.

When choosing fabric, you should follow some rules:

  • The material of the pillow does not have to be combined with the upholstery of the sofa, bed, or armchairs. This accessory may well be some kind of accent in the interior of the room;
  • combine colors. For example, if green shades predominate in the interior, then the pillow can be made of blue, yellow or blue fabric;
  • When choosing material with a pattern or pattern, make sure it is lively and relaxed. Patterns in the form of flowers or fruits, as well as checkered and plant motifs, look good;
  • There is a way to check whether the material is suitable for making a decorative pillow. Look closely at the material in good light for 1 minute, then close your eyes. If you see bright spots or flashes before your eyes, then this is not a suitable option;
  • for a pillow in a children's room, you should choose materials of all colors of the rainbow with designs in the form of your favorite fairy-tale characters;
  • When choosing fabric, it is important to consider the purpose of the product. If it is to be used for sleeping, the fabric should be soft and pleasant to the touch. For purely decorative items, you can choose thick fabric;
  • if you want to make the interior more calm, choose dark material; light and bright colors will make the atmosphere more energetic and lively;
  • if you plan to use down or feathers as a filler, then you will need a denser fabric that can hold the filler inside the product;
  • give preference to universal cotton fabrics;
  • silk is famous for the fact that products made from it stand out due to their cool surface;
  • brocade is best used for decorative pillows in the bedroom;
  • One of the main criteria for choosing a material is ease of maintenance.


All fillers for decorative pillows can be divided into:

  • natural;
  • vegetable;
  • artificial and synthetic.


Since ancient times, natural materials such as down, feathers, and wool have been used as pillow filling. The main advantages of the materials are that they retain heat well, do not wrinkle or bunch up.

As for the disadvantages, this is the absorption of moisture and the fact that natural materials often harbor various small animals and bacteria, which is why the pillow can cause allergies. Such products require special care.


IN Lately Increasingly, medicinal herbs, buckwheat husks, hop cones, and bamboo are used to stuff decorative pillows. Many people prefer this kind of stuffing, believing that it has a beneficial effect on a person’s well-being and health. Actually this is not true. The fact is that the smell of some herbs can cause headaches. In addition, having absorbed moisture vegetable filler it becomes damp and begins to rot. Decorative pillows with vegetable filling require special care and frequent replacement of the filling.

Artificial and synthetic

The most commonly used are padding polyester, foam rubber, padding polyester, holofiber, and polyester materials. All these materials are hypoallergenic, non-toxic, and do not absorb moisture. The only downside is that such materials get pressed and caked over time. It is best to choose holofiber that is soft to the touch, which is machine washable. Best choice Fibertech or synthetic fluff will be used as a filler, which do not come off, are hypoallergenic, and products with them can easily restore their original appearance. Cushion cushions can be filled with foam rubber.

What you should avoid as filling for a pillow is cotton wool, as it will very soon become tangled and the product will take on an unsightly appearance. It is better to stick with padding polyester, although this material can also lose volume over time.

If there are no funds to purchase special material for filling, you can use what is at hand. For example, a pillow can be stuffed with fur or fabric scraps, although in this case the product will not be very neat.

In addition to commonly used materials, the following are often used:

  • cotton wool – the material quickly clumps, causing the product to lose its original shape. Cotton wool can only be used for pillows intended exclusively for decorative purposes;
  • fur - suitable as a filler only when using coarse, durable fabrics;
  • silicone balls – soft, safe material, suitable for children's pillows.

When choosing a filler, you should remember some rules:

  • Only hypoallergenic fillers can be used;
  • the filling material must keep its shape;
  • the material should not be too soft, smooth or too hard;
  • the filler should be easy to wash.

Threads need to be selected not only by quality, but also by combination with the fabric. Thickness is also important, so thicker fabrics will require more durable options. When working, you may need floss threads, which are excellent for making decorative seams or making decorative tassels.

When choosing suitable threads, knowledge of what sewing threads exist will help:

  • cotton - the most common type of thread, consisting of 100% cotton. Suitable for sewing items made from cotton fabrics. You should not use them for stretchy fabrics, as cotton threads may break when pulled;
  • polyester - dense threads, which can often have a wax or silicone coating. Suitable for working with stretch fabrics, synthetics, knitwear and stretch fabric;
  • viscose – embroidery threads that can be used to create smooth stitches;
  • nylon – strong threads, suitable for light and regular synthetic fabrics;
  • silk - durable threads for silk and wool. Such threads will not leave marks on the fabric, and they are also very elastic;
  • woolen – suitable for embroidering and finishing the edges of heavy fabrics;
  • metal - most often found in gold, silver or bronze. Used for embroidery and decorating things.

There are also some rules that should be followed when choosing threads:

  • threads should be selected not only by color, but also by thickness, which should correspond to the thickness of the fabric;
  • if a sewing machine is used for sewing, then the lower and upper threads in it should be the same;
  • a thin thread on a dense fabric will break, and a thick thread on a thin fabric will pull the product, spoiling the appearance;
  • if it is not possible to choose threads to match the fabric, then you should take threads 1-2 shades darker than the fabric, so the stitches will be less noticeable.


To make a pillow you will definitely need the following tools:

  • scissors;
  • needles;
  • chalk, soap or pencil (for transferring the pattern to the fabric);
  • paper for modeling patterns;
  • hook or knitting needles (if the product involves knitted elements);
  • sewing machine.

Decoration methods

Even the most inconspicuous pillow can be turned into a real work of art if you use the right type of decoration.


The easiest way to create an original design is to sew decorative pillows different colors. Choose several options for fabric that matches the color and texture, make pillows and place them on the sofa. Also, when sewing, you can use elements in the background upholstery, which also looks very original.

Here are some tips to help you choose the color and pattern of a decorative pillow:

  • if you plan to sew two pillows for one side of the sofa, then it is better to make one of them plain and the other with a pattern of colors like the first pillow;
  • For a large sofa, two solid color pillows along the edges are suitable. The color of the pillows should contrast with the color of the furniture. In addition to these products for the sofa, you can also make several patterned pillows with a pattern color that does not contrast with the color of the furniture;
  • for patterned pillows it is worth choosing prints neutral colors: white, beige or cream;
  • try the method of mixing patterns, but the prints must have at least one common color;
  • refuse the same type of pillows. If one product has a floral print, then on the other you can use a large pattern;
  • When making decorative pillows, give up the idea of ​​decorating the entire room with the same products. Cushions for a sofa and armchairs may differ in color and pattern, but at the same time they should be in harmony with each other and the surrounding interior.

Applications and printing

The product can be decorated with an applique, the design of which you can develop yourself, or you can spy on the Internet. But you shouldn’t choose an application consisting of many elements, otherwise the work will eventually turn into a continuous flicker. The pattern should be simple and clear.

To do right choice and not to spoil the product, follow some rules:

  • flowers made from satin ribbons are suitable for decorating pillows in pastel colors. Similar flowers made from ribbons of different colors look original;
  • You can bring the most intricate design to life using fabric appliqué;
  • to decorate the pillow, you can use various parts knitted or crocheted;
  • You can use the fabric of old clothes as appliqué elements; they are perfect for this sweater;
  • the most popular appliqué elements are lace, beads, sequins, and buttons;
  • You can even paint the pillow by depicting a landscape or portrait on it using special paints.

Form and fragments

For many, the shape of the future product is very important, which can be very diverse. An example of using shapes when sewing a pillow would be products in the shape of flowers, animals, and so on. It’s just best to avoid overly complex shapes, as caring for such products will be problematic.

There are four main forms of decorative pillows:

  • roller – suitable for decorating leather sofas;
  • square is the most suitable shape for decorative items. In addition, it is convenient to lie down or sit on such a pillow if necessary;
  • rectangular - balances the soft shapes of plump sofas;
  • round - will help soften the sharp lines of strict sofas.

You can combine products different forms. For example, a combination of square and rectangular products looks good.

Try using the patchwork technique when sewing, which allows you to create original and at the same time practical options.

Key element

Just one correctly selected element, called a key, can add elegance to any pillow.

Here are just a few possible options for key elements:

  • this could be a regular button located in the center of the pillow, a small bow, frills or tassels. Moreover, these elements can be located not only in the center, but also on the side and in the corner of the product. It may not be an ordinary button, but covered with fabric, or with a bow sewn to it. Using buttons you can create a simple pattern or even embroider your own name;
  • Brushes will help to refine even the most ordinary product;
  • instead of a brush, you can use a homemade pompom, which is sewn onto the corner of the pillow and not only decorates it, but also hides the last seam;
  • tapes - regular satin ribbons can serve as material for creating various three-dimensional designs and patterns;
  • patterns made of fleece or felt.

Lace, knitting

Pillows with this type of decor are somewhat difficult to make, but believe me, it’s worth it. Lace and knitted options provide an aesthetic effect and indicate that the mistress of the house has “golden” hands. Such items can be easily washed by placing them in the washing machine with a special product for caring for knitted items.

The pillow cover can be completely knitted or knitted in some way separate element, serving as decoration. Pillows with knitted braids or ornaments look beautiful. There are many patterns for knitting techniques, and you can do it like smooth surface, and with ornaments.


If you know how to embroider, then you can easily create a real miracle by embroidering a colorful, original design on a sewn decorative pillow. But remember some rules:

  • When embroidering, do not use beads, as this will be inconvenient in the future;
  • use the cross stitch technique, as the satin stitch will get dirty and slip when used;
  • While working, do not forget to make a continuous wide edge along the field, in which it is easy to hide the last seam.


Relief decor includes fringe, frills, puffs, weaving, voluminous appliqués and much more. With the help of such elements it is possible to achieve magnificent aesthetic effects. But when choosing another intricate element, remember that in the future you will have to take care of this product and it can be difficult if you choose incorrectly.

Each type of applied decor has its own characteristics:

  • decorative braid - the use of this element brings originality to the entire interior. A variegated wool braid is suitable for decorating the edges of the pillows. Wool braid looks good in combination with velvet, satin and organza;
  • tassels are a mandatory attribute when sewing decorative pillows from brocade, velvet, silk, and tapestry. Brushes can be made from melange or linen threads, to which metallized thread is rarely added;
  • fringe can decorate even the most ordinary and inconspicuous decorative pillow at first glance. It is enough to attach bright silk fringe or viscose fringe with the addition of glass beads to its edges and the pillow will take on a completely new look;
  • bows - making this type of decoration is not at all difficult. It is enough to take a piece of material and tie it in the form of a bow.

For pregnant

Pregnancy is a wonderful time, but there comes a period when it is difficult for a woman to find a comfortable position while resting; it is necessary to put something under her back. To do this, you can sew a special pillow for pregnant women in the form of a cushion.

It will require approximately 2.5 m of cotton or satin fabric. A pillow for pregnant women is sewn in several steps:

  • using the diagram, you need to make a pattern: fold the fabric in half, trace the template and cut out the part;

Pattern of a classic pillow for pregnant women, on the right - the fold or middle of the fabric

Transfer the pattern to the fabric

Fold the pieces of fabric to make 2 parts of the product

Secure the fabric with pins

Carefully cut out the pieces with seam allowances

  • cut out another one along the contours of the first one;
  • we sew the resulting elements onto sewing machine, leaving a small opening. We turn the base for the future pillow for pregnant women right side out;

Sew the cover with a straight stitch along the entire outline, except for the hole for stuffing.

Leave the area at the top of the product unsewn

Finish the edges

  • through the opening we fill the pillow with holofiber or other filler. Use a filler that does not cause allergies in pregnant women;

Turn the pillowcase right side out

Fill the case with filler

  • sew up the opening;

  • The pregnancy pillow is ready.

The pillow can be decorated with various applications. Animal faces look original on pregnancy rollers. This pillow is great for feeding a baby after birth.

For feeding twins

The wonderful time of pregnancy has passed, and you have become a happy mother of twins. And here the question arises: how to make the process of feeding babies comfortable. After all, while you are feeding one, the other is bursting into screams. There is a solution - sew a special pillow for feeding twins in the shape of a horseshoe or crescent.

  • draw a pattern on a sheet of suitable size;

  • transfer it to the fabric folded in half. Cut out the part;
  • stitch it from the inside out, leaving a small gap;
  • Turn out and fill the nursing pillow with allergy-free filling. Sew up the gap;
  • When feeding children, the pillow may become dirty. Therefore, sew several covers for it so that you can change them if necessary.

A nursing pillow for twins will give you the opportunity to feed your babies at the same time, which means their biorhythms will coincide. Animal pillows are especially popular among children. They often become an accessory for decorating a child’s room or an item for comfortable sleep; children use pillows as toys and cuddles. Therefore, you can sew original animal pillows for your baby - it could be an elephant, a cat, a frog or a turtle.


In order to sew toys for children or an accessory for a sofa in the shape of a monkey with your own hands, you need to cut out a pattern, and then follow the algorithm:

  • take a chocolate-colored satin and cut out two parts of a monkey’s head from it;
  • on coffee-colored gabardine we will outline the muzzle and cut it out;
  • Next, you need to cut out the ears: two parts from gabardine - this will be the front part, and two from satin - the back part;
  • using white non-woven fabric it is necessary to duplicate the details of the muzzle and ears;
  • We sew the front and back parts of the ears together, leaving a small opening. Using scissors, cut the edges;
  • the parts of the toy must be turned out and, after filling, sewn up, the ears are ready;
  • Now you need to design the monkey's head. To do this, we sew a face to its front part. We secure the ears with pins;
  • attach the back of the head and sew in a circle using a sewing machine. Don't forget to leave a hole to fill the head;
  • after you turn the part right side out, you will get a funny monkey face. Now all that remains is to stuff it and sew it up;
  • Next, we sew two small circles, on top there are buttons and more devoted eyes for children you will not find;
  • All that remains is to make the monkey smile; to do this, we embroider a smile and nostrils with black thread.

You can complement the pillow with a forelock made of wool threads and the original pillow in the shape of a monkey is ready.

For those who like to watch videos on their tablet in the evening, we suggest you create your own original pillow-stand for the tablet. To do this you will need:

  • piece of fabric;
  • stuffing material;
  • button on the leg;
  • pattern paper;
  • tailor's pins;
  • needle and thread.

The work consists of several simple steps:

  • cut out a rectangle measuring 46x30 cm on the fabric;

  • from fabric for decoration in the shape of a flower, cut out a rectangle 6x21 cm, three squares 10x10;
  • First we create a decorative element. To do this, fold a rectangle of fabric in half, first folding the fabric on the wrong side and ironing it. We do the same with squares of fabric. We cut off the corners of the folded squares from the cut side, thus obtaining a sector of the circle. We sew all three square parts together as shown in the photo and assemble them with thread so that there is room in the center for a button;

  • Now it’s time to create the pillow. To do this, the part is folded in half along the long side and fastened with pins, forming a bag;

  • You need to go along the long and short sides with a sewing machine, laying a line, cutting off the corners. To make the cover easy to turn out, one side should remain unstitched;

  • turning the “bag” right side out, place it on its side so that the corners and seams are in the middle, as shown in the photo;

  • after this you need to carefully press the fabric on top, forming a square;

  • secure the middle of the square with a pin;

  • The bottom corner of the fabric should be turned towards the square and pinned with a pin. Our decorative flower will be placed in this place;

  • you need to sew on the decor by first lifting the other corner of the square vertically;

  • We cut out a piece from cardboard with approximate dimensions: top width 9.5 cm, width 19.7 cm, height 14.6 cm;

  • we insert the resulting cardboard template into the middle of the “bag” so that its narrow side is located towards the flower;

  • fill the space on top of the cardboard with filler;
  • we sew the side from the wide edge of the cardboard part;

  • We fold the unstitched fabric inside;

  • pin and stitch again;

  • do not sew the edge all the way, leaving an opening for adding filling;

  • The tablet stand is ready.

A special place among decorative pillows is given to floor options. It’s not difficult to make such a pillow by preparing triangular sectors of the same type of fabric in different colors.

Cut out the triangles, trimming the corners as shown in the photo, so that you can later create a voluminous pillow.

All sectors are carefully sewn together from the wrong side, and then both sides are sewn together, not forgetting to leave room for stuffing.

The cover is turned inside out, the product is stuffed with filler, and the hole is sewn up. A comfortable floor cushion to sit on is ready.

Original elephant pillow

A pink elephant is every girl's dream. But decorative animal pillows in the store do not always look attractive. A hand-sewn elephant will delight your child.

  • to do this, draw or print an elephant template of the size you need;

  • trace it on two pieces of fleece. Don't forget to add a few centimeters for allowance;
  • sew the parts together, leaving a gap for stuffing;
  • turn the part right side out;
  • Next, the elephant is stuffed with filler;
  • Using the same algorithm, you need to sew the ears and tail;
  • sew the parts to the body;
  • We complement the pillow with eyes. Cut out a small cloud from blue fabric. Sew the cloud to the body.

The unusual elephant is ready.

Decorative pillow turtle

A turtle pillow will decorate not only a child’s room, but will also fit perfectly into a gazebo in the garden. The turtle is sewn from colored scraps that match the color scheme.

  • cut out a round base for the belly of the toy. Its dimensions depend on the size of the pillow you want to sew;

  • cut out four different colored triangles, slightly rounding the edges. Together they should form a circle with the diameter of the abdomen;
  • prepare 8 pieces of legs, two heads and a tail. The parts must be proportionally suitable in size to the body. They need to be stitched in pairs, leaving a gap. Next, turn it inside out and stuff it with padding polyester;

  • colored patches must be sewn in pairs. Sewing them together, attach the parts of the head and tail;

  • now sew the belly and back of the turtle, distributing the parts of the legs;

  • Turn the base inside out through the hole left and fill it with filler. Sew on the eyes, mouth and the turtle is ready.

Sew toys different sizes, and you will have a real turtle family. Examples of unusual turtle pillows can be seen in the photo.

Scops Owls

Often children are capricious before bed, not wanting to go to bed. Sew an unusual scops owl pillow for him in the shape of an owl. It's very easy to do:

  • take a sheet of paper corresponding to the size of the future toy;
  • draw a sketch of an owl on it, cut out the template;
  • transfer it to felt, make a pattern;
  • Cut out the eyes and beak of an owl from the template. Cut out the felt pieces in the desired color;
  • glue the felt onto the double-sided adhesive web, iron it;
  • Place the parts on the owl's body. Sew with a tight zigzag;
  • fill the toy with filler.

The Scops Owl will help your baby fall asleep much faster.

Cat pillows

Decorative pillows with images of cats are especially popular.


A decorative hug pillow is suitable for both adults and children, as well as pregnant women. What could be better than hugging your friend while relaxing? You can do it in the form of your favorite pet – a cat.

  • make paired patterns of the cat’s body, head and paws of the required size;
  • prepare the nose detail by folding the padding polyester several times;
  • Make the cat's eyes using a French knot;
  • trace the sketch of the head onto the duplicating fabric. Using thick threads, embroider the cat's mouth and whiskers in a zigzag pattern;
  • sew on the nose, having previously glued it in several places;
  • sew on the eyes and ears in the same way;
  • Sew the head pieces together from the inside out, leaving a gap. Turn it inside out and stuff it with filling;
  • in the same way we sew the paws and tail of the cat;
  • Separately, we sew the pillow itself, round or rectangular, and stuff it with synthetic padding;
  • we sew all the parts of the cat to it.

The photo shows how you can decorate a hug pillow: add a bow tie and you get a cat, or you can attach a bow and you already have a cute cat. Any child will like this cuddle cat and will organically fit into the interior of the nursery.

Pattern patterns for pillows in the shape of cats

We offer several patterns, using which it is very easy to create an original, beautiful product.


Lately, decorative letter pillows have become very popular. They are used to lay out the names of relatives and friends, or they purchase an entire alphabet to teach a child to read. However, you can sew beautiful letters for names with your own hands.

  • print the letters for names or the alphabet on paper, cut them out;

  • transfer the sketch to the fabric, cut out two parts;

Do-it-yourself decorative pillows, patterns, photos, diagrams for making which you can find in this article will help you refresh your interior without significant investment and give the room more comfort and warmth. There is nothing better than beautiful pillows that the lady of the house worked on. They can become an excellent decoration for a room and a real source of pride.

There can be a lot of options for how to sew a decorative pillow for your home, it all depends on the imagination of the artist and on what materials you plan to use in your work. When making decorative pillows, various accessories are often used, so they turn out to be unusual and very beautiful.

Decorative pillows will help refresh your interior without significant investment and give the room more comfort and warmth.

You can make an ordinary decorative pillow with your own hands and use synthetic winterizer or holofiber as a filler.

These materials are much better suited for decorative pillows, as they do not roll up and hold their shape well, unlike fluff or cotton wool. Moreover, such products are light and comfortable. The main element of a decorative pillow is the pillowcase. A lot depends on how interesting it will be made. Sometimes it is the pillows that make up an important part of the interior and give it originality.

You can make an ordinary decorative pillow with your own hands and use synthetic winterizer or holofiber as a filler.

For example, in Scandinavian style, where restraint in decor and colors is encouraged, you can dilute the atmosphere with bright decorative pillows. But decorative pillows will be relevant not only in restrained minimalist styles. With their help, you can achieve a more interesting effect in other areas of room design.

The shape should also be noted. Pillows that will be used to decorate the room, and not for sleeping, can be absolutely anything. It is not at all necessary to make simple squares or rectangles. Both oval and round pillows, as well as products in the shape of animals and letters, look great. The latter option can be a good addition when decorating a children's room.

Sometimes it is the pillows that make up an important part of the interior and give it originality.

If the master comes up with the idea of ​​decorating the interior of his room with decorative pillows, he must first determine the style. Only after the direction has been chosen can you think about shape, color and material. DIY decorative pillows, photos of which can be found in this article, will be relevant for many styles. They perfectly emphasize French country style (Provence, retro style, romantic shabby chic with its excessive sophistication), and are also an excellent addition to a children's room.

The most popular are natural materials, from which you can make decorative pillows for children, bedrooms in the Provence style

After the master decides on the direction, you can move on to the material. For each style, the color and type of fabric must be special. The most popular are natural materials, from which you can make decorative pillows for children, bedrooms in Provence style and Scandinavian style. Shabby chic or classic require more interesting solutions. Silk, satin, etc. may be relevant here.

Advice! If you are decorating a room in a country style with pillows, you can choose simple fabrics in natural colors and rough textures.

Fittings are welcome in romanticism and French rustic style

As for the fittings, they are welcome in romanticism and French country style. When decorating a room with pillows in the Scandinavian direction, you should not use buttons, stripes and various additions, as minimalism is encouraged here. The product can be bright, but without unnecessary details.

High-tech and minimalism do not welcome pillows at all. If the master still wants to decorate such an interior with soft decorations, he needs to choose colors and shapes very carefully. It is better to make an ordinary square decorative pillow with your own hands from artificial smooth fabric, for example, leatherette.

It is better to make an ordinary square decorative pillow with your own hands from artificial smooth fabric, for example, from leatherette

Working with a children's room creative person pure pleasure. Here you can let your imagination run wild and come up with something original that will delight your baby every day. One of the fairly new trends is decorating the interior of a children's room with letter pillows. From them you can assemble a word, for example, the name of a baby. This is useful, interesting, and very original. But not only letters and numbers will be suitable for a children's room. Decorative pillows in the shape of animals or fruits look good. They are very easy to make using the patterns that can be found at the end of the article.

It’s a pleasure for a creative person to work with a children’s room.

In order to sew a decorative pillow with your own hands, you must follow certain rules.

First of all, they relate to the choice of material. It must be natural, not electrified and not cause allergies. The fittings must be used very carefully. If the pillow is in the shape of an animal, you should not make eyes out of buttons or glue false doll eyes. This can be very dangerous because small parts They come off easily and a child can swallow or choke on them. It is best to limit yourself to embroidery. It's both beautiful and safe.

If the craftswoman has enough free time, it’s worth surprising your loved ones with new bright and stylish accessories for home

How to make a pattern for a pillow?

If the question arises of how to sew a decorative pillow, then first you need to make a pattern. Firstly, it is convenient and also allows you to avoid mistakes, and secondly, you can make several exact copies of pillows that will perfectly match in size. This is important, since unevenness is sometimes very noticeable and can ruin the overall effect of the presence of pillows.

It is best to make a pattern for a decorative pillow with your own hands and immediately draw up a drawing for the pillowcase

It is best to make a pattern for a decorative pillow with your own hands and immediately draw up a drawing for the pillowcase. This will make it more convenient to work and make calculations, because the pillowcase should be several centimeters larger than the pillow itself.

Overlock is used to make a decorative pillow with your own hands

As for how to sew a decorative pillow with your own hands, it is worth noting that you don’t need any special education, no sophisticated equipment. Of course, it is much easier to work when you have a sewing machine and overlocker at home, but in their absence, all the work can be done manually, although it will take much longer.

Sewing machine for making decorative pillows with your own hands

When drawing up a pattern, you need to determine the desired size of the pillow, make a square or rectangle on paper, and then add 1.5 cm to it for the seam. The pattern for a decorative pillow is transferred to double fabric, everything is stitched up to a certain point, and then turned inside out. It is important not to forget that the product will need to be filled with padding polyester. To do this you will need to leave a small opening. Through it, the pillow blank will be turned inside out, and then filled with synthetic filler. This opening is then carefully sewn together on the front side.

Next, you can start making the pillowcase. For it, you also need to make your own pattern based on the first one, but plus 2-3 cm. It is also unnecessary to forget that the pillowcase must have a special hole. If zippers or buttons are not used here, you need to leave a longer strip of fabric on one side; in the future, it will need to be folded inward so that it holds the pillow and prevents it from falling out of the pillowcase.

On a note! Professional seamstresses use special seams when making bed linen, including pillowcases.

They make the products more durable, but this is not necessary for a decorative pillow. If possible, you can overlock the seams or simply sew them by hand.

Pillow Shape

It is not at all necessary to make a decorative product correct form. The most popular are rectangles and squares, but the pillow can be oval, round, or in the shape of a letter and an animal.

The most popular are rectangles and squares, but the pillow can be oval, round, or in the shape of a letter and an animal.

For each type, you must first take care of drawing up a pattern. For complex shapes, you can find options in special editions, and simple, ordinary decorative pillows can be easily made with your own hands and according to your own drawings.

It is important to immediately think through not only the shape, but also the option for decorating the pillow. This is of great importance, otherwise the product will not look harmonious. The dimensions of the pillow also need to be selected carefully. For the living room, you should not use large pillows so that they do not clutter the room. But for a nursery, you can sew a large flat pillow on which the baby will be comfortable to play, and parents will not worry that their child will freeze.

How to decorate a decorative pillow?

You need to approach the decoration of pillowcases responsibly. Even in cases where it is undesirable to use small fittings, you can decorate a decorative pillow with your own hands in a very original way so that it becomes a real highlight of the room. To do this, you can use traditional satin stitch or cross stitch embroidery, as well as decoration with ribbons and yarn. Needlewomen use lace, sequins, appliques, folds, puffs and much more to work on decorative pillows. The most patient can create entire embroidered pictures and use even small beads in their creation.

You need to approach the decoration of pillowcases responsibly

One of the most interesting and low-cost versions is to create a pillowcase from puffs. This is stitching the surface of the fabric in a certain order, which gives the product a certain volume. The work is performed according to a strictly defined form and in a clear order. This allows you to get a very interesting drawing.

Pillows made from puffs look very original, but you need to take into account that such a pillowcase will take much more time than the standard version. This must be remembered when distributing the fabric. The technique of creating puffs allows you to create various designs. These pillows look best in classic interior or when decorating a room in a shabby chic style.

Embroidered paintings will make a decorative pillow not just a home decoration, but a work of art that will not leave guests indifferent

Ribbon embroidery will be no less interesting. Needlewomen know how to create real masterpieces from this simple material. Embroidered paintings will make a decorative pillow not just a home decoration, but a work of art that will not leave guests indifferent. Working with tapes does not present any difficulties. Therefore, this option is well suited even for beginner craftswomen. It is better to work according to a pre-prepared scheme. Suitable option can be downloaded on the World Wide Web.

Advice! Another simple one, but interesting option decorations are appliqués for decorative pillows.

They are well suited for both the living room and the children's room, the main thing is to choose the right motif. The easiest option would be applications in the form of emoticons or circles. Stripes in the form of letters and animals also look interesting. IN classic style Flowers and artsy patterns will look best.

An interesting decoration option is appliqués for decorative pillows.

If the master is familiar with several design techniques, you can combine them. This will allow you to create the most interesting options.

Shabby chic

This style needs to be given special attention, since this is where decorative pillows will be most relevant. Puffs in all styles are ideal for shabby chic. possible options. Embroidery and lace are also welcome here. Lace pillowcases are very easy to sew and look great when combined with other options.

Puffs in all possible options are ideal for shabby chic

The sizes of pillows for shabby chic style can be different. You can make several small products and a couple of large ones, and there is no need to forget about cushion covers for stools, which will perfectly complement the sophisticated design. Buttons, braid and bright hues- These are integral parts of decorative pillows in a romantic style.

Products for children's

In a child's room, pillows can also be toys. They are very easy to make if you choose the right materials and pattern. Animals and birds are best suited for decorating a children's room. Owls, cats and dogs are very popular among needlewomen. But it is quite possible that the child will give preference to other animals.

In a child's room, pillows can also be toys.

Pillows in the shape of numbers and letters will help your child learn reading and math from an early age. They are comfortable and look beautiful. The main rule is to maintain proportions and work according to a pre-designed scheme.

DIY decorative pillows will be a great option for decorating a room and adding originality to it, without spending a lot of money.

DIY decorative pillows will be a great option for decorating a room and adding originality to it, without spending a lot of money. If the craftswoman has enough free time, it’s worth surprising your loved ones with new bright and stylish home accessories.

Pillows in the shape of numbers and letters will help your child learn reading and math from an early age.

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To diversify the interior of the living room, it is not at all necessary to rearrange the furniture or change the wallpaper. Original and unusual pillows that you can easily sew with your own hands will help add some flair to your relaxation area. How to do this is very simple, show a little imagination, and they will also help you bright fabrics and shreds.

The shape of the pillow can be very different - from simple rectangular to stylish and unusual hearts or animal figures. Take a fairly dense material for it - satin, brocade, fleece, you can sew fur pillows or products from patches. Color range choose at your discretion, but the fabric should be in harmony with the overall interior of the sofa and room. “Cool” fabrics, such as satin or silk, are good for summer. The pillow should be stuffed with padding polyester or padding polyester, you can also use foam rubber or fibertek. These fillers hold their shape well after washing, give the product fluffiness and softness, and are hypoallergenic. Do not stuff with feathers or cotton wool, they will quickly become crumpled, lose their shape and can cause allergic reactions. The pillow can be decorated with various elements. For example, do embroidery on the finished product or sew on a figurine cut out of fabric. Suitable for decorating zippers, bows, buttons, beads, lace.

To sew a simple rectangular pillow for a sofa, you will need:
  • Thick plain fabric for the pillow itself;
  • Bright and original fabric for a pillowcase;
  • Decorative elements;
  • Threads matching the tone;
  • Filler;
  • Needle, pins, scissors, thread;
  • Sewing machine.

Decide on the size of the pillow. The optimal size for a sofa is a square of 40x40 cm.

Fold the plain fabric in half, right side inward. Mark a square on the fabric required size, plus 2 cm on each side are left for allowances. We cut out a square with sharp scissors and pin it around the perimeter, or you can baste the pieces with a loose seam. We sew the base of the pillow on a machine, leaving a small space for stuffing, turn it inside out and stuff it with filling. The hole through which we stuffed the pillow can be sewn up by hand, or you can sew in a zipper - this makes it more convenient to replace the filling and wash the pillow. The main part of the product is ready. Now let's start sewing a bright pillowcase or pillow cover. The cutting principle is the same - cut out 2 squares, 3 cm larger than the base. You can make a cover with a zipper, or you can cut out the back part 20 cm longer and fold it according to the principle of a regular pillowcase. We sweep the cut parts by hand and sew them on a machine. We sew a zipper into one of the sides. Turn the finished pillowcase inside out and put it on the pillow. A stylish DIY sofa pillow is ready.

Decorate the pillow with a ribbon or lace edging, sewing it around the perimeter. Or sew any other interesting elements onto the case. Also, after a little practice, sew a pillow of an interesting shape - round, oval, heart-shaped.