home · Installation · Yellow spots on the toilet, what to do. How to quickly remove rust from a toilet? Alkaline and acidic cleaners

Yellow spots on the toilet, what to do. How to quickly remove rust from a toilet? Alkaline and acidic cleaners

In the case of cleaning the toilet, all means will be chemical, since rust must be destroyed. chemical reaction. The only difference will be that some will be special for cleaning plumbing equipment, while others will be for home use. We will consider the tools and their application in detail below.

Purchased funds

Ready purchased funds There are liquid and powder. The cost of the product in this case does not play a role, since it depends more on the quality of the plumbing and how badly rust has affected it. Read more about how to choose a quality toilet -.


The best liquid rust removers are:
  • Silit– contains oxalic acid, which is very effective in fighting rust. It will cope perfectly with fresh rust, but it may not take off old rust in one go. Repeated use will be required.
  • Domestos– contains sodium hypochloride. Dissolves both rust and urinary stone. Quite convenient and safe. It’s easy to use: apply to stains, wash off after half an hour. If used regularly, the rust will come off easily. It may not work on severe rust stains.
  • White– liquid bleach solution. Many people associate the smell of the product with a clean bathroom, but rusty stains great harm does not apply. Weak stains may lighten, but heavy rust requires something stronger.
Interestingly, manufacturers do not recommend using both by different means. In some cases they write that sharing neutralizes the active substances and they stop working. Other sources report that such a mixture of products can lead to corrosion of enamel, etc. bad consequences. In any case, it is impossible to predict what chemical reaction the substances will undergo and what will happen. Therefore, it is better not to take risks.

Powdery (abrasive)

This is Pemolux and others intended for plumbing. They are more suitable as a preventative measure to prevent the formation of rust, and also in cases where the water in your area is not too hard.

Easy to use:

  • Apply to stains.
  • Rub and leave for ten minutes.
  • Rinse off.

Flaw: permanent use will give a large number of microcracks, which over time will give the same rusty coating.

Abrasive sponge

Another relatively new one, but effective remedy for cleaning rust - abrasive cleaning sponge “Cinderella”. Consists of foam plastic, a modern abrasive (but soft) material. Simply rub the rust stains with this sponge eraser and then rinse with water. The effect is visible immediately.

Folk remedies

Sometimes housewives fundamentally do not trust cleaning products from the store, but use their own proven recipes:
  • Lemon acid. Dissolve several sachets in hot water. Apply to stains, preferably overnight. Wash off in the morning.
  • Oxalic acid. It can be found in a chemical store or in a chemical laboratory. Use the same as lemon. Gloves are required when using acids.
  • Battery electrolyte- Sold in stores for car enthusiasts. It's inexpensive. Use in the same way as a regular liquid acid product. Apply to stains, wait half an hour and rinse.
  • A mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Mix one spoon of both substances and apply to the rust.
  • Toothpaste with whitening effect. The product is unusual and not too strong, so it only works in cases of light stains. Apply to stains overnight.
  • “Soda” – like Sprite or Cola. They are especially effective when used with citric acid. You need one hundred grams of acid, and a two-liter bottle of drink. Pour in lemon and pour soda powder on top. Mix everything, close the lid. Pour in and leave overnight.
  • Acetic acid. The higher the concentration, the better the reaction. Pour a full bottle into the toilet and leave overnight.
  • Rust neutralizer. You can buy it at a hardware store. Naturally, it is not intended for toilets, but it works no worse. Contains hydrochloric acid.
You can clean the toilet from plaque using Coca-Cola and citric acid, which you can verify by watching the video below:

How to clean rust from a toilet tank?

In addition to the fact that rusty stains form on the toilet itself, the same fate befalls cistern. Poor quality water inside the tank makes it difficult for the drain fittings to work. The drain button begins to jam and water flows worse. How to clean the tank so as to remove the rust and not destroy the rubber in the valve?

The simplest remedy is cleaning tablets and powders that are poured into the tank. Designed for water purification. Placed in the cistern, coloring the water soft color, give a pleasant fresh smell. Must neutralize water from rust. For severe contamination, such products are ineffective. In this case, you can simply take any ready-made liquid cleaner for cleaning plumbing (for example, Sanox) and use it according to the following instructions:

  • Pour the product into the tank (preferably overnight). If the rust is small, an amount equal to one cap of the product is sufficient. This can be done preventatively. If inside the tank there is very severe rust, then the dosage of the drug should be increased. It is possible to use a full bottle of product for the tank. It will dissolve everything. Ideal for plastic tanks, but for marble and other expensive enamels it can be disastrous.
  • In the morning, just drain the water.

If the cistern is leaking, take care to fix the leak. Otherwise, all cleaning actions will be ineffective. Also, let the water out of the tank so that the thin stream doesn't wash away the product you'll be using.

When cleaning your toilet, consider the following tips:
  • Majority store supplies, intended for cleaning plumbing fixtures, are made in such a way that they are convenient to apply to the surface. In the case of households, there are no such devices. In this case, you should either take a bottle of used household chemicals with a dispenser or put it on a regular bottle spray cap.
  • The product you will use to clean the toilet can be applied to toilet paper(for example, vinegar), generously soaking several pieces with it. Place these pieces in places that will be cleaned (can be over the entire surface, including under the rim). After you have left the product on for the required amount of time, you just need to remove the toilet paper and rinse off the product with water.
  • Before you start cleaning the toilet from rust, you should remove the water from the drain. You can do this using a small plastic cup. Use a glass to simply scoop out all (or almost all) the water. This is done to ensure that the product you use is not too diluted.
  • How long should I apply it? Here the validity period is established “experimentally”. With regular cleansing procedures, half an hour may be enough; in particularly advanced cases, it will take 8-10 hours. It is better to do this at night or before the whole family leaves home (so that the product is not quickly washed off due to the need to visit the toilet).
  • All chemicals(both traditional and store-bought) must be applied while wearing rubber gloves. And if the products are in powder form, then a respirator will not hurt. It is best to keep children and pets (who often like to drink toilet water) out of the house during chemical treatments.
Care must be taken to ensure that the pipes through which water flows are not old or rusty. Then the water will not collect rust, settling on the plumbing. This problem can be solved by replacing old cast iron and steel pipes to new plastic ones. Learn more about how to install plastic pipes - .

Another problem is hard water, containing many different iron salts. The composition of water can only be influenced by a water treatment system. In these cases, special filters are used (more often this is done in private homes), and in apartments the water can be purified using tablets and powders.

Video: How to clean a toilet?

In the following video you can clearly see how effectively a toilet is washed from rust and plaque:

There are many ways to clean rust. Whatever you choose, the main thing is to use it regularly. Use different ways, experiment, then your plumbing fixtures will delight you with their cleanliness and whiteness for a long time.

A clean bathroom gives the impression of a neat and tidy housewife. Unfortunately, many are faced with the problem of rust appearing in the toilet, despite the fact that cleaning is carried out in a timely manner. Now you can find a lot household products How to clean a toilet from rust. The price of each drug is different, but there is no guarantee that an expensive drug will cope with such a problem. Therefore, many people use improvised means to remove rust. What to give preference to - you can decide after the review of the best rust removers proposed in this article.

Where does rust come from?

Rust stains occur as a result of prolonged contact of plumbing fixtures with water and higher level humidity. Over time, water destroys the material from which the pipes are made, because the water does not flow clean, but with impurities of iron and sand. As a result, marks appear on the toilet cistern. yellow spots, which spoil the presentable appearance of the bowl.

Important! The issue may be in the toilet tank, since its malfunction also plays a big role in the appearance of such traces. You should check the functionality of all plumbing fixtures in the bathroom to avoid such an unpleasant situation.

How to remove rust? — Review of popular chemistry

You can remove rust in the toilet using special chemical solutions and improvised means. The main thing is to take into account the material from which the bathroom is made, since many drugs have a harmful effect, and subsequently it is very difficult to deal with contamination.

Important! A bleaching agent, bleach, is often used, but in small quantities. Pour a little liquid onto the affected area, leave for a few minutes and clean with a sponge or brush. The method is certainly effective, but it should be used carefully.

Abrasive Cleaners

Such substances include “PemoLux” in powder form. They contain very effective elements that can easily remove any type of contaminant. Apply a small amount of the substance to a rag and gently rub the rusty stripes.

Important! The drug removes fresh rust from the toilet very well at home, but there are also disadvantages to using it. Since the substance is in powder form, small particles damage the toilet by scratching it. This means that the next time such a problem appears, the rust will accumulate in small scratches, and it will be much more difficult to remove it.

Alkaline Cleaners

Such drugs include Domestos. It contains sodium, which dissolves rust stains:

  1. The product is applied to the affected area and left for 20 minutes.
  2. Then it is washed off with water, leaving a snow-white surface.

Important! The advantage is that it does not require much effort when cleaning. Disadvantage - does not always cope with old stains. In general, this product is quite effective in removing rust from the toilet.

Acidic Cleaners

Such means include “Sillite”. They are used on the same principle as alkaline substances- Apply directly to the stain, then wash off with a stream of water.

This type of cleaning products is considered one of the most effective. But like everything, there are minor disadvantages. The composition of the drugs includes acid. Therefore, precautions should be taken when cleaning rust at home. Protective gloves must be worn.

Important! The product is not suitable for cleaning bathtubs. It is recommended to use it to clean porcelain and earthenware sinks and toilets.

Use of improvised means

Using improvised means to clean the toilet at home is quite effective option. Let's look at a few effective methods for rust control:

  • Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide are mixed in proportions of 1:9. Pour the solution inside the toilet, under the rim. Leave for a few hours, then rinse with water.
  • Vinegar - used in its pure heated form. To enhance the effect, you can add a spoonful of soda or salt.
  • Carbonated drinks - these include Cola and Sprite. The liquid is poured into the toilet and left for at least 2 hours. At the expiration of required quantity time, all impurities disappear.

Important! The cleaning procedure is best done at night, because the more the product is on the surface of the toilet, the better the result will be.

Folk remedies for removing rust from the toilet

For many years now, people have been removing rust from toilet bowls at home using the following generally accepted methods: folk remedies:

  1. Vinegar essence - dilute with a small amount of water and apply the solution to the rust stain. We wait about an hour, wash off the remaining dirt with water.
  2. Citric acid works great on any type of stain, including rust. Pour a packet of the substance under the rim of the toilet and spray a little vinegar. There will be a reaction - that’s how it should be. After some time, not a trace of dirt will remain.
  3. Oxalic acid is a very effective remedy that can remove rusty streaks in minutes. Apply it to a damp sponge and wipe the stains. Be sure to wear protective gloves.
  4. Electrolyte - acts on the principle of alkaline agents. Special effort There is no need to apply it, the drug will remove everything itself.
  5. Toothpaste - a small amount of anti-contamination agent, gently rubbed with a soft bristle brush or sponge. After some time, the spots will disappear. This method is very effective in removing fresh stains.

Important! When cleaning the bathroom with improvised means, close the toilet lid to enhance the effect.

Almost every home has at least once encountered a red stripe in the center of the toilet bowl, in the place where water flows from the cistern. Even those who regularly monitor hygienic condition toilet, are forced to look for ways to combat rust on the toilet. But accessible and effective ways this is quite a lot to do. You can learn how to clean a toilet from rust using folk remedies from this article. Nevertheless, removing rust only on the toilet bowl is a rather thankless task, since it will soon appear again. To consolidate the results longer, you need to learn how to clean the inside of a toilet tank.

  • Why does rust appear in the tank?
  • Methods for cleaning plumbing
  • Handy toilet cleaning products
  • Cleaning the tank from the inside
  • Prevention

Why does rust appear in the tank?

It's all water's fault. Almost everywhere it contains a lot of iron salts. If so, then the only option At least somehow correcting the situation is to add special tablets to the tank. Usually, they are blue or green in color, have a pleasant aroma, but most importantly, they prevent sediment from appearing on the walls of the toilet.

Old steel or cast iron pipes that are rusted can also cause rust to appear. IN modern technologies construction has long solved the problem of rust by choosing polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes. Thus, if it is possible to replace the old ones metal pipes, then it’s better to do it right away, otherwise you’ll have to look for another answer to the question: “how to clean rust from a toilet.”

Finally, if there is a problem in the tank itself, then a thin stream will constantly flow through the bowl. The rusty stripes will be along the edges of this stream. To deal with this, you need to adjust the float in the tank itself or replace it completely, if necessary.

In conclusion, I would like to note that rust does not “stick” well to smooth surfaces, which is why the most popular are porcelain and earthenware toilets with a glazed surface. If the toilet itself is already old, then the surface of the bowl has already become rough, which is why limescale, rust and urinary stone stick to it more easily. Maybe, the right decision It will turn out to change the plumbing completely. In addition to the fact that you won’t have to wash the toilet from rust, you will be able to get rid of the old one, which is long years no longer hygienic.

Methods for cleaning plumbing

The most simple option There will be the use of household chemicals, which are sold in almost any store. Today they are trying to produce complex products that can simultaneously get rid of both limescale and rust. Since most of them are made on the basis of acid or alkali, they are quite aggressive not only in relation to plumbing, but can also be hazardous to health if they come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes. Inhaling the vapors of such a product is also not recommended. When cleaning, do not neglect rubber gloves to protect the skin of your hands.

Under no circumstances should you mix two products with different compositions, as a harmful chemical reaction may begin, releasing, for example, chlorine.

There are many rust removers, but the most famous are Domestos, Sanfor, Sillit and many others.

Handy toilet cleaning products

The most common toilet cleaning products are organic acids such as acetic, citric and oxalic. If the latter is quite difficult to find, then the first two can be easily found in every home. You need to take a piece of an old rag, soak it in acid and place it on top of the stain. Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse off cold water. The toilet will be clean. If this does not help, we advise you to try again.

Instead of organic acid, you can use inorganic acid, for example, acid from an old battery. This is done in exactly the same way. Just be sure to use gloves!

Everyone talks about the dangers of carbonated drinks, but no one talks about their benefits. They do an excellent job of removing rust. limescale and scale. If used regularly, they also destroy body fat in sewer pipes.

Cleaning the toilet with folk remedies

You can try squeezing out some toothpaste and rubbing it on the rusty surface. This will not help get rid of an old rust stain, but with a fresh one, which formed after a long absence of the owners, it is quite possible.

Cleaning the tank from the inside

How to clean the toilet cistern - everyone must choose for themselves, because there are many ways to do this.

Method No. 1

To treat the surface of the toilet bowl, you can use any of the above products, depending on availability and preferences.

Method number 2

Any acid, organic or inorganic, carbonated drinks or specialized household chemicals that are sold in the store must be poured into a bowl (at least 500 ml), left for 2 hours, thoroughly cleaned with a brush or brush, and then rinsed with water twice.

If the toilet has been replaced, but the old tank remains, the likelihood that history will repeat itself is very high. It is necessary to thoroughly clean it from possible rust and other deposits.

Cleaning a Coca-Cola Toilet


There is a lot of information on how best to clean the surface of the toilet bowl, as well as the tank, from rust and other deposits. Not only articles and photographs can help, but also videos and various kinds of life hacks and master classes.

However, it is always necessary to monitor prevention, namely, after each use of the toilet, it is necessary to flush the water several times. True, this is not very economical and can significantly increase the readings on the meter at the end of the month, especially if several people live in the apartment.

Keeping the toilet clean

If you are not satisfied with high water consumption, you can use special tablets that protect the surface of the toilet from rust. In addition, it allows you to maintain a pleasant aroma in toilet room.

The best solution is to prevent rust from occurring. This will be facilitated by regular cleaning and plumbing.

Cleaning the toilet using special cleaning products

Cleaning the toilet from old rust and dirt

Using tank tablets in action

Cleaning toilet stains using special products

Cleaning a Coca-Cola Toilet

Cleaning with folk remedies

Keeping the toilet clean

Similar materials

You may end up with a nasty streak of rust in your toilet. This defect occurs as a result improper care behind the toilet or internal reasons. To get rid of it, you can use not only purchased products, but also improvised methods.

Removing rust using chemical means

There are three chemical options that can be used to remove rust from a toilet:

Abrasive Cleaners

These include the popular “Comet” remedy.


  • An abrasive agent must be applied to a rag or brush.
  • Wipe the area with rust thoroughly. You can clean a dry or wet surface. It is important that there is not a lot of water there.
You will have to try to rub off the stains, but the advantages include low cost abrasives.

Carefully! Such cleaning products, along with a layer of rust, can also erase the “enamel” of the toilet bowl, so it is important not to overdo it.

Alkaline products

You can highlight the popular Domestos.


  • Apply a small amount detergent to the area of ​​contamination.
  • Leave it for 20-25 minutes.
  • Rinse thoroughly.
This best option, since you don’t have to come into contact with “chemistry”. All the work is done by alkalis, which remove rust without causing damage to the material.

Alkaline products will not help only if the rust layer is too thick.

Acidic products

These include “Cillit” and “Toilet duckling” (a particularly effective black bottle).

  • Apply the product to the area of ​​contamination;
  • We wait about half an hour;
  • Thoroughly rinse off the cleaning agent.
As you can see, acidic products are used in the same way as abrasive ones. Be careful, since the acid is dangerous for the skin; perform all manipulations with protective gloves.

Main plus acid agents- This high efficiency fighting rust, in this parameter they are ahead of their other competitors.

We use improvised means

Some traditional methods have the same effectiveness as chemical products, without you having to go to the supermarket. Today, “chemistry” is quite expensive, so improvised means are great way save:
  • A solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia . Take 5 g of ammonia and mix it with 100 g of peroxide. Apply the resulting solution to the area with rust, leave the mixture for half an hour, then wipe the damaged area with a brush and wash off the mixture.
  • Electrolyte for batteries . If you suddenly have this solution lying around at home, you can use it to clean the toilet from rust. Apply the substance to the rusted area and wait 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and get a clean toilet.
  • Hydrochloric acid . To remove rust you will need approximately 20 g of the substance. Apply the acid to the stain and leave for 20 minutes. You need to wash off the product hot water(You shouldn’t take boiling water). In addition to gloves, it is recommended to use a respirator.
  • White . The method will work if all liquid is removed from the toilet bowl. Pour a bottle of bleach into the toilet and leave it overnight. In the morning, rinse off the product; most likely, all rust stains will disappear from the surface.
We decided not to include in this list the method of removing rust using Coca-Cola, since the method is low in efficiency. The rest of the methods have been tested, so you can look in the pantry for suitable solutions and materials.

Video: Cleaning the toilet from rust and plaque

The video describes and demonstrates in detail methods for getting rid of rust. After watching the video, you can clearly see how chemicals and traditional methods work.

Another experienced housewife will share her secrets:

What causes rust to appear in a toilet?

The brown stripe can most often be seen in CIS houses. And all because non-galvanized steel pipes are installed in our homes. The water entering the house contains many substances that negatively affect the walls of the pipeline. However main reason the appearance of rust is a large amount of iron in the water.

Other factors also influence the rapid appearance of rust:

  • There is always water in the toilet bowl - in this case, it is recommended to solve the problem with the tank from which liquid is flowing.
  • Rough surface of the toilet. Harmful elements, once on the surface, are practically not washed off, which provokes the appearance of yellow stripes.

Helpful advice! To avoid spending a lot of time cleaning the toilet, you need to prevent rust from forming. thick layer. Clean it once every 2 weeks or more often, and then your plumbing will be in good condition. appearance. Also, don't forget about.

The cleaning procedure goes quickly if the toilet is not in bad condition. It is effective to use special tablets that prevent the appearance of rust spots. It is worth working on the tank if water is constantly flowing from it. You will not only get rid of rust, but also protect the material from future formations.

Pipes used in bulk water transportation are made of non-galvanized steel. In the last 10 years, they began to be produced from polyethylene, but there is no escape from the first option. Exposure to sand and other foreign substances destroys inner surface pipes, and the water drives the microparticles further. With prolonged contact of the toilet with running water, these substances are deposited and eat into the enamel. In a neglected state, it is difficult to remove rusty growths, but we have put together a golden collection of effective methods for you.

Acidic Cleaners

Before using the acid composition, you must wear high rubber gloves, wide safety glasses and a disposable respirator. Also, after treating the toilet, you should not be in the toilet room; proceed according to the following procedure: apply the composition, close the toilet lid, wait the required period of time, return and flush.

During the action of acids on rust, complex connections, destroying enamel. Therefore, carefully read the instructions on the back of the bottle; the manufacturer indicates the maximum allowable exposure time.

  • "Chistin Sanitarny" (Stupinsky Chemical Plant);
  • “Domestos 100%” (pink, green);
  • “Toilet duckling Anti-rust”;
  • "Triumph";
  • "Stork Sanox Ultra";
  • “Comet 7 days of toilet cleanliness”;
  • “Faberlic Clean toilet”;
  • "Mole";
  • "Sarma Gel for sanitary ware."

The technology for using the composition is quite simple: apply a generous layer of the product to the area of ​​rust or under the entire surface of the rim, wait 20-30 minutes ( exact time indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging). After this, flush and clean the toilet with a brush.

Hydrogen peroxide and gelatin

Do not confuse peroxide with hydrogen peroxide; they have completely different concentrations. Mix 100 ml. drug with 300 ml. filtered water, add 70 g. gelatin, wait 15 minutes. At the end of the period, put on gloves, scoop up the mixture with a sponge and apply it to the place where the rust has formed. Leave it for 7-10 hours; during this time you cannot use the toilet. Also make sure that no water flows from the tank. At the end of the period, flush the water and thoroughly rub the inside surface of the toilet with a brush. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Oxalic acid and ammonia

The product perfectly removes rusty deposits on both enameled and earthenware toilets. Purchase a solution of oxalic acid at a household chemicals store; the concentration should be at least 5-9%. Apply the composition to pure form on the inner surface, carefully treating the rust. Rub with a hard toothbrush or technical brush, leave for a quarter of an hour.

After the expiration date, apply pure ammonia to the treated area and wait 10 minutes. Clean the toilet with a brush while flushing the water. As with cleaning products, oxalic acid requires certain precautions. Be sure to wear gloves, goggles and a respirator (medical bandage).

Dishwasher gel

Use a clean composition, not diluted with water. Pour the product into a container with a spray bottle. After this, rub the rust area with ammonia and a brush, leave for 30 minutes, constantly renew the mixture as it drains. After the expiration date, take a brush and a bottle of gel for dishwashers, spray the product onto the rusty areas and rub thoroughly for 10-15 minutes. Rinse, redistribute the gel, leave for 5 hours.

"Coca Cola"

There are a ton of videos floating around on the Internet showing imported carbonated drinks easily coping with rust. The undeniable advantage of this method is that Coca-Cola can be poured directly into the toilet barrel, and not just treated in the main area.

To prepare a “vigorous” mixture, you need to dilute 100 grams. baking soda, 50 ml. table vinegar and 45 gr. citric acid in 400 ml. "Coca-Cola." Pour the mixture into a convenient container with a spout, close the lid and shake a little. Bring the bottle to the toilet, open the lid and immediately treat the rust. Prepare in advance for the composition to foam.

Do not use the toilet for 6 hours; it is advisable to carry out the procedure in the evening to be able to leave the product overnight. As for the barrel, fill it with 2 liters of Coca-Cola mixed with 120 g. citric acid, 45 ml. vinegar solution, 450 gr. baking soda. Leave for 4-6 hours, then brush.

Hydrochloric acid

To remove rust you will need a solution of hydrochloric acid concentration of 33% and above. Apply the mixture under the rim and on places where plaque has formed, immediately close the toilet lid and wait about half an hour. After this, drain the water, clean the surface with a brush and repeat the steps if the result is incomplete.

You can also use hydrochloric acid powder. In this case, the technology changes a little. Take 50 gr. composition and pour 30 ml into it. warm filtered water. Roll the gauze or bandage into 10 layers, scoop out the product and thoroughly rub the rust. Wait at least 1 hour and rinse off.

Be sure to protect the skin of your hands, eyes and Airways before working directly with acid. While applying the composition, hold your breath if you are not wearing a respirator. Do not breathe acid fumes. The product is suitable exclusively for emergency cases, because with frequent use it greatly destroys the enamel.

Car battery electrolyte

An excellent way to deal with rust in a quarter of an hour. The technology can only be used if sewer pipes, coming from the toilet, are not made of plastic. Take fluid from an old battery or buy it in the automotive department (costs about 100 rubles). Pour the mixture under the rim and onto the rust area, leave for 10 minutes, then rub well with a brush (then throw it away). When working with electrolyte, you must wear gloves and goggles.


To remove rust, you will need to purchase vinegar essence with a concentration of 70%. Do not confuse it with ordinary table vinegar (9%), it will not cope with stubborn plaque. Take 110 gr. powder for washing machines, pour 150 ml into it. vinegar essence, do not wait for the granules to dissolve. Immediately scoop the mixture onto a kitchen sponge and scrub the rust areas. Rub the surface well, rinse with water and repeat the manipulations. After five thorough treatments, reapply the composition and leave for 7 hours.

Chlorine-containing preparations

Close the riser and use a plunger to drain all the water from the toilet cavity. Pour 700 ml into it. bleach, leave for 4 hours. If there is no way to drain the water, or you do not know how to do this, pour white under the rim and onto the rust, wait 6 hours or more. At the end of the action, do not rush to wash it off; treat the rusty deposits with a brush or a hard sponge. As with other cleaning products, take precautions and avoid breathing chlorine fumes.

Soda and tartaric acid

The product you will prepare is an abrasive product. With frequent use, small particles will begin to wear away the enamel, causing the toilet to become unusable. Keep this in mind. To prepare a high-quality composition, take 45 g. tartaric acid and fill it with 85 ml. ammonia. After this, add enough soda so that the mixture does not turn out too dry.

When everything is ready, put on gloves and treat the rust area. medical alcohol or vodka. Scoop a large amount of the mixture onto a kitchen sponge and scrub the rust area well for 10-15 minutes. After this, drain the water and repeat the steps, leaving the composition for 5 hours.

You can get rid of rust forever; to do this, just use one of the proposed options. You should start by purchasing acidic cleaning products; give preference to products labeled “Anti-rust”. To prevent further growth, add a water softener tablet to the tank.

Video: how to clean a toilet from plaque and rust