home · On a note · How to wash a strong rust in the toilet. How to clean the toilet from rust or get rid of red plaque in a matter of minutes. Video: Cleaning the toilet from rust and plaque

How to wash a strong rust in the toilet. How to clean the toilet from rust or get rid of red plaque in a matter of minutes. Video: Cleaning the toilet from rust and plaque

The toilet in each apartment is a special place, the cleanliness and sterility of which testify to accuracy. However, rust spots are common even under conditions regular brushing toilet and bathroom. The question of rust removal and the choice of the most effective care products toilet room worries many housewives. So clean the toilet from rust?

Causes of rust

Water pipes

For the installation of plumbing systems, pipes made of non-galvanized steel are used. Although modern systems for transporting water are made of plastic, service life steel pipes it does not decrease.

Water dissolves the pipe material over time and carries away particles of the substance. The process of destruction of pipes is accelerated under the influence of sand, iron contained in the water. As a result, traces in the form of rust remain on the toilet and in the tank.

Prolonged contact of the surface of the toilet with water and a rough surface

For example, in the event of a tank breakage, water continuously flows into the toilet, leaving a rusty trail. D micropores accumulate a rust particle, forming.

When buying a toilet, it is better to choose products made of porcelain, since they have the most smooth surface. Sanitary ware belongs to porous structures, but the glazed model is not inferior to porcelain.

How to clean a rusty toilet?

First of all, it is necessary to soberly assess the degree of pollution. It is likely that it is easier to go and buy a new toilet and say goodbye to the old one. If replacing plumbing is not an option, you need to choose the most effective remedy to remove rust. For this, the means household chemicals And folk methods. So how to remove rust with your own hands?

Professional chemistry

Abrasive scouring powders to remove rust on the toilet bowl and wash the cistern

The principle of using the product is very simple: put on gloves, remove water from the toilet and pour the powder onto the surface. Then wipe the stained area with a cloth.

The disadvantage of powdered household chemicals is that cleaning takes a lot of effort and time, and the surface of the toilet bowl can be damaged, as a result, the structure will become rough, and rust will appear faster.

Alkaline and acid cleaners

Unlike powdered products, they have a liquid or gel-like consistency. The cost varies depending on the manufacturer and the volume of packaging.

To clean the toilet bowl from rusty deposits, it is necessary to remove the water, apply the product under the rim and on the surface, leave for thirty minutes (the duration of action is indicated on the package in the instructions), then rinse with water using a brush.

If the tank is leaking, turn off the water before cleaning the plumbing, otherwise the continuous flow will simply wash away the lye or acid. If after the first time it was not possible to completely eliminate the rust, the procedure can be repeated. required amount once.

Alkaline and acid cleaners do not harm the surface of the toilet bowl, do not deform the structure of glaze and faience, and have a disinfecting effect, destroying the vast majority of bacteria and microbes.

What to wash? Folk remedies

Oxalic acid and ammonia

For cleaning, you will need a five percent solution of oxalic acid. It must be applied under the rim and on the surface of the plumbing. Wait at least an hour, then wipe with a sponge dampened ammonia and then rinse with water.

ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

Prepare a mixture by combining one part ammonia and nine parts hydrogen peroxide. The cleaning mixture is applied to the surface of the plumbing and under the rim of the toilet bowl.

It is best to do this at night so that the cleansing effect lasts at least five hours. You can then rinse off the mixture with water.


To process one toilet, you will need a glass of vinegar (9%), heated to forty degrees. For a more effective result, you can add a few drops of iodine or a tablespoon of salt to the vinegar.

The mixture is poured under the rim and onto the contaminated surface, left for several hours, with strong rust, the cleaning mixture is left overnight. Then it is enough to wash off the vinegar with water. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

soda and vinegar

To do this, soda is poured onto the contaminated areas, left for half an hour. Then the toilet is cleaned with a brush and washed off with vinegar.

Coca-cola and other carbonated drinks

It turns out that such drinks can be useful, but not at all culinary. It is necessary to generously moisten a soft cloth in a drink and put it on the contaminated areas of plumbing. After thirty minutes, there will be no trace of stains.

Electrolyte (used in car batteries)

This method is best used only in the most extreme cases when all of the above methods proved to be ineffective.

Before you start cleaning, you need to take care of protection: put on clothes that you don’t mind ruining, glasses, gloves. Protect as much as possible Airways. The electrolyte should be poured carefully, avoiding splashing.

It is forbidden to use if plastic pipes are installed in the house.

If there is no time and opportunity to remove rust on your own, you can contact a cleaning company. Specialists use professional cleaning products that differ high efficiency and easily remove the most complex types plumbing pollution.

How to prevent rust

Of course, fight various types pollution is much easier at the stage of their formation, rather than waiting for years for a layer of rust to completely hide white surface toilet.

yellowness and bad smell in the toilet from urinary stone always annoying hostesses. 3 questions immediately arise: how to wash the toilet from rusty streaks and plaque to white, which contributes to pollution and what means are most effective.

Even though plumbing manufacturers produce the most durable products, this is by no means a guarantee that plaque or rust will not form on them. To combat them, urinary stones and other contaminants, there are a number of methods that are quite feasible in any home.

Causes of rust and plaque in the toilet

Most the best remedy from yellow plaque - prevention. Therefore, it is necessary to determine in advance what causes contribute to it and rust:

  • In most regions, the water is excessively saturated with iron and salts. For prevention in this case, only special tablets that prevent the formation of plaque will help. They are placed in a jar.
  • old rusty cast iron pipes. They are recommended to be changed to polypropylene or metal-plastic ones, otherwise you will never get rid of rusty streaks.
  • Unregulated cistern. In this case, most likely, it will be necessary to replace the drain system or rubber gasket (all this is sold in hardware stores) or adjust the float. Rust forms in an area where water constantly descends in a thin stream.
  • Surface roughness. Ordinary sanitary ware toilet bowls have the most porous structure, while porcelain and faience toilets have the smoothest structure. In addition, the surface becomes less smooth over time.

How to remove rust from the toilet?

Several ways to deal with rust:

  • The easiest option is to use ready-made chemicals. Alkalis and acids are used as a base. Their composition is aggressive, therefore it is recommended to wear rubber gloves during use. The most effective on the market are Domestos, Cif, Toilet Duck, Sanfor, Sanita Antirust and SANO Anti Kalk. If water constantly flows from the tank, the problem should be fixed. It has been noticed that gel-like products damage the surface of plumbing less, therefore they are more recommended.
  • organic acids. These include oxalic (in pure form hard to find), vinegar and lemon. To eliminate the problem, a piece of rag is abundantly moistened in one of these acids and applied to the rust area for 10 minutes. After the toilet is washed with clean water.
  • inorganic acids. They are components of electrolytes in batteries. The cleaning method is identical to the previous one.
  • Coca Cola, 7UP and Pepsi. Eliminate rust, urinary stone, limescale. A couple of bottles of one of the drinks are poured into the toilet for several hours, then flushed. Their use in cleaning also lies in the fact that when washed off, body fat on the pipe walls.
  • Toothpaste. Cleaning will require an unnecessary toothbrush. A few centimeters of paste are applied to it, after which the rusty surface is rubbed. It should be noted that this method is effective only for small deposits.

Getting rid of urinary stone

Urinary stone usually collects inside the bowl, where there is water. These salt deposits accumulate, forming a thick brown layer that reduces the diameter of the drain and emits an unpleasant odor over time.

You still need to fight him initial stage, since it will be very problematic to get rid of large clusters even with hard brushes. Here it is recommended to use chemicals with chlorine and other surfactants, as well as with inorganic or organic acids.

Vinegar with soda

You can fight urinary stone with the help of soda and vinegar. In this case, you can even use the usual table 9 percent. It is necessary to prepare a mixture of 1 tablespoon of soda to 1 cup of vinegar. It is heated to approximately 45 ° C and poured into the toilet at night. The urinary stone will soften and can be removed without any difficulty.

There are 2 more effective ways:

  • ½ cup of soda is poured into the toilet, vinegar is carefully poured. This mixture should evenly process the bowl and clean it with a brush after half an hour.
  • Use a glass of vinegar to treat the whole inner surface toilet bowl, after half an hour moisten a brush in it, which will then need to be sprinkled with a handful of soda. The procedure is repeated until the bowl is cleaned to white. Compared to the first method, this one is not suitable for everyone due to the sharp vinegar smell.

If you do without soda, then it is recommended to use vinegar essence with a concentration of 70%. Fill the bowl with it and leave for a couple of hours. You can enhance the effect with a solution of iodine, then the ratio of these two components should be 1:1. In all cases, it is necessary to pump out the water with a plunger in order to fill the void.

Other methods

Other common options include:

  • Use of citric acid. At night, it is required to fill the toilet with the contents of several bags, it is recommended to withstand 10-12 hours. Use of plumbing during this period is undesirable.
  • The action of electrolytes. They eliminate the urinary stone in a few minutes, but this method is highly not recommended in the case of sewer wiring from plastic pipes - they can be damaged. Therefore, electrolytes are poured only if the house has exclusively metal wiring and other methods of getting rid of the stone were in vain.

Finished chemicals:

  • Excellent fight against limescale and rust "Domestos Pink". This gel in a black bottle has only one drawback - a strong smell of chlorine.
  • "Cillit" has a curved spout, making it easy to use around the toilet rim. Contains hydrochloric acid, most effective with old urinary stone and limescale.
  • The same component is contained in the "Toilet Duck". The gel is poured into the water in the toilet, left for half an hour, drained and look at the changes. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

How to remove limescale?

Limescale is most often formed in places with high water hardness. To get rid of it, they extract water with a plunger, fill the bowl with washing gels, leave it for a couple of hours and clean it with a brush.

In more complex situations, cardinal methods are needed, which may require:

From limescale, the above method with the use of vinegar and soda or citric acid perfectly helps. Other methods include:

  • Application of whiteness. The algorithm is simple: first, water is pumped out, then a bottle of this chemical agent is poured at night, and washed off with warm water in the morning. If the effect is insufficient, these actions are repeated.
  • Removal with oxalic acid, but when working with it, it is recommended to follow all the precautions indicated in the instructions. It is allowed to work with this powder only in rubber gloves. It is applied to a damp cloth and then wiped with plaque formations. It will be necessary to leave for about an hour, and then the plumbing product must be thoroughly washed.
  • Coca Cola. The bowl is poured with it, left for several hours, and then the plaque is removed with a brush.
  • Iodine monochloride can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy. They are poured with pollution and washed off after a couple of minutes. It is not recommended if the house has cast-iron or aluminum pipes.

Preventive methods

It takes a long time to fight plaque, urinary stone and rust, so it is better to use prophylactic agents. It will not be possible to completely prevent formations, but it is possible to minimize them.

This will require:

  • fix problems in the tank;
  • if necessary, replace the failed parts;
  • rinse thoroughly;
  • buy pills for tanks. It is important to consider that one tablet lasts about a month, flavoring the water and giving it a bluish color;
  • clean the toilet regularly.

As the saying goes folk wisdom, the owner of the apartment is judged by the cleanliness of the kitchen utensils and the bathroom. If cleaning is carried out regularly, then the latter will not cause discomfort to guests and residents of the apartment. However, how to remove rust from the toilet if the cleaning was not carried out for a long time(months, maybe years)?

People often encounter similar situations when purchasing housing on the secondary market, when moving into a hostel or a communal apartment. Besides rust, big problems create deposits of limescale and urinary stone in the toilet bowl. How to deal with all this? And is it even worth cleaning up? Would it be easier to spend money on a new toilet? The reader will find answers to all these questions in this article.

Types of pollution of the toilet bowl

The most common types of pollution are limescale in the toilet, as well as urinary stone and streaks of rust. There are other types of pollution. But they are usually artificial.

For example, potassium permanganate stains that are almost impossible to remove (especially if the enamel on the surface is missing or damaged). It will not be superfluous to give more detailed description and a description of each of the listed contaminants.

urinary stone

Represents a raid minerals, which are excreted from the human body with urine. Imperceptibly to the naked eye, these substances are deposited on the surface of the toilet with each visit. If you do not periodically clean, then over time, these deposits become noticeable. The plaque has a dark yellow (in some cases gray) color. Removing this type of contaminant is not an easy task. To do this, you need a special one for the toilet.

These substances are most intensively deposited on a rough surface. Thus, most often deposits form on surfaces with damaged enamel. The appearance of such growths occurs on a smooth enameled surface. This happens if the toilet is often not flushed after a visit. Most often, this problem occurs in public restrooms. In some cases, the situation is so neglected that no toilet cleaner can help. When the thickness of the deposits reaches a certain critical minimum, they begin to exude an extremely unpleasant odor, which is greatly enhanced by the breeding and multiplying bacteria.


This type pollution is in many respects similar (first of all, by the nature and principle of formation) to urinary stone. After all, this is also a plaque of minerals. The difference lies in the fact that these substances are contained in tap water and settle on the inner surface of the toilet bowl when the tank is drained. It is quite clear that the worse the quality of the water in the water supply, the more intensive the growth of deposits will be. Also, the frequency of draining the tank also affects the rate of stone formation.

Limescale in the toilet bowl has a dark yellow, in some cases even orange color. The build-up occurs and grows in areas of the toilet bowl that are difficult to reach for cleaning products, through which water flows when draining. With very low quality tap water stone can clog drain holes. In such advanced cases, even very active and potent powders and gels for cleaning the toilet are powerless. Holes can be punched mechanically. But this measure is temporary. It is best to change the toilet with a tank.

Rust streaks

Rust is very difficult, almost impossible to confuse with stone deposits. Formed in the place where water flows out of the tank. Moreover, the less often the toilet bowl is flushed, the more likely it is that rust stains will form. This is due to the fact that standing water is saturated with dissolved iron oxide (in fact, this is rust), which settles on the surface of the tank when flushed. There are a lot of toilet rust removers on the market. But not all of them are effective. This article focuses on the means and methods of dealing with rust on the surface of the toilet, as the most common problem.

How to remove rust from the toilet with folk remedies?

Previously, in the years of the Soviet past, not to mention tsarist times, the choice of household chemicals was very poor. People resorted to improvised means. And it should be noted that sometimes these methods turned out to be very effective in combating pollution. different nature. It would be fundamentally wrong to reject the experience of previous generations. In addition to being cheap and readily available, folk remedies have another important advantage - manufacturability. What is meant by this? First of all, the ability to work without fear of damaging the plastic pipeline. But in most houses at the present time (during construction or overhaul) water and sewer pipes made of polyvinyl chloride are installed.

by the most known means is, of course, citric acid. How to remove rust from the toilet with this powder? Everything is very simple. All you need is 100-150 grams of citric acid, protective gloves and a hard-bristled brush (a ruff will do).

All water is scooped out of the toilet bowl, problem surfaces are sprinkled with citric acid. It will take at least four hours for the acid to react with the dirt and soften the stones. Next, clean the surface with a sponge or brush. After that, the remnants of citric acid and dirt are washed off with water. This procedure must be repeated several times to achieve maximum effect. Here, in general, and all.

The surface cleaning process will be greatly accelerated if citric acid is mixed with vinegar. More precisely, if vinegar is applied to a layer of acid powder with a sprayer. Many people recommend using just vinegar. This method is also quite effective.

In general, the most possible different combinations: vinegar plus soda, baking soda with the addition of soda ash in various proportions, and even Coca-Cola and other drinks that include orthophosphoric acid.

Cleaning with Domestos for the toilet bowl and other household chemicals

Classic detergent disinfectant in the countries of the former Soviet Union is the so-called whiteness. It has a very pungent odor and is quite effective not only in cleaning clothes from stains, but also in washing the bathroom. It is necessary to apply whiteness to the contaminated surface with a sprayer and wait only 15-20 minutes. During this time, plaque and rust should lag behind the surface, after which the dirt is washed off with water. It is a rather caustic substance. When working, do not allow it to get into the eyes and on bare skin. Therefore, gloves must be worn.

"Domestos" for the toilet (and another special chemistry) works in a similar way. However, it is, as a rule, much more expensive than ordinary whiteness. The difference in cost is compensated by a pleasant aroma and the absence of irritation of the nasal mucosa.

Using harsh chemicals to clean the toilet

This method is resorted to only in special cases, when neither conventional chemistry nor folk remedies help. All work should be carried out with extreme caution. After all, you can not only damage enamelled surface but also harm your own health.

To clean heavily soiled surfaces of the toilet, you can use hydrochloric, phosphoric, and oxalic acid. Of course, all work must be carried out with precautions and using individual means protection.

Acid should not come into contact with rubber products and plastic, as parts made of these materials will instantly become unusable.

Using electrolyte from batteries as a detergent and cleaning agent

acids ordinary person it is quite difficult to get it without having acquaintances in chemical laboratories and research institutes. In here battery electrolyte can be obtained easily. It should be said that this is a very effective tool in the fight against rust streaks and stone deposits.

How to remove rust from the toilet using electrolyte? Yes, very easy! It is necessary to very carefully apply the substance in an even layer on the surface of the toilet bowl and leave for no more than 10 minutes. After that, you have to work a little with a brush or brush - and you're done! It remains only to wash off the reaction products with water. Toilet like new!

The electrolyte is dangerous substances. Skin contact and eye contact should be avoided. The consequences can be very severe.

Help from professionals

If there is no desire or necessary experience, then you can contact a specialized cleaning agency. Such organizations in Lately became very much. Specialists are ready to come to the customer's house at any time convenient for him and carry out cleaning. These employees have a large arsenal at their disposal. detergents allowing you to easily cope even with years of dirt and deposits. The only drawback of such a solution to the problem is the rather high price tag for the services of such agencies.

A bathroom in any home should always be kept clean and tidy. Next, we will learn in detail how to clean old spots limescale and rust in the toilet, bathtub and cistern.

If you carefully use plumbing, it will last a long time. It is also important to keep toilets, tubs, showers, etc. out of the way. clean. Even though it's not easy. The presence of various components in tap water contribute to the formation of unsightly limescale, rust, which cannot be removed by simple washing. They don't always work out powder products with such pollution. Let's explore everything possible methods combat this problem.

How and how to remove rust and limescale from the toilet: tips

If the toilet does not yet have old raids and rust, then the usual simple cleaning measures can save the situation. It is possible to wash all the components of the bathroom with a brush and any toilet cleaner, even prepared on your own at home. It will be enough just to take such a tool and apply it to the surface of the toilet bowl inside, just first remove the water from it. Give it a little time to work, then rub it with a brush and rinse. You should like the result.

IMPORTANT: Chemical composition special cleaners for plumbing has harmful substances for the body. Use protective equipment to work with them. Be careful not to get gels or liquids on your skin.

Cleaners for removing rust from the toilet: a list with names, application

The root cause of the appearance of a urinary stone is always hard water. And when the barrel leaks, such deposits appear more often than usual. If rust spots are visible on the surface of the toilet, then the water contains a large number of iron - this happens through the fault of the old pipeline.

One of effective options to combat pollution - these are chemicals that are sold on the shelves of supermarkets, shops. Almost any of them will be suitable for solving the problem.

Cleaning the toilet from rust - products

To those funds can be counted:

  1. Gel Cillit Bang, Domestos, Comet
  2. Faberlic, Sanfor, Chistin, Stork
  3. toilet duck
  4. Sarma, Chistin and others.

The cleaning method is written on the product labels themselves. Many of them have an unpleasant odor that is harmful to health, so use a mask when working with them.

Rust neutralizer for cleaning the toilet: name, how to use?

With this rust converter, you can special efforts clean the bathroom from rust stains, plaque. Tsinkar you will find in the hardware store, construction supermarkets or on Internet portals. With it, you will cope with pollution in a few minutes. It will be enough to apply it, and after a while wash off the surface. If stains of dirt are deeply ingrained into the surface of the toilet bowl, bathroom, then leave the neutralizer for thirty minutes, and then use a brush to wipe off the plaque. Flush the toilet several times to remove any remaining dirt and products.

How to clean the toilet from rust with soda ash: a recipe

This product works great both in combination with other products, and separately. She can wash fresh stains of rust, urinary stone, if you rub the surface with a ruff.

Alternatively, you can do the following:

  1. Take soda and pour on pollution, leave for two hours
  2. Then pour in the vinegar.
  3. Take a brush, brush the surface and rinse.

soda ash- this alkali is much stronger than usual. You can use it without other additives.

Soda ash - bathroom rust removal, toilet bowl

How to get rid of rust in the toilet bowl at home, with improvised means?

If you do not have special cleaning products, then you can get by with other handy ones that are also quite effective. For home cleaning of plumbing, vinegar, soda, powder, whiteness, citric acid and even Coca-Cola are suitable.

Home methods for cleaning plumbing from rust
  • To take away yellow spots on plumbing, use nine percent vinegar. Just pour it on the surface where there is dirt overnight, rinse thoroughly in the morning cold water, ruff.
  • The same can be done and acetic acid , just do not hurt to close the toilet lid and keep the product on its surface for at least six hours. If you can’t get rid of the stains right away, then repeat the whole process a few more times.
  • Also, in order to have a good effect on the inner surface of the toilet, put toilet paper, impregnate it vinegar so that the stains are better eaten off.
  • Limescale can be washed off hot water with ammonia. More precisely, you must first apply alcohol, and then rinse everything with hot water.
  • Ordinary bleach also effective in the fight against rust, it must be applied for several hours on the surface, and then washed off.
  • Washing powder paired with soda copes well with old rust stains on toilets, bathrooms. It is only necessary to fill the surface with this composition, rub it with a sponge after a while, strongly stubborn stains are cleaned with this mixture with ammonia.
  • Vinegar mixed with iodine eats up plaque well. But first, the vinegar must be heated to forty-five degrees. Then add a little iodine, only after this process, pour the solution into the inside of the toilet bowl without water. Leave it overnight like this, wash it off in the morning.
  • Coca Cola works in the same way as vinegar with iodine. If the stains are deeply ingrained, then use the drink several times until you get the desired result.
  • Do the same with whiteness. To prevent the smell from spreading to all rooms, close the toilet with a lid.

If you use too often strong reagents(hydrochloric acid, iodine monochloride, dry oxalic acid), then your plumbing will become unusable. The surface of the bathroom, toilet bowl will get microcracks, then it will become rough - general form will deteriorate. Therefore, do not bring it to severe pollution, clean the plumbing more often with non-aggressive means, then it will last a long time and will have an attractive appearance.

Rust is formed as a result of oxidation metal alloys. The provoking factors are:

  1. Bad condition plumbing system. Pipes in residential buildings predominantly made of non-galvanized metals. In long-term operation, corrosion is inevitable as a result of continuous contact with water. During oxidation, iron particles mix with the liquid that enters the apartment and leaves unpleasant marks on plumbing.
  2. Large amounts of iron in tap water.
  3. The material for the manufacture of the toilet bowl - for the production of sanitary equipment, porcelain and faience are used. Last option it's cheap, but it doesn't make a difference high quality. The surface of such products does not tolerate mechanical damage and quickly becomes rough. Dirt particles settle in the irregularities that appear. Porcelain toilet bowls win in this regard.
  4. Tank leakage - constant contact with water present on the surface of plumbing leads to the appearance of brown marks.

Dirty water can cause toilet contamination

If you do not know how to clean the toilet from rust that has appeared at home, first eliminate the cause of its formation.

There are many options for how to remove rust from the toilet at home. But all of them give only a temporary effect. To completely solve the problem, you need to connect an alternative source of water supply, which is unrealistic for city apartments.

Cleaning should be done regularly so that a minimum amount of time is spent removing dirt.

Before cleaning the toilet, turn off the water supply

All remedies for rust in the toilet can be divided into folk, store and preventive. For maximum results, it is desirable to use all.

If you have no idea how to remove rust from the toilet at home, first try unconventional methods. One of them is whiteness, which is enough to pour inside. It gives good results and kills germs, but spreads an unpleasant smell.

The most popular option is electrolyte. However, you need to work with it carefully. Handling with this substance may be harmful plastic pipes. Even if nothing happened the first time, constant use possible serious problems. Hydrochloric, acetic and oxalic acids easily cope with rusty spots. They should be handled with care. The first two substances must be poured onto the stain and left for fifteen minutes, then rinsed with water. Apply oxalic acid to a sponge and clean the problem area.

Another option is to mix ammonia and then treat the contaminated area. After half an hour, clean off the rust with a brush. The original method of dealing with brown spots is the use of soda. Such drinks perfectly corrode the dirt. Pour Sprite or Coke into the toilet, leave overnight, and clean in the morning.

Pour cola down the toilet

A light coating of rust will help eliminate the usual toothpaste. This method is considered expensive, but if you need to quickly fix the toilet bowl in the proper form, and there is no cleaning agent, it is quite suitable. Squeeze the paste onto the stains and scrub thoroughly with a brush. The product acts as a mild abrasive, so plumbing becomes cleaner and the room is filled with a fresh scent.

Household chemicals

Modern manufacturers offer a lot various means that can remove rust stains that have appeared on plumbing fixtures. The specific choice depends only on your personal preferences.

These are dry cleaners that are affordable and available on the market in a wide range. They contain substances that eliminate stains, but you will have to make an effort to remove them. Sprinkle with powder right places, wait a while, and then rub the dirty surface thoroughly. However, the result is not always positive. Much depends on the medium itself. The most popular are Pentalux, Pemolux, Comet. The label of each contains the composition and instructions for use. There are powders with chlorine, and there are softer ones with soda. For example, Comet can easily cope with a slight brown coating.

When using abrasive substances, remember that they leave damage on the surface of the toilet bowl, and its integrity is violated. These irregularities are quickly clogged with dirt particles, causing rust to reappear.

Cleaner Comet

The effectiveness of abrasives depends on the material of manufacture of the toilet bowl. If the surface is perfectly smooth, dirt quickly disappears, but there is a risk of damaging it with dry powders. Abrasives will not help eliminate old stains, it is better to use liquid preparations for them.

Such tools are more suitable for eliminating known plaque. But they can also be used to eliminate rust marks. Active substances dissolve them within fifteen minutes - it is enough to apply the composition to the problem area. If heavily soiled, re-application may be required. After alkaline compounds, the toilet will shine with cleanliness: they perfectly remove stains and destroy germs. But all this applies only to minor pollution. With old traces alkaline agents coping is not the way. In addition, they exude a strong odor. The reason for this is the presence of chlorine or soda in the composition.

Toilet bowl cleaner

Acid remedies

If most of covered with stubborn dirt, drastic measures will be required, that is, the use of acid cleaners. They contain an acid that easily and quickly dissolves rust stains. It is enough to pour the right places, wait a bit and rinse with water. Such compounds are highly effective, but at the same time they are unsafe for humans. when working, be sure to wear gloves and a mask so as not to inhale caustic fumes. The time during which acid agents begin to act, for each of them individually. Usually there is a corresponding mark on the label.


To never wonder how to wash the rust in the toilet at home, you need preventive measures. First of all, check the health of the tank. Constantly leaking water is one of the reasons for the appearance of brown marks. Another way is to regularly use cistern tablets. They save you the hassle of cleaning rust regularly. These products contain substances that neutralize the action of salts in the water and reduce the rate of plaque formation.

If you do not want to spend time and effort cleaning plumbing fixtures, you can invite professionals who know well how to clean the toilet from rust stains. If the plumbing is very old, the only right decision will be the purchase of a new product.