home · electrical safety · How to clean a kettle from heavy scale. Removing limescale from a kettle using home remedies. What to do with old plaque

How to clean a kettle from heavy scale. Removing limescale from a kettle using home remedies. What to do with old plaque


Health 02/05/2017

Dear readers, every housewife always monitors cleanliness in her kitchen. There is always enough to worry about here. Today we will discuss important point, which cannot be missed - we will clean our teapots. How often do we open the lid and look and see what’s going on there? And even if you have wonderful filters installed and use purified water, these problems still arise from time to time.

I propose to talk about how to safely, effectively and quickly descale a kettle at home using products that are found in every home. To begin with, I propose to discuss why we all need to pay special attention to this.

Why you need to get rid of scale

I am sure that when we see plaque on our dishes, each of us understands that it is not good and tries to get rid of it. It is not always possible to get the desired result the first time. Yes and purchased funds, which are used to combat scale, can harm our health no less than the scale itself. Therefore, today we will consider safe ways cleaning the kettle, which are also inexpensive.

What is scale and why is it harmful? Most of us use running water to make tea or coffee, which can be hard due to the concentration of salts in it. When water is heated, salts decompose into carbon dioxide and sediment, which does not dissolve but is deposited on the walls of the dish. Over time, a decent layer of plaque forms.

If the dishes are not cleaned on time, it will take longer to heat the water in them. The reason for this is plaque. It settles on the material from which the dishes are made, and due to this, its thermal conductivity is lost.

Plaque in the kettle consists of salts, insoluble metals and harmful impurities. If they enter the body regularly over many years, a person may develop gout, osteochondrosis, and stones in the urinary system. In a word, all this affects our health.

How often should we clean our kettles?

It is enough to carry out such cleaning once a month. The simplest citric acid will help us prevent the appearance of plaque. To do this, once a month is enough (if the water is of medium hardness and once every two weeks if hard water) Boil a kettle completely filled with water with a tablespoon of citric acid.

How to descale a kettle quickly and effectively

There are many ways to clean a kettle from deposits at home. But are they effective? Today we will look at several of them, we will figure out which ones are suitable for electric kettles and which ones are suitable for ordinary ones. What are the pros and cons of each method?

Cleaning the kettle with citric acid

Fits for simple and electric kettles made of stainless steel or glass
It is forbidden
pros: an effective and economical way.
Minuses: Citric acid can only be used when you need to clean a small amount of scale.

How to descale a kettle citric acid? To do this, fill the kettle 2/3 full. cold water and add citric acid at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Boil water with citric acid and wait until it cools. This may take about 2 hours. Pour out the cooled water. If the plaque is not old and has not yet become embedded in the surface, it will disappear on its own. Otherwise, you need to make more efforts - rub the places where plaque remains with a soft sponge, and, if necessary, repeat the procedure.

After the kettle shines clean again, fill it with water, boil it and pour it out, then wash it thoroughly. I myself do this procedure usually 2-3 times. Now you can fill it with fresh water, boil it and brew your favorite drink.

Be careful. Do not pour citric acid into hot water, as a reaction may occur (the acid will begin to hiss and foam).

How to descale a kettle using lemon?

Fits for simple and electric kettles made of stainless steel or glass.
It is forbidden use for metal, enamel teapots.
pros: removes plaque of any degree, has a gentle effect on the surface of the dishes.
Minuses: only if you feel sorry for lemon for such a procedure.

How to descale a kettle using lemon? Cut the lemon into small slices and place in a kettle, fill it 2/3 with water and put on fire. When the water boils, you can reduce the heat and “boil” the lemon for half an hour, let it brew until it cools completely. Then the water is drained and the remaining scale is removed with a soft sponge. In my opinion, one of the most enjoyable ways to clean a kettle.

Cleaning the kettle with vinegar

Fits for metal teapots.
It is forbidden use for electric kettles.
pros: effective and simple way.
Minuses: unpleasant odor; to remove old scale, the procedure will need to be carried out several times.

How to descale a kettle using vinegar? Fill it with water, as in the previous case, to 2/3, and table vinegar at the rate of 0.5 cups per liter of water. You can replace vinegar with vinegar essence. You need to take less of it, at a rate of 3 teaspoons per liter of water. Boil water, let it sit for an hour and drain it.

Old plaque will not come off on its own, so be prepared to rub some areas with a soft sponge. After the dishes are cleaned, fill them with clean water and boil it. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

When boiling water with vinegar, you may encounter an unpleasant odor. Therefore, if you decide to use this method, make sure that the room is well ventilated.

Soda for cleaning the kettle

Fits for regular, enameled and electric kettles.
pros: safe, affordable, very cheap way, with which you can get rid of old scale.
Minuses: can lead to scratches on the surface; in order to get rid of stubborn scale, you will need to carry out the procedure several times.

How to remove scale from a kettle using soda? Fill half a kettle of water, add a tablespoon of soda, and put on fire. When the water boils, reduce the heat and let the water simmer for 20-30 minutes. Turn off the kettle and wait until the water has cooled, then drain it and wash the inside of the kettle well.

Clean the kettle with vinegar and soda

Fits for metal and enamel teapots.
It is forbidden used for electric kettles.
pros: accessibility, simplicity and efficiency.>
Minuses: unpleasant smell.

How to descale a kettle with vinegar and soda? Fill the kettle 2/3 with water, add soda at the rate of 1 tablespoon per liter of water. Bring it to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes. Pour out the boiled water and add new water, but now add 0.5 cups of vinegar to it per liter of water, and bring to a boil again and boil for half an hour.

After draining the water, go over the areas where plaque remains with a soft sponge, if necessary. Then rinse the dishes well.

Vinegar, soda and citric acid

Fits for all types of kettles, except electric ones.
pros: gets rid of old, stubborn plaque.
Minuses: time consuming, unpleasant odor.

If the kettle is not electric, then, in my opinion, this is the most effective method fight against scale. But it is better not to run the kettle to such an extent that you have to resort to it. In order to clean the kettle, you will need to boil water in it three times for 30 minutes. The first time - with a tablespoon of soda, the second time - with a tablespoon of citric acid, the third time - with half a glass of vinegar. For each case, water should fill the container 2/3 full.

Using soda, citric acid and vinegar can remove scale of any degree. If she remained in in large numbers on the walls of the dishes, you need to rub this place with a soft sponge. But it is better to avoid using hard metal brushes so as not to damage the surface of the dishes.

How to descale a kettle using Coca-Cola, Fanta or Sprite?

Fits for all types of kettles, except electric ones. Caution must also be taken when cleaning enamel models. The fact is that most drinks contain dyes that can penetrate into the surface of the dishes and ruin them.
pros: an effective, affordable method.
Minuses: not suitable for all teapots; dyes may stick to the surface of the dishes.

I think that no one will be surprised by the fact that the drinks that children and adults love to drink are used to clean dishes from scale. I'll deviate a little from the topic, but have you thought about what is contained in these drinks, if they are able to clean plaque, which is not always possible to get rid of with the help of substances with an aggressive composition? I hope that most of us wise people. They don’t buy these drinks, much less give them to children.

They contain citric acid, so these drinks can be used to get rid of plaque.

How to descale a kettle with Coca-Cola, Fanta or Sprite? To do this, fill the kettle halfway with one of the listed drinks and put it on the fire. Wait until the liquid boils, turn off the kettle and set it aside for 20 minutes, then pour out the contents and rinse it with water.

Apple or potato peelings

Fits for enameled and metal, electric kettles.
pros: availability.
Minuses: does not help get rid of old plaque.

How to remove solid deposits of salts in a kettle using apple or potato peelings and is this possible? Apple and potato peels contain acids that can be used to clean dishes from plaque. True, in the case of old scale this method will be ineffective.

If you notice traces of plaque that have just begun to appear on the dishes, place washed apple or potato peelings and fill them with water. Boil water and leave it in the bowl for 2 hours. Drain the cooled water and discard the cleaning material. If necessary, wipe the inside of the dishes with a soft sponge and rinse well.

Cucumber pickle and tomato

Fits for all types of teapots.
pros: available remedy.
Minuses: unpleasant odor after heating the brine.

It turns out that there are people who use our pickle to remove scale from the kettle. To be honest, I would never use this method myself. But some may like it for its accessibility and waste-free nature. Well, we all react differently to smells.

You need to use a brine that contains citric acid or vinegar, so remember the canning recipe, and if you purchased the preserved food in a store, look at the label. Acid and vinegar do an excellent job of removing plaque and rust that appears from iron salts.

How to get rid of scale in a kettle? Fill the dish halfway with brine, bring it to a boil, wait until it cools, and drain. Clean the dishes with a soft sponge and wash well.

And now I suggest watching a video on how to descale a kettle at home.

I don't like chemicals, so I use natural products whenever possible. Of all the above methods for descaling, I most often use lemon or citric acid and soda. I chose them for myself because they are always at hand, remove plaque well and are safe for health.

Chemical descaling agents

Despite the safety and availability natural remedies, it is impossible to ignore the chemical ones, which housewives quite often use. And it's worth noting that they are also very effective.

Among the most effective and affordable chemicals we can highlight “Cinderella” and “Antinakipin”. Their use is not much different from the natural remedies discussed earlier. They also need to be added to water according to the instructions, boiled, allowed to cool and rinsed well.

How to prevent scale formation

In order for making tea or coffee to bring only pleasure, and not thoughts about how to clean the kettle of scale, let's figure out how to prevent its occurrence. This can be done if you follow some recommendations:

  • Avoid using tap water, or at least use water that has settled. Running water is very hard. If possible, install a filter that will soften it. It's good if you use spring or melt water(or buy bottled);
  • Pour into the kettle as much water as you need for one time. There is no need to re-boil the water, replace it with fresh water;
  • Rinse dishes every time after or before boiling water. This will allow you to get rid of plaque as it appears.

Now we know how to clean a kettle from scale and prevent its appearance. I am sure that each of you will choose for yourself the appropriate way to combat plaque, which not only spoils the appearance of your favorite dishes, but can also harm our body.

Dear readers, what methods do you use to remove scale? I would be glad if you share this in the comments.

Anre Rieu - King of the Waltz

Lime in the kettle– a very common problem for housewives who use this practical device.

Whether it’s an electric kettle or a regular appliance, scale will appear in the kettle anyway.

If you are also worried about limescale in your kettle and you don’t know what to do, take note of the tips on how to descale your kettle using effective ways, how to remove scale from a kettle using home remedies, as well as how to descale an electric kettle.

In this article we will tell you how to descale a kettle quickly and easily.

To understand how to clean a kettle from plaque and scale, you should know that scale on the walls of the kettle occurs due to the layering of various kinds of salts and metals that are included in chemical composition water.

If scale has formed in the kettle after just a few boiling times, then your water is not of the best quality.

In addition, a layer of scale prevents the water from heating quickly, which means more time and electricity are wasted.

It will be more difficult to clear the scale in the kettle if you wait until there is a thick crust of plaque on the walls. Try to remove sediment systematically.

If scale appears in an electric kettle, be prepared for the fact that the disk or heating coil may deteriorate.

Particles of boiling salts and metals flake off and end up in the water you drink, which, of course, is not very pleasant.

When you don’t have time to descale your kettle using home methods, buy it at the store. special chemicals for cleaning the kettle. They will effectively remove plaque and scale from the kettle.

To prevent scale from appearing in the kettle, try to wash the kettle almost every day with a sponge and water. This way the plaque will not have time to harden on the walls of your kettle.

Scale forms in the kettle not only over time, but also due to poor water quality. Therefore, if possible, take filtered water.

When right amount boiled water has been used, do not forget about the remaining water that we usually forget in the kettle.

It turns out that if you leave water for some time, scale in the kettle is guaranteed.

Homemade ways to descale a kettle

Many housewives only welcome home methods of cleaning the kettle. We have collected the most common tips on how to clean a kettle from scale and deposits using home methods.

How to remove scale from a kettle with citric acid

Citric acid can descale your kettle. Make a solution of 1 liter of water and 10 grams of citric acid.

When this kettle cleaner is almost boiling, turn the kettle off to prevent any foaming water from coming over the top.

After the contents of the kettle have cooled, pour it out and remove any remaining scale with a sponge or brush, washing the kettle again with water.

It happens that the first time citric acid cannot cope with all the scale in the kettle. Repeat the procedure again.

How to descale a kettle with vinegar

To descale a kettle using vinegar, add two-thirds water and one-third 9 percent acetic acid to the kettle.

The prepared liquid must be boiled and left for 2 - 3 hours. After performing this cleaning, rinse the kettle with water to remove any remaining scale.

Another thing worth knowing when using vinegar to clean your kettle. To remove the smell after cleaning, let the kettle boil again, but this time with clean water.

Old scale in a kettle can be removed using baking soda.

Baking soda is a universal cleaner for cleaning any dishes. The kettle can also be cleaned using this method.

Even for a neglected kettle, where there is already a thick crust of plaque, a solution of ordinary soda and water (2 tablespoons/1 liter) is suitable, which should be boiled before further cleaning with vinegar or a solution of citric acid. Soda promotes an active chemical reaction for better removal scale

Non-standard ways to descale a kettle

The above methods will tell you how to descale a kettle using the usual means.

And here an unusual means for cleaning an electric kettle. You will be surprised, but an electric kettle is very effective against scale Coca-Cola can clean well.

Citric and phosphoric acids contained in this drink will help remove scale from an electric kettle.

Many housewives talk about caring for the kettle using brine and also offer clean the kettle using potato peelings.

We hope our rules and tips on how to descale a kettle will be useful to you in the kitchen, and scale in a kettle will never be a problem for you again.

Scale always appears on the inner walls of the kettle, regardless of whether it is electric, metal, or coated with special enamel. Even if you use special filters for water, or use only purified water, scale still appears with inside teapot. Its presence reduces the quality of the water that boils in it.

If we are talking about an electrical device, then it accumulates directly on the heating element, which leads to rapid breakdown of the equipment. If the container is made of metal, not only scale, but also rust will get into the water.

Today most of The kettles used are powered by electricity, so it is important to know how to remove scale from an electric kettle.

Water is one of the most necessary for a person products, we cannot live without it for even a week, but it can also contain many harmful substances and harmful organisms. To combat the latter, people began to boil water long ago, but this process does not remove salts and other impurities. And the water that comes from the tap contains a lot of such substances, and the more of them, the more “hard” the liquid will be.

Excess salts are harmful to the body, so the fact that they remain on the walls and/or heating element can be beneficial for a person, but over time they become too much. To prevent scale from forming in an electric kettle, you can use filters, but they cannot completely eliminate the salt content in the water.

Negative consequences of scale in a kettle:

  • breaking;
  • water pollution;
  • harm to the body, in particular to the organs of the urinary system.

That is why it is important to know how to descale an electric kettle and not neglect its cleanliness.


Certain measures allow, if not completely eliminate, the formation of scale on the surface heating element, then at least significantly reduce the rate of formation. There are several simple prevention methods:

  • wash the kettle daily; thin deposits can be easily removed using an ordinary sponge, but thick deposits will have to be removed with difficulty;
  • use filtered water, you can also buy pre-purified water;
  • merge excess water after each boil, leave the kettle empty overnight;
  • notice the need for cleaning in time; the thicker the layer, the more effort you will have to put into cleaning it.

You can simplify maintenance already at the purchase stage by choosing an electric kettle in which the heating coil is closed from contact with water, or a disc is used for heating.

Remove scale from an electric kettle using home remedies

Scale is susceptible to various substances, and the practice of cleaning electric kettles involves both the use of special means and folk recipes. Active substances allow you to dissolve and remove scale, some of them are quite affordable and are even sold in ordinary grocery stores. These include:

  • vinegar;
  • lemon acid;
  • soda.

You can remove scale different ways, and the most harmful to technology will be mechanical. You should not try to remove plaque using hard and sharp tools, as this will further damage the device. Damage to the housing or heating element will be irreversible, and after damage occurs, all that remains is to get rid of your electric kettle. You shouldn't resort to mechanical method, when the layer has become very thick, it is only allowed Preliminary processing hard (but not metal) inner surface with a washcloth.

Citric acid

Of the acceptable means for descaling an electric kettle, citric acid is one of the mildest. When preparing the composition for processing, it is necessary to dissolve 10 grams of citric acid in a liter of water. It is sold in regular grocery stores, usually in 25 gram packages.

To make the calculations simpler, it will be enough to pour the contents of one sachet into one full kettle. Once the prepared solution is in the electric kettle, you need to turn it on.

You should not leave the device unattended; as soon as the liquid is brought to a boil, it must be turned off, otherwise the boiling water will begin to foam and splash out over the top.

After completing this simple procedure, the hot solution should be left inside for 15 minutes. This time will be enough for the acid to dissolve the scale or reduce its thickness.

After the procedure, the solution is poured out, it cannot be used for other purposes, and the kettle itself is washed so that the remnants of the active substances do not get into the tea or coffee in the future. If the layer was too thick, the descaling procedure using citric acid can be repeated.

Under the influence of citric acid, scale is converted into a loose sediment gray, in addition, the liquid will contain small pieces of lime in the form of plates. As alternative option You can use not the powder in the store, but the lemons themselves.

For effective processing, it will be enough to place 1-2 lemons inside the device, cutting them into circles. The effectiveness of this method is no less high; at the same time, a strong lemon aroma will burst into the room along with the steam.


The second way to remove scale from an electric kettle involves using vinegar; it is popularly called the “grandmother’s” method, if only because it has been used for a very long time.

Initially, vinegar was used against scale on copper kettles, but for modern electric kettles it can be quite sufficient. The procedure requires a regular 10% solution, which is found in every kitchen.

Mode of application:

  1. The electric kettle is filled two-thirds with water, and the last third should be filled with vinegar.
  2. The resulting mixture must be boiled, and then leave the device and wait until it cools down. During this time, the scale layer should dissolve or decrease significantly.
  3. After the procedure, you need to either repeat it or thoroughly rinse the kettle several times. hot water so that no vinegar remains on its walls, which can spoil the taste of any drink.

Acetic acid is an effective reagent for removing scale; due to the chemical reaction it enters into with salts, the latter are decomposed into simple substances. For a regular electric kettle with a volume of one and a half to two liters, you will need two glasses of vinegar. This method also has significant disadvantage- smell.

After the procedure, a persistent vinegar aroma will reign in the kitchen, which no one will find pleasant, so you should take care of ventilation in advance.


If you need to remove very serious stains, the effect of acetic acid can be supplemented with soda. First, a concentrated soda solution is boiled in an electric kettle, and then we immediately fill the equipment with vinegar and water (1:2) in such a volume that the active liquid completely covers the heating element. The result will be a very stormy chemical reaction, accompanied by release carbon dioxide. Bubbles will begin to form, which will destroy thick layers of scale.

The method of descaling an electric kettle with soda, in fact, is not independent; it is used so that particles of soda, when boiling water, eat into the plaque, so that then, by reacting violently with acid, provide mechanical removal on the surface of the heating element through the release of carbon dioxide bubbles. For one liter of water, two tablespoons of soda will be enough.

Other methods

In addition to the three “kitchen” substances, you can use other, rather unusual methods for cleaning:

  • Brine. The brine left over from pickled cucumbers or tomatoes can also be used for this purpose, because it contains citric acid. By boiling an electric kettle with brine, you can also successfully clean it of plaque; the procedure is exactly the same - pour in the brine, boil, wait until it cools down, pour out, and wash the container. Cucumber pickle also able to remove rust.
  • Soda. Quite an unexpected way to descale teapots. Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, and other similar drinks also help deal with scale, since they contain orthophosphoric acid, which can cope with even a fairly thick layer of scale. There is no need to boil water at all; you just need to leave the electric kettle with soda for a few hours. It is important to use only high-quality drinks, as they contain stable dyes that do not remain on the walls. If the kettle is white, then the drink used should not have dye, otherwise the dye will still have to be removed.
  • Oxalic acid. This substance is not so often found on the farm, but it is no less effective than the above-mentioned means. If she is not in pure form, you can use a fresh bunch of freshly cut sorrel. The method of washing the electric kettle is standard, however, if you use a fresh plant, you need to wait longer due to the reduced acid concentration.

How to remove scale from an electric kettle using household chemicals

Naturally, you can use not only folk remedies, but also special household chemicals. Manufacturers various compositions for everyday use, they could not ignore the problem of scale formation in an electric kettle, so on the chemical market you can always find several products suitable for this purpose. They can be in the form of liquid, powder and tablets.

The manufacturer, of course, can supplement them with his own instructions, but on average, the method of using chemicals comes down to boiling water for 40 minutes in which a given dose of the product is dissolved.

The compositions may contain different kinds acids (sulfamic, adipic), including those that can be found in your own kitchen.

As a rule, after the first use of special products, the sediment will begin to flake off and fall off in pieces from the inner surface. However, it is important to wash the inner container as thoroughly as possible, and the more active the substance, the more times the washing must be repeated.

This should not be neglected if citric and acetic acid are used in Food Industry, then other acids can harm the body.

The use of strong chemicals is resorted to only if the contamination in the kettle is too great, and the layer of scale is so thick that it cannot be removed by standard methods.

Sometimes the owner of the device makes a choice in their favor because he wants to achieve the maximum quick effect, however, if the layer of scale has increased over the years, and the kettle is still functioning and there is no desire to throw it away, even Anti-scale and other similar products will not cope with it on the first try.

In addition, cleaning substances are unnecessary harm to your health. It is much better to remember this problem in time and use “light” types of acids that can be found in the kitchen than to later poison the air in the room with chemicals.

You can prevent scale from appearing even if you simply regularly wash the inside of the kettle with a relatively soft washcloth and regular dishwashing detergent.

But if the kettle still turns out to be dirty, chemistry will be the most effective solution; only powerful active substances can quickly deal with an old and thick layer of plaque.

An electric kettle has long become an indispensable item in the kitchen. But over time, scale forms in it, which occurs regardless of the quality of the equipment, frequency of use, and other objective factors. Plaque disrupts the operation of the device and causes the appearance of bad smell water. To avoid such negative phenomena, carry out regular cleaning household appliances using chemicals or home methods. How and with what to effectively descale an electric kettle at home?

To descale your electric kettle, follow these simple recommendations:

  • Warn all family members that the kettle is being cleaned and the water from it should not be drunk. If possible, carry out the procedure when no one is home.
  • To clean the device, pour water into it, add the active substance and boil. Unplug the kettle and rinse thoroughly.
  • Do not use abrasive powders or metal brushes for cleaning. They may damage the kettle.
  • Do not allow a large accumulation of scale - to do this, clean the electric kettle at least 1-2 times a month. For preventative purposes, use settled or filtered water.
  • To remove heavy stains, use several methods in combination.
  • When using household chemicals for cleaning, do not forget to wash the device thoroughly to harmful substances did not enter the body.

Citric acid and juice

To clean the kettle, prepare a solution based on 500 ml of water and 1 tbsp. l. citric acid. Pour the resulting mixture into the device and boil. After turning off the kettle, leave it for 15-25 minutes to dissolve old dirt. After the allotted time, rinse the kettle with a soft sponge and clean water.

In a similar way, you can clean the device using lemon. Add a few slices of fresh citrus to a kettle of water, boil it and wash it. This method will not only get rid of scale, but also give a refreshing lemon aroma.

Baking soda

Baking soda will help you get rid of scale effectively. Pour 1 liter of water into the electric kettle and add 3-4 tbsp. l. soda. Bring the solution to a boil, let it cool slightly, and then rinse the device with clean water.

To get rid of old dirt, boil a kettle with soda, then pour out the solution and pour in vinegar. The reaction of alkali and acid will speed up the process of destruction of scale and help quickly get rid of it.

Vinegar and essence

To clean an electric kettle at home, pour water (1.5-2 l) into it and add 100 ml of 6% vinegar or 1-2 tbsp. l. essences. Turn on the kettle, wait for it to boil and leave it for 3-4 hours (overnight if there is a lot of scale). During this time, the vinegar will dissolve the plaque. Then pour out the vinegar solution and rinse the kettle thoroughly with clean running water. The disadvantage of this method is the unpleasant smell of vinegar, which can be removed by prolonged ventilation.


It may seem strange to you, but scale can be overcome with carbonated drinks. It is important that the lemonade is colorless, otherwise some elements of the device will become colored.

To descale, shake the soda and pour 1 liter into the kettle. Bring the lemonade to a boil and leave to cool completely. The scale will completely dissolve and be removed due to the orthophosphoric acid contained in the drink. If the stains are not severe, simply pour the soda into the kettle and leave for several hours (without boiling), and then rinse with a soft sponge and clean water.

Oxalic acid

Oxalic acid can also cope with scale. Pour a small amount into the kettle and fill with water. Boil the solution and leave it for a few minutes, then remove any remaining scale with a soft sponge. You can also use fresh sorrel for cleaning, but due to the low acid concentration in it, you will need to repeat the procedure.

Household chemicals

Household chemicals will help get rid of scale in an electric kettle. The range of products will allow you to choose the most suitable option, which will effectively remove plaque. The most popular products are Antiscale, Antiscale, Major Domus.

Before use, carefully read the instructions and perform all actions strictly following the dosage and recommendations. After processing the kettle household chemicals rinse it well, and to remove chemical residues, boil clean water in it at least 3-4 times.

Over time, the spiral of the electric kettle and its entire inner surface covered with a hard coating. It interferes with the full operation of the device and gives the water a not very pleasant taste. Therefore, you should not wait until the deposits begin to fall off and eventually end up in your cup of tea. It is better to find out in advance how to descale the appliance. Moreover, regular prevention of education limescale is always more effective than fighting an existing problem.

Folk remedies for fighting scale

Since scale easily dissolves in an acidic environment, citric or lemon juice is most often used to remove it. acetic acid. Sometimes baking soda, lemon, or even potato and apple peelings are used.

The main methods for descaling an electric kettle:

  • Pour water inside and add half a glass of vinegar. Boil the solution and let it cool naturally. It is advisable to leave it for two hours or even overnight. Pour out the vinegar and water and rinse thoroughly electrical appliance flowing water.
  • Instead of vinegar, you can use citric acid at the rate of 1 tablespoon per one and a half liters of water. Bring the solution to a boil and leave for 20-25 minutes. After cooling completely, wash the surfaces with a soft dish sponge.
  • Baking soda will also help clean. To do this, add 5 teaspoons of soda to a liter of water and boil the solution.
  • If you don’t have any of the above in your home, you can descale an electrical appliance using lemon. Just add a few peeled pieces to the water and bring it to a boil.
  • Some housewives use washed potato or apple peelings to remove scale. Only in this case you will have to boil the kettle several times, since this product is not as strong as acids.
  • Since cucumber or tomato brine contains vinegar, you can use them to clean scale.
  • Finally, the last, the most modern way removal is based on the use of sweet, colorless soda. Buy a bottle of this water, shake it thoroughly to remove the gas, and pour it into the electric kettle. In this case, it is enough to fill it halfway. Bring the water to a boil and let it cool. The acids contained in soda will clean the electrical appliance from scale. Just do not use cola, Fanta and other drinks with dyes, otherwise they will stain the inner walls, and you are unlikely to be able to wash them.

For the most stubborn hard deposits, it is better to use several methods at once. For example, first clean with citric acid and then with vinegar. Or vinegar and baking soda etc. Such combined products, if they do not clean it completely, will make the deposit loose, which will make it easy to wash it with a regular dish sponge.

Household chemicals to combat scale

Sold in stores special means to remove scale. Each of them is accompanied by detailed instructions. They will help clean the electric kettle much faster. However, after using them, it is necessary not only to rinse it well with water, but also to bring it to a boil several times and drain the clean water. Otherwise, acid residues may end up in tea or coffee.

Cleaning Rules

When using any descaling products, we recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • First of all, warn your family that you are cleaning an electrical appliance. For example, stick a note to it or rearrange it in inaccessible place. Better yet, do it when no one is home. Otherwise, someone will definitely pour themselves coffee with acid when they are asleep.
  • After using any product, rinse the kettle several times and boil it two or three times. plain water, each time draining it into the sink to get rid of all harmful substances.
  • You should not use abrasive products: metal sponges, dry powders, etc. They may remove plaque, but they will also ruin the electrical appliance.
  • Make sure that there is not too much deposits on the walls. Delete thick layer more difficult than a thin one, and with such a careless attitude, the equipment will fail ahead of schedule.
  • If possible, use only filtered water. IN last resort, get into the habit of standing it before use and disinfecting it with a piece of silicon. This way you will not only extend the life of your pet, but also take care of your own health.

Never neglect timely cleaning! Then he will definitely thank you with aromatic morning coffee or his favorite sweet tea for breakfast.