home · Tool · It's winter in winter and summer. Riddles about the refrigerator. Modern riddles about household appliances Riddle came to visit, what will I open first

It's winter in winter and summer. Riddles about the refrigerator. Modern riddles about household appliances Riddle came to visit, what will I open first

In the ancient Egyptian papyri, the riddle does not look like something new for humanity. The ability to make and solve riddles was valued in many cultures: ancient greek myths, Scandinavian, German, Russian fairy tales we meet heroes and heroines who found happiness and well-being by finding answers to complex riddles.

And today the riddle lives in culture, because it teaches children logical thinking, the ability to identify internal connections between phenomena, enriches their imaginative thinking. Riddles attract children's attention to natural phenomena such as snow, ice, rain, rainbows, etc. They help you get to know a variety of animals better - wolves, hare, elephants, giraffes, horses or dogs.

Children have been familiar with riddles since preschool years, but at the age of 10 and 16 this intellectual fun is still interesting to them. And adults also love difficult questions, riddles with a trick that train the mind and lift the spirits. Interesting, complex riddles with a trick are always included in quizzes, quests, and humorous competitions at various holidays.

True, today this folklore genre has changed, choosing more modern vocabulary and images. It is difficult to expect that modern children will be close to folklore “guessing games” about a rocker arm, a spindle or a plow, which they saw, at best, in a picture in a book.

For today's children, elephants, giraffes, and hippos are known more than a harrow or a loom. Therefore, the heroes of today's mysteries are animals and objects that are close to modern children. For example, riddles for children about a refrigerator with a trick and answers are included in many scenarios for children's games and holidays.

The main feature of a riddle as a genre is the need to describe a phenomenon or object allegorically, pointing out its main features, but without naming them directly. This develops in children the ability to highlight the main thing, find similarities and connections within various phenomena, and develop imagination and creativity.

Riddles seem to call on the child: look carefully at the object, think about the familiar as if it were new, describe what you see and understand. Children aged 6-7 years are taught to compose their own simple riddles, and at the age of 8–10 they willingly compete in their ability to find answers to them.

But it’s more interesting to make and guess about things that are familiar.

For today's children this:

  • Natural phenomena, changing seasons. Riddles about ice, stream, leaf fall, etc. just as before, they are understandable and interesting to children of different ages.
  • Animal world: kids love riddles about fish, birds, domestic and wild animals. But if in Russian folk mysteries there were only those who live in our country, then today's children equally know the wolf, hare, elephant, hippopotamus, fox or giraffe only from the zoo, videos or books. Therefore, you can meet them all in riddles.
  • Household appliances: TV, refrigerator, computer, telephone. Today, it is this home appliance that has replaced the old spinning wheels and rockers.
  • Toys, books, notebooks and other things that children use. For children over 10 years old, there are riddles for the development of logic, knowledge of geography, etc.

About the elephant and the refrigerator

Among the heroes of modern mysteries, the elephant stands out among the animals, and the refrigerator among the household appliances. The refrigerator is popular both because it is in every home and because it allows big game meanings and images.

It unites:

  1. Natural phenomena: ice, frost, cold;
  2. Life: storing food inside it;
  3. Fairy tale: remember how many characters from modern cartoons and fairy tales are associated with him? Santa Claus, warranty men, fixies and other characters have been inside the refrigerator.

Through them, adults can teach a child how to properly use a refrigerator, what it is for, and how to properly handle food.

The elephant, which in nature lives far from our country, has become a character as familiar to us as a bear and as close as a refrigerator. For children aged 5, 10, and 12, the elephant is a symbol of wisdom, good nature, strength and power. They have a good idea of ​​what an elephant looks like and how it differs from other animals or objects. Riddles about an elephant are not difficult for 10-year-old schoolchildren, unless they manage to look at it from a completely unexpected angle.

About a refrigerator magnet

Today the refrigerator can become with a real map family quest, where magnets indicate places where family members have visited or participated. Most families bring souvenir magnets from every trip or visit to an exhibition or museum. Friends and acquaintances also give magnets, sharing their impressions in other cities and countries.

There are magnets with different interesting pictures - cartoon characters, beautiful flowers, animals from cats to giraffes. Such a variety of images on magnets makes it possible to make them the hero of complex issues and the subject of play with children. For example, a child must find the answer to a riddle in a picture - a magnet, choosing the correct one from 10 different ones.

About the hippopotamus and the refrigerator

What do a hippopotamus and a refrigerator have in common? Even such a simple question can become complex riddle for a child 10 years old. The surprise of such a seemingly stupid comparison of the incomparable - home appliances and a hippopotamus that lives in Africa will not only amuse the child, but will also make him think, revealing common features, developing imagination and logic. Here possible options answers:

  1. There is food inside both.
  2. Both the refrigerator and the hippopotamus are large, etc.

About the giraffe

The giraffe does not live in our latitudes, but thanks to poems, cartoons and jokes, it has become a full-fledged hero of folklore. Children know what a giraffe looks like early childhood thanks to pictures in books about Aibolit, cartoons about the island of Chunga-Changa, “Madagascar”, etc.

And some of the children saw a giraffe in the zoo. So any kid, not to mention a 10-year-old schoolchild, knows perfectly well what a giraffe looks like and how it differs from other animals, which means they can guess about it.

Riddles for children from Grandma Shosho! check yourself

Another viral game has gripped Facebook: users are trying to guess the riddle about “breakfast with parents”, and if they fail, they change their profile photo. #Letters figured out what was going on and looked at how they reacted in their feeds to yet another popular pastime.

I'm sure you've already seen this post in your feed today:

"I changed my profile photo because I made a mistake with the answer to the riddle. Try it yourself... Answer only in a private message. If you are wrong, I choose any of your photos, and you set it as your profile photo for 24 hours. If you give the correct answer, I'm posting your name in the comments. And here's the riddle: It's 7 am. You're sleeping and suddenly there's a knock on the door. Outside the door are your parents, who came to have breakfast with you. In your refrigerator: Bread, milk (pasteurized!), juice and a jar of jam. Question: What will you open first?
Reply only in private message! Good luck".

This one is pretty old game originally from RuNet, 2007 last days received new life among users of the Ukrainian segment of Facebook.

Users rack their brains over the riddle and, not finding the correct answer, must put any photo on their avatar, chosen by the author of the post. As a rule, the avatar is chosen to be a photo that you would definitely not think of putting on your avatar if you were of sound mind and sober memory. This, in fact, is the excitement of the game.

However, not everyone received the game positively. User Anton Khodza believed that Facebook, for better or worse, began to gradually turn into Odnoklassniki. And I thought about online emigration.

Someone was frankly perplexed by the popularity of the flash mob.

Someone rephrased the riddle in their own way, making it even more interesting.

Some users suggested non-standard options answers and did not try to restrain themselves in emotions. Really, who would like to get up so early?

Experienced bloggers tried to play on two topics of the day at once in one joke.

Some users began to specifically write the correct answer.

But some don't.

User Vladimir Koval thanked the participants of the flameshob for keeping them informed.

If you don't want to know the correct answer, don't read any further in this post.

If you want to know the right answer, it's the eyes. If you're sleeping and your parents knock on your door and they've stopped by for breakfast, the first thing you'll do is open your eyes.

Every child loves to spend time with their parents. Therefore, an evening with riddles about the refrigerator and other household items will definitely interest the child and allow him to have a pleasant time. The most important thing is to choose logical questions that are suitable for the age category and interests of the boy or girl.

Why do children need riddles?

Problems to which you need to find answers are not only exciting and interesting. As well as riddles about the refrigerator and other objects, they will help your child develop:

  • logic;
  • speed of thinking;
  • ingenuity;
  • perseverance;
  • horizon.

It is important that riddles about the refrigerator for children are interesting, fun and unusual. Therefore, mothers, fathers, grandparents should prepare questions in advance.

Riddles about the refrigerator for the little ones

For example, you can take the following logical questions.

Guys and girls know this miracle of boxes.

It stores yoghurts, meat and liver.

Cold all year round gives,

Keeps food fresh.

Which box does the cold live in?

Which protects the freshness of all products?

He keeps the cold to himself,

Very necessary for products.

In some ways it looks like a closet,

But it's not for clothes,

For foods and seasonings.

It's cold in winter and summer,

It is usually white in color.

On the shelves are sausages, soups,

What is this, do you know?

What kind of closet is it that is cold?

It has a lot of different shelves.

There are products on them,

Hungry people rush to him.

As soon as the alarm clock rings,

To eat, you open...


You will definitely meet him in every house and apartment.

The cabinet that protects food is where frost lives all year round.

In our house all year round

Frost lives in one closet.

He is really needed in the apartment,

Keeps dinner fresh.

When guests come to us,

We go to him for a treat.

Stored in a frosty box

Ice cream and jam.

Which cupboard is the food stored in?

Such riddles about the refrigerator for children will definitely be solved even by the smallest. The most important thing is to ask questions with the correct intonation and be in good mood. Then the children will take part in the game with great pleasure, which helps them develop.

about the refrigerator

When choosing questions, be sure to take into account the age of the boys and girls who take part in the game. Schoolchildren are given complex questions about the refrigerator, the answers to which they will have to carefully consider. After all, children are more interested when they have to be smart and use logic. Riddles about the refrigerator for children school age may be as follows:

Frost always lives in this white closet.

An Eskimo could live peacefully in it.

It also keeps food fresh.

Tell the children what they call it.

There are fish in it, but it is not a lake.

There is also a chicken there, but it is not a chicken coop.

It also contains fruit, but it is not a tree.

There is also milk there, but this is not a farm.

What kind of place is this that can contain so many things?

Since it has become very hot in the summer,

You can open it.

You can find coolness in it

And, of course, you can see the ice.

Cold and frost live in it,

There's a whole cart of products on the shelves there.

Kids will definitely like these riddles about the refrigerator. different ages. The most important thing is for parents to ask questions with enthusiasm, then children will, without a doubt, enjoy participating in the developmental and at the same time game process.

In every apartment modern man there is a refrigerator. This “ice cabinet” makes our life so much easier. We have collected riddles about this “house with Santa Claus” on this page. Here you will find riddles about the refrigerator, simple and complex, funny and tricky, riddles are also suitable for quests. Guessing them will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults.

Feeds the house with an ice cabinet

Riddle about a refrigerator for children 6-7 years old with answers

In our kitchen all year round
Santa Claus lives in the closet.

Look what kind of house it is -
Even in summer it's cold there.

There is always frost and ice in it,
In summer, winter lives in it.

A shiny box has moved into houses,
Mistress Winter lives there.

Wardrobe – don’t look for things there
They hide cabbage soup in it from the heat.
It's cold. Inside light
The wardrobe is called

Feeds the house
Ice cabinet.

He's cold, cold inside.
It is opened by a hungry man.

Winter and summer - it's winter there
And delicious food freezes?

Here is a large cold cabinet.
It's as cold as winter.
And products are stored in it:
Meat, vegetables and fruits.
If you forgot to close the door,
It will get cold in the apartment.
Sounds like an alarm clock
About this...

What the white cabinet on legs,
In our kitchen "Aladdin"
Placed himself at the window,
Like an important gentleman?
And now it’s there all year round,
Forgetting about the thicket of the forest,
Grandfather Frost lives
Taking advantage of the fruits of progress.
This warehouse is a food storehouse,
What's the name? ...

There is a safe in the kitchen. In it, child,
I hide the cold from the North.
I'll put the following products in it:
Meat, fish, juices, fruits,
And I'll turn on the switch.
And my safe...

There is a white cabinet in the kitchen,
Winter lives inside
It keeps it cold all year round.
If you don't believe it, look.

He collects food
Takes care of them, saves them!
Freeze - freezer,
Who will cool it?..

How can this be?
Get ice without frost.
Without winter, so that there is cold,
I set the soup and forgot it.
It gives off plenty of cold.
Much needed...

The refrigerator serves not only to cool juices, water, ice cream, but also to extend the shelf life of products.

I have a big belly - there are sausages, cheese, compote in it

Riddles about the refrigerator for children 9-10 years old with answers

In the summer dad brought us
There is frost in the white box -
And now the frost is dry
We have both summer and winter
Protects products:
Meat, fish, fruit.

I have big belly.
It contains sausages, cheese, compote.
If you want to eat, don’t be shy,
Open your belly quickly!

The unit trembles,
There is a thaw and a cold in it,
He is very happy at work
If you turn it off, it will sit in a puddle.

The White House is filled with goodness
It contains different types of products.
There are no windows in that house
And the owner in it is frost.

Technical progress to us
Gave me a chest of miracles -
There are tons of products there,
Winter protects them.

There's a cold inside me
Ice and frost.
There could easily
Live an Eskimo life.
There's a cold inside me
But it's warm outside
It's like being in a closet
I brought winter.

This wonderful white cabinet
Not for dresses and coats.
And no one holds it in
Hat, mittens and scarf.

It's purring, not a cat,
It's cold and icy inside!
Where in the kitchen in the summer heat
How is it in the frosty winter?

The house is windowless and closed,
And it's cold inside.
If a cat sits next to you,
So the cat is hungry.

If you need to tell your family something, write a note and attach it to the refrigerator - this is the most visible place in the apartment. It would be best to attach a note to it using magnets.

A hero with a big soul...

A hero with a big soul.
He won't say a word - no.
He will put everything on the shelves.
If you want to take a look, turn on the light.
Like a secret is interesting,
Always in the mood.
The shelves are bursting - he is cheerful,
The mice died - no problem!
Can he answer accurately?
Siberian cat or not.
It's unlikely that this cat will want
To conduct an experiment.
For your good deeds,
Endless, necessary work,
In your honor, hero, and now
Praise, delight, fireworks!

I'm always cold inside
But I love you with all my heart.
I'm white, like a water iceberg,
And like an iceberg, I'm big.
I store food in myself.
If you want to eat, everything is at hand.
Freeze fruits in the summer -
You will eat them in winter!

This wonderful white cabinet
Not for dresses and coats.
And no one holds it in
Hat, mittens and scarf.
But you will find in it: cheese,
Butter, meat and kefir,
Tomatoes cucumbers,
Pies and cabbage rolls,
And sour cream and cottage cheese,
And pecan pie
Sausage and ham
One pack of pizza,
Soup, cutlets and compote -

It looks a lot like a house
But it’s not people who live in it.
Like the winter cold there,
North Pole around.
This food house
It's freezing there, be healthy!
A person is certainly not ready for such a thing!

Important. In the house in plain sight.
Responsible for food.
Think about it, look:
Just a locker... And inside
Everything is made of cold and ice,
So that the food does not spoil.

We have the North Pole at home...

In this white chest
We store food on the shelves.
It's hot in the yard,
It's cold in the chest.

The North Pole is at home,
It fit in a simple closet.
Open it and let the cold in,
There's ice all around inside.

Ice floe-Kholodina.
Inside the ham is a club.

They brought a box to the kitchen -
White is white and shiny.
And everything is white inside.
The box makes it cold.

In the summer dad brought us
There is frost in the white box -
And now the frost is dry
We have both summer and winter
Protects products:
Meat, fish, fruit.

It looks like a house from the outside
But it’s so cold inside!
No, just look:
The North Pole is inside!
What a cold house!
How do food live in it?

Admire, look:
North Pole inside,
Snow and ice sparkle there,
Winter itself lives there.
Forever this winter for us
Brought from the store.

If you put a multi-colored garland in the refrigerator instead of a light bulb, it will be much more fun to look into it.

White, big and always hungry

In this collection you will read famous, funny riddles about the refrigerator and the giraffe, about the elephant and the refrigerator, what will you open first if guests come.

Cool riddles about the refrigerator with a trick for the quest

You have guests over, and in the refrigerator there is a bottle of lemonade, a carton of pineapple juice and a bottle of... mineral water. What will you open first?

White, big and always hungry.

Wardrobe, bedside table, chest of drawers, refrigerator, mezzanine.
What's missing here?
(A refrigerator is a household electrical appliance)

Guess this riddle: winter always lives in every house. To see it, you need to open the door. What kind of door is this?
(Refrigerator door)

Guests have come to your place, and in the refrigerator there is a bottle of lemonade, a bag of pineapple juice and a bottle of mineral water. What will you open first?

How to put a giraffe in the refrigerator?
(Open the refrigerator, put the giraffe in there, close the refrigerator)

How to put an elephant in the refrigerator?
(Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe, put the elephant in there, close the refrigerator)

Listen with your children to a funny song about a refrigerator from the cartoon “The Fixies.”